The Lessons I Have Learned from NICU Families · 2020. 12. 4. · Anna Zimmermann, MD, MPH The...

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Transcript of The Lessons I Have Learned from NICU Families · 2020. 12. 4. · Anna Zimmermann, MD, MPH The...

  • Anna Zimmermann, MD, MPH

    The Lessons I Have Learned from NICU Families


    • I have nothing to disclose

    • I have no financial incentives related to this talk

    • All pictures included in this presentation are from NICU families who have

    given written permission to Mighty Littles and Dr. Anna Zimmermann for use in media content and presentations.

    Learning Objectives

    • Describe two or more changes that can be made in your NICU routine to minimize miscommunication and improve consistency between care providers and families.

    • List at least two key factors causing families anxiety at the time of discharge, particularly for the most medically fragile infants.

    About me

    MD, MPH

    • Full-time clinical neonatologist in an 80-bed Level IV NICU

    • In private practice for over 10 years

    • International NICU experience

    • Director of quality and education

    for the NICU where I work

    Anna ZimmermannMama

    • Struggled with recurrent miscarriages and infertility.

    • Mom of 3

    • My babies were not in the NICU

    • Preterm labor with both pregnancies

    • Postpartum hemorrhage with both


    • Complete failure with breastfeeding

    • Children hospitalized 3 times

    Anna Zimmermann

  • Mighty Littles

    • Started in 2020

    • Initial idea was for the Mighty Littles

    Book, currently in production stage

    • Added a Podcast - now weekly

    • Collaborations with parents,

    physicians and organizations in the US, Canada, NZ, UK

    • Commitment to share all NICU stories and up to date practical NICU education

    Anna ZimmermannWhat you can expect from this talk

    • Chronological order - before, during, and after NICU

    • Personal stories from NICU families I have interviewed

    • General themes of inclusion and communication run through nearly every interview

    • What is next?


    Prenatal Consults

    • Facts…just the facts.

    • Statistics only get you so far

    • Universally, families want to be given

    hope. And they will hold onto that hope no matter how small.

    • Focusing on negative outcomes often does not change parental decision making, but can put huge barriers in place for forming trust and strong relationships

    • “Won’t know til baby is born”

    • Uncertainty and lack of control can feel

    paralyzing for some families

    Honesty is Key

    It Won’t Be Us…Denial is a coping mechanism which allows families time to process what is coming at them.

    The initial coping mechanism

    • Keep taking bump pictures believing you will get to term

    • Hearing outcomes about Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia but believing it won’t be you

    • Having your baby go for Body Cooling, but talking about the weather and what is on TV.


  • Inclusion

    Family description at admission

    • Foreign and technical

    • Intimidating

    • Overwhelming sadness

    • Total disconnect from reality

    • Isolating and lonely

    • Loud

    The NICU is…

    Don’t Touch!It is all in the messaging.

    For Moms and Babies

    • Connection and belonging

    • Improved milk production

    • Improved HR stability

    • Improved temperature stability

    • Improved CR stability

    • Improved weight gain

    Importance of Touch


    Hand Hugs


    Head Hugs


    Canada & Uganda

    Family Integrated Care in the NICU

  • Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

    If Only….

    Consensus / Communication

    Home? Say What?

    Family description at discharge

    • Safe and secure

    • Comfortable

    • Supportive

    • Family

    The NICU is…

  • Don’t Get Addicted to My Monitors!

    Who You Gonna Call?

    • Start early

    • Define follow up

    • Care coordinators - one call

    point person after discharge

    • Use personal equipment at hospital prior to discharge

    • Opportunity to room in overnight

    Discharge Planning

    Community and Connection