The H

Post on 20-Nov-2015

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Transcript of The H

THE HOLY SPIRITThe Holy Spirit is the third person of the God head. The bible says that JESUS is the son of God and that he was born a child of the Holy Ghost. (Mat 1:18,20) The Holy Spirit is the Father of Jesus. He is a real person, he has emotions, he can talk, laugh or be grieved Eph 4:30 (Acts 13:2) The Holy Spirit is exactly like JESUS. Jesus said And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: The words another comforter as translated in Greek are ALLOS PARAKLETOS and Allos means another of the same kind .The father says the same thing as Jesus, just as the Holy Ghost speaks the very words of Jesus, John 16:13. The Holy Ghost responds to us THE SAME WAY as JESUS would if he were physically in our midst. The Holy Ghost answers to the name of JESUS, whatsoever we wish JESUS would do, the Holy Ghost will do for us. If the Holy Spirit doesnt do anything about a situation it means even if JESUS were physically present he still wouldnt do anything, for the Holy Spirit does nothing JESUS wouldnt. PARAKLETOS comes from the word Paraklet which means one called to go along with to help. JESUS when he said the father will send you allos parakletos implied the father would send another one exactly like him, who loves, forgives, helps and talks like him, only that this one is a spirit and will come to dwell in the believer. Parakletos means:Comforter, John 14:16, 2 Cor 1:3Counselor, Isaiah 11:2, Romans 8:16Helper, Romans 8:26-28Strengthener, Phil 4:13, Isaiah 11:2Intercessor, Romans 8:26Advocate, John 14:16Standby, 2 Corth 12:9-10 The Primary ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify JESUS. Any Spirit that doesnt seek to glorify Jesus is evidently not of God.Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. John 16:13-14 The Holy Spirit shows a man THE TRUTH, that means the man who yields to the Holy Ghost can not be deceived. The Holy Spirit comes to us to guide and direct us in the way we should go. Which means by him we can make the right choices and we live above regrets. The Holy Spirit will show you things to come, so we can know our tomorrow. We dont need to consult some seers; the Holy Ghost can show us things to come. This applies to anybody who has the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost also teaches us all things.(John 14:26,1Cor 2:10-12)

The indwelling Presence of the Holy GhostNo single person in the Old Testament had the Holy Ghost residing in him. The Holy Ghost would come upon a selected few to enable them to accomplish some work the depart.( Gen 17:22,Numbers 24:2,Judges 3:10) God however promised that there is coming a new people in whom the Holy Ghost would dwell(Ezekiel 36:26-27). Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were clothed with the power of the holy Ghost.(Acts 1:8,Luke 4:18-19) This power in Greek is Dunamis: dynamic ability to effect changes). The Holy Spirit is the only one that can reveal the works of God. Even JESUS never performed a single miracle until he was clothed with the power of the Holy Ghost. The Christian life is only possible by the power of the Holy Spirit. You can never successfully do the things of God with human ability. The Holy Ghost is the spirit of power, he dispels fear. And with him all things are possible.INFILLING OF THE HOLY GHOSTOn the day of Pentecost the disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:1-4).When a glass is filled with water it means the water has occupied all the space INSIDE the glass. In like manner the disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost and they spoke with tongues and prophesied as the spirit gave them utterance. Every Christian ought to experience this glorious manifestation of the spirit which is established upon more than three witnesses of the bible (Mat 18:16).The Promise of the Holy Spirit extends to all who believe in all generations since the Apostles Pentecostal experience. (Acts 2:38-39).*The HOLY SPIRIT is received by laying on of hands, asking in prayer or simple exercise faith on the word.* The Initial evidence given to us throughout the new testament is speakingin tongues therefore every believer who receives ought to speak in tongues as demonstrated in the early church. ( Acts 8:14-18,Acts 9:17,Acts 10:44-46,Acts 19:1-7)Speaking in tongues1 Cor 14:2 ,Acts 2:4-11Speaking in tongues means speaking in an unknown language (unknown to you and may be known to others or unknown both to you and others),this language given by the spirit of God. The former is an earthly language which one may speak by the Holy Ghost. For example, a man who doesnt know French can Speak French fluently by the Spirit and if there be someone who understands French such can even interpret the tongues without a special gift for French is an earthly language though unknown to the speaker. There later is called language of angels that means its a language unknown to any people on earth but is a language used by angels. For anyone to interpret that would take a special gift of interpretation of tongues that comes again by the Holy Spirit. The bible says that those who believe will be identified by various signs amongst which are speaking in tongue. The world will recognize that they are believers by these signs. Mark 16:17, 1 Corth 14:22aHowever, apart from being a sign through which we recognize the believer, speaking in tongues helps the believer to build up himself.1Corth 14:4He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself.That is to say that the one who speaks in tongues charges himself up, he energizes himself up.Jude 20The believer is built up as he prays or speaks in tongues. That is to say that praying in tongues builds the believer up on his faith life. It helps the believer to be established in the faith.Acts 10:46 Speaking in tongues is a language of the Spirit through which the believer magnifies and glorifies God. The believer also gives thanks and praise to God as he speaks in tongues. (1 Corth 14:17).He who speaks in an unknown tongue speaks mysteries to God. That is, he speaks hidden truth to God. No man understands him but God does him because he speaks in the language of the spirit. (1Corth 14:2)Speaking in tongues is a sign that should follow the believer. If you are a believer, you ought to speak in other tongues just like a man ought to walk and talk and eat. These are sign apart from the physical look of man. A Christian should speak in tongues; it is a sign apart from the physical look of man. A Christian should speak in tongues; it is a sign that must follow the believer.In Mark 16:17, when the bible about speaking in tongues, it means the language given to every believer to communicate in the spirit. This is a sign that God gave to everyone who believes the gospel. It is a mark of identity. Every believer is entitled to this sign. Here lies the major difference between speaking in tongues as recorded in Mark 16:17 and 1 Corth 12:10. The latter is a gift of the Spirit. It is given to believers as the Spirit of God decides. In 1 Corth 12:10, the bible talks about the working of the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God gives to certain individuals various gifts or operation as he wills. The Spirit of God gives to each one the manifestation of the Spirit for the profit of all. Vs 7The Spirit of God does this at will and for the purpose of the building up of the body of Christ. This is not the same thing in Mark 16:17. In 1 Corth 12:10, the Spirit of God gives the individual the manifestation of different kinds of tongues to operate for a particular purpose. The Spirit of God gives these different kinds of tongues for the purpose of building the church.The Gifts of the Holy Spirit 1 Corth 12; 7-12The gifts of the Holy Spirit refer to the manifestation of the Spirit given to every Christian for the profit of all. There are nine gifts of the Spirit as outlined in 1 Corth 12; 8-10WORD OF WISDOMWORD OF KNOWLEDGEFAITHGIFTS OF HEALINGWORKING OF MIRACLESPROPHECYDISERNING OF SPIRITSDIVERS KINDS OF TONGUES

Purpose Purpose of these gifts in the life of a believer is to build up the body of Christ. 1 Corth 14:1-3

How these gifts can be receivedThese gifts of the Holy Spirit can be received by faith and through strong desire.1 Corth 12:31. There must be strong and earnest desire for these gifts.1 Corth 14:1, Matthew 7:7-11, Mark 11:24These are permanent. Romans 11:29When God gives a gift, He gives it never to take it back His gifts are irrevocable.One man can receive and operate all of them. Yes, one man can have all of them.John 3:34, Romans 15:29, Mark 9:23, John 15:7, Eph 3:19, James 1:5-8These gifts can be exercised at will. 1 Corth 14;15, 1 Tim 4:14, 2 Tim 1:16