The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    This book is copyright free.Please feel free to use any of my quotes, but please credit me -

    Trevor Gollagher for them

    Thank you.

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    Today is yet another day full ofgreat opportunities to be conscious

    - are you?

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    The cause of all negativity is your

    belief in it

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    Doesnt it help to know that your

    life is always unfolding in theperfect way in the perfect time -

    there is no mistakes

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    You can only ever perceive what

    you believe you are, and as aresult, experience what you

    perceive - I am love

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    In soul energy, we speak ofperfection not that we always

    recognise it

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    In every way we are divineperfection unfolding - tis a good

    day to realize this

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    I have come to the conclusion, thatno matter what we do, we cannot

    get through this life alive

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    Whenever you are in a negativespace, remember, every experience

    is what your soul is here toexperience, regardless of what

    your mind thinks

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    When there is love perceived, there

    is truth experienced

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    Every experience is full of your life

    perfectly unfolding, and inaccordance to your divine plan.

    This indeed is something to bejoyful about

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    Today is yet another wonderfulopportunity for your soul to gatherenergetic experiences it has come

    for, to expand its consciousness

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    In all situations resides 2

    perceptions - burdening non-truth(what we think is real from pastexperiences) or what is real love

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    When we observe experience

    without judgment or attachmentwe experience from divine truth

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    Regardless of what has happenedto you in the past, you can make a

    decision right now to align toenergetic truth, and be happy

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    You only have now, what are youdoing with it? - Burdening your life

    or freeing it?

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    Every emotions you experienceeither strengthens fear or love -

    what are you creating?

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    Show me negativity and I will showyou delusion - all truth is positive

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    If you do not know what isenergetically real in your

    presenting experiences, there is achance you will react from

    burdening non-truth

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    Many people create their livesunconsciously and wonder why all

    things are not wonderful - BeConscious and truly live

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    It is through perception that we allcreate our reality. If your reality isburdened, you are not seeing what

    is real

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    All experiences you have are whatyour soul is here to experience.

    It is never wrong it can only be

    perceived as such

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    In case you missed it- you arealready whole and complete - a

    wise person allows time each dayto experience all that they already


  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    To discontinue believing you needto be somewhere else, rather then

    where you are right now, enrichesyour life greatly.

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    Simple things in life are alwaysmore enjoyable - all things are


  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    Enlightenment is not attained - itis realised - you are and have

    always been everything you seek

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    Inside our minds, we create fromthe conditioning it holds. Becausemost conditioning is distorted byillusionary fear, its hard to see


  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    Internal shifting of energy is alwayson the cards if you make judgment- judgment always creates internal

    burden - do you deserve that?

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    Perception evokes emotion - if youfeel down you are not seeing whatis real from a spiritual truth point

    of view

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    Real contentment cannot be foundexternally. Although external

    experience is always a validation ofwhat's going on inside

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    Buying a new car feels good. Butbeing of service feels much better

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    Happiness is a state of mind -mind's state is due to perception -

    perception invokes emotion

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    Wealth and success in life is notdetermined by what's in the bank,

    it is totally about your level ofcontentment.

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    Is there a better way to live yourlife? Integrating your divinenessinto everyday life is a good start

  • 7/30/2019 The Little Book of Spiritual Truth Vol 2


    What is the most important thingin life? Initiating the frequency of

    love in all creation and experiencesyou have