The hidden love in the lip 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

Post on 07-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The hidden love in the lip 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

The Hidden Love in Lip-Gloss

Everyone in this world have their own favorite object that4 has lots of memories

and stories behind it. The objects can give by a special person to us or it has

special memories hidden behind, so do I. My favorite object is very common

thing that we can get it everywhere and any places that is a lip-gloss. However,

for me, this lipstick is special because it was my mother’s favorite lip-gloss and

the warmest part is she used it for several times.

My mother gives it to me when I went for further study at Kuala Lumpur that is far

from my hometown, Langkawi Kedah. The cutest part is I ask it from my mother

because I feel like my mother was with me when I see that lip-gloss. My mom

and I will use that lip- gloss when we are hanging out together especially for

shopping. The relationship between my mother and I are like sisters. Lots of my

friends and relatives said that we look alike sisters, and I admit that. During this

year Valentine Day, my mother and I were shopping in a mall, out of blue, me

and my mother felt in love for the same lip-gloss when we noticed that little thing

on the rack in the cosmetic shop. Therefore, my mother bought it and we share it.

For me, it has special feeling for me.

The design of the lip-gloss is just simple like the others. It is in cylinder shape

with a silver color cover and transparent body that you can see the slightly shiny

pink contain in it. If you open the lip-gloss by continuous turning the cover with

anti-clock wise direction, the cover will turns up and you can see a little white

plastic stick with soft slightly furry cotton at the end of it. It smell so juicy once you

open it, I feel like eating it every time I smell that. It has small size with

lightweight that makes me so convenient to bring along with me wherever I go. I

always keep it safe and sound in my hand bag, meanwhile I feel like my mother

was with me and I’m safe.

I hold the cover, look at the mirror, put that furry cotton on my lip and paint it. My

lips feel so cool and calm like there is mint on it, my lips feel so smooth and sexy

with the shiny pink liquid on it. The juicy smell makes me feel fresh and young

although it does not have any taste. Once I use it, I feel like kissing someone with

my sexy shiny pink lips, am I over confidence? Well, at the same time, I think of

my mother. The sweetest moment we been together, the gossip we chat when

we are shopping, the sadness we passed through but now, the posture of my

mother when she put the lip-gloss on her sexy lips and the mother love separate

out when she help me to put the lips-gloss, it warm my feelings.

Now, we are way far apart with each other. I leave my hometown to a bigger city

for my further study with the hope of my mother. Honestly to say that I am so

homesick and I miss my mother so much. Although we do communicate with

each other every day as the advance of technology, but the feeling I had makes

me feel so lonely. When I faced difficulty or sadness, I will keep looking at the lip-

gloss and smell the nice juicy smell it has, I will think of my mother and the love

she gave me, my stress will release immediately. Maybe is because of the

mother love in it.

This cute little lip-gloss has special memories that make me feel warm and I

knew that it was the love of my mother. The depth of true love deep inside our

heart will keep increasing although we are now apart for some periods. The love

of my mother in the lip-gloss remains me of my mother, my true love.