The London Gazette (1801.04.21)

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Transcript of The London Gazette (1801.04.21)

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/tJiiml), 1 5357[ 429 J

^u'Mt{|)etJ b^ ^ait5jorto»

From CUCSDai' April 21, to ©atUCDa? April 25, 1801.

• • mitcball, /Ipril 25,1801.

THE King has been pleal'ed to conftiiute

and appoint tlie Right flotiorahle George

J-''gge, commonly called \iicDiint Lewiiham ; His

Grace William Heiiiy Cavcndilh, Dnke of Port-

land, Knight of the Moll Noble Orde-r of the

Garter, and One of His Mnjeily's Principal Secre-

rtaries of State ; the Right Honorable Robert

uI5ili»lfs Jenkinfon, coirHTKinly called Lord Hawkef-biiry,

and the Right Honorable Robert BaronHobart (Hi; Majelly's other Two Principal Se-

cietarie* of State) ; the Right Honorable HeniyAddin{;t«ii, Chancellor of His Majcily's Exche-

qir.'r ; Hia Grace James Duke of Montiole, Knight

of the M.oft Ancient Order of the Thidle ; the

Right Honorable Henry Earl Bathurft ; the Right

Honorable Sylvefler Baron Gknbervie, ot that

Part of His Majelly's United Kingdom called Ire-

land ; the Right .Honorable William Dundas and

Thomas ,Wall'ace, Efqrs. ; the Right Hor-(Mal)Ie

.Charles George Baron Arden, of that P.'.rt of His

Majelly's United Kingdom called Ireland ; the

Right Honorable Tliomai Pelhaii and EdwardGuiding, Efq; to be His Maieily's Connniflioners

.for the tVlanageme:«; of -jheif^tyaiiS of India.

lytnlehitU, ylprl'is, I -o I


Tlie King has been pleafed to grant to <he Reve-

rend Wiliinm Vincent, .Doclor in Divinity, the

Place and Dignity of a Canonry or Prebend of the

Collegiate ChiM-ch of St. Pctcr^ Vv'c!hriinKcr, void

by the Promotion of the Right Reverend pat'her in

God V/illiam Bilhop of Cheller, to the See of

Bangor, late one of the Preberidaries thereof.

The King lias alfo beeiipleafcd to.pj-efent Giorge

Burrard, Clerk, M;i!ler of Arts, to xl\<i Rectory of

Fobbing, in tlicCoiNity of -Efiej;, and Diocefe of

Loiidon, void' by the Death of the Reverend Jolm

Uyley, the lail Incumbent.

U'hUd'all, Api-ii 25, I So I.

The -King h.^sjjeen pleafed to appoint Mv. Charle?

Stewart to the Office and Place of Ordinary Clerk

and Keeper of the Rsgiiler of Seaiins, Rcverfions,

Rennneiutlons, and other Writs within tlie •Stewartry

of Orkney and Zetland, iii-llie Room of Mr. Jaines

.Stewart, religned.

The King has. alfo been pleafed to prefent the

Reverend William Thorbufn to the Church and

Parilh of Troqueer, in the Prelbytcry of Dun.fries

and Stewartrv of Kircudbright, vacant by tlie DealW

ofMr. Jofeplj Eallou.

V/httehcll, Match 17, tSoi.

Tlie Kuig has been pleafed to grant imto Willian''

Morris Newton, of Wallingtoii, in the Paridi «f

BeJdingtQn, ill the County of Surrey, Efq; H<s

Royal Licence and Authority, that be ar.d liis Iflue

may {in compliance vvitii cetlain DIre£liors con-

tained in the lad V/ills and Tellareents of his ma-

ternal Great Uncle William Frye, and of his; ma-ternal Uncle Rowland Frye, both late of Vr'ailing-

ton aforefaid, Efquircs, deceafed) take and ufe the

Suinan-:e of Frye only, and alfo bear the Arms of

the Family of Frye quarterly witi» thofe of New-ton ; fuoh Arms being firll duly exemplified ac-

cordinj5 to the Laws of Arras, and recorded in the

Hendds'-Ofhce :

And aifo to order, that His Majelly's faid Cort.

cefiion and Declaration be rcgillered in His College

i.«f Arms.

WhileJxiU, J^pi-il 2 J , r8o I


The King has been pleafed to grant unto R'eh.'.rd


ofSLa;uvtlI, in the Cour.ty of

Mid-dicfcx, Efq; and to Cicmtntina, his Wife, (only

Daughter of Joiin Clarke, of Banff, in North Brl-

tain, by Ifabel, his Wife, Sifter ;i:id Hcirof GeOrgt

Ogilvie, late of Langlcy Park, in the County of

Forfar, in North Britain, formerly of the Parifli of

St. Mary, in the liland of Jamaica, Efqj deceafed,)

)iis Royal Licence aiKi Authority, that they, and

their Iftue, may take and ufe the Surname and bear

the ."^rms of Ogilvie, in compliance with a Cordition

in tha lall Will and Teflamtnt of the faid Ge'brgiE

Ogilvie, Efq. ; fuch Arms being iiril duly excm-

pliticd according to the Laws of Aims,' ami rt^

corded in ttte Heralds' Offict.:'

And alfo to order, that Kis Mrjefty's faid'Coii.!

cefTIon and D.:clarslioH be regiftered is His Collegi

of Arms.'

' .

Admiralty-O/Tiec, April 25, 1801.' '

ExtirM of a Ldtrrfiom C.iplain B':x(fn, "Comma'ifJA-

of His Miijcjy'; Khip G^'iei-fitx, to Evan Nepmn,

Efy; Antidat Pert Af.jiiHn, ihe ifjt'j Ull'imo.' ^

HEREWITH I have the HoT^or' to trtnfmi^

Copies of Letters relative to the Capture of

ti;e French Frigate L'Africafne by Captain Ear-

lov<', of Hii Majeily'e Ship Phofbc.

==^3 -̂T

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Genireux, Port Mahon,

MY LORD, March lo, iSot.

IHave the Satisfaflion to enclofe a Letter from

Captain Barlow, of His Majelly's Ship Phosbe,

for your Lord(hip's Information.

Tliis very gallant and well-fought A6Hon, as

related fully in Captain Barlow's Letter, and much

more ibongly marked in the Hull of the French

Ship, warrants me in faying, that more Skill

or effediivc Gunnery were never difplayed in any

Combat than in the prefent Inftance.

I have the Honor to be. My Lord, &c. Sec. SiC.

MANLEY DIXON.Right Honiralle Lortf Keith, K. B.

i^c. Ijfc. Isfc.

Phabf, at Sea, Twenty Leagues Eajl of

MY LORD, Gibraltar, Feb. 20, I So I.

IHave the Honof to inform jour Lordfliip that,

Yeflerday aboulEt'our o'CIock in the Afternoon,

His Majelly's Ship under my Command being about

Two Leagues to the Eaftward of Gibraltar, I dif-

covered One of the Enemy's Ships under Ceuta,

ilccring with a Crowd of Sail to the Eaftward : I

had the good Fortune to bring her to a clofe Ac-

• tion about Half pad Seven tlie fame Evening,

which continued within Piilol-Shot with unremit-

ting Fury about Two Hours, the Enemy refolutely

oppofing the animated and fkiiful Exertions of my

brave Officers and Men, until his Ship was alinod a

Wreck, Five Feet Water in her Hold, her Guns

difmouiited, and literally encumbered with Dead,

the Number of wliicli amounted to Two Hundred,and of Wounded, to One Hundred and Forty-


She proves to be the French Frigate L'Africaine,

of Forty-four Guns, viz. Twenty-fix Eighteen-

Pounders on her Main-Deck, and Eighteen Nine-

Pounders on her Quarter-Deck and Forecaftlc, a

verj' fine Ship about Three Years old, under the

Orders of the Cliief of Divifion Saunier, wliofe

broad Pendant was flying, and who, (with niaify

principal Officers both of the Troops and of the

Marine!.,) was flain in the Aftion, and commanded

by Captain Magendie, who is amongft the


At the Commencement of the AiElion flie had

Seven Hundied and Fiiteen Men ; viz. Four Hun-

dred Troops and Artificers of various Defcriptions,

linder the Command of General Desfourneaux, and

a Crew o'l Three Hundred and Fifteen Officers and

.Seamen ; alfo Six Brafs Field-Pieces, feveral Thou-

fand Stand of Aims, Ammunition, and Implements

of Agriculture. She failed from Rochefoit on the

13th InRaiit, in Company with a Frigate, from

which fhe parted on the following Day in a Gale

of Wind.

So tremendous and decifiv^c has been the Effeft of

the Fire of the Phoebe in this Contcft, that I nuift

regret the Inability of my Pen to do Juftice to the

Merits of thofe wlio direfted it. It has been myDuty on a former Occafion to report to their Lord-

fhips the meritorious Conduft of my Firft Lieute-

nant, Holland, and the Lieutenants Bedford and

HeyWood ; Lieutenant Weaver of the Marines

Mr. Giiffitlis the Mailer; the Warrant and Petty

Officers, and the Whole of the Ship's Company,are entitled to all the Commendation in the Powerof their Commander to bellow.

My Satisfaftion in relating comparatively the

fmali Lofs we have fuftained, is more eafily imagined

than dcfcribed, as it amounts only to One Seam an

killed, Two Officers and Ten Seamen wounded;

our Damages are chiefly in Malls, Yards, Saila, and

Rigg'"?' ^^^ greatelt Part of which are rendered


I enclofe a Copy of the French Commander's

Report of the Number Killed and Wounded on

board L'Africaine, with the Names of the Officers;


I iiave the Honor to be. My Lord, &c. &c. &c.

(Signed) ROBERT BARLOW.To Admiral the Right Honorable Lor^d Keith,

(zfc. Isfc. yi:. Mediterranean.

Lijl of hiUed and Wounded on board His Majefly's

Ship Fhabe, in the Aaion ivilh the French Frigate

L'ylfricaine on the \gth February l8oi.

Samuel Hayes, Seamen, killed.

2 Officers and 10 Seamen, wounded.

Niimcs of Officers nvounded, hutjince recovered.

Lieutenant Holland and Mr. Griffiths, Mailer.

p. S. I liave Reafon to believe Egypt to have

been the Deilinntion of the Force, under the

Orders of General Desfourneaux and CommodoreSaunier.

Lijle lies Offiiiers lues et bkffes a bord de h Fregate

UAfricaine, de 26 Canons en batterie de liJ, tt 18

dt >) fur les Gaillards.

Les lues.J

Monfieur Saunier, Commandant la Divifion. '

M. Duguet, Chef de Brigade des Troupes palTagers.

Mr. Lacioix, Capitaine des Canoniers des 'I'roupes.

Mr. Martin, Capitaine des Gi-enadiers des Troupes,

Ml. Sanfernal, Afpiran de Marine.

Mr. Cornet, Afpiran de Marine.

Mr. Murche, Afpiran de Marine.

Mr. Bourhemot, Afpiran de Marine.

C. Capitaine d'Armec des Troupes de Marine.

C. Maitre Canonier.

Un Maitre Charpentier. ^

C. Maitre Canonier.

Six ....

Douze Canoniers de Marine.24 Canoniers des Troupes de Terre.

3 Chirurgeon qui ont ete tues dans I'entrepot en

panfant les blefles.

144 Matelots, Soldats de Marine, Soldats paf-

fagers, et Paflagere de Gens de Metier.

Totalc.—200 tues, et meme je crois d'avantage

a verifier a Tariivce a terrc.

Noms des blejfes.

Le General de Divifion, Desfourneaux Charge de

I'Expedition des Troupes.

Mr. Ducomet, Chef de Bataillon, le Bras emporte.

Mr. Desfourneaux, Chef d'Efcadron, Frere du


Mr. Poulalies, Aide-de Camp du General.

Monlieiii-'Hurteau, Capitain et Adjutant Major duBataillon, blefie en truis endroits.

Mr. Magendie, Capitaine de la Fregate L'Africaine,

blefie en 2 endroits.

Mr. Dubourg, Premier Lieut, de la Fregate.

Mr. Doinaldegin, Lieut, et Major des Signeaux.

Mr. Samfon, Lieut, de la Fregate.

Mr. Begue, Lieut, de la Fregate.

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[ +3> 1

Mr. Biideaul, Lieut, de la Fregate.

Mr. Betvale, Afpiraii de la Marine.

Mr. Doffier, Afpiran de la Marine.

Mr. Uriel, Premier Lieuc. des Grenadtcn-.

Mr. Artus, Seconde Lieut, des Grenadiers.

Mr. Sillar, Lieut, des Troupes.

Mr. Lefaque, Maitre de Batailloii.

Le Maitre Pilotte, le Bras cafle

Le z"""' Maitre Voiller, bicflc a raoi-t.

10 Canoiiiers de Marine.

26, Canoniers des Troupes de Terre.

86 Matelots, Soldats des Troupe, ou Oiivriers paf-

fagers, et la plusgrande Partie bleflea a nioit

Totale.— 143 BlclTes, & peut-etre plus a verifier.

(Signed) MAGENDIE.

Admiralty- Office, April 25, 1801.

Exirail of a Letter frem Captain Hood, Co-imamter

of His Majejiy's Ship Venerable, to' Evan Nepean,

Efq; dal.'d at Sea, the -jlh'Inflanl.

IBeg Leave to enclofe you a Copy of a Letter

from the Honorable Captain Legge, of His

Majelly's Ship Cambriar.

SIR, Cambrian, at Sea, April 6, 180 1.

THE VefTel you fent rae in Chace of this Morn-ing, proved to be L'Audacieux French Lug-

ger Privateer, of Fourteen Guns and Fifty Men,commanded by S. B. Ant. Candeau, belonging to

Bourdeaux, which Place ibe left on the30th March,and has fmce only detained one American.

The Ship we recaptured Yefterday, was the

Nancy Letter of Marque, of London ; fhe was

taken on the 2d Inllant, in Lat. 50 Deg. 42 MIn.

N- and Long. 9 W. by Le Braave Fiench Pri-

vateer. I am, &c. Sec. &c.

ARTHUR K. LEGGE.Samuel Hood, Efq; ^c. Uc. tfe.

Admiralty-Ofiice, April 2J, i8o(.

Copy of a Letter Jrom Mr. William JVeflon, Colleaor


of His MajeJIy's Cnjloms, at IVeynujuth, to EvanNepeun,

Efq;doled the 20th Injlant.


IBeg Leave to acquaint you, that Captain 'Wil-

kinfon, of the Greyhound Revenue Cutter, has

captured and fent into this Port, a Frerch LuggerPrivateer, called the Le Petit Piralte, Anfelnie Sep.

tan. Commander, mounting Fuui Caniage Guns,

(pierced for Twelve,) fmall Arms, and manned with

Twenty-four Men, out Three Days from St. Maloes.

I am, &c. &c. &c.

W. WESTON, CoUcclor.

WSheernefs, April 14, 1801.

^Hcreas Thomas King, a Shipwrijhl, and 'Jofepb

Blea^e, a Blaclfmilh, bclh belonging to Ha Ma-jefly's Doil TarJ at this Place, ftand charged before

me Aaron Graham, Efq; one of His MajeJIy's Jii/liLes

of the Pence in and for the County r,f Kent, with hai>-

jiig, on Monday the 1 3M Inflant, at the faid Doch-

Tard, uula'uijuUy, riolonjly, and lumultuoifly af-

femhied ivith divers ether Perfons, to the great I)f-

tm-bance of the public Peace, and violently affaulted

me, thefaid Jvjlice, in the Execvtion of my Duty, and

iogelher tvilh more than Twelve of the faid Rioters,

refufedand tiegle^ed quietly to depart to their Habitation:

or their laivful Bufmefs 'within One Hour after Procla-

mation had, by me the faid fujlice, been made, com-

manding them fo to do, contrary to the Ad of the ifl

George L ccmmoidy called the Riot /iil.

A Rezi^ard of ONE HUNDRED POUNDSis hereby offered to any Perfon or Perfons -who fliall

apprehend and lodge in One of Hit MajeJIy's County

Prijor.s, theflid Thomas King and Jofeph Blea^e, or

for each of them, fo that they may be conveyed before meat this Place, and proceeded againjl acconfing to Law.

A. Graham.

n^e, the underfigned Commilftoners of His Majcfly's

Navy, do hereby enjoin the Cnmimjioners , andcharge all

inferior Offiers and others ofHis MajeJIy's Doch- Yards

refpeHively,to be aiding and affjling in apprehending and


fo that they may be proceeded a<rainji accordingto La<w, the above-named Thomas King and jfoffhDleai^e. A. S. Hammond.

H. Duncan.

Navy-Oifice, April 28, 1801. J. Hcnllow.

Whitehall, April 25, jSoi.

Tr/'Hereas it has been humbly reprefenled to the King,

that on Saturtlay the l \th Inflant, an anonymous

threatening Letter, of "which the fullo-wing is a Copy,

ivas found in the Streets of Totnes, in the County ofDevon :

Mr. Wclsford

You are defired tokeep that infernal Tongue of

yours quiet oiherways you will (land a chance to

have your brutirti Brains blown otit the Mills tore

down, and your boufe fat on fire therefore rememberwhat I've faid and not abufe nor oppiefs the Poor

any more You nor your Blackguard Company but

confider we are all ready to a Man i. i and laf^

and Damn the Ltrd Liculeuant's Letter—We are

not to be fooled with

His Majcjly,far the better apprehending and bringing

to jf^flicethe Perfons concerned in ivriting and dropping

the faid Letter, is hereby pleafd to promife His mojl

gracious Pardon to any One of them, (except the

Perfon ivho aSually wrote the fame,) tuho fbttll

difcover his or her Accomplice or Accomplices therein,

Jo that he,Jiie, or they may be apprehended and convi^ejthereof PORTLAND.

ylnd, as a further Encouragement, a Reward ofTli^O HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby offered to

any Perfon or Perfons maiirg J'uch Difcivrry as afore-

faid, (except as is before excepted,) upon the Conviclion

of any One or more of the Offenders, to be paid by

Giles Wclsford.

Whitehall, April 25, 1801.JT/'Herens it has been humbly rcprefented to the King,'^''



Ik Morning of Friday the I 7/A Liflanl,a Slack of Wheal, Value Four Huadied and Fifty

Pounds, the Properly of Air. Ed'ward Farmer,' ofDean Park, in the Parif} of Burford, and County ofSalop, was difcovered to he in Flames, and that there

was Rcafan to believe the fame was wifully and ma-lictovflyft en Fire by fame Ciil-miniled Pcrfoa or Per-fons unkno-wn ;

His Majejly, for the belter difcouenng and bringing

to Juflicc the Perfons concerned in the Felony above-

mentioned, it hereby pleafed to promij'e His mo/l graaoutPardon to any One of ihtm, (except the Perfon who

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C 432 ]

(iilually fet Fire to the fame-,) who pjall iUfcover his or

her ytccomplks or jiccomplkes thsrehi, fo that he, flic,

or they may be apbychended and coniiiihd thereof.

^- ," POllTLAND.

jlrld, ns a further Enccura^emeiit, a Rewnrd of

Oi^E.HUiVDRED POUNDS k hereby promif-d

to liny Perfon nuiiiii^ fich Difeo-very ers aforefaid, (ex-

cept as !i before excepted, ) to be piiid upon the Conwclioii

.4fany One or mors of the Offenders, by the fa'al

IMward Farmer.

Navy-Ofllce, April 15, iSoi.

nr^E Principal OJfiCers and Comailjiouers of His* Majcjly's 'Navy do hereby ^i-vs Notice^ that on

Tuefday 'the 2%th Injiant, at One of the Ckch, they

will be really to treat iwilhfach Perfons as may be luill-

ing to contracl for fupplpng His Majefiy's 2'ards al

Deptfiird, l^ooltuicl}, Chatham, Shicraefs, Portfmoiith,

mid ^Plyhumih, with'

! Chain Pumps,

agreeably to thofe fhrirerly in life in the Navy, a Pel-

tern of luhich may be feen in the Storchoufe in Url>l-

ford-i'ard ; alfo the feveral Articles opperluining to the

feid Pumps, on ajlanding Coi;tra3, to commence ini


The Pumps for Chatham, Sheemefs, Porlfmouth,

and Plymouth, lo be delivered at D.'ptford, and far-

mardeilfrom thence in His Maje/ly's Tranfports.

A Form of the Tender may be feen at this Office.

No Tender •will be received after Tiuelve 6'Cloch,

nor any noticed, uniefs the Pcrrly, vr an Agent for him,


R. A.Ndloii, Secretary.

Navy-Office, April 20, 1 801.

rr^HE Ri^ht Hiiiiorabk the Lords Commijloners of' his Majejly's Trenfury having appointed Money

fi/r the Paymait of Half-Pay to Sea Op/icers frcm the

;/? of yn.'y to. the 3 i/? of December t'ico, according to

His Maji^ly's Ejlallifin/ent hi that Behalf; Thefe are

to give Ncti,:e, the feverat Payments ti-'ill begin lo

be made at the Pay OJJlce, by the Trerfurer of His Ma-

j^jly's Navy, at Ten 0' Clock in the dimming on the

foltonuirg Days, vi%.

On Monday the 27//" IvJlani,to Admirals, Captains,

-nti^ their Atlbrnies :

On Tuefday the 29th and Wednefday the 29.'/' In-

flants, to Lieutenants and their Attornies :

And on Thmfday the 30/i hif.aht, to M.iPiers and'

Surgeons, and their Attornies ;

ylflcr which the Li/l will be recalled theJirJI and

third IVednefdttys in eveiy AJonth, that all Perrons inav

iL'ii and there attend to receive what may become payable

III'',.!; .::! not only bring -zvilh them the AJ/;davil

.' y:i!i >'./ /. 7 /.'!,:g their no/ having erjoyJ /he Beuijit of

any Pnbiic Employnu.!, .,'.'',;- ,,'

^',,; cc en Shore,

charing the Time th.-/<r. ;_ : ,.ir Half-Pay,

hut alfo to produce Crr I :.:!,'; ; ;,•.• i',-j ,i\ive fuhfcr'ibed

to the Teji, and taken the Oaths of Allegiance, required

by Act of Parliament, to His prefent Mrjijly ; and in

cafe any of the faid OfficersJbould not he able to attend

iliemfilves, but employ Attornies for that Purp-jfe, tha:

the faid Attornies do produce the like Ceet'ifcates and.

Affidavitsfrom the Perfons they are employed by.

j'Vhere OJ/u'ers are Abroad on Leave, iheir Agents

are tf> proauce a.'tejled Copies oj'fuch Leave befjre the

Half-Pay can I e paid.

And, as bv A3 of Parliament paj'ed in the Thiiiy-

ffih Year of His prefent Majeflfs Riign, 'intituled

" An Al' for eUall'iJhing. a more eafy.and exped'itio tit

JVcrranI Naval Officer ivlmfhalfbe enlilled to receive'

" Half-Pay, andjliall be defiroiis lo receive and be j)aid" thefame at or near to the Place of his Re/idencr, he

" may apply to the Treafurer of His Filajifiy^s Navy^

" in London, to have fuch Half Fay pcid 'ai or; r.cai

" tl>! Place of his Refdcncc, in the Manner paiiiled

" out by thefaid A8,^' .Notice is lia-ehy. further gi-t'er,

thai the Half Pay,' eroding, the ^jjl Day of December

l8co, will commente .paying on the zylh 'Inflanl ; and

all Perfons deftrovs of hai'ing their Half-Pay remitted

io_ them may aJrf/ly'Cis 'above direffed.

R. A. Ntlfon, Secretary.

Navy-Office, ApnJl fci, 1801.

'T~'HE Princ'ipal Officers and ^Coiiar'ifjicners «f Hit

Miijeflj's Navy do hereby gi'i'c Notice, that on

Tuefday the I'ilh liiflant, at One c'Clccl, they r^ill be

ready to treat for the Freight of about 360 Tons of

Naval Storesfrom His Majejly's I'ard at Deptford It


Tlie Ship to fail TL-ilh Coimoy.

It is to be fpec'tflcd in ihi Tencfers whethec lie ^hifa

are Coppered or not, as Preference will be given to thofi,

that are Coppered.

No Tender will be received after.Twek<eo'Cloc1,

nor any noticed, uniefs the Party, or an Agent for him.,

attends. R. A. NcH'on, Secretary.

Admiralty-Office, April 24, 1801.

AjOtice is hereby given, that a Sejfion of Oyer and

Terminer and (Jaol Delivery for the Trial of Of-

fences cem.millcd on the High Seas, wilbin the jlurifdic-

ticn of the Admiralty of England, will be held at Juf-

tice-Hall, in the Old-Bailey, London, on IVednefday

Ihe ^d Day of June next, at Eight 0' Clock in the

Alorning. Evan Ncpean.

Weflminftcr Fire-Ofice, Bedford- Street,

ApWi 2i,i?oi.

.4 General Meeting of the Direflors and Contributors

^^ will be J.<eld al this Ojlicc on Thurfkiy the '}lh

Day of May next, at Twflve 0'' Clock al Noon pre-

cifely, to receive tlic Report of lie Diredors, r.etating lo

the Salaries of the Officers -anti Servants of this Socielv.

G- H. Biowiie, Secretary.

Pelican LIfc-Iiifii ranee Office, London,

Apiil 23, 1801.

AjOlice is hereby giren,^ that a General Court of the.

' Proprietors of this 'Office will be held at thcir't

Houfe in Lombard-Street, on Thurfday the "jlh Day a^''ay next, at Twelve 0' Clock precifely, purfuant to ih

Deed of SetlLment. Peter IJovvers, Secrelaryi

Charitable Corporatior, Apiil 25, tSo-l'l

'T~'HE 'Committee of the faid Coiporat'ion dflre to^

meet the Proprietors on Friday the ijl of Maynext, at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand,

ai Tw-i o'clock in the Ajieru6Qn.

James BoudonJ Secretary.

London, April 24, iSoi.

AjOt'ue is hereby given, that the Account of Sales for^ ' the Lucret'ta, laplured by His Majejly's Ships

Captain, Diadem, Blanche, and Lively, will be re-

gillered in the High Court of Admiralty, agreeable lo

Ail of Parliament. W. Ely Cook, Agent.

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.21) 5/14

[ 433 ]


tltanip-Oflice, Somerfet-PIace,

Marcli.aS, I So I.

T-JIS Majcjly's Comm\ffiinersfor managing ill! Stamp-* -^ Duties do herebv vi'js Nolle:, thr.t Hair PoiuiUr

Cirt\ficates, COMMENCING ll.e 6th of APRIL1 80

1, are ready to be grunfcd at thefoUo-jj'ni^ OJfices or

PJt'ees, upon Appi'.cV.'ianforlhcfitme:'

The Head-OfSce, in Sonieifi.tPlace, for Peifons

lefijiiijr ill the Patil'KS of St. Mary-le-Straiul, St.

Clement Danes, St. Paul, Covent-Gardcn, St. GIIos

in the Fields, St. George, Bloom.liurj', the Libcav

of ihc Rolls, Liiicola'a-Inn, and the Temple.

City Diftrift, at Na. 50, Lombard-Street, Lon-

don, for Perfons rdiding within the City of London

and the Liberty of St. M-irtin'sle-Grand.

For the DJftriCts of the Tower- Ha;nlets, Liberties

and Precincts thereof, with Btthnal Green, ;uul

P.utj adjacent; alio to Pe'ions lefiding in the fol

'lowing Wards witliin the City of London, vi/,.

Aldg.ite, Billingfg iJe, Lime Street, Portfoken, and

Tower ; and to Perfons reliding in the Streets,

Square.'!, Lanes, &:c. leading from FiHl-Street-Hill,

Giacechurch-Street, Billiopfgate Street Within and

"Without ; Eallward in the Cit^' of London, at No.

35, Wellclofe-Sqnace.

For the Weftminller DiftriS, including the Pa-

ri.Ties of St. Maitin in the Fields, St. Marga^ret, St.

John, St. James, St. Amie, Maryle-Bone, -St.

Gtorge, Hanover-Square, and Paddington, on the

Ter.ace, Spring Gjrden, and iu Vcre- Street, 0.\-

foiQ-S'.reet. . .'

For the Clerkenuell Diftriil, the O.ffice of the

Clerk of the Peace for the County of Middlefex,

at the SeiTi.)ns-Hou'^e on Clcrkenwell Green, for

Perfons refiding in the Parillits of St. James, and

St. John, Clcrkenwell ; St. Luke, St. Leonard,

Shoreditch, the Liberty of Glarbhoufe-Yaid, St.

Andrewi Holborn, and St. George the Martyr,

Queen-Square, St. Sepulchre, St. Par.cras, and


N. B. Where there are more than Two unmarried

Daughters in a Fnmily, it is ordy neajfary to lake cat a

DOUBLE CERTIFICATE, /,„7/.frf -wiih T-woStj:nps, of One Pound One Shi/limr ecch.

By Order of the Commif/ioners,

John Brettell, Secretary.

London, April 24, iSoi.

'G.Tice for the Duty on Poit-Horfes, No. 16, Hyde-

Street, Bfoomlbury.

'pUrfuant to an A3 pajfed in the Tzventy-feveiith

-* Tear of His prefcnt Majefly King George the

Third, and by Order of the Commtjfioncrs for managing

the Duties on Jlainped l^eUmn, Parchment, and Paper,

Notice is hereby given, that the Pojl-Majlers, Inn-

keepers, and other Perfons lieaiPd to let Horfes to

travel Pofl, i3c. refuting in the City of London, and

Liberty of IVeJlminJler, and luitlnn Five Miles of the

Head Office for Stamps, or luithin the Bills of Mor-

tality, arc required to attend on V/ednefday, Thurfday,

Friday, or Saturday next, leliueen the Hours of Nine

in the Forenoon and Tivo in the Afternoon, to bring

in and deliver at this Office their feveral Weelly Ac-

counts to Saturday the i^th Day of April in/lant

inclii/ive ; ar.d at the fame Time to pafs the faid Ac-

taunts, andpay the Aloney due therein.

John Ramfdcn and John Narth, Farmers cf

the fdid Duties.

April, 24., i8or.

J^Otice is h.r.I>y giv-'n 1} t'lt Officers and Coufany

of His Alafjly's Sloop Cannet, ffaac Cotgravt,

Efq; Commander, who were aitudly on board at thi

Rcc:ipture of the Brigs John ar.d Thomas and Totary,

on the ij Day of Marih, that ihry will be paid their

reJpeHi'oe Proportions of the Proceeds vj the Salviwr o-i

board the faid Stoop on her /Irrival in the Downs ; andthat the Shares not then demanded will le recalled at the

Swan, in Anmdel-Slreet, ihef.rjl and third Thurfday

in the Montlifor Three Tears to come.

Richard Hhllilay, Deal ; Marrti, Page, and

Creed, London, Ager.ts.

AjOlice is hereby given to the Offrers and Company^

\ of His Majejy's late Ship Elhalion, James Toung,

Efq; Commander, •who 'were adaally on board at the

Capture of Thirteen Spani/h Fiffrls and their Cargoes,between the loth June and the 14//J July 1 799, that aDifliibution of the Proceeds of the faid Vtffels andCargoes wi'l be made on Wedncfdny the l<)th of /Ipril

l8ot, at No. 10, John-Street i in the AJ'etphi, at

Eleven 0'' Clock ; and the Shares not then demanded will

be recalled at thefame Place the Jlrfl Monday in e-bery

Monthfor Three Tears to come.

Benjamin Tucka' and William H. M'Lcod,Agents.

WHereas the Pertncrflnp lately, carri^-d oa I)v.Hsnr)'

Browubill and 'I'lioinas Brownbill, at Leejs, in theCount)' of York, in the EulinefRs of \Vatcli-Makers and Si)-

verrmiths, under the Firm of Brownhill and tlvis DaydilTolved by mutual Conl'cnt, the faid 'Henry Brownbill hav-ing vcfigned his InterefV in the ftid Trades in I'avoi of thefaid Thomas Brownbill, who is duly authorifed to pay and re-

ceive all Dtlits due and owing to or from the faid late Pait-

nerlliip. Witnefs their Hands this loth Day of April igoi.

Henry Brownbill.

Thos. Brownbill.

April If, i8ot.jVrOticc is hereby given, that the Partnerfliip carried on

1>| l)y William Paiker and George Scott, Ii-on-Founders,

.It the Parilli of SilkOone and County of York,is this Day dilTolved by mutual Confent ; and that the Bufi-

nefs will be continued by the faid William Parker folcly.

JVilliam Parker.

George Scott.

Notice is liereby .given, that the Partncrftiip latelv fub-

fifling between, us as Silk-ManufaiOnrcrs and i.acc-men, in Brcad-.Strcet, under the firm of .Sykcs and Joho-fon, was this Day dilTolvcd ; and the Debts owing to or fromthe faid Copartncrfliip will be hereaftir rc-ctivcd and paid by(ieorge .Sykes, who continues the BufineCs: As wimefs ourHands the 24th of April I Sor. Gov^e Syies.

John Johnfon.

THE Partncrfiiip lately fubfirting het'.vccn George andThomas Erearey, of Derby, in thcConnty of 'bcrby,

Hollers, Hatters and Glovers, was on the rft Day of Marclilart diflblvcd by mutual Confent. All Accounts belongingto the late Partncrfliip

arc tcqucfted lo be fettled with thefaid Thomas Brcarey, who is authorift.l to pay and receive

the fame, and by whom the Bufincfs will in future h<; cariicd

on ; As witncfs OUT Hands this 20th Day of April 1801. '' •

Geo- Brearey.

Thomas Btearey. '

. , ,

THIS ;, L.. ;;„.. :<,.;„.,, (Kit the Partncrftip lately fuIi-

filling between jonn I'hornlcy and Thomas Rnffifll,

both of Liverpool, in the County of Lancallcr, Matter:*, waidillblved by mutual Confent on the lOth of April inlhnt

Witnels their Hands the 30th of April i8ct.

folm Thornley.

'Thomas Ruffdl.

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.21) 6/14

[ 434 ]


•&J the Quarter of Eiglit Winchester. Bulhels, and of OATMEAL per Boll of i4oIb3.

AvoiRUin'Ois, from the Returns received in the Week ended the i8th of April iSoi.

Middlefeic^ -

Surrey, •

Hertford, -

•Bedford, -




Xcicefter, -

Nottingham,Derby, .

Stafford, -


Hereford, -


Warwick, -











( Suffex,

J \ Suffolk,^"^


jd Norfolk,

^, C Lincoln,'^

I York,' Durham,







\ Denbigh, -

.8th< Anglefea, -

i Carnarvon,


rCardigan, -

, ) Pembroke,"^"^ \ Carmarthen,

( Glamorgan,

f Glouceiler,

iioth < Somerfet,

( Monmouth,

, C Devon,

""^ICoi-nwall, -

. ( Dorfet"*

i Hums, -






s. d.

159 II

160 o

137 4

137 5

145 6

134 10

131 6

142 9

141 9136 6

160 8

170 6

174 10

175 8

167 II

i6i 8


J. d.

105 O

105 3


152 4

154 5

135 8

•51 3

161 2



150 4


7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.21) 7/14

[ 435 ]


By the Quarter of Eight WScotch Troy, of the

Diihias. COUNTIES.


Kinrofs, -


Stirling, -





1 Berwick, -


Selkirk, -

(_ Peebles,-

rD umfries


iNCHESTER Bufliels, and of OATMEAL per Boll of izSlbs.

Four Weeks immediately preceding the 15th of April1801.


_ Kirkcudbright,

TArgyle, -

\ Dumbarton,

l5th<Lanerk, -

i Renfrew, -

(.Bute, -

Orkney and Shetland,



Rofs and Cromarty,


' Elgin, -

Banff, -



Forfar, - -~

^ Perth, -

^th Edinburgh,



s. d.

Ry< Oats.

:. d.


J. d.

Peafc. Oal meal. Beer orBig.

d. d.

129 II

123 n136 1

125 II


140 9160

138 7

131 II

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.21) 8/14

[ 436 ]

AVERAGE PRICES of FOREIGN CORN, by which the BOUNTY on IMPORTATION,is to be reguhlted. Vhcat, Rye, Bailey, Oats, Leans, PcaL-,

per Qr. pci i^. per Qj\ per Ql- peiQ^. per<J).

X. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. i. d.

Week ending i8lh April 1801, - -| 141 5

|98 o

| 57 10 ! 34 10}|60 6

| 95 --

Pul'!i/}}cd by Aulhof'ily of Parliament,

John James Cathzrwood, Jxcalver of Cam Rcluni'-

The average PRICE ofSUGAR,Computed from the Returns made for the Week eliding the 22d Day of April iSoi,

is Seventy-eight Shillings and One Penny Halfpenny -^tx Huncifed Weiglit,

Inclufive of the Duty of Culloms paid or payable thereon' on the Importation thticot

into Great Britaim.

Grocers' Hall, By AidhnrUy of railhiwent,

April 25, 1801. HtNRY Nr.TTLESHipp, Ckrl: of the Grocers Company.

Long Sullon, I,incolnfl-ire, April 11, iSoi.

THE Paitnerdiip lately iiil)f:rting between us 'I'liuma*

Gregg and James Binj^hain, of Long Sutton, in the

County of Lincoln, Grocers, Drapers, &c. was this Day en-

tirely .lilToK'ei! Ijy mutual Conlent; and tlie Bufmefs in fu-

ture will be conduced by the laid James Bingham only.

All Debts due to and from the faid P.utncrlhip will be re-

ceived and paid by the faid James Bingham. Whnefs our

Hands. Tbos. Gregg,

^as. Bingham.

April 10, iSoi.

^^•VKE Notice, that the Firm of MefTrs. Norris and

Turner, Wine ani Brandy-Merchants, in Markett-Square, BlooUifbury, was this Day dilTolved by mutual Con-

fert ; and that the Eufiuefs will in future be carried on by

James Noiris only, who will receive and pay all Debts, and

ijumbly iblicits the Patronage of their former Friends.

yamcs Norris.

Thos. Turner.

NOfice is hereby given, that the Partnerlhip between

JoCeph Wiidfmith and Robert Styring, of Sheffield,

in the County of York, Carpet and Hair-Seating Manufac-

turers, was didb^ed by mutual Confent on the ^ift of ia(t

D'-ctmber : Aswitnefs their Hands this -^d of March 1801.

Jofiph Wihifmith.

Robert Styring.

Notice is hereby given, tliat the Partnerdiip between

Alice Wood and William Soare, of North-Street,

SVhitcchapel-Road, in the County of Middlefex, Cotttni-

ivlanufaiturers, carrying on Trade under the Firm of Woodar.d Co. was dilfolved on the 18th Day of March lafl by

jmitual Conlent : as v,-itncis our Hands this i^i Day of

Anril iSoi. ]'/_ Soar/.

A. Wood.

April 16, 1801.

^~^HI^ Partnerfhip between us Jofeph Barradough and

lames Johmbn, Pen and Pocket Knife Ci.tlers, at

M,tu'i.-;d, in t'lic County of York, Is this Day jdilTolved hy

mutual Conlent ; all Debts due to and from the laid Co 1-

cern will be received and paid by the Did Jofeph. Barracloug.i;

and the Bufmefs will in future be carried on by each of us

Itparately. Witnefs our Hands. Jofeph Barradough.

James Johnfon.

Notice i; hereby given, that the Partuerlhip carried on

by John Bdl and Wiliiam Chapman, in the Trade or

Eulinefs of Mercers and Drapers, at the Town and Countyof the Town of Nottingham, was on the ift Day of Ja-

nuary laft dilTolvcd by mutual Confent. Witnefs cur

Hands this 21ft Day of April iSoi.

John Bell.

IViWam Chapman.

MAry WrsroN.^WI-.ercas the faid Mary Wellon, t!ie

Daughter of -Robert Cooper aiid the Wife of WilliamWelton, went abroad prior to the Year 176", and no in-

formation could then or has ever (ince l«en able to be oIi-

tained of her; This is therefore to give Notice, thet if anyPerfon can inform MefTrii. Cotes and M'oodcock, of i liicoln'f-

Inn, London, wliethcr the faid Mary Wcftonis P.ill living,

and where Die now is, or if dead, when Ihe died, and wlio is

herPtrfonal Rcpreftnlaliie, they fliall receive a Rcwa.d lor

their Trouble.

ALL Pcrfons indebted to-thc'Eflate of Thomai Cooper,

late of Leathefhcad, Bre\ver, dtccafed, are lic/eby re-

quired anddemanded


their refpeiflive

Debts forihwit-tito Mr. R W. Coffin, of the Bonuig^li oj' Kouthwatk, Hoj>.

A'Icrchant.or I\Ir. F!.u-ance Young, of the fame Place, Back-

ATaker, the Executors; and all Perfons holding any .Security

of the liiid Thomas Cooper, or knowing of any Property of

his of any Nature or-Kind v.'hjtrocver,'arc reqticfled to fend

Notice thereof to:Mr. Charles Pryce, Pump-Court, Temple.

TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED.T T^'Hereas by indented Deed of Leafe, bearing Date the

VV 2j>l Day of December, in the Year of cmr Lord 1713,made betv,-ecn the Honoral^le Edward Bral)azon, E!q; SecondSon of the Right Honorable Cbambrc Earl of Meath.of the

one Pait, and Ji.lm Marlhall, of Clonmell, in the County tf

Tippcrary, Gent, of the other Pait, the faid ICdward Bra-

bazon did dcmife nmo the laid John Marlhall, Itis Heirs,

Executors, Adniinidrators, and Afligns, All that and tholethe Town rtnd Lands of Garrylllh, in Two Parcels, viz. in the

Firil Parcel 5•;Acres, Plantation Meafure, profitable Land,

Part cf John Eillicr's Retrenchments; in the Second Part of

the laid Garrylidi 79 Acres 3 Roods, of like Land and Mea-lure

;in the South Part of Gurteenbarnanc, retrenched by

Richu-d CiutterbuGk, 270 Acres, of like Meafure, proficabls

Land, and 30 Acres unprofitable Land; in Killamoanc

86 Acres 3. Roods 26 Perches prof.tabk Land, and 74 Acresunprofitable Land; m Drumtrafney, ittrencUed by Thomas .

White and John Dooling, 54 Acres,<)f like Meafure, profit- ..

able Land; more in the fame, 38 Acres I Rood 31 Perches

profitable Land, of like Meafure ; in Ralhcardan 107, Acres t

Rood R Pel ches profitable Land, Plantation Meafure ; more ina PaiccI of the lame, retrenched by Tliomas White and JohnDooling, 23 Acres 3 Roods 8 Perches, Jike Meafure, profrt-

able Land ; more in the fame, befides the faid Rctreixh-ments, 61 Acres 3 Roods 24 Perches, of like Meaiurc, pro-

fitable Land; in Gortnacranagh 59 Acres 3 Roods 4 Pcrclies,

of likc'Mcafure, profitable Land ; all which faid Lands andPremifes are fitiiate, lying, and being in the Territory of

Ueagh, and County of Tipptrary : to have aad to hold aU.

and fingular the faid granted and d<;mifed Premifes, withtheir and every of their Appurtenances, (except as in the

faid Indenture is particularly excepted,) unto'the faid JohnMarfiiall, his Heirs, Executors, Adminlltrators, and Aflifrns,

from the ill Day of November then lart pall, for and durlmj

the natural Lives of the Honorable .Cha\\'crth Lord Braba'-

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.21) 9/14

L' 437 ]

7on,clilcfl Son of the Rlglit Honorable Cliambic Earl of

Mi-atli.the Erotlier of the Leilbr, the faid Eclwanl Bral)3-

con the LelTor, and Brabazon Ponfoiiby, Kfq; elded Son of

William Ponlonby, of Befboroiigh, in the County of Kil-

kenny, Efq; and the Suivivor or Survivors, or longer or longell

l.iver of them; and after their or any or either of their

Dcceaf'e, for and durlnji; the Term of any nei* Life or I.Ives,

to be nominated or inlerted by the laid John Marlhall, his

Heirs, JCxtcittors, Adniinltritors, and AIhgns for ever, in the

liooni of the laid Lord^a'ion, Kdward Bilbazon, and Bra-

bazon I'onlonby , or in the Koeni of any other Life or Lives, to

bj for ever nondnated and infcrted as atorclaid, on Payment

of 13I. Sterlinji;, of lawful Money of Ireland, as a Fine for

every (iicli new Life, to be To nominat-.-d .and infcrted by

ilic faid John Matlhall, his Heiis, Executors, Adniinitlrators,

J. id Afligns for ever, in Twelve Calendar Months after the

i">LCeare of any of the Lives tliertinhcfore mentioned, or

thereinafter t<r he noT.imted or infcrted, fiibjeO to t'le

yearly Rents therein mentioned, that is to fay, the Rent of

40I Sterlin;^ for the lir.'l Year and a Half, to be computed

from the ill Day of November then lall part to the ift Day

of May 1 715; and fror.i and after the laid ii\ Day of May1715, the yearly Rent or Sum of 50I. Stcrlm_g, and is. in the

Pound Receiver's fees, in Default of Payment within the

Space of 61 Days after the Days of Payment therein men-

tioned : In wiiicli laid Indenture there is contained a Cove-

nant on the Part of the faid I. -fior. Ids Heirs, Executors,

Adminiflrators, or Afbgns, for the perpetual Renewal of the

fjid Leafe to the (aid John Marlhall, his Heirs, Executois,

Adminiftrators, and Alilgns, upon the Fall of every of the

Lives in the faid Leafe named and th.ereafter to be added

theielo by virtue of faid Covenant for Renewal, upon Pay-

inent of a Fine of jjl.t And whereas the faid John Marlhall,

under and by virtue of thi faid Leafe, entered into the Seifm

and PofTelTionof the faid demifed Lands and Prcmifes ; and

whereas the faid Honorable Chaworth Loi-il Brabazon, eldeftSon of the Right Honorable Chambrc Earl of Meath, the

Brother ot the Le(ror,the faid Edward Biabazon the Leflor,

and the faid Brabazon Ponfonby, the faid Three Cellui que

-vies named in the faid Leafe, are dead ; and whereas the

Eftate, Right, Title, and Intercft of the faid Edward Braba-

zon, the LclHir in and to the fiid Lands and Premifes,

and to the Rent and Renewal Fines payable thereout,

are now veiled in Roger Barrett, of Montagu-Street, in the

County of Dublin, and Kingdom of Ireland, Efq; as Devifee

thereof, named in the l.;ll Will and Teftament of Edward

Brabazon.formcrlyof Tai-ah-Houfe, in the County of Meath,

and late of the City of Dublin, Efq; deceafed ; and wheitas

I the faid Roger Barrett find Diffiailty in difcovering the

'I'enant to fad Lands and Premifes, or the Aflignee or Afiig-

nccs of fuch i Tenant ; and whereas on the 27th of February

l8oi, I canfed a Demand for faid Renewal Fines, and Intcrelt

thereon due, to he made on faid Lauds from the principal Oc-

cupier thereof without EtTeft—Now I the laid Roger Barrett

do hereby, purfuint to the Statute in that Cafe made and pro-

vi.led, give this public Notice of fuch Demand having been

fo made; and I do hereby demand the Fines for Renewal of

faid Leafe, with Intereft for the fame, which amount to the

Sum of 942I. y.. Hp to and for the 25th Day of February

lalV, I being ready to renew faid Leafe by inferting Lives in

the Place of the laid Cliawoith Lord Brabazon, Edward

Brabazon, and Biabaz^»n Ponlbnby, up in Payment of the

^iiid Renewal Fines and Interefl ; and i;i cafe fuch Fines and

Intereft Ihall not I>e paid within the Space of Two Calendar

Months from the Firll Publication of this Notice, then all

Perfons iuterelUd are to tike Notice, that 1 the faid Ro^er

Barrett will not renew the faid Original l.€-afe. Ditvd this

Zd Day of March 1801. ROGER BARiii; IT.\\ itiicfs prcfent,

John Dowtisc

AVOODHALL, HERTS.Capital Ertates and Manors, Manlion, Paik, Lands, Woods,

and Advowfons.

TO be fold to the bell Bidders, purfuant to an Order of

His Majelly's Court of made on the I9ih

IJpy of May lall, in a Matter between our Sovereign Lordthe King and Dame Joanna Rnmbold, Paul BcnficId, and

others, before Abel Moyfey, Efq; the Deputy to His Ma-jclVy's Remembrancer of the fiid Court, at Garrawav's

ColRe-Houfc, 'Change-A':l-. V i - tui'-i. m W.-dnefday the

130. 1S357- C

20th, Thurfday the 2i(l, and Friday the aid of May, tSoi,at Fwelve o'clock, in Forty-one Lots,

The very cajiital Freehold Ettates of Paul BcnficId, Efq;

confiding of extenfive Manors, the Perpetual Advowfons ofM"atton, Afton, and Staplcford, noble Maiifion-Houle an<l

Offices, beautiful Plantati -us. Gardens, Pleafure Grounds,Park, Woods, Farms, and Lan<ls, containingabout Five Thou-


fund Acres, abundantly (locked with capital Timber of very

ciinfidcrable Value; the Whole forming one of the com-plctell Domains of its lAtenl in this Kingdom, called Wood,hall Park, firuate in a fine high, healthy, md beautiful Partof the County of Herts, Four Miles fioin Hertford andWare, and only 'i'wenty-five Milts from London, in a Neigh-bourhood uiiiveilallr known to be equal to any Part of Greatliiitain lor its Confequencc, Sociability, and all Kind ofField Sports; the Rental and edimatcd Value about Five

Thoufand liie Hundred Pounds per Annum, exclulive oflie Manfion-Houle, Gardens, Advowfons, &c.

The noble moJern-buUt Manlion is creftcd on a Plan ofthe firft Style of Elegance, containing magnificent Suites of

Apartments, fitted up in a fuperb Manner, v,ith OlTices o<

every Defcription,3nd completed with a Liberality that ren-

ders it fuitable for a Family of the firll Dilliniflion.

The Gardens are provided with lofty Wallin", Grocn-Houfe, Pearh-Houfe, Hot and Socctflion-Houfes, andGraper^', planted with Trees of the firll Qudity.

Fhe Plantations, Lawns, and Shrubbery Walks, arc truly


'Fhc Park interfered by the River Beanc.

Alfo Frogmoie Villa and (Jardriis, and the numerousFarms, are laid out in the moll compatfV Manner, and are

equal to any in the County for Situation, Produce, and Eafcof Management.

The Ellatesare well worth the Attention of Noblemen orGentlemen vvilhing to rcalife their Money in one of thefineft Counties in this Kingdom, and, in Point of

Situation-and Diftance fumi the Metropolis, not to be equalled for

either Family Refidences or Farm.s.

Printed Particulars may be had (gratis) at the Exchequer-Office, Inner-Temple

;of Jofeph White, Solicitor, of the

Trcalury, No. 6, Lincoln's-Inn New-Square; Melfrs. Bullock

and Arnold, Solicitors, Bedford-Row ; Mellis. Dawes, Soli-

citors, Angel-Court, Tbrogmorton-Strcet, near the Royal-Exchange ; at Woodhall-Hoiife ; the Place of Sale ; and ofMefll-s. Skinner and Dyke, Alderfgate-Strcet, where a Plan -

may be feen, and of whom Tickets may be had for viewingthe Manlion, Gardens, &c.

The Ertates may be viewed by applying at WoodhallManfion-Houfe.

TObe fold by Auiflion, before the major Part »f the

Commillioners in a ComniilTion ef limkrupt againll

John Pate, late of Bury St. Edmunds, in the County ofSuffolk, Money-Scrivener, at Guildhall, London, on the 24thof June next, at 'Fen o'clock in the Forenoon,

A large handfome Freehold MelFuage, fjtuate on Angel-Hill in Bury St. Edmunds, in the County of Suffolk, in theOccupation of the Revcrcn<l Jofeph Sandys, (who hohU thefame under an Agreement made without Confent of theMortg.agee,) compriling an Entrance-Hall, a Dining-Room18 Feet Square, and Two Pailours in Front; on the Firll

Floor a Drawing-Room 18 Feet by 16 Feet, Five Bed-aiam-bers a,nd Drcding-Rooms, convenient Attirks over the fame-Fwo Kitchens, a Scullery, Larder, and Butler's Pantrv at-tached, excellent Cellars, good Brewhoufe, Stable, Coach-Houfe, and Haylofts detached, and a neat Garden plantedwith Choice Fruit.

-Vlfo another handfome Freehold McfTuage adjoining tothe above, fituate on Angel-Hill in Burj- St. Edmunds aloie-faid, in the Occupation of Francis Sandys, Efq; (who holdsthe fame under an Agreement made without Confent of theMortgajce,) ronfaining Two Parlours in Front ; on the Firfl

Floor a Drawing-Room iS Feet by 15 Feet, ami Two Chaoi-bcrs; Second Floor Two Bed Chamber.s and Three Servants'Rooms

;good Kitchen, Pantrj-, and Cellars, a fpacious Back

Kitchen detached, and Laundry overthc fame, .Stable, CgaUfC''f -ITl ii,,/Houfe, and Haylofts; alfo a i«aved Yard, and good GaSSllK J^V •


well planted. -^^t.^-it-r^

For Particulars apply to MtfTrs. Giles and Ifaacfon,,

citors, Shire-Lane, Carey-Street, Chanccrj'-Lanc, LondiuMr. John J.c Gric.-, Solicitor, Bury St. Edmundj, SufTolk^j

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C 438 ]

'""r^O be fold tfy Aufflon, tefors the major Pavt of tlie

J_ CommilTJoneis in a Commiffion of Uankrupt againll

William Weiieii!nn,of Bcrmondfey-Stieet, Plum her, Dealer

and Chapman, at Guildhall, London, on the ad Day of

May n«xt,at Ten of the Clock in the forenoon,

A Freehold Piece or Parcel of Land fituatc at Sutton, in

the County of Surrey, being Part of a Clole of Land ciUed

Underhafe, intended as a Front of a Street, to be called

Commerce-Street, about to be built there ; and a Lcafehold

MelTuage or Teneraeaf, Coniptiag-Houic, S<c. on the Wet!

Side of Eermondlcy-Strcet, in the" County of Surrey, late in

the Occupation of the faid Bankrupt, held for an unexpired

Term of Twelve Years from Midi'unimer next, at a low

Rent of loi. per Year.

For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Alcock, Solicitor,

Canteibury-Scjuare; of Mr. Shepherd, SoUcuor, Biackman-

Stiect, Southv\ark.

'"J~'0 be jjerer.iptorUy refold, ixnfuant to an Order of the

Jl^High Couit of Chancery made in a Caiile Leaping-

V. ill agairiit l-tapin^wc-)l, before John Spranger, Lfcj; one of

tlic M.=ifters of tlie laid Coin t, in the Public Sale-Room ofthe Court of Chunceiy, in Sonthaniptc^n-Biiildings, Chan-

cery-Lane, London, ou' Monday the 18th Dry of May next,

between th<^ Hours of Twelve and One i:i the Afternoon,

A Freehold Field, called the Lower Field, lituate at Kclvc- the County of VM'ex.

Particulars whereof may be had (siratis) at the faid

Mailer's Clianiliers in Southampton-EiiiUIinj^s af ircfaid ; of,

Mein-s. Clackar and Co. Chelmsford ; at the Chapel Inn,

Coggcdiall; the Aiigcl, in Kelveuon; of Mcflis. A'lafon,

Attorn'cs, Colrhefter ; and of Mr. Lowten, Ko. 4, Kolborn-

Court, Gi^y's-Inn, London.

TO be fold, purfuant to a Decree of the Hip;!'. Court of

Chancery made in a Caufe intituled Boron.nh againft

Cotton, before John Ord, Efq; one of the Mnlleis of the

faid Couit, at t-lie Public Sale-Room of the faid Court in

Southanipton-Buildiciiis, Chancery-Lane, London, in fcveral

Lots, various Freelinld, Leafchold.and Copyhold Krtates, (in-

cluding the D'.velling-Hoiife called Mai-climcnt-Houfe,)

fituate in the feveral Pariflies of Hemcl-Hemplfead and Bo-

veJidon, in the County of Herts, late tlie Property of Eli-

zabeth Count! Is Dowsger of ]\!archmmU, dcceafed.

Primed Particul.lrs may Ihorlly be >i;;d (gntis) at tlic faid

Mailer's Office; at jMr.Tatham's, Solicitor, Harcourt-Build-

ings, Inner-Teiriple • at Mr. Sheenc's, Solicitor, Gray's-Inii-

Kcjuare, 1 oi,di)ii ; and at Mr- GHham's, Atiftioiicer, at

JffimeU-HeniplKail. ''


TO be fold, purluant to an Order of His IVTajcdy's Court

of F.Nehequer, in Lots, to the Iicll Biilders, 'Fhe capital

^tarrfion called Belmont Hriufe, fituatc in the Parilhes of

'Jlirowley and Ofrrln^e, near Sittingbourne, in the County

f f Kent, with the Land theieto belonoing, confilling of

Arable, Meadow, and Failure, and aifo a Farm lltliatc in the

Faiili) cf F.afllin;r, in the fame County, called Great Hunt-

in;ifield, liitc tlic Property of Colanci Tohn Montrefor, de-

ceafed, to;jeth<r wilh the othtr Property of the faid late

Colonel ^i,-nt^^ v 1.: u:i:;i'^i; thoreto.

Panieul.i, .

!• 1' i. lii.lI;H.",i,) at the Exchequer Office in

the Inner-Ten,!:!-, I.o'i.Imh, in-l of Jofeph White, Efq; No.

6,L;'s-lnn New-Square, London.

''T'O be peremptorily fold, purfuant loan Order of the

X High Court of Cliancery made i'n certain Caules Rigby

r.lq; and others againlf IvDNamara, Efq; and Law, Efq; and

others sgainll Rigby, FTq; and others, before Andrew Mur-cutt, of Warwick, Auctioneer, the Peifon ap|*iintcd by the

faid Court, on Saturday the 30th Day of May next, at Ele-

ven of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the Houle ot' Mr. Baly,known by the .Sign of the Wool-Pack, in the Borough of

Warwick, in Three diftina Lots or Parcels, Part <A the

Real Efiates late of tlie Right Honorable Richard Rigby,

deceafcd, fituatc at Lon^brldge and Budbrooke, in theCi ;^iitv'

of Warv. ick, and alfo in and near tlic Borough of WarwickParticulars may be had (gniis) it the OtTice of Wiiljam

Graves, £(q; one of tb..e Matters of thefaid Ca;ir;, lituate in

Southampton-Buildings,Chancery-Lane, London ; of Mellis.

Bullock and Arnold, Bedford-Row; Mr. John Payne, at the

Six Clerks' Oliice, ChjnccryJ,ane, London ; and .I'lfo of Mr.Jehn Ambrofe, jun. of Mirtley, near Maningtrec, in EfTex


»nil of .the/aid Mr. Murcmt-

PUrfuant to a Decree of llie High Court of ClianceTy

made in a Caufu wherein James Cazcnovc and others

are Plaintiifs, and Matthew Powell mi others are Defuid-

ants, the Creditors of Stephen Powell, late of Rcd-Lion-Street, Spitalficlds, in the County of Middlefex, Weaver,

decealed, are to come in and prove their Debts before Ni-cholas Smith, Efq; one of the Matters of the faid Court,

at his Chambers in SoOthampton-BuiUlings, Chancery-L.ine,

London, on or before the 23d Day of i\Iay 1801, or in De-fault thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the iiiid


PUrfuant to a Decree of the High Cotirt of Chancery

made in a Caufc wherein Samuel John NiccoU and othcis

are PlaiinilTs and Sir Richard Sutton, Bart, and others are

Defendants, the Creditors of Elizabeth Scarancke, formerly

of Hatfield, in the County of Hertford, ^>,-in'''t''. ('"I''»

died in or about the Month of Augull 1788,) are, on or

before the Zld Day of May l"oi, to come in and provetlieir Debts before Peter Holford, Efq; one of the Mjftersof the faid Court, at his Chambers in Southampton-Build-

ings, Chancery-Lane, London, or in Default thereof theywill be peremptorily excluded the Benefit of the faid Dercce

PUrfuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancerymade in a Caufc vviicrein Samuel John NiccoU and

others PlaintiO's apd Sir Richard Sutton, Baronet,and others are Defendants, the Creditors of Ann NiccoU,SDrmcrly of Saint Alban's, in the County of Hertford,

Widow, (who died on or about the Month of November1792,) are, on or before the 22d Day of May 1801, to comein and prove their Debts before Peter Holford, Efq; one of

the Martcrs of the faid Court, at his Chambers in South-ampton-Buildings, Cliancery-Lane, London, or in .Default

thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the Benefit of thefi'.id Decree. •

PUrfuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancerymade in a Caufc Leigh againit Smith, the Creditors

of Elizabeth Leigh, late of Walham-Grccn, in the Parilh ofFulham, in the County of Middlefex, Spinller, deceafcd,

aie forthwith to come in and prove their Debts before Wil-hani CJraves, Efq; one of the Mailers of the faid Court, at

his Office in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, Lon-don, or in Default thereof they will be excluded the Be-nefit of the Iiiid Decree.

PUrfuant to a Decree' of the High Court of Chancerymade in a Caufc Moorhoufe againll Moorhoufe, the

Creditors of William James Moorhoufe, late of Lomh.ird-Street, London, and of Canonbury-I.anc, in the Parilh of

S;vint M.iry, Uie County of Middlefex, Efq; de-

ceafcd, are forthwith to come in and prove their Debts before

Alexander Popham, Efq; one of the Malfers of the iaid Court,

at his Chambers in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery. Lane,London, or in Default thcreol they ivill be excluded the

Benefit of the fai.d Decree.

PUrfuant to a Decree of the High Coiut of Cliancery

made in a Caufe Walker ajainll Nation, the Cre.litoisof William Walker, late of the City of Exeter, Woollen-Draper, deceafcd, are forthwith to come in and piove therr

i_'J)ts before William Gravc.t, Efq: one of the Ma/lcrs ofthe laid Court, at his Office in .S'.urJiamploivliuildings,

Chancery-Lane, Lonilon,, or in Default thereof they wijl

be excluded the Benefit of the laid Decree.

PUrfuant to a Decree of the High X^ourt of Cl-.ancc-iy

made in a Caife Phillips and others againTl Spencer andanother, the Creditors of Phillips, late of l.illbn-

(Jreen, in the County of Middlefex, Efq; d.-:ccafed, are forth-with to come in and prove tl.tir Debts, before AlexanderI'ophani, lifi|; one of the Mailers of the faid Court, at his

Chambers in Southampton-Buildings, Chancei-y-Lajie, Lon-don, or in Default ihcicof they will be excluded tlie Benefitof tile faid Decree.

PUrfuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery-made in a Caufc Green sgainft Malcolm, the Creditors

ol Edward Green, late of Kenfiiigton-Sqiiare, in the Countyof Middlefex, Efq; deceafcd, (who died on or about the29th Day of Oaober 1799,) are to come in and prove

their Debt* befoae Joha Spran^sr, Efqj one of the Mafters

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I 439 J

or-Hn' Taid C'cuit, at Iiis Cl-.aVnberi in Soutliampton-Builil-

jn^s, Chancery-Lane, London, on or before the 5th Diy of

Wnc next, or in Default thereof they \vill be perempturily

excluded (he Benefit of the faid "Decree.

THE Crcditors-of Sir James Watfon, Knight, kte one of

the PitiSie Judges of the Supreme Court of Judica-

tnre, at Fort-Wiliiam, Bcnf;al, deceafed, aie hereby required

forthwith to fend in the Particulirs of their j-el'podlive Dc-

-mmds to Mr. Jolin Edwards, of Serjcanl's-Inn, Fleet-Street,

Solicitor; end all I'cribns who arc indehlcd fo Itis Kftate are

hereby required to pay the fame to the iiid John Edwards,

who is duly anthorizcd 10 reeciire the fame.

THE Creditors (if nm) of Henry Humphpj'S, late of

Shirehampton, in the County of <ilouctiU'r, and for-

- merly of Exniouth, in the County of Devon, Efq; decealld.are

defired to ilnd the .Particulars of tlieir refpeftive Dcnisnds

to MelTrs. Earrer, Laccy, Steadman, and Wall, Solicitors,

Bread-Street-Hill, London, in order that the fame may be

paid; And .all Perlbns indebted to tlic Eflate of tiTc faid

Henn- Humphns arc rcquedeJ forthwi-Ji to pay what they

- refpci^ively owe to the faid MeiHs. Earrer, Lacey,,

jind Wail.

THE Cieditors who Irive proved their Di-bts tinder a

CommilTion of Rankaipt awarded and illiied a<;ainft

Richard Piace, of Varndiilicr, in the County of Wilt.s.

Clotl-.ier, .Dealer and, arc dclired to meet the Af-

lignees of his Eflate and Jiti"ef..s on Fiiday the 8t!i Day of

May next, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, at

^he Angel Ian, Warniiufter afcrcfaid, in order to take to

Conlideration tii'j Order .or Direflion given the Adignees at

a jMceting of the Creditors held the 29th Day of December


lili p;>If ; and whether or not it wiil be adviliable to reliind

iiich or Direflion. 1

THE CrcO.itors w)io liave proved their Debts tnider a

Commidion of bankrupt awarded and illued foith

ao-ninft Abraham Wood, now a Prifoner in tlie King's-Iji.:ich

IVifon, but late of Scotland-Yard, Whitehall, in tlie County

of Mi<i^)efex, Viflualler, Dealer and ChRpmati, are defiled

to meet the Allignees of the faid Bankrupt's Eftate and

E/fefts o^JCke-iflDay of May next, at Seven o'CJock in the

Evening precffely, at Treibn's Tavern and ColFce-Houfe. the

Foot of Weflminfter-Bridge, in order to alTent to or dilFcnt

.from the faid AfTgnees commencin.i^, prolecnting, or defend-

ing 3ny_ Suit oj- Suits at Law or in Equity for Recovery of

any Part cf tlic faid Bankrupt's Eftate and Effe^fts; or to

the componndiiifl, fubmitting to Arbitration, or otherwife

tins any ilatttr or Thing relating thereto; and alio to

into Cohfiderarion the Propriety of having a privateMeeting of the Comniinioncrsin the laid Commiflion named,

for tile Purpoie of ctamining certain Perfnns employetl by

the faid Bankrupt tcuching his Eflate and liffctfts ; and on

.other fpecial AtFairs.

THE Creditors who have proveil their Dclits under a

Commiffion of Bankrupt awarded and ifl'ued againf^

"William Churton, of Hodnet.ln the County of Salop, Shop-

keeper, Dealer and Chapman, are defiled to meet the Aflig-

iiee of the Ellate and ElTeiis of the (aid Bankrupt on ."^atur-

day thr 9th Day of May nest, at Eleven o'clock in tr.e Fore- WiKiam Bagnall's, Ti;11jot fnn. Drayton in H-alci,

to afTent to or Jiiircnt from the laid A5;gnre compounding,

fubmittiig to Arbitration, or otherwife agreeing a certain

•Suit in Eciuity wherein Kobert Madcley.of Wellington, in

rthe County of Saiop, Bricklayer, and Eleanor his Wife are-Complainants, and Peter Walker and Thomas Xodeahurll

are Defendants ; and alio to afTcnt to or dilTert ffom the faid

AITignce trc-.ting with the faid 'Robert Madcleyand Elcinor

his Wife, for the Purihalc of the Life EUate or Intcrell of

tke faid Eleanor in ecrtain Mcfliiajjes, Lands, and Heredita-

ments in Marchaniley, and in the Parilb of Hodnet,iathc

iiid County of Silop.

THE Creditors who have proved their Dchts under a

Commiflion of Danknipt .awarded and idiied forth

Kagaind George Pughvnd Ja.tics Davis, of Old Fifti-Street, ia

lithe City of London, Chemi'.^s and Druggifts and Coparticrs,

Ia»e defiled to meet the Ailignecs of the laid Bankrupts'

L^fftate and Eflcfts on Tucfday the j8th Day of April in-

l^ant, at Sinj'Clack in the-Evening, at theCity Colfee-llonrc,

Cheapfidc, ta afTent to or difTent from the f.iid Aflii^nccs fell-

ing and difpofing of the Leafehold MclUiagesor Tcncmentt

and Premifes in Old Fi(h-Sticet and oa Biead-Strect-Hill, in

the faid City of London ; and alfo the Stock in Trade nowremaining on the Picmilcs, or forne Part thereof, by public of

private Contraft.

THE Creditors who liavc provetl their Debt-s \inder *

Cor.imilTion of Bankrupt awaulod and iniicl foith

againfl Richard Beaumont and Stephen 'Vickerman, of Hea-

hybutt^, in South Croliaiid, in the Parith of Almondbury, in

the County of York, Clotliiers and Copartners along with

line Uilliam Eejuaiont, arc defired to mctt tb.e AfTignecs of

thoiEllate. and l^lLit'l.! of th:: faid Bankrupts on Saturdtiy

the ad of May next, at Ten ci* Jlock in tic Forenoon, at the

Houfe of Mr. Abraham Beaumont, the Pack-Horfc Inn. iit

Huddcrjfield, in the laid County, in ord-r to t:ike into Con-

fuleratio'n the LeaieholJ Intcreft which the '"aij Alfignees

have in certain Fiili'ng and Scribbling Mills, fitnatc at .Steps,

in .South Croflandworei'aid, :;nd to determine ns to the l>if-

polal of tile lame for the mofl Benefit 01 thi'l'aid Bankrupt,"

Creditors ; and alio in order to alTent to or ditlcjit from the

laid Adignces commeiicirg, profecuiing, or defending anv

-Suit or Seits at Law or in Equity for the Rccoveiy of au^

Part of the faid Bankrupts' Eftatc and EHcfts ; or to the

cuinpounJing, fubmitting to Arliitration, or othcrtvife agree-

ing any iMattcr or Thing relating thelfctoi and on uUier

ipccial Affairs.'

PUrfuaat to an Order made by the Right Honorable -Mex-

. ander Lord Loiigliborougli, Lord High Chancellor of

Great Britain, for Enlarging '.'le Time for John Bray, nowor Idte of Town Mailing, in the County of Jvent, Hop-

Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, (a Bankrupt,) to furrcnder

hirafclf aiid make a full Difcovcry and Di-Orlofure of his

Ellate and Efl'efls for Forty-nine Days, to be comjmtcd frumthe icth Day of March lart; This is to give Notice, that

the Coinmillioners in the faid Commi.'iion name^l and aii-

tlioriied, or the major Part of tiiem, intend to meet on

the 28th Day of April inftant, at Ten of the Clock in the

Forenoon, at GuildhiU, London, (and not on the ctytk

Inftant a^ advertifed in the Gazette of the 7t!i Day o(

March la(l,) where the faid Bankrupt is required lo fur-

render himfelf between the Hours of Eleven and One of

the Came Day, and make a full Difcovcry and Dilcloliire of

hisr.ftate and Ellects, and finilh his E:<ainii>ation ; and the

Cieditois, who hav£ not already proved their Debts, may

then and there come and prove the fame, and affeut to

or difTent from the Allowance of Iiis Certificate

TT/'Hereas a CommifTion of Bankmpt, bearing Date on

VV or about thcilth Dr.y of FirOruiry I ifl, was awardedand iniied forlli ag-iinfl WlUiam Hawes. (Partner with John

Wallace,) of Hanwell, in the CouTity of Miadlerex,Soap anil

Starch Manufafturer, Dealer and Chapman ; This is to give

Niitice, that the faid Commiflion is, under the Great Seal

of C. eat Britain, fuptrfeded.

WHereas a CommilTion of Eanknipt "is awarded and

ifTued forth againft Jofrph Hudfou, of Derby, in tlic

County (>f Dcrbjv, Dealer in Wine and Spirituous Liquors,

and he being declared a Bankiiipt is hereby required to fur-

rcnder himfelf to the Commidioncrs in the faid Commiflion

ninied, o: the. major Pait of the 19th and 231!

Days of May ncj", and on the 6th Day of June following,

at El.ovcn in the Forencon, on cadi Day. at the George

Inn,in.the 1'own of Derby, ,-uid make a full Dilcovery and

Dilirlolurc of his Eftate and E.Tefts; when and where theCrcditoK are to ccme prepared to prove their D^bts, and

at the Second Sitting to chnlc .^(I:g;iees snd at the Lall

fitting the faiJ Banknipt is required t» finilh his Examin-

ation, and the Creditors are to alfent to or dHlent from the

Allowance of his Certificate. All Perlbiis indebted to the

laid Bankiopt, or th.n have any of ids ElfeOs, are not to

pay .or deliver the fame but to whom tlic Commirtioncrs

Omll appoint, but ^ivt Notice to Mellrs. Ward and Lockett,


T^THercas 1 Commiflion of Bankrupt is awp.rdcd and

vV 'tTucA forth againll James Partington, cf Fer.-

Coiirt, Fenchurch-Strtct, London, Merchant, and he being

d^cbied a Bankrupt is hereby leqiiiicd to furrcnder himlWf

So tin CommilTIoBfrs ^h ll»« laid CommilTion n.-\mcd, or the

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.21) 12/14

[ 440 ]

major Part of them, on the zZih of Apiil inftant, at One

o'clock in the Afternoon, on the 14th Day of Maj- next, at

Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, and on the 6th of June follow-

in;^', at Twelve at Noon, at CJnildhall, London, -ind make a


Difcovcry and Difclolurc ofhis Ellate and LffciU ;


and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove

their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chufe AHigneeS,

and at the Lafl Sitting the laid Bankrupt is required to

linidi his Examination, and the Creditors arc to alil-nt to or

dilTent from the Allowance of his Ceitificate. All Perfons

indchted to the (aid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Ef-

fedls, are not to, pay or deliver the lame but to whom the

Commiflioners ihal! appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Thomas,

Fen-Court, Fenchurch-Street.

WHercas a Comminion of Bankrupt is awarded and

iiTued forth againit Sul'annah Metcalf and John

Metcalf, of GoUicn-Lcg- Court, C]itap(ide, London, Hoficrs

and Copartners, (carrying on Trade under the Firm of Su-

fannah Metcalf and Son,) and they being declared Bank-

mpts are hereby lequired to furrendei themlilves to theCommllfioners in the laid Conimiflion named, or the major

Part of them, on the id Day of May next, at Twelve of

the Clock at Noon, on the 9th Day of the fame Month

and 6th Day June following, at Ten of the Clock in the

Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, and nuke a full Diico-

very and Dilclofure of their Kllate and Eri'cc'ts; when and

where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their

Debts, and at the Second Sittinij to chufe AHignees, and

at Uie LaO Sitting the (aid Bankrapts are required to linilh

their Examination, and theC rcditors are to allent to ordillint

from the Allowance of their Certificates. All Pcrluns in-

debted to the faid Bankrupts, or that have any of theii

E3(:<fts, are not to pay or deliver the (ame but to «h<nu the

Com mitlioners (hall appoint, hut give Notice to Mr. Jones,

S.xli(bury-Square, Fleet-Street,

WHereos a CommiiTIon of Bankrupt is awarded and

ifTued againit Thomas Winterbouni and Charles

Gardner, of Carey-Street, near Chancery-l,ane, in the County

of MidJlefex, Taylors, Dealers, Chapmen, and Copaitncrs,

:ind they being declared Banknipts are hereby required to

Ibrrender themfelves to the Commillioners in the faid Com-

miilion named, or the major Part of them, on the iSth

Day of April inflant.otr the 9th Day of May next, and on

tbc 6th Day of June following, at Ten of the CJock in

tlie Forenoon on each of the (aid Days, at Guildhall, Lon-

don and make a full Difcovery and Difcloture of their

F.rtates and EfTefls ; when and where the Creditors are to

come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second

Sitting to chuCe Aflignees, and at the Lall Sitting the (aid

Bankrupts are required to tinilh their l^-xamination», and the

Creditors are to afTent to or dill'cnt from the Al'owancc of

their Certificates. All Perfons indebted to the faid Bankrupts

or that have any of their EfllOs, are not to pay or deliver the

fame but to whom the Commidioncrs Ihall appoint, but

give Notice to MelTrs. R. and T. Jennings, Great Shire-Lane,

Carey-Street, Chancery-Lane.

WHereas a Commidion of Banknipt is awarded and

ilhwd forth againit James Wood, now or late of

Manchefler, in the County of Lancaffer, Machine-Maker,

Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a I'ankrupt is

hereby required to furrender himfelf to the Commillioners

in the faid Commidion named, or the major Part of them,

on the 13th lind 14th Days of May next, and on the 6th

Day of June following, at Four of the Clock in the After-

noon on each Day, at the Houfc of Mr. Getty, knownhy tlie Name of the Royal Oak Inn, in Mancheller

aforelaid, and make a full Difcovery and Difclofure of his

Kflatc and EtTcOs; when and where the Creditors are to

come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Seound Sit-

ting to chufe Afiignees, and at the Lafl Sitting the laid I3ank-

r.ipt is required to finifli his Examination, a>ul the Cre-

ditors are to aflfent to or dllFent from the Allowance of

his Certificate. All Perfons indebted to the laid Bankiupt,

o. that have any of his EtTccfts, uic not to pay or deliver the

fame but to whom the Commillioners (hall appoint, but

give Notice toJ.

Parr, Attorney at Law, No. 7, Ridge-

Field, in Manchefler aforefaid, or to Mr.J.

Swale, Hare-

Court, Temple, London.

\T7Hcicas a Commiffion of Banknipt is awarded an*"

VV i'iiied forth againlf 'I'homas Bellamy and John Bel-

lamy, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Japan-

ners, Dealers, Chapmen, and Partners, and they being de-

clared Banknipts are hereby required to iiirrendcr them-

lelves to the CommilTioners in the laid Commiflion named, or

the major Part of them, on the 8th and 9th of May next,

and on the 6ih of June following, at Twelve at Noon on each

Day, at the Houle of John Bingham, known hy the Nameof tlie Stork Tavern, firuate in the Square, in Birmingham

aforLl'aid, and make a fall Difcovery and Dilclofure of their

Elfate and Eflefts; when and where the Creditors are to

come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second

Sitting to chule Adignecs and at the LafI .Silting the laid

Bankrupts arc icqnired to finilh their Examination, and (he

Creditors are to afTent to or diirent from the Allowance

i>f their Certilicatcs. All Perfons indebted to the faid

Bankiu)>ts, or that have any of their KHefls, arc not to

|)ay or deliver the fame but to whom the Commifhoner;

Ihall appoint, but give Notice to McfTrs. Barker and Unett,

.Solicitors, Birmingham, 01 to Mdiri. Devon and Toohe,

Solicitors, Gray's-lnn-.Square, London.

TT/Hercas a Comir.illion of Bankrupt is awarded and

V V i""'^'' f'"'''< againit John Ibbelt, of Ciown-Strcet,

near Finfbui7-Sq«are, in the County of MidJlefex, Shoe-

Maker, Dealer and Cliapman, and he being declared a Bank-

rupt is hereby required to furrender himlclf to the Com-midioncrs in the faid ComniilTion named, or the major Par!:

of them, on the 9th and i6lh Days of May next, and on

the 6th of June following, at Ten in the Forenoon on each

Dav, at Guildhall, London, and make a full Difcovery and

Dilclofure of his F^ftate and Etfefts; when and where the

Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at

the Second Sitting to chufe Adignees, and at the Lall Sitting

the faid Bankrupt is rcciuired to finilh his Examination, and

the Creditors are to aflent to or diiTent from the Allowance

of his Certificate. All Perfons jndebted to the laid Bank-

rupt, or that have any of his Effefts, are not to pay or de-

liver the fame but to whom the Commidioners Ihall appoint,

but give Notice to MelTrs. Glynes and RobinfoQ.v Burt-

Street, Eaft Sniithficld.

TTTHereas a Commidion of Bankrupt is a^Tned and

VV iffued forth again ft James Andrew, of Manchefler,

in the County of Lancadcr, and Thomas Mafon, of .Saint

Swithin's-I.ane, in the City of London, Cotton-Merchants,

Dealers, Chapmen, and Copartners, and they being declared

Bankrupts are hereby required to furrender themfelves to

the Commidioncrs in tiie laid Commidion named or the

major Part of them, on the 30th of April inftant, on the

nth of May next, and on the 6th of June following, at

Three o'clock in the Afternoon on each of the (aid Days,

at the FJoufe of Francis Hillid,;e, in the Market-Place, in

Manchefler aforefaid, and make a full Dilirovcry and Dif-

clofure of their Eftate and lurefls; when and where the Cre-

ditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the

Second Sitting to chufe Adignees, and at the l^aft Sil-

ting the (aid Bankrupts are required to finilh their

Examination, and the Creditors are to alTcnt to or difTent

from the Allowance of their Certificate. All Perfons in-

debted to the faid Bankrupts, or that have any of their

F.dcfts, are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the

Commidioncrs Ihall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. S.'.muel

Edge, Solicitor, Brown-Street, Mancheller,

WHereas a Commidion of Bankrupt is awarded and

illued forth againfl Thomas Chattcrton and Edward

Veils, of Brenchley, in the County of Kent, Hat-Manu-

facturers, Dealers, Chapmen, and Copartners, and they being

declared Bankrupts are hereby required to (iirrender them- *

(elves to the Commidioners in the faid Commidion named,

or the major Part of them, on the 29th Day of April in-

ftant, at 'i'en of the Clock in the Forenoon, on the I2th of

May next, and on the 6th of June following, at Twelve at

Noon, at Guildhall, London, and make a full Difcovery and'

Dilclofure of their Eftate and EITects; when and where the

Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and.

at the Second Sitting to chufe Adignees, and at the Lad'Sitting the faid Bankrupts are required to finilh their Exa- -

mination, and the Creditors are to allent to or dilfent Eroni<>

the Allowance of their Certificates. All Perfons indebted

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.21) 13/14

[ 441 ]

to the fa!J Bankrupts, 'or that hive any of their EfTcrts,

are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the Com-mirtioners fliall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Smith,

Earbers-Hali, London.

WHereas a Commidion of Bankrupt is awarded and

ilhied forth againft Frederick James Albers, of Green

Lettice-Lane, Cannon-Street, London, Merchant, Dealer

and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby

required to furrender himfelf to the CommilTioners in the faid

Commiffion named, or the major Part of them, on the id

and i6th of May next, and on the 6th of June followinjj, at

One in the Afternoon on eacli Day, at Guildhall, London,

and make a full Difcovery and Diiclofure of his F.ftate and

Effecfis ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared

to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chufe

Adignees, and at the Lafl: Sitting the faid Bankrupt is re-

quired to finifh his Examination, and the Creditors are to

allent to or dilfcnt from the Allowance of his Certificate.

All Perfons indebted to tlie faid Bankrupt, or that have any

of his Effcfts, arc not to pay or deliver the fame but to whomthe Commillioners fliall appoint, but give Notice to Mellrs.

WiUet and Annelley,Finlbury-Square.

WHereas a CommilTJon of Bankrupt is awarded and

ilTued forth againfl George Dacre, late of HufTel-

bury otherwife Owfclbury, in the County of Southampton,

Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is

hereby required to furrender himfelf to the Commilhoners

in the faid Commiffion named, or the major Part of them,

on the id and 5th Days of May next, and on the 61.I1

Day of June following, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forc-

roon on each of the faid Days, at Guildhall, London, and

make a full Difcovery and Diiclofure of his Eftate and ErfeOs;

when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove

their Debts, and at the Second Sitting lo chufe Affignees, and

at the Lafl Sitting the faid Bankrupt is required to finilh his

Examination, and the Creditors are to alfent to or dilTent

from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Perfons indebted

to the faid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effeifls, are

not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the Commil-

fioners ihall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Alcock, Canter-

bury-Square, Saint Olave, Southwark.

TH E Commiffioners in a CommifHon of Bankrupt

awarded and ifTued forth againrt Henry Pillor, of

Abchurch-Lane, in the City of London, Alcrchant, Dealer

and Chapman, intend to meet on the 14th Day of Maynext, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhall,

London, (by Adjournment from the 21 if Day of April

inftant,) in order to take the Laft F.xamination of the laid

Bankrupt ; when and where he is required to furrender

Iiimfclf and make a full Difcovery and Diiclofure of his

Eftate and EfTefts, and finilli his Examination; and the Cre-

ditors, who have not already proved tiicir Debts, are to

n-nic prcp.ired to prove the fame, and, with thofe who have

proved their Debts, alTcnt to or dilTent from the Allowance

of his Certificate.

TH E Commiflioners in a Commiffion of Banknipt

awarded and illued forth againft William Smith and

Jafpcr Atkinlbn the Younger, of Aldermanbuc)', in the City

of London, Merchants and Partners, (carrying on Trade

under the Firm of Smiths and Atkinfon,) intend to meet on

the 10th of May next, at Eleven in the Forenoon, at Gnild-

K.iU, London, (by Further Adjournment from the 2i!l In-

rtapf,) to lake the Laft Examination of the faid Bank-

rupts ; when and where they are required to furrender tliem-

I'clvcs and make a full Difcovery and Diiclofure of their

F.iiate and Eife^s, and finifh their Examination ; and the

Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, arc to

come prepared to prove the fame, and, with thofc whohave proved their Debts, alTent to or dilfent from the Al-

uwance of their Certificate.

TH n CommifGoners in a CommifTion of Bankrupt

awarded and ifTued againff John Macnamara, of the

City of London, Merchant, intend to meet on the ad

Day of May next, at Ten of the Cluck in the Forenoon,

at Guildhall, London, (by Adjournment from the. 24th of

March laft,) in order to fake the Lall Examination of the

(aid Bankrupt ; when and where he is reqiiin d to furrcndci

I mfelf, and make a full Difcoverv and Diiclofure of hii

J30. 15357- D

Eftate and Effecls.and fiuifli his Examination; and the Cre-ditors, who have not ahcady proved their Debts, are to comeprepared to prove the fame, and, with thofc who have provedtheir Debts, alTent to or diftent from the Allowance of his


TH ECommiffioncrs in a

Renewed Commiffion ofBanknipt awarded and iftiied forth againft Jolin

Coutts, of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaftcr, Mer-chants, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 18thDay of May next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon,

at the York Hotel in William fon-Square, in Liverpool

aforelaid, in order to make a Final Dividend of the F^flate

and Erfefts of the (aid Bankrupt; when and where the

Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are

to come prepared to prove the fame, or they will be ex-

cluded the Benefit of the faid Diyidcud. And all Claims

not then proved will be difallowed.

THE CommilTIoners in a Commiffion of Banknipt

awarded and iiPued forth againlt William Sweatman,of the City of Briftol, Linen-Draper, Dealer and Chapmici,

intend to meet on the 23d Day of May next, at Five

in the Afternoon, at the London Inn and Talbot Tavern,

in Bath-Street, in the faid City of Brirtol, to make a Fuither

Dividend of the Eftate and Effefls of the faid Bankrupt;

when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved

their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or they

will be excluded the Benefit of the faid Dividend. Ai\d all

Claims not then proved will be difallowed.

TH E Commillioners in a Commiffion of Bankrupt

awarded and ilTued forth again ll Thomas Willbn, of

Chelhunt, in the County of Hertford, Maltfter and Corn-

fad^or Dealer and Chapman, intend to_meet on the j6th of

May next, at Twelve at Noon, at Gnildhail, London; in <*der

to make a Dividend of the Effate and Effefls of thc'iaid

Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have hot

already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove

the fame, or they will be excluded tiie Benefit of the fai4

Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be dii'allowcd.

'^I"^H E Commiflioners in a Commiffion of Bankrupt

X awarded and iflued forth againff Robert Alartiu, late

of Liverpool, in the County of Laneafter, but now of the

City of Briftol, Mariner, Dealer and Chapman, intend to

meet at the London Inn and Talbot Tavern, in Biiflol, oh

Monday the iSth of May next, at Twelve o'clock at Noon,

to make a Dividend of the Surplus Eftate of tl;e iiiid Dai k-

rupt amongft the Joint Creditors of the faid Bankrupt and

Michael Cullen and Robert Buddicom, of Liverpool al.ire-

faid Merchants, in rcfpctft to the Ship Ataria and .Sloop

Betfcy ; when and where the laid Creditors are to come pro-

pared to prove their Debts. And all Claims not then iub-

ftantiated will be difallowed.

THE Commlffioners in a Commiffion of Bankrupt

awarded and ilTued forth againft Silas Wells, of Chel-

tenham, in the County of Glouceller, Linen-Diaper, Haber-

dafhcr. Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 23d of

May next, at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildlijll, London, fo

make a Final Dividend of the Eftate and Efiefts of the faid

Bankrupt ; when and where the Creditors, who have nut

already proved tlieir Debts, are to come prepared to. prov<:

the fame, or they will be excluded the IJencfit of th<; faid

Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be diliil-


TH E Commifljoncrs in a Commiffion of Banknipt

awarded and ifliied forth againft John Rofevear, of the

Parilh of Lincombe and Widcombc, in the County of .So-

merfct, Mafon, Builder, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet

on Monday the i8th of May next, at Twelve o'clock at

Noon, at the Chriltopher Inn, in the Markct-Placo, in the

City of Bath, in order to make a Dividend of the Eftate and

FlFcOs of the faid Bankrupt ; when and where the Cre-

ditors, who have not already proved their Debts, arc to comeprepared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded the

Benefit of the faid Dividend. And all Claims uot thco

proved will b» difallowed.

TH E Commlffioners in a Commiffion of Banknipt

awarded and illued forth againft James Null, of the

Borough of Leitefter, in the County of Leic^ftet,. Grocer

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[ 442 ]

Dtilcr ind CKapmin, intend to meet on the r^A Day of

May next, at 'J en of the Clock in the Forenoon, «t the

Three Crowns Inn, in Lctcedcc afoielaid, in order to make

alinil Dividend of the Klljtc and Elfe^^tsof the laid Bai.k-

rupt; when and where the Crtditors, ^^hoha^c not already

proved thtii Debts, are to come prepared to prove the

Jaroe, or thev will be excluded the Benefit of the laid


Andall Cluims not then proved will be dif-

allowed. .

THE CornniilTioners in a Renewed CommilUon of Bank-

rupt awarded and ilTiied forth William Biikett,

of Liverpool, in the County of J.anciiller, Houfe-Builder,

Joiner, Brick-Maker, Dealer and Chapirnn, intend to meet

on the i8tli Day of May next, =t Eleven o'clock in the

Forenoon, at the York Hotel, in Williamlon-Square, in

Liverpool aforeiiid, in order to m;ike a Final Dividend of

the filiate nnd Effefts of the faid Bankrupt;uhen and

where the Creditors, who have not already proved their

Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or they will

he excluded the Benefit of the faid D'n idcnd. And all

Claims not then proved will be difallowed.

THE Coniniiilioners in a Renewed ComniiHion of

Bankrupt awarded and ilTntd forth againll JohnSpatman and John Hotham, of Cannon-Street, in the City

of London, Grocers and Copartners, intend to meet on the

19th of May next, at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall,

London, to make a Final Dividend of the F.llate and Eifcfts of

the faid Bankrupts ; when and where the Creditors, who have

not already proved their Debts, arc to come prepared to

prove the fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of

tl:e faid Dividend. And all Claims not then proved w ill te


TH E Commifiioners in a Commifllon of Bankrupt

awarded and ifliied forth againft John Fielder and

Henry Railton, of Newgate-Street, London, Wholefale

Linen-Diapers, Dealers and Partners, intend to meet on

the 23d Day of Atay next, at Ten of the Clock in the

Folcnoon,at Guildhall,

London,to make a Final Dividend

of tlie Separate Fl'tate and Efiei^ts of Henry Railton one of

the laid Bankrupts ; when and w here his Separate Creditors,

who have not already jiroved their Debts, are to come pre-

pared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded the Be-

nefit of the faid Dividend. And all Claims not then proved

will be difallowed.

THE Commiflioncrs in a Commidion of Bankrupt

awarded and ilTued forth againft Jofeph Wimpenny,

of Honley, in the Parifli of Ahnondbury, in the County

of York, Clothier, I>eulcr and Chapman, intend to meet on

the iSth of May next, at Ten o'clock in the -Forenoon, at

the Houfe of Mr. William Langley, the White-Lion in

Hiuldersficld, in the County of Yoik, in order to make a

Firft and Final Dividend of the EOate and Effens of the

faid Bankrupt ; when and where the Creditors, who have not

already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to provethe fame, or they will be excluded the Benclit of the faid

Diudcnd. And all Claims not then proved will be dif-


WHereas the aflin^ Commirtliners in 3 CommKTion

of Bankrupt awarded and illncd forth againft Wil-

liam Mafon the Younger, of Riclimond, in the County of

Voik, Grocer, have certified to the RI;<ht Honorable Alexan-

der Lord Loughborough, Lord High Chancellor of Great Bri-

tain, that the faid William Mafon hath in all 'I'hings con-

formed himfelf according to the Diicftions of the fevera!

Act*, of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; Tiiis is to

give Notice, that, by virtue of an A^^ palled in the Fifth

Vuar of His Lite Majefty's Reign, hii Certificate will be al-

lowed and confirn>cd as the faid Afl dircfts, unlcfs Caufe he

ftiewn to the contrary on or before the l6th Day of Alaynext.

W Kerens the afting Comminioncrs iii the CommilTion

of Bankrupt awarded and idiicd foith againll JohnClayton of Kirdford, in the County of SulTex, Jobber in Cat-

tle, Dealer and ChapniRn, liave certified to th.c Right Honor-

able John Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Bri-

tain, that the faid John Clayton hath in all Things ctr.-

formcd himfelf according to the Diredions of the feveral Aits

of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; This is to give

Notice, that, by virtue Cif an Ail pallid in the Fifth Year

of His late Majefty's Reign, his Ccitificate will be allowed

and confirmed as the faid AO direils, unlefs Caufe bt (litv,n

to the contrary on or before the 16th Day of May next.

WHereas the afting Commiflioners in the CommiHion

of Bankrupt awarded and ilTued forth againft

Edward Stanley, now or late of Alvefton, in the County of

Warwick, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the Rijjlit

Honorable Alexander Lord Loughborough, Lord High Chan-

cellor of Great Britain that the faid Edward Stanljy hath in

all Things conformed himfelf according to the Direflions of

the feveral Afts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts;

This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aft palled in the

Fifth Year of His late Majefty's Reign, his Certificate will

be allowed and confirmed as the faid Aft direfts, unlefs Caufe

be Ibewn to the contrary on or before the i6th Day of Maynex^

TTT'Hereas the afting CommiHioners in the Commidion

V\ of BankiTipt awarded and ilHud againft RobertWilfon. late of Greenwich, in the County of Kent, Ma-riner, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the Rij;lit

Honorable John Lord Eldon, Loid High Chancellor of

Great Britain, that the faid Robert Willbn hath in all

'i hings conformed himlelf accoi-ding to the Direftions of

the feveral Afts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts;

This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aft palled in tlie

Fifth Year of His late Majefty's Reign, his Certificate will

be allowed and confirmed as the faid Aft dircfts, unlefs Cauir

be ftiewn to the contrary on or before the i6th Day of Maynext.

WHereas the afting Commiffioners in the CommifHonof Bankrupt awarded and illiied forth againft

W'illiam Martin, of Homerton, in the County of Middlefex,

Broker, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the RightHonorable Alexander Lord Loughborough Lord High Chan-cellor of Great Britain, that the faid William Martin

hath in all Things conformed himft4f according to the Di-

reftions of the feveral Afts of Parliament made concerniiiff

Bankrupts; This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of aa

Aft palled in the Fifth Year of His late Majefty's Reign,

his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the faid Aftdirefts, unlefs Caufe be fliewn to the contraiy on or before

the 1 6th Day of May next.

WHereas the afting Commiffioners in the CommifHon of

Bankrupt awaided and ilTued againft William Dar-win, late of the Hay-Market, in the Parilli of Saint James,

Wcftminfter, in the County of Middlciix, Hackneyman,Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the Right Honorable i

Alexander Lord IjOiighborough, I^ord High Chancellorof


fireat Britain, that the faid William Darwin hath in all '

Things conformed himfelf according to the Direclions of the

feveral Aftsof J?arliament made concerning Bankrupts; This

is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aft paftcd in tiie

fifth Year of His late Majefty's Reign, his Certificate will be

allowed and confirmed as the ('aid Aft direfts, rrnlcls Caufe

be ftiewn to tlie contrary on or before tlie i6;h Day of

May next.

TX/'Hereas the afting Commiflioners in the Commiftioii

V V of Bankrupt awarded and iffued againft John Haflani,

of Miik-Street in the City of London, Manchcller Ware-hourcman, Dealer and Chapn-;n, have certified to the Right

Honorable John Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor, of

Great Britain, that the faid John Haflam hath in all Thingsconformed himfelf according to the Direftions

of the fevera^y^Afts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts ; 'lliis is to *give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aft palled in the Fifth

Year of His late Majefty's Reign, his Certificate will be al-

lowed and confirmed as the faid Aft dirtfts, unlefs Caufe be

(Bewn to the contrary on or before the i6th Day of Maynext.

Printed by Andrew Strahan, Printers Street, Gough Squate.

f Price Two Shillings. "]