The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin Volume Five: No Great Future Attainment (Sample)

Post on 08-Mar-2015

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In this final volume, Wu Hsin continues his onslaught on the seemingly known while providing new insights into the mystery called Awareness.

Transcript of The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin Volume Five: No Great Future Attainment (Sample)

The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin

Volume Five: No Great Future Attainment


The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin

Volume Five : No Great Future Attainment

Translation by Roy Melvyn

Copyright 2010 Roy Melvyn


There really isn’t anything to add to what I have written in the previous Forwards.

In this final volume, Wu Hsin continues his onslaught on the seemingly known while providing new

insights into the mystery called Awareness.

One aspect that does not receive a lot of attention is that the reader should approach Wu Hsin with

unwavering trust. Set aside all notions of what is already known and evaluate this message on the merits

of its resonance with the reader. The math teacher is not questioned that 2+2 =4; it is taken as a priori.

The same attitude is required here.


Wu Hsin may talk for years on end.

However, he can never convince a blind man of

The beauty of a rainbow.

Ignorance disguised in new vocabulary does not

Make for understanding.

This life that is taken so seriously,

What is it really?

Is it anything more than that small dash between

The date of birth and

The date of death?

What constitutes the sense of I am this is

Constantly changing while

What constitutes the sense of I am is unmoving.

The shift in the attention from

The former to the latter is

The perfume of lucid sight.

When objectification ceases,

Time ceases,

Space ceases,

The need for these media ceases.

Is life better understood by

Looking at it more closely, or by

Stepping back further from it?

Standing back from the seeming seer is

The distance needed to bring perspective.

A wise man never overcomes adversity.

He circumvents it.

Wu Hsin and you were both present at

The birth of the sky.

He remembers,

You do not.

Anything in time cannot be eternal.

That which stands outside of time is

Eternity itself.

Hearing its call is

The end of time.

A thought appears.

Is there someone thinking or is it

Only the echo of a knock on the door

Reverberating through an empty house?

Despite how it seems.

A rooster’s crowing does not cause

The sun to rise.

Lucidity discriminates between

The apparent and the real.

Bridging the gap between

Your god’s will and your own is

The revelation of What-Is.

Security is the freedom from

The need for security.

Clouds appear and disappear,

The sky remains unfazed.

Individual effort to affect circumstances

Obscures life’s magic.

The one one knows,

One is not.

When the one not-yet-known is known,

No further knowing is required.

The propriety of any action

Exists only in

The mind of the actor.

It may be deemed appropriate by some and

Inappropriate by others.

It may be deemed appropriate today and

Inappropriate tomorrow.

Wu Hsin does not squander his time judging.

There is no going within to

A within that cannot be located.

Imaginations cannot be ended with

More imaginations.

A flawed perspective breeds

A flawed view.

One never sees things as they are.

One sees things as one is.

All beliefs are woven;

True knowledge is bedrock.

Small doubt precedes small clarity.

Great doubt precedes great clarity.

All objects, whether

Physical or mental are

Pointers to that which perceives them.

To see this is to be this.

If one is not

Trying to get to some place,

One cannot become lost.

There is a beginning and an end to

All things objective.

That which perceives them has no beginning

Nor any end.

Being birthless,

It is deathless.

The arrival of clarity is

The losing of

What was never one’s own.

The body is insentient.

No different than a stone.

That which perceives via the body is not

The body.

It is that which enlivens the body.

It is both the witness and

The substance of all experience.

It is That.

Thoughts are not the problem.

Ownership of thoughts is the problem.

The individual and the world are

Co-created moment by moment in imagination.

Appearing together and

Disappearing together in

That which never appears or disappears.

Wu Hsin has no teaching.

Wu Hsin points to what Wu Hsin is,

What one is, and

The absence of difference in the two.

In this, all teachings are contained.

The ones who have been

Seeking for the longest time are

The ones who refuse to

Let go of the seeking.

The power of the ocean is

The support of every wave.

Can there be any wave in

The absence of the ocean?

The vision of the mind is

The vision of the world.

What distinguishes

A wise man from the common man is that

The wise man does not need tomorrow.

He doesn’t even want it;

Now is enough.

The world appears in your light.

With the light in abeyance,

Nothing is.

For more information about other works of this author, visit: