The House on Mango Street - Esther Mougrabi

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Made by: Esther Mougrabi

Transcript of The House on Mango Street - Esther Mougrabi

The house on mango street

by Sandra Cisneros

The House on Mango Street

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The House on Mango Street

She start to saying that he move from house many times. She say that this time he have to move from house because of the water pipes broke and the landlord wouldn't fix.

She say that his parents told him that someday he would find his house with his own things, but know they have to move out quick because this problem.

The House on Mango Street

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Esperanza reflects the hair of the members in her family. Sweateres she recall the hair of her mother.

Her father is like a broom, Carlos is strong and thick,

Nenny is slippery, Kiki is lazy and her mother smell like fresh bread and candy circles.

The House on Mango Street

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Boys & Girls

The boys and girls the girls are different. That the boys didn't talk with the girls only in their house.

Carlos and Kiki are best friends but she and his sister no.

She say that someday she would have his own best friend.

The House on Mango Street

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His name in English means hope, and in spanish many letters.

She start to talk abut her aunt and she said that she

have the same name as her aunt.

She is a horse women as her ant.

My Name

The House on Mango Street

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Cathy Queen of Cats

Cathy is a girl who believe that she is the great great cousin of the queen of France.

She makes Esperanza feel bad about herself. Cathy have many and many cats in her house.

She informed Esperanza about all the neighborhood before she moves away.

She is moving away because the neighborhood is getting bad.

The House on Mango Street

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Our Good Day

A girl come and say to Esperanza if you buy me this bicycle you can be my friend. She only have 10 dollars she need 5 more. She was talking to Cathy and she remember that she have 3 dollars more. Then she thought of taking the money of Nanny for Esperanza have his bicycle.

There were two girls, they were sisters so they decide to have turns one day each person have her opportunity for ride. But that day they decide to ride it all together

The House on Mango Street

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Nanny and Esperanza do not have anything in common. They are completely different.

One day Esperanza saw a house like it was from Mexico and she says that it looks like Mexico. Lucy and Rachel look at Esperanza as a crazy but Nanny say that it look like Mexico.

The House on Mango Street

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There is a junk store. This store have everything used things. There are TVs, and all kind of stuff.

There was a black guy that have this store. He never

turn the light on, only when someone who have money came to buy something.

Gill´s Furniture Bought & Sold

The House on Mango Street

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Meme OrtizThe real name of Meme is

Juan. He move to the house of Cathy, when he move Meme presented that way to all the neighbors.

His house was of woods and he have a dog. It was a big dog that have two names.

The House on Mango Street

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Louis, His Cousin & His other Cousin

In the apartment of Meme there was a basement. The mom of Meme fixed up and rented to a Puerto Rico family.

There was many little girls and a boy name Louis. He was friend of the brother of Esperanza.

Meme have a cousin named Marin, she baby-siting the sister of Louis.

Louis has another cousin that only they see one time. She have a car and one day they gave him a ride. But she took them out of his car and crash.

The House on Mango Street

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MarinMartin have a boyfriend

in Puerto Rico. When she goes back, she is going to marry him. She is saving money to go back.

Marin says that if she is here next year, she would get a job in down town. And there she can go and have a rich boyfriend with a big house.

She techs Esperanza about where the babies come and many other things about boys and life.

Esperanza only see Martin when her grandmother come from work and she go out the house and wait for his grandma is sleep and turn a cigarette.

The House on Mango Street

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Some people that dose not know us, come into Mango Street and get scared.

But when we go to other color neighborhood, we panic and get scared.

Those Who Don't

The House on Mango Street

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There Was an Old Woman She had So Many Children She

Didn't Know What to Do

Rosa Vargas is a mother of many children. They are not supervised much of the time because Rosa cant see all the kids all the time.

She is a single mother, the father of the children abandon them. This kids get into many troubles.

The House on Mango Street

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Alicia Who Sees Mice

Alicia is another Esperanza neighbors, she always complain to her father about mice. Her father says she is imagining them.

Alicia mother is dead, Alicia is the oldest child and she is the responsible figure in the household.

She is strong, and she study in a university across town. She is afraid of nothing except four-legged fur, and fathers.

The House on Mango Street

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Darius is the name of one of Esperanza classmates. He always is in silent, but one day he remarks

on the clouds in the sky. He explain that one cloud large was God.

Darius & the Clouds

The House on Mango Street

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And Some More

Rachel, Lucy, Nanny and Esperanza are watching the clouds.

Esperanza identify each cloud as a columns cloud.

Nanny calls all the clouds by personal names. One in Nancy, Pig-eye, and Mildred.

Esperanza and Lucy start to fight and insult each other.

The House on Mango Street

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The Family of Little Feet

This story is about a family the feet found. The mother in this family gave Esperanza and her fiends a bag of women shoes.

They go out to the street and drunk man promises a

dollar to Rachel if she kiss him. She runs away and take the shoes off. Rachel and lucy mother throws the shoes away. "

The House on Mango Street

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A Rice Sandwich

Esperanza don't want to go home for lunch, she want to eat her lunch in school like the “special kids” (children with no family at home).

Esperanza’s mother don't like this idea, but eventually relents.

A nun in Esperanza school question Esperanza right to eat in the canteen, because

she know that she lives closer.

Esperanza sent to the office of the Sister Superior, and let Esperanza eat there only for the day.

Esperanza do not like the idea of staying there. She spend the day crying because her food wasn't good and nobody stay with her.

The House on Mango Street

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Esperanza and her family attend her cousin baptism party. Other cousin of Esperanza ask her to dance but she dont want because she is to self-conscious of her feet. Uncle Nacho, takes

Esperanza into a dance. She enjoy and she notice that the boy that ask her first to dance is watching her.


The House on Mango Street

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Esperanza, Rachel, Lucy and Nenny are jumping on a rope. They are discussing about hips, and how every women have his own.

Esperanza says that one day you will wake up and there will be. The other girls have different thinking with hips; Rachel says that hey are useful for holding babies.

Lucy says that they are necessary for dancing, and Nenny that if you don't get them you turn into a man.

The House on Mango Street

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The First Job

Esperanza gets a job working on a photo development shop. The first day she is nervous to take her full lunch break, or sit down when she is tired.

During a change an older Oriental man come to Esperanza and offer her to be his friend.

She is more comfortable, the man said to her that its her birthday and ask for a kiss, she give him one. But then he grab her face and kiss her in the mouth.

The House on Mango Street

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PapaWho Wakes Up Tired in the Dark

Esperanza’s comes into her room in the morning and tell her that her grandfather has died.

Esperanza is the oldest so she have to brack the news to her siblings, while her father

returns to Mecivo fot the funeral.

Her father need for comfort and her own fear of losing him. Esperanza holds her father and cry.

The House on Mango Street

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Esperanza first chooses to mimic her Aunt Lupe. Later on, when they finish playing the game she die. Esperanza feel so bad because she don't meant that. She star written a letter to her aunt.

Born Bad

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Elenita, Cards, Palm, WaterEsperanza visits the

"witch woman" Elenita, who gives Esperanza a tarot reading.

While Elenita interprets the cards to mean that Esperanza will go to a wedding and "lose an anchor of arms"-as though this interpretation is entirely self-evident-Esperanza is interested in knowing whether she will have a new house.

Elenita tells her she foresees in Esperanza's future "a home in the heart. A new house, a house made of heart."

The House on Mango Street

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Geraldo No Last Name

Martin met a boy named Geraldo at a dance. He did not know it at the time, but it will be the last person to see him alive. After the dance he was kill. Martin do not explain why the incident was so important for her.

Esperanza says “What dose it matter?” but she only

answer that the apartment Geraldo rented, he sent money to his family. They will wonder what happen with that.

The House on Mango Street

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Enda's Ruthie

Esperanza introduce another neighbor, Edna daughter Ruthie. Although she only live outside Chicago, she sleep on his mother couch in Mango Street.

She say she's just visiting and next weekend her

husbands going to take her home.

She tells Esperanza that she use to write children books.

The House on Mango Street

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Esperanza introduce Earl, brings a procession of different woman's home with him, every night.

The Earl of Tennessee

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Sire is a neighbor, he is like Esperanza age. Esperanza watched Esperanza in a significant way whenever she walks past his house.

Although Esperanza parents warn her against having contact eight Sire. Esperanza feels rear what they see him.

Esperanza apartness warn her against having contact with Sire.

When she see Sire with his girlfriend together she imaging Esperanza with Sire together kissing her.

The House on Mango Street

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Four Skinny TreesThe city of Chicago

ha planted four raggedy excuses for trees in front of the house on Mango Street.

Esperanza draws strength from these trees. She say that it dons not belongs to this places.

The House on Mango Street

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No Speak English

On the other street there is a girl named Mamacita lives with her grown son and his baby boy.

She never leave the house, Esperanza thinks she is afraid to because she speaks only 8 words of English.

When she ask his son when they are going home he says that they are already at home.

The House on Mango Street

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Rafaela is a neighbor who spends her days out in a window. She is waiting for her husband to come home.

She sends neighborhood children to buy drinks for her.

Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut & Papaya Juice on Tuesdays

The House on Mango Street

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Sally is a beautiful girl, she is in Esperanza school. Her father says that it is trouble to be so beautiful.

She spends times alone and also when is going home she remove his eye shadow and makeup.

Esperanza wonder why she do all this, also if Sally don't want to come home.

Esperanza imagine

Sally could lean against somebody because she wants to love.

The House on Mango Street

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Minerva Writes Poems

Minerva is a neighbor who is only a little older than Esperanza. But is already a mother. She have a difficult life but when the kids are asleep she writes poems.

Minerva biggest problem is that she keeps talking her husband back after throwing him out.

The House on Mango Street

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Bums in the Attic

Esperanza reflect on the kind of house for which she hope. He want a house on the hill, she say she want to sleep so close to the stars and forget of everything.

Esperanza thinkg that ehn she owns her own hous she

will no forget about the commuity.

The House on Mango Street

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Esperanza is regarded as an ugly daughter. She sees herself as a powerful

In the movies they say that the cruels and the beutiful aldough she is not

beautiful by seeing her in general she identifies with the women in the films.

Beautiful & Cruel

The House on Mango Street

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A Smart Cookie

Esperanza records her mother reflective lament that she could have been somebody.

Her mother remembers hoe she quit school because she did not have nice clothes and she don't like that decision.

She constantly said to Esperanza to study hard and that do not feel shame.

The House on Mango Street

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What Sally Said?

Esperanza classmate Sally start talking and she said about his father hits her. She said that it doesn't hits her hard .

One time Sally will go to spend time to house of Esperanza, but Sally´s father

comes to Esperanza house and gets Sally to come home with him

Until then things were ok. But when she see him with a boy he went crazy.

The House on Mango Street

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The Monkey Garden

There was a family that owned a monkey, but they move away from Mango Street. Esperanza and friends first they enter to the garden of this family. They were playing many games, but Sally choose to play with the boys.

Tito friend say that if she want to play she have to kiss

them, she say yes. Esperanza was angry with Sally and go and break up Sally kissing game, but Sally says Esperanza to go away.

Esperanza go with the mother of Tito but she dos not care. She lies down in the garden wishing to die. because she say that known have me.

The House on Mango Street

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Esperanza accuses Sally of lying. She said “it wasn't what you said at all. What he did. Where he touched me.”

Esperanza is laying and waiting Sally, and she began

to thinks that Sally was away somewhere with a big boy and another boy grab his arms and began to kiss her.

Red Clows

The House on Mango Street

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Linoleum Roses

Esperanza said that Sally has gotten married.

Esperanza don't think that she is really in love Esperanza think that she want to escape.

Sally spends her days at home sitting and she is afraid to live without her controlling husbands permission.

The House on Mango Street

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The Tree SistersThere are three sisters,

three aunts. They arrive in the Mango Street community, just after Lucy and Rachel baby sisters dies.

Esperanza meets these tree strangers women when she visits Lucy and Rachel house to pay her respects.

Examining her hands the sisters tell Esperanza that she will go far. They rell her to make a wish. The sisters promise that her wish ill come true.

One sister of Esperanza tell her day one dont forgive him to come for them.

The House on Mango Street

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Alicia & I Talking On Edna Steps

Esperanza tells Alicia that the Mango Street house is not her true house.

After a year in the house,

she still feels as she does not belong. Alicia says that it is

your home Mango Street if you want or if you don't.

Esperanza says that only if someone make it better, she will like to stay but nobody knows who can make it better.

The House on Mango Street

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Esperanza again express her wish of having a true home. A home that is quiet as a snow.

A House On My Own

The House on Mango Street

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Mango Street Sometimes Say GOodbye.

Esperanza loves to tell stories. She is always writing down everything that happen in her life. She is always talking about living on Mango Street in the little red house.

She writes about this street so that it become a ghost and will not hurt her so deeply.

But this ghost always returns. She always dreams about living Mango Street and going into another place to live. But this dreams know they are to far away.