The Growth of Fascist Regimes

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Transcript of The Growth of Fascist Regimes

  • 8/14/2019 The Growth of Fascist Regimes


    The growth of Italian fascist regime

    I Origins of fascism

    Italy before 1914

    1859: unification of Italy by the rebel nationalist Garibaldi


    1. economy : this of South of Italy = based on agriculture, land of a poor quality

    => rural population increased quickly by the end of the 19thC and the gap between north and

    south increased

    2. weak democratic system of government after 1870, weak sense of national identity and loyalty

    to the state

    3. Industrial expansion : creation of a urban working class : they felt expoilted

    4. Catholic church : opposition to the unification

    church lands confiscated and redistributed to peasants farmers

    Pope banned Catholics from taking part in politics more tensions between state and Church5. Nationalists : wanted the regions of Trentino and Trieste (possessed by Austria) there were

    a lot of Italian speakers

    Referred as unredeemed Italy ( Italia Irredente)

    Those problems lead to a crisis

    The First World War

    1914 : Italy divided : some wanted enter the war, some wanted to remain neutral

    But, the Italians failed to secure Trentino and Trieste from Austria-Hungary so :

    1915 : Treaty of London (alliance with Britain, France and Russia

    Casualties : 600 thousand died

    One million were wounded

    Debt : increased from 16 to 85 billion lire

    Unrest : Unemployment

    Shortages of food

    The Paris Peace Conference

    18 January 1919

    Negotiations dominated by the leaders of the more important leaders : France (Clemenceau) Britain( Lloyd George), USA (Wilson).

    No place for the defeated nations.

    Prime Minister of Italy Orlando : excluded

    Italys gains :

    South Tyrol




    Italys failed gains :

    North Tyrol


    Because it was not conform as

    principle of self-determination,

    even there were promised lands.

  • 8/14/2019 The Growth of Fascist Regimes



    No German colonies as compensation

    Not allowed to expand their African colonies

    Orlando : felt his country had been betrayed

    Withdrew from the negotiations This lead to unpopularity for the government

    Harsh critic: Gabriel dAnnunzio(author and political critic, seized Fiume with followers, his rule was

    full of parades, uniforms and raised-armed salutes)

    Post-war unrest

    2 millions unemployed people

    => Strikes and demonstrations

    => Some workers occupied the factories

    => Peasants in some areas seized land from large landowners

    Fear of a communist take-over ( situation was like this of Russia before revolution)

    People were losing faith in a democratic system and they looked for a strong leader to solve the

    problems: then Benito Mussolini entered the politic life.


    editor of a socialist journal

    1912: became editor of Italys official Socialist newspaper Avanti

    His own newspaper: Il Popolo dItalia

    1915: joined the army, got injured in 1917

    Birth of Fascism

    Mussolini called for a dictator to remedy the dire economic situation and recover the promised lands

    1919 : foundation of a combat group Fascio di Combattimento

    => Roman salute

    => black shirts

    => skull-embroidered flags

    => patriotic songs

    => nationalist slogans

    The fascist programme

    (Mussolini, Nazis, Falangisrs in Spain, Leagues in France, Mosleys supporters in Britain = fascists)


    => gain lands

    => More colonies

    => glory the ancient past


    Mussolinis definition : everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing

    against the state

    Individuals worked for the benefit of the state

    One-party government

    Cult of the leader Racism

  • 8/14/2019 The Growth of Fascist Regimes


    => belief in the superitity of ones own race


    Fascism was a response to the Communism

    Supporter anti-communist of the fascism : capitalists, industrialists, landowners

    Early difficulties 1919 : poor results at the elections

    Mussolini blamed the extreme leftist section of his party, the strident anti-clericals

    disowned all forms of extreme socialism

    Wealthy capitalists supported the party as a bulwark against socialism. Their financial support helped

    them to survive.


    = paramilitary groups

    aim: intimidation for the trade unions, political foes and newspapers editors

    Now the fascism programme was : monarchism, free trade and anti-socialism

    March on Rome

    Economic conditions deteriorated

    1922 ; general strike called by the socialist in August to protest against government policies

    The Squadristi posed as the unique protection against a communist takeover.

    25 000 blackshirt squadristi rassembled around Rome

    The Prime Minister Luigi Facta asked the King, Victor Emmanuel III to use the army but he refused,

    the prime minister resigned and Mussolini took his place

    March on Rome turned to be a victory parade.

    II Mussolinis Italy

    Move to dictatorship

    first moves : slow and careful

    image of a possible respectable leader

    right to rule by decree

    Acerbo law : reserved 2/3 of the seats in Parliament for the party wich gained most votes

    in future elections

    1924: Fascists duly gained control of Parliament in the 1924 election

    Mussolini : minister for the Interior and Foreign Minister

    Appearance of Democracy

    Mussolinis Opponents arrested

    Blackshirts : converted into national militia (paid by state and allegiance to Mussolini)

    1924 : Matteotti (an opponent) murdered

    OVRA : secret policy