The Life of Hitler As told by Ms. Dalle-Valle. This is Hitler.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Life of Hitler As told by Ms. Dalle-Valle. This is Hitler.

The Life of Hitler

As told by Ms. Dalle-Valle

This is Hitler

Fought in WWI

Beer Hall Putzsch

Prison – Writes Mein Kampf

NAZI Party

1. State is all important2. Democracy = Weakness3. Pure Race = Strong State4. Economic – Self Sufficient 5. Jews caused German Problems

Nazi Party makes big gains in elections

Das Ballot


Social Democrat

1928 Stock Market Crash

We Want

Jobs We Want


We Want


We Want


We Want


1933- Hitler becomes Chancellor legally.

The Reichstag Fire



Communists are blamed. Hitler takes full control and bypasses the constitution.

Suspends Civil Rights

Night of the Long Knives or

Operation HummingbirdThe killing of political rivals, including the former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher. Other then rivals, many of the murdered were members of Nazi Party.

KristallnachtNight of the broken glass. November 9th and 10th,1938

Nazis move against Jewish people, smashing buildings, and beginning the overt persecution of the Jews.


- Signed Hitler

Nuremburg LawsThese Laws were passed against the Jews: - Jews could not attend German schools.- No Jewish doctors or lawyers- Jews had to wear yellow Star of David on their clothing - Jews were relocated to Ghettos

1939 – World War II starts

1942 – The Final Solution

Ms. Dalle-Valle