The God Particle

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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This is the presentation about The God Particle. In this ppt you will be able to get the basic information about the Higgs Boson, the experiment carried out in CERN, the result of that experiment and the motive of that experiment. so do have a look!

Transcript of The God Particle

THE GOD PARTICLE:If the universe is the answer, then what is the question?

CONTENTS - Introduction Peter HiggsOverviewHiggs Boson mechanismHiggs FieldHiggs BosonInstitution of LHC ExperimentWhat is God particle Experiment?Result of the experiment

Introduction -It is an elementary particle known as higgs boson or higgs particle.

It is represented by the symbol H0

Its mass is 125.3±0.6 GeV.

It has 0 electric charge.

And the experiment was theorised by R. Brout, F. Englert, P. Higgs, G. S. Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, and T. W. B. Kibble

This picture shows what happens when two protons collide after which they decay almost immediately into two electrons which are visible as lines.


• The Higgs Boson is named for Peter Higgs who, along with two other teams, proposed the mechanism that suggested such a particle in 1964 and was only one to identify some of its theoretical properties.

• In mainstream media, it is often referred to as “The God Particle”, after the title of Leon Lederman’s book on the topic (1993).


In particle physics, elementary particles and forces give rise to the world around us.

Physicist explain the behaviour of these particles and how they interact using the standard model which is a widely accepted framework believed to explain most of the world we see around us.


Initially when this model was being developed it seemed that these models were incomplete as they forbid elementary particles from having any mass.

Then in 1964 three groups of physicists almost simultaneously released papers describing how masses could be given to these particles, using an approach known as spontaneous symmetry breaking.

Higgs Field-

it is one of the several ways that this mechanism could arise.

According to this theory a field exists throughout space that is responsible for the Higgs mechanism.

This approach allowed particles to acquire mass, without breaking other parts of particle. This idea became known as the Higgs Mechanism.

Higgs boson -

Higgs Boson is the massive short lived boson associated with a higgs field.

If the preferred theory is correct then this massive boson will exist and can be detected in experiments and tested to see whether it is a Higgs Boson.

If the tests shows that it is Higgs Boson, then this would prove the Higgs Field exists, which in turn will confirm how the Higgs Mechanism takes place.

At present as of 2012, a particle has been detected but not yet tested fully to show if it is a Higgs boson.


experiment to show whether the Higgs Boson did or did not exist began in 1980s.

In 2008 the large Hadron Collider (LHC) was inaugurated, being the most powerful particle accelerator ever built.

In late 2011 two of the LHC’s experiments independently began to suggest “hints” of a Higgs boson detection.

And in 2012 CERN announced evidence of discovery of a boson with energy level and other properties consistent with those expected in a Higgs Boson.

What is God Particle experiment? THEORY -

• According to the theory, a field exists that has non zero strength everywhere – even in empty space, and that particle acquire mass by interacting with this so called higgs field.

•If this theory is true, a matching particle should also exist and be detectable, providing a crucial test of the theory.

•About the Experiment –

• One of the primary goals of the Large Hadron Collider at Cern in Geneva, Switzerland, the most powerful particle accelator and one of the most complicated scientific instrument ever built – is to test the existence of the Higgs Boson and measure its properties which would allow physicists to confirm this cornerstone of modern theory.

What are they trying to do in this experiment?

Scientists at the Large Hadron collider, smashed together beams of proton – the “hearts of tom” – at close to the speed of light.

which recreated the conditions that existed a fraction of a second after the Big Bang.

After the collision they rapidly decay.

If Higgs Boson is right then a few Higgs boson should be created in every trillion collisions.

Result of the experiment -

In July 2012, the scientists at the CERN nuclear research facility found the Higgs Boson, the so called ‘God particle’.

The leaders of the experiment said that there were two independent teams who have observed a particle similar to Higgs with mass 126 GeV.

According to the scientists they have more than “five sigma” certainty that the particle they saw was the Higgs Boson.