THE HEMPSTEAD SENTINEL - 18/Hempstead NY... · 2012. 7. 3. · THE HEMPSTEAD...

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Transcript of THE HEMPSTEAD SENTINEL - 18/Hempstead NY... · 2012. 7. 3. · THE HEMPSTEAD...


Horses, Mules, Cows,/Bull, Wagons, Sleighs

Farming Implements, Pigs and Chickens



Thursday, Feb. 29,1912 A T i C T A T ' M . , S H A R P .

PRIMARY ELECTION NOTICE Board of Elections of the County of

Nassau, New York, Mineola, Febru­ary 21, 1912. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter

891 of the Jaws of 1911, notiefe is hereby


Be A Live Wire. Work for The Benefit And Growth Of Your Villa^. • Then You Will Be A live Wire

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, with the aid of Eugene P. Parsons, auctioneer, will sell at public auction, Thursday, February 29, 1912, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Dietz Property, Mill Road, (between Hempstead and Rockville Centre), Hempstead, New York, property belonging to the estate

t of Anna Dietz, deceased, consisting of wagons, carts, brougham, victoria, buck-board, sleighs, poles, harness, blankets, rugs, saddles, barn tools, farming imple­ments, plows, mowing machine, manure spreader, hay tedder, horse lawn mower, reapers, cultivators, barrow and miscellaneous tools and articles useful in and about stables and farms; and also, 1 pair of mules, sorrel horse, 1 bay horse, 8 cows, 1 bull, sows and pigs, hens and chickensp aiTfl also, lot of hay, straw, rye, corn, oats, potatoes, carrots, beets and cabbage.

By order of E X E C U T O R S .

Cash. Above Goods will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. Terms

For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer. j>

w^«w*^ wmm wag Ti^Cjwr^mr ^ w w n ^ ^ ^ p p g s w ^ a W T ^ r

F l ^ ^ i i i * i j j i n i i i » ^ ^

Up To Date Housefurnishings If there is a blanket or bedding need—let us fill it for yotf* Come and and see our new line of House Furnishings. We carry a Tfull line of agate-ware, chinaware and glassware; also a fine variety of gas mantles and shades.

* A large variety of toys are constantly on hand in our basement, where you can always find something to please the'l i t t le ones.



*i|||ll*i!|,|(l*l|||H*,lt||.|Kl J * =

Get Joe To Do (i Sell you any kind of






H A R R O W S , Etc.

Agent for

All Kinds of Poultry Food.

William Aermuth Poultry Food I t {an't be beat to

make hens lay.

J / F . GUUCK 273 Fulton Avenue


Special Sale of Pipes 30 cent pipes 23 cents for one week only

Buy one and you can be assured of a good clean, sweet smoke.

SMOKERS* ARTICLES of every description, together with all the popular brands of Cigars and Tobac­co. We solicit your business on the strength of the superior quality of our goods and the moderate prices at which we sell.

Charles E. DeMott, 49 Main Street, Hempstead, N. Y.

T«l. GS-w-2 • Hempstead's Leading Cigar Store.

TO LET. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board; or rooms furnished for light housekeeping, all improvements; telephone 314-J, trolley at the door.

Apply 370 Front Street, 8-8yl Hempstead, N. T.

.«lH These books are be- * ginning to take the lead among the note book fraternity.

Leaves easily in-serted,removed or ex­changed. Ask to see them. All styles in stock.

given that the Spring Primary Election of the enrolled Democratic, Republican, Socialist and Prohibition voters of the County of Nassau, New York, will be held on Tuesday, March 26th, 1912. be-tween the hours of 3 P. M. and 9 P M . , in each of the several Primary Districts as constituted and stated and at the polling places as below designated for, the Democratic, Republican, Socialist" and Prohibition voters for each of the, Primary Districts. "

In accordance with the certificates duly tiled with the Custodians of Prima­ry Records by the respective chairmen of the County Committees of the Dem­ocratic, Republican, Socialist and Pro­hibition party organizations in the Coun­ty of Nassau said Primary Elections will be held

On the part of the Democratic voters for the purpose of electing members of the Democratic County Committee of the County of Nassau; to elect dele­gates and alternates to the Democratic State convention; to elect members of the First Congressional District Com­mittee; to elect members of the First Senatorial District Committee; to elect a member of the State Committee to represent the First Senatorial District; to elect members of the Judicial Dis­trict Committee of the Second Judicial District.

On the part of the Republican voters for the purpose of electing members of the Republican County Committee of Nassau County; to elect delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention; to elect delegates and al­ternates to the Republican State Con­vention; to elect a member of the Re­publican State Committee from the First Congressional District; to elect members of the First Congressional Dis­trict Committee; to elect members of the First Senatorial District Committee; to elect members of the Judicial Distrkt Committee of the Second Judicial Dis­trict.

On the part of the Socialist voters for the purpose of electing members of the Socialist Party County Committee of Nassau County; to elect a member of the State Committee; to elect a dele­gate to the Socialist State Convention; to elect members of the First Congres­sional District Committee; to elect mem­bers of the First Senatorial District Committee; to elect members of the Judicial District Committee of the Sec­ond Judicial District;

On the part of the Prohibition voters for the purpose of electing members of the Prohibition County Committee of Nassau County; to elect a member of the State Committee; to elect members of the First Congressional District Com­mittee; to elect members of the First Senatorial District Committee;

The number of delegates to conven­tions and members of committees to be elected and the times and places at which the conventions and committees are to meet for organization are em­braced and set forth in the respective calls issued by the Democratic, Repub­lican, Socialist and Prohibition Party County Committees.

The Election District is made the Pri­mary District for the purposes of this election and the location of each polling place in the county where voters of au parties above named may vote follows:

HEMPSTEAD, _ _ — _


At the meeting held on Friday evening to discuss the closing of Center street, where the railroad tracks intersects," it was decided, without any opposition on the part of property owners, that the street should be closed. - ... -

It is hoped that now that the Vil­lage authorities have fulfilled their part, that the railroad company will start the work of tearing down the old structure on Fulton avenue.

While it has taken a great many years to accomplish this, it is ex­pected that the station, whe*h com pleted will be a credit to the Village.

It has almost been decided to drop the idea of asphalting Main street, for the present, at least until the completion of the sewerage system.

-The removal of the grave yard, or at least improving its appearance, would add* very much to the first view of Hempstead, when arriving on the trains.

The yard at present has a neglect­ed appearance, and is anything but a credit to the Village.

While this perhaps may be for the best, it is hoped that a little more effort to keep the streets clean will be made. .

As will noticed in another column of THE SENTINEL, annuncement is made of the three winners in the contest, How to make Hempstead grow.

The State authorities having placed the Town of Hempstead in quaran­tine as regards dogs, it is expected that there will be no further trouble in this line. .

As the authorities have been in­structed to take any dog that is al­lowed to run, every one who cares for the animals should keep them at home.

Brick Talks

Fir*men'8 Hall, Wan Ugh. T W H ^ f r * I J 111]. ] East Meadow Hall, East Mwidow. Excelsior H. A L Co., Frteport. Firemen's Hall, Roosevelt.

Olst. No 6, Prottctlon Hose Hoi we. Hempstead, Dist. No. 7, Town Hal). Hempstead. Dlst. No 8. TrueK House. Fire l>ept„ Baldwin. Dist. No. 9 True* House Salamander H . L . A B

Co, Ocean* ide. Dlst. No. 10. Live Oak. Engine House, Rockville

Centre. Dist. No II, Office of John Doty, Greenwich St.,

Hempstead. Dint. No 12. Geo Rnilth Garage. Hempstead. Dlst. No. 18, Lyceum Building. Lynbrno*. Dint. No. 14, Empire H.& L. Co., Woodmere. Dist. No. 16, House 01 O B 8>acy. Grassy Pond. Dlst No. 16, Nassau H. $ L. Co.. Valley Stream. Dlst. No. 17, Garden Citv Fire Dept.. Garden City Dist. No. 18, Truck House Washington H. & L.

Co, Cedarhurst. Dist No. 19, Truck House Electric H.^tTHU Co.

Inwood. ' >* Dist. No 20, Firemen's Hall, Merrick. Dist. No. 21, Carpenter Shop of J. M. Baxter,

Freeport, Dlst No. 2*. Vigilant Hose House. Freeport. Dist. No 88. Alert Hose House, Observer Street,

Rockville Centre. Dlit. No. 94, Office of McMurrav .V Larson, No. BO

North Park Ave., Rockville Centre. Dist. No 86, Firemer 'a Hall, East Rockaway. Dlst. No, 26. Firemen's Hail, Floral Park. Dlst. No iff, 8tore 01 Louis Simon, Central Ave.,

Cedarhurst. » OYSTER BAY.

Di«t. No. 1, Justice's Court Room, Farmlngdale. Dist. No. 8, Fire Dent. House, Centra) Park. Dist. No. 3, Chas. Wass Barber Shop, Hlcksvllle. Dlst. No. 4, Hicks Cider Mill, Jericho.

Bay Fire Co. Truck House,

Wheelwright Shop, East

f JO Main St.,

, 1 . GEISLER Hempstead


rates. Called for and delivered.

16 Grove Street,

11-16U3 Hempstead, L. I.

Used Auto Trucks ANY MAKE, ANY SIZE


FRED'K SMITH 230 West 58* Strat. N. V. City.

Dist. No. 5, Oyster Oyster Bay.

Dist. No. 6, Waldron's Norwich.

Dlst. No. 7, Justice's Court Room, Ouster Bay. Dist No. 8, Carl Storsinjar Barber Shop, Locust

Valley. District No. 9, Frank Edmond's Blacksmith Shop

Glen ("ove Landing. Dlst. No. 10, Highland Hall. School St., Glen Cove Dist. No. 11, Justices Court Room, Glen Cove. DM. No. 12, Vincent Opera House, Glen Cove. Dlst, No. 18, Village Board Room, Sea Cliff. Dlst. No. 14. Michael Flnnin's Hall, Bayvllle. Dist. No. in. Office Qtuena Land and Improve­

ment Co.. Massapequa. Dirt. No. 16, Justice Court Room, Hicksrille.

NORTH HEMPSTEAD. Dist. No. 1, Town Hall, Manhasset. Dist. No. 8, Hook -nd Ladder <»., Roalyn. Dlst. No. 8, Hyde Bros. Hall. Port Washington. Dist. No. 4, Firemen's Hall, Mineola. Dist. No. 6, Firemen's Hall, Great Neck. Dlst. No. 6. Westbury Hook and Ladder Co.,

Dlst, No. 7. Liberty Hall, Pott Washington. Dlst. No. 8. House Vigilant Fire Co , Great Neck

Station. \ Dirt. No. 9, Mliter's Hall, New Hyde Park.

The color oTMfce Democratic ballot shall be light GreeTfe the Republican ballot Cherry; the Socialist ballot buff; the Prohibiten ballot Mandarin.

Board of Elections of Nassau County, Lawrence E. Kirwin, President

I Charles F. Lewis, Chairman


The loss by fire in America is appalling.

Government reports show that the recorded l o s ^ i r T T ^ ^ including the cofefor lire pro­tection and insurance and i surance (after deducting the amounts paid back by the In­surance Companies) was over

450,000,000 Dollars. ^

"A tax upon the people ex­ceeding the total value of gold, silver, copper and petro­leum production in the U. S. for that year."

(Continued in Talk No. 3.)





Send 26c for Our Book, "A HOUSE OF BRICK."

Contains 41 Designs. [Copyright 1910 Building Brick Association of

America." ^


Black JkND


Issued by Thomas F. Gilbert Jr., Clerk:

Feb. UffmA Otto Stehr, 25yrs, Anna Barbara Popp, 42yrs, Elmont.

Feb. 15, John Magee, 2Qyrs, Ocean-side, Wilhelmina May Weeks, 20 yrt, Rockville Centre.

Feb. 16, James W. Reel, 56yrs, Pine Hill, U. Y.f Elms B. Powell, 40yrs, Hempstead.

White This Cigar is the equal of any 3 for 25c. Cigar on the g e n e r a l market to-4ay,


5Cents B = = = E = S S 3

Straight TRY ONE and be convinced

• - ^ . / •

EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES' SALE-The Estate of Robert E. Dietz, deceased.

Pursuant to the powc r vested in them by the last will and testament of Rob­ert E. Dietz, deceased, the undersigned, Fred Dietz and Samuel McMillan, exec­utors and trustees of and under said last will and testament, on March 12th, 1912, at 12 00 o'clock noon, at the Ex­change Salesroom. Nos. 14 to 16 Vesey Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, New Yo»k City, by Joseph P. Day /auc­tioneer, will sell the following des­cribed property, viz.:

All that tract, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, which is situate, lying and be­ing in the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at an oak tree located on the south side of the road to Rockville Center; thence North 61° 25' W. l.COG'; thence North 61° 37' W. 400'; thence North 60° 20' W. 1,102 3-10' to a point on the east tide of Mill Road, these lines dividing the property from the*

Eroperty formerly owned by Gideon S. lietolls; thence along the east side of

said Mill Road South 21° 80' W. 962 6-10'; thence continuing along the north side of Mill Road South 33° 1 ' W. 512 9-10'; thence continuing a'ong the east side of said Mill Road South 29° 31'W. 611 2-10': thence adjoining the lands of Howard J. Dietz and Eugene Roe South 71° 43' E. 2,862 8-10' to a cedar post on the west side of the road leading from Hempstead to Rockville Center; thence by various courses along the west side of said road 1,662 8-10' to the place of beginning, containing 97 47-100 acres, together with all rights whatsoever to the road leading from Hempstead to Rockville Center and to the rights to the use of the If ill Road as a public highway.


Executors and Trustees. Jerome Rand & Kresel, *

Attorneys for Fred Diets, , <37 Wall Street,

New York City. Perry & Lawson,

Attorneys for Samuel McMillan, 2 Rector Street,

New York City. 2-15t8

NEW YORK SUPREME COURY. County of Nassau.— Emil Emeran Wild. Plaintiff, vs. Freida Wild, Defendant Action for divorce Summons. Trial to be had in County of Nassau. To the above named Defendant

You are hereby Summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the Plaintiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in-case of your failure to appear, or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Dated N. Y., January 30, 1912. GREENTHAL & GREENTHAL,

Plaintiff's Attorneys. Office and Post Office Address, No. 61

Chambers Street, New York City. To the defendant Freida Wild:

The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of Hon. Garret J. Garretson, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated February 6, 1912 and filed with the complaint in the office of the Clerk of Nassau County at Mineola, New York.

Dated, New York, February, 7, 1912. GREENTHAL & GREENTHAL,

Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and Post Office Address151 Cham­

bers Street, New York City. 2 22t6

In Surrogate's Court.

lush's Pharmacy, Inc. The R111II Store Trolley Junction

The following wills have been filed in the Surrogate's Court:

Mary D. Clowes, died at Hemp-stead, December 21st last. Real es­tate $6,000; personal $15,000. Heirs Martin V. W. Hall; *H. Wilhelmina Wood, niece and Martha A. Duryea.

Anna Turner died at Hempstead January 3, Personal estate $120.

Ann M. Remsen died at Roslyn Feb. 7. Estate $17,000 personal. Heirs Cornelius E., son $6,000; John F„ son, $7000. L

Pierson L. Wells, died at Rockville Centre Feb. 4. Real estate $12,000. personal $20,000. Heirs, widow and son.

Joseph Manheimer died in New York January 23rd was a resident of Lynbrook. Estate over $10,000 per* sonal. .

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069