The Golden Circle - Nathalie Virem · The Golden Circle Execu&ve(Summary:(The(Golden(Circle,Simon(...

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Transcript of The Golden Circle - Nathalie Virem · The Golden Circle Execu&ve(Summary:(The(Golden(Circle,Simon(...

The Golden Circle

Execu&ve  Summary:  The  Golden  Circle,  Simon  Sinek  ELF,  2012  

WHY?  This  is  a  great  presenta&on  by  Simon  Sinek  about  how  some  organiza&ons  are  able  to  achieve  so  much  more  than  others  with  seemingly  the  same  amount  of  resources.  Why  did  no  one  buy  Gateway’s  PC’s  or  Dell’s  MP3  players?    The  following  presenta&on,  which  all  marketers  should  watch  over  and  over,  explains  why:    

•  Simon  points  out  that  Apple  computers  are  more  expensive  than  PCs  and  have  less  soRware  available  to  use  on  them.  So  WHY  do  people  buy  them?  

•  Because  they  buy  into  Apple’s  WHY.  They  buy  into  the  Apple  vision  and  will  pay  more  for  a  computer  that  reflects  their  values.  Simon  says  their  products  may  not  even  be  the  best  or  first  on  the  market,  but  they  quickly  emerge  as  the  leader,  because  they  are  different  and  communicate  different.  

“The  goal  is  not  to  do  business  with  everybody  who  needs  what  you  have,  the  goal  is  to  do  business  with  people  who  believe  what  you  believe.”  

The Golden Circle What  Every  organiza&on  on  the  planet  knows  WHAT  they  do.  These  are  products  they  sell    or  the  services  they  offer.  

The Golden Circle

How  Some  companies  and  organiza&ons  know  HOW    they  do  what  they  do.    The  “differen&a&ng  value  proposi&on”  or    “proprietary  process”  or  “USP,”  these  are  the    things  that  set  us  apart  from  our  compe&&on;  the  things  we  think  make  us  special  or    different  from  everyone  else.  These  are  the  things  that  make  them  special    or  set  them  apart  from  their  compe&&on.  

What  Every  organiza&on  on  the  planet  knows  WHAT  they  do.  These  are  products  they  sell    or  the  services  they  offer.  

The Golden Circle

Why  Very  few  organiza&ons  know  WHY  they  do    what  they  do.  WHY  is  not  about  making    money.  That’s  a  result.    It’s  a  purpose,  cause  or  belief.    It’s  the  very  reason  your  organiza&on  exists.  

What  Every  organiza&on  on  the  planet    knows  WHAT  they  do.  These  are    products  they  sell  or  the  services  they  offer.  

How  Some  companies  and  organiza&ons  know  HOW    they  do  what  they  do.    The  “differen&a&ng  value  proposi&on”  or    “proprietary  process”  or  “USP,”  these  are  the    things  that  set  us  apart  from  our  compe&&on;  the  things  we  think  make  us  special  or    different  from  everyone  else.  These  are  the  things  that  make  them  special    or  set  them  apart  from  their  compe&&on.  

The Golden Circle We  naturally  communicate  from  the  outside-­‐in,  we  go  from  the  clearest  thing  to  the  fuzziest  thing.  We  tell  people  WHAT  we  do,  we  tell  them      

HOW  we’re  different  or  special  and  then  we  expect  a  behavior  like  a  purchase,  a  vote  or  support.      

The  problem  is  that  WHAT  and  HOW  do  not  inspire  acBon.    Facts  and  figures  make  ra&onal  sense,  but  we  don’t  make  decisions  purely  based  on  facts  and  figures.      

Star&ng  with  What  is  what  commodi&es  do.      

StarBng  with  Why  is  what  leaders  do.  Leaders  inspire.    

The Golden Circle Leaders  and  organiza&ons  with  the  capacity  to  inspire  think,  act  and  communicate  from  the  inside-­‐out:  They  start  with  Why.      When  we  communicate  our  purpose  or  cause  first,  we  communicate  in  a  way  that  drives  decision-­‐making  and  behavior.    It  literally  taps  the  part  of  the  brain  that  inspires  behavior.    

The Golden Circle + Human Brain None  of  this  is  opinion.  It’s  all  grounded  in  the  tenets  of  biology.  If  you  look  at  a  cross-­‐sec&on  of  the  human  brain,  what  you  see  is  that  it  is  actually  laid  out  in  three  major  components  that  correlate  perfectly  with  The  Golden  Circle.      

Our  newest  brain,  our  Homo-­‐sapiens  brain,  our  neo-­‐cortex,  corresponds  with  the  What  level.      

The  middle  two  sec&ons    make  up  our  limbic  brain.  Our  limbic  brain  is  responsible  for  all  of  our  feelings,  like  trust  and  loyalty.  It’s  also  responsible  for  all  human  behavior,  all  decision-­‐making,  and  it  has  no  capacity  for  language.      

The Golden Circle + The Cone typical issues the organizational layers deal with.

For  the  Golden  Circle  to  work  properly,  you  must  have    clarity  of  Why,    discipline  of  How    and  consistency  of  What    you  do.      The  top  is  SPREADING  THE  MESSAGE!    Example:  Steve  Jobs  “Only  when  we  dare  to  think  different,  we  are  truly  able  to  build  products  that  can  change  our  lives.”      

The  most  important  insight  is  that  “people  don’t  buy  what  you  do,  they  buy  why  you  do  it”.      

If  Apple  was  like  everyone  else  a  marke&ng  message  might  be:    “We  make  great  computers.  They’re  user  friendly.  Want  to  buy  one?”      

…  Here’s  how  Apple  actually  communicates:    “Everything  we  do,  we  believe  in  challenging  the  status  quo,  we  believe  in  thinking  differently.    The  way  we  challenge  the  status  quo,  start  thinking  from  scratch,  is  by  making  our  products  beau&fully  designed,  simple  to  use,  and  pure  inven&on:    the  future  of  the  laptop.    So  this  product  makes  changes  to  your  life.    Want  to  buy  our  new  MacBook  in  purest  form  ever?”  

To learn more about the concepts of

the Golden Circle:

Learn your Why at

Read Simon’s blog at

Follow Simon on Twitter @simonsinek

Watch Simon’s TEDx talk at


Start With Why

Another resource that may help

Thank  you  for  sharing  the  concept  of  Why  and  the  Golden  Circle  with  these  slides.  Ideas  only  make  a  difference  when  others  are  inspired  to  act  on  them.        

In  order  to  help  you  present  these  (and  other)  concepts  in  a  way  that  inspires  others,  we’ve  created  the  Speak  to  Inspire  Ac&on  guide.  In  it,  Simon  provides  11  &ps  on  how  to  present  ideas  in  a  way  that  can  inspire  others.      Copy  and  paste  the  link  below  into  your  web  browser  to  learn  more  about  the  Speak  to  Inspire    AcBon  Guide.      

hhp://    Stay  inspired!