The Lover Twins Join the Teenie Weenie Boy Scouts

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of The Lover Twins Join the Teenie Weenie Boy Scouts

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 The Lover Twins Join the Teenie WeenieBoy Scouts

 The Teenie Weenies have a rule in their little

community which the big folks would do well to adopt. Every Teenie Weenie boy andgirl is made to join the Teenie Weenie Boyand Girl Scouts. When they are old enoughto understand they are taken out into the

  woods, where they live for several weekseach summer, and they are taught how totake care of themselves in the forest.

It was decided that the Lover twins were oldenough to take up their training in

 woodcraft, so they were told to make readyfor their entrance into the order of TeenieWeenie Boy Scouts. Mrs. Lover and the Ladyof Fashion made the two little fellows each asuit of Scout clothes and the Old Soldierhammered their tiny axes out of the headsof two carpet tacks. He also made them twolittle hunting knives and each one a pack tocarry his belongings in.

The Indian was to take the little fellows into

so she prepared such ahave taken one of the t  There were four nitowels apiece, four chaneach, a bathrobe apstockings each, four shpair of shoes each, bemany more things. Thquite excited when h

clothes, for he would hthe baggage and they h

“One towel apiece heaIndian. “Wash towel oudry in sun. Two pair

cake soap too much.”

“Yes, the Indian is righ who saw Mrs. Lover diIndian. “They will havblankets to carry, as wkettles.”

After a great deal of afinally had his way necessary things were

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 the load, while each of the twins carried hissweater, ax, coat, and blanket.

After much weeping and kissing on the part

of Mrs. Lover the three set off early the nextmorning toward the big woods. The firstnight the Indian made a camp beside thelittle creek which ran out of the woods. Hemade a bed of dry moss and soft dandelion

down under a big mullen leaf, and after thetwins had eaten their supper the tired littlefellows soon rolled up in their tiny blanketsand in spite of the loud cries of the cricketsthey quickly fell asleep.

It was just getting light the next morning when the Indian routed the twins out, andafter they had washed themselves in theclean creek water they sat down tobreakfast. The Indian baked deliciouspancakes, which he served with wonderfulsirup.

“Where did you get the good sirup?’ asked Jerry, one of the twins.

flowers and squeeze oume put over fire and come have sirup.”

After breakfast the threthe woods, where theyafternoon. The Indian putting up a shelter, wpoles and bark. The cam

a big stone, on a cleanthe creek. The twins hefor the shelter with thegathered dry moss forIndian tied the frame o with tough grass blades

“Me want shelter stronand the little fellow certfor it held the weight   who perched on it ovisited camp.

  There were plenty nearby, deliciously swcampers ate nearly a meal. After the twins ha

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  The Teenie Weenie Boy Scouts In Camp

As soon as the Teenie Weenie children areold enough they are taken out into the

  woods, where they are taught many usefulthings. They are told what berries makegood food and where to find them; they aretaught to swim and how to keep from beinglost in the thickest jungle of tall grass.

  The Lover twins had joined the TeenieWeenie Boy Scouts, and with the Indian astheir guide and teacher they had gone intothe big woods for their first lesson in  woodcraft. The little campers had a

  wonderfully snug shelter, which the Indianhad built out of sticks, grass, and bark, andtheir beds were made out of the soft down of the dry dandelion blossom.

 The little fellows had spent a week in theirtiny camp and the Indian had shown thetwins many useful and wonderful things. Hetaught the two boys how to make a tinycanoe out of birch bark, how to build the

pitch from the pine tr  where to find theraspberry, blackberrhuckleberries, and  wintergreen, out of whIndian showed them hothe sweet clover blossothe use of roots medicincrawfish and roasted th

 was thoroughly cookedscooped the delicious mand ate it.

“This bad time of yearsaid the Indian, as the around their tiny campmuch berries ripe nowMaybe we get turtle egout and look tomorrow.

“Where do you find the Jerry, one of the twins.

“Turtle he come up on beggs in ground,” answe

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 many eggs, but we must get eggs while themheap fresh or them much no good. Afterturtle lay eggs he—I mean she—get out of ground and go back to water in creek, andeggs they hatch out into little turtles inmaybe four, five, six weeks.”

After breakfast the next morning the Indiantook his tiny gun and with the twins

following close behind he set off down thebank of the creek in search of a turtle’snest. He searched for a long time withoutfinding a sign of a nest and finally stoppedto ask a ground squirrel they met if he hadseen any signs of turtles making nests alongthe creek.

“Clip my whiskers, if I didn’t see one yesterday,” answered the squirrel.

“She was a pretty good sized one, and Ithink she had just come off her nest. I didn’tpay much attention to her, as I was busyhuntin’ for some nuts I buried last fall.”

Th i l ki dl l d th th T i

turtle. The Indian’s keplace where the nest wstick with his tiny ax, hin the sand. Presently hobject, and in a few m white turtle egg out of t

“There, that will keep utime,” said the Indian,

out. “Now we fill the hoturtle she never miss it.

“Hadn’t we better get one of the twins, funcovered several of

explained that there dozen in the nest.

“No. One egg him pletime,” cried the Indian.

  The Indian made a ti  which he lashed togbark, and, pushing thloaded the egg on to itt t Th

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  “Where my gun?” askedaround the little clearcamped.

“I saw it leaning against answered Jerry, one of th

 when we went out to get w while ago.”

 The Indian and the twinshour for the lost gun. Th

leaf all around the camp, it. They asked their frieand a chipmunk, to helpeven these bright eyed ccould not find it.

“Well,” said the Indian, athe squirrel, “we must ggun just hang it up on over there, and I will comand look again.”

  The bird and the squir

three Teenie Weenies pucanoe up the creek toward

It was a beautiful mornin‘enjoyed the trip, as thil tl l lidi b

A Blue Jay Plays A Joke On The Indian

  The two Teenie Weenie Boy Scouts, the Lovertwins, had learned great deal about wood craftduring their two weeks in the woods with theIndian. They learned how to make a bark canoe,how to make drinking cups out of seeds, andthey learned that acorns make handy buckets.

  The Indian taught them where to look for themany berries that grow in the woods and where

to find the crawfish and turtle eggs.“You fellows learn much fast about woods. Youpretty smart maybe, so we will start home atsunup in morning,” announced the Indian whilethe three little people sat about their tinycampfire.

“0, we don’t want to go home!” wailed the twins.“We are having such a nice time. Please, can’t

 we stay a few days more?”

“No, can’t do,” answered the Indian. “Your ma,she say two weeks, no more, so we go home in


Before sunup the next morning the Indianrouted out the sleepy twins, and when they hadeaten their breakfast each Teenie Weenie

th d hi b l i d did th

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  “I found it,” said the birdin his foot, in order to tBlue Jay that lives over n

 were camping stole your

after you left he told me think it was a great jokemy mind, that’s what I dfrom him and flew after yo

  The Indian was happy t

thanked the bird many tAll day long the little menstopping occasionally to mnight they stopped besidecooked their supper andnight. The howling o

mosquitoes made a terrib  Teenie Weenies were so them a bit and they slepnight.

  The little fellows arriveduring the afternoon, a

hearty welcome by the Lover hugged and kissed and cried and did so man

  joy at having her childretwins thought she had lo

“We’ll have to portage here,” said the Indian, ashe ran the nose of the canoe into the shore.

“What’s portage mean?” asked one of the twins.

“It means can’t get canoe through, so have to  walk and carry everything,” answered theIndian.

  The Indian lifted the canoe out of the water,and, tossing it over his head, he let it rest on hisshoulders.

“Now one of you kids go in front and the other inbehind and watch that canoe, him don’t getcaught by trees as we go through woods,” saidthe Indian.

  The three little chaps set off through the deep  woods beside the rushing water, stopping now

and then while twigs and leaves were cut awayin order to let the canoe through.

“Hey, there!” cried a voice as the little fellowstramped along, and, looking up, they saw theirfriend the ground robin standing on a stick of

leaves. Presently the Teenie Weenies came to aplace where the water ran too swiftly among thepebbles and sticks for the tiny boat to getthrough.

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