The Holocaust A short lesson that will never do justice to the events. This is one topic that if you...

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Transcript of The Holocaust A short lesson that will never do justice to the events. This is one topic that if you...

The Holocaust

A short lesson that will never do justice to the events.

This is one topic that if you really want to know the whole story and be educated, you are going to have to read on your own.

But here goes my best attempt to condense, and make sense.

It begins with Anti-Semitism

Historically Anti-Semitism was a problem in Europe.

Hitler blamed the Jews for defeat in WWI and economic problems in Germany.

They were scapegoats for all of Germany’s failures.

Nuremberg Laws Stripped Jews of civil rights and property.

(especially if they tried to leave)

Banned marriage of Jews and Non-Jews.

Required Jews to wear a Star of David. (Why?)

Created variety of other laws that made Jews second class citizens.

“The Final Solution” Once in power Hitler bean to carry out his plan to

exterminate the Jews.

By the time the war ends nearly 6 million are killed.

In addition to Jews, many other groups were targeted. “Untermenchen”

Gypsies Homosexuals Freemasons, Jehovah’s Witnesses. The disabled The mentally Ill

Murder squads or Concentration camps were used to exterminate them.