The Knight Writer, Vol. 1, Issue 5 (Jan. 10)

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The Knight Writer, Vol. 1, Issue 5 (Jan. 10)

Transcript of The Knight Writer, Vol. 1, Issue 5 (Jan. 10)

Senior Spotlights:Heather DeBouver&Ryan Brauneller Page 4

Vol. 1 , Issue 51/10/2013


Submit questions for VeeBee to answer to

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News....................... p. 2 » How to Ace Your Exams

» Mythological Madness

Entertainment....... p. 4-5 » Senior Spotlights: Heather DeBover and Ryan Brauneller

» Winter Fashion Trends

» Dystopian Book Series

» 12 Ways to Relieve Stress in 2013

Sports.................... p. 6-7 » Winter Workouts

» MVP of the Week: Chance Sonnenberg

» Sports Calendar

» Scoreboard

» The Facts of Fan Impact

In the past, the valedictorian(s) have been the student with the highest GPA (grade point average). At Van Buren, classes aren’t weighted, so 4.0 is the highest GPA. GPA is figured after eight semesters. The salutatorian is the students with the next highest GPA. In the past, if more than one student had a 4.0, all of them were considered that year’s valedictorian.

However, that will no longer be the case for the 2016 graduates. The students who are tied with a 4.0 will be evaluated by the new selection process. This process looks at much more than semester grades. ACT scores will be a factor; the higher the

Pomp and CircumstanceMichelle Flanagan

score, the most points you get. A score of 25 will earn you one point toward valedictorian while a score of 36 will earn you 6. Other factors include National Merit awards, taking AP or advanced classes, having four years

of a fine art, and taking college classes. Marty Zender, Van Buren guidance

counselor, was a leader in the new planning process. The decision was made by the course department chairs, then passed onto the school board and the principal for approval. This change is an attempt to make the title of valedictorian a true representation of the top student.

The plan was changed a few times, but finally the committee settled on top

» See Valedictorian pg. 5

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The parade begins as you’re waiting in your chariot to go through a line of people to smile, be adored, and wave with a familiar, elegant wave. You’re wearing an expensive, glorious dress that every girl in the audience wants to have, and your hair is styled like a movie star’s. Most importantly, you’re hand in hand with your desired prince charming. This special day of events would be every little girl’s dream, wouldn’t you say? Well, for Miss Kate Middleton, this dream is part of her reality.

Just like any famous celebrity that is watched like a hawk every second of her life, Middleton was spotted doing something out of the ordinary. During a dinner toast in Singapore, the Duchess of Cambridge decided to toast with a glass of water, instead of wine. The immediate assumption was that there was going to be a

Crown in the CradleHeather Clark

royal baby on the way. This assumption, in fact, was true. 19 months after their marriage, Prince William and Kate Middleton are pregnant with their first child. The question

that has been brought to the table: what rights will this newborn baby have to the throne?

Dating back centuries, there has been a rule that the eldest son will inherit the British throne, even if he has a sister born before him. The only way that the throne would be bestowed to a daughter is when there are no sons in the family at all. During a meeting in October 2011 however, the sixteen

leaders of the Commonwealth Realms agreed to change this rule. (A Commonwealth Realm is a country that has Queen Elizabeth II as their monarch.) Therefore, if this royal baby is a girl, she will be next in line to the throne, even if she has younger brother born in the future.

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» See Crown in the Cradle pg. 2

The Knight Life....... p. 3 » Book Recomendation

» Where are They Now?

» Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

» Ask VeeBee

2 Vol. 1 Issue 5 Januray 10, 2013

The semester is coming to an end and that means the inevitable is just around the corner. That's right, I'm talking about exams, people. They are next week! That means it's time to get our studious game faces on and buckle down to prepare for this academic onslaught.

For some students, studying is not an easy task and memorizing material, in general, can be a pain. Here are some simple study tips to guide you along your studying path that will help you ace all of your exams.

1 - Tackle things one at time. If you have more than one subject to study for, you have to focus on one at a time. Just forget about the other ones while you focus on the first one, and so on. If you start to worry about the other ones, it can turn into a mental catastrophe.

2-Don't procrastinate! While sometimes procrastination can be a motivator, it is fatal during exam week. You must know how to manage your time in order to get things done. If you have some down time at home, even the week before exams, get out your biology book while you watch Wheel of Fortune and study during commercials. It may not seem like much, but these one or two minute study flashes can really add up when you go to sit down and hard core study for the test.

3-Look over material two or three days before the test so that if you have any questions or things you aren't sure of, you can ask the teacher the next day. Teachers want to help us, guys. They want us to succeed, so they'll be willing to help you with any questions you have. Come in before or after school to get some one-on-one time. This is especially helpful for PreCalc.

4-Try reciting things to yourself. If you have vocabulary words to remember test yourself in the shower. Recite it out loud or in your head for repetition. It may seem a little strange, but if you are constantly testing yourself, your brain will absorb more.

5-Think of possible questions that might be on the test. Examine the material and try to visualize what the test will look like and the questions you will see. If you come up with a few questions that you don't know the answer to, look it up; that's the whole point of studying! If you can't come up with a lot of questions that you think might be on the test, then that is a

sign that you should study more.6-Wake up earlier than normal to get an extra

hour of studying in the morning before the test. It may be a stretch to get up early after studying all night, but about half an hour of studying in the morning is a good refresher before the big exam.

7-Don't obsessively study. You have to have some down time for your brain to relax. Taking a nap after school is a good thing to de-stress yourself and reset your mind from the busyness of the school day. Sometimes, if you over-study you can second guess yourself on the exam.

8-Keep your cool. If you start to freak out over not understanding a part of what you are studying, don't let that one little thing get you down. Take some deep breaths (I know it's weird, but it truly works) and always keep in mind that everything will be fine in the end.

9-Distraction is a killer when it comes to studying. Find a quiet, secluded place for your

How to Ace All Your ExamsMadi Endicott

Mythological MadnessIan Rafferty

There is a scientific breakthrough in the world of mythological creatures. According to a five year study by Mebla Ketchum and her team of scientists, the mythical Bigfoot is part human. She stated that, “The Sasquatch are a human hybrid.”

Ketchum believes that a non-human male mated with a human female. She claims that she has retrieved Bigfoot DNA proving her hypothesis, and will not release how she obtained it. It appears to be that she took the phrase, “Gotta catch ‘em all,” a little too far. All of this information seems slightly sketchy. To elaborate her findings even more, she believes that she has angel DNA. Ketchum is full of fun findings.

She has not released the information of how she has angel DNA. There needs to be documented angel DNA to compare her so-called angel DNA. By her not releasing any information, we can all assume she has seen angels in order to get their DNA. Seems legit, right? Ketchum attaining Bigfoot and angel


DNA is arguably less likely than the Mars rover finding a martian civilization.

Ketchum has also not released anything about her team of scientists. This raises suspicion of if she even has a team. Why would one hide everything about them and the source of all of her DNA? Either she is lying about all of this, or she is so crazy that she actually believes she has that DNA. Her claims seem far fetched. For all we know, she might have found a strand of hair in the woods, dubbing it Bigfoot’s.

When it comes to mythical creatures, most of the stories sound outrageous, like the Loch Ness Monster. The “monster” is supposedly found in the Loch Ness Lake in the Scottish Highlands. Many think the creature is a dinosaur that survived the meteor that killed all of the other dinosaurs. Sure, it is a big lake, but if people really care that much about proving its existence, they would get a team of deep sea divers and search the lake inch by inch. Although Bigfoot he doesn’t live in a giant lake, if he does exist, he is hiding in some forest in the U.S.

Everyone has heard of Bigfoot throughout their life at some point or another. Some people claim that they have seen Bigfoot, and they have taken very sketchy, faded, and distorted pictures

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brain to soak in all of the material. If something starts to distract you, like a pen or a keychain, throw it across the room. You'll be heartbroken at first, but you'll be too lazy to get up and go retrieve it that you'll go back to studying.

10-Give yourself breaks from studying. Make goals or checkpoints for yourself. Once you get halfway through studying, go get yourself a snack, you deserve it!

11-Be positive! Encourage yourself to work hard. I catch myself, when it's getting late and I've been studying and studying and studying, saying out loud, “You can do this, Madi! A plus, A plus!” It's a little dorky, but confidence and a good attitude can give you encouragement to continue studying. Don't be negative and say, “I'm going to fail.” This is a phrase I hear in every class on the day of a test. I absolutely despise it. Believe in yourself! Go into the test confidently, knowing you are going to do your best on it.

and videos. With today’s technology, why isn’t there a clear picture or video of him? And he’s an old fairy tale; how has Bigfoot been alive for so long? Everything dies, why hasn’t Bigfoot? If he ever did exist, he’s dead by now.

Ketchum does not have any evidence to back up her findings. So until she brings out how she got the DNA, the skepticism continues.

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Januray 10, 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 5 3

The Knight LifeAsk VeebeeDear Veebee: My netbook broke so I took it to Boz to get fixed. He told me that it could be up to 2 months

before I get it back. I didn't drop my netbook or anything, but I was told that I am not allowed to bring my own netbook from home to use during the day. Instead, I have to check out one from the library everyday and return it every night. They expect me to transfer all my docu-ments back and forth every day. I don't understand why, if I have my own netbook (the same size) and I take full responsibility for it, why I cannot bring it in until mine is fixed. I already talked to Mr. Brand and still I am not allowed. He actually had me leave my personal netbook in his office for the day. I'm angry.


Dear Technologically Declined,Wow. You’ve got a problem….and so do we. After doing some research, it turns out this is

a bigger issue than expected! To make sure we answer your question thoroughly, our staff is gathering information from several sources. There will be a detailed response to this situation in the Jan. 24 issue. Thank you for your question. Stay tuned!

Love, VeeBee<3

Life on the Refrigerator Door By: Alice Kuiper

Jessica Cunningham

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Life on the Refrigerator Door is solely written using notes posted on the front of a refrigerator. The story is a back and forth conversation between Claire and her mother using these notes, creating a vivid image of a typical mother-daughter relationship. Claire is an average teenage girl absorbed in boys, friends, school, and most importantly, popularity. Claire’s average life changes when her mother receives unexpected news. Suddenly it isn’t just growing up that’s got Claire concerned, but whether or not her mother will be able to be there to help.

Jessica’s Judgment: A very short read. If you’re in a rush, pick this book up. I like this novel a lot because it illustrates pretty well the transformation that a sick parent has on a teenager. I’d have to say this one’s more geared towards the girls, and it’s definitely a tearjerker. After I finished it, with tears rolling down my face, I hugged my own mother super tight. For all teens, it will bring to the forefront the sharp realization to never take anyone for granted doing such in a superb and innovative way.

Her average day working for Cosmopolitan includes promoting updates to their website using Facebook or Twitter, publishing about 20 new articles every day, working on the Cosmo additions accessed on iPods, or working with for the company on larger projects.

“Coming from a small town has actually made me good at my job. You can get caught up in a big city bubble and originating from a small area has helped me realize what the average girl is like. I appreciate my small town and school up bringing a lot more than I used to. There were so many opportunities to take advantage of at Van Buren and I was able to do so much. When you are willing to work hard and look for opportunity, Van Buren really doesn’t seem that small. One can create their own opportunities for themselves and open up the world. You don’t need to live in New York City to be great at something. Every step you take can get you five more steps.”

Elisa Benson wasn’t given her success. She worked for it all and still does, always thriving to advance in her work and be all she can be. Never let the “small town vibe” restrict your dreams and hold you back from what you love.

Laura Endicott

Elisa Benson was a small town girl with big dreams and a strong ambition. After graduating from Van Buren High School in 2002 she moved to New York to attend Colgate University where she received her major in art.

“Major in something you love. If you take advantage of the opportunities in college it will make you a smarter, more interesting, well-rounded person,” Benson suggests. “Your major may not define your specific job in life,” she adds.

Benson’s love for writing, reading, and blogging led her to an exciting career in the magazine business. “In high school, I was always the nerdy girl who wanted to write instead of play sports with everyone else,” says Benson. “After I realized that people work for magazines as a living, I became very focused, found more opportunities to write, and became extremely familiar with the magazine business.” Without even noticing,

you may have read one of her articles in Seventeen M a g a z i n e where she was a feature writer for five years, or you may have seen one of her pieces on Cosmopolitan’s website where she has been the senior editor for almost a year now.

WHERE ARE THEY NOW?Elisa Benson: from 17 to Seventeen

Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!

Jessica Gilts

• Parents who park in the middle of the lane after school while waiting for their children…

• Running late for school and realizing your car windows are frosted over…

• The line for the microwave at lunch…

• Reading Terms and Conditions…

• Removing USB drive safely…

• YouTube video buffering…

• Internet ads…

• Manicures on Pinterest…

• Second semester of school…

4 Vol. 1 Issue 5 Januray 10, 2013

Want to look hot this winter? Here is your guide to making sure you are up to date on this winter’s top fashions. Listed below are the top 5 trends this winter for girls and boys!

Boots: Boots have become a large trend this fall and coming winter. For women, riding boots are the best choice. They are worn best with one’s pant bottoms tucked into them while having boot socks or leg warmers poking out from the top of the shoe. They are also popularly worn with leggings. Boots look best when color coordinated

with what you are wearing. For example, if purple is your choice

of color for the day, stay away from orange boots. For men, ankle boots have become very common. There’s a wide variety of ankle boots including Chukkas, Boot Oxfords, and Combat boots. Leg warmers are sometimes seen with ankle boots but depending on what you like, one can simply tuck their pants into the shoe.

Big Bulky Scarves/ Infinity Scarves: Scarves have been worn for many years by men and women both, but now they aren’t just used for warmth. Between various patterns, materials, and lengths, the possibilities of styles are endless.

Sweaters/ Festive Holiday Sweaters: This trend is wildly popular for men and women! As to why, I have no idea, but I am on board! For women, sweaters with one main pattern are suitable but the larger, more striped and woolly, the better. Longer sweaters are worn great with a pair of leggings. If the sweater is a solid color, try matching it with a pair of bold leggings, but if your sweater is multicolored,

stick to simple one color tights. You could also wear a short fitted sweater over a dress shirt with a pair of jeans and riding boots. For men it’s best to keep your sweaters fitted with crazy patterns. I find it looks best when worn over a nice dress shirt along with an optional tie. Pant wise; go with khakis or jeans but with a slim straight fit. For shoes you could go with ankle boots or a nice pair of Oxfords.

Boot Socks/ Leg warmers: Like scarves, leg warmers and boot socks were once worn primarily for warmth, but they have taken this winter by storm for more fashionable purposes! This trend is more popular with women, typically seen under riding boots or any knee high boot. This look isn’t as common with men but is occasionally seen. They are usually worn with ankle to mid-calf boots and tend to be darker

neutral colors like brown or navy blue.

Pea Coats: I remember last year around this time I wanted a pea coat but wasn’t able to find one anywhere. This year you can barely go into a store without seeing one. The men’s version of this coat is pretty plain, colors ranging from black to tan, to various shades of plaid. The length of the coat is typically seen anywhere from above the waist, knee, or calf. The women styles on the other hand, have different colors, lengths, patterns, buttoning styles and

much more. For men and women both, styling this is pretty simple; put it on over what you’re wearing. Keep in mind that matching colors is the key to looking your best; don’t go out wearing brown and purple together, you’ll just look silly!

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SENIOR SPOTLIGHTSHeather DeBouver Chandler Riffel

Ryan Brauneller Jacob Szczublewski

It’s tough to miss Ryan in the halls. Standing at 6’3”, he has a tendency to stand out. Of course, his height isn’t the only thing that defines him. Since a young age, Ryan has been involved in activities like Boy Scouts, football, baseball, and basketball. Although he’s not originally from Van Buren, Ryan has contributed much to the community. He recently helped build the dock for the lake in the local park. In the future, Ryan plans to attend The University of Findlay to major in Physical Therapy and to continue his football career.

Where are you from? I am originally from Forest, Ohio. When I was 4 years old, my family had to move to Newark, Delaware because of my dad’s job at Cooper. Three years later when I was seven, we had to move again to Shreveport, Louisiana, once again because of my dad’s job. Then, when I was 11, we moved here to Van Buren, Ohio to be closer with family and again because of my dad’s job. This is where I plan to stay!

Describe your extra-curricular activities. I have been in football since the 6th grade and I plan to continue my career in college. I’ve played baseball and been in Scouts since the 1st grade. I also played basketball from the 7th grade to the 11th grade.

Tell us more about your Eagle Project. I built a fishing/boating dock for the Van Buren State Park at the picnic area by the lake on County Road 229. The dock will now be used for the park to have paddle boats available to the public and also for the public to tie through boats too. The dock is also secured with a 6-inch barrier around the dock so the handicapped can also enjoy their time fishing while being safe. The dock also has a special hinge connecting it to allow for adjustments to the tide.

What were your emotions during your last football game? The feeling I had during my last game is almost indescribable. To know that I will never be able to play another down of football with my teammates was unheard of four years ago. I wouldn’t believe it if someone told me that it would be like this. The teammates I had were like family to me. They were always there for me if I needed them. I knew they were giving all they had to make it the best they could for the seniors. Looking back into those Friday night lights, I just couldn’t believe, I was never going to play another down of high school football.

Motto: Never give up no matter what the obstacles are.

Heather DeBouver is quite an accomplished young woman. During her high school years she played post in basketball for three years, ran cross country for two years, and was the cross country manager for one year. She has recently gone through a nine month pregnancy, caught up on all her work in classes up to the second semester, kept up with three classes at home, and takes care of her baby, Melanie Rose Creakman. There are many things you can say about Heather DeBouver but one you can’t is that she’s a slacker. She is back in school now, as of January third, and plans on continuing her school work and receiving her diploma with everyone else in the senior class. Heather plans on continuing her education in college to become a psychologist. There’s not much Heather cannot do when she sets her mind to it!

What is your favorite part about being a mom? The rewards of being a mom, like the smiles, her little giggles, and just watching her grow up, it’s so cute!

What has been the hardest part about being a mom? All of the things I have missed or will miss out on. For example when my I’m going to miss out on the FULL college experience. Things like waking up late and having to literally run across campus in my P.J.’s just so I’m not late for class. I’m never going to have the chance to tell stories about my dorm roommate either.

Has your family been supportive of you, have they helped you through this rough time? Yes, my family has been extremely supportive; it’s insane how supportive they have been. My mom, when she’s home from work, will watch her so I can finish up on my school work on the computer. She’ll help me if I have any questions. My mom has held my hand the entire way.

Why is staying in school important for you? It is important to me to finish school and graduate at Van Buren because I have been through everything with every one basically since kindergarten. So, it is important for me to finish with everyone and get that diploma!

Do you plan on going to college? Yes, I have applied to Owens, University of Findlay, and Ohio State Lima. I have gotten my acceptance letters from Ohio State Lima and Owens and I am still waiting for Findlay’s admission decision.

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Keeping Cool with Winter FashionsChandler Riffel

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A Whole New WorldMadi Endicott

January 10, 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 5 5

Ryan Brauneller Jacob Szczublewski

Crown in the Cradle Con’t.

The reason the entitlement of the throne has been discussed is because Middleton has been in the hospital for acute morning sickness, the effect of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). HG is an uncommon pregnancy condition that results in excessive vomiting and the struggle to keep anything down. Don’t worry; even though this condition may be miserable for the mum-to-be, it is very unlikely for it to harm the royal baby. This condition is more likely to develop if the mother is expecting twins or triplets. If Middleton has more than one child, the oldest child will be the first to inherit the throne. No matter what gender, the baby will be third in line to the throne behind his or her father, William, and their grandfather, Charles, who is first in line.

The couple still has a lot of time to decide the name of their first child. One idea they have in mind, if it’s a girl, is naming her after William’s mother, Diana. This started a stir of discussion long before this baby even says its first word; this royal descendant is something the whole nation will speak of.

students needing to take the hardest available courses, as well as attaining better exam grades, quarter grades, four years of fine arts, and ACT or PSAT scores.

Zender wholeheartedly believes that this is a beneficial change. It makes being a valedictorian more meaningful and prestigious, not just for that student, but for the entire school. He does not believe that it is fair if two students have the same GPA but one has taken far more advanced courses and scored higher on tests.

He says, “Those who still have a 4.0 GPA still will receive the #1 rank status in the class along with other 4.0’s. Those students still can receive any scholarship based on GPA that their colleges are offering. Depending on the class decision, they still may be able to speak at the graduation ceremony as in the past. They also may, and should, still be recognized as a 4.0/#1 ranking at graduation. Again, that will be a class and advisor decision.”

While Zender’s door is always open for questions, in sum all that’s changing is the name. A 4.0 GPA has the same scholarship opportunities even without the title of valedictorian.

If you want to be a valedictorian, it’s something to commit to at the beginning of high school. Challenge yourself, work as hard as you can, take classes instead of study halls, and try to get good scores on all of those tests. Even if you don’t grab that title, you’ll know that you’re as prepared as you can be, and that you made these four years count. And on graduation day, that’s all that’s really going to matter.

Valedictorian Con’t.13 Creative Ways to

Relieve Stress in 2013 Jessica Cunningham

1. Cry it out. Look up sad quotes, watch a sad movie, or listen to sad music and cry it out. Sometimes all you need is a good cry to make sense of things and calm your nerves.

2. Coach yourself out loud (Ex. You’re going to do great on this test, you studied so hard.) Verbally let yourself know you’re capable of something so you don’t psych yourself out.

3. Clean up. Tidy things up by cleaning your house/room. A clean house is always nice to come home to and your parents will appreciate the effort, an added bonus!

4. Exercise! Hit up the gym or simply take an easy run around the block. Feel-ing healthy and looking good is a boost to your confidence, which will nix that stress.

5. Dance! Crank that music up and shake it! Dancing puts you in a great mood, and if there’s no one around to witness it, you can be as silly as you need to.

6. Do something with your pet. Owning an animal reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and releases chemicals in your brain that make you happy.

7. Read a book. Take some time away from your life and jump into someone else’s, even if it’s a fictional one.

8. Smile. Ask someone for their best joke. Laughter truly is the best medicine!

9. Commit a random act of kindness. You feel better about yourself after you help someone else. Do something kind for a stranger without asking any recognition for it and you’ll find you can’t stop smiling.

10. Get some shut eye. Take a nap or get enough sleep. Sleep naturally recharges your body and makes you feel ready to take on anything. You are also able to escape for a little while in your dreams.

11. Be confident. Smile and adjust your posture. The way you feel is greatly affect-ed by how you hold yourself. Throw those shoulders back, walk with purpose, and smile. The whole world will think you’re going to be okay no matter what has hap-pened, and you’ll start to believe you are too.

12. Paint or draw. Color some coloring pages with kids to get in touch with your past or paint your nails a pretty color. You don’t have to be a Picasso, just give it a go!

13. Take a long shower or bath; let the hot steam take away the day, which is espe-cially nice when it’s icky out in Ohio.

The world didn’t end on 12/12/12, but if you still need a fix for cataclysmic drama, take a look for the latest dystopian books. Books centered around a dystopian society have recently become very popular and promise to take you on a winding adventure in a world you've never been.

Dystopian books are novels that are set in alternate worlds with an imaginary or hypothetical society. They take place in the futuristic settings among the ruins of America or on the sands of some unknown island. Dystopian societies tend to have a different and often considered wild, set of rules and traditions that the characters are accustomed to. These books force readers to use their imagination in order to keep up with the twisting, out-of-this-world plot.

The sudden outbreak of dystopian novels all started with the revolutionary Hunger Games series. Suzanne Collins wrote the mind-capturing trilogy of novels that have stolen the hearts of millions of teenagers across the world. Collins created a world that readers were enthralled by and stuck in the moment they opened the book. The world of Hunger Games has even been portrayed on the big screens as the first book became a top-of-the-charts movie last spring.

Thanks to this inspiring author, many of the top sellers in today's book stores are dystopian novels.

Delirium by Lauren Oliver, the first book in a trilogy about a society that does not believe in love, has received many awards and nominations and is sure to entertain the young mind.

Divergent is probably the most popular dystopian book that's on shelves today, right up there next to The Hunger Games. In Divergent, Veronica Roth tells the adventurous story of a girl brought up in a society split into five factions that rely on each other to function. Roth creates a twisting page-turner that will entrance you instantly.

The Uglies is a dystopian series that's been around longer than even Hunger Games, but will make its presence known in its upcoming movie debut. The Uglies is a four book series by Scott Westerfield about a group of teenagers who, in a society where each individual goes through a plastic surgery procedure to become “pretty,” protest these procedures in attempt to remain themselves. New York Times declares it a “superb piece of popular art.”

Matched is a novel similar to Delirium. Ally Condie creates a stiff, organized society where every event in every person's life is planned out. Condie takes readers on a journey with a young girl who defies the culture she's grown up in as she chases after love.

Dystopian novels like these four books by such creative authors are sure to keep you entertained this year. So if you need some indoor entertainment this winter, pick up a dystopian book and become lost in a whole new world.

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6 Vol. 1 Issue 5 Januray 10, 2013

Sports Calendar


*Denotes home gameJanuary 10, 2013

*5:00 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Arlington6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Arlington

January 11, 20136:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Arcadia

January 12, 20134:45 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Elmwood6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Elmwood

January 14, 20135:00 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Columbus Grove

January 15, 2013*5:00 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Bath6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Ayersville*6:15 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Bath

January 17, 20134:45 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Pandora Gilboa

6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Pandora GilboaJanuary 18, 2013

*5:00 PM- Boys Varsity Wrestling, Van Buren Invitational6:00 PM- Boys Basketball vs. Vanlue

January 19, 2013*9:30 AM- Boys Varsity Wrestling, Van Buren Invitational

January 21, 2013*6:00 PM- Girls JV Basketball vs. St. Wendelin

January 22, 20135:30 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Ottawa Glandorf*6:00 PM- Girls Varsity Basketball vs. St. Wendelin6:15 PM- Girls Freshman Basketball vs. Ottawa Glandorf

January 24, 2013*4:45 PM- Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Liberty Benton6:00 PM- Girls Basketball vs. Liberty Benton

Trying to find new ways to work out in the winter? People may think that when the winter season rolls around, workouts have to come to a halt and pause your weight loss program until spring gets here. However, there are many ways to work out in the winter. You can take up a winter sport or even be a little creative at your own home with some workout videos.

Instead of going to the gym and lifting weights, why not try going outside to “play.” You can burn quite a few calories inside or out, which ever you prefer. The best part about playing outside is that it doesn’t feel like you’re actually working out. You are still getting your heart rate up, burning calories, and you’re also getting an excellent cardio workout. You can play outside in the winter wonderland by shoveling snow for your friends or family, making snow angels, having a snowball fight, or even creating your own “Frosty the Snowman.” When you make a snow angel on average, you burn 12 calories every 3 minutes and you could burn 319 calories per hour having a snowball fight with your friends. You could also go the route of ice skating. Go take your date or friends to a skating rink and have a blast! Ice skating can burn approximately 450 calories per hour.

If you are an athlete or even just the competitive type, try picking up a winter sport. You can possibly try indoor soccer, basketball, wrestling, or going to the YMCA to swim some

laps. If you go swimming for just one hour, you can burn off on average of 363 calories! Swimming also really works all muscles in the body and really helps with your cardio. Would you rather lift weights or have fun with friends swimming around? You also have the opportunity to find your inner competitive side of yourself and try to join a league. You can join basketball, wrestling, swimming team, indoor soccer, or any sport that you desire. Being on a team allows you to become friends with new people, strengthen your friendships, or even learn a new skill while also getting a workout.

If you don’t have time to be on a sports team or don’t want to go outside in the freezing cold, why not try and find a workout video that fits your needs. You can go with videos that specifically work on your upper body, lower body, cardio, or the full body route. The top 5 workout video for both male and female are Tao Bo: Total Body Fat Blaster, Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones, Jari Love’s Great Extremely Ripped 1000, Element: Ballet Conditioning, and Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set ( These videos are voted on by the public and are shown to work out your full body and promised to make sure you are getting your money’s worth.

No matter what you are doing to stay active, you need to set goals for yourself. Promise yourself that you are going to lose 10 pounds, complete the full season of your sport, or even train to run a 5k this year. Goals should stretch you beyond your limits. Set a “smart” goal that you can break down into smaller, more achievable goals. Breaking down goals into smaller goals makes it easier for you to reach. Good luck!

Winter Wonderland WorkoutsRyan Brauneller

Photo courtesy of: (fair use)

MVP of the WeekBrice Lawrence

For this week, Chancellor Sonnenberg wrestled his way to earning this award. On December 15, at the Tinora Invitational, Sonnenberg remained perfect on the season with a 5-0 mark helping Van Buren place 4th out of 6 teams. Among those five wins, Sonnenberg achieved a pair of pins, a forfeit, a major decision, and a 5-2 decision over Evergreen’s returning state qualifier Ryan Patchin.

Chance posted a 2-0 mark at the North Baltimore Invitational in a Tri Meet on December 18.

Sonnenberg was the only wrestler for Van Buren to place in the Tiffin Columbian Invitational on December 28 & 29. He placed fourth in the 170-pound weight class after a 9-8 loss to Price of Mohawk during Friday the 28th quarterfinals, and then won three consecutive consolation bouts before falling to Sandusky’s Kyle Palma 6-4 in overtime. He helped the team place 16th out of 18, with 30 points as a whole team.

He also wrestled in the Quad Meet on January 2, pinning Gibsonburg’s Henline, but Van Buren lost the bout to Gibsonburg, 24-42.

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Januray 10, 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 5 7

Winter Sports Scoreboard

December 13, 2012 Boys Freshman:Van Buren-45 McComb-49

Girls Varsity: Girls JV:Van Buren-36 Van Buren-26McComb-60 McComb-30

December 14, 2012Boys Varsity: Boys JV: 3 OTVan Buren-19 Van Buren-52Liberty Benton-79 Liberty Benton-46 December 15, 2012Varsity Wrestling- Placed 4th out of 6 teams

Freshman Girls: Van Buren-16 Findlay-21

Boys Basketball:Boys Varsity: Boys JV:Van Buren-54 Van Buren-50New Riegel-65 New Regiel-63

December 17, 2012Girls Freshman:Van Buren-34 Carey-12

Girls Varsity: Girls JV:Van Buren-34 Van Buren-47Carey-62 Carey-50

It's basketball season and that means the student section’s cheers are echoing off the walls and being heard out to the parking lot. Whether it's the cheerleaders beginning a chant or students starting their own, the high spirits fiercely impact the game of our Black Knights and Lady Knights. Last year, all three regular season Black Knight wins came from home and two of the three wins the Lady Knights achieved were home as well. Typically associating home games with the largest student section crowds, statistically, according to last year’s results, we can say that success can be seen when cheer is at its highest.

“Having a big crowd helps with momentum and can really raise the level of our play,” says Ryan Adolph, a senior on the boys’ basketball team. “The crowd helps a teams play by adding to the intensity and encourages players to push harder and fight longer” he continued. Adolph also included that teams with smaller crowds are at a disadvantage because of the inability to grab momentum and keep it.

In addition to supporting the team, being in the student section is just an enjoyable experience in general! Often times there is a fun theme for students to follow such as decking oneself out in a specific color, super VB spirit, or even something as random as a Hawaiian Luau.

“Being a part of the student section at Van Buren is a way for schoolmates to have fun that isn’t contained in a constructed environment. One has the opportunity to be loud and let themselves go at our games” Cole Halliday says.

“I don’t think any of the players would like to play if no one was around to watch the hard work that we put in day in and day out,” says Kaleigh Frampton, senior on the girls’ basketball team.

This fact reminds us of the hard work athletes put into their sports and dedication like that deserves to be acknowledged, period. The students on that court are not just your classmates, they might be the person that stopped to pick up your books after you dropped them, the person that helped you on your math homework when you were completely lost, or the person that simply beat the crap out of the vending machine after you candy bar got stuck. We Van Buren students must be there for one another providing support when we need it most. So check out our sports calendar section and make it your goal to make as many games as possible this season!

The Fact of Fan ImpactBrice Lawrence and Laura Endicott

ScoreboardRyan Brauneller Boys Varsity: Boys JV:

Van Buren-50 Van Buren-59HL-52 HL-15

Boys Freshman:Van Buren-30 HL-26

December 19, 2012Girls Freshman:Van Buren-30 Leipsic-19

December 20, 2012 Girls Varsity: Girls JV:Van Buren-45 Van Buren-37Riverdale-67 Riverdale-26

December 22, 2012Girls Varsity: Girls JV:Van Buren-37 Van Buren-28Bluffton-40 Bluffton-32

December 27, 2012Varsity Wrestling- Placed 16th with 30 points

December 29, 2012Boys Freshman:Van Buren-21 TC-42

Girls Freshman:Van Buren-28 Maumee-22

Boys Varsity: Boys JV:Van Buren-44 Van Buren-41TC-80 TC-50

January 3, 2013Girls Varsity: Girls JV:Van Buren-67 Van Buren-35Arcadia- 41 Arcadia-30

January 4, 2013Boys Varsity: Boys JV:Van Buren-48 Van Buren- Cory Rawson-60 Cory Rawson-

January 5, 2013Girls Varsity: Girls JV:Van Buren-56 Van Buren-25Elmwood- 47 Elmwood-28

Boys Freshman:Van Buren-16 Tiffin Calvert-35

Boys Varsity: Boys JV:Van Buren-69 Van Buren-45Tiffin Calvert-59 TC- 34

January 7, 2013Girls Freshman:Van Buren-32 Southview-15