The KING S Medium Term Plan ARTThe KING’S Medium Term Plan – ART Year 9 GCSE Art Project Plan...

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Transcript of The KING S Medium Term Plan ARTThe KING’S Medium Term Plan – ART Year 9 GCSE Art Project Plan...

The KING’S Medium Term Plan – ART Year 9 GCSE Art Project Plan






The 4 Assessment Objectives will be addressed throughout the learning cycle.

AO1 looks at Artist research, contextual and cultural research linking into students own work.

AO2 asks that students explore, experiment and refine techniques with a wide range of artistic materials & techniques.

AO3 requires students to record & collect primary and secondary source material, with accompanying written evaluation notes.

AO4 asks for a personal, imaginative and meaningful response to a theme/brief whilst making perceptive links between all elements in a final piece.

During this Learning Cycle students will answer each of the assessment objectives as follows:-


Research into established Artists and artworks will help students to develop their own ideas and try their techniques over the coming 7 weeks. Students can also find their own inspirational Artists through internet research throughout.

Experiments with pencil, graphite, coloured pencil, pen, charcoal, bleach, oil pastels, paints and other mixed media/assemblage materials needed. Techniques demonstrated by Artists can be tried throughout.

Theme of Identity continued. Students will start at a more personal journey into identity and the path that interests them. They will collect relevant sources to work from including 1st hand sketches, photographs of what signifies their own identity and appropriate secondary research. Notation is to accompany all sketches and source material to explain ideas and choices.

During this LC Students will work towards a final outcome. They will produce build up work that links to real life Artists practices and create a rough draft before producing a summative piece of work in an appropriate media.



for project


Week 1: Introduction to foreshortening (composition, perspective and viewpoint)

Week 2: Media 1 (biro techniques)

Week 3: Media 1 (biro artwork)

Week 4: Media 2 (acrylic paint techniques)

Week 5: Media 2 (acrylic paint artwork)

Week 6: Media 3 (choice of digital or pencil tone - techniques)

Week 7: Media 3 (digital or pencil tone artwork)


Week 1: Composition revisited and photoshoot

Week 2: Grid drawing

Week 3: Grid drawing

Weeks 4-7: Final piece media application (choice of media from LC2 experimentations)



By the end of this Learning cycle, GCSE Fine Art students will be able to:

• Explore ideas in a range of 2D media/ materials. • Understand how the work of Artists past and present can inform our own ideas and help our skills progress. • Analyse the context in which Artists made their work and how historical, social & cultural aspects affected their creation. • Consider & discuss the success of each technique/media tried, refining ideas and techniques and setting future targets. • Understand that written communication describing thought processes of evaluation is exceptionally important and helpful in developing

ideas. • Use resources imaginatively and inventively to create own Art work, demonstrating confident understanding of the formal elements &

using technical skills to manipulate materials appropriately.

Feedback LC2 Week 1: Teacher feedback at End of Lesson 2 (written comment on feedback sheet, suggesting how to improve.) Week 2: Peer assess in the form of a gallery walk at the end of lesson 5. Week 3: Teacher, peer or self to complete the strength, satisfactory or target section of the feedback form for the biro piece. EO LESSON 7. Week 4: Teacher, peer or self at end of lesson 8 (written comment on feedback sheet, suggesting how to improve.) Week 5: Teacher, peer, or self to complete the strength, satisfactory or target section of the feedback form for the acrylic piece. Week 6: Teacher, peer or self at end of lesson 13 (written comment on feedback sheet, suggesting how to improve.) Week 7: Teacher, peer or self to complete the strength, satisfactory or target section of the feedback form for the digital or pencil tone piece. Teacher A/O/B added to Sims.

Week 1

Introduction to foreshortening Hypothesis: ‘Foreshortening is an illusion’

Assessment criteria:

Learning Activities: LESSON 1 Silent Do Now: Definitions for foreshortening, perspective and a REACH definition – focal point. Knowledge check: Feedback our answers and write down the etymology of the word to help students break down the meaning and better understand it.

The evolution of foreshortening: Link to art history and the Renaisance period as where the technique began. Compare to the more

contemporary works of recent/ current artists, as well as graphic designer and animation (big picture and world of work.)

Introduce the first piece of work required and the artist inspiration – Andrea Joseph, biro artist.

Show exemplar biro work slide, as well as exemplar work from last Year 9.

Activity: Photoshoot – Take photographs which show foreshortening. We will choose the best image for each student and this will be the

image they do their biro drawing from.


Silent Do Now: Image analysis. Name as many biro techniques as you can see in the image. REACH – Name as many biro techniques as

you can remember from LC1.

Biro technique - Watch video.

Activity: Biro experimentation page. Firstly, try scumbling from dark to light. Secondly, try hatching from dark to light. Thirdly, try cross

hatching from dark to light. After this, try own experimentation with biro, using the PowerPoint to help with ideas and the iPad’s for inspiration

if necessary.

REACH: Create a facial feature biro drawing that explores the techniques (application of knowledge.)

Ensure all students have printed 1 image each to draw from next lesson.

Teacher feedback at End of Lesson 2 (written comment on feedback sheet, suggesting how to improve.)

Home learning – Art movement revision, ready for quiz as starter of Lesson 4 (next week.)

Keywords Foreshortening, perspective, focal point, biro techniques, hatching, cross hatching, scumbling, tonal variety.

Week 2

Drawing in response to theme/research

Success criteria:

Learning Activities: LESSON 3 Teaching activity: How to grid up. Learning activity: Students to apply a grid to their photograph and then an identical grid to their black page, ready to draw on to. LESSON 4 Do now: Art movement quiz to check understanding of cultural background (AO1.) Draw the foreshortening photo on to the blank page. This may be done in pencil (lightly) first if students would prefer. If they are more confident, they can draw directly in biro. LESSON 5 Apply the biro techniques to the drawing. Plenary: Photograph your drawing and keep in a folder on your iPad. If you decide to do a digital piece in the coming weeks, this will be required to work from. TEACHER TO PHOTOCOPY STUDENT DRAWING ON TO ART PAPER, SO THEY CAN APPLY A DIFFERENT MEDIA TO THE PIECE IN THE COMING WEEKS. PEER ASSESS AT END OF LESSON 5 – GALLERY WALK. Students to suggest how others could improve and to find inspiration and good practice by looking at others work.

Home learning – No home learning this week.

Keywords Foreshortening, perspective, focal point, biro techniques, hatching, cross hatching, scumbling, tonal variety.

Week 3

Drawing in response to theme/research

Success criteria:

Learning Activities: LESSON 6&7 Continue and complete biro piece, taking in to consideration the advice from their peers last lesson. Students may wish to print a new photo ready for their next piece which they will start next week. They do not have to, as they can use the same photo

again if they don’t want to draw they grid again.

Teacher, peer or self to complete the strength, satisfactory or target section of the feedback form for the biro piece.

Home learning –

1. Art movement revision, ready for do npw activity at the start of lesson 9 next week.

2. REACH: Print a new foreshortening photo and apply a grid to the image, ready for lesson next week.

Keywords Foreshortening, perspective, focal point, biro techniques, hatching, cross hatching, scumbling, tonal variety.

Week 4

Acrylic paint exploration

Assessment criteria:

Learning Activities: LESSON 8 Teaching activity: Acrylic paint techniques (textured and smooth) Learning activity: Students to explore and practice using the techniques.

Teacher, peer or self at end of lesson 8 (written comment on feedback sheet, suggesting how to improve.) LESSON 9&10 Do now: Art movement quiz (hitting AO1 contextual understanding.) Starter: Students to read feedback from teacher to help them to understand how to improve this lesson. Main: Students to apply the paint techniques to their foreshortening drawing.

Plenary: Gallery walk.

Home learning – No homework set.

Keywords Foreshortening, perspective, focal point, acrylic paint.

Week 5

Acrylic paint piece

Assessment criteria:

Learning Activities: LESSON 11

Do now: Read the teacher feedback to understand how to improve this lesson.

Main task: Continue with acrylic paint application on foreshortening piece.


Starter: Be self reflective and assess whether you have improved your work, based on teacher feedback last lesson.

Main task: Complete acrylic paint application on final piece.

Teacher, peer, or self to complete the strength, satisfactory or target section of the feedback form for the acrylic piece.

Home learning –

1. Art movement revision, ready for do now quiz in lesson 14.

2. REACH – Print and grid up a new photograph if student wants to draw from a different piece next week.

Keywords Foreshortening, perspective, focal point, acrylic paint.

Week 6

Student choice: Digital piece OR pencil tone piece

Assessment criteria:

Learning Activities: LESSON 13

Introduce choice of media and examples of work, so that students can make an informed choice.

Video tutorials available and sent to students, so they can explore how to use the techniques during lesson 13.

Teacher, peer or self at end of lesson 13 (written comment on feedback sheet, suggesting how to


LESSON 14&15

Students to apply techniques to their final foreshortening piece, taking on board advice from teacher feedback to help them improve.

Home learning – No homework.

Students may wish to complete any unfinished pieces by attending art club.

Keywords Foreshortening, perspective, focal point, digital manipulation, tonal variety, contrast.

Week 7

Complete digital or pencil tone piece (student choice)

Assessment criteria:

Learning Activities: LESSON 16 Continue with digital or pencil tone piece. LESSON 17 Complete digital or pencil tone piece.

Teacher, peer or self to complete the strength, satisfactory or target section of the feedback form for the digital or pencil tone piece. TEACHER FINAL ASSESSMENT FOR LC2 (A/O/B Target recorded on Sims.)

Home learning – None set this week.

Keywords Foreshortening, perspective, focal point, digital manipulation, tonal variety, contrast.