The Jet Volume 5 Number 10

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Fiji's First Community Newspaper

Transcript of The Jet Volume 5 Number 10

DECEMBER, 2013. Issue Number 51 PRICE: 50 CENTS

The fi rst group of students study-ing medicine and sponsored under the Public Service Commission (PSC) Local Scholarships gradu-ated on Friday, December 6 from the University of Fiji’s Umanand Prasad School of Medicine.

The Public Service Commission permanent secretary Parmesh Chand said there were altogether 33 stu-dents that graduated.

He congratulated the students on behalf of Government and com-mended them for every effort, sac-rifi ce and hard work they had put in that enabled them to graduate as medical students.

The Chancellor of the University of Fiji, His Excellency the President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau reminded the students that they had chosen a hon-ourable professional of healing and saving lives and a profession in the service of humanity.

The President paid tribute to the Founding Dean of the Umanand Prasad School of Medicine saying he had contributed so much energy and fi nancial resources to UniFiji.

“All his (Late Doctor Umanand Prasad’s) efforts including the pledge of $1million towards the Umanand Prasad School of Medicine will be recorded in the annals of the history of Fiji as a classic example of a true Fijian whose principal aspiration was to see the growth, prosperity and happiness of his fellow countrymen and women.”

The Acting Vice-Chancellor of the University of Fiji, Professor Chandra Dulare congratulated the students for their achievements.

“You have worked hard over the last six years to make your parents, families, government, sponsors and the University very proud today. I acknowledge your hard work and I am sure you will not forget the sac-rifi ces made by others to ensure that you become qualifi ed doctors.

Professor Dulare said that gradua-tion is not an end but marked the be-

Medical boost

ginning of a life of responsibilities. “Responsibilities as an employee,

responsibilities to your family, re-sponsibilities to society, responsibili-ties to your patients and above all re-sponsibilities to yourself in building a healthy and prosperous life.”

The names of the students that

graduated are; Preeti Balgovind, Pritika Priya Chand, Shalvin Chand, Vishaal Amit Chandra, Elizabeth Natasha Dass, Violetta Seusina Fa-tiaki, Parneet Rajeshwar Harish, Abdul Mushib Ibrahim, Priya Pri-tika Kaur, Mousheem Usman Khan, Avnit Avnil Kumar, Romika Ro-

hini Lata, Lusiana Marama Malani, Malvina Naicker, Pritika Payal Prasad, Amitesh Aman Raj, Bimal Raj, Sheetal Swastika Raj, Sivana-nda Deepankar Ram, Sivnay Dinkar Ram, Taini Lakokada Ravasua, Pe-losio Peter Vesikuru Rounds, Vasiti Tegei Sabua, Salma Sandhya, Shrad-

har Shilta, Adi Moleta Lavenia Sila-tolu, Ashwin Avinesh Sundar, Kapil Krishnam Swamy, Varanaisi Talai, Mereoni Wailiwaliwa Tuiradamu, Lanieta Lutuavatu Vakarauvanua, Alanieta Raicoki Waqanicagica and Shitanjini Shila Wati.

Inaugural graduation of students from Umanand Prasad School of Medicine a milestone achievement


Newly graduated doctors from UPSM. INSET: Outstanding Newly graduated doctors from UPSM. INSET: Outstanding student Ashwin Sundar. Photos: ANUSHIL KUMAR.student Ashwin Sundar. Photos: ANUSHIL KUMAR. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk




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COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARDEMPOWER PACIFIC (Formerly PCSS) provides private, confi dential counsel-ling on depression, family/marital, stress, grief, abuse, suicidal thoughts, STI’s, drugs, alcohol & be-havior lifestyle changes. Opens 8am – 3pm, Monday – Friday. Call us on 6708169 Located at Nadi old hospital road.

ROTARY CLUB OF NADI is on a membership drive to increase members who repre-sent all sections of the com-munity. Nadi Rotarians meet every Wednesday at Sitar Restaurant in Martintar at 6.30pm. Interested people can call club president Hemant Kumar on 9990677

SOROPTIMIST INTER-NATIONAL is a vibrant, dynamic organisation for to-day’s professional and busi-nesswomen, working through projects to promote equality, development and peace. We are seeking members to join our club. Interested ladies can call SI Nadi president Zeaba Rahiman on 9977058

FIJIAN WRITERS ASSO-CIATION which has been established to form the fi rst ever formal body represent-ing writers, poets, journal-ists and everyone who has a passion for writing is seek-ing new members. Interested people can contact Professor Subramani via email:-

THE JET is Fiji’s fi rst community newspaper published monthly by SHAMBU ADVERTISING from Nadi - the tourism capital of Fiji.

PUBLISHER : SHALENDRA PRASAD Cell: 9232073ADVERTISING : MARGARET NAQIRI Cell: 9360047PHONE OFFICE : (679) 7767574/ 6708188 FAX : (679) 6708188EMAIL :




American volunteer ventures into teaching special children

Abigayle Zimmerman (18) is from the United States of America, who is volunteering in Fiji with Projects Abroad. She hopes to pursue a career teaching Children with spe-cial needs.

Abigayle was working un-der the Care Project at Hilton Intervention School in Suva which caters for special chil-dren.

Their daily tasks would in-clude singing, arts & craft and skill learning.

“Devotion and music was conducted in the morning, followed by skills time where we would do threading or puzzles,” she shared.

“We would then move to arts & crafts so I will help them colour within the lines. Lunch would be at 12 o’clock and I would also help with lunch because some of them were unable to feed them-selves,” she added.

Further, she remarked “there are about fi ve teachers and 50 kids with severe dis-abilities which require indi-vidual attention, so any extra hands would be a big help for the kids,”

The cultural difference was a learning experience for Abigayle and she absolutely loved learning about a new culture.

“I loved the cultural differ-ence. I had a really good host family and they included me in everything such as family reunions and social gather-ings. I felt like I went all over


the place there and I loved it,” she enthused.

The highlight of her ex-perience was establishing a relationship with her Projects Abroad host family.

“My best experience would be meeting my host family because they’ve been so won-derful. I’ve been sick a few times and being far away from my family was not a problem as my host family fi lled in pretty well, making sure I got better,” she shared.

“I really felt like I was part of the family. They really made my whole experience amazing,” she added.

Abigayle believes that her active involvement with lo-cals and volunteers was an ad-vantage during her volunteer work.

“My advice to future vol-unteers at Projects Abroad is to just get involved as much as you can. Attend socials and make an effort to interact with locals,” she shared.

“I have friends in Fiji and all over Europe, Australia but before I came here I only knew people from America. So now I feel like I have more support when I go somewhere,” she added.

However, Abigayle says that although she comes from a developed country, it re-ally felt good to take a step back and experience the little things in life.

“America is a lot more de-veloped, technology wise we are very advanced. It’s nice to be able to take a step back and go to a place that is more

down to earth,” she opined.“When you live in such a

developed country everything is superfi cial and to come here was a nice break from it all. I get to learn and dig into a new culture and learn about them and also about myself,”she added.

Abigayle shared her last words about volunteering in Fiji with Projects Abroad.

“Fiji is amazing and there is so much to do and so many places you can help. Every-thing is just beautiful, no mat-ter where you are in Fiji,” she concluded.

We hope that great stories like these inspire others to help Projects Abroad to make a difference and, in doing so, to learn something themselves along the way.

FNU leads by exampleOpening of new Aquapon-ics Farm in Legalega brings FNU’s investment in Nadi close to $100 million

The Fiji National University is making a very positive impact in Nadi.

While the university now has a state-of-the-art campus in Namaka, FNU continues to make major investments in both infrastructure and human resources in Fiji’s tourism capital – Nadi.

And the opening of FNU’s Aquaponics Farm on Thurs-day, December 19 heralds a new beginning for the country as far as food security and sustainability are concerned.

For those who may not be aware with the term, Aqua-ponics is a food production system that combines conven-tional aquaculture, (raising aquatic animals such as snails, fi sh,crayfi sh or prawns in tanks), with hydroponics (cultivat-ing plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. In normal aquaculture, excretions from the animals being raised can accumulate in the water, increasing toxicity. In an aquaponic system, water from an aquaculture system is fed to a hy-droponic system where the by-products are broken down by nitrogen-fi xing bacteria into nitrates and nitrites, which are utilized by the plants as nutrients. The water is then recircu-lated back to the aquaculture system.

In a recent symposium organized by the Nadi Chamber of Commerce & Industry, FNU vice-chancellor Dr Ganesh Chand said the university is investing heavily in not only Nadi but all around the country.

He said by 2016, FNU anticipates making a total capital investment of over $100 million in Nadi alone.

Dr Chand also highlighted on the pool of resources and expertise which the university has at its discretion.

He said FNU has the expertise to work closely with vari-ous agencies in the fi eld of fl ood mitigation and other impor-tant areas but have never been approached on the issues for assistance. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk


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Police launch operation SiganisucuThe Fiji Police Force has

launched its festive season operations with a mission of ensuring citizens and visitors to Fiji enjoy a peaceful and safe festive period.

Chief Operations Offi cer Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Rusiate Tudravu has directed all Divisional Po-lice Commanders (DPC) and Commanding Offi cer Central Division to align their opera-tions on the ground to ensure the mission of an incident free festive season is achieved.

ACP Tudravu has also di-rected that all non-essential leave be deferred to ensure in-creased visibility in the urban, peri-urban, rural areas as well as visibility on our roads.

Taking into consideration the anticipated increased movement of people during this time, reinforcement of manpower will be pushed for-ward from various command centers and divisional head-

By ANA NAISOROof Fiji Police Force

quarters.Offi cers will also be moni-

toring popular night spots by conducting consistent checks on restriction of minors into night clubs.

Members of the public are also being advised that road-

blocks will be erected at cer-tain locations throughout the division during this period.

ACP Tudravu is requesting members of the public to also do their part by taking owner-ship of their individual safety.

“We are often caught up

with the festivities and over-look the issue of personal safety and the safety of our property”.

“Simple measures such as ensuring your property is secure if you’re intending to travel are some of the safety

measures one can adopt and will deter would be opportun-ists from taking advantage of people’s plans to enjoy the festive season”.

“Operation Siganisucu” will run from 10th December 2013 – 10th Jan 2014.

The Nadi Chamber of Com-merce and Nadi Town Coun-cil are working very closely with the Fiji Police Force to keep Nadi safe for resi-dents and visitors. Photo: SHALENDRA PRASAD.

It proved to be a histori-cal event in the lives of many Fijian crafters and artisans as their creations was offi cially branded as “Fijian Crafted” at Koroivolu Park in Nadi on Sat-urday, November 30.

The group of 39 people received their licensed certifi -cates from the Attorney Gen-eral and Minister for Industry and Trade, Aiyaz Sayed-Khai-yum.

The “Fijian Crafted” is an-other initiative incorporated

Government encourages locally made productsBy SHONAL KUMAR into the legendary “Fijian

Made” campaign which is expected to empower people to buy the local supplies and maintain the economic base of Fiji.

“There are a lot of resourc-es, skills, arts and craft in Fiji which have not been given the recognition,” says the Attor-ney General.

“By promoting Fijian Made we are promoting these skills from generation to gen-eration,” he added.

On the same note, these dexterous crafts people are leaving no stones unturned

in passing their knowledge to their young. One of the masi designers, Selai Buasala said that she gained these skills from her ancestors and is very proud to be passing her knowledge to her daughter.

The license possessors are expected to display the Fi-jian Crafted logo while selling their products in order to dis-cern the local products from the imported ones. This would give the visitors a vivid repre-sentation of Fiji’s pure crafts-manship.

The President of Fiji Crafts Council, Niqa Tuvuki also ac-

knowledged companies which have contributed in the sales of these local products.

She said the Motibhai

Group had already bought goods worth more than $4000, Jacks Nadi shop have built a bure to provide space for the

sales of the crafts while Tap-poos is intending to establish a special section in stores for the Fijian Crafts.

Left: Selai Buasala with her daughter doing masi printing. Right: Aliti Kunasau and Adi Ema Nava with their certifi cates. Photos: ZOHYA ALI.

Ratu Asaeli Driu Naevo, 48, has been traditionally installed as the Momo na Tui Nawaka.

Sauturaga (kingmakers) clan spokesperson, Seremaia Driu said the new chief had the blessing of the clan who had followed all correct protocol.

He said the new chief would have to face the challenges of the tikina (district) of Nawaka consisting of 12 yavusa (tribes).

“It is a big responsibility to look after 12 yavusa but we have faith in him that he will live up to the peoples wishes of the days and years to come,” Mr Driu said.

“It is a joyous day for the 12 yavusa as we have fi lled the vacant seat of the Werelevu Na-lagi. I thank God for his bless-ing on this.”

Ratu Asaeli will reside at the Werelevu i Nalagi (chiefl y resi-dence) which has been vacant for a year after his predeces-sor Ratu Manasa Qoro Naevo passed away last year.

He is the 8th Tui Nawaka.


New Tui Nawaka installed Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk



Generous RotariansBy SHONAL KUMAR

The Rotary Club of Nadi has again taken another grave step towards helping the peo-ple of Nadi with special needs.

Goods worth of around $2300 was distributed to the needy by the club through the Social Welfare Department on Friday, December 13.

President Hemant Kumar said the club distributes food parcels to the needy during this time of the year in the Nadi area and these are mostly people under the Social Wel-

Saunaka villagers in Nadi have invested in the construction of a new primary school to mark its hundred year centennial celebrations.

Minister for Education, Filipe Bole, who offi cially opened the Ratu Nalukuya Primary School on November 21, commended the villagers for their remarkable achievement in helping educational development of its children.

“It is extraordinary indeed because normally villagers would be celebrating their century with chants, songs and merry making, but you chose to have a centre for learning in your village to mark your 100 year anniversary. Now, that is a genuine reason for celebration,” Mr Bole said.

The school which is named after the late turaga na tui Naua and Saunaka chief Ratu Taito Nalukuya would cater for close to 26 students attending classes 1 to 3.

The turaga na taukei Naua personally invested $100, 000 in the preparation, construction, purchas-ing of furniture, stationeries and text books for the new primary school.

“Government through the Education Ministry is doing its best to make education accessible and af-fordable but Saunaka has gone a step further by literally bringing the school to the individual homes,” Mr Bole added.

School manager Ratu Taito highlighted that education was imperative for the growth and develop-ment of any nation and Government’s commitment towards this was recently seen during the 2014 national budget announcement where a budgetry allocation of $541million was made towards educa-tion in Fiji.

“We are thankful that we (Saunaka Village) are able to assist and take advantage of educational initiatives provided by Government. It’s not that we want handouts but more so it’s an investment by the village to its future generations,” Ratu Taito said.

Mr Bole took the opportunity to remind parents and members of the community to place more emphasis on the education of their children.

“While teachers are central to learning in a school, a child’s education is not complete without the close involvement of parents, as well as the input of other experienced and talented members of the community who are willing to share their skills and knowledge,” he said.

fare Department assistance.“We have been doing this

great deed for more than twenty-years now and our main motive is to help needy people,” Mr. Kumar said.

He has also urged the pub-lic to join the Rotary Club and help them continue with these noble deeds.

“Anyone interested to partake in our club’s social services are most welcome and can contact us on ‘Rotary Club Nadi’ Facebook page or on mobile 9990677.”

A recipient of the parcel, Irene Narayan from Sabeto, Nadi, also expressed her sin-

cere gratitude to the club.“This step by the Rotary

Club has given us a ray of hope and I am hopeful that they will continue to assist us

in this way,” said Irene Na-rayan.

Narayan hails from a bro-ken family and says that this assistance is of a great help to

them.The club plans to continue

with their social service with the hope of getting maximum support from the public.


Should Nadi be declared a city?


Saunaka leads by example


Class two students of Ratu Nalukuya Primary School. Stand-ing from left to right are education minister Filipe Bole with traditional leaders, Taukei Naua Ratu Ponijese Lou, Tui Nadi Ratu Sailosi Dawai and Taukei Navo Ratu Meli Saukuru.

Adele Rova, Nadi AirportNo, because a town sounds more like a society that commu-nicates and connects with each other

Zainab Mussa, DenarauYes, so it could be with the same standards as other city, to attract more visitors and to make it a big tourist area

Inia Naqia, AerotownYes, because we have an air-port, hotels and basically every-thing that attracts visitors

Caption: Elenoa Adi (left) of Sikituru village receives her parcel from president Hemant Caption: Elenoa Adi (left) of Sikituru village receives her parcel from president Hemant Kumar and Rotary Club member, Jane Kelly. Photo: ANUSHIL KUMAR.Kumar and Rotary Club member, Jane Kelly. Photo: ANUSHIL KUMAR. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk



By ASHMI ARTIKA & AYESHA DEANPreschool teachers from all over Fiji fl ocked to Nadi to at-

tend the Early Childhood Association Fiji’s (ECAF) biennial conference which was also their fi rst meet as a registered entity.

The event was offi cially opened at Ratu Navula College on Tuesday, December 3 by acting Australian High Commissioner to Fiji, His Excellency Glenn Miles.

Mr. Miles, while addressing the teachers attending the con-ference said, “The Early Childhood Education (ECE) program has obvious benefi ts such as reduced school dropouts and lesser students repeating a year but also other benefi ts like improved nutritional and health standard, greater adult productivity and improved female labor participation.”

“It (ECE) gives children the best chance to live up to their full potential and be the best they can be,” he added.

The theme for the conference was ‘Early Childhood Educa-tion- Link to Our Future.’

Explaining the theme of this conference, Meleniani Kuru-avesi, the President of ECAF, said, “Communities need to un-derstand that children are the foundation for our future. If we make our foundation strong with quality education, then these children will become the bridge, the link to the future that we all desire.”

Ms Kuruavesi also acknowledged the efforts of the Australia Pacifi c Technical College (APTC) in improving the standard of preschool education. APTC provides full scholarships for Cer-tifi cate III and Diploma in Children’s Services for teachers from all over Fiji including surrounding Islands like Rabi, Vanuatu, Tonga and Kiribati.

Ms Kuruavesi said that the main aim for ECAF is to advo-cate for ECE so that people would recognize teachers as care-givers. The week long seminar includes plenary sessions by the APTC lecturers and students and other informative sessions by the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre, the Consumer Council of Fiji, the Fiji Police Force, the Education Department and Psycholo-gist Selina Kuruleea.

Nadi hosts ECE conference

Teachers from all over Fiji attending the 2013 early childhood education conference at Ratu Navula College in Nadi on Tues-day, December 3. Photo: ASHMI ARTIKA.

Special teachers meet in NadiBy ANUSHIL KUMAR


More than 123 teachers from all over Fiji attended the annual general meeting together with annual awards function for Fiji Special Edu-cation Teachers Association (FSETA) in Nadi this month.

Teachers who performed well throughout the year were rewarded with prizes and tro-phies for leadership, cham-pion, sports teacher of the year (both male and female), support staff award and the creativity award which was based on the judge’s decision.

The Chief Guest and Di-rector Primary Education To-masi Raiyawa emphasized on the new school fees structure and their plans for future di-rections which included Free education budget 2014 ($250 per child), special education grant, the special and inclu-sive education policy, the na-

tional curriculum framework, mobilizing inclusive educa-tion and pay rise.

“By January 10th next year, we should be able to give you your free grants. Please note that for term 2, we will need your AGM minutes and audited fi nancial report in order to receive your term 2 grant,” Mr Raiyawa said.

“We will also have a moni-toring system in place to en-sure that the specifi ed grant is used for its intended purpose and not anywhere you like,” he added.

The association also had their presidential election - Paulo Vueti of the Sigatoka Special School was elected the new President for the Fiji Special Education Teachers Association (FSETA).

This year the AGM was hosted by Western Council of Special Educators (WEST-COSE) at the NZPTC Com-plex.

Narayan loves his art

Avinesh Narayan is a local painter who resides in Qele-loa; Nadi and has been paint-ing for the past 15-years now.

“As a young boy I used to like drawing and that is what I wanted to do as a profession as well.”

All his paintings are on canvas and tapa and the paint-ings are of abstracts and land-scapes. In 2011 he also at-tended the rugby world cup in New Zealand where he

showcased and sold some of his paintings and also did face painting for the kids. Earlier this year he also took part in the art exhibition that was held at the Radisson Resort on Denarau Island.

“I am also working on a masterpiece which will take me a long time to create as I would like to showcase this in exhibitions and on the inter-net so that I can put my name out there as a professional artist and be known for my paintings around Fiji and the world.”

Narayan said tourists and locals have been coming in to buy his paintings at Tappoo Fiji Market in Nadi. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk


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Starwood Group appoints Shane Cunning as area

GM Fiji and SamoaStarwood Pacifi c has announced the appointment of Shane

Cunning to Area General Manager for Fiji and Samoa, add-ing three more hotels to his portfolio.

In addition to his current role as Managing Director, Fiji Com-plex, Shane will now oversee the new Sheraton Resort and Spa, Tokoriki Island, Fiji and two new Sheraton properties acquired in Samoa.

Having worked for Starwood for 28-years including complet-ing several GM assignments and six-years in Fiji, Shane’s operational expertise and experience working in the Pacifi c Islands will be integral to the smooth openings of these new Hotels.

It is a great achievement for not only Shane but for Starwood Fiji as the complex is now established to be the training ground for the Pacifi c Island region.

In the six-years that Shane has been with Starwood Fiji there has been a reduction in expatriate staff with a majority of key positions now being held by locals.

“I am confi dent with the level of expertise and experience that our Fiji Associates have to be able to use them as trainers for our Samoan counterpart,” said Shane.

“We will look to bring in key personel from Fiji to Samoa to train the associates to become brand ambassadors of our Sheraton Brand,” he continued.

With three new Sheraton’s opening in Fiji and Samoa, Shane will have a total of six fi ve-star resort properties under is watchful care.


Shane Cunning. Photo: MARGARET NAQIRI.

Making a differenceVodafone ATH Fiji foun-

dation has again taken an-other great step in making a vast difference in the lives of people. With the main motive of engaging everyone to make a world of difference, the or-ganisation continues to pro-vide help to various organisa-tions and is in process to bring up a transparent society.

In order to establish a fully technology based society, Vo-dafone ATH Foundation has started donating technologi-cal items to organizations so that the unnoticed ones get the equal rights to adjust to the modern era.

Two special homes in Nadi, the Loloma Home and the St. Mina Home, received donations from the foundation consisting of tablets and free Wi-Fi connection on Wednes-day, December 18.

The Loloma Home, locat-ed in Waimalika Sabeto, is a

special home which caters for abused mothers and orphans. The home currently has twen-ty children from which eleven are with their mothers while nine are waif.

The St. Mina Home is

based in Martintar currently consisting of ten orphans.

Vodafone ATH Fiji founda-tion executive, Ambalika Kut-ty said that through this dona-tion, they expect the young to be technology wise and also

the abused mothers would be able to have access to sources whereby they will be able to know their rights.

“Through this they will also be able to have access to the newly established channel, mWomen, where they will get information directly on their tablets and mobile phones,” she said.

“The funds collected through the mWomen chan-nel will be used to support the abused victims,” she added.

She also mentioned that the children present in the homes should be given the full right to use the technology pro-vided and have access to sites which are benefi cial to them.

The Manager of St. Mina Home, Kiran Chellaram said the step taken by Vodafone ATH Fiji foundation is some-thing to applaud for and what they are doing is marvellous.

The foundation plans to visit more centres which need special attention so that they could be known to the society.

Vodafone ATH Foundation executive director Ambalika Kutty, right, at the Loloma Home in Sabeto. Photo: ANUSHIL KUMAR.

DO Nadi Jiuta Waqavonovono addresses stakeholders dur-ing the meeting. Photo: PATRICK LAL.

District offi ce works closely with stakeholdersBy AVNEEL ABHISHAY

As the year came to an end, the heads of each department gathered to share their success and achievements at the District offi cer’s conference meeting in Nadi on Tuesday, December 17.

Though the path was challenging, many departments of Nadi were successful in reaching their yearly targets.

According to the District Offi cer, Jiuta Waqavonovono, the year started on a challenging note with Cyclone Evan being a ma-jor setback as they are still building rehabilitation homes.

He emphasized on the need for departments to improve their service for the New Year and at the same time the department heads of Nadi District were shown the budget for the coming year.

“2014 will be a very busy year, and by the end of June we want seventy percent of our targets achieved,” Mr Waqavonovono said.

Other concerning issues such as drinking water, burning of leaves and rise in abuse cases were also discussed in the meeting by the respective departments. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk



Over six thousand crazy fans swarmed at Prince Charles Park in Nadi on Thursday, December 12, to witness the grand show presenting Abha Live in concert sponsored by Flour Mills of Fiji (FMF) in association with Sub-rails Furniture Centre.

The prominent Indian TV actress Suhasi Goradia Dhami, best known as Abha in her In-dian TV serial “Yahaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli” rocked the Jet Set town with her glamour and uniqueness.

“I love you Nadi, I love you all.” These were the fi rst words said by the gorgeous Suhasi Dhami after her fi rst enthusi-astic performance live on stage which made the crowd roar up with excitement.

She also dedicated an island dance to the Fijians followed by the famous iTaukei song “Isa lei Lia” which further moved the heart of the crowd.


The breathtaking event com-promised of other entertaining performances including live band, local talents and comedy by the famous Bollywood star Jimmy Moses.

While entertaining the crowd, Jimmy Moses an-nounced that Nadi proved to have the best audience as the jet setters continually cheered for the artists.

“I have been to Fiji before and I love the beauty and the

friendly nature of people over here,” added Jimmy Moses.

While in Fiji, Suhasi and her husband Jaysheel also took time out to visit Castaway Island Re-sort and the recently re-opened Treasure Island Resort, much to the excitement of resort man-agement and staff.

Meanwhile, after eight stage shows around the country, the group left for India with fond memories and a promise to re-turn in the future.

TOP: Abha performs live at Prince Charles Park in Nadi. Photo: ANUSHIL KUMAR. BELOW: Abha and her husband Jaysheel at Treasure Island. Photo: SUPPLIED. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk



Mamanuca operators celebrate Tourism operators and

stakeholders connected to the amazing Mamanuca group of Islands united to celebrate yet another suc-cessful year of operations.

A special function was hosted by the Mamanuca Chapter of the Fiji Islands Hotel and Tourism Associa-tion at the Raffl es Gateway Hotel in Nadi on Friday, De-cember 13.

While addressing stake-holders and guests present at the function, Musket Cove



Island Resort and Marina sales and marketing man-ager Kini Saukuru said op-erators from the Mamanuca Group work very closely to promote tourism in the country.

“We are not in competi-tion but rather complement each other as every operator has something unique to of-fer to guests,” Ms Saukuru said.

She also thanked various sponsors for supporting the function. Many of those who attended also walked away with attractive prizes which mainly comprised of island accommodation for winners.

Bank of Baroda records impressive growth

Bank of Baroda (BOB) is experiencing tremendous growth in the country says Pa-bitra Kumar Das, chief execu-tive offi cer of the banks’ Fiji operations.

Attributing the success and strong growth to loyal cus-tomer support, Mr Das said the bank has been doing very well in the past three years.

“For the period of 2012 – 2013, the industry growth was 11 percent but our growth was 22 percent and we expect something similar for this fi -nancial year which closes in March, 2014,” Mr Das said.

“In the last two years, our credit portfolio has increased

by $100 million.”He said the bank has also

joined hands with Bank of South Pacifi c (BSP) to allow BOB clients to use their ATM and EPFTOS networks.

“All this is about customer convenience and we are in talks with other banks to offer similar services. Apart from this, we have also entered into internet banking,” Mr Das in-formed.

He said the bank is also looking at the option of open-

ing another branch in Taveuni.“I have visited the place

and at the moment there is only one bank on the island. If all goes well, we will soon have a new branch in Taveuni as well.”

Mr Das said BOB is also growing rapidly in India and has opened 500 new branches in the subcontinent last year.

He was addressing guests present at their annual Christ-mas cocktail held at their Nadi branch this month.

Operators and stakeholders at the function. For more pictures, click Photo: SHALENDRA PRASAD.

TOP: Bank of Baroda customers with BOB CEO Fiji Mr Pabitra Kumar Das (Second from TOP: Bank of Baroda customers with BOB CEO Fiji Mr Pabitra Kumar Das (Second from left). For more pictures, click Photos: MARGARET left). For more pictures, click Photos: MARGARET NAQIRI.NAQIRI.

Mr PK Das Mr PK Das with Vijay with Vijay Sharma and Sharma and Shiu Ram.Shiu Ram. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk


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Back in 1987 when we firststarted serving the people of Nadi,we made our living by supplyingprofessional tradesmen and first timehome builders alike.

In those days, when we werejust beginning we wouldn’t havegone far without your business.

Even though we haveexpanded to having three outlets inNadi (and started a new wholesaledivision), we haven’t forgotten wherewe started or who we started with.

Which is why at KK’S Hardwarewe still make sure that when you

come in, you get more attention,better back up, and a lot betterservice than you can get anywhereelse.

It’s the least we could do.



P.O.Box 1363, Nadi, FijiPh: 6701453/6701966 (Yard)

Fax: 6703236Warehouse: Weikamu Industrial Sub – divisionShop: Opposite Market PH: 6700811 /6701707 Fax: 6702241E mail: Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk



Everything you needThe best name in hardware will not let you down...

The Votualevu outlet has everything you need for your buidling needs. The Votualevu outlet has everything you need for your buidling needs. Photos: MARGARET NAQIRI.Photos: MARGARET NAQIRI.

Check us out for wide range of weedicides, pesticides, fertilisers and more...Check us out for wide range of weedicides, pesticides, fertilisers and more...

All the timber you need... now dressed at our All the timber you need... now dressed at our timber yard to your specifi c needs.timber yard to your specifi c needs.


If you are looking for building materials, electrical tools and construction equip-ment like concrete mixers, there is only one place which should come to mind.

KK’s Hardware which started in a humble way in 1987 is today the best name in hardware in Nadi - the fastest growing township of the south pacifi c.

With great products and best prices, KK’s has also

won the hearts of many cus-tomers from outer islands especially in the Mamanuca Group as well.

The company now has three outlets in Nadi, the lat-est being in Votualevu which remains the largest rural area not only in Nadi but entire Fiji.

Also in stock is high qual-ity mahogany timber which is available from the ware-house and timber yard at Weikamu Subdivision.

Visit KK’s today to check out the best you can get in Nadi. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk



No challenge was strong enough to hinder the manage-ment of Treasure Island Resort to reinstate the property after a devastating cyclone struck the Fiji Islands last year in De-cember causing many of the resorts in the Mamanuca group to stop its operations.

The iconic resort was re-opened on Tuesday, December


Treasure Island reopens17, after a year by the Presi-dent of the Republic of Fiji, His Excellency, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau.

“The traditional owners, the management and staff of Treasure Island are to be ap-plauded, as indeed all Fijians, for their demonstration of this great strength,” he said.

He said that the Treasure Island has played a key role in achieving the objectives of the

Fijian government with their invaluable contribution to the tourism industry.

According to the Group General Manager, Scott Wal-ton, they have again success-fully entered into the tourism market and are planning to bring about more exciting fea-tures to the island.

The Chairperson of Trea-sure Island Limited, Bill Whiting, also thanked all the

contributors who have helped in recrudescing the resort and getting them back into busi-ness.

“A special thanks goes to our bankers, Westpac, who have been a fantastic partner,” he said. The resorts’ offi cial reopening has been a mile-stone for them and is now all ready to provide the friendly service to people throughout the world.

His Excellency Ratu Epeli Nailatikau is fl anked by the management and staff of Treasure Island Resort following the offi cial reopening on Tuesday, December 17. Photo: ANUSHIL KUMAR.

Rosie appoints Russia & CIS Market Manager

Rosie Holidays Fiji has appointed Ms. Kristiana Daugava to the position of Russia & CIS Market Manager based in the Nadi head offi ce. Kristiana will be responsible for the growth of sales and the development of the lucrative Russian & CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) outbound tourism markets.

Assisting Adeline Erasito, Rosie Holidays Business Develop-ment Manager, Kristiana will work closely with the Russian & CIS tour wholesalers, Incentive organizers, and special interest agents operators to introduce Fiji to their customers.

Russia & CIS is a relatively new market for Fiji and Rosie Holi-days has been instrumental in developing this market through joint initiatives with tourism industry partners, Tourism Fiji and Fiji Airways. Earlier this year, Rosie Holidays undertook a one day forum in Moscow with over 200 selected tour op-erators which was opened by the Honorable Prime Minister of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama during his state visit to Russia.

Kristiana was born in Riga, Latvia and has a truly international background. She has spent her last few years working in Business Development in Toronto and London before mov-ing to Fiji. She has covered markets across the globe starting from USA and Canada to New Zealand. Kristiana is a gradu-ate of the Free University of Brussels with an MA in Busi-ness Management and BS in Computer Science.

In her few months in Fiji, Kristiana has already travelled a lot to understand the culture, history and to get familiar with the Fijian lifestyle. Diving and snorkeling is what she has done the most and is her passion. Kristiana is fl uent in Russian, Latvian, and English and conversational in French.

General Manager, Eroni Puamau said “We are delighted to have a person of Kristiana’s experience and background to join our Rosie Sales & Marketing team. Kristiana will not only enhance the services we provide to all our Russian & CIS tour operator partners but also develop new business and op-portunities from these markets”.


Adeline Erasito and Kristiana Daugava. Photo: MARGARET NAQIRI. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk


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Ragigia joins Raffl es Group

The Raffl es Group of Hotels and Resorts has confi rmed the appointment of Ragigia (Gia) Dawai who commenced work on October, 28.

She was previously with Tourism Fiji based in New Zealand working as the regional marketing offi cer for fi ve-years.

During her time at Tourism Fiji New Zealand, Gia was re-sponsible for the marketing and promotional programmes that kept Fiji as the second most travelled to destination for NZ trav-ellers.

Prior to the New Zealand regional posting, Gia spent fi ve-years at Tourism Fiji Head Offi ce as a Marketing Offi cer and looked after several markets including South Korea and UK and was involved in the development of niche markets such as Cruising and the Backpacker market.

Gia was also instrumental in providing secretariat support to the Tourism Action Group (TAG), Fiji Tourism Forum and the AON Fiji Excellence in Tourism Awards.

Gia’s key responsibilities for the group include liaison with global market representatives on sales and marketing initia-tives; overseeing the reservations, sales and events departments; reviewing and overhauling on-property marketing materials; fa-cilitating training to improve customer service as well as assist-ing with local inbound and local sales.

Commenting on her role, Gia says, “This new journey is an exciting one and a role that will give me a deeper appreciation of what our key players in tourism (hotels) contribute to drive Fiji’s economy. It’s a privilege to be working with such reputa-ble products that have been internationally recognized and rated for their outstanding service and quality experience.”


Ragigia Dawai. Photo: SHALENDRA PRASAD.

Launch of the inaugural cruise to the Launch of the inaugural cruise to the Lau group. Photo: MINFO.Lau group. Photo: MINFO.

The launch of the inaugural trip for a tourist cruise to the Lau group in October demon-strates the positive growth of Fiji's tourism industry.

This was highlighted by the Minister for Works, Trans-port and Public Utilities Mr Timoci Lesi Natuva as he of-fi ciated on behalf of Govern-ment at the inaugural launch.

"This new development will boost our thriving tour-ism industry by attracting more tourists into our shores."

The Minister highlighted the contribution from the tourism sector to Fiji adding that it is "Fiji's fastest growing industry in terms of employ-ment creation and foreign ex-

Lau cruise boosts tourism change earnings".

The launch saw the vessel set sail for the fi rst time to the Lau Group and in particular to Vanuabalavu, Fulaga Island, Kabara, Totoya and Wailagi-lagi. This, the Minister said would infl uence and boost employment for locals living in these communities.

"It provides an opportuni-ty for small village businesses with the sales of art and craft products such as wood carv-ings, baskets and necklaces by villagers."

Tourists who were the fi rst to sail were treated to a per-formance by the police jazz band. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk


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From left are Alok Mishra (GM Carpenters Finance), Maran (Operation Manager MH), Siva (Operation Manager Homemaker) and Raj Deo (Manager West Carpenters Finance) during their function in Nadi. Photo: SUPPLIED.Alexandra of Sofi tel with staff of Pacifi c Destinationz. Photo: MARGARET NAQIRI.

From left are SSKMC Principal Anita Gounder, Lionel Prakash Joseph (DUX, Best Science Student), Akshay Kumar (Student of the Year, Best Student Leader), Krisma Chand (Best Arts Student) and Zohya Rukshar Ali (Principal's Award). Photo: SUPPLIED.

Sabeto College Dux 2013 Mohammed Shan with Mrs. Basundra Kumar, College Principal Mr. Rajesh Chand and Mother Shaida Begum. Photo: SUPPLIED.

Andrews Primary School student of the year Sahil Sharma with his parents Lalesh and Runaaz. Photo: MARGARET NAQIRI.

Mulomulo Secondary School Dux and student of the year Anushil Kumar with his form teach-er Ranjeeta Prasad. Photo: SUNIL KUMAR.

Mr Jai Nararan, Mrs Sabra Hussein and Mrs Basundra Kumar at the SVC teachers awards function. Photo: COURTESY OF GEETA KRISHNA.

Villagers of Nawaqadam in Nadi were on cloud nine when rugby legends Waisale Serevi and Ben Gollings visited the area and also held a rugby coaching clinic at the Buruwa Primary School. Villagers also had a chance to touch the Farebrother Sullivan Trophy and the Digicel Cup which the Nadroga side won this year. Photos: MARGARET NAQIRI. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk


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Pacifi c champsWin in Pacifi c Cup challenge a start to

better things aheadBy ANUSHIL KUMAR


Fans and offi cials greet the team upon arrival at the Nadi International Airport. Photo: Fans and offi cials greet the team upon arrival at the Nadi International Airport. Photo: COURTESY OF FIJI SUN. COURTESY OF FIJI SUN.

Shop N Save sponsored Nadi successfully defended the Pacifi c Cup after defeating Labasa by 1-0 in a nail-biting grand fi nale. Ame Votuniu proved to be the hero for the Jet Setters as he netted the winning goal in the 6th minute of fi rst half.

Nadi settled well early in the fi rst half which allowed them to get what they needed to lift the Pacifi c Cup for the second consecutive year.

While speaking to Radio Tarana in New Zealand, Nadi President Navneeda Goun-dar said that they came to this tournament for a win and proved their critics wrong af-ter the jinx in the 2013 IDC fi nal.

“We came here just to win the Pacifi c Cup title again this year because what happened during the IDC fi nal against Ba was very much unfair,” he said.

“We were robbed in the daytime at the IDC and we just came to NZ to prove ev-erything wrong.”

Nadi defeated a star-stud-ded Men in Black Ba in a tough encounter by 1-0 in the 2nd semi-fi nal while Labasa edged Australia Fiji Soccer Association (AFSA) Sydney by 3-2 in the extra time of the 1st semi-fi nal. The fi ve day tournament held at Bill McKinley Park was further boosted with the support from soccer lovers present at the ground.

Munit Krishna was named as the best player of the tour-nament.

Meanwhile, Nadi now sets its target for the fi rst major title of 2014 Pillay Garments Champion versus Champion series against Ba which will be played on 12th January 2014 at Prince Charles Park, Nadi, and 19th January at Go-vind Park, Ba.

2013/14 OFC Champions league is the talk of the town for Nadi soccer as they pre-pare to battle Auckland City, Amicale FC and Dragons FC drawn in Group B which is scheduled to kick off in March next year. Late Jimmy Ram Pratap trophy match was also revived after few years as Lautoka held Nadi to a 1-all draw in the fi rst leg at Prince Charles Park in Nadi on Wednesday, December 18. The second leg match was yet to be played when this edition went to press.

It was the time for triumph for the Western team on Sun-day, November 24, as they succeeded in defeating the Eastern team in the 2013 East-West Bowls Championship.

The two day tournament commenced on Saturday, No-vember 23, and was held at the

West bowlers leadNadi Sports Club where the competing teams took part. Islands Electric sponsored Western team, consisting of ten players and managed by the veteran bowler Panapasa Matailevu, took the lead after winning two games at the fi nal rounds on Sunday.

“We needed to win one more game to wrap up the tournament after Saturday’s

game but we were able to win two games on Sunday which declared us the victors,” said Shorab Khan, one of the west-ern team members.

He said that despite the unfavourable weather condi-tions, the tournament was able to fi nish off successfully.

The next tournament is ex-pected to roll off in February 2014.

Former Fiji rep Shorab Khan is also part of Former Fiji rep Shorab Khan is also part of the west bowling team. Photo: SHALENDRA the west bowling team. Photo: SHALENDRA PRASAD.PRASAD. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk



Players getting a timely boost from Captain Nitin Hiralal of the Grand Melanesian Players getting a timely boost from Captain Nitin Hiralal of the Grand Melanesian Hotel. Photo: Patrick Lal.Hotel. Photo: Patrick Lal.

Tennis tour a successBy PATRICK LAL


The Lautoka Golf Club is all set to round off the 2013 on a high note following the successful outcome of the 81st consecu-tive Lautoka Open recently.

LGC chairman of trustees Raymond Singh said the club house which was badly damaged during cyclone Evan last year has been fully restored.

“With the club house now in full operation we look forward to a successful 2014 season,” Mr Singh said.

Meanwhile the all-important 2013 club championship will be played this month-end whereby 2009 champion Raymond Singh will take on 2011 champion James Krishna in the fi rst semi-fi nal while 2006 champion Surend Pillay takes on Prem Chand in the second semis in the A Grade category.

In the B Grade category, two-times champion Gaffar Ali takes on defending champion Abdul Jalal while Abdul Khan takes on Vijay Ram in the second semi-fi nal challenge.

In C Grade, Wiliki Takiveikata takes on Shaamal Ram while Dr Vimal Murthy takes on Subhas Chand.

“After the recent raining spell, the course is in perfect condi-tion,” Mr Singh concluded.

Lautoka golf ends on high

Ten players left the country for Vanuatu last Saturday, De-cember 14, to compete in the Regional Tennis Championship accompanied by their coach Krishneel Kumar and team man-ager Damien Collar.

Players ranging from the age of nine to sixteen evenly com-peted in the under 16 category which began on Monday, De-cember 16 and fi nished on Saturday, December 21.

Coach Krishneel Kumar said that this tour was a great en-hancement for the youngsters to play abroad and get experi-enced in the outside world of tennis.

“The team will surely put full effort in this tour and will bring back some good memories,” he said before leaving the country.

He thanked Sachin Reddy, Fiji National Junior Head Tennis Coach, who helped in the preparation for the tour.

The team also thanked their major sponsors, Consumers Supermarket, Tennis Fiji, Nadi Sports Club, Raddison Blu and Grand Melanesian Hotel.

The team was presented with a set of uniforms by Nadi Sports and Social Club president, Mike Jamieson.

Sports fanatics Philip Gock and Raymond Singh caught in a jovial mood. Photo: SHALENDRA PRASAD. Newsroom 5164 Vodafone / Inkk