The Kundalini Spirit and the CERN Connection · The Kundalini Spirit and the CERN Connection CERN...

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The Kundalini Spirit and the

CERN Connection


EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Center

EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Ministry The Kundalini and the CERN Connection


The Kundalini Spirit

And the

CERN Connection

Karen Connell

EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Ministry

EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Ministry The Kundalini and the CERN Connection


The Kundalini Spirit and CERN Connection By

Karen Connell

In 2007 the Lord began opening my eyes and I was made aware of how the Kundalini spirit and many other seducing and lying spirits had invaded the lives of many Christians and

Churches—this awakening became the reason for writing my book ANATOMY FOR DECEPTION

Even the Very Elect Will Be Deceived1.

Recently I was reminded of how the Kundalini spirit, which is a manifestation of a spirit from the Hindu religion that uses the central nervous system to control people. Science tells us that our central nervous system carries messages to and from the brain, thus this spirit is

associated with mind control (involving our thoughts, emotions and will)

and also producing involuntary physical reactions (tremors, shaking,

jerking etc.). I have also seen those who have come under this influence struggle with back and neck issues. To watch a documentary on the Kundalini spirit go to: (

At one point while researching different subjects relating to the occult world and their attempts to invade the realm of the spirit that is forbidden by God to be accessed by humans—I was introduced—through the ministry of Tom Horn—to the scientific experiments of an organization known as CERN. This project is dedicated to a Hindu

deity known as “Shiva Shakti” (meaning destruction and death)

which is a Hindu demonic ruler and the ruling power behind the Kundalini spirit. A sculpture of this Hindu goddess “Shiva Shakti” has been placed in the courtyard of the CERN facility headquarters in Switzerland. For more technical information on this project I recommend the following link: (

The occult activity happening at this facility and many other facilities around the world in association with this project (including here in the USA) are dedicated to the destruction and death of humanity. The invasion of the Kundalini spirit that has occurred since the 1960’s has made many Christians vulnerable to this occult activity. Kundalini is imparted to those who are deceived by false teaching. It is crucial for God’s people in light the CERN activity,

to understand how Lucifer (the angel of light) has caused his light (his false revelation and

1 This book may be read on line at: or to request a FREE copy you can contact us at: or email us at:

EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Ministry The Kundalini and the CERN Connection


inspiration) to be released through the lying Kundalini spirit causing soulish (thoughts and

emotions) and physical manifestations to occur in the lives and churches of God’s people. A lot

of this Kundalini impartation is the result of Christians who have unknowingly gotten involved with Hindu occult practices, such as Yoga, meditation and demonic praying.2 It has also come into the lives of charismatic and Pentecostal Christians who are also being filled with this “darkness” that is the “light” of Lucifer through many false New Age teachings that are deemed Scriptural.

Jesus referred to Lucifer’s light as “great darkness” in the following text:

(Matt 6:22-23)

22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,

your whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness . If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! KJV

The key to what Jesus is saying is found by understanding two KEY words from the above text.

EYE (Strong’s 3788) ophthalmos (of-thal-mos'); CWSD: metaphorically this word is used

to refer to what the mind is caused to perceive and understand.

SINGLE (Strong’s 572) haplotes (hap-lot'-ace); without dissimulation (without the truth

being hidden) CWSD: clear and not diseased (defiled)

If what our mind perceives and understands is not coming from God’s Holy Spirit who imparts the truth (light) to us which is always according to God’s word, but is instead coming from the “angel of light” – what we are perceiving and understanding is not according to the truth—and we are being filled with defiling “darkness” that we think is “light” (truth). Those who are students of end time events understand that one of the signs of the end times is the release of seducing (lying) spirits, as well as false teachers and lying (deceiving) signs and wonders or supernatural occurrences or experiences.

(1 Tim 4:1) Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.

(2 Thess 2:9-12) The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,

10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish,

because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be

saved (from occult destruction like being practiced at CERN). 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,

2 For more information on how the Kundalini spirit manifestations have spread throughout the body of Christ worldwide you may view Andrew Strom’s DVD documentary by going to this link:

EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Ministry The Kundalini and the CERN Connection


12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but

had pleasure in unrighteousness. (Parenthesis mine)

Because tapping into the supernatural has become a sign of being “spiritual” –which appeals to the prideful human nature in people—Christians included, this has made them easy targets for the Kundalini spirit. Any time we place “spiritual experiences” above the word of God, we have opened a door for spirits associated with sorcery—such as the Kundalini spirit—to invade our lives. Pride in God’s people makes it near to impossible to convince them of the truth that much of what they are being taught and spiritually experiencing is not from God bur from Lucifer!

This Satanic agenda of CERN which is to release of death and destruction through “dark matter” is mentioned in Scripture.

(Rev 9:1-4, 11)

1 Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the

earth. To him (the fallen angel) was given the key to the bottomless pit.

2 And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like

the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun (representing true light) and the

air (spirit realm) were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.

3 Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 11 And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose

name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.

(Parenthesis mine)

In the above text it is interesting to note that one of the words for SMOKE in Hebrew is (Strong's

6227) `ashan (aw-shawn'); and it can figuratively mean anger. In the above text from (Rev 9)—smoke is

associated with darkness from the pit. The word pit is also very interesting—it is the Hebrew word

(Strong's 5421) phrear (freh'-ar); and it refers to a hole even more interesting is that another form of the

word is (Strong's 5422) phrenapatao (fren-ap-at-ah'-o); means to be a mind-misleader, i.e. to delude: to

deceive. In (vs. 11) the KING over this PIT is called by two names:

ABADDON (Strong’s 11) 'abaddown (ab-ad-done'); destruction from hell (hades).

APOLLYON (Strong’s 623) apolluon (ap-ol-loo'-ohn); meaning the destroyer (i.e. Satan)

The reason I find all these definitions so startling is that they all describe what is happening at CERN. In our August 2015, TRUMPET SOUNDS Newsletter, Jan Krieger has done an excellent job of reporting on

much of the vital information given in the DVD documentary entitled: "CERN & Scary Apocalyptic Events

September 2015" (both the newsletter and DVD are available free of charge from our ministry or can be

viewed on our web page at: In this video they talk about using the giant

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Hadron Collider to make a HOLE in the spiritual realm through which “dark matter” can traverse. In her

article entitled BATTLING AT THE GATE: Overcoming the Satanic Plan of Mind Control—Jan Krieger states

the following on (page 24)…

“When CERN begins creating (what CERN scientists call) dark matter or anti-

matter, this anti matter has a specific type of energy signature that they can

detect. This energy signature apparently does not have good consequences for

the human psyche. As reported in the Cern & Scary Apocalyptic Events September

2015 video, it is going to cause the dark energy signature within people to begin

to activate more and more. This is why we are commanded to be children of light.

For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness

and night, (1 Thess. 5:5 NLT).

We all have darkness in us—(known or unknown to us) sin, iniquitous patterns

and transgressions. This is the reason an attitude of repentance is so vital—we

must deal with our flesh and what the Lord brings to our awareness that is

grieving His Spirit. This statement may shock you but whatever darkness is in you

will surface when the manifestation of dark matter increases. If therefore the

light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matt 6:23)

What happens is people become violent, experience vivid dreams, and suffer enormous difficulty in maintaining control of themselves— iniquity will abound! And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold, (Matt. 24:12).

I HIGHLY recommend that you order your free copy of this newsletter and share it with as many people

as possible who are willing to hear the truth, as strange as it may sound—it could save their lives!

Most of the activities at CERN currently involve operating the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and

the experiments for it. The LHC represents a large-scale, worldwide scientific cooperation project among 29 nations.

The LHC tunnel is located 100 meters (almost 330 feet) underground, in the region between the Geneva International Airport and the nearby Jura mountains. It uses the 27 km (17 miles) circumference circular tunnel previously occupied by the Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP) which was shut down in November 2000. On 5 April 2015 and after two years of maintenance and consolidation, the LHC restarted for a second run. Proton beams successfully circulated in the 27-kilometer ring in both directions. The first ramp to the record-breaking energy of 6.5 TeV was performed on 10 April 2015.

After listening to numerous scientists who are involved in the project explain some of the technical aspects of this project, there were numerous admissions as to the real agenda for CERN. It is a NEW WORLD ORDER attempt to unlock (forbidden spiritual) dimensions of the universe.

EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Ministry The Kundalini and the CERN Connection


God created the boundaries for the residing places for man and spirit beings, and when these boundaries are violated, the consequences are grounds for God’s judgment.

For he (God’s enemy) says, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man. (Isa 10:13)

When Jesus made the statement that the “gates” (portals or entrances) associated with

hell would not prevail against His church—this tells us that something was going to come against

God’s people from a demonic dimension that cannot not prevail against God’s true blood washed

Christian people. One of the main objectives of this project (you can watch the video on our

website and you will find this out)—is that they intend on manipulating the darkness in the

universe, including the darkness found within human beings. Remember what Jesus said about the darkness that is within people:

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matt 6:23)

Unfortunately, many professing Christians who do not have an intimate relationship with the

Word of God—are seeing things according to Lucifer’s light—thus they will be subject to being

manipulated by the forces of darkness (by CERN) who are violating God’s boundaries that were established as walls of protection for humanity.

Jan Krieger has shared with me some of her notes on the subject of CERN as she researched this subject. This information may be helpful for those of you who will watch the video and do your own research on this subject. Her notes below and her article in our TRUMPET SOUNDS Newsletter, will give you great insight into this troubling subject. Here is her email:

Karen, I read through my notes, I wish I had more time but I have to leave for work soon. Three things stand out particularly for me. The Wormhole

Harness a wormhole

Speedup one end/slow down the other

Wormhole definition

Consequence of Einstein’s theory of relativity

A wormhole acts as a short cut passage way thru space and time.

A wormhole effectively cuts a tunnel through two locations in space/time,

eliminating the need for 3 dimensional travel—no more rocket ships

How do you see and harness a wormhole? With a machine—hadron collider

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Ripples in water represent time—go back try to change—create a ripple effect.

Change has to catch up with time

Everything around it either changes or suffers

Particle collision—creates a ripple effect

Re Revelation 9:1-11 scripture

Messenger from upper levels coming down to earth opening a doorway to

bottomless pit

Requires sacrifice or ritual for them to come thru—key to allow them in

Wormholes allow for astral projection between dimensions...meaning we can not only allow anti-matter to come in but we can be taken through such as in the Montauk project when they went back in time to the Eldridge....however I see this as a bit different because there was not the presence of these large amounts of anti-matter that the hadron collider is going to soon generate....massively more sinister. Sacrifice Days--After reading in Shinar Directive about the Satanic Sacrifice Days and their scheduled calendar of dates, we have been praying like this to stop them.

Father, in the all-powerful Name of Jesus—Yeshua Hamashiach, his shed blood—the most powerful substance in the universe, and by the dunamis power that raised Him from the dead and made a show of the principalities and powers—breaking their power over death—destroy the high places! The human sacrifice scheduled on_______ shall not take place! Bring the enemy into confusion and division. Make a way of escape for the intended victim(s). Deliver even the one who is not innocent by the cleanness of our hands. Deliver both the perpetrators and the victims from this darkness. Annul the Covenant of death with pedophilia through alignment with hell in the communication with demonic spiritual entities and seeking their power and wisdom. Utterly destroy these satanic practices and all worship of Satan!! The last Satanic Sacrifice Day was JUL 31/AUG1 which in our spirit we knew was very consequential to the globalists to prepare for the onslaught in Sep. The next Sacrifice Day is ---SEPT 21.

So for the portal/wormhole to be opened requires a sacrifice and/or ritual FREQUENCIES (and the blood of Jesus) Changing frequencies--do they alter DNA?

1. What they are doing at Cern is manipulating the darkness—the dark matter by the

collision of protons. It’s more than just a potential massive earth changing,

universe changing explosion. It’s a manipulation of the FREQUENCIES ON

WHCHICH HUMANS ON EARTH ARE LIVING. Imagine that you can take

everybody and manipulate the frequencies that we are operating in into a

different dimension. Imagine if the whole world could be dropped into their

hole—this change of reality or dimensions.

1. That’s what they are trying to do with RIFD microchip. The Radio

Frequency Identification Device is not just to link you to a computer, it’s to

EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Ministry The Kundalini and the CERN Connection


manipulate your DNA or your mind to bring you a couple of frequencies

down to where you can be manipulated (RFID is brain hacking).

2. The only thing it won’t manipulate is it can’t go through the blood of

Jesus! I’m not joking you.

i. There are prophecy teams that work for the federal government and they know this. They

can’t manipulate the mind of Christians because they can’t get through the blood of

Jesus. Give your life to Jesus. We are running out of time. We are in the last days. The

Spirit of the Anti-Christ.

ii. Why do you think these radio towers are everywhere? They are not being used for

anything right now, but they are putting them everywhere

1. They are not cell phone towers, they’re the towers that will be used to help

change the frequencies—to try to control the masses. But they can’t control us that

are saved.

This is the covering of the Blood of Jesus--the most powerful substance in the Universe. What was brought to my mind was a passage from Derek Prince's book Set Apart for God. p. 105. (Peter 1:1-2) (NASB)

A Living Hope, and a Sure Salvation 1 (A)Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who reside as (B)aliens, (C)scattered throughout (D)Pontus, (E)Galatia, (F)Cappadocia, (G)Asia, and (H)Bithynia, (I)who are chosen 2 according to the (J)foreknowledge of God the Father, (K)by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, [a]to (L)obey Jesus Christ and be (M)sprinkled with His blood: (N)May grace and peace [b]be yours in the fullest measure. Note that Peter did not merely speak about God's choice, but he also spoke about God's foreknowledge, which, in logical terms, precedes God's choice. So, in eternity, we have this scenario: God foreknows us, and, on the basis of His foreknowledge, He chooses us. In time, the Holy Spirit begins His sanctifying work in our lives and brings us to the place of obedience to God's Word and the gospel. When we obey the Word, then the blood of Jesus Christ is sprinkled upon us in salvation, cleansing and separation. Let's look closely at one basic fact: The blood is sprinkled upon only the obedient. The disobedient do not have access to the blood of Jesus. This principle applies all through the Christian life. We see it in 1 John 1:7, which says, "If we (continually) walk in the light as He is in the light, we (continually)have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son (continually) cleanses us from all sin. There is a conditional aspect to this verse. Being kept clean by the blood is contingent upon walking in the light. Walking in the light means walking in obedience to the light of God's Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. (see Psalm 119:105).

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Please remember this truth: Access to the blood of Jesus depends upon our obedience. As soon as we become disobedient, we forfeit the right of access to the blood until we repent. Frequencies—String Theory in Blood on the Altar, Thomas Horn p. 99 I wanted to verify my concept that the strings within quarks were resonating with the sound of God’s voice. I needed to know what the combined resonance of our planet was. The harmonic resonance of planet earth is 7.83 hertz….In fact, 7.83 hertz is within the range of frequencies hat can be picked up by the human brains. This earth pulse is also known as the Schumann resonance. p. 100 The Schmann resonance is considered vital for human health….It is needed for life as we know it. What if the voice of Lucifer and the frequency of the Antichrist broadcast at 6.66 hertz? This frequency is also within the range that the human mind can receive. p. 102 The true voice of God (and His resonance) is embedded in the gospel and the preaching of the cross. When people respond to the resonance of the Holy Spirit in the message, they are born again. 103 Today Satan is lifted up over the earth that is filled with God’s resonance and he is broadcasting his own: 6.66 hertz. When man fell in the Garden of Eden, he received a new nature. Within the sin nature is the propensity to tune into Lucifer’s frequency, and it tutors us in proficiency as children of DISOBEDIENCE. p. 104 There seems to be a type of syncing between the earth pulse and the human mind. (Remember that I have already noted that 7.83 hertz can be received directly by the brain.) So, if the earth pulse would change, it would most likely impact how we perceive reality and how we think. P. 5 THE POWER OF THE BLOOD WORKS THROUGH PURITY

Another speaker.

We have the power to overcome our own flesh because the darkness in this world is

about to be pulled out of everything. Everything with darkness in it—that darkness is

about to surface in a way that no one forecasted or thought possible. But it is absolutely

going to take place. The only way a person can overcome this is through the true power

of the Holy Spirit. And to stay within the blood of the Lamb.

There is no hypocrisy in purity

EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Ministry The Kundalini and the CERN Connection


There is no hatred in purity

There is no accusation in purity

And people need to be in that purity in Truth; not acting like they are into purity—they

have to be there. It has to be in their hearts. They have to do everything they can do

right now so they can be strong enough to endure. None of us knows when we are

absolutely going; but I for one intend to finish this race. I’m trying to sound an alarm

that something very different—is going to be epic—to everyone who believes in our

Lord Jesus Christ. And without him in Truth—they are not going to make it; they will not

make it. This emphasizes the necessity of repentance and continual process of cleansing and purifying…the character piece. Requires adhering to and speaking the TRUTH. OBEDIENCE TO THE TRUTH—THE COMMANDS OF GOD. This produces the Overcoming Faith. –End of email-

Because of the information contained in this report—it is imperative that Christians have

their “HEADS” (minds) protected by the helmet of salvation. I was given this word of warning and

shared it in a prophetic alert given on May 31, 2015—(this can be read by going to the PROPHETIC ALERT tab on the home page of our website at and scrolling down and clicking on the May 31, 2015 pdf icon). Or you can paste and copy the link below in your browser:

These are perilous times that are going to be hard to deal with and hard to bear, but God’s people who are truly cleansed by the blood of Jesus will be sealed and protected by the Holy Spirit. May we grow in grace and knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit in these end times and heed this warning:

BUT UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]. For [although] these people hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it—their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession. Avoid all such people [turn away from them]….For among them are those who worm their way into homes and captivate silly and weak-natured and spiritually dwarfed… loaded down with [the burden of their] sins [and easily] swayed and led away by various evil desires and seductive impulses. These…will listen to anybody who will teach them; they are forever inquiring and getting information, but are never able to arrive at a recognition and knowledge of the Truth. (2 Tim 3:1, 5, 6-7) AMP

EXTENDED LIFE Christian Training Ministry The Kundalini and the CERN Connection