The Gathered Book of Shadows

Post on 11-May-2015

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An Interactive* Book of Shadows consisting of Gathered Wiccan Daily Devotionals, Rituals, Chants and Incantations, Commandments and More! Never search for that chant, devotional or ritual again! Check back for updates as the book will be an ongoing thing..... hopefully to become rather big! *Download and open in a powerpoint viewer to use interactively.

Transcript of The Gathered Book of Shadows

A Collection of Devotions, Rituals, Chants, Incantations and More


CommandmentsI am a PaganDevotionsRituals

Chants And IncantationsThebanReference ChartsCredits



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Witches Rune13 Goals of a WitchWiccan RedeWitches CreedBlessing The AllStar Goddess Litany

Witches Rune

 Darksome night and shining moon

Hearken to the Witches Rune.East then South, West then North

Hear! Come! I call thee forth!By all the powers of land and sea

Be obedient unto me.Wand, pentacle, and thy Sword

Hearken ye unto my word.

 Cords and censer, scourge and knife Waken all ye into life.

Powers of the Witches bladeCome ye as the charge is made.

Queen of heaven, Queen of hellSend your aid unto the spell.Horned Hunter of the night

Work my will by magick right.By the powers of land and sea

As do I say "So mote it be."By all the might of moon and sun

As I do will, it shall be done!

13 Goals of a Witch

 1.Know thyself 2.Know the craft 3.Learn 4.Apply knowledge with wisdom 5.Achieve balance 6.Keep thy words in order 7.Keep thy thoughts in good order 8.Celebrate life 9.Attune with the cycles of the Earth

10.Breathe and eat correctly 

11.Exercise the body 12.Meditate 13.Honour the Goddess and the


Wiccan Rede 1

Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,In perfect love and perfect trust.

Live and let live,Fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about,To keep the evil spirits out.To bind the spell every time,

Let the spell be spake in rhyme.Soft of eye and light of touch,

Speak little, listen much.Deosil go by the waxing moon,Chanting out the Witches Rune.

Widdershins go by the waning moon,Chanting out the baneful Rune.When the Lady's moon is new,

Kiss the hand to her, times two.When the moon rides at her peak,

Then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the North wind's mighty gail,Lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the South,Love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the West,Departed souls will have no rest.

When the wind blows from the East,Expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go,Burn them fast and burn them slow.

Elder be the Lady's tree,Burn it not or cursed you'll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn,Let the Beltane fire's burn.

When the Wheel has turned to Yule,Light the Log and the Horned One rules.

Heed ye Flower, Bush, and Tree;By the Lady, Blessed Be.

Where the rippling waters go,

Wiccan Rede 2

Cast a stone and truth you'll know.When ye have a true need,

Hearken not to other's greed.With a fool no season spend,

Lest ye be counted as his friend.Merry meet and merry part,

Bright the cheeks and warm the heart,

Mind the Threefold Law you should,Three times bad and three times

good.When misfortune is enow,

Wear the blue star on they brow.True in Love ever be,

Lest they lover is false to thee.Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil:An' ye harm none, do what ye willFollow this with Mind and HeartMerry ye Meet and Merry ye Part

Witches Creed

Hear Now the words of thee witches,The secrets we hid into the night,When magic was our destiny's pathway,That now we bring forth into light.Mysterious water and fire,The earth and the whispering air,By hidden knowledge we know them,And will and keep silent and dare.The birth and rebirth of all nature,The passing of winter and spring,We share with the life universal,Rejoice in the magical ring.Four times in the year the Great SabbatReturns, and the witches are seenAt Lammas and Candlemas dancing,On May Eve and old Hallowe'en.When day-time and night-time are equal,When sun is at greatest and least,The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned,And Witches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are,Thirteen is the coven's array.Thirteen times at Esbat make merry,For each golden year and a day.The power that was passed down the age,Each time between woman and man,Each century unto the other,Ere time and the ages began.When drawn is the magical circle,By sword or Anthame of power,Its compass between two worlds lies,In land of the shades for that hour.This world has no right then to know it,And world of beyond will tell naught.The oldest of Gods are invoked there,The Great Work of magic is wrought.For the two are mystical pillars,That stand at the gate of the shrine,And two are the powers of nature,The forms and the forces divine.

Witches Creed 2

The dark and the light in succession,The opposites each unto each,

Shown forth as a God and a Goddess:Of this our ancestors teach.

By night he's the wild wind's rider,The Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades.By day he's the King of the Woodland,

The dweller in green forest glades.She is youthful or old as she pleases,

She sails the torn clouds in her barque,The bright silver lady of midnight,

The crone who weaves spells in the dark.The master and mistress of magic,

That dwell in the deeps of the mind,Immortal and ever-renewing,With power to free or to bind.

So drink the good wine to the Old Gods,And Dance and make love in their praise,

Till realms of the Gods receive us

In peace at the end of our days.And Do What You Will be the challenge,

So be it Love that harms none,For this is the only commandment.

By Magic of old, be it done!

Blessing The All

Blessing the ALL, the Part the ONE, By Drawing the Moon, and Calling the Sun

With Essential Oils that serve to aid Witching Tools that are best hand-made

By invoking the Spirits that define your request Using Herbs and Flowers, previously Blessed

The Strength of the Tree,The Purity of Water

The Heat of the Flame,The Light of your Altar

By Focusing your Thoughts and Cleansing your Mind

Crystals and Stones your Spell to Bind Contemplate your Request with Deep


Mix Well Alchemist, Using Visualisation Summon the Tarot, the Bones, the Runes

Chant in rhyme and simple tunes Do not Spell for un-earned RichesIt is not the way of Pagan Witches

Spell for need and not for Fun Do what ye will...But Harm ye NONE

If your Spell is just And your conscience is FREE

And this is your Will, So Mote it Be

Star Goddess Litany

“Hear the words of the Star Goddess; she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven and whose body encircles the universe.

I who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man, call unto thy soul. Arise and come unto me.

For I am the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, Beloved of Gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite.

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth; for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou knowest the mystery; that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee.For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.”

I am a Pagan

  I am a part of the whole of Nature.

The rocks, the animals, the plants, the elements are my relatives.

Other humans are my sisters and brothers, whatever their races, colours, ages, nationalities, creeds, or sexual preferences.

The earth is my Mother and the sky is my Father. The sun and moon are my Grandparents, and the stars my ancestors.

I am part of this large family of Nature, not the master of it.

I have my own special part to play and I seek to play that part to the best of my ability.

I seek to live in harmony with others in the family of Nature, treating others with respect, not abuse...

I am a Pagan

I pay attention to the seasons within myself - of beginnings, growth, fruition, harvest, endings, rest, and beginnings again.

Life is a Circle with many cycles...

I am a Pagan

I acknowledge that the Divine is everywhere in the energy of life.

I am Animistic. I sense the life force in the oak tree on the hill, in the herbs in the garden, in the birds singing at my window, in the boulders on the hill, in myself, and yes, even in "things" such as my car and computer.

I understand that everything has its physical and non-physical aspects. The physical and spiritual are deeply intertwined, not separate, and one is not better than the other.

I am a Pagan 2

  I am a Pagan

My worship is one of communion, not grovelling. I share my views with others when I sense it is right, but I do not proselytise - there are many ways, not one way, of spiritual growth.

My holy places are under the open sky … in the Stone Circle in the oak grove on the top of the mound ... on the Vision Rock on the high cliff … in the Garden in the fields … in the Sweat lodge by the stream … by the clear pool of the Sacred Spring … in the Rainbow Cave in the valley.

Yet my worship can be anywhere … my magick circle is portable.

I can call to the four quarters, to the earth and sky, and to the central spirit point wherever I may be.

I am a Pagan

I journey to the Other world in my dreams, my meditations... I fly with my consciousness through time and space.

I return with insights. I go between the worlds for healing, growth, and transformation. Psychic perception is a natural, not supernatural, part of my daily life.

I am a Pagan

I attune myself to the four elements of Nature - Earth, Air, Fire, Water - and to the fifth element, Spirit, which is the force that connects all.

I see these elements as parts of my self - my physical body is my earth, my intellect my air, my will my fire, my emotions my water, and my inner self is my spirit.

I endeavour to keep myself healthy and in balance in all these parts of Self.

I am a Pagan 3

I am a Pagan

I hear the cries of Mother Earth. I see the pollution of the air, the soil, and the

waters. I see the games being played by nations with

the fire of nuclear weapons. I see spiritual pollution, too - selfishness,

hatred, greed for money and power, despair. I sense these things, but I sense, too, a

cleansing, healing energy manifesting on the planet at this time.

I know that I can help bring the planet into greater balance by seeking balance in my own

life. I know that my attitudes and my way of living

can make a difference. I endeavour to be a channel for healing and



Daily DevotionsEvening DevotionsElemental DevotionsProtective DevotionsHealing DevotionsMeal BlessingsDevotions For Prayer/Rosary Beads

Daily Devotions

Blessed Be My FeetHail The LadyDear MotherI Am One With Universal ….The Goddess Is My GuardianSerenity PrayerAngels Sent To Save Me

The Tree of LifeTo FlyPalate of ColoursMorning PrayerI Will Serve

More Daily Devotions

Blessed Be My Feet

Blessed are my feet which walk the sacred path of the Lord and Lady.Blessed be my knees that kneel at the sacred altar.

Blessed be my heart that beats the drum of compassion. Blessed be my lips that they may speak the truth.

Blessed be my eyes, so that they may see the wisdom of Spirit.May the love of the Lord and Lady be within and around me as I

begin my journey through life this day.

So Mote It Be !!!

Hail The Lady

Hail the Lady full of Grace, the God is with you,

Blessed is the fruit of your womb, the Consort and the Divine Son,

Holy Goddess, Mother of Earth, Work your Magick for your Children, now and in our hour of need!

Dear Mother

Dear Mother, my eternal companion, as I gaze towards the _________ (Morning, Midday, Evening) sun, tears of joy well up in my eyes.

In everything I see the trees, the blue skies, the birds in the air, I see your beauty and love.

Thank your for calling me to the Path. Thank you for giving me my life. Thank you for being my eternal mother.

I love you,

Blessed Be.

I Am One With Universal...

I am one with Universal perfection. I invoke the positive energies of the Lord and Lady to cleanse and bless my body and

spirit So that I may perform this day in love and honour

(Sleep this night in peace and wisdom) As is befit a member of the Craft of the Wise.

So Mote it Be!

The Goddess is My Guardian

The Goddess is my guardian, I shall not want She surrounds me in perfect love and perfect peace

She leadeth me beside still waters She re-storeth my soul

She guideth me upon my spiritual path Yeas, as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

I shall fear no evil For thou art with me

Thy love and thy protection They comfort me

Thou preparest me with strength, courage and knowledge In the presence of thine enemies Thou annointest my head with oil

My cup runneth over and I am filled with an abundance of health and joy Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life

As I dwell in the house of Spirit forever.

Serenity Prayer

God, give us grace to accept with serenitythe things that cannot be changed,

courage to change the thingswhich should be changed,

and the wisdom to distinguishthe one from the other.

Living one day at a time,Enjoying one moment at a time,

Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,Taking, as Jesus did,

This sinful world as it is,Not as I would have it,

Trusting that You will make all things right,If I surrender to Your will,

So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


Angels Sent To Save Me

Angels sent to Save me, keep me from all harm,

Cradled in the gentleness of your loving arms

Through out the day you keep me, and guard me through the night,

In peaceful deep in slumber, away from cares and strife!

Thank you guarding Angels, for your Strength & Protection & Love,

Coming here to save me, sent from the Lady above!

The Tree of Life

"I am I“

Point to the sky and say;

"In harmony with the heavens“

Point to the floor and say;

"In harmony with the Earth"

Touch your right shoulder and say;

"With the Sun"

Touch your left shoulder and say;

"And the Moon “

Bring you hands into prayer position and say;

"Forever and Ever“

Lie left hand down on top of right hand palm and say;

"So it is"

Point index and middle fingers of right hand, folding other fingers. Touch your forehead with the extended fingers and say;

To Fly

To fly, To fly on the wings of a dragon To the places yet unseen High in the air, on the winds cold and warm…

To learn, To learn from the ancient wisdom The secrets yet untold High in the air, ever to learn some more…

To dream, To dream of the sea and the stars And the battles yet unfought* High in the air, on the bed of clouds above…

To find, To find the truth in my heart And meet the Powers old High in the air or deep oceans below…

To feel, To feel the Sun warmth and Moon ray

And see the storm unfold High in the air, filling me with joy…

To hear, To hear the call of the wild And learn to talk to trees High in the air, the sound carrying me…

To be, To be the one with the GoddessAnd one with Horned God High in the air, or deep inside my heart

Palate of Colours

A palate of colours fills the sky With the beauty of the Gods.

May I ever work to better myself So that I may better reflect that beauty,

Both inside and out. So Mote it Be.

Morning Prayer

O Gracious Goddess,O Gracious God,

Lend me health, strength and loveDuring this coming day.

Assist me with the challenges ahead.Share Your divine wisdom.

Teach me to respect all things.Remind me that the greatest power of all is love.

Blessed Be.

I Will Serve …..

I will serve the Great GoddessAnd give reverence to the Great God

I am a PaganA stone in the ancient circle

Standing firmlyBalanced on the earth

Yet open to the winds of heavenAnd enduring through time

May the old gods witness my wordsBlessed be.

More Daily Devotions

I Call On The PowersI Humbly AskWho Will Hold My Hand?I Arise Today

I Call On The Powers …..

I call on the Powers of Earth, Moon, Sun & Stars

I call on the Elements of Earth, Water, Air, & Fire

To the Spirits of ALL that have past & Those yet to come

To the Gods & Goddesses, Ancient & Young

Come, Hear my song.

Come see my view

Bless Me Now, as I Bless You

I Humbly Ask …..

I humbly ask, with open heart, with open mind, my truth to find...

Bless me with the patience to, think before I say or do

Bless me with the vision of light, that guides me on the path of right

Bless me with the gift of charm, that which will keep me, safe from harm

Bless me with the sight to see, the kind, a true friend of mine, will be

Bless me with the power of word, that my story will be good when heard

Bless me with the spirit to sing, with harmony my song, my cosmic ring

Bless me with the virtuous mind, to be humble, but proud, honest & kind

Bless me with the respect to be, to others as i wish for me

I thank you o powers of earth, moon, sun & stars

I thank you o elements of earth, water, air, & fire

To the spirits of all that have past & those yet to come

To the gods & goddesses, ancient & young

Thank-you for hearing my song,

My humble plea

I bless you all ways...

Blessed be

Who Will Hold My Hand?

Who will hold my hand?Who will send the energy on to weave a circle of light?

I call on the light, I call to the Lord and the Lady, whatever you wish to call them,

I call to the four corners of the Earth,Strengthen this circle and let the power grow,

Let the love flow!

I Arise Today

I Arise TodayI arise today

Through the strength of heaven:Light of sun,

Radiance of moon,Splendour of fire,

Speed of lightning,Swiftness of wind,

Depth of sea,Stability of earthFirmness of rock.

Evening Devotions

As I Lay SnuggledLord and Lady In Thy SightBath TimeI Wish To Thank YouNight Prayer

As I Lay Snuggled

As I lay snuggled in my bed, Pillow tucked beneath my head, Maiden, bring me joyful dreams. Mother, bring me peace, serene.

Wisest Crone, watch over me, Until the light of dawn, I see.

And let me wake up safe and sound, Each day that to this Earth, I'm bound.

Lord and Lady, In Thy Sight

Lord and Lady in thy sight I lay me down to sleep tonight

Please grant me deep and carefree sleep And over me a vigil keep

That no harm shall come my way Neither by darkness nor by day.

So shall it be.

Bath Time

Blessed be the waters that wash away the soil From my tired body worn with care and toil

That I may rise from them clean as new As if bathed in pools of shining dew

So shall it be.

I Wish To Thank You

Dearest Parents, Father God and Mother Goddess,

I wish to thank you for a truly wonderful day. I have experienced many ups and downs today, and with your help,I have gained

much joy and wisdom along the way.

Thank you for my health, thank you for my friends, and family, thank you for my faith and thank you for the opportunity to be part of your world.

Blessed Be

Night Prayer

The moon illuminates the earthWith wondrous silver rays;

Illuminate me through the nightAnd through the sun-lit days.

Blessed Be.

Elemental Devotions

Connections CallI Greet TheeSacred Path CallSioux Prayer

Connections Call

I greet the East, direction of Air:Gentle breezes and strong winds, Realm of the beauty of clouds and birds, Bearer of the weather that touches us all,The breath of life I inhale and exhale.I am a part of all around me.

I greet the South, direction of Fire: Candle flame, bonfire, starlight, and sunlight, The energy that warms me and gives life to the world I inhabit, The energy that pulses along my nerves. I am a part of all around me.

I greet the West, direction of Water: Rain, snow, rivers, and lakes, The great encircling ocean from which all life first came,The blood which flows through my veins still bearing the saltiness of that original home. I am a part of all around me.

I greet the North, direction of Earth: Metal and stone, hill, and valley, Mother who bears and nourishes all life--root and leaf,Fur and feather and scale and skin, Muscle and bone and brain cell.I am a part of all around me.

I Greet Thee


I greet thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect peace and perfect trust Bless this day(afternoon/evening) with patience, wit and mental harmony.

South I greet thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect love and perfect trust Bless me this day(afternoon/evening) with passion and healing.

West I greet thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect love and perfect trust Bless me this day(afternoon/evening) with healthy transformation and love.


I greet thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect love and perfect trust Bless me this day(afternoon/evening) with stability and prosperity.


I greet thee this morning(afternoon/evening) in perfect love and perfect trust Bless me this day(afternoon/evening) with wisdom. Cleanse my body and spirit, so that I may be strong among the ranks of the Craft of the wise.

Sacred Path Call

My sacred life path begins in the East Place of dawn, place of awakening. Be with me this night, element of Air As I learn on the sacred path of life.

My sacred path is fortified in the South Place of Will, place of transformation.Be with me this night, element of Fire As I take action on my sacred path.

My sacred path carries me into the West Place of emotions, place of intuition.Be with me this night, element of Water As I follow my heart on my sacred path.

My sacred path endures to the North Place of strength, place of sustaining life.Be with me this night, element of EarthAs I keep my feet firm on my sacred path

Sioux Prayer

Oh our Father, the Sky,Hear us and make us strong.

Oh our Mother the Earth, Hear us and give us support.

Oh Spirit of the East,Send us your Wisdom.

Oh Sprit of the South,May we tread your path of life.

Oh Spirit of the West,May we always be ready for the long


Oh Spirit of the North, purify usWith your cleansing winds.

Protective Devotions

Circle Me LordPrayer to Kwan YinGrant, O God/Goddess, Thy Protection;

Circle Me Lord

Circle me, Lord.Keep protection near

And danger afar.Circle me, Lord

Keep hope within.Keep doubt without.

Circle me, Lord.Keep light near

And darkness afar.Circle me, Lord.

Keep peace within.Keep evil out.

Prayer To Kwan Yin

"Goddess of the Skies please respond to my cries,

Lift me up in your strong arms, away from those who seek to harm.

Shield me from that awful rage that shall face me day-to-day

Give me strength in what I do and help my heart to remain true.

Let those who I love, love me in return

And everyday let me learn.

I bid you Kwan Yin my spirit keep

Whilst awake and asleep.."

Grant, O God/Goddess, Thy Protection;And in protection, strength;

And in strength, understanding;And in understanding, knowledge;

And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice;And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it;

And in that love, the love of all existences;And in the love of all existences, the love of God/Goddess.

God/Goddess and all goodness.

Grant, O God/Goddess, Thy Protection;

Healing Devotions

Deep Peace

Deep Peace

"Deep peace I breathe into you,O weariness, here:

O ache, here!Deep peace, a soft white dove to you;

Deep peace, a quiet rain to you;Deep peace, an ebbing wave to you!

Deep peace, red wind of the east from you;Deep peace, grey wind of the west to you;

Deep peace, dark wind of the north from you;Deep peace, blue wind of the south to you!Deep peace, pure red of the flame to you;

Deep peace, pure white of the moon to you;Deep peace, pure green of the grass to you;Deep peace, pure brown of the earth to you;

Deep peace, pure grey of the dew to you,Deep peace, pure blue of the sky to you!Deep peace of the running wave to you,

Deep peace of the flowing air to you,Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,

Deep peace of the sleeping stones to you!Deep peace of the Yellow Shepherd to you,

Deep peace of the Wandering Shepherdess to you,

Deep peace of the Flock of Stars to you,Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you,Deep peace of the heart of Mary to you

Deep Peace to YouDeep peace of the running wave to you.

Deep peace of the flowing air to you.Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Deep peace of the shining stars to you.Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.

- Adapted from ancient Gaelic runes

Meal Blessings

Oh Mother EarthFrom The East

Meal Blessings

“Oh Mother Earth, we thank You so, For the food and beverage You bestow,

For Your protection and Your love, And everything You do for us.

We offer You thanks, love and mirth, As we eat Your bounty, Mother Earth.

For your protection and Your love, And everything You do for us.

We offer You thanks, love and mirth, As we eat Your bounty, Mother Earth”.

“From the East the sun rays shine, From the South the gentle rain,

From the West blow winds divine, From the North the gifts of gain. We gather now to bless this food,

In perfect peace and love, Lord and Lady touch this meal,

With magick from above”

Devotions For Prayer/Rosary Beads

Goddesse, I begin an Art;Goddess, Every Women’s Friend…Oh Mother Who is Within UsHow To Make Rosary For Moon Goddess and Druid/God Prayers *Moon Goddess Prayer Beads *Druid God Prayer Beads *Peace on Earth RosaryAngelic RosaryA Pagan Rosary By El-Sharra WhiteRavenMiscellaneous/Small PrayersMiscellaneous/Small Prayers 2

Goddesse I begin an Art;

Goddesse, I begin an Art;Come thou in, with thy best part,

For to make the Texture lyeEach way smooth and civilly:

Now my heart and mind shall beOffer'd up with Vows to Thee.

Adapted from A Vow to Minerva, Robert Herrick

Goddess, Every Women’s Friend…

Goddess, every woman's friend,To me thy goodness condescend,

Let this night in visions seeEmblems of my destiny.

Oh Mother Who is Within Us

Our Mother who is within us,We celebrate your many names.

Your wisdom come.Your will be done,

Unfolding from the depths within us.Each day you give us all that we need.

You remind us of our limits and we let go.You support us in our power

And we act with courage.For you are the dwelling place within us,

The empowerment around us,and the celebration among us.

Now and forever. Amen

Miriam Therese Winter

How To Make Rosary For Moon Goddess and Druid/God Prayers

It is best to string your own beads. You will need:

13 white 8mm beads for the Maiden13 red 8mm beads for the Mother13 black mm beads for the Crone1 silver 10mm bead representing the Full Moon52 silver spacer beads(class "E" 6/0) representing the Moonlight.Nylon thread: white or ecru, or colour of choice

You may begin and end stringing anywhere in the loop, but the tie-off is less visible in the midst of the black beads.

The silver Moon bead is separated from the White Maiden beads by four (4) silver spacer beads. Each white Maiden bead is followed by one silver spacer bead, but the thirteenth bead is followed by four (4) spacer beads.

Then come the red Mother beads, each followed by one silver spacer, but the 13th bead is followed by four (4) spacers.

Then come the black Crone beads, each followed by one silver bead, but the 13th is followed by four (4) spacers. And so we are back at the silver Moon bead. In other words, beads of the same colour are separated by one spacer. The three sets of beads and the larger Moon bead are separated by four spacers. Thirteen (13) beads are used in each set to signify the thirteen months of the lunar year. The silver spacers represent moonlight issuing from the Full Moon bead throughout the life cycle of Maiden, Mother, Crone.

Prayers are said on each bead, while meditating on the mysteries of the Triple Goddess, and the experience of the human life cycle. Men may wish to make a devotion to the Horned God, and honour the life cycle of Youth, Father, and Sage.

Moon Goddess Prayer Beads

On the silver Moon Bead say:“Blessed Mother, come to me,And cast your lovely, silver light.Un-cloud your face that I may seeUnveiled, its shining in the night.Triple Goddess, Blessed Be,And Merry Meet, my soul's delight!”

On the space say:“I bind unto my self today theFertility of the Maiden.”

Meditate of the Presence of the Maiden On each Maiden Bead say:“Maiden daughter, sister, lover,White-light, Night-light, love's embrace;Seeking love, we find each otherBy the radiance of your face.”

On the space say:“I bind unto myself today thePower of the Mother.”

Meditate on the Presence of the Mother On each Mother Bead say:

“Mother of all, radiant, beaming,Full and heavy womb with expectation bright;Be present here, full moonlight gleaming,And bless your child with truth and light”.

On the space say:“I bind unto myself today theWisdom of the Crone.”

Meditate on the Presence of the CroneOn each Crone Bead say:“Crone now stands in moonlight gleaming,Starlit night and silver hair;Peace and wisdom from you streaming,Goddess, keeper of our care.”

On the space say:“I bind unto myself today theFertility, Power, and Wisdom of the Goddess”.

On the silver Moon Bead conclude:“Blessed Mother, stay by me,and cast your lovely, silver light.Un-cloud your face that I may seeunveiled, its shining in the night.Triple Goddess, Blessed Be,and Merry Meet, my soul's delight!So Mote it be!”

Druid/God Prayer BeadsOn the gold Sun Bead/Pendant say:

“Blessed (Father, Mother,) come to me, and cast your lovely, golden light. Give light to earth that I may see

your glory shining ever bright. Triple Kindred, Blessed Be,

and true well met, my soul’s delight! “

On the divider bead/space say: “I bind unto my self today the

Memory of the Ancestors”.

Meditate on the Memory of the Ancestors . . .

On each Ancestor Bead say: “Ancestors, Ancient Ones,

Remember me as I remember you Old Ones, hear my prayer,

And accept my offering of love”.

On the divider/space say:“I bind unto myself today the

Comradeship of all Earth Spirits”

Meditate on the Aid of the Earth Spirits . . On each Earth Spirit Bead say:

“Fur and feather, leaf and stone, Aid me as I aid you.

Earth Spirits hear my prayer, And accept my offering of love”.


On the divider/space say: “I bind unto myself today the

Power of the Gods and Goddesses”.

Meditate on the Honour of the Shining Ones . . . On each God and Goddess Bead say:

“Gods and Goddesses, Shining Ones, Honour me as I honour you.

First-Born of Earth, hear my prayer, And accept my offering of love”.

On the divider/space say: “I bind unto myself today the

The presence of the Three Kindred”.

On the gold Sun Bead/Pendant conclude: “I bind unto myself today

The virtues of the starlit Heavens, The glorious Sun’s life-giving ray,

The whiteness of the Moon at even; The flashing of the lightning free,

The whirling Wind’s tempestuous shocks; The stable Earth, the deep salt Sea,

Around the old eternal Rocks. So may it be”.

Peace on Earth Rosary

Peace on Earth RosaryPeace on Earth Rosary 1Peace on Earth Rosary 2

Peace On Earth Rosary

On the medal, cross or pendant of your rosary say:

“Let the sacred circle of this Rosary remind us of the Miracle that is the Earth.

Let Her love and peace encircle us and guide us in all we do.

For our gifts from Her are abundant! Holy Earth , Mother of us all

Our beloved, living home! Receive the Healing Energies  we send to You 

As we receive your Most Holy Healing Power,  Alight.”

On the first bead say the The Earth Mother Blessing

“Blessed Be Thy beauty and abundance, Mother EarthO Green and verdant Goddess, Who brings all things to

birthBlessed Be Thy meadows where fragrant herbs are

growingThy woodlands and Thy groves where sylvan streams

are flowingBlessed Be Thy valleys, Thy mountains and Thy trees

 Thy  azure atmosphere mirrored in Thy sparkling seasHold us in Thy healing hands and touch both heart and

mind Bestowing peace and wisdom we look within to find”.

Say  on each of the next three beads the Prayer for the Planet:

“Glory Be to Life Giving Gaia, Mother of us all,And to the Sun for His Light and His Warmth, and to the Great Spirit that dwells within all living things on Earth. May we be led by the Spirit to the Truth and the Light, &  be shown the Divine Purpose of Earth, and receive

Her brightest blessings!”

On the 5th bead say the Earth Mother Blessing :

“Blessed Be Thy beauty and abundance, Mother EarthO Green and verdant Goddess, Who brings all things to

birth Blessed Be Thy meadows where fragrant herbs are

growingThy woodlands and Thy groves where sylvan streams

are flowingBlessed Be Thy valleys, Thy mountains and Thy trees

 Thy  azure atmosphere mirrored in Thy sparkling seasHold us in Thy healing hands and touch both heart and

mind Bestowing peace and wisdom we look within to find.”

Peace on Earth Rosary 1

As you pass through the gate of the central medaland enter the circle of this rosary, invoke the protection and blessings  of the Guardian Archangels of the four directions and elements:

“Ariel, Archangel of the Earth,Guide us now and at the hour of our rebirth.”

“Raphael, Archangel of   the Air,Help us to heal and to care”.

“Gabriel, Archangel of the WatersProtect the God/dess' sons and daughters”.

“Michael, Archangel of  FireLet love be our greatest desire”.

Say  on each of the ten  beads of the first decade which represents Africa:

Prayer for the Planet

“Glory Be to Life Giving Gaia, Mother of us all,And to the Sun for His Light and His Warmth, and to the Great Spirit that dwells within all living things on Earth. May we be led by the Spirit to the Truth and the Light, & 

be shown the Divine Purpose of Earth, and receive Her brightest blessings!”

On  the divider beads say The Earth Mother Blessing

“Blessed Be Thy beauty and abundance, Mother EarthO Green and verdant Goddess, Who brings all things

to birth Blessed Be Thy meadows where fragrant herbs are

growingThy woodlands and Thy groves where sylvan streams

are flowingBlessed Be Thy valleys, Thy mountains and Thy trees

 Thy  azure atmosphere mirrored in Thy sparkling seas

Hold us in Thy healing hands and touch both heart and mind

Bestowing peace and wisdom we look within to find”.

Say  on each of the next ten beads for the decade representing the Americas: Prayer for the Planet

“Glory Be to Life Giving Gaia, Mother of us all,And to the Sun for His Light and His Warmth, and to the Great Spirit that dwells within all living things on

Earth. May we be led by the Spirit to the Truth and the

Light, &  be shown the Divine Purpose of Earth, and receive Her brightest blessings!”

Peace on Earth Rosary 2

On  the divider beads say The Earth Mother Blessing

“Blessed Be Thy beauty and abundance, Mother Earth

O Green and verdant Goddess, Who brings all things to birth

Blessed Be Thy meadows where fragrant herbs are growing

Thy woodlands and Thy groves where sylvan streams are flowing

Blessed Be Thy valleys, Thy mountains and Thy trees

 Thy  azure atmosphere mirrored in Thy sparkling seas

Hold us in Thy healing hands and touch both heart and mind

Bestowing peace and wisdom we look within to find”.

The green decade is for Europe.  Say the Prayer for the Planet on the next 10 beads:

“Glory Be to Life Giving Gaia, Mother of us all,

And to the Sun for His Light and His Warmth, and to the Great Spirit that dwells within all living things on


May we be led by the Spirit to the Truth and the Light, &  be shown the Divine Purpose of Earth, and receive

Her brightest blessings”

Followed by the Earth Mother Blessing on the divider bead.

The blue/aqua decade is for Oceania the next ten beads say the Prayer for the Planet

Followed by the Earth Mother Blessing on the divider bead

The white/yellow decade is for Asia. The next ten beads say the Prayer for the Planet:

Followed by the Earth Mother Blessing on the divider bead.

Close the circle of the rosary with:

“Let the sacred circle of this Rosary remind us of the Miracle that is the Earth.

Let Her love and peace Encircle us and guide us in all we do.

For our gifts from Her are abundant! Holy Earth , Mother of us all

Our beloved, living home! Receive the Healing Energies  we send to You 

As we receive your Most Holy Healing Power,  Alight”.

Angelic Rosary

Angelic RosaryAngelic Rosary 1Angelic Rosary 2Angelic Rosary 3

Angelic Rosary

The Angelic Rosary is your first line of defence against unwanted chaos. Why do I use the word "unwanted?" Sometimes a little chaos in our lives is good. It shakes us up; it gets us thinking and hopefully moving. (A standard rosary is used).

TO SAY THE ROSARY: Begin by saying the Angelic Alignment:


“I align myself with universal harmony.

I align myself with the Goddess.

I am in alignment with the God.

I am in alignment with my guardian angel.

So Mote it Be”.

On the first bead, recite the Invocation of the Nine Choirs:

“Brilliant Seraphim I call to thee ; Circle round, bring love to me.

Mighty Cherubim guard my gate ; Remove from me sorrow and hate.

Thrones stand firm, stable be ; Keep me steady on land or sea

I call Dominions, leadership true; May I be fair in all I do.

Circles of protection, Powers form ; Help me weather any storm

Miraculous Virtues hover near ; Element energies I summon here.

Principalities bring global reform ; Bless the world and each babe born.

Glorious Archangels show me the way ; To bring peace and harmony every day.

Guardian angel, Goddess delight ; Gift me with your guiding light.”

Say the Prayer of Gabriel on the second bead:

“Hail Lady, full of grace, the God is with you.

Blessed is the fruit of your womb, the Consort and Son.

Holy Goddess, Mother of Earth,

Work your mysteries for your children,

Now and in the hour of our need.

So Mote it Be”.

Angelic Rosary 1

Say the Prayer of the God on the third bead:

“As the rod is to the God , so the chalice is to the Goddess

And together they are one”.

Say the Star Goddess Litany on the fourth bead:

“Hear the words of the Star Goddess; she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven and whose body encircles the universe.

I who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man, call unto thy soul. Arise and come unto me.

For I am the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, Beloved of Gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite.

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth; for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou knowest the mystery; that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee.For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.”

The First Mystery

You are now at the point of the first mystery of the angels--Universal love.

Say the Prayer of the God on the fifth bead before the center medal:

“As the rod is to the God, so the chalice is to the Goddess

And together they are one”.

Angelic Rosary 2

Meditate on becoming one with the universal energies, opening your heart to divine love. Touch the Goddess medal to your forehead, then turn the next ten beads, reciting Gabriel's Prayer on each bead. Don't forget to meditate on the mystery. See the beads glow as you become one with this sacred concept.

Gabriel's Prayer:

“Hail Lady, full of grace, the God is with you.

Blessed is the fruit of your womb, the Consort and Son.

Holy Goddess, Mother of Earth,

Work your mysteries for your children,

Now and in the hour of our need.

So Mote it Be”

The Second Mystery

This is the gift of magick in our lives and the ability to change our circumstances through free will--the mystery of freedom.


Begin with the Prayer of the God on the large bead,

“As the rod is to the God, so the chalice is to the Goddess

And together they are one.”

then continue with Gabriel's Prayer, turning each bead as you say each prayer.

Don't forget to meditate on the mystery. See the beads glow as you become one with this sacred concept.

“Hail Lady, full of grace, the God is with you.

Blessed is the fruit of your womb, the Consort and Son.

Holy Goddess, Mother of Earth,

Work your mysteries for your children,

Now and in the hour of our need.

So Mote it Be”.

Angelic Rosary 3

The Third Mystery

The third mystery is the mystery of your oath.

This is the knowledge of and ability to work within the cycles of the universe in service to both the planet and our brothers and sisters.

Begin with the Prayer of the God on the large bead,

“As the rod is to the God, so the chalice is to the Goddess

And together they are one”.

Then continue with Gabriel's Prayer turning the successive beads as you say each prayer. Don't forget to meditate on the mystery. See the beads glow as you become one with this sacred concept.

“Hail Lady, full of grace, the God is with you.

Blessed is the fruit of your womb, the Consort and Son.

Holy Goddess, Mother of Earth,

Work your mysteries for your children,

Now and in the hour of our need.

So Mote it Be”.

The Fourth Mystery

The knowledge of reincarnation and karma, birth and death, joy and sorrow teaches us that every action we perform has an equal reaction and how to live with the cycles of the seasons. (Now say the God prayer and Gabriel's prayer as before)

The Fifth Mystery

This is the Gift of wisdom and power to the hidden children of the Goddess. This mystery teaches us to be humble in our will and use our gifts for the good of all, harming none. (God's prayer on big bead, Gabriel's prayer as before) We are now back to the Goddess medal and at the conclusion of our meditation sequence.

End with the Statement of Divinity :

“A great sign appears in the heavens.

It is the Goddess clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet.

And on her head a crown of twelve stars .

The God stands behind her in his glory

With his hands resting upon her shoulders

And together they are one.

So Mote it Be”.

A Pagan Rosary By El-Sharra WhiteRaven Go To Web Site

Prayer beads have been used in many religions not just the Catholic Rosary most of use know of. I thought it would be interesting to make up a set of Pagan Prayer Beads.  

These beads work wonderfully for raising and storing energy, prayer, meditation and focusing.  

To make one you need a length of cord suitable for the length you desire; 54 'filler' beads;

5 larger beads, a charm to rest where the strands meet and a charm to

hang on the end.  

1. String 10 beads, I used black (you can use smaller beads, chain or knots if you want something between them or to add more length).

2. Add one of the larger beads. I used these beads to represent the elements (red, blue, white, green and silver) but you can represent the stages of life, the five fold god or goddess etc...  

3. Add 10 more beads and a larger one; 10 beads and a larger one; 10 more beads and a larger one; 10 more beads.  

4. Take the two loose ends and tie them to the charm you have chosen to hang in the center. This is where in Catholic rosaries the picture of Mary or another saint is.

5.  Add one bead, the last of the larger beads (I put the silver spirit bead here) then the last three small beads.  

Step six- Finish by adding the charm you want to hang at the end. I used a pentacle.  You can make up or use any prayers for the beads. Traditionally the same prayer is said on the 54 small beads; a second on the five larger beads and two other ones on the charms  I use the following interpretations of the beautiful Hail Mary prayer on mine.

Small Beads “Hail Goddess, full of grace; the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among creation And blessed is thy fruit of the womb- the God. Holy Goddess, Mother of all Grant us thy love now And throughout all our lives, So Mote It Be”.   

Elemental Beads “Hail Guardian, powers of (earth, air, fire, water, ether); all life is with thee. Blessed is thy role in creation And blessed is the (earth, air, fire, water, spirit) within me. Blessed Guardians, Keeper of (earth, air, fire, water, ether) Grant us thy wisdom now And throughout all our lives, So Mote It Be”.  

Larger Beads  “Hail Father, full of strength; the Lady is with thee. Blessed art thou seeds of creation And blessed is thy journey through the womb Holy God, Father of all Grant us thy protection now And throughout all our lives, So Mote It Be”.

  Pentacle  “Hail Gods, full of truth; united are thee. Blessed are we your creations And blessed is the knowledge you bestow Divine couple, source of all Grant us thy presence now And throughout all our lives, Blessed Be”.  

Miscellaneous/Small Prayers

What is eternal is circular and what is circular is eternal.


I am a CircleWithin a Circle

With no beginningAnd never ending

adapted from Rick Hamouris

Wisdom of Serpent be mine,Wisdom of Raven be mine,Wisdom of valiant Eagle.

adapted from Good Wish, Anon

As it was,As it is,

As it shall beEvermore,

O Thou TriuneOf grace!

With the ebb,With the flow,O Thou Triune

Of grace!With the ebb,With the flow.


Miscellaneous/Small Prayers 2

Home is behind, the world ahead,And there are many paths to tread

Through shadow, to the edge of nightUntil the stars are all alightUntil the stars are all alight.

Adapted from Tolkien

Blessed be the east at dawn, that brings clarity to my mind.

Blessed be the south in fire, that brings light to my spirit.

Blessed be the west waters, that brings balm to my heart.

Blessed be the north earth, that brings strength to my body.

Triple Goddess And God

May the Maiden bless me and all my beginnings with a light heart.

May the Mother bless me and care for me with her loving


May the Crone bless me and teach me the ways of wisdom.

May the Green Man bless me with laughter and joy.

May the Corn King teach me the meaning of sacrifice.

May the Horned One protect me and guide me through the darkness


Altar DevotionsCreating Sacred SpaceCleansing , Consecrating and EmpoweringCircles Casting and Elemental Invocations

Altar Devotions

Simple VersionElaborate VersionAnother Version

Simple Version

(Repeat for each element)

“I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the Goddess and God. May their blessings reside within thee.”

Draw 4 circles over the element representation and tap 4 times.


“Creature of ___________ (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)

I cleanse and consecrate thee by the ancient energies of the ___________ (North, East, South, West)

I remove all negativity in in the world and the phantasmMay the blessings of the ancient ones upon you now

So Mote it Be!”

Hold the bowl of water in your hands and raise it before you, silently, in communion with the Gods. Move the water bowl to the center of the altar (on top of your altar pentacle if you have one).

Place three pinches of salt in the water. Stir thrice with your finger (or your Anthame). Then say:

“As the rod is to the God, so the chalice is to the Goddess”.

Begin to lower your finger (or the Anthame) into the water. As they touch, say:

“And together, they are One”.

At this point, envision the water exploding with Divine energy. Make this energy coloured, if you like.

Remove your finger (or the Anthame). Imagine that the altar is a giant cauldron. You have cleansed and blessed each element on the altar. Now, you are going to mix them together - meld them, if you will - into a vortex of positive, Divine energy. Beginning in the North in a clockwise, spiral motion, stir your hand over the altar five times, imagining the energies mixing together.

Tap the hilt of the Anthame (or your fingers) soundly five times (one for each element, plus one for Spirit) at the right, lower corner (the corner closest to you right hand if you are right-handed, the corner closest to your left hand if you are left-handed) to seal the power of the altar.

The devotion is done. Ground and center.

Another Version

To be said whilst moving widdershins (Counter clock, Banish) with your wand (Will) over the element representation.

Imagine a white light cleansing all impurities in the object.

“Creature of ___________ (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)Untainted and Pure

Be fit to dwell within this circle”

Then reverse and move in Deosil (Clockwise) circles imaging the colourful light of the element representation being infused

into it.

“Spirit of ________________ (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) Accept this place

Dwell within this Sacred Space”

Then Mix Water and Earth once done saying;

“Purity, purity, of Earth and Water,

Blessed Be! “

And then for Fire and Air, Once done, saying;

“Purity, purity, of Fire and Air, Blessed Be! “

Creating Sacred Space

SimpleAround YourselfElaborateAltar CleansingCleansing Area’s


To be said when lighting an appropriately coloured candle! Can be used to reinforce Sacred Space.

“As I light this candle, I create Sacred Space in which to place my altar.I raise all vibrations to a higher plane of spirituality to prepare the way for divinity.

This space is cleared and protected. Only positive energies are allowed to enter my Sacred Space.”

Around Yourself

Sacred Space within myself Earth and sky, light and health Blessings of the Goddess shine

Bring to me thy love divineAs above, it is below

Now peace and love around me grow Be I witch, Fairy or Elf,

Sacred Space I call myself!


Hold your hands over each element representation and say;

“I cleanse, consecrate and empower this sacred space with the element of _________ (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) in the name of spirit.”

Do for each element and then bind and seal with......

“In the name of the Lord and Lady,In the name of the Good Mother and Good Father,

I cleanse, consecrate and empower this Sacred Space with the element of Spirit!

So Mote it Be! “

Altar Cleansing

To Begin say (To get you "in the zone");

"I feel the power of Spirit in me and around me"

Take Fire element representation and holding your hands over it, imaging white light enveloping and penetrating the object say;

"Element of FireMay you be cleansed, consecrated and blessed in

the name of Spirit“

"From the black and formless voidLight blossomed into existence

By lighting this candleI bring the grace of our Mother into my life and

into my altar“

"Element of Fire, Work thy will by my desire"

Pass the candle flame 3 times widdershins (Counter clock, to banish) over the altar and say;

"I banish all negativity from this ____________ (Wood, Stone) Nothing evil or nasty, real or imagined, May

ever abide here!

"Element of __________, Work thy will by my desire"

Pass the representation (Smoke, Salt, Water) 3 times widdershins (Counter clock, to banish) over the altar and say;

"I banish all negativity from this ____________ (Wood, Stone) Nothing evil or nasty, real or imagined,

May ever abide here!

When this has been done for all four element representations. Pass each one over the altar in a Deosil (clockwise, Bless,

invoke) stirring in positive energy. Dab the four corners and middle saying;

"I bless and consecrate thee, O Sacred Altar,May you repel negative energy and collect positive

energy From this day forward and until the end of time.

So Mote it Be!

Draw an equal armed cross (To bind and seal) and tap 4 times and declare

"As above so below, this altar is sealed!"

Cleansing Area’s

Using the devoted elements to cleanse other objects or rooms. Chant the following whilst asperging (cleansing with water and salt) or smudging (with fire and air) the object or area!

"Water and EarthWhere you are cast

No spell or adverse purpose lastThat is not in complete accord with me

As I will, So Mote it Be!"


"Fire and AirThis charge I lay

No phantom in your presence stayThat is not in complete accord with me

As I will, So Mote it Be!"

"This altar now be Sacred Spaceof Spirit and MysteryMay magick dwell within the place And all upon it, Blessed Be! "

Sprinkle a bit of the water and salt around the sacred space you have just created, and say:

"With water and salt I consecrate This sacred temple of magick great"

Cleansing Consecrating and Empowering

CCE a ToolCCE a Tool 2CCE a Tool 3CCE AltarCCE an Object

CCE a Tool

After performing an altar devotion, i.e. You have cleansed and consecrated the four element representations. Pass the tool to be CCE'd through each element saying;

“By the power of _________ (Air, Water, Earth, Fire)I cleanse and consecrate this _______ (Anthame, Wand, Bell) for positive means.

All negativity is removed in any time and any place.”

Once this had been done, place the tool on top on your pentacle in the middle of the four element representations. Hold your hands together over it, making a triangle shape and imagine a silver orb of light acuminating within the triangle. Then see the silver orb sink down through your fingers and penetrate the tool enveloping it in silver cleansing light.

“By the will of the Lord and Lady I have cleansed consecrated and empowered this _______ My their blessing reside upon it and through it always”.

CCE a Tool 2

Pass tool through each element representation and say;

"I cleanse and consecrate thee with __________ (Water, Earth, Air, Fire).May this __________ (Anthame, Cauldron) be endowed with all the virtues of Water

and the blessings of the element of Water be multiplied with each use"

When you have done this with each element bind and seal with the fifth element by declaring;

"Lord and Lady hear me! I offer this tool for you blessing

May it ever serve me in earnest and thee in honour!

So Mote it Be!"

CCE a Tool 3

Hold tool in projective hand, visualize positive energy filling tool.

“Clean and pure this tool now be, Free from negativity.

Fill with love and balanced force,Walk with me, my spirit's course”.

Rub salt on the tool, visualizing salt cleansing tool.

“Consecrated now with Earth, Let this be now as rebirth.

Element, please bless this tool,Fill with light, a shining jewel”.

Pass tool through incense, visualizing air cleansing tool.

“Consecrated now with Air, Fill with wind and clouds so fair. Element, please bless this tool,Fill with light, a shining jewel.”

Pass tool through candle flame, visualizing fire cleansing tool.

“Consecrated now with Fire, As a flame, burn ever higher.

Element, please bless this tool,Fill with light, a shining jewel”.

Sprinkle water on tool, visualizing water cleansing tool.

“Consecrated now with Water, Fill with love right past the border.

Element, please bless this tool, Fill with light, a shining jewel”.

Hold tool aloft as an offering to the Goddess and the God.

“Lady Moonlight, Lord of Sun, Bless this tool please, now it's done.

May it serve both you and me, For all of time, so mote it be”.

CCE Altar

To Begin say (To get you "in the zone");

"I feel the power of Spirit in me and around me"

Take Fire element representation and holding your hands over it, imaging white light enveloping and penetrating the object say;

"Element of FireMay you be cleansed, consecrated and blessed in

the name of Spirit“

"From the black and formless voidLight blossomed into existence

By lighting this candleI bring the grace of our Mother into my life and

into my altar“

"Element of Fire, Work thy will by my desire"

Pass the candle flame 3 times widdershins (Counter clock, to banish) over the altar and say;

"I banish all negativity from this ____________ (Wood, Stone) Nothing evil or nasty, real or imagined, May

ever abide here!

"Element of __________, Work thy will by my desire"

Pass the representation (Smoke, Salt, Water) 3 times widdershins (Counter clock, to banish) over the altar and say;

"I banish all negativity from this ____________ (Wood, Stone) Nothing evil or nasty, real or imagined,

May ever abide here!

When this has been done for all four element representations. Pass each one over the altar in a Deosil (clockwise, Bless,

invoke) stirring in positive energy. Dab the four corners and middle saying;

"I bless and consecrate thee, O Sacred Altar,May you repel negative energy and collect positive

energy From this day forward and until the end of time.

So Mote it Be!

Draw an equal armed cross (To bind and seal) and tap 4 times and declare

"As above so below, this altar is sealed!"

CCE Object

To begin and to get you "in the zone" say;

"One heart, one mind, one magick,One truth, one body, one energy, In perfect joy and perfect peace,In perfect love and perfect trust,I call forth the power of Spirit,And the serenity of the divine order!As above, so below So Mote it Be!"

Next, either you have already devoted the four element representations or you can continue by holding your hands over the representation imagining all negativity being purged and saying;

"Element of Water In the name of Spirit (or name of Deity you are working with) I cast out all unclean energies, real or imagined"

Now as you are blessing and consecrating imagine a bright white light and say;

"May you be blessed in the name of Spirit (or your Deity)And filled with the energy of ______________ (love, honour, joy, peace etc)

To seal and bind.....

Once you have passed the object through each element and have done the above blow three times and draw an equal armed cross over the object and declare;

"Thou art cleansed, consecrated and empowered in the name of Spirit (or your Deity)This magick is sealed,So Mote it Be!"

Circle Casting &Element Invocations

Silver RavenwolfGerina DunwichStarhawk

Devotion and Circle CastingSimple Circle CastingsSimple Circle Castings 2Simple Circle Castings 3Elemental InvocationsGod and Goddess Invocations

Casting a Circle by Silver Ravenwolf

Walk to the north of the room. Relax and take a deep breath. Hold out your index finger from your most dominate hand. Walk in a clockwise direction and imagine a beautiful hedge springing up as your finger glides through the air say: -

"I conjure thee,O great circle of power,

So that you will be for me a boundary between the world of men and the mighty spirits, A meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace and joy

Containing the power I rise within thee. I call upon the guardians of the North, the East, the South and the West

To aid me in this consecration.In the name of the Lord and the Lady

Thus I do conjure thee, o great circle of power!"

Now move to the North quarter. In the North quarter say: -

"As above so below the circle is sealed!"

Releasing The Circle

Now go to the West quarter of your circle. Using your index finger from your dominant hand walk anti-clockwise drawing the energy back into your finger. When you reach west again pound on the floor and say: -

"This circle is open, but never brokenSo mote it be!

We are the people, we are the power, And we are the change! Merry meet and merry part, Until we merry meet again!"

Circle Casting by Gerina Dunwich

“With a Witches' blade This circle now is made

Spirits of old I call thee to guard and to behold.”

Face East:

“I greet the Spirits of the East Who inspires Inspiration in all of us

Come and join with me For you are welcome here. “

Face South:

“I greet the Spirits of the South Who inspires Compassion in all of us

Come and join with me For you are welcome here”.

Face West:

“I greet the Spirits of the West Who inspires Faith in all of us

Come and join with me For you are welcome here. “

Face North:

I greet the Spirits of the North Who inspires Wisdom in all of us

Come and join with me For you are welcome here.

Move back to the center:

I greet the Spirits Within Who inspires Understanding in all of us

Come and join with me For you are welcome here.

Circle Releasing by Gerina Dunwich

“I bid farewell to the Spirits Within Open to the Understanding you inspired

Attuned to the energies of the Spirit Thankful for your attendance”.

Face North:

“I bid farewell to the Spirits of North Open to the Wisdom you inspired Attuned to the energized of Earth

Thankful for your attendance”.

Face West:

“I bid farewell to the Spirits of West Open to the Faith you inspired

Attuned to the energized of Water Thankful for your attendance.”

Face South:

“I bid farewell to the Spirits of South Open to the Compassion you inspired

Attuned to the energized of Fire Thankful for your attendance”.

Face East:

“I bid farewell to the Spirits of East Open to the Inspiration you inspired

Attuned to the energized of Air Thankful for your attendance.”

“In perfect love and harming none Our sacred spell work is now done As the future becomes the present As the present becomes the past

We bid farewell to the Goddess and God This circle of magick is now un cast.

So Mote It Be! “

Circle Casting By Starhawk

Standing facing east with Anthame or wand pointing east:

Hail to the watchtowers of the East,The element of Air.

May your knowledge guide me Blessed Be.

Mark in the air a pentacle with tool.

Facing south with Anthame or wand pointing south:

Hail to the watchtowers of the South,The element of Fire.May your spirit guide me

Blessed Be.

Mark in the air a pentacle with tool.

Facing West with Anthame or wand pointing West:

Hail to the watchtowers of the West,The element of Water.

May your wisdom guide me Blessed Be.

Mark in the air a pentacle with tool.

Facing north with Anthame or wand pointing north:

Hail to the watchtowers of the North,The element of Earth.

May your strength guide me Blessed Be.

Mark in the air a pentacle with tool.

Walk around the circle Deosil saying at each appropriate direction:

As the air is my breath, the fire my spirit, the water my blood, and the earth my body.

Stand in the center of the circle:

From above (pointing Anthame/wand upwards) and From Below (touching ground with


The circle is cast. We are between the worlds, beyond the bounds of time.

Circle Releasing By Starhawk

Stand facing North pointing Anthame/wand :

Oh great spirit of the north who gives us the earth. Thank you for joining this circle. Go if you must stay if you will, hail farewell and goodbye.

Blessed Be!

Oh great spirit of the west who gives us waters. Thank you for joining this circle. Go if you must stay if you will, hail farewell and goodbye.

Blessed Be!

Oh great spirit of the south who gives us fire. Thank you for joining this circle. Go if you must stay if you will, hail farewell and goodbye.

Blessed Be!

Oh great spirit of the east who gives us the air.Thank you for joining this circle. Go if you must stay if you will, hail farewell and goodbye. Blessed Be!

Devotion and Circle Casting

Offer the salt to the full moon and say,

“I cleanse and bless thee, element of saltYour powers of purity I reverently exalt

Bad energies be gone and only good remainThe forces of right and just, I ordain

Bless this salt accordinglyThis is my will, So mote it be”

Offer the water to the full moon and say,

“I cleanse and bless thee element of waterAlexia of life and great dissipater

Bad energies dissolve and only good remainThe forces of right and just I ordain

Bless this water accordinglyThis is my will, So mote it be”

Now mix the 2 elements together in a large open container such as a Cauldron or Metal Bucket and introduce the 3rd of Fire by

heating from below. ( Not too hot )

Stir with a wand of willow and chant...

“I offer salt of the earth to cleanse and denyI bring forth water, transient of land and sky

I call forth fire to cure through heatWith words i call to air, my alchemy complete”

Now, using your hallowed chalice, pour the solution from the cauldron to form a complete circle around the place of sanctity

and protection.~


“Circle of magick, protect with concernBad vibes resolve, reflect and return”

Repeat visualize a dome shaped force field around your homeVisualize a personal total exclusion zone around yourself

No-one, or no-thing may enter without your consent also...

Daub a pentagram on the gates and external doors of your home using oil of frankincense.

Draw a pentagram on a piece of paper or card and place them under the doormats in your home.

This is to be chanted several times to gain confidence.

“Clear head, cool mind, nervousness is left behindClear head, keen eyes,

Nothing takes me by surprise”.

Start softly and rise to a crescendo...

Simple Circle Castings

"Around, around, around, about Good stays in, bad stays out

I cast this circle, so mote it be By earth and water, fire and air"

"By the motion of the sun This magick circle I create.

O ancient elements, one by one I summon to participate:

Spirits of the Air, Guardians of the East;

Spirits of the Fire, Guardians of the South;

Spirits of the Water, Guardians of the West;

Spirits of the Earth, Guardians of the North."

“Here is the boundary of my circle Where naught but love shall enter in

And naught but love shall escape from within I charge this with the powers of ________

(Earth, Air, Fire, Water)”

"I invoke thee O great Goddess,

Mother of the silver moon, I invoke thee

O great Horned One, Father of the golden sun,

Into this circle I invite Thy sacred shining light

Of white".

Simple Circle Castings 2

"By the earth that is her bodyBy the air that is her breath

By the fire of her spiritBy the waters of her womb

As above, so below,The circle is made whole.

I invoke and call upon thee O Mother Goddess,

Who shines for all, who flows through all.Maiden, Mother and Crone,

I invite you to my circle;Touch us, change us, make us whole.

I invoke and call upon thee O Father God,

Lord of the Sun, Master of all that is wild.I invite you to my circle;

Touch us, change us, make us whole.

Simple Circle Castings 3

Circle Casting Chant:

“Three Times, I Circle Round,

Three Times, I Strike The Ground,

This Circle Cast,

Now, Future, And Past,

Blue Light Surround!”

( Repeat 3x ; Strike ground , with a staff/wand, halfway around Circle, pacing your

chant, to coincide with striking halfway round ;

You strike ground a total of nine times, 3x each time round Circle )

Circle Sealing Chant:

“Those Who Are Out, Are Out,

Those Who Are In, Are In,

May Any Who Would Harm Us,

Not Know What We Are About;

This Place Is Sealed, Let Us Begin…”

Elemental Circle Invocations

Watch Tower Elemental CallSpirit Animal Elemental CallLiving Spirit Elemental CallSpirit’s Elemental CallI Light The FlameElements, I Call You Near

Watch Tower Elemental Call

Hail, Guardian of the Watchtower of the East! I call you from gentle winds scented with the

promise of spring. Come; share with me your boundless wisdom.

I invite you to guide and guard my circle.

Blessed Be.

Hail, Guardian of the Watchtower of the South! I call you from the brilliant fires of transformation.

Come; let me behold your passionate creation. I invite you to guide and guard my circle.

Blessed Be.

Hail, Guardian of the Watchtower of the West! I call you from the azure depths and rippling pool.

Come; let me drink from your well of love. I invite you to guide and guard my circle.

Blessed Be.

Hail, Guardian of the Watchtower of the North! I call you from snow-topped mountains and dark

fertile fields. Come; touch me with your enduring patience.

I invite you to guide and guard my circle.

Blessed Be.

Spirit Animal Elemental Call

"Oh Soaring Eagle of the East Rider of the wings of change

come to us from beyond the sunrise And bring me inspiration!

Grant me your blessings and Spare me your fury !Hail and Welcome!"

"Oh Golden Lion of the Burning South Ruler of the flames and lightening

Come to my circle from the fire And bring us enlightenment! Grant me your blessings and

Spare me your fury! Hail and Welcome!"

"Oh great Whale of the Western sea Ruler of the waves and tides

Come to me from your watery depthsAnd teach me the lesson of flowing!

Grant me your blessings and Spare me your fury! Hail and Welcome!"

"Oh Mighty Bull of the frozen North Ruler of the stones and caverns Come to me from icy mountains

And bring us stability! Grant me your blessings and

Spare me your fury! Hail and Welcome!"

"I stand in the circle of all that is I summon the powers within Earth and Water Fire and Air

And Spirit to bring it all in With elements four and Spirit as well

In harmony playing their part I summon the Spirit that within us

dwells And lies at the core of our art

Blessed Be! "

Living Spirit Elemental Call

Living Spirit of the East, We call to You

Airy SylphsPowers of Intellect

Strength of the whirlwindand pleasant scents

of the Dawning Springcome join us on this night

be witness to this Ritehelp our minds to think as one

Welcome and Blessed Be

Living Spirit of the South,We call to you

Fiery SalamandersPowers of Will

Wild beauty of lightningand gentle warmthof the Summer Sun

come join us on this nightbe witness to this rite

help our energy to burn as oneWelcome and Blessed Be

Living Spirit of the WestWe call to YouWatery Selkies

Powers of EmotionMajesty of a storm as sea

and cooling patter of the Autumn Rain

come join us on this nightbe witness to this Rite

help our emotions flow a oneWelcome and Blessed Be

Living Spirit of the NorthWe call to youEarthy Gnomes

Powers of IncarnationFertility of garden soil

and enduranceof cold ground in winterbe witness to this rite

come join us on this nighthelp our bodies to work as one

Welcome and Blessed Be

Spirit’s Elemental Call

Spirits of Air,We call to you.

The Breath of lifethe Knowledge of life,

the Wind of life,it blows from thee to me,

Be with us now;

Spirits of Fire,We call to you.

The Heat of life,he Will of life,the Fire of life,

it burns from thee to me,Be with us now;

Spirits of WaterWe call to you.

The Blood of life,the Passion of life,the Water of life,

it flows from thee to me,Be with us now;

Spirits of Earth,We call to you.

The Flesh of life,the Strength of life,

the Earth of life,it moves from thee to us,

Be with us now

I Light The Flame

"I light the flame of the EastInviting the properties of dryness and intellect into the circle."

  "I light the flame of the South

Inviting the properties of light and will into the circle." 

"I light the flame of the SouthInviting the properties of wetness and intuition into the circle."

  "I light the flame of the North

Inviting the properties of darkness and foundation into the circle."

Elements, I Call You Near

"Elements of Earth, I call you near, Balance within me,

For unbalance I fear“

"Elements of Air, I call you near, Balance within me,

For unbalance I fear"

"Elements of Fire, I call you near, Balance within me,

For unbalance I fear“

"Elements of Water, I call you near, Balance within me,

For unbalance I fear“

"Elements of Akasha, I call you near, Balance within me,

For unbalance I fear“

"Five Elements I've called, Within me they brawled.

Balance once more, Akasha fix these four!"

God and Goddess Invocations

Gracious Goddess/Blazing God…Prayer To The Horned GodPrayer To The Goddess

Gracious Goddess & Blazing God

"Gracious GoddessYou who are the Queen of The Gods

The Creator of all that is wild and free Mother of women and man

Lover of the Horned God And protectress of all the Wicca

Descend I pray, with your lunar ray of power

Upon my circle here!"

~Scott Cunningham

“Blazing GodYou who are the King of The Gods

The Master of all that is wild and free Father of women and man

Lover of the Moon Goddess And protector of all the Wicca

Descend I pray, with your solar ray of power

Upon my circle here!"

~Scott Cunningham

God and Goddess 2

Horned one of the wilderness, Winged one of the shining skies,

Rayed one of the splendorous Sun, Fallen one of the Samhain cries- I call amidst the standing stones Praying that you, O ancient One,

Will deign to bless my mystic rites- O fiery one of the Blazing Sun!

~Scott Cunningham

Crescent one of the starry skies,Flowered one of the fertile plain, Flowing one of the ocean's sighs,

Blessed one of the gentle rain, Hear my chant 'midst the standing stones,

Open me to your mystic light; Waken me to your silver tones, Be with me in my sacred right!

~Scott Cunningham

Chants and Incantations

CommunityPower Raising CandleHerbalSpell BindingGoddessGodGod & GoddessReleasing NegativityBinding EnemiesMoon Phase

ProtectionHealing ElementalElemental 2Study


We are a Circle, Within a Circle, with no beginning, and never ending.

It's the blood of the ancientsthat runs through our veins

The forms pass, but the circle of life remains

And we can rise with the fire of freedomTruth is the fire that burns our chains

And we can stop the fire of destructionHealing is the fire running through our veins

I am a circleI am healing youYou are a circle

You are healing meUnite us, be as oneUnite us, be as one

Evocation of The Witch

I am one with the universe. I am no-thing and I am everything.

I am the stars and the moonthe seas and the storms,

the breath of life, the alchemical change, the living and the dead.

I am!

I am the power and the joy. I am the spirit that dances.

I am the magick and the priest, the witch and the sorceress the angels and the elements

omnipotent omnipresent

I am!

I am the past, the present, and the future.

I am the void And I am the manifestation of my desire.

I am!

Power Raising

Evocation of The WitchEqual Dark, Equal LightOne Heart, One Mind, One MagickSwing The CenserEast Air….. I Am a childSelf Esteem Chant

Deosil CircleI Take The PowerI Am The SpokesSinging, Dancing, Chanting LowBlessed Be!Full Moon and CandlesPower of The Witches

Power Raising 1

"Equal dark, equal light, Flow in circle deep insight,

Blessed be, blessed be,The transformation of energy

So it flows, out it goes,Three-fold back, it shall be,

Blessed be, blessed be, The transformation of energy

So Mote it Be! "

"One heart, one mind, one magickOne body, one truth, one energy,In perfect love and perfect trust In perfect joy and perfect peace,

I call forth the power of Spirit And the serenity of the divine order,

So Mote it Be! "

Swing the censer, light the light,Circle 'round the starlit night

Chant the words and ring the bellsWork the magic, weave the spell

East - Air! South - Fire!

West - Water! North - Earth!

Dance around, jump higher,Born, live, death, Rebirth

Power Raising 2

I am a child of the night Gentle I am, yet feel my might!


We are the children of the night, Gentle we are, yet feel our might!

I take the power in my handsFrom air and fire water and land Power of the angels and divinity

Moves ands pulsates, the energy in me I build, I birth, I bring form,

I raise with might and energy storm.

I shape I build the ultimate power From me blooms a perfect flower

Of strength Of healing I reign....

Deosil circle round aboutBuilding the power, out with a shout!

I am the spokes of the mighty wheelRaising power and might is my will

Power Raising 3

Singing, dancing, chanting low, Power building, let it go!

Blessed be!Be silentBe still

Resonate at willResonate within yourself

Feel the energyFeel the wealth

Crystal heartLove's mark

Radiant to All.Colour spectrum

Divine lightEchoing it's call.

Trusting nowFlying wide

Reaching out withinListen close

Ignore no moreFor now is the time to begin.....

Power Raising 4

"Full Moon & candles,Magic times three

I summon the power

So Mote it Be !

Powers of the witches rise !Come to us across the sky's !Come to us who settle here !

Come to us who call you near !

Earth, Water, Fire, Air Within me all things are there

Flesh on my bones is like the Earth It’s soft but strong and full of worth The blood that flows within my veins

Is like the ocean, river and rain My spirit soars and takes me higher

Here is where I keep my fire My breath and thoughts are like the air I can do everything and go anywhere

Earth, Water, Fire and Air Within me all things are there And so I pledge unto myself

Power, Love, Health and Wealth.

A Candle Incantation

I light this flame to remind me Of the common bond I share

With all the living creatures of the earth.

May this small sun Warm my heart....... Renew my spirit......

And bring me courage to be all that I was meant to be.

~By Barbara Van Duyne


Earth-born stone of brilliant hue

such energy makes dreams come true.

Blend and grow with human desire amidst candles that

throb with radiant fire.

Herbs of life planted with passion

mesh with these and begin to fashion

realities just and understood.

My magick for the highest good.

And if my Goddess does agree,then manifest!

So Mote It Be!!

Spell Binding

I call upon the Earth to heed my spell Air to make its passage well

Bright as fire make this spell glow Deep as the tides of the waters flow

By my will this spell is done With harm to none

So Shall it Be Done!

As like calls to likeSo my will is doneWith harm to none

As the Goddess decreesThree times three

So Mote it Be!

Goddess Chants

Goddess Chants 1Goddess Chants 2Goddess Chants 3

Goddess Chants

Hail Fair Moon Ruler of the night

Guard me and mine Until the coming light

(to be said while moon gazing)

Luna, Luna, Luna, Diana Luna, Luna, Luna, Diana

Bless me, bless me, bless me, Diana Luna, Luna, Luna, Diana (repeat)

Waxing, waxing, growing, growingDiana's power is flowing, flowing. (repeat)

Oh Great Mother, You are welcome here.

Oh Great Goddess,Please appear.

Oh Great Mother, On this full moon rite,

Bless our circle, With your lunar light

Goddess Chants 2

Lady of the morningMaiden full of grace

Remind me of my courageHail and welcome be.

Lady of the moonMother round and full

Remind me of my creative sparkHail and welcome be.

Lady of the darkCrone the teacher still

Remind me of my wisdomHail and welcome be.

Maiden, Warrior, Mother, and CroneFlower, Sword-blade, Ivy, and Bone

Help me make myself my ownMaiden, Warrior, Mother and Crone.

Lady spin your circle bright, weave your web of dark and light

Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bind us as one.

Goddess Chants 3

Ancient Mother, I hear you calling,Ancient Mother, I sing your song,

Ancient Mother, I join your laughter,Ancient Mother, I dry your tears.

She changes everything she touchesAnd everything she touches changes.

Holy maiden huntress, Artemis, Artemis,Maiden, come to us.

Silver shining wheel of radiance, radiance,Mother, come to us.

Ancient queen of wisdom, Hecate, Cerridwen,Old one, come to us.

Holy shining sunlight, radiant, radiant,Brother, come to us.

Touching Her deep,Deep in our center

God Chants

Hail fair sun, Ruler of day,

Rise on the morn, To light my way.

(to be said while watching the sunset)

We are one with the infinite sunFor ever and ever and ever,

We are one with the infinite sunFor ever and ever and ever.

Kee a wah tay, lenya lenya, ma ho tayHi ah no, hi ah no, hi ah no

Kee a wah te, lenya lenya, ma ho tayHi ah no, hi ah no, hi ah no.

Dancing one who turns the yearLaughing one who stirs the breeze

Loving one who's ever near Mighty hunter beneath the trees,

Hear my chant 'midst the standing stones Welcome me with your rays so bright

Teach me all the things unknown Be with me in my sacred rite!

Bless this day, sun of fiery light.Bless this day; prepare me for the night.

Blessed Be

God Chants 2

Horned one, lover, son, Leaper in the corn,Deep in the Mother, die and be reborn

God & Goddess Chants

We all come from the Goddess, And to Her we shall return.

Like a drop of rainFlowing to the ocean.

Hoof and Horn, Hoof and Horn,All that dies, shall be reborn.

Corn and Grain, Corn and Grain,All that falls, shall rise again.

We all come from the Sun GodAnd to Him we shall return.

Like a spark of fireRising to the open sky.

We are the EarthWe are the MoonCome rising Sun

Lead us from the tomb

(Winter Solstice Chant)

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hekate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna

Osiris, Adonis, Khuruz, Pan, Dionysos, Shiva, Dumuzi

We are one with Creation, we are one with the Gods

We are one with Creation, we are one with the Gods

Let our love and our unity be manifest abroadAs above, so below, by our will, by our  will

As above, so below, by our will

God & Goddess Chants 2

Great Goddess, shining bright Maiden, Mother, Crone

Light in the blessed night Shining for her own Oh, Great Goddess,

Mother bless us

Horned God, old forest lord Dancing in the wood

His pipes call through the land Calling who he would

Feel his pleasure, dance his measure

Oh, Great Goddess, Mighty Lord Who by this song are now adored

You are the source of life You are the gates of death

So we dance in spiral with you

Releasing Negativity

The Troubles That Haunt MeIn To The EarthInto The WaterAll That is Bad

As The Moon WanedLet Love Be The Power

Releasing Negativity 1

"The troubles that haunt me,That burn me inside,

Move out from my body, And into the sky,

Into my body, Flows purity and peace,

I am cleansed by the Goddess, My struggles released!"

"Into the water the power I send, Stress shall unwind and wounds shall mend"

" Into the earth, Into the sky, Let all my negativity fly!"

"All that is bad Now be banished! All that is negative Now must vanish!"

Releasing Negativity 2

"As the moon wanes And grows darker,

So shall all negativity Grow smaller and smaller

Until it fades away And is no more.

Let love be the power To banish all negativitySo that positive energyCan once again prevail"

Let love be the power To overturn bad luck And bring prosperity In all aspects of life.

Let love be the power To heal all past regrets

And turn all sorrow Back to happiness

Let love be the power To transform all feelings

Of anxiety into peace of mind.

No more, no lessDo I return

Anger, venom, words that burn,Nothing enters mirrored wall

No more, no less,Return it all

By law of threeSo Mote it Be!

Binding Enemies

North, South, East, West Spider’s web shall bind him best

East, West, North, South Hold his limbs and stop his mouth Seal his eyes and choke his breath

Wrap him round with ropes of death."

Small of mind, big of woe, the pain you've caused, you now will know !!

Walk the area sprinkling a little salt here and there. Saying:

"With this I purify youof the past,

of hurts and memorieskeeping only love."

“To the Goddess, I do prayGrant me power, strength to flay

This one's curseWith these words, I hold thee at bay”

Moon Phase

Moon Phase 1Moon Phase 2

Moon Phase 1

We stand in this circle, Linked in the fullness of the Universe

And call the cool light of Night to bless our Venture.

Full in its glory We tap the power of the Glorious Orb

Drawing the Light of the Lamp of Night And revealing in the wholeness with which

We bless this (project, thing, person)

~Firestorm Weaver of Phantom Fire Coven

As we gather here, we summon the power of the Waning Moon

To carry away from this (item), any energy that

Will keep potential from being reached. We ask that the disappearing Orb lend us the

power To clear this (item) and purify it to best meet

The need for which we now consecrate it.

~Firestorm Weaver of Phantom Fire Coven

Moon Phase 2

In the beginning there was only dark,Emptiness, loneliness, barren and stark.

From within this vacuum, from within this womb,

All that is now Mothers seedling to bloom.

Tonight there is darkness as Lady of white, Has come through her cycle, and starts off

tonight, Again begins waxing, but up until then,

A time of beginnings for women and men.

To see transformation, for better, for all, Improvement, enlightenment, that is the call.A prayer for tomorrow, a prayer for the light,A prayer through the darkness to Goddess of


Night sky of darkness, you bow to Her light,Shadows and echoes retreat and take flight,Seas and the oceans stretch out to Her gaze,

As our gracious Lady comes round to full phase.

Soul of all nature ahead and behind, Source of all beauty, beloved by mankind,

Spring of compassion and power divine,Open the windows and feel Her light shine.

All that is sought can be found through Her love,

For She reigns around us, below and above. Rejoice in Her garden and dance in Her light To honour our Goddess with this humble rite.

Silver flowing,Diana's Growing;Growing, showing

Love for me.

Ancient Mother, I hear you callingAncient Mother, I hear your song.

Ancient Mother, I hear your laughterAncient Mother, I taste your tears


"I stand in circles of light that nothing may cross"

"Craft of spell, in the fire, Craft it well, weave it higher ,Weave it now of shining flame,

None shall come to hurt or maimNone shall pass this fiery wall

No none shall pass, none at all!

So Mote it Be! "

"I am protected by your mightOh Gracious Goddess, day and night"

Guard well this thresholdGuard well this doorMake sure that _____Will cross no more

Protection 2

Gods of witches, Gods of might Protect this witch on this night Gods of night, Gods of might

Send evil back on speedy flight Mighty Hecate make it right

Circles of lightSurround my bedAll fears of night

Gone from my headMay peaceful dreams

Come unto meAs I will

So Mote it Be!

Thou evil thing of darkness bornOf tail and wing and snout and horn

Fly from me from now till dawn!


This is to be chanted several times whilst visualizing or tending the person or animal that needs healing.

“This spell I hereby intone,Flesh to flesh, bone to bone,Sinew to sinew, vein to vein,

Each to become whole again”.

start softly and rise to a crescendo...

Deep in my boneThe Goddess is alive

Deep in my cells and bloodThe Life Force is strong

Deep in my heart and spiritI believe I will heal

I feel the Goddess at my coreFilling me with faith and health

Abundant Life Forces of the UniverseFlow in me, and banish all disease

My blood, my bones, my cells and my bodyAre healing now, are healing now

The Goddess force is in meAnd healing me now


Tread gently on the Earth,Breathe gently of the Air,Lie gently in the Water,Touch gently to the Fire.

The Earth The Air The Fire The WaterReturn Return Return Return

Earth my Body,Water my Blood,Air my Breath,

And Fire my Spirit

Tall Trees, Warm FiresStrong Winds, Deep Waters

I feel it in my body, I feel it in my Soul.

Elemental 2

We are born of Water, Cleansing, Powerful, Healing, Changing

Earth and SeaKeep harm from me.

Wind and Fire,Bring my desire.

And we can rise with the fires of freedomTruth is the fire that burns our chains

And we can fight the fires of destructionHealing is the fire running through our veins

East wind blowing, Lighting up my mind.

South fire burning, Heating up my soul.

West water flowing, Running through my veins.

North earth healing, Roots beneath my feet.

Spirit in the centre, The circle is complete


Facts and Figures; rules and laws. Fill my mind and give me cause. To answer questions, fulfil tasks,

And know the things I shall be asked. When I'm challenged, give me aid

To receive a passing grade.All this knowledge stay with me.

As is my will, so mote it be


Theban AlphabetPractice Theban


Practice Theban

Reference Charts

Celtic AstrologyColour Reference

Celtic Astrology

BIRCH - December 24- January 20 ROWAN - January 21- February 17 ASH - February 18- March 17 ALDER - March 18- April 14 WILLOW - April 15- May 12 HAWTHORN - May 13- June 9 OAK - June 10- July 7 HOLLY - July 8- August 4 HAZEL - August 5- September 1 VINE - September 2- September 29 IVY - September 30- October 27 REED - October 28- November 24 ELDER - November 25- December 23

Colour Reference

Coming Soon !


Coming Soon!!


The Pagan Chants LibraryIsle of MagickAsiya's ShadowsBewitching WaysPagan Parenting LibraryAmethyst's WiccaCommunity Song CycleBeth's Pagan Chants Page Sacred Grove

Silver RavenwolfGerina DunwichScott CunninghamDenise DumarsOberon & Morning Glory Zell-

RavenheartZ. BudapestE A Wallis BudgeP Telesco

This book has been made to bring together all the Devotions, Chants Incantations and Rituals together that people have shared for ease of use. No other purpose is given for this book nor any charges made. This book has been made in the Spirit of sharing. Credits have been given where known. If you have reason to dispute or are unhappy with any entry in this book please do contact me.


Version 1 17/10/2007