The Great Awakening and Birth of American Individualism.

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Great Awakening and Birth of American Individualism.

The Great Awakening and Birth of American Individualism

Religion in the Colonies

• It is DYING out.• Remember, the first successful English colony

was Jamestown.• Decades of hard work-people moved beyond

religion• Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of An

Angry God.” • Revivals• Birth of new American religious identity• American individualism



• Upset by “No Taxation Without Representation” and based on their firm understanding of the Enlightenment (Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Property) Independence is declared.

• 13 Colonies are now 13 States; the UNITED STATES

• Each “State” is really it’s OWN country• Nothing binded the states together, really• The Articles of Confederation will attempt to

do this.

The Articles of Confederation• A “Confederation” is a loose alliance or friendship with

another state. • Each of the Thirteen “States” vowed to work together to

fight England. • England quits, the “States” prevail and life goes on. • They are weak.They are weak. No central government, no President,

no power to tax at the National level• Again, each “State” was like it’s own country• Once more, the Articles of Confederation WERE


Shay’s Rebellion

• "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." –T.J.

• Debt and war upset many veterans, including Daniel Shays

• They set out to stop the foreclosures by burning court houses and banks, the armory

• A rebellion ensued; chaos everyhwere.


• Although some viewed the Articles of Confederation as ineffective, this was the last straw

• A Constitutional convention was called• Again, using the principles of the

Enlightenment, a Constitution was drawn up.