The Lord’s Prayer The Gloria in Excelsis p. 86 The...

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Transcript of The Lord’s Prayer The Gloria in Excelsis p. 86 The...

Communion Hymn 803 KING of glory, King of peace Gwalchmal

Communion Motet O Lord, arise – Thomas Weelkes (1576 - 1623) O Lord, arise into thy resting place, thou and the ark of thy strength. Save thy people, good Lord, and bless thine inheritance. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness, and thy saints sing with joyfulness. Alleluia.

The Lord’s Prayer p. 85

The Prayer of Thanksgiving pp. 85 – 86

The Gloria in Excelsis p. 86

The Blessing

Closing Hymn 388 JESUS shall reign where’er the sun Duke Street

Voluntary Pice d’orgue, BWV 572 – J. S. Bach (1685-1750) After the 10:30 service, please stay for tea and coffee in the parish hall. The hall is just out the door near the pulpit and up the concrete walk. There is a wheelchair ramp off the Maitland Street side of the hall.

Upcoming Services & Events Thursday, November 30 at 5:30pm: The Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle will be celebrated with shortened Evening Prayer and said Holy Communion in the Round Church.

Sunday, December 10 at 5:00pm: The Parish Choir will offer a service of Lessons and Carols for Advent in the Round Church. Please invite your friends to this beautiful candlelit service of readings, hymns and exquisite choral music. An offering will be taken in support of Saint George’s Christmas Outreach for Families.

Sunday, December 17: Ginny Wilmhoff will be the guest preacher at both services of Holy Communion.

Services today 8 am Holy Communion begins on page 67 of the Prayer Book. The Collect, Epistle and Gospel for today are found on pages 259 & 260. The Introit and Gradual Psalms are printed in this bulletin. 10 am Morning Prayer begins on page 6 of the Prayer Book. Lessons: Ecclesiastes 11 & 12; Hebrews 11:1-16. Psalm 80. 5pm Evensong begins on page 18 of the Prayer Book. Lessons: Malachi 3:13 - 4 end; Hebrews 11:17 - 12:2. Psalms 81 & 82. To learn more about worship, outreach, Sunday School, music, and events at St George’s, visit our website:

St. George’s Anglican Church

2222 Brunswick St, Halifax, NS B3K 2Z3 902-423-1059

The Sunday Next Before Advent November 26, 2017

Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (detail from the Ghent Altarpiece). (1432). Jan van Eyck (1390-1441). Oil on wood.

Welcome! Who are we? In response to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Parish of Saint George offers a unique combination of traditional Anglican worship and a commitment to Inner-City Ministry. Open to the community that surrounds it, Saint George’s dares to be shaped by the Inner City, yet seeks to transform our neighbourhood by preaching, in Word and action, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Come join us in worship, fellowship and outreach ministry.

10:30 am Choral Holy Communion Mass setting: Missa Brevis – G. P. da Palestrina (1505-1585) Creed & Gloria: John Merbecke (1510 - 1585)

Opening Hymn 73 ‘THY kingdom come’ – on bended knee

Introit Psalm 85:1-7

LORD, THOU ART become gracious un-to thy land: / thou hast restored the fortunes of Ja~cob.

Thou hast forgiven the offence of thy peo-ple, /

and covered all~ their^sin.

Thou hast taken away all thy dis-plea-sure, / and turned thyself from thy wrathful indig-na~tion.

Turn us, O God our Sa-viour, / and let thine anger cease~

Wilt thou be displeased at us for e-ver? / and wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one generation to a

Wilt thou not turn a-gain and quick-en^us, /

that thy people may re-joice~ in^thee?

O Lord, show thy mer-cy up-on us, / and grant us thy sal-va~

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, / and to the Ho~ly

As it was in the beginning, is now, and e-ver shall be, / world without end. A~men.

Please kneel

The Lord's Prayer and Collect for Purity

The Summary of the Law

The Kyrie Kyrie eleison

Christe eleison

Kyrie eleison

Lord have mercy upon us

Christ have mercy upon u

Lord have mercy upon us

The Collect

Please sit

The Lesson (Jeremiah 23:5)

Please stand


tone IV.8

~ from^us.




p. 67

p. 69

p. 70 us,

n us,


p. 259

p. 259

Gradual Psalm 85:8-13

I WILL HEAR-ken what the Lord Godfor he shall speak peace unto his peo

that turn their heart~ to^him.

Surely his salvation is nigh them that

that glory may dwell in our~ land.

Mercy and truth are met to-ge-ther: / righteousness and peace have kissed ea

Truth springeth out of the earth; /

and righteousness hath looked down

Yea, the Lord shall give what is good; /and our land shall yield her in~crease.

Righteousness shall go be-fore him, /

and shall direct his going in~ the^wa

The Holy Gospel (St John 1:35)

The Nicene Creed

The Sermon

Offertory Hymn 384 PRAISE to the Holie

After the biddings, please kneel

The Prayer of Intercession & Invitation to

The Confession

The Absolution, Comfortable Words, & T

The Sanctus and Benedictus Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus SabaotPleni sunt cœli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis.

The Prayer of Consecration & Pax

The Prayer of Humble Access

The Agnus Dei Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. (bis). Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

O LahaveO Lagran

Holy Communion The Anglican Church of Canada welcomes communicbaptized with water in the Name of the Father, the Soin faith, hope and charity.

tone IV.8

od will say: / eople and to his saints, and unto them

at fear him, /

each o~ther.

wn from hea~ven.

; /

, /


pp. 259 - 260

pp. 71 - 72

The Rev’d Canon Jim Purchase

oliest in the height Gerontius

to Confession pp. 75 - 76

p. 77

Thanksgiving pp. 77 - 78

p. 81 oth. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts,

Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord Most High. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest.

pp. 82 - 83

pp. 83 - 84

p. 84 Lamb of God, that takest away the sin of the world, ve mercy upon us. (repeat). Lamb of God, that takest away the sin of the world, ant us thy peace.

icant members of all Churches who have been Son and the Holy Spirit, to receive Holy Communion

UPCOMING EVENTS St George's Youth Group Who: for all kids ages 11-16/17 What: tea & snacks/games; study session; prayer When: 6-8pm Sunday, December 10 Where: Trinity House; St George’s Round Church If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Andrea Lee (e: – or be in touch with any of the other leaders: Benjamin Lee, Matthew Vanderkwaak, Amy Bird, or Andrew Thorne.

Dalhousie Collegium Cantorum in Concert Dalhousie Collegium Cantorum,conductor Gary Ewer and pianist Tara Scott ,present a concert at St Andrew's Church, Halifax [Coburg and Robie] on Tues. Nov. 28th at 7: 30 pm. Tickets $25/$20 students and seniors. The program consists of Lauridsen's Lux Aeterna and Pergolesi's Magnificat, plus selections by Willan, Praetorius, Vaughan Williams, and Berlioz. Baritone Jon-Paul Decosse and Rejouissance Early Music Ensemble will also perform in this presentation of beautiful seasonal music.

Seton Cantata Choir in Concert Today, November 26, 3:00 pm at The Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts, located at 6199 Chebucto Road. The featured works will include two “Magnificats”, one by John Rutter, the other by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi. Garth MacPhee will conduct, along with special guest conductor Andrew Pickett. Dean Bradshaw will provide piano accompaniment. A short reception will follow. Tickets are $20 regular, $15 students, and are available from choir members or at the door.

Two Sunday Evensongs in Advent - a two-part series On Sunday, December 3rd, the First Sunday in Advent, Evan King will offer a meditation at Evensong, singling out several passages or themes from Charles Williams' Descent of the Dove, the book studied in the parish through the fall season. On Sunday, December 17th, the Third Sunday in Advent, Sue Zinck will offer a meditation at Evensong, with a reflection on some sections of Descent of the Dove that tie in to the Advent themes.

Commemorating the Anniversary of the Explosion On Wednesday, December 6 at 9:04:35am, the Citadel will fire saluting cartridge from its signal gun, the ships will sound their sirens, and churches will ring their bells to remind us of the exact moment of the explosion. This year, St. George’s will ring its bell as part of this commemoration.

St. George’s Anglican Church 2222 Brunswick St, Halifax, NS B3K 2Z3 (902)423-1059 parish office hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm

Note: All phone numbers below are preceded by the area code 902 Priest-in-Charge: Fr. Jim Purchase 455-1888 Parish Admin: Jordan Gracie 423-1059 Warden: Al Wilson Warden: Jacquie de Mestral Warden: Sue Zinck Music Director: Garth MacPhee 423-1059 Treasurer: Jan Connors Finance Chair: Nathan McAllister Sexton: Matthew Vanderkwaak and Joe Blackwood


YouthNet: Rosalind Curran 422-4614 Envelope Secretary: Judith Fisher Altar Guild: Tracy Lenfesty Sunday School: Meghan Jamieson

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Sun – Wad Medani - (Sudan) The Rt Rev’d Saman Farajalla Mahdi Mon – Waiapu - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Rt Rev’d Andrew Hedge Bishop of Taranaki - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Most Rev’d Philip Richardson Bishop of Waikato - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) Vacant Tue – Wangaratta - (Victoria, Australia) The Rt Rev’d John Parkes Wed – Warri - (Bendel, Nigeria) The Rt Rev’d Christian Esezi Ideh Thu – Washington - (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Rev’d Mariann Edgar Budde Fri – Wau - (Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan) The Rt Rev’d Moses Deng Bol Sat – Wellington - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Rt Rev’d Justin Duckworth Assistant Bishop of Wellington - (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Rt Rev’d Eleanor Sanderson

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: The Parish of Amherst: The Rev’d William Ferrey The Parish of Parrsboro Shore: The Rev’d Dr. Brian Spence Pray for the Parish of St. Timothy, Hatchet Lake and St. Paul’s, Terence Bay.

Pray for the Sick: Pierre, Susan, James. For Continuing Prayers: Brian, Catherine, Lowell, Dick, Ken, David, Catriona, Ann, Patricia, Margaret, Stephen, Barbara, Barbara, Fr. Gordon and Fr. Christopher. For General Prayers: The Almasalma Family. For the Faithful Departed: Fr. Wilfred Wagner (’14), Eric Hedley Smith (’10), Anne West (’15), Charles “Chuck” William Richardson (’09), John Hammond (’13), and Petronella “Nellie” Neish (’11), and Dorothy Lirette (’10).

The following family members of Daruka have died in the recent violence in South Sudan: Deng, Deng, Deng, Wal, Nyanman, Akur, Nyameer, Adhiou, Gai.

St. George’s Anglican Church

Notices & Announcements November 26, 2017

The Sunday Next Before Advent

Worship schedule Daily Offices (All services will be held in the Round Church until June 4, 2018) �Morning Prayer: Mon – Fri, 9 am

�Evening Prayer: Mon – Fri, 5:30 pm Said Holy Communion: Wed, 10 am; Sun, 8 am

Choral Holy Communion: Sun, 10:30 am Evensong: Sunday, 5 pm

Soup Kitchen Update Last Week, November 18: Team 6 led by Debbie Davidson. Food and volunteers came from St. Paul’s Anglican; 125 were served. Yesterday, November 25: Team 1 led by Jim Rawding. Food and volunteers came from All Saints’ Cathedral. Next Week, December 2: Team 2 led by Mary Hills. Food will come from All Saints’ Cathedral. If you are available on Saturday

between 3pm and 6pm, please come and help. We’re going to

be low on volunteers this week. If you are interested in volunteering with the soup kitchen, please contact the Parish Office (ph: 902 423 1059; e:

Lessons for the week Next Before Advent Morning Prayer Evening Prayer

Mon Wisd. 1; Matt. 5:1-16 Wisd. 2; Rev. 1

Tue Wisd. 3:1-9; Matt. 5:17-end Wisd. 4:7-end; Rev. 2:1-17

Wed Wisd. 5:1-16; Matt. 6:1-18 Wisd. 6:1-21; Rev. 2:18-3:6

Thu Wisd. 7:15-8:4; Matt. 6:19-end Wisd. 8:5-18; Rev. 3:7-end

Fri Wisd. 8:21-9 end; Matt. 7:1-14 Wisd. 10:15-11:10; Rev. 4

Sat Wisd. 11:21-12:2; Matt. 7:15-end Wisd. 12:12-21; Rev. 5

Advent Quiet Day at St. George’s: Hurry Up and Wait “Now it is high time” “Judge nothing before the time” Father Douglas Chard, Priest in Charge of the Parish of Lockeport

and Barrington, will conduct an Advent Quiet Day from 10 am until

3:30 pm in the Round Church on Saturday, December 2nd. The Quiet Day will include three addresses as well as times for quiet reflection. A light lunch will be served. The schedule for the day will be as follows: 10am: Holy Communion 11am: First Talk: Advent as Beginning: approaching the mystery (followed by silence) 12noon: Mid-Day Prayers in the Church, followed by lunch in the Sunday School Room 1pm: Second Talk: Advent as the End: the goal of Christian believing (followed by silence) 2pm: Third Talk: Advent as the Way: longing and confidence (followed by silence) 3pm: Evening Prayer All parishioners and friends are encouraged to make this Quiet Day the beginning of their observance of the holy season of Advent.

2018 Prayer Book Calendars now available Church calendars for 2018 following the Church Year according to the Book of Common Prayer are now available. You may call or email the parish office (ph: 902 423 1059; e: to reserve your calendar, or, beginning Sunday, October 22nd, see Maxine Miles after the 8 am service of Said Holy Communion, or Susan Harris or Jordan Gracie after the 10:30am service of Choral Holy Communion. The cost of each calendar is $7, the same as last year.

Hall and Church Keys If you are in possession of any of the following keys to the Parish Hall:9, 11, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 30, 32, 37, 39, 46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, Or any of the following keys to the Round Church: 11, 25, 30, 31, 37, or 50, please contact the Parish Office or speak to Jordan Gracie. You aren’t in trouble; we’re just trying to make sure that all of the keys are accounted for.

Remember the Bake Sale – Today November 26 Today, November 26 in the Parish Hall after the 10:30am service of Choral Holy Communion we’re having a bake sale!

Please donate your best, wrapped and ready to sell. Ada and Willis Grandy will look after the selling. There will be a special Christmas table with gift ideas and decorations and children’s books as well. Please make it a successful sale by donating food or sellable items. See you there!

Halifax Explosion 100th anniversary event The Lost Memorial - Wednesday, December 6, 7:00 pm. at St. Paul's

Church on Grand Parade: St. Paul’s was one of the few Halifax churches to withstand the Halifax explosion and records suggest it may have been the only church able to organize a service the next day. While the specific nature of that service is a mystery, it was surely a sombre affair with so many dead, displaced, and injured. The “Lost Memorial” is a re-creation of those words that might have been spoken and sung in this tragic setting. Featuring: David Christensen, Karis Tees, the St. Paul’s Junior Choir, El Jones, Ben Stone, Ian Bent (St. Paul’s Musician in Residence), the St. Paul’s Senior Choir, and other special guests.

Moving help needed The lovely Iraqi family that the St George's Refugee Sponsorship Committee & a group from St. Patrick's Church have been supporting, since their move to Halifax, are moving on Sunday November 26th. Help is needed to load the small U-Haul trailer on Saturday, November 25th. If you can help, please contact Susan Dodd or Katie Rains for more information.

Thank you to Edmonds from Shoeboxes for Seafarers A very special thank you to Edmonds Landscape & Construction Services, on behalf of Patricia Martinson and the whole Parish Family, for the very generous donation of shoeboxes to the Mission to Seafarers. Your generosity and kindness will bring joy to many Seafarers as they spend Christmas away from their families. God bless you!

People in the Face of Disaster Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church across the street is hosting an exhibit entitled People in the Face of Adversity about the human effect of the Halifax Explosion. The exhibit is open from November 24 – December 6 from 11:00am – 4:00pm daily. All are invited to come and view the exhibit.

Shoeboxes for Seafarers There are but three weeks until we must deliver shoeboxes. To contribute, talk to Patricia Martinson or Anny Tilley.

The Sunday Next Before Advent “The Lord our Righteousness”, prophesied by Jeremiah (B.C.P., p.259), sums up the season of Trinity and turns us toward Advent. The gospel of the Sunday Next Before Advent concludes with the finding of the Righteous One: "We have found him of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth." This righteousness is what we have sought in Trinity Season through the practice of Christian virtue. By following daily the teaching and example of Jesus and by the nourishing grace of the Holy Spirit, we have endeavoured to grow up in the Righteous Branch, and so to "plenteously bring forth the fruit of good works." "Christ our righteousness" brings us to the cost of the goodness we have from God and so points us toward Advent. To make us righteous Jesus had to bear our unrighteousness and accept the judgement on our sins. The Christ must die; he is "the Lamb of God". So John the Baptist, the Advent prophet, proclaims. The sacrifice of Jesus is the beginning of all the goodness we have, just as his perfect life is the example of the ideal we seek. He comes to be our judge because he has first come in great humility to be our Saviour. Advent begins in the longing for righteousness, and so we start by praying God to stir up our wills. Advent goes on to the humiliation of Christ coming to die for our sins, and proceeds to that judgement in which all unrighteousness is consumed and those who are in Christ arrive home to dwell with God. The Office readings for the week of the Sunday Next Before Advent confront us with the righteousness we seek in the "Sermon on the Mount" from the Gospel according to Matthew. Yet God does not send Jesus to condemn the world by the standard of an impossible perfection, but rather to save it by raising us into the very righteousness of God present in his Son. We read the Book of Wisdom as a First Lesson because it concerns the Word of God which in creation and providence runs mightily from one end of the earth to the other and orders all things well (Wisdom 8.1). The Book of Revelation presents fearsome judgement in order to bring us to the Lamb who begins and ends not only this Book but all things. Revelation begins with "Alpha and Omega, who is and who was and who is to come" (1.8) and ends with the word of Jesus that I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. (22.13)




Soup Kitchen The Soup Kitchen is sorely in need of Team Leaders.

Soup Kitchen has been working at St. George’s for over 30 years, and every Saturday of the year, soup kitchen feeds an average of 135 hungry souls in the parish hall. Right now, we’re the only Hot Meal programme in this neighbourhood that regularly and reliably operates on Saturdays. A Team Leader is responsible for the operation of the Soup

Kitchen on a Saturday, and is usually on site from 2:00pm until 6:00pm, – this is a

four-hour commitment every six weeks. They are responsible for making sure that tables and chairs are set up, that cleanup occurs, and that volunteers have assigned tasks and know what they’re doing: preparing and serving food, working the dishwasher, filling and refilling the dessert table, handing out food trays and cutlery, counting heads, and collecting and sorting slops and dirty dishes. On an average day, the Team Leader and a small contingent of volunteers from St. George’s are supplemented by volunteers from another church or organization who also bring the bulk of the food - St. George’s routinely only provides bread and desserts (through the generous help of Feed Nova Scotia’s Food Truck Programme, which collects food which is going to be discarded from participating stores and delivers it to programmes like ours). In 2018, Soup Kitchen needs: 1. Someone who is willing to work with Jim Rawding to lead Team 1 every six weeks starting January 6. 2. Someone who is willing to work with Mary Hills to lead Team 2 every six weeks starting January 13. 3. Two people who are willing to work together to lead Team 4 every six weeks starting January 27. 4. Someone who is willing to work with Debbie Davidson to lead Team 6 every six weeks starting February 10. If you’re interested in becoming a Team Leader, or just joining a team, please talk to the Team Leader you’d like to work with, or contact Jordan Gracie at the Parish Office (ph. 902 423 1059; e: The Soup Kitchen needs people who are willing to make a commitment to come every six weeks.

Christmas Letter to our Neighbours: Letter Carriers Needed. It has been the practice for the Incumbent of the Parish to invite all those living within the geographical parish boundaries to worship at St. George’s over the Christmas season Because we’re running a deficit right now, the Parish doesn’t have $1500 spare to pay Canada Post to deliver these invitations this year so we need volunteers who are willing to sacrifice a few hours hand-delivering invitations to households. This year, we’re trying to get these invitations delivered before Sunday, December 4, so that we can invite as many people as possible to Advent Lessons and Carols on December 10, the Christmas Eve and Day services, and Epiphany Lessons and Carols on January 7.If you have a few hours to spare to deliver invitations to a few houses – or need an excuse to get your exercise in – please talk to Jordan Gracie or contact the Parish Office (ph 902 423 1059; e:

Sunday School The Sunday School is in need of teachers for both the preschool and elementary age groups. If you have any questions about what is involved in teaching in the Sunday School, or are interested in helping out, please contact Meghan Jamieson either by speaking to her after the 10:30am service of Choral Holy Communion, or emailing her at

Decorate the Church – December 15 & 16 - Save the Date As is tradition at Saint George’s, we’ll once again be making a Garland of fur boughs to decorate the Round Church. The exact time and date is to be confirmed, but will likely be on Friday, December 15 or Saturday, December 16. Please plan to come and help – and bring your kids, they’re most welcome. If you want more information (or want to pledge to help), talk to Craig Savoury.

St. Nick's Party YouthNet's annual St. Nick's Party is quickly approaching! It will be on St. Nicholas Day, December 6. We are looking for volunteers for the event to prepare food for our turkey dinner during the day or to help clean up at the end of the party. If you don't have time to volunteer but would like to help out, we are also looking for turkey donations. Contact Rozzi for more information:, 902-422-4614

Fellowship We need help making Fellowship happen! (Fellowship is the hour-or-so of food and coffee after the 10:30 Sunday service of Choral Holy Communion) If you’re interested in helping to set up for fellowship, serve, and clean up, please talk to Mary Hills.

At the Annual General Meeting in February, we pledged to raise $210,754 in undesignated offerings to support the Parish and its ministries.

In addition, we pledged to raise:

$266 to support the Deaf Ministry, $2750 to support Christmas Outreach to families and shut-ins, $545 to support the work of missions, $1100 to provide Outreach in the form of Family Support, and $4000 to support our Soup Kitchen.

As of October 30, 2017, the most recent date for which financial statements are available, we have raised $147,126.50 in undesignated offeringswe still have $63,627.50 left to raise by December 31).

In addition, we have raised:

$105 to support the Deaf Ministry $0 to support Christmas Outreach to families and shut-ins $95 to support the work of missions $475 to provide Outreach in the form of Family Support $3,836.68 to support our Soup Kitchen

Please consider prayerfully how you can best support the valuable and important work of this Parish.

we pledged to raise $210,754 in

to support the Parish and its ministries.

the most recent date for which financial statements are in undesignated offerings (meaning that

the valuable and important

Direct Debit Offering One of the ways that you can regularly support the Parish is through a

Direct Debit Offering. A Direct Debit Offering is automatically deducted

from your bank account at the end of each month

the work of the parish even if you aren’t physically

on the collection plate. If you are interested i

Debit, please pick up a Direct Debit Offering Enrollment Request form from

the back of the church, fill it out, and submit the form to the Parish Office

more information, please contact the Treasurer, Jan Connors

information is on the back of the Notices & Announcements Bulletin

Donations and Tax Receipts: Things you need to knowNo one likes talking about taxes – heck, most Maritimers

around any talk of money – but there are some things you should know about

donations and tax receipts.

1. The Parish of Saint George is a registered Charity under the Charities Act.

This means that it is capable of issuing tax receipts

Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia will give you a

non-refundable tax credit for giving to the Parish.

2. In order to issue you a tax receipt the Parish is


a) the name of the person making the donation

b) the address of the person making

c) the value of the donation.

If we don’t know these three things, the Parish


3. There are two major kinds of donations the Parish can ac

a) Cash donations. These are the most common type

offerings collected by Direct Debit, donations made through the Canada

Helps page – these are all cash donations and

and address of the person or organization making the donation, we are happy

to issue a receipt to anyone who donates more than $10 in th

One of the ways that you can regularly support the Parish is through a

A Direct Debit Offering is automatically deducted

from your bank account at the end of each month, and allows you to support

the work of the parish even if you aren’t physically present to place an offering

on the collection plate. If you are interested in giving your offering by Direct

Debit, please pick up a Direct Debit Offering Enrollment Request form from

fill it out, and submit the form to the Parish Office. For

more information, please contact the Treasurer, Jan Connors – her contact

information is on the back of the Notices & Announcements Bulletin.

Donations and Tax Receipts: Things you need to know heck, most Maritimers get squeamish

but there are some things you should know about

1. The Parish of Saint George is a registered Charity under the Charities Act.

This means that it is capable of issuing tax receipts – in other words, both the

Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia will give you a

tax credit for giving to the Parish.

the Parish is required by law to know three

person making the donation

b) the address of the person making the donation

the Parish – by law - can’t issue you a tax

3. There are two major kinds of donations the Parish can accept

a) Cash donations. These are the most common type – cash, cheques,

offerings collected by Direct Debit, donations made through the Canada

these are all cash donations and, as long as we know the name

tion making the donation, we are happy

receipt to anyone who donates more than $10 in the year.

b) Gift-in-Kind donations. These are the transfer of material goods to

the parish which are not cash. Say, for instance that the Parish needed a ladder

– for the record, we don’t, we’re swimming in ladders and quickly running out

of places to store them – you could donate a ladder that you own to the Parish,

and be issued a tax receipt for the donation. These types of donations are

tricky, because the Parish then needs to figure out the Fair Market Value of

your donation. This is why, if you make a Gift-in-Kind donation, we ask you to

submit a receipt of purchase or some other proof of value. To help keep

everything clear for the Treasurer and Envelope Secretary, we have a form that

you should fill out for every in-kind donation you make. These forms are

available from the Treasurer and from the Parish Office.

4. The actual amount of money you get back in tax credits depends on how

much you give, and how much you make. If you are going to make less than

$202,800 in 2017, then for every dollar below $200 that you donate, the

Federal Government will credit you 15¢ and the Provincial Government will

credit you 8.79¢. This means that you will get 23.79¢ back on your taxes for

each dollar under $200 that you donate. For every dollar above $200 that

you donate, the Federal Government will credit you 29¢ and the Provincial

Government will credit you 21¢. This means that you will get 50 cents back

for every dollar over $200 that you donate. The Federal credit is even

higher, 33¢ on the dollar, if your income is above $202,800 in 2017.

A person who owes taxes and donated $200 total to the Parish in 2017 will be

able to claim an additional $47.58 on their tax return; if the same person

donated $1000 to the Parish in 2017, they would be credited $447.48 on their

tax return; if that same person gave $3000 in 2017 to the Parish, they would be

credited $1447.58 on their tax return; and if that person donated $10,000 in

2017, they would be credited $4947.58 – that’s almost half of the donation

that that person gets back come tax time! – And it’s even higher if you make

over $202,800. And, you can claim tax receipts up to five years after the

receipt has been issued.

Giving generously to the Parish definitely helps the Church – it lets us pay for

things we like: a priest to guide us and minister to us, beautiful music to lift our

souls, candles, heat, buildings in which we can worship together as a

community in comfort and safety, cleaners to keep things tidy and welcoming;

it gives us money with which to help the poor, and food to keep them fed. But

don’t forget that, at the end of the year, your donation also helps you by

putting money back into your pocket.

When you sit down in January to do your budget for the next year, consider

how much you pay in taxes, and how much you can recover by giving to

charities like the Parish. $40 per week will help you save almost $1000 come

tax time.