The Great Inorbit Hunt Contest

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Great Inorbit Hunt Contest

*A total of 5300 twitter followers were manually analyzed for tweet quality, follower count, Inorbit brand affinity & Influence [capability to add to the tweet velocity] *participants & winners of previous contests were marked as ‘high affinity’ individuals

Pre- Production We reached out to select followers through Direct Message’

We sent them the contest creative to tweet.

Pre- Production Contest tweets were sent to the select followers

A fan’s tweet, announcing the contest, tagging @Inorbitmall using the creative we had shared with them

Launch Our Fans took over the announcement of the contest!

Launch It Worked! A fan’s tweet announcing the contest got 2,200+ RT’s

Launch Inorbit fans tagged & invited friends to participate in the contest

Launch As the contest went viral, people started downloading the app…

Launch Later… people started posting pictures of the app

Mid-Way As word spread, We got new followers…

Mid-Way Within hours people started Re-tweeting and favorited tweet

Mid-Way A Virtual countdown started by our fans on twitter!

Mid-Way People kept tweeting about the contest, adding the velocity

Mid-Way All queries were personally responded & encouraged fans to

download the app to get the hints…

Mid-Way Some people faced a few bumps, we got them sorted on

their way to participate

Mid-Way People explored the ‘Shake & Win’ feature

Mid-Way Participants successfully completed the contest…

Mid-Way Sent the snapshots after registering

Mid-Way People loved what they discovered…

Mid-Way Participants shared us how did they find

The mentions reached over 730,000 people. The collective reach of mentions and retweets was over 1 million

Result Over 1Million Impressions!