The Link - Issue 21

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The Link The magazine for the linked congregations and community of the West Kirk of Calder and Polbeth Harwood

Transcript of The Link - Issue 21

The magazine for the linked congregations and community of the

West Kirk of Calder and Polbeth Harwood

The Link

Rev David A Albon BA MCS 01506 870460

The Manse, 27 Learmonth Crescent

West Calder EH55 8AF

West Kirk Session Clerk Stewart MacRae 01506 872486 23 Westmuir Road West Calder EH55 8EX Treasurer William Calder 01506 871281 25 Harburn Road West Calder EH55 8AJ

Polbeth Harwood Session Clerk Marian Kinsman 01506 871125 12 Langside Crescent Polbeth EH55 8UW Treasurer Tom Griffin 01506 439595 60 Easter Bankton Murieston Livingston EH54 9BE

News Editor

Colin Dempster 01506 414565

140 Staunton Rise

Dedridge West Livingston EH54 6PA


The Link Issue 21

September 2007

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‘A terrific storm came up suddenly on the lake. They woke Jesus, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown.” Getting to his feet, he told the wind, “Silence!” and the waves,

“Quiet down!” They did so. The lake became smooth as glass.’ Luke 8:23-24

On the Sunday morning of our short holiday the better-half and I visited the local church where we were given a warm welcome and shared in a lovely service. Afterwards we had tea and biscuits in the Fellowship Room. We were introduced to a retired minister and his wife. “Oh, you’ll have a great number of stories to tell, then,” I said. Prompted by his wife, he relented and narrated the following story about an incident in his mother’s life when she was a young woman. Apparently towards the end of the First World War, the French Army, devastated by the huge numbers of dead and wounded, had begun to mutiny. The government tried to prevent news of the rebellion spreading, and sent officials to visit the injured soldiers. At that time, the reverend’s mother was assisting in the surgical wing of a French hospital when a senior officer came to the wards. The enraged casualties rioted, took control of the wards, and threw the officer out of the window. This was an act of treason punishable by death. The hospital staff were deeply concerned. Their patients had suffered enough already. So the minister’s mother, who was bi-lingual, offered to speak to them, dangerous though this was. “Just imagine how your families will feel when they receive the terrible news that you have been shot by your own men,” she said. You will have a traitor’s funeral with no coffin. Your families will have to pay sixpence each for the blankets to bury you. Where will they raise that money when they have nothing?” Her words subdued the storm of their anger and they gave way to her gentle persuasion. Some time later a senior ranking member of the French government arrived at the hospital to confer on her a medal of honour and a certificate of commendation for her brave action. On her return to Scotland these honors were quietly put aside in a drawer. This inspiring story was given to me with great modesty. It deserves to be told in greater detail. She put aside personal danger in her devotion to those traumatized soldiers in her care. Her actions echo so many tales in the New Testament - times when Jesus calmed the winds, the waves, and the wild madness of demented souls who crossed his path as he walked and taught in Israel. These times, too, are times of terrorist suicide attacks, angry uprisings, civil strife in our own and other nations. Surely we should give more credence and honour to the calm voice, words of reason, diplomacy, human kindness and understanding so that we can truly say we are United Nations.


Worship in the Linked Congregations

Sunday Morning Worship takes place in the West Kirk at 9.30 am and in Polbeth Harwood at 11.15 am.


The Link Issue 21

September 2007

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The Church Family (Parish Record)

West Kirk


22nd July – Frazer James Dickinson, Burngrange Park


14th July – Ashley-Ann Mabbutt to Brian Rice 3rd August – Aileen Rennie to Douglas Spowart


12th July – Cathy Morrison, Parkhead Crescent 21st August – Margaret Robertson, Stewart Street

Polbeth Harwood


28th July – Petrhona Carroll to Colin MacLeod


15th August – John Cairns, Limefield Avenue 20th August – Bob Dickson, Murieston Walk

Shoebox Appeal 2007

URGENT SUPPLIES NEEDED • Donations of empty Shoeboxes for wrapping urgently needed. • Donations of sellotape, Christmas wrapping paper also needed. • Please place donations in Donation boxes at the entrance of both

Churches. • We hope to have the leaflets available by the first weekend in

September for people to uplift from the Vestibules in both churches.

• People are invited to follow the instructions and make up a box if you have one yourself.

Take the stress out of wrapping a shoebox – how? Special Offer – Pre-wrapped shoebox will be available for sale – only £1. • Shoebox 2007 Appeal is Support Project Stedfast too! Money raised from the sale of the

boxes will go towards Project Stedfast. • Wrapped Shoeboxes available from the September Candy Bar and at Tea and Coffee

time on a Sunday. • Further information available from Rhoda (01506 871172 – evenings/weekends

preferably) Watch This Space! … fund raising concert for Project Stedfast in the planning stages …

Rhoda Lawton


The Link Issue 21

September 2007

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West Kirk Guild Report What a summer we had, more rain than sunshine! We hope to brighten your winter evenings, having arranged a programme of interesting speakers and organised events. The first meeting is on Monday 1st October when our minister Rev. David Albon will give an introductory talk. 15th October – we are still in the process of arranging this. This is the Guild’s 102nd year and we are hoping to arrange some dedication services.

Moira Jack (Secretary)

Pastoral Care Outing to Largs – 12th July 2007 On a dry, warm(ish) Thursday morning 24 ladies and gentlemen met at the railway station for the 10 am train to Glasgow Central. On arrival in Glasgow we had around 45 minutes to wait for our connection to take us on to Largs. Our time was spent in various cafes and tea-rooms within the station, where I experienced a rather expensive cup of tea. I did wonder if it was my, ‘Aberdonian’ coming out, but after discussing the situation with others in our group, they agreed with me, that £1.69 for a tea bag floating in a mug of water was robbery. Incidentally, the 4 mouthfuls of the accompanying mini muffin cost another 99p. Things did improve from then on as Bill Russell had managed to arrange our return tickets to Largs at a reduction of £1 each.

The hour-long journey found us all together in the one carriage, which resulted in lots of chatter and hilarity. The train stopped at 10 stations on the way to Largs, and the scenery was lovely in spite of the dull day. Drizzly rain and mist welcomed us in Largs around lunchtime but cleared soon after, giving us a sunny warm afternoon. Most of us visited the shops, and by the look of all the carrier bags that returned to the railway station, Largs had profited greatly by our visit.

Our thanks go to Bill for keeping us all in order and making sure none of us got lost. It was a very enjoyable day.

Beryl Henderson

Annual Dinner Dance Our Annual Dinner Dance will be held, as usual, in West Calder Bowling Club. The date is Saturday 13th October and tickets will cost £13.

Dinner will be provided by Mrs Tucker, and then we will dance the night away to music provided by Willie McFarlane’s band. We always have a really good night and would like to extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us. We look forward to seeing all the usual faces and, hopefully, some new ones.

Marian Kinsman


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September 2007

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Christian Aid Walk This year the walk was rather later than it usually is – on the 23rd June. I don’t know if that was the reason, but the number of walkers, and the amount raised were both down on previous years. I think we were missing the Stuart Munro touch, and I hope he’ll be fit enough to organise us again next year. In all, there were 9 walkers with forms, and several supporting family members, and the total raised was £546. Well done and thanks to all, and thanks also to those who sponsored the walkers.

We were also very lucky indeed with the weather, as, amazingly, it was dry for the whole afternoon! At midday it had bucketed, and at 6 o’clock that evening it was raining again. And as we know, it’s hardly stopped since …

Rosanna Rabaeijs

Although there were not a lot of us from Polbeth Harwood taking part we managed to raise over £300 for Christian Aid. Many thanks to all those who walked and to those who sponsored them.

Marian Kinsman

Polbeth Harwood Church Holiday

We set off by minibus from the church on Monday 16th July heading for Hamilton. There we joined the coach for the journey to Swindon where we stayed in the Thistle Hotel. The hotel was very good – really clean and comfortable – and the food was excellent. On Tuesday we had a trip to Oxford, where most of us had a city tour on the open topped bus. Oxford is a beautiful city with many fine buildings. Wednesday saw us heading for the Cotswolds. Our first stop was in Stow-on-the-Wold where we had time to look around the village and the shops and have lunch. Then it was back on the bus to Bourton-on-the-water. This is a picturesque village with a stream running through its centre.

Our trip on Thursday took us to the city of Bath, where once again we had a city tour. We had the opportunity to visit the Old Bath-house and Bath Abbey as well as time for shopping. Our weather was really warm and sunny and we saw all of these places to their best advantage. When we set out for home on Friday it was raining cats and dogs, and before lunchtime the area we had just

visited was badly affected by the floods. We were extremely lucky but we felt sorry for the bus party, which had arrived on Thursday. Our destination for next year will be decided just after the New Year and we will put an article in the magazine. We hope that others might join us. It is a good opportunity to be with other people and get to know them a bit better. Please think about booking up. You will be very welcome.

Marian Kinsman


The Link Issue 21

September 2007

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West Kirk – Eco-Congregation I have now received our resources for the Eco-Congregation, and will be able to start suggesting ways to make environmental issues a greater part of our church’s life and mission. This year West Lothian’s Environment Fair is on Sunday 9th September at Almond Valley (Almond Valley Heritage Trust, Millfield, Livingston). Local groups get together to present a day of activities, games, displays and entertainment exploring the wonders of our natural environment. Green Tips As it says in Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun, and these facts and suggestions come from two of my favourite organisations – The Body Shop, and the RSPB, both of whom incorporate strong environmentalist values in their work and practice. Did you know? Every year, the average dustbin contains enough unrealised energy for 500 baths, 3,500 showers or 5,000 hours of television. Power: If you’re not using it, switch it off – lights, computers, mobile phone chargers. If you’re just making one cup of tea, you only need a small amount of water in the kettle. Re-fill the kettle slightly after use, as the element is still warm and it will take less energy to boil that water later. Did you know? 95% of the energy used by mobile phone chargers is wasted. Paper: Always recycle, but try not to recycle any sheets of paper until both sides have been used! Did you know? Every tonne of recycled paper saves enough electricity to power an average house for six months. Washing: Washing clothes at 30% saves about 40% energy consumption per wash. If we all did this, it is estimated that we’d save enough electricity to light every street lamp in the UK for 10 months. These are all things we can do at no great sacrifice to ourselves. In terms of these things at least, as Shrek said … ‘It’s fairly easy being green’. In the next issue I plan to look at some of the harder aspects.

Rosanna Rabaeijs

West Kirk Fundraising Group Report The group met at the beginning of August to organise the first Candy Bar of the new session. As this was on 1st September it will have passed by the time you read this. Hopefully it will have been successful and enjoyed by all. All proceeds from this sessions candy Bars will revert to being placed in the General Fund and not earmarked for the Redecoration Project. The October Candy Bar, staffed by the Kirk Session, is on Saturday 6th October. Morning coffee will be served from 10 am and lunches from 12 noon to 1 pm. All contributions to the stalls will be most welcome. The Annual Whist Drive is planned for Monday 22nd October. The next meeting of the group is on Sunday 14th October after the morning service to finalise arrangements for the Whist Drive. Then on Sunday 29th October, we shall meet in the hall at 7.30 pm to organise the Christmas Candy Bar. We look forward to seeing you all and thank you for your continued support.

Jill Murray (Convener)


The Link Issue 21

September 2007

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West Kirk – Rota Information

West Kirk Crèche Rota

16th September

Mary Calder

23rd September

Olive Gibson

30th September

Melanie Dickinson

7th October

Val Occardi

14th October

Margaret Farquhar

West Kirk Tea Rota Contact Olive Gibson 01506 871291 Note: Tea Makers, please bring milk.

16th September

Margo McEwan

Hettie McIntyre

23rd September

May Arnott

Olive Gibson

30th September

Alison McNaught

Alison Baxter

7th October

Katie Albon

Olive Gibson

14th October

Moira McRae

Jill Murray

West Kirk Duty Rota

Door Duty

Car Run

16th September

George Stott

Juanita Allan

Jim Allan

Richard Bryce

23rd September

Angus Baxter

Richard Bryce

Liz Dyer

Hugh Clarkson

30th September

Alex Easton

Jeanette Ferguson

Victor Ferguson

Robert Hawes

7th October

Lorna Graham

Irene Grindlay

Beryl Henderson

Alan Jessiman

14th October

Alan Jessiman

Alison McNaught

Stewart Munro

Beryl Henderson

West Kirk Flower Rota Arrangers: If you will be away on your Rota turn, please either swap, or contact Margaret Greenhorn (01506 871139).

Given Arranged Delivered

2nd September

Helen Forde

Evelyn Paterson

Irene Grindlay

9th September

Moira Jack

Katie Albon

Kathy Black

16th September

Rosanna Rabaeijs

Moira McRae

23rd September

M.A Smith

Rosanna Rabaeijs

Ivy Johnstone

30th September

Jean Fairley c/o M.Greenhorn

Evelyn Paterson

Irene Grindlay

7th October

Margaret Douglas

Margo McEwan

Kathy Black


The Link Issue 21

September 2007

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Polbeth Harwood – Rota Information

Stewart Court Taxi Rota

16th September

Margaret Marr

23rd September

Charlie Sturrock

30th September

David Prentice

7th October

Eleanor Davidson

14th October

Margaret Marr

Polbeth Harwood Duty Rota

Door Duty

16th September

Hazel Speirs

Linda Eardley

Margaret Hampson

William McCallum

23rd September

Jessie Kelly

Tom Kelly

Ann Watson

William Watson

30th September

Moira Mushet

Marian Kinsman

Jimmy Greer

Charlie Sturrock

7th October

Betty Macauley

Gordon Erskine

Janet Russell

Alan Mercer

14th October

Chrissie McCormack

Esther Hamilton

Reeta Griffin

Frank Mabbutt

Polbeth Harwood Cleaning Rota (for week commencing)

16th September

Dot Cibbald

Norma Wilson

23rd September

Anna Muirhead

Betty Macauley

30th September

Marian Kinsman

Joan Philips

7th October

Ann Watson

William Watson

14th October

Margaret Marr

Jocky Marr

Polbeth Harwood Café Rota

19th September

Frank Mabbutt

Gordon Erskine

26th September

Chrissie McCormack

Esther Hamilton

3rd October

Wilma Dickson

Jessie Kelly

10th October

Betty Macauley

Janet Walker

17th October

Grace Peace

Janet Russell


The Link Issue 21

September 2007

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"Dae Ye Mind Yon Time?” A new section for The Link has been suggested. However it needs your help! The wealth of experience from readers of The Link must contain many examples of funny, amusing or simply very memorable times. If you would like to share your experiences of life please speak with Ann Watson or email the magazine at the address listed at the front. Ann has volunteered to write up your stories for you – no need to lift a pen or log-on if you don’t wish!

Contributions for the next edition … Contributions for the next edition of The Link Magazine must be submitted by the first Sunday after the 15th of the month. For the October issue, this will be Sunday 16th September. Contributions can be sent via email, or handed in person to either Rev David Albon or Colin Dempster.

Paws… for thought

If you want rainbows – you have to put up with the rain!