The Greatest Show Sample - Flannelgraph Creative

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Transcript of The Greatest Show Sample - Flannelgraph Creative


2014, 2018 Flannel Graph CreativeRt 2 Box 597Milton, WV 25541COPYRIGHT 2014, 2018 Susan E. Greenwood l FLANNEL GRAPH CREATIVE l ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Edited by Susan GreenwoodUnless otherwise indicated, Scripture verses quoted are from the New International VersionPrinted in the United States of America



Welcome to The Greatest Show…

Of God’s Power Of God’s Protection Of God’s Provision Of God’s Position Of God’s Plan

You will find an overview of the entire curriculum, as well as, a daily breakdown to

allow you to more intricately plan your event.

The resources section contains recommended forms to register families and

recruit staff. You can customize and use the forms provided or use them as an


It is essential that each recruit is spiritually equipped to take part and fulfill

their job assignment. I know from my own experience, that we often have to be

grateful for every “warm body” that opts to help; however, there are certain key

positions (like teachers and small group leaders) that need to be over and above on

their credentials. This section will help you identify the best person for these

positions and make sure they are equipped to share Jesus with the participants.

Thank you for choosing The Greatest Show!


Susan Greenwood

Flannel Graph Creative �4


Overview 5

Staffing 7

The Line Up 14

Circus Talk 20

Character Scripts 30

Group Time 53

Crafts 65

Games 75

Activities 79

Snacks 85

Bible Verse Cards 87

Salvation Message 93

Resources 98



Overview �6

FocusRing 1Circus Talk

Ring 2 Ring 3 Activity Games Snack Craft Small Group

Power Itchy Feet

CreationPower to Create

NoahPower to Destroy

Giant SwingPetting


Link TagWhack a Balloon

(with message)

Animal Cracker

Animal hand


Clay “Make/


ProtectionLunge Rope

Daniel the Lion Tamer

Azariah, Mishael,

Hananiah Fire


Climbing Wall

Walking Tall (Coffee Can


Pool Noodle

Obstacle Course

Lion Cupcakes

and Licorice Whips

Lava Lamp

Who is your

support system

Provision Crier Feeding the 5000

The Widow of



Blindfold Water

Balloon fight

Cotton Candy

About ME poster

(Oriental Trading)

Trust God to Provide

Position Shill Deliverance

Elijahand the

Prophets of Baal

Zip Line

Cannon Launcher

Pool Noodle


Fire Tipped Pretzel Rods

Cannon Shooter

Who is God?

Plan Ringer Miraculous Birth

Jesus the Resurrection and the


Live Monkey Show

Gigantic Four


Walk A Mile in My Shoes

Frozen Bananas dipped in chocolate

Clown ShoesRing


Salvation Message

The Greatest Show


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The Line Up �8

The Line Up

Ring 1: Circus Talk: Itchy Feet The idea behind circus talk is to relate an element of the circus to the the Bible. This is great to use as an opener.

Ring 2: Creation Character Sketch

Ring 3: Noah Character Sketch

Small Group: Clay

Activity: Petting Zoo Animal Tracks

Games: Link Tag Balloon Whack Parachute Pallooza

Snack: Animal Crackers

Craft: Animal Hand Puppets





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Circus Talk �10

Circus Talk

Phrase of the Day: ITCHY FEET

Itchy Feet: An off the road trouper's urge to get back with it on the road.

Say: (Enter shuffling your feet against the floor) My feet are really itchy today. (Sit down, remove your shoe, and scratch your foot. To add more humor, start giggling and say) The worst part about itchy feet is that scratching is so tickly!

Ask: (to the audience) Have you ever had itchy feet?

Say: Itchy feet usually means you need to wash those smelly things more (smell your foot, make a P-yoo face and then put your shoe back on while you deliver the rest of the line); but, if you work in the circus, itchy feet has a different meaning. Circus performers travel a lot, going from town to town doing shows. Performing for a new crowd is exciting, so they get “itchy feet” to get back on the road, keep that excitement going, and share their talent with as many people as possible.

Ask: Did you know that Christians are known to have “itchy feet” too?

Say: In the book of Matthew chapter 28 verses 19-20 in our Bibles, Jesus said this to His followers:

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)





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And, guess what...(Excitedly) they did!

Disciples like Paul, Peter, John, Barnabas, and Timothy would get itchy feet to go to new towns and make sure EVERY person heard about Jesus and knew that Jesus was the One sent by God to save the world.

As they traveled and shared the good news, people’s lives were changed! They confessed their sins and changed their ways. People started gathering into groups and churches like ours came into existence. The more they traveled, the more people there were who joined God’s family.

Ask: Do you want to hear the best part?

Say: This same call Jesus gave His disciples is for us too!! Jesus wants us to have itchy feet to share His good news. And, the best way we can do that is in our every day lives. When we are at school with friends, at home, at a friends house, playing sports,…no matter where we are, we can share Jesus.





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Character Scripts �13

Day Theme Character Actor Props

Day 1Monday

Power Creation (no specific character)

Things that represent creation: flashlight, bugs, fish, stuffed animal, cotton balls, stars, a flower, squirt gun with water

Day 1 Monday

Power Noah

Day 2 Tuesday

Protection Daniel Lion cut out, Whip, stoolFur

Day 2 Tuesday

Protection Azariah

Day 2 Tuesday

Protection Mishael

Day 2 Tuesday

Protection Hananiah

Day 3Wednesday

Provision Boy w/Lunch Basket, bread, fish

Day 3 Wednesday

Provision Widow of Zarephath Jar of flour, small jar with oil, bread

Day 4Thursday

Position Moses Staff, water to blood, bugs, frogs, blood to paint the door

Day 4 Thursday

Postition Elijah Water, Lighter, rubbing alcohol, alter, wood, matches

Day 5Friday

Plan Mary

Day 5Friday

Plan Jesus the Resurrection and the Life

Salvation Message. The presenter isn’t portraying Jesus but rather telling about God’s greatest Show of His Plan through Jesus who is now in Heaven preparing a place for His people


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Bible Character Sketch Info Sheet

The Crier: The circus used criers to roam through the streets calling out for people to come and see the show or the main attraction. Our crier announces the character sketches. He/she can be in circus attire or Biblical robes. He/she can walk around the facility, outside the room or enter the room just prior to the character shouting the message.

Creation: This is the telling of the story, not a character sketch. Can be dressed as the Ring Master or even just in black. The actor needs to deliver his lines with intensity and wonder. Do not rush the lines.

Noah: Costume: Biblical Robes and a staff. Could be holding an animal (like a small dog, bunny, cat, etc)





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Bible Character Sketch Ring 2: Creation

In the Beginning, God Created!!

Crier: (Speak boldly and dramatically) Come one, Come all and hear the true life account of this Greatest Show of God’s Plan as written in the book of Genesis.

Performer: To begin this fantastic account I invite you to close your eyes with me. Go ahead, close them tight. Do you see it?

(Children may respond that they don’t see anything)

(With great excitement and building anticipation) It’s....IT’S....(in a dramatic whisper) Nothing... But! That was just the beginning for it was from NOTHING that God created EVERYTHING!

Then, Almighty God spoke and from His words all that we see and all that we don’t came to be. God said, “Let there be light” and instantly, LIGHT appeared.

Then God spoke again and again creating sky, sea, land, trees, grass, food, sun, moon, stars, galaxies, animals of the sea and sky and animals to fill the earth...and... it. all. was. good.

(In lower dramatic tones and slower) But, that’s not all. For there was still one more magnificent creation. His greatest. His creation finale’, as it were.

Not by word as He had all other creations; but, through the power and care of His own mighty hands God formed and sculpted His most prized creation from the dust of the ground. His very own breath filled man’s lungs and thus the beginning of human life. And it...was...good.

The Greatest Show of God’s Power was marvelously displayed through the beauty and majesty of His Creation! And it…was…good!!





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Ring 3: Noah’s Epic Voyage

Crier: Come one, come all and hear the true account of Noah’s Epic Voyage told by Noah himself. You won’t want to miss it!

Noah: This voyage was like no other EVER before nor ever since nor ever more shall be. For only once has God been so saddened…so grieved by His creations that He thought it better to destroy all that lived. All but me and my family, that is.

I am Noah and THIS was my epic voyage.

Aboard the MASSIVE ark, built to the exact measurements God gave me, a new beginning awaited. Two of every kind of every living creature God created obediently gathered taking their spot aboard.

Elephants, zebras, antelopes, tigers, sheep, monkeys alligators, bears and on and on boarded the ark two by two. One male and one female of every creation entered the ark.

People jeered, heckled, mocked, made fun and ridiculed the whole time. For 100 years, my boys and I were the laughing stock of the land. Building the ark and not even the smallest sign of rain.

And then, aboard the ark, we waited. Six days of people banging on the outside. Laughing. Throwing rocks and yelling that we were fools. Then, on the seventh day. Something happened.

(Use hand claps to simulate the sound of rain. In the first few, use long pauses between claps). We started (clap) to hear (clap) something new (clap). The people outside the ark started beating on the side of the ark. Begging for us to let them in. But it was too late. I preached God’s Word and begged them to repent but they refused and was too late.

(Have the audience help you simulate a rain storm)

It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The waters rose quickly lifting the ark and all aboard to safety as the world perished beneath us.

For 369 days, we stayed safely aboard the ark waiting. Finally, on the 370th day, the Lord God opened the door of the ark and we all walked on the dry ground.

A beautiful rainbow spread across the sky as a promise from God that He would never again destroy the entire earth by flood again.

It was the Greatest Show of God’s Power.





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Divide audience into FOUR groups with at least 5 per group. Explain

the directions, ask for NO TALKING during rainstorm –

Mime instructions to audience….(everyone stands..)

Note-this works best with larger groups—minimum of 20 kids/


What you do is point to group 1 and silently give them instructions for

doing the first action (just mime it out for them. If they do not

understand, instruct them in a quiet, soothing voice), then move on to

group 2 and give them instructions for doing the first action, ditto

group 3 etc.. until all groups are doing the first action. Then move

back to group 1 and give them the second action while the other

groups are still doing the first action. Similarly, move from group to

group signaling them to start the next action. Each group keeps doing

the action they are on until you signal them to start a new action.....If

everyone remains completely silent except for these actions, it

actually does sound a lot like a gathering storm!!

1. Start by tapping palm with one finger, then go to two fingers

2. Rub hands together

3. Snap fingers (can’t snap-clap with only TWO fingers….)

4. Gently patting knees

5. Stamp feet

6. Increase the noise by switching to hand clapping as the storm

reaches it height.

7. With a hand signal, have everyone shout, "BOOM!" on the count

of three to represent thunder.

8. Work backwards thru sequence to simulate storm subsidence





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Group Time �19

Small Group Discussion and Activity Make/Destroy Clay

Objective: To help each student understand the power of our almighty God. His power to create, His power to destroy and His power to choose to forgive.

Scripture: Genesis 1 and Genesis 6

Verse: Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him”

Do: Give each person some Play-doh. Let them create something from that is meaningful to them or just all they know how to make.

Say: One of the greatest demonstrations of the power of God is His ability to create. God created the Universe and everything in it from absolutely nothing. There were no cells, no particles, no atoms nor Adams…only God. And that was enough. God has always been and all ways will be. But God wanted to have a relationship with people and He wanted people to have a beautiful world to do life in. So, God Created!!

Read Genesis 1

Say: God created everything…from Nothing.

Ask: How did God feel about His creations? (They were all good)

How does it feel to create something with your own hands?

Say: Name something you have created that you are the most proud of.

Ask: How would you feel if something happened to your Play-doh creation?

What about your most prized creation?

How do you think God felt when His creations sinned? (Read Genesis 6:5-6)





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Ask: What ultimately happened with God’s creations? (Read Genesis 6:9-22)

Say: Can you imagine our Holy, loving, all powerful God being so saddened that He felt the only way to correct the problem was to destroy the earth and start over?

Seeing God’s Power through His creation and then through His destruction makes it even more amazing that God would show the power of His love like this:

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever, believes in Him, will not perish but have eternal life.”

God loves us.

God loves you!

The Greatest Show of God’s Power is through His Son, Jesus.

Jesus came to earth, taking on a human body so He could take on all our sins and give His perfect blood to pay our sin debt…mine, yours and the whole world.

He defeated sin through His death.

Then, Jesus defeated death through His resurrection. He came back to life, appearing to people who knew Him and followed Him, as well as, a multitude of others. His nail scarred hands were proof that He was truly Jesus. Then, Jesus returned to His home in Heaven where He is preparing a place for those who choose Him and His free gift of salvation, so they can live with Him forever.

Ask: Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior? If you haven’t and would like to or have questions, I would be glad to talk with you.





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Crafts �22

Craft Time

The goal of craft time for this curriculum is to create tools that will help the

child grow in their faith, based on the theme. This section outlines suggested crafts

for each theme; however, you may want to choose different crafts to meet a specific

need or purpose. For instance, if you have a mission project for the week, then craft

time would be a great time for the children to work on the project. One year, the

children made “no-sew blankets” for an orphanage in Africa. The children really

enjoyed working together and knowing that their time and efforts were going to

help other children.

The downside of crafts is that they often never make it home. And, if they do,

they usually end up in the trash before summer’s end. So, my suggestion is, if you

need to cut something for the sake of time, budget or staffing, crafts would be a

viable cut to consider.

With the development of Pinterest, the craft possibilities are infinite. So, feel

free to search for new ideas and even pin unique ideas you and your crew create.


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Day/Theme Supplies Instructions End Product

Day One

The Greatest Show of God’s Power

2 1/2 inch Styrofoam balls Paint 2 Google Eyes 1/2 a Pipe Cleaner Yarn Glue (Possibly hot glue)

1. Choose two Styrofoam balls to decorate into the animal of your choice.

2. Insert a 2 1/2 inch piece of pipe cleaner into each ball, making a “U” shape at the bottom.

3. Glue eyes, hair, etc. to your puppet according to the creature you are making.

Day Two

The Greatest Show of God’s Protection

Water Bottle 3/4 full2 drops Food Coloring1 TBS Vegetable OilAlka-Seltzer Antacid Tablet (broken into pieces)

1. Add the oil and food coloring to the water

2. Drop in 1/4 of an alka-seltzer tablet and watch it fizz.

3. Place the cap on it for transport.

Day Three

The Greatest Show of God’s Provision


1. Each child can fill in their top ten list of God’s best provisions in their lives.

2. Color and decorate with stickers

Day Four

The Greatest Show of God’s Position

3 inches of a pool noodleBalloon with the end cut openDuct TapeSmall Fuzzy Balls

1. Cut the closed end of a balloon.

2. Place it over the end of a 3 inch piece of pool noodle

3. Adhere the balloon to the pool noodle with a strip of duct tape

4. Place a fuzzy ball in the opening, pull the balloon and watch it fly

Day Five

The Greatest Show of God’s Plan

Black card stockBow tieMustache2 wooden skewers or thin Dowel rodsTape


LE �24

Craft Animal Hand Puppets

The Greatest Show of God’s Power 2 1/2 inch Styrofoam balls Paint 2 Google Eyes 1/2 a Pipe Cleaner Yarn Glue (Possibly hot glue)

Choose two Styrofoam balls to decorate into the animal of your choice. 1. Insert a 2 1/2 inch piece of pipe cleaner into each ball, making a “U”

shape at the bottom. 2. Glue eyes, hair, etc. to your puppet according to the creature you are






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Snacks �26

Day/Theme Snack Shopping List

Day One

The Greatest Show of God’s Power

Animal Crackers Animal Crackers

Day Two

The Greatest Show of God’s Protection

Lion Cupcakes and Licorice Whips

Cake Mix (and suggested ingredients)IcingChocolate ChipsLicorice

Day Three

The Greatest Show of God’s Provision

Cotton Candy Bags of pre-made Cotton Candy or rent a machine and purchase the sugar and sticks

Day Four

The Greatest Show of God’s Position

Fire Tipped Pretzel Rods Large Pretzel RodsRed and Yellow Melting Chocolates

Day Five

The Greatest Show of God’s Plan

Blue Jello and Gummy Fish Blue Jello cups Pre-madeor boxes of blue jello, small clear drinking cupsgummy fish



Bible Verse Cards �28

Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all

things were created by Him, and for Him”

of God’s power

Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all

things were created by Him, and for Him”

of God’s power

Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all

things were created by Him, and for Him”

of God’s power

Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all

things were created by Him, and for Him”

of God’s power

Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all

things were created by Him, and for Him”

of God’s power

Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all

things were created by Him, and for Him”

of God’s power

Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all

things were created by Him, and for Him”

of God’s power

Colossians 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all

things were created by Him, and for Him”

of God’s power


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Resources �30

Resource List

Object Talk: No Items needed

Character Sketch:Noah-Biblical Robes, staff Creation: no items needed

Small Group: Clay or Play-doh

Activity: Petting Zoo Ask church members and friends to bring domestic animals for the children to interact with.

Animal Tracks Print off one copy of the animals you choose to use Print of multiple copies of the different animal tracks

Games: Parachute Balls, balloons or stuffed animals

Craft: Styrofoam balls paint paint brushes google eyes pipe cleaners felt or styrofoam colored sheets low temperature glue gun and glue sticks or styrofoam glue

Snack: Animal Crackers Water, Juice or Kool-aid





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Theme Verse:

1 Chronicles 29:11

“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness

and the power and the glory and

the victory and the majesty, for

all that is in the heavens and in

the earth is yours. Yours is the

kingdom, O Lord, and you are

exalted as head above all.”SAMP