The KIC Team is Coming to NYC on December 10th, 2011

Post on 26-Mar-2016

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We have finally confirmed the venue for the KIC informational seminar in New York City. We will be hosting our event at The Empire Hotel I am excited that this is FINALLY confirmed. Now I have to work on building awareness for the event with potential clients and media. This event is for those who are interested in our program or surrogacy in India overall. They will have an opportunity to meet past clients as well as current clients and their babies born through surrogacy at KIC. It is a free event for those want to attend. I have been researching various LGBT organizations as well as other family planning groups in hopes of obtaining some momentum on marketing the event. We also have our ad running in Advocate Magazine this month to promote the event. It drops on 11/22/2011 for anyone who is reading so make sure to pick up a copy. I have also been looking into ad rates for local newspapers as well as national newspapers and WOW it is expensive.

Transcript of The KIC Team is Coming to NYC on December 10th, 2011

Greetings from Kiran Infertility Centre,

Hyderabad, India! We are elated to inform

you that we are in process of delivering of

our 200th Baby through Surrogacy this

December! The foundation for our

International Surrogacy Program was laid

down in December 2008 and within this

relatively short period, KIC has become one

of the most familiar names across the Globe

for Reproductive Medical Tourism. We

would like to thank all of you for trusting,

supporting and being excellent

Ambassador’s for our clinic and holding us in

high regard through the up’s and downs of

this Surrogacy Journey. Without your

support and trust this would not have been


In our Endeavour to provide better services

and more transparency to all the Intended

Parents all across the Globe, to bring

awareness and clear apprehensions of all

our International Intended Parents we have

decided to hold Seminars in different parts

of the Globe in 2012. We would like to

invite you to this First Seminar being held in

New York, U.S.A on Dec 10th 2011. We

invite you to be a part of our moment of

Success and Joy and participate in this

seminar and to share your views with us

and others to make it a Grand Success. This

Congress will also have presentations from

Medical Team, Legal, & Client Management

Team of KIC.

You are Invited!

RSVP 27th November 2011

On Behalf of: Dr Samit Sekhar and all members of Kiran Infertility Centre, Hyderabad, India.


The Empire Hotel

44 West

63rd Street

New York, NY 10023