THE HERO’S JOURNEY What defines a hero?. The Call to Adventure Messenger(s) that either tell the...

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of THE HERO’S JOURNEY What defines a hero?. The Call to Adventure Messenger(s) that either tell the...


What defines a hero?

The Call to Adventure

Messenger(s) that either tell the hero of his journey or cause the situation

Deed that hero chooses to perform (Quest) Adventure hero is thrown into or tricked into


Advisor (with more wisdom than the hero) Talisman (symbolic item that gives power)


Emotional / Primitive friends (simple but loyal)


Crossing the Threshold

Known world the hero has left Unknown world the hero is entering

Initiation (Challenges)

Physical Challenge(s) Spiritual or Emotional Challenge(s) Brother Battle Abduction Sea Journey

The Belly of the Whale

Greatest fear or evil Inner darkness or personal failing or self


Meeting with the “Goddess”

Supernatural female (can be male, but is not the advisor)

Offering of wisdom Offering of powerful or supernatural aid

Sacred “Marriage”

Connection to another character Motivation to continue

Ritual Death or Dismemberment

Life given up: either a real life or an important part of the hero’s life

Atonement with Father

Hero becomes “at one” with new responsibility or becomes a father figure