The Golden cheque

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Golden cheque

The Golden Cheque …..

Sam was a Young Entrepreneur . Due to some bad decisions , his company faces fat losses.

No one in market was ready to support him.

One day, he was sitting alone in coffee house. He had decided to sell out his company.

An old man come near him, he inquired why he was looking so upset.

Sam told him about his bankrupt firm.

Old man asked , how much will he require to pay all debts.Sam told $1million .

In very next moment, the old man took out his cheque book and issued a cheque….

The Old Man introduced himself as renowned Investor J.P. Morgan.

He handled him $1 million cheque.“Young Man , Go out use this fund to bounce back .

Return my money after one year at same place, same time ” and The old man walked away

Sam could not believe it.Mr Morgan believe in me…why can’t I believe in myselfHe kept the cheque carefully as backup and plan out to steps to move out of debts before encashing the golden


He grew more focused, more energetic and more positive towards reducing debts himself.

In one year, he had clear most of his debts without encashing a penny from the golden cheque

After one year, Sam took the cheque to return it to its owner

He reached at right time, he found Mr Morgan waiting for him at a table.

He was about to greet him when Suddenly…..

He found a nursing staff holding the old man tightly and carry him out of restaurant.

Sam was told by nurse that the old man was mentally ill . He enacts as

Mr Morgan and issue fake cheque to people.

Sam was taken aback.He had rebuild his business on basis of false cheque ….

It took him several minutes to get normal

Ultimately , it was not the support neither it was money which have motivate him.

It was just a firm desire and self confidence Which pull him out of his toughest time.

Life is a Journeythere are many obstacles in the path.

But,It is just

The Mindset which separatesthe Best from the Rest