The Last Supper€¦ · The Last Supper Celebrate and Remember The Last Supper celebration each...

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Transcript of The Last Supper€¦ · The Last Supper Celebrate and Remember The Last Supper celebration each...


The Last Supper  Celebrate and Remember 

The Last Supper celebration each year is one our entire family looks forward to. We love the slow pace, the intentional time together, and most importantly we love seeing the way Jesus explained both the Passover and the new covenant to his disciples that night. We have found taking the time to truly walk through the Last Supper is the most impactful way to prepare for Good Friday and with it the joy of Easter Sunday. This night is the night my children look forward to as “their favorite holiday dinner.” They love the imagery, the symbolism, the upside down kingdom so evidently on display for those of us blessed to live this side of the crucifixion not to mention the parsley dipped in salt water (more on that in a moment.) My hope with this guide is that you feel equipped to begin to create a celebration like this among your friends and family. The first time you do this go slow, you don't have to do everything year one. It has richly blessed our family to continue to add layer upon layer to our celebration. Which is exactly what the last supper is. Layers and layers of meaning and majesty. As you become more and more familiar with the Last Supper my prayer is that you too will discover the great meaning of that night. It is worth celebrating and so very important that we remember. page 2

PREPARE To get ready to celebrate the Last Supper you need to first, prepare. Prepare your heart, prepare your home and prepare your table. Prepare Your Heart I recommend reading both the account of the first Passover in Exodus as well as the accounts of The Last Supper. That’s right Old Testament and New Testament. Jesus’ earthly ministry bridged the Old Testament to the New and it is super important that we see the whole picture. Exodus The account of the first Passover is Exodus Chapter 12 but go ahead and read Exodus chapters 1-12 to get the full picture of the Israelites enslavement and exodus out of Egypt. I also love The Bible Project Video as a summary (it is great to show kids as well) Having children familiar with the Exodus story before the Last Supper celebration is very helpful! There are many great resources out there to encourage this. A resource we love for kids is the Kids Read Exodus Story Cards by Kids Read Truth. Gospel Accounts It is wise to familiarize yourself with the gospel accounts of The Last Supper as well. Starting the evening having read through these will help you guide the friends and family around your table. You will find the accounts of The Last Supper in Matthew 26:17-35, Mark 14:12-31, Luke 22:7-38 and John 13:1-17:26. Pray Spend some time in prayer before you celebrate. Ask God to reveal Himself in new ways. Be prayerful about whom to include and what elements to include. Thank God for the delight it is to celebrate Him and to be His people. page 3

Prepare Your Home The night of the first Passover was focused on preparing the home. Marking the doorposts set the Israelites apart and was how they were identified to be the people of God. Within the Jewish tradition the home is cleansed prior to Passover to rid the home of any traces of leavened bread or leavening. Within the context of celebrating and remembering Christ at The Last Supper we are not called to do the same. However, a thorough clean up of the kitchen and dining area is certainly helpful. To prepare your home for The Last Supper celebration you will need the following: *Table to eat at (traditionally this would have been coffee table height but any table is fine) *Means of handwashing. This is usually a few warm washcloths *Means of footwashing. This can be a basin and a pitcher; washcloths or handtowels and a bowl; towel(s) to dry *Music as ambiance. I like this playlist on Spotify or play your favorite hymns or classical music *Bible page 4

Prepare Your Table The table, as you can imagine, is the focus of our celebration and therefore a good majority of preparing is found here. This section will cover both items for the table and food for the table. You will also find a grocery list and a secret family recipe in this section! Read through the whole section first to understand all the parts and then circle back to review the specific items. Items for the Table Please note none of these items are required. Just as candles lit for Advent and Sabbath add to the reverence and ambiance of the season I believe the following do the same. You will find the items listed are already in your house or can be picked up at a dollar store. *large plates (one for each guest) I actually use the plastic metallic looking chargers and pack them away in our bin of Easter decor and books each year so they are held for this one special meal *glass for juice/wine and glass for water(one for each guest) *silverware (traditionally this meal was eaten with hands but we set out forks and knives for the meat in particular) *candles for the table *basket or bowl for matzo *small bowls to hold dipping water (one between every two people at the table) *pitcher for the grape juice/wine (we pour four cups fro each person so it is helpful to keep the juice at the table for the celebration) *centerpiece or decor for the table-this can be anything! I like to take elements of the meal and use them as the centerpiece. Usually I lay down parsley as if it were a garland in the center and then tuck in fruits or whole nuts. The palm leaves from Palm Sunday service would make a beautiful centerpiece as well. page 5

Food For The Table The food of this celebration is super important and so yes, the following is required. The purpose for each and how they are used at the table to celebrate and remember will be explained throughout the next section. There is the symbolic elements of the meal and also the actual dinner, both are eaten. Again, the way this all works together will come in the next section, for now here is what you need for each plate: Salt Water Parsley Hard Boiled Eggs Haroset (recipe included below) Horseradish Romaine/Endive Matzo Grape Juice/Wine Main Course for Dinner: traditionally roasted lamb, can also be roast chicken I find no side dishes are necessary as we are eating and focusing on the other elements Dessert for after Dinner: traditionally Flourless chocolate cake or coconut macaroons A bit more about Haroset/Charoset  Haroset is a fruit and nut dish made to represent the mortar used when the Israelites were forced laborers making bricks for Pharoah. It can be a dish of finely diced apples and walnuts similar to a dry chutney or it can be Sephardic style which is made from dried fruits. My family does not at all like chutney and LOVES dried fruit so the choice was an easy one for us. You can find many recipes online of either style. Here is our family’s own version of Haroset. We look forward to this tangy, spiced fruit spread all year! page 6

Haroset Recipe 1 ½ c. apple juice 1 ½ c. dried apricots, roughly chopped ⅓ c. water ½-1 tsp. Cinnamon, depending on preferred taste ¼ tsp. Ground cloves ½ tsp. Kosher salt 8oz. Slivered almonds In a medium saucepan bring juice to a light simmer, then stir in apricots, spices and water. Cook uncovered until apricots are hydrated and liquid is reduced to a syrup, about 15 min, stirring occasionally. Take off heat to cool slightly. In a food processor, add the almonds and pulse several times to chop. Looking for a mix of almond crumbs and larger pieces but no full slivers. Add the fruit mixture to the food processor and pulse several times until it comes together as a paste. Transfer to a bowl. Serve warm or at room temp. Store in the fridge. Can be used for 10 days and tastes delicious as dip or spread for many things! page 7

Set the Table  Beyond the optional decor as described above there are elements required for each place setting as well as the table as a whole. Set all of these items out before you meet family and friends at the table. Passover Plate (we use our chargers for this, a piece of aluminum foil works in a pinch as well) 1 per person Place all of the following on the plate. These items are placed around the plate with plenty of space, small amounts are all you need to place. These items help tell the story of the Passover and are therefore important for everyone to see and interact with. Small bunch of parsley-traditionally called the karpas Hard boiled egg Haroset Horseradish, about a Tablespoon Endive or Romaine lettuce leaves Matzo (the traditional Passover Plate also includes a lamb shank bone-we do not include this here) Bowls of salt water for each place or for two people to share Basket of Matzo for table Extra Haroset for table to share Small bowls of nuts and dried fruit for table Pitcher of grape juice/wine Glass for wine/grape juice at each place Additional glass for water at each place Silverware won't be required until the main course and traditionally wasn't used at all. We do have small knives available to help spread the horseradish and haroset as needed. For our family dinner I have the roast chicken out and resting while we begin our celebration. If you haven't cooked a roast chicken before, I highly recommend the Barefoot Contessa Perfect Roast Chicken recipe, it is, in fact, perfect! page 8

Have a Bible handy and this guide printed (you can print the passages not included from the internet or use an app if you don't have a physical Bible) Gather items you are using for handwashing and footwashing and have them close by. Light the candles and call your loved ones to the table for the celebration! page 9

Celebrate the Last Supper This is a script to follow but also a guide that allows for time to move and respond to the prompts and scripture as you are led. If this is your first time celebrating the Passover in this way you do not need to do every step. It is important that this is a meaningful and positive experience. Parents of littles in particular, may need to hold off on some elements due to their naturally shorter attention span. Tonight we are going to celebrate and remember the Last Supper. The Last Supper was a Passover celebration that Jesus and the Disciples had on the night Jesus was betrayed, the day before he died on the cross. Passover is a festival that Jews have celebrated for hundreds of years, since the very first Passover of Moses’ time. The night of the Last Supper, Jesus used the symbolism and traditions of the Passover to teach his Disciples about his death and resurrection and the good news of the gospel that was coming. Through His death, burial and resurrection the meaning of the Passover came to light in a new way. Just like the entire Bible points to Jesus, so too does the Passover when celebrated in light of who he is. On your plate you have foods that may be unusual to you. As we talk about the meaning of each and what they represent you will be given the opportunity to try them. No one is forced to eat anything but it is fun to try new things and experience the fullness of what has been celebrated for so long by many generations. The Passover is both an event in history and a celebration of remembrance. We remember the time when God freed the Israelites, God’s people, from slavery. We remember how they departed Egypt and followed Moses to freedom after the night of the first passover. God’s people were instructed to put blood of a lamb on their door frames using hyssop branches as a brush, as a sign that they were God’s people so that the angel of death passed over their homes, sparing them from the final plague and making a way for them to be free. We celebrate the passover as well. Exodus 12:14 says of the first passover, “This day is to be a memorial for you, and you must celebrate it as a festival to the Lord. You are to celebrate it throughout your generations as a permanent statute.” And so tonight, as God’s people, adopted into this rich history, we celebrate and remember. page 10

Throughout our meal we will be drinking four cups of juice/wine. These four cups include specific blessings and we will drink each of them together. Throughout this celebration let's remember that this is a meal that Jesus and the disciples also celebrated and look for Him in every detail. The four cups are the cup of Sanctification, cup of Deliverance, cup of Redemption, cup of Praise. The names come from the promises God made to Moses and the Israelites that we remember today. Exodus 6: 6-7 I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgement. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Pour the first cup We begin with our first, the cup of Sanctification. We remember God's promise: I will take you out from under the burdens of slavery. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe who makes the fruit of the vine. Amen. Let’s drink and remember. (All drink the first cup) As we prepare to dip our parsley, known as karpas, we will pause to cleanse our hands before dipping in the salt water. (everyone wash hands with washcloths) We will now dip our karpas in the saltwater. The parsley reminds us of the hyssop branches used to paint door frames and the salt water reminds us of the tears shed while enslaved. Dip, taste and remember. We will now dip our karpas again in the saltwater. This time we remember the salty waters of the Red Seas. God parted the waters so the Israelites could pass safely to freedom. page 11

Dip, taste and remember. Now we bless the bread. Tonight we eat unleavened bread, called Matzo to remember the night of the first Passover when the Israelites left Egypt in such a hurry they did not have time to allow their bread dough to rise. Exodus 12:34 So the people took their dough before the yeast was added, and carried it on their shoulders in kneading troughs wrapped in clothing. When the blessing of the bread is given I will break the matzo into three pieces as is traditional and when I do we also remember Jesus and the Disciples. It was at this moment that Jesus told the Disciples that he would be a sacrifice for them and for us. Luke 22:19 And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” Take large matzo from table, break into three pieces Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth the bread from the earth. Amen. Everyone takes a piece of the broken matzo to eat. Now we ask the questions of Passover. (you can have everyone ask or just the children at the table. I have written out the question for each child or had them take turns asking-whatever is best for your group!) Why is this night different from all other nights? Because we were once slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt but the Lord brought us out with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. On this night, why do we eat only unleavened bread? Because the people had to leave Egypt so quickly they did not have time to let their bread rise so they made unleavened bread. page 12

On all other nights we eat all kinds of herbs, but why this night only bitter herbs? Because this reminds us of the bitterness of slavery. Pour the second cup We now have our second cup, the cup of Deliverance. We remember God's promise: I will rescue you from the bondage of slavery. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe who makes the fruit of the vine. Amen. Let’s drink and remember. (All drink the second cup) As we eat this meal let us remember all that God has done. Blessed are you our God, King of the universe who feeds the world. (Explain the items on the plate and their meaning to everyone. Ask them to keep an open mind but again, no one HAS to try everything. The goal is for this to be a fun experience!) Matzo-unleavened bread, a way to remember how swiftly they fled Egypt Horseradish-bitter herbs, a way to remember the bitterness of slavery Lettuce-bitter vegetables, a way to remember the bitterness of slavery Haroset/nuts and fruit-symbol for the mortar used in the work of making bricks while enslaved Hard boiled egg-symbol of the offering brought to God Main course-chicken, lamb as a symbol of the passover sacrifice Before placing the main course out have everyone try the elements of the plate. This is nice when done in unison. The traditional order of eating and remembering: -matzo page 13

-bitter veg with bitter herb, scoop a bit of horseradish onto the lettuce and taste the bitterness as we remember -matzo w haroset as we remember the grueling work of making bricks for Pharoah as slaves -boiled egg, dipped in salt water to remember the offering we give to God in gratitude Serve main dish. (use fresh plates for main dish) When dinner is cleared we pour the third cup We now have our third cup, the cup of Redemption. We remember God's promise: I will Redeem you with an outstretched hand. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe who makes the fruit of the vine. We also remember the great redemption that came through Jesus. Let’s drink and remember. (All drink the third cup) Throughout the night of The Last Supper Jesus began to teach the Disciples of the redemption that was coming, through him. We heard him bless the matzo in an unusual way earlier. But it didn't stop there! Listen to what happened next: John 13:3-5 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. Why would Jesus stop and do such a thing? This was a way for Jesus to demonstrate the importance of humility and service to the disciples. Jesus knew that he had all power and yet chose to humble himself and serve by washing feet and then he calls us to do the same for each other. John 13:12-17 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his outer clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and page 14

Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” Jesus calls us to serve each other, remembering that no one is more important than another and that we all have the chance to serve. As we serve each other in this way, pray a blessing over one another. An example of such a blessing is: It is my delight to serve you, be blessed. (Foot washing can take as long or as short as you like. Parents, I recommend starting by washing your children's feet and then see where they go with it. I have found this to be a very impactful moment in the evening so I would caution you against cutting it short. On the same note we have also done this part the morning of Good Friday because time was running long Thursday evening.) Be blessed as you serve one another. Before we have the final cup, the cup of praise, we read a Psalm together. The Psalms of Praise are Psalm 113-118. Pick one of the psalms of praise, or as many as you like, and read them aloud together. Pour the fourth cup We now have our fourth cup, the cup of Praise. We remember God's promise: I will take you as my people. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe who makes the fruit of the vine. Let’s drink and remember. (All drink the fourth cup) At this point in the evening of The Last Supper, Jesus again surprised the Disciples. Mark 14:23-25 Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them and they all drank from it. “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,” he said to them. “I tell page 15

you the truth, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew in the kingdom of God.” This, coupled with the blessing Jesus gave over the bread, is the institution of The Lord’s Supper, or communion. Throughout the Christian world we remember by celebrating communion within our church community. But when we read this scripture within the context of the Passover he and the Disciples were celebrating the meaning is far deeper and richer. Jesus said the promise, or covenant, of the fourth cup, I will take you as my own people and I will be your God, is now HIS promise! And not only that, the promise is for the MANY-that is you and me! Then Jesus also refuses to drink the fourth cup until he drinks it anew in the kingdom of God. This would have been shocking to the disciples as everyone ALWAYS drank the cups of Passover. To make what Jesus did at the fourth cup of The Last Supper even more astonishing consider this...moments before Jesus died on the cross He called out that he was thirsty and then had a branch, a HYSSOP branch (remember that hyssop from the passover story,) holding a sponge soaked with wine. He then declared, It is Finished. Since refusing the fourth cup at the Last Supper this was the next time Jesus had wine! He said he would not drink it until he could drink it in the kingdom of God. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection the Kingdom of God did in fact come and is here today. What a reason for praise! Jesus used The Last Supper as a way to remember the first Passover and God’s promises, to celebrate them and to also point to the Kingdom of God and the new covenant. As we prepare to also celebrate Good Friday tomorrow let us remember the promises of God and the new covenant of Jesus Christ. Serve dessert. Close with a hymn or the Doxology. page 16