The Importance Of Lawyer Profiles For Online Marketing

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Importance Of Lawyer Profiles For Online Marketing

The Importance Of Lawyer Profiles For Online Marketing

The marketplace for law firms, solo lawyers has become somewhat

heavier with competition

Paying ridiculous amounts on PPC with no guarantee on any

conversion at all

let’s look at some of the ways that you are using or should be using now and what works

and what does not in terms of SEO

Back linking

Backlinking is one of those arguments that will never

go away

Back linking is still a fundamental necessity in

your SEO

Quality links are the key and those can be like

hen's teeth to find

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the new SEO and considers the type of content that

drives traffic


Articles Infographics



Guest Posts

Social Media Marketing

Reaching customer’s and converting them from

prospects to clients

Lawyers need to be aware what constitutes good

social media and what is trashy

This is not just the type of social platform but also

about your posts

Video Marketing

Video marketing is the cornerstone of online marketing these days

People want to feel that you can be trusted, they need an

emotional connection

Get your lawyers behind the camera

What You are Missing!

Basic necessities for any marketing campaign and

each has its own rules

Dramatically increase your online presence and audience-reach if

used in the right way

The Hidden Gem’s

Hidden powers that will take your marketing to a

new level

Look at each lawyers’ profile as a new digital asset that can be


Your Law Firm Profiles

Placing individual profiles not in the site alone

The author notes that consumers are looking more and more at

legal profiles and learning more about the lawyers expertise

Michele Ruiz – author of Content Marketing For Lawyers

Lawyers must make sure they can be found online

Each lawyer has a new platform in which to

interact with and not just an inactive profile on the

firm website

Video Marketing

Audio Marketing Memorable Content

Written Content

Visual Marketing

Engaged Content

Direct Emotional Targeting

There are of course a lot more avenues to utilize but even maximizing this within a reputable marketing platform is like

rocket-launching your law site