The Growth Hacking Survival Book - Ativar Portugal

Post on 03-Mar-2017

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Transcript of The Growth Hacking Survival Book - Ativar Portugal

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24 Growth Hacking TipsSurvival Book

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1. How to blog relevant content?Tip for keyword research and get content creation ideas:

1) Go to Keyword Planner (it’s free)

2) Click on “Search for new keywords” and enter your product or service. Choose the targeting country and language.

3) Clicking on “Get ideas” and then on “Keywords Ideas” tab you’ll see the most searched terms that people use related with your product or service.

4) You just found new ideas to create relevant content to answer your user needs.

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But please, don’t copy content or abuse of keyword stuffing, repeating the same keyword in content over and over again.

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Alternative ways to distribute your content

Guest blogging in 7 known websites :1) http://





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Shareable content1) To get content ideas, go to 2) Make a search for your related topic.3) Analyze the results with the most shares. 4) Create a blog post, infographic, video more appealing, updated and easier to read and share.

“Top 10” Lists, “How to [solve a problem]” are examples of the most shared content.

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You can always use humor to make it more entertaining and shareable

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2. Comment in forums and blogs with users questions

1) Search on or 2) Make a search for questions on a topic related

with your services.3) Choose the most qualified sites (use Moz Toolbar

)4) Comment related questions on your topic and

promote your services.5) Add value to the discussion, help others, don’t

just copy/paste. You’re not just driving traffic, you’re building a reputation.

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3. Trick to gain prospects from Twitter

1) Let’s say you sell “business cards”

2) Go to Twitter and search:“need business cards”“want business cards”

3) You just found your target market ready to buy from you, right now!Source:

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Trick to gain prospects from Twitter

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4. Get to know your users and attract them with the right triggers

Whitney Wolfe, Tinder co-founder went to chapters of her sorority, do her presentation, and have all the girls at the meetings install the app. Then she’d go to the corresponding brother fraternity—they’d open the app and see all these cute girls they knew.

When Wolfe returned from her trip, Tinder had grown from fewer than 5000 to almost 15000.


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Go «make love» with your users- Building Supply (girls)- Word-of-mouth

Network effectGet value from first interaction

Principles behind Tinder growth

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5. Hack ProductHunt.com1) Do not submit by yourself. Reach out to

influencers on ProductHunt (>1000 followers).

2) Make a win-win offer, ask to submit your website and mark you as the Maker

3) Give a specific offer for ProductHunt members

4) Comment quickly. Comments count as much as upvotes.

5) Notify your community, but do not ask them to upvote. It’s forbidden.

6) Do not promote a direct link to your service on ProductHunt, otherwise you will be blocked. Promote the homepage and let your users find you in the list.

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NomadList got to #1 on Product Hunt by accident

When uploading a file to the server, NomadList founder published the site live by accident. Suddenly he started to get tweets and on the same day it was featured on TechinAsia and submitted by a random “fan” of Nomadlist.

Only after NomadList founder started to promote his Product Hunt submission without linking directly to it.Source:

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6. Integrate with popular platforms

Providing simple, zero-development integrations to popular platforms removes a lot of friction with your activation process and exposed you to a huge audience.

1) Ask for a listing in their Integrations directory2) Push for a blog announcement to their user base

Integration with Slack, anyone?

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Go deep into the user’s mindWe are not as rational as we think when making decisions

Hacking the user brain (and heart) is funAnd pays off in growth and UXLearn about:Beahvioral economicsPersuasionPerceptionEmotional triggers

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Which ad copy had an higher conversion rate (free trial signup)?

The ads were communicating a billing software.The landing page had information about the product, a call-to-action for a 14-day free trial, and information about the pricing.

In English:Billing Software PHCTry for free now!Certified

In English:Billing Software PHCIncludes Hosting and Installation.From 19€ per

7. Optimize Pay-per-click for conversion, not just CTR

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Both ad and page copy can influence on converting usersThe ad copy with the value to pay had a conversion rate (free trial signup) 2x higher than the “Try for free” ad copy version.

If you prepare the users to pay and surprise with a Free trial, they will feel much more tempted to try the product, than if you push them with a “try for free” and realize they have to pay a lot more later on.

In English:Billing Software PHCIncludes Hosting and Installation.From 19€ per

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8. Add Context to the Ad Copy

Which ad copy had a lower cost per conversion (get a quote)?

The ads were communicating an auto insurance and the 1st main objective is to make users to get a quote.

In English:Promotion OK! TelesegurosUntil 28th Feb, 3 months offerFor free on your Auto Insurance!

In English:OK! TelesegurosIf you have car in BragaGet a quote on your Auto

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Add Context to the Ad CopyThe ad copy with a touch of personalization (user location) performed better (80% decrease on cost per conversion) than the 3months for free promotion

Context matters…a lot!

In English:OK! TelesegurosIf you have car in BragaGet a quote on your Auto

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9. Add Context to the promotions

FC Porto has some website traffic spikes once in a while. They are caused by foreigners in Mexico, Colombia, Algeria that visit mostly the FC Porto website right after a player of that country scores a goal in a match.

That is probably the best timing to promote content and merchandising about that player to those specific users.

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10. Listen to your users and use their words in your marketing1) Send an email to every new customer simply asking them why they signed up.

2) Use some of the most used words/expressions on your landing page and marketing campaigns.

Speak your customer language, not the industry jargon.Source:

GooveHQ Original Headline: 2% conversion rate

GrooveHQ Current Headline: +4% conversion rate

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The words you use will impact on user behavior and conversionWhich call-to-action button generates more leads (contact form submissions)?


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The words you use will impact on user behavior and conversion“Submit” doubled the leads compared to “I pretend to be advised”.

The last one generated false expectations since users expected to be taken to an advisor page once they clicked the button and didn’t realize they had to fill a form.

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11. Drip Email for great on-boardingEvernote’s Onboarding Drip FrameworkDay 1. Get Started with EvernoteDay 3. Evernote Tip 1 of 5: Create your first noteDay 10. Evernote Tip 2 of 5: All your stuff, everywhereDay 17. Upgrade your Evernote experience with PremiumDay 19. Evernote Tip 3 of 5: Accomplish more with Evernote Checklists Day 27. Evernote Tip 4 of 5: How to Email into EvernoteDay 29. Save this Email to EvernoteDay 31. Own the workday for $5. Evernote Premium.Day 33. 4 Tips for Emailing into EvernoteDay 36. Evernote Tip 5 of 5: How to Find AnythingSource:

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Try different approachesForget html emails and images, make it a human-to-human conversation

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12. Can your product be gamified?

People love to be measured. People love to compete.

Give them points, badges, a meaningful leaderboard/ranking system and they’ll play the game.

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13. Push notifications of product activity

Show people events that interest them.

Show people things that will boost their ego.

Show people things that urge them to take action NOW.

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From push notifications to Cards


Users will open less apps because they will interact directly on the notification stream.

Take advantage of this opportunity to build a better User Experience.

Better UX always means happier and returning users.

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14. Daily or Weekly Digest1) Promote your blog content or Curate

others content

2) Share the most relevant or the most popular news (“the biggest contributor on the team”; “how many tasks were completed this week”; “digest of key metrics from the dashboard”)


Always-on A/B Testing your emails

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15. 1 minute to increase your email open rate

1) Use the same email you sent and change the subject line to something new.

2) Email it out a week later ONLY to your non-opens.

3) You just got 30% more opensSource:

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16. Test with pricing strategy

Which The Economist subscription would you choose?

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1) Create 3 different plans and intend to sell mainly the middle one.

2) The 1st plan is a decoy. It’s similar to the middle plan, but offers visibly less value while costing almost as much.

3) 2nd plan, the one you want to sell, offers good value for money. The price ends with 9. Maybe it even shows that it has been reduced from a previously higher price or it’s a sale

4) 3rd plan is to serve as a contrast to the middle one, its role is to anchor in a high figure. Make it much more expensive than the middle plan. You don’t actually intend to sell in high volume.


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17. Increase Lifetime Value x201) Reducing prices to reduce churn is the worst thing you can do. If a

customer is not finding value in your product, they’ll cancel even if it’s 50 cents per month.

2) Slidebean increased their prices >4 times

Results:$5.99/MO > 25% CHURN > $22 LTV$29/MO > 6.53% CHURN > $444 LTV


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The thing about pricing is…

Discount Price(0,89€)

Premium Price(1,89€)

- Two groups.- A water that enhances intellectual performance (just tap water really).- At the end, both groups made the same test.

- The discount group had lower results and took more time.

Cheap price = Cheap product = Cheap outcome ?

Hack the right price to the sweet spot.

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18. Free? Know your market.


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19. End their Trial Early

You don’t have to wait until the end of the trial to get the user onboard. An active user who loves using your app can be converted quicker with an incentive.

Send an email, text or show it right inside your app: "End Trial Now - Get 1 Month Free. This special offer expires in 19:59 minutes (countdown)".Source:

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20. Try using text messagesThe communication with the user is mainly by email. But text message can be another way to convert users, since there is less competition and it is a guaranteed read (99% open rate and 19% click rate on text message vs 22% open rate and 4% click rate on emails).

1) Use text message for feedback from inactive users or expired trials.

2) Or to communicate payment fails.


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21. Ask for reviews in exchange for a free limited-period premium subscriptionPostcron  asked some users if they could make a short YouTube product review in exchange for a free 6 month premium subscription. The answer in most cases was a big YES. (Many people even wrote lengthy blog posts about the product.)

This marketing strategy alone made word of mouth around Postcron spread like crazy, and after 5 month, they went from 150k social accounts in 30 countries, to more than 2 millions social accounts in 170 countries.Source:

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22. How to optimize referral programs1) Personalize referral codes

( Personalize landing pages (photo+name)3) Create a referral competition among users

Airbnb increased bookings via referrals by over 25% in some markets with this tactic.


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23. Accelerating viral growth1) Don’t ask your members to invite a lot of friends to unlock something

valuable.2) Start with a simples task. Ask them to invite just one friend.

Result: +250% increaseSource:

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24. A giveaway. From zero to 500k subscribers

Giving away something (Premium account, etc.) to people in exchange for a visitor signing up for your newsletter.

1) “Some Premium Giveaway”! Enter your email2) You have 1 entry. Get X more entries for every friend

you refer. And a list of sharing buttons.3) Set up the timer. It will encourage urgency.4) Seed the initial users in hoping it goes viral.

After 25 giveaways, Appsumo got 528k subscribers and $866k revenue


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Growth Hacking

½ Metrics½ Feeling