The Good News - · Let us all pray for a better...

Post on 20-May-2018

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Transcript of The Good News - · Let us all pray for a better...

Volume 14 Issue 1

Happy New Year

January 2018


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Chittenango, New York exists to restore all people to unity with each other and with God in Jesus Christ.

St. Paul ’s Episcopal Church Chittenango , New York

The Good News

Well it is 2018 and where did 2017 go? Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Well we have a budget for 2018 and we have our pledges in. If you have not sent your pledge yet, there is still time. Right now, we have a short fall, hope it will get better as the year rolls on. We started out 2017 with a funeral and we ended the year with a funeral. Let us all pray for a better year on that score. So, to sum up the year that has passed, we have had three funerals, two baptisms, one wedding and six people confirmed. Not bad for a small church. We also laid the ground work for our back steps to be fixed. I understand with the new year coming we will be having another wedding. Great way to go into the new year. We have also had some new people join-ing us. Things are looking up. I want to thank Father Leon and Father Charlie for all their hard work this past year. I don’t know what we would do without them. I want to thank Dorothy and Becky for all their hard work this past year also. My thanks go out to my wonderful Vestry, I couldn’t do it without them. Last but not least, our Clerk Amy, for all of her great work. Ron, you have my thanks also for the little things around the church that you seem to take care of. God Bless the people of our parish, you are all special to me and it is a joy to see you on Sunday. Here’s to a wonderful year to come. God is Great! Judy Olmsted Warden

January 6th Bottle Drive at St. Paul’s January 7th Epiphany De-Greening of the Church January 21st Annual Meeting with Dish to Pass Brunch February 14th Ash Wednesday February 28th 1st Sunday in Lent March 25th Palm Sunday April 1st Easter

Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be

cut off.

Proverbs 23:18

Special Events


Prayer List

Frank Abriola, John Asam (Furtado request), Denise Bordell, John Brennan (Kraus’s request), Gurdon Brewster, Jason Ceresoli (Furtado request), Colette Cook, Sandra Cooper, Diana D’Amico (Pokorny request), Billy Dougan (Montgomery request), Joanne Furta-do (St. Paul’s request), Blake Goodfellow, Art Hildreth (Olmsted re-quest), Holly Hix, Ed Hoffman, Terry Hoffman (Hoffman request), Lynette House (Weisbrod request), Evelyn McAllister (St. Paul’s re-quest), Woody McAllister, Emily McGuire, Meghan McGuire (Kraus’s request), Jim Montgomery, Steve Oliva, Shaun Olmsted, James Sherman (Grover request), Fran Shoemaker, Judy & Ron Smey, Gerry Weisbrod (St. Paul’s request), Joe Williams (St. Paul’s request), Ruth Williams (St. Paul’s request), Betty Yates (St. Paul’s request), Kathy Yates-Davis (Yates request)

Please send any changes or additions to

Contact Information

Father Leon Mozeliak Home: 315-457-1302

Cell: 315-369-8205

Senior Warden Judy Olmstead 315-876-0967

Are you in need of pastoral care? Not sure of who to call? What is the protocol?

Here are some answers:

In a case of an emergency – call Fr. Leon at 315.369.8205

If you want a Pastoral Visit from a Lay Eucharist Visitor, or just want to share about a family mat-ter, call our Pastoral Care Chair, Sue Gerling @315.559.3398 (cell) or 315.875.3047 (home) or email her

We Remember Those Who’ve Passed in 2017

Judy Montgomery

Ronald Barber

Todd Wood

Theresa Blasier

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling

places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?“

John 14:1-2


Jan. 07, 2018 Holy Eucharist - Fr. Leon Mozeliak L.E.M.: Sue Gerling Lessons: Claudia Jensen/Charles Grover Prayers: April Boyle Acolytes: Ed Hoffman/Jim Montgomery Ushers: Please volunteer Elements: McGork family Coffee Hour: Vestry Jan. 14, 2018 Holy Eucharist - Fr. Charles Grover L.E.M. Becky Kraus Lessons: Sue Gerling/Fran Abriola Prayers: Tania Mousaw Acolytes: Ed Hoffman/Jim Montgomery Ushers: Please volunteer Elements: Pat D. and Donna H. Coffee Hour: Please volunteer

Jan. 21, 2018 – Annual Mtg. Holy Eucharist - Fr. Leon Mozeliak L.E.M.: Tania Mousaw Lessons: Dorothy Saunders/Judy Olmsted Prayers: Claudia Jensen Acolytes: Ed Hoffman/Jim Montgomery Elements: Buyea family Ushers: Please volunteer Coffee Hour: Dish-to- Pass Jan. 28, 2018 Morning Prayer Officiant: Judy Olmsted Lessons: Becky Kraus/Robin Weisbrod Prayers: Dorothy Saunders Acolytes: Ed Hoffman/Jim Montgomery Ushers: Please volunteer Coffee Hour: Please volunteer

Altar Guild for January: Ethel Barber Mary Jane Pokorny

January Ministry Team Schedule


I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us.

Romans 8:18

07 – Kanestio Tarbell

11 – Jennifer Courtwright

14 – Kimberly Chappell

19- Claudia Jensen

22 – Jayda Lawrence

22 – Jim Kraus

24 – Dana Kraus

27 – Ellyanna Judd

Anniversaries 30 – Donna and Ed Hoffman

2 Volunteer Positions are opening, Here is a great opportunity!

Position 1: Clerk of the Vestry

Job Description: Take notes at Vestry Meetings and at An-

nual Meeting, type up and have minutes ready previous to

next meeting. Also, share a consolidated version with the

Newsletter. Also act as a Time Keeper at the meetings and

try to keep the members in line. (Good luck!)

Position 2: Altar Guild Director

Job Description: Make the schedule for the year. Recruit new members, help with

training of new members. Order flowers for Easter, Christmas and various other

times. Schedule the 2 Brass Cleanings - one previous to Easter and one Previous to

Christmas. Order new Vestments/Hangings as needed. Oversee the maintenance of

anything doing with Communion. There are other things that the Director does, that

the current Director will be willing to explain.


Ministry Fair -May 9th Holiday Inn, Liverpool

Dr. Catherine Meeks, Executive Direc-tor of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing will be the keynote speaker. A large variety of workshops designed to renew, refresh and enliven you and your ministries. Details and registration information will be distributed in January. Please mark your calendar and your parish calendar for this day of learning and fellowship! We hope to see you there!


A Few Notes To My St. Paul’s family, Thank you for the book of devotions. It is very inspiring. I have felt Welcomed from day one by everyone.

God Bless, Pat

Thank you so much for letting us perform for you and for the generous donation! Merry Christmas!

Your friends, The Chittenango Select Choir

Thank you all for your gift at Christmas. We went out for a family dinner with our daughter while she was off from school, and had a very good time.

Joan and Charles Grover

Father Leon & St. Paul’s Church, We wanted to thank you for the beautiful bap-tismal ceremony for Jionni as well as the ador-able picture frame. We are so grateful for his introduction into the church and to become a child of god, especially during this season of Advent. You were all so accommodating and made our entire family feel like part of your wonderful church family. Please accept this do-nation to St. Paul’s Church on behalf of Jionni Daniel. Thank you all again and God bless.

Sincerely, The Stagnitti Family

Youth Winter Skating

and Overnight

Youth in grades 6-12 are invited for a weekend of winter fun, sponsored by the Diocesan Youth Ministry. We’ll spend the night at St. Paul’s Church in downtown Syracuse and enjoy skating at the Clinton Square Ice Rink. The event will take place beginning on Saturday, January 20th (time TBD) and going through Sunday, January 21st at approxi-mately noon (following closing worship at St. Paul’s Church). To register, please visit the Diocesan website and download the registration form and return to Ms. Kristen Blum, Youth Ministry Co-Coordinator, following the instructions on the form.

Happening #69 April 13–April 15

The Happening Spring 2018 Retreat weekend for teens in grades 9-12 will take place April 13th-15th at Casawasco Camp and Retreat Center in Moravia.

Please check out the diocesan web-site for further details.


Dear Parish Family, Fall is a wonderful time of the year. The air becomes crisper, the colors of the trees vibrant and the Pledge Campaign draws close. Fall is a time of reflection, of how our past year has gone by, of the “good mistakes” and what we have learned from them.. The Finance Committee has commenced its work on the 2017 Budget, led by Don Lee and supported by Ethel Barber, Brian Buyea, Judy Olmsted and Robin Weisbrod. They will be presenting a completed budget to the Vestry soon and then the Vestry will present the final-ized version to the Parish at the Annual Meeting in January 2018. For another year, we have been able to support, financially and physically, many Outreach Programs. Directly a result of all of our hard work and dedication. Vacation Bible School -- Not only do we support VBS with supplies and monetary gifts,

we have many members of our church who volunteer their time, year in and year out, to help make VBS successful. Not bad for such a small church.

Food Pantry -- Our basket at the front doors of the church, is usually full, every single Sunday. Not only that, we hold a special “Egg McMuffin” drive a few times a year.

Chittenango Area Council of Churches -- We are very active in that. And have, in the past, hosted the Good Friday Service.

Mitten Tree/Host a School -- St. Paul’s adopts a school, contacts the Nurse for names, and supplies families in need with Christmas presents. We’ve even been known to knit a few mittens in the past.

United Thank Offering -- Monies we gather for this, goes to helping with the missions of the Episcopal Church. Thankful giving is blessed.

Crop Walk -- We have hosted the Crop Walk for the past few years. Isn’t it good to know you are helping the local Food Pantry as well as wherever else there is a need?

This coming year, we are facing a considerable expense of rebuilding the back stairs of the Parish Hall, that take you to the Classrooms. Judy, Don and Fr. Leon, have put in considerable time, finding ways to creatively fund these repairs. They have applied for a Grant and Loans from the Diocese. We will be hearing more about this as the time for the rebuild comes clos-er. So please, prayerfully consider what your pledge amount will be this year. No amount is too small and no amount is too large. All are gratefully accepted. Thank you all for reading this letter. For Security and Confidentiality, please be sure to sub-mit your Pledge Card directly to the Pledge Secretary, Ethel Barber. Robin Weisbrod Finance Committee Liaison

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Chittenango, New York

The Good News The January 2018 Newsletter of

St. Paul’s of Chittenango

204 Genesee Street

Chittenango, NY 13037

(315) 687-6304

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