The Hidden Science of Civilisations

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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New titles


David Wilcock is an Erich von Daniken

for the twenty-first century.

The Ascension MysteriesRevealing the Cosmic Battle Between

Good and Evil

David Wilcock

In The Hidden Science of Civilisations David Wilcock unlocked the mysteries of humankind’s identity and in The Synchronicity Key he investigated how our universe works. Now, in this final part of a

bestselling trilogy, David Wilcock reveals that the earth is on the front lines of a battle that has been raging between positive and negative extraterrestrials for hundreds of thousands of years and examines what this battle means for each of us personally.

Looking at ancient texts from a variety of religions as well as scien-tific data and testimony from whistle-blowers, David provides a unified account of how the Earth is on the verge of a cosmic event that will transform matter, energy, consciousness and biological life as we know it and finally defeat the great villains of our time.

David Wilcock investigates ancient civilisations and new paradigms of matter and energy. He launched his website in 1999 and has appeared in numerous documentaries on the History Channel and National Geographic, as well as many other television programmes.

216 x 135mm 528pp 978 0 285643 62 8 ebook 978 0 285643 63 5£18.00 approx pb NUSA/NC

l Completes David Wilcock’s bestselling trilogy, the previous titles of which are The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations (9780285640887) and The Synchronicity Key (9780285642539).

l Over 2 million people have seen David Wilcock’s internet documentary The 2012 Enigma.

l To be promoted alongside other leading titles in the field, including Erich von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods (9780285629110).

“One of the best examples of science and spirituality I have ever read”Paranormal Magazine

New titles


The book for all modern parents obsessed

with raising perfect children, and missing

the bigger picture.

Do Parents Matter?Why Japanese Babies Sleep Soundly, Mexican

Siblings Don’t Fight & Parents Should Just Relax

Robert A. LeVine and Sarah LeVine

F rom a fresh and illuminating viewpoint, Do Parents Matter? investigates global parenting styles and finds profound lessons for the way we think about our families.

Anthropologists (and grandparents) Robert and Sarah LeVine inves-tigate the diversity of parenting practices across the world and come away with the reassuring conclusion that from the USA to Africa, Japan to Mexico, children tend to turn out to be the same well-adjusted adults no matter the parenting style.

Based on study of a variety of cultural traditions and decades of observation, the LeVines’ fascinating investigation reveals that chil-dren are influenced more by culture than by their parents. It shows the almost infinite paths children can take to a healthy adulthood. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting so parents should free them-selves from expert advice and learn to relax.

Robert LeVine is the Roy E. Larsen Professor of Education and Human Development, Emeritus, at Harvard University. Sarah LeVine is an anthropologist who has conducted research on four continents and coordinated the fieldwork of the Project on Maternal Schooling.

216 x 135mm 272pp 978 0 285643 70 3 ebook 978 0 285643 67 3 £18.00 approx hbNUSA/NC

l Promoted alongside our other leading parenting titles, from Infant Massage (9780285636170) to HypnoBirthing (9780285643352).

New titles


l The first book to provide three perspectives, that of a parent, a Special Education teacher and an ‘aspie’, it offers practical tools and strategies to be used by parents, teachers and carers of a neurodiverse individual.

l Calls for schools and businesses to recognise the contributions the neurodiverse can make; an especially topical subject.

l Harold Reitman is a well-known figure in the field, regularly appearing at events and conferences.

Essential tools and strategies

for parents, teachers and carers of

neurodiverse individuals.

AspertoolsA Practical Guide for Understanding and

Embracing Asperger’s, Autism Spectrum

Disorders and Neurodiversity

Harold Reitman with Pati Fizzano and Rebecca Reitman

When Dr. Harold Reitman discovered, when she was in her twenties, that his daughter, Rebecca, had Aspergers, he realised why he could not understand

the landscape of her mind and feelings. In writing Aspertools he has made available the kind of book he wishes he could have accessed when Rebecca was a child.

It offers simple tools, action plans and tips for understand-ing and managing life with an Aspie. Aspertools focuses on the importance of positive routines, coping with social awkward-ness and creating stability in daily activities, explaining how to decrease the frequency of meltdowns by providing an escape route to a ‘safe place’.

Dr. Harold Reitman is the writer and producer of The Square Root of 2, a film also inspired by his daughter, and is the founder of the neurodiversity community site

Pati Fizzano is a teacher specialising in helping the ‘differ-ent’ student to achieve their full potential. Rebecca Reitman has Aspergers and works with learning-challenged students.

216 x 135mm 224pp 978 0 285643 64 2 ebook 978 0 285643 65 9£10.00 approx pbNUSA/NC

New titles


A practical bible for getting started

on your own calligraphic projects.

Modern CalligraphyEverything You Need to Know to Get

Started in Script Calligraphy

Molly Suber Thorpe

All crafts, from knitting to making home decorations, have undergone a revival of popularity as they offer an escape from a digital

world and an opportunity to express your own creativity. Molly Suber Thorpe teaches that in the centuries old art of calligraphy anyone can discover their own style and script and create something uniquely beautiful.

Her book breaks the calligraphy process down into simple steps. After mastering letter forms using a pointed pen and ink you can learn how to use water-colour and gouache, or how to digitise your calligraphy. Twenty inspirational projects are grouped into three sec-tions: weddings; entertainment; and personal stationery.

Molly Suber Thorpe is the award-winning designer behind Plurabelle Calligraphy. Her work has appeared in the Guardian and Country Living magazine and has been commissioned for dozens of weddings.

Full colour illustrations throughout242 x 212mm 192pp 978 0 285643 71 0£18.00 approx pb NUSA/NC

l Easy-to-understand instructions for designing your own wedding invitations, greetings cards, place cards and much more.

l Molly Suber Thorpe is an internationally acclaimed figure in the field, and her work is referenced on thousands of blogs on the subject.

New titles


RETRO CLASSICSThe theory that has been reintroduced by

Sir David Attenborough’s Radio 4 documentary.

Aquatic Ape HypothesisElaine Morgan

In presenting her case Elaine Morgan forces scientists to question accepted theories of human evolution. She addresses the question of why humans differ from other primates and what those differences

tell us about human evolution, asking why we walk on two legs, why we are covered in subcutaneous fat and why we can control our rate of breathing. The answers point to the conclusion that millions of years ago our ancestors were trapped in a semi-aquatic environment.

This idea, first presented in The Descent of Woman published in 1972, was initially attacked by scientists, but the book became an interna-tional bestseller. In the decades that followed Elaine Morgan’s aquatic ape hypothesis gained widespread support.

Elaine Morgan was born in 1920 and after studying at Oxford University worked as a television writer. She died in 2013.

198 x 128mm 208pp978 0 285643 61 1 £9.99 approx pb

l Elaine Morgan’s work has rewritten much of contemporary science and there is increasing scientific support for her theories.

l In recent years there has been a remarkable revival of interest in Elaine Morgan. She has been profiled in the Guardian and she was voted one of the 100 most important Welsh people ever.

l Few other science writers express complex ideas for the general reader in a clear and accessible style.

New titles


RETRO CLASSICS“A radiant book... A whole spectrum of colours

and lights, of delights and elegances, of

wistfulness and love.”

Dirk Bogarde, Daily Telegraph

A House in FlandersMichael Jenkins

Michael Jenkins’ vivid memoir of a summer that changed his life has become a much-loved classic.

In 1951, then fourteen years old, Michael spent the summer with the “aunts in Flanders” and quickly became entwined in the lives of a warm extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins, falling in love for the first time. The connection of the elderly “aunts” to his family had never been explained, but Michael unravels the secret, giving evocative portraits of Tante Yvonne and the other aunts and the raw memories of two world wars still scarring the Flanders plain.

Michael Jenkins had a long career as a senior diplomat. He was Deputy Secretary-General of the European Commission and served as the British Ambassador to the Netherlands from 1988 to 1993, among other postings. He was knighted in 1990 and died in 2013.

Line drawings216 x 135mm 176pp 978 0 285643 60 4 £10.00 approx pb

l A new edition of a much-loved classic, published for a new generation of readers. A portrayal of the world seen through the eyes of youth that ranks alongside Laurie Lee’s Cider with Rosie.

l It will appeal as much to the travel market as lovers of classic literature, with its perceptive and evocative description of the landscape of Flanders.


First time in paperback

A fascinating history of a subject with a long

and complex tradition

BumfodderAn Absorbing History of Toilet Paper

Richard Smyth

Along with other primates, humans are the only animals to wipe their bottoms after defecating. However, the human habit of sitting upright, whether in the communal latrines of ancient

Rome or the Elizabethan water-closet of John Harrington (the spiritual father of the modern loo), means there is a lot more wiping to do.

From the Romans and ancient China to the modern day, drawing on literature from Rabelais and Jonathan Swift to the story of Myleene Klass and Pope Benedict’s toilet roll, Richard Smyth has compiled the definitive history. Along the way he provides other fascinating stories, such as how toilet paper became a rallying cry for anti-taxation cam-paigners in the US and the history of the Groom of the Stool, once one of the most influential positions in the Royal Court.

Richard Smyth is a researcher, writer and cartoonist. He is a regular contributor to Bird Watching magazine and contributes to New Humanist and Times Literary Supplement, as well as regularly perform-ing his work at events.

Black and white line drawings198 x 129mm 128pp 978 0 285643 68 0 ebook 978 0 285641 20 4£5.99 approx pb

l Widely acclaimed and promoted ultimate toilet book and ideal gift book now in a mass-market paperback edition.

l Co-promoted with our other best-selling Humour titles, including Politically Correct Bedtime Stories (9780285640412).

“Brimming with barmy bum fodder facts, this quirky book is bound to entertain readers infinitely.”

Daily Telegraph


New edition


“I Ching is a fun, innovative way to bridge the

gap between our inner wisdom and our everyday

minds...” CosmopoliTan

I Chingin Plain English

George Hulskramer

Based on several new translations of the I Ching, this groundbreaking interpretation explores the meaning of the ancient text and places it within the context of contemporary

experience.The I Ching is a guide to making decisions in life. Each reading gives

six possible outcomes and is a reliable, and ancient, way to give confi-dence to your decision-making. This edition’s condensed commentary allows quick and easy consultation, and forms the basis for attaining individual goals and helping to find success in all areas of life.

It is also a spiritual classic, which has come to emphasise inner devel-opment and finding balance and harmony in your life.

George Hulskramer is an expert on the I Ching, and has simplified it for contemporary life. He has translated many Oriental classics and is widely known for his work over 25 years in Holland’s most famous specialist bookshop.

64 Hexagrams 175 x 114mm 144pp 978 0 285643 58 1 £8.99 approx pb

l Millions of people follow the I Ching, it is a way of life all over the world, but traditional versions are often complicated and poorly explained. George Hulskramer makes the I Ching accessible for everyone.

l I Ching books are in the Mind Body and Spirit section of every bookshop, this new edition of a classic guide is an essential to understanding it.

l Already a huge bestseller in Europe, with rights sold to many countries.


Sabre-ToothPeter O’Donnell978 0 285636 76 7


I, LuciferPeter O’Donnell978 0 285637 07 8


The Silver MistressPeter O’Donnell978 0 285636 44 6


Broadcast on BBC Radio 4

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Last Day in LimboPeter O’Donnell978 0 285636 75 0



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Ian Kerner978 0 285637 22 1


Welcome to Biscuit Land

A Year in the Life of TourettesheroJessica ThomForeword by Stephen Fry

978 0 285641 27 3ebook

978 0 285641 28 0£12.00

Black Like MeJohn Howard Griffin

Foreword by Studs Terkel

978 0 285638 57 0£12.00

Recent successes – reprinted yet again

City of NightJohn Rechy

978 0 285638 37 2£10.00


Recent successes – reprinted yet again

Magic & Mystery in Tibet

Alexandra David-Neel978 0 285637 92 4


Why Does My Dog...?John Fisher

978 0 285634 81 7£9.99

Why People Believe Weird ThingsMichael Shermer

Foreword by Stephen Jay Gould

978 0 285638 03 7£14.99


Recent successes – reprinted yet again

The Denial of DeathErnest Becker

978 0 285638 97 6 ebook 978 0 285640 07 8


Archery AnatomyRay Axford

978 0 285632 65 3£12.99

Politically Correct Bedtime StoriesJames Finn Garner

978 0 285640 41 2£7.99


The Artist’s Way Workbook

Julia Cameron978 0 285637 93 1


And the Band Played On

Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic

Randy Shilts978 0 285640 19 1


Beyond StutteringThe McGuire

Programme for Getting Good at the Sport of Speaking

Dave McGuire978 0 285642 84 3

ebook 978 0 285642 85 0


Recent successes – reprinted yet again

Bowie on BowieInterviews and

EncountersEdited by Sean Egan

978 0 285643 13 0ebook

978 0 285643 14 7£14.99


The Equation that Couldn’t be

SolvedHow Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of

SymmetryMario Livio

978 0 285637 89 4 £12.99

Build Your Running Body

A Total-Body Fitness Plan for all Distance Runners,

from Milers to Ultramarathoners

Pete Magill, Thomas Schwartz

and Melissa Breyer978 0 285642 98 0


The Hidden Science of Lost

CivilisationsThe Source Field

InvestigationsDavid Wilcock

978 0 285640 88 7ebook

978 0 285641 03 7£16.00

Recent successs – reprinted yet again

Ideas and Opinions

Albert Einstein978 0 285647 25 1



Nightrunners of Bengal

John Masters978 0 285635 52 4


Journeys Out of the Body

Robert A. Monroe978 0 285627 53 6


The Peter Principle

Why things always go wrong

Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull

978 0 285631 76 2£9.99

Recent successes – reprinted yet again

Realms of the Human

UnconsciousObservations from

LSD ResearchStanislav Grof978 0 285648 82 1



TaoThe Watercourse

WayAlan Watts

978 0 285640 50 4 £12.00

The BookOn the Taboo

Against Knowing Who You AreAlan Watts

978 0 285638 53 2 ebook

978 0 285640 12 2£8.99

Manage Your Pain

Practical and Positive Ways of

Adapting to Chronic Pain

Professor Michael Nicholas, Dr Allan

Molloy, Lois Tonkin, Lee Beeston

978 0 285640 48 1£14.99

Recent successes – reprinted yet again

ZeroThe Biography of a

Dangerous IdeaCharles Seife

978 0 285635 94 4£9.99


Independent Voices

Independent Voices is a series dedicated to publishing writers who

provide alternative viewpoints and challenge conventional wisdom, making

available work that has been unavailable in the UK although it is as relevant

today as on its original publication.

An Affair of the HeartDilys Powell

£9.99 978 0 285634 97 8

And the Band Played OnRandy Shilts

£18.00 978 0 285640 19 1

Black Like MeJohn Howard Griffin

£12.00 978 0 285638 57 0

Blue MovieTerry Southern

£10.00 978 0 285638 81 5

The BookAlan Watts

£8.99 978 0 285638 53 2

City of NightJohn Rechy

£10.00 978 0 285638 37 2

The Denial of DeathErnest Becker

£14.99 978 0 285638 97 6

DominionMatthew Scully

£15.00 978 0 285639 04 1

God in Search of ManAbraham Joshua Heschel£14.99 978 0 285638 36 5

The Hand Reared BoyBrian Aldiss

£9.99 978 0 285635 16 6

The Hard LifeFlann O’Brien

£10.00 978 0 285638 95 2

Homage to GaiaJames Lovelock

£18.00 978 0 285642 55 3

The HornJohn Clellon Holmes

£9.99 978 0 285638 64 8

A House in FlandersMichael Jenkins

£8.99 978 0 285635 43 2


Human Nature: Justice vs Power

The Chomsky-Foucault Debate

Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault

£10.00 978 0 285640 44 3

The Magic ChristianTerry Southern

£10.00 978 0 285638 79 2

Mrs ShakespeareRobert Nye

£9.99 978 0 285635 51 7

Really the BluesMezz Mezzrow

£12.00 978 0 285638 45 7

The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter

Albie Sachs£15.00 978 0 285640 20 7

Stride Toward FreedomMartin Luther King Jr

£12.00 978 0 285639 01 0

Talk Dirty to MeSallie Tisdale

£12.00 978 0 285642 29 4

Tao: The Watercourse WayAlan Watts

£12.00 978 0 285640 50 4

Independent Voices

The TestamentElie Wiesel

£12.00 978 0 285642 39 3

Tintin in the New WorldFrederick Tuten

£10.00 978 0 285638 55 6

The Various Lives of Keats and Chapman

Flann O’Brien£10.00 978 0 285638 83 9

The WarriorsSol Yurick

£10.00 978 0 285642 81 2



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An Affair of the HeartDilys Powell


The Age of EmpathyFrans de Waal


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Bill Connington£10.99

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And the Band Played OnRandy Shilts


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BehaviourDavid Appleby (ed)


Aquatic Ape HypothesisElaine Morgan


Art and Science of Clicker Training

Ben Hart£15.00

The Artist’s WayJulia Cameron


The Artist’s Way WorkbookJulia Cameron


The Ascension MysteriesDavid Wilcock


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Robert FordRon Hansen


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Caen: Anvil of VictoryAlexander McKee


Cardus on CricketNeville Cardus


Cellarful of NoiseBrian Epstein


Child SoldierChina Keitetsi


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A guide to person-centred compassionate elder care

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The Source Field InvestigationsDavid Wilcock


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The Chomsky-Foucault Debate

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HypnoBirthingMarie Mongan


The I Ching in Plain EnglishGeorge Hulskramer


Immortal GameDavid Shenk


Improve your EyesightJonathan Barnes


It Gets EasierTracey Egan


Jump AttackTim Grover


Kangaroo BabiesNathalie Charpak




KnickersRosemary Hawthorne


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1940, 1944, 1945Alexander McKee


Really the BluesMezz Mezzrow


Realms of the Human UnconsciousStanislav Grof


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1933-1945Misha Aster


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The Ring is ClosedKnut Hamsun


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The WandererKnut Hamsun


The WarriorsSol Yurick


WayfarersKnut Hamsun


Welcome to Biscuit LandJessica Thom


Wheat-free CookingRita Greer


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Why Does My Parrot...?Rosemary Low


Why Does My Rabbit...?Anne McBride


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