The Invention Of Hugo Cabret

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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The Invention Of Hugo Cabret. Brian Selznick. Example 1: A Series of Movements. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Invention Of Hugo Cabret

The Invention Of Hugo CabretBrian Selznick

Example 1: A Series of MovementsHugo crept through the walls, came out through an air vent, and hurried down the hall until he reached the toy booth. Nervously, he rubbed the notebook one last time, then cautiously lowered his hand around the windup toy he wanted. But suddenly, there was a movement from inside the booth, and the sleeping old man sprang to life. Before Hugo could run, the old man grabbed his arm.

Example 1: 一連串的動作雨果沿著牆縫中匍匐而行,從通風口爬了出來,快步地跑到玩具攤前。他焦慮地又一次擦了擦筆記本,然後小心翼翼地把手放在他想要的那個發條玩具上。但突然間,玩具攤內有了什麼動靜,原本熟睡了老人醒了過來了。雨果還沒來得及逃走,就被抓住了胳膊了。

Example 1: 一連串的動作雨果沿著牆縫中匍匐而行,從通風口爬了出來,快步地跑到玩具攤前。他焦慮地又一次擦了擦筆記本,然後小心翼翼地把手放在他想要的那個發條玩具上。但突然間,玩具攤內有些什麼動靜,原本熟睡的老人醒了過來了。雨果還沒來得及逃走,就被抓住了胳膊了。

Example 2: A Series of MovementsHugo headed straight for the shuttered toy booth. He made sure no one was around, and then he tries all the keys on the key ring until he found the one that opened the booth. He stepped inside and began going through the boxes, opening drawers, and flipping through papers the old man kept there.

Example 2: 一連串的動作雨果一邊走向已經打烊的玩具攤,一邊確認沒有人在附近,他把鑰匙圈上所有的鑰匙都試了試,直到打開了店門。走進店鋪裡,雨果即開始翻箱倒櫃,快速瀏覽老先生留在店裡的紙張。

Example 3:Scenes DescriptionSome sunlight filtered through the dirty skylight. Hugo looked at the rows and rows of jars, filled with pieces from all the toys he had stolen from the toy booth over the past few months. The jars sat on shelves made from scavenged planks he had found inside the walls of the station. Under his rickety bed lay a pile oh Hugo’s drawings. His deck of cards rested on a dusty trunk in the middle of the room…

Example 3: 關於場景的詳述有些許陽光從骯髒不已的天窗中照進來,雨果看著一排排的瓶瓶罐罐中裝著過去幾個月來從玩具攤偷來的零件。這些瓶罐層列在雨果從車站牆內找到的腐壞木板做成的櫃子之上。他的畫作堆疊在他搖搖欲墜的床底下,他的牌則攤在房間中央那佈滿灰塵的大皮箱上。

Example 3: 關於場景的詳述有些許陽光從骯髒不已的天窗中照進來,雨果看著一排排的瓶瓶罐罐中裝著過去幾個月來從玩具攤偷來的零件。他從車站牆內找到了一些腐壞的木板,這些瓶罐就層列在用他們做成的櫃子上。他的畫作堆疊在他搖搖欲墜的床底下,他的牌則攤在房間中央那佈滿灰塵的大皮箱上。
