The industry trust fact file

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The industry trust fact file

The industry trust (The industry Trust for intellectual Property Awareness) was set up in 2004 to help promote copyright and all the good stuff it dose.

They are funded by more then thirty member companies, ranging from film studios to retailers, working together to spread the word about the positive role copyright pays.

They have over 40 members BrosUniversalSky

They work together with there member companies (from film studios t retailers) to spread the word about the positive role copyright pays in helping to protect creative ideas..

They want to make it as easy as possible for people to find safe, legal sites to download their favorite films from.

On their website they have a list of places you can watch and download films legally, here are some

They have a facebook, twitter and youtube pages:

The industry trust are all about showing the public how much the film industry appreciates their support and the importance of protecting the Ik creative industryʼs future.