The girl who wants to live into a library

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Here is my motivation letter to the EVS project Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Piekarach Slaskich.

Transcript of The girl who wants to live into a library

The girl who wants

To live into a Library

Let me tell you my story. A story of a person who finds magic inside the books, and thinks that everyone has something to tell to the world. This is my story: I am the girl who wants to live into a library.

Once upon a time…

A little girl called Cristina, who was born in Galicia, in the north

of Spain. During her childhood she was really happy running

with her friends between the green, green trees of her home.

But the moment she prefered above all was the tale time. Her

granny always told to her fantastic and funny stories that exited

her. And, when Cristina learnt to write, he never left her pencil.

Destiny was written: she would become the best writer the

world has ever seen.

When she had only eight years old, her parents decided to

move to Lanzarote, in the Canary Islands. So, during eleven

years she lived with one foot in Galicia and other in Lanzarote.

Until a transcendental dilemma appeared.

—What I want to do with my life? —she asked. She dreamed

with become a professional writer, and shee needs a job where

she could write all days, so she decided to study journalism.

Cris grew up curious, and learning new things always has a

pleasure for her. When she started the journalism bachelor,

discovered that Communication was an inmmense universe in

which she wanted to get involved.

But, at the same time, Cris never abandoned her passions. She

assisted to various courses about writing. And she wrote.

Wrote poetry, long and short stories, created new worlds,

imagined fantastic adventures and never stopped to dream.

She also participated in some writing contests too, but she

didn’t have luck in this area. Anyway, she never gave up and

kept believing in her dream of become a professional writer.

Cristina grew up between books. She read each book which fell

in her hands, and each new story was a different and exciting

world to discover. She learnt about another cultures in the

pages, so she has to check if what the books are saying was

true. So she prepared her package and traveled around the

England, Scotland, Portugal and Spain. Get involved into new

cultures, learn about different manners and saw impressive

woods and huge cities make her grow a lot.

But read, write and travel wasn’t her only hobbies. As a curious

person, Cristina liked too much try different things. She loved

the environment and animals. Swimming and walking around

was two of her favorite’s activities. Oceans always inspirited

her most beautiful poetry.

She also liked the kids too much. She had five beautiful nieces

and one nephew. Playing and having fun with them was really

fantastic. Cris usually read for them and invented a lot of new

stories what kids loved.

As she had lots of creativity, she practiced photography, film

make and draw. Cristina never stopped to do things. Always

something new, always something more exciting.

In summary, she enjoyed so much everything about culture,

arts and environment. That was Cristina: creative, funny and

always disposed to experienced new things.

One day, while Cris has worked in a local newspaper, she heard

about EVS. She searched on the Internet and instantly fell in

love with the program. EVS would give to her the opportunity

for travel around the world, to discover new places and a new

culture, make friends and improve as a person.

Moreover, to participate into a voluntary job could give her the

experience to improve her professional future. But, above all,

Cris needed to take a break, let her country and routine behind

and do something different. She send a lot of applications, but

anyone chose her, and she resigned to wait one more year at


And suddenly, as a magic dream, Piekarach Slaskich Library

appeared. It was a Library with much more than books. A place

where surely everyone would to stay. A place where Cristina

wanted to live, between books, cultural activities and arts.

One day, while Cris has worked in a local newspaper, she heard

about EVS. She searched on the Internet and instantly fell in

love with the program. EVS would give to her the opportunity

for travel around the world, to discover new places and a new

culture, make friends and improve as a person.

Moreover, to participate into a voluntary job could give her the

experience to improve her professional future. But, above all,

Cris needed to take a break, let her country and routine behind

and do something different. She send a lot of applications, but

anyone chose her, and she resigned to wait one more year at


And suddenly, as a magic dream, Piekarach Slaskich Library

appeared. It was a Library with much more than books. A place

where surely everyone would to stay. A place where Cristina

wanted to live, between books, cultural activities and arts.

She felt much identified with the library activities. And instantly

thought that she could do a lot of things. Workshops of

Journalism, Social Network or creative writing. Teaches Spanish

to the youngsters and helps them with the blog. Impulses the

social media of the library, helps with the office work and

arranges presentations about Spanish culture and manners.

Shows to the kids why there is magic inside a book and teaches

them how to write amazing stories.

She only needed a thing in return: the possibility of walk

around shelves of books and breathe that old pages smell

which surely would bring Cristina to her childhood, when her

granny told to her a lot of fantastic stories.