The Game Plan 500 Subscribers Per Day

Post on 09-Nov-2015

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The Game Plan 500 Subscribers Per Day

Transcript of The Game Plan 500 Subscribers Per Day

  • Matt Poc Presents:

    The Game Plan: 500 Subscribers Per


  • Earnings Disclaimer and Disclosure:

    You and you alone are responsible for your own business decisions based on your interpretations of the content in this report. These tactics in this report are tactics I've used to build a successful affiliate marketing business, but that doesn't mean there's any guarantee of income if you use them. I can't promise you won't lose money by using these tactics, because I can't control what you do with your business. Although we've attempted to keep information in this report as accurate as possible, we do not guarantee that all information is accurate. Ordering through any links in this report may result in compensation to the author.

    Copyright 2013 Matt Poc All Rights Reserved

  • Don't get distractedLook, you do not need anything else to make money online right now.

    This system you got your hands on WORKS.

    It worked for me.

    It worked for my mentor.

    It worked for many partners of mine.

    You need to understand certain things you have to learn how NOT to get distracted. I'd recommend unsubscribing from email lists or even creating a new email account...

    I know most people will not even bother doing this... but these people will never be successful. But I know you will do this and that is exactly what separates you from the crowd.

    This is your first step to success, ok?

    The Challenge

    In this report, I will give the plan that you will be using to reach AT LEAST $100 per day within 150 days (probably you will reach that point a lot of faster, but let's be conservative. I got to $100 in 30 or 45 days I can't remember exactly, but you get the idea).

    What you need to do

    All what you need to do is this you need to build a list.

    You absolutely need to build an email list. I will be repeating this a lot and there's a reason for this most people don't believe it.

    If you understand this, I want to congratulate you, because most people do not understand this. They hear people talking about this, but for reason they do not do it.

    Maybe they think it does not work?

    It does not matter, because then there's less competition for me and you.

    It's so cool I want to repeat it again the less people take action, the BETTER it is for you and me, because there is less competition. It makes sense, doesn't it?

  • My biggest mistake

    Do you know what was the biggest mistake that I have ever made in internet marketing? It was not building an email list from day one.


    Look, there is a reason why I made that statement above bold, in capital letters and in red!

    The reason is this:


    Did you get it? I hope you did, because not that many people get it. They know it, but they do not get it completely.



    Here's my story.

    In the beginning of 2012, I was making about $3000 per month from SEO.

    Here's what I would do:

    I would go to

    I would find out about new products that are going to be released very soon

    I would register a domain with the name of the product (in other words an exact match domain). So if the product was Success With Anthony, I would register or something like that.

    I would upload 10 articles each 400 1000 words (so I would pay about $75 for them)

    My final review would be like 2000 words that I would write.

    I would spend $300 on backlinks (I used to go Warrior forum to find services).

    My expenses would be around $400 per site including domain name, hosting, etc.

  • I would make about $1000 - $2500 from a successful site.

    I used to do 2 5 of these per month (some of them for some reason did not rank well on Google).

    Guess what, did it work?


    Was it a lot of work?

    I would not say it was a lot of work, but it was boring as hell to me.

    I was tired of doing it.

    Plus, I did not like this, because sometimes my site would not rank for some reason.

    So maybe I would create 4 sites and only one of them made money.

    I HATED that inconsistency. You could not predict your income accurately. However, sometimes I would make 4 sites and all of them would make money.

    It was a good system for me for a newbie to make money. It was a little bit complicated when it came to ranking your site, but it was a game of numbers. The more sites I created, the more money I made.

    However, that is not the end of the story.

    Google then released some algorithm updates. Panda and Penguin. Then my income went down from $2000 - $4000 per month to $50 per month.

    What a nice change, huh?

    But I actually tried building more of these, so I lost money.

    So it did not go to $50 per month, it went down to -$1000 per month (because I had to spend money to create these things)!

    So then I switched my model from one product per site to many products on one site.

    I spent another $1000 building it. It started making $1000 per month from month two. Nice.

    That site later got hit also, but then for some reason it came back. Today it still makes about $1000 in profit or $30,000 in sales (it sells products on Amazon).

    Do I want to build more of these sites?


    I do not want it to be my main source of income!!!


    Google is not predictable.

    My so called authority site got hit 3 times. For some reason, it came back. I got lucky. But I did not care at all.


    I had my email list making money for me.

    It is very predictable how much you can make from your email list.

    And if something happens, if something changes in the industry, your income will not go down IMMEADITLY like it is with Google.

    You can slowly adjust.

    With Google, it's a gamble (unless you have been doing it for a veeeeryyy long time)

    You check your stats one day you got 1000 visitors. The next day 10. That's Google.

    If you make money from Facebook, one day you login to your account only to realize it's deleted or permanently suspended...

    If you make money from PPC while not building a list, you login to your accounts to find out that your account is suspended or traffic is not converting, or the affiliate product does not convert well enough anymore to make money for you, or something just happens.

    It's fine to get traffic from these places (Facebook, Google, PPC, PPV, etc.) if you build your list at the same time, OK?

    With email lists that does not happen.

    Even for example, if you do some REALLY STUPID stuff and you get your Aweber account deleted, they will still you give emails and names you collected.

    You just import them to a different autoresponder.

  • Sure, you will get less clicks, probably you will lose 50% of them, but it won't be like with Google, where today you get 1000 visitors and tomorrow you get 10.

    Sure, things change with email marketing as well.

    But not as fast.

    For example, what kind of offers to promote (you can't really promote products on Clickbank or Clicksure anymore you won't make that much money)

    How ad swaps work (people say you can no longer build a list with ad swaps BOOLSHIT, they do not know how to do it, because even though things change slowly they are not smart enough to adopt)

    I hope I convinced you right now that you NEED TO BUILD AN EMAIL LIST.

    Look, I know there will be people who will read this and say oh, this guy just says the old same shit, this does not work.

    Yes, in some ways this is the old same shit. This is like a frog, but when you kiss it, you see a beautiful princess.

    In this case, the frog is building an email list. The princess is money you will see coming in after you start doing what I will tell you.

    I know I am repeating stuff, but let me tell you one more time the less people kiss the frog, the better it will be for us. We will have more frogs to kiss :)

    Are you ready to kiss some frogs?

    If so, let's move on.

    If no, get the hell out of here, please stop buying info products about how to make money online, because you will never make it and you will have more money to spend to have fun, OK?

    Listen, if you think it's a scam or you believe you do not need an email list, I am doing a big favor for you when I tell you need to get the hell out of here.

    You will save so much money, you will not need to complain anymore.

    Don't be a wussy.

    How do the big guys make money?

    Let's face it. Most so called gurus do not do what they teach you to do. They create a product and then they sell that product and they also build this list. They build this huge

  • email list and then they sell products to that list. That's it.

    It does not really matter how you build a list.

    What matters is this: you build a list SOMEHOW and then you SELL SOMETHING to them. By the way, don't sell crap, please. Find something of high quality, OK?

    That's all what gurus do. They create a product (this is how they get traffic create a product and get affiliates to promote), they sell a product. And they also build a list while selling a product.

    Look, there's one thing in common between EVERY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.


    It may not be an email list for an offline business, but they still have some kind of list of customers and prospects.

    If you are a beginner (if you make less than $3000), I recommend not to create products yet to get traffic.

    I suggest that you start building your list using my methods first and when you reach $6000 - $10,000 per month if you want to take it to the next level, creating products is the best thing to do that I know right now.

    Creating products is a whole different topic that we will not talk about here, but if you are going to do it, make sure that you have a good backend (an expensive product).

    How do you build a list

    Building a list today is very SIMPLE and I even dare to say that it is easy. Even more, today I do not do almost anything to build my list I have people working for me who do this.

    That should be your goal as well :)

    Basically, what you need to do is this:

    -You build a small list of 1000 people, or even better 2000 people (buy some traffic I teach you how to do this. If you don't want to buy traffic, it will take you LOTS of time to get to this point, you'd better find a part time job to make $1000 to spend on advertising.)

    -You start doing ad swaps (I use to do all of this).

    What is ad swapping? It's when you promote someone else's free gift and they do the same for you.

  • You both benefit and grow your lists.


    There is a RIGHT (NEW) way to do ad swaps and a WRONG (OLD) way.

    I'll teach you everything I know about them.

    We did over 400 ad swaps in the last 6 months, so I am confident I know a LOT about this.

    -You do this to a point where you find yourself making more money online than you have ever thought possible (it will take you one year to get to this point)

    -Your goal should be 200 new subscribers per day. I get 300 1000 per day. But I haven't really got even started yet.

    I will tell you why later, I am really excited about that!!!!!!!

    Why others do not make this work

    I see many people who say that ad swapping does not work anymore. They say that it used to work in the past, but it does not work anymore to build a good list.

    I am telling you this is BOOLSHIT. I used this strategy ad swapping to start making $100 per day in 30 days almost from scratch in 2012 July.

    They do not know how to make it work. If you bought the upsell, I will show you how you could definitely start making $100 per day within 30 days (I am not talking about the upsell with interviews, I am talking about this).

    You see, I discovered a unique monetization method, that just FLAT OUT WORKS. If you make $3000 per month from ad swapping now and if you use that one method to monetize your traffic, I am confident you could go from $3000 to $12,000 the next month.

    It's a shame I discovered that so late... DAMN! You are so lucky to have me to teach you this!

    You know, sometimes I really want to travel back in time. This is one of these rare cases when I want it REALLY BAD.


    You see, instead of starting to make $3000 per month from zero, I would have started making $12,000, if not more.

    But it is OK not to use the secret monetization strategy if you are not serious, you can still start making $3000 in a period of a few months.


    1. So you build a small list of 1000 people, or if you can - 2000.


    Buy some traffic if you do not have any money, go and get a part time job it will be worth it in the end, don't make the same mistake like I did and do not use free traffic generation techniques it will take you a LONG TIME to build that small list.

    See, back in 2011, I tried doing ad swaps. I needed to build a small list. It took me 9 months or so to build 1500 subscribers. And when I had the small list, ad swaps did not work for me, because I used the WRONG (OLD) method, so I just kept doing my SEO thing.

    2. You join

    3. You email your list a LOT, at least 3 times per day, I will explain why in a second, for now, I'll just mention it is NOT SPAM

    4. You make sure that you follow my tips about monetization. If you want to take it to the next level, buy the upsell now.

    That's it.


    This is simple, this works. Do not devalue this, just because this is so simple. THIS WORKS.

    Here's something for you to think about:

    Fools make it complicated, geniuses take complicated things and make them simple

    Don't make it complicated (in other words do not be a fool), just take a formula a genius made and use it.

    I am not saying I am a genius, I'm just saying I have the formula and the formula does not care who uses it a fool or a genius, it still works.

    Probably the most important thing to make ad swaps work today

    Case study #1

  • I will tell you a quick story.

    One day I decided to see whether it is the same people who open my emails everyday or not.

    Remember, the model I use is CHURN AND BURN, I DO NOT BUILD A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM. Building a relationship is great, but if you want to do that, this report is NOT for you and I am not good at it right now, though this is something I will be doing soon.

    I always thought that if you get 100 opens from an email, it's most of the time the same 100 people who open them, even if you have, let's say 5000 subscribers.

    But I learned early in my life that until you have proof for something, you can't really believe it, even if you are 110% sure.

    Donald Trump once said that, when he hears people telling him about the work they have done and when they say I have absolutely no doubt this is going to be a winner, that's when unexpected problems start to happen.

    It's not like it's not going to be a winner, it's that there are doubts in every situation, you can never be sure.

    So one day, I took a tracking link and I used that SAME tracking link for the next 4 days.

    Even more, we decided to take things to the extreme to make this test as accurate as possible and email my list 6 times per day.

    We used Core Click Maximizer (a rotator) which means if the same person clicks on a link 5 times, each time they will see a different offer, which also means, there's no chance for them NOT to click on a link because they think it is the same offer.

    Results were impressive and I was stunned.

    Here are some key things to take away from this:

    We got something like 1889 RAW CLICKS

    We got 1847 UNIQUE CLICKS

    Our spam complaints did NOT go up per email

    The same amount of people unsubscribed per broadcast (I don't mean in total, I mean per broadcast, for example, let's say we used to send one email per day and we used

  • to get 10 unsubsribes per day, now we got 60 per day)

    Conlusion #1: just like the great money maker, multi-billionaire Daniel Pena says, convenient wisdom is almost always wrong. Always TEST things, do not listen to other people.

    Conclusion #2: if you build a list from ad swaps, it IS different people opening your emails every day.

    So we started emailing our list 6 times per day.

    Yes, I said it.

    6 times per day.

    Before that, I did not want to do it because I thought:

    Everyone will unsubscribe Spam complaints will go through the roof People will hate me It's unethical, dishonest, dodgy etc. It's the same people who open my emails every day

    So it turned out that none of the things are true.

    The same amount of people unsubscribed per broadcast, spam complaints stayed the same per broadcast, people did not hate me and it was not unethical, dishonest or dodgy, because every time different people open my email.

    Case study #2

    So after that, I asked myself why is it that different people open my emails every day, why isn't it the same people.

    My first thought was that I do not have any relationship with them.

    That was true and that is one of the biggest reasons.

    But then another thought came into my head.

    Because this list is built from ad swaps and they came from list owners who do an ad swap every day, they are subscribed to many lists and therefore they get tens of emails per day. If not hundreds...

    So what I did, I offered a free 30 minute coaching call and during these calls I

  • asked them how many emails they get per day.

    You know what answers were?

    40 emails per day60 emails per day100 emails per day

    A typical answer was 50 70 emails per day.

    I did 20 calls like that, so it's accurate.

    What does that mean to you?

    This means, that they open only the first few emails at the top of their in-box or they quickly skim through all of the emails they got and open only a few with subject lines that catch their attention.

    Conclusion: if you sent 5 emails per day to such people, they won't even realize that you send them 5 emails per day (I know, it's funny :)

    Probably, they won't even realize that you send something to them AT ALL......

    Then I realized something really interesting.

    Here's how:

    So the first time we figured out it's OK to send many emails per day to our list we started sending 5 of them per day.

    We also had 50 messages in our follow up sequence and we changed the frequency of these messages from one per day to 5 (it was 3 per day for the first 3 days, then 4 per day for the next 3 days and then after that, 5 per day).

    We used Aweber to do this.

    But then what we found out was SHOCKING.

    I would have never expected this.

    I subscribed to my own list just to see if follow up sequence is working properly.

    Then, I started getting emails from myself.

    The thing was, not only I got follow up messages, I also got broadcasts at the same time.

  • I thought there was something really wrong with Aweber.

    I thought people start getting broadcasts only after they go through my follow up sequence.

    I contacted Aweber.

    Aweber said that it is how their system works.

    When someone subscribes to your list, they get follow up messages and broadcasts at the same time.

    Though, they showed how to change that, by creating a segment, where you send an email only to subscribers that received 49 follow up messages.

    What does that mean?

    A lot.

    More than you could possibly realize.


    Let's just say I was in shock.

    You see, my list was getting TEN messages from me PER DAY. I did NOT get more spam complaints than usual.

    People were not complaining about it (some sent an email to me that they like my emails, but they had to unsubscribe, because it was a little bit too much for them).

    I still had the same amount of people unsubscribing per broadcast.

    In fact, I would get like 80 unsubscribes in a day, but get 350 new subsribers.

    That looks a lot better to me than getting 15 unsubscribes, but only 70 subscribers in a day.

    Look, I may regret sharing this here, but people don't care if you send them 1 email per day or 10.

    I am a proof of that.

    But this is only true if you let them unsubscribe EASILY and if you don't really have a

  • relationship with them ;)

    Did we keep sending 10 emails per day? No.

    You know, even if that is acceptable, I still don't want to do that.

    But I have no problems sending many emails per day. I know that, people will not give a SHIT about it. Unless they are your customers.

    If I send one email per day, they don't give a shit either.

    If I send 3 per day (which is what I am doing now) they don't give a shit EITHER.

    They don't care.

    In fact, they probably don't even realize you send them 10 emails per day.



    I told you I did 20 free coaching calls WITH people on my list.

    At that point I was sending 10 emails per day to my list while thinking I was sending 5 (because we placed a message about my free coaching call in the beginning of my follow up sequence).

    Then I asked some people, are you on my email list?

    Guess what some of them said?

    No. I am not.

    I thought, well, maybe the person unsubscribed, but I checked their emails and they were on my list.


    Some of them said yes, I am on your list.

    They haven't mentioned ANYTHING about the fact I was sending them 10 emails per day.

    That is NUTS.

    I don't know about you, but for me, it's shocking to discover that people don't realize they are

  • on your list while you send 10 emails to them EVERY SINGLE DAY.


    Now, before you start bombarding your list with emails, let me tell you a few important things, otherwise you will get in trouble.

    Let's say you have 10,000 subscribers.

    Let's say that when you actually send an email, you only see 9000 sent emails.

    Even though, if you get 3 spam complaints per one broadcast, you can't send 5 emails per day, otherwise Aweber will suspend your account.

    If you send 9000 emails, you can't get more than 9 spam complaints per day in total.

    If you send 20,000, then you can't get more than 20 per day and so on.

    It is also important to realize, you don't see how many complaints you get from your follow up messages, you have to contact Aweber if you want to find that out.

    Your goal

    Your goal is to get to a point where you generate 200 new subscribers per day. That's all you need to start making $100 per day. When I am writing this, it's 2013 January, I am half through the month, and I made about $3000 from ad swaps WITHOUT using the advanced monetization strategy I talk about here.

    Here's a screenshot from one private affiliate network:

    Here is another screenshot from a private CPL offer:

  • So, I am a little bit over half through the month and I made $4000. I also have other income streams, I also use my cool monetization method, I also promote other products, but these are two things I promote right now, it's I would say 75% of my income from ad swaps WITHOUT the monetization method.

    So this is what you can make following this report, without SEO, PPC, my monetization method just ad swaps and list building.

    If you are wondering how much time this takes for me to run, it's no more than 5 minutes per day.


    I am not kidding.

    There's no reason for me to tell you this if this was not true after you bought this product.

    It's because I have my brother scheduling ad swaps, sending emails. Most of my 5 minutes per day are for finding new offers and listening what problems my brother is having now.

    I am not kidding, it takes only an hour for him.

    So you can have your wife, husband, your kids, brother or sister do this for you and you pay them just a little bit.

    We are talking about a real dream!

    Who wouldn't want to work 5 minutes per day and make about $7000 per month?

    The best part? It keeps on growing. Especially if you reinvest your profits.

    We will talk later that it's more important how many subscribers you get per day, than how much you make.

    Your new currency will be subscribers.

    Sure, to get to this point, I needed to do some work. I swear to God, I did not need to work more than 4 hours per week in the very beginning on this list building thing, because my brother does all of this for me.

    In fact, I could have spent even less time and I would have achieved almost the same result.

    However, I am not saying that I worked just 4 hours per week back then. What I am telling you is that I worked just 4 hours per week on list building.

    I worked a little bit more I was focused on product creation and some other projects. But I am not adding that income, I am only showing you income I made from ad swaps.

  • But, what I am trying to tell you is that it's not hard.

    It's simple.

    Maybe it's not very easy, but it's not hard. You do not need to be creative. You do not need to be smart either... You just need to DO IT.

    Your goal is 200 new subscribers per day.

    Let's just recap what you need to do one more time:

    You unsubscribe from every single email list or create a new email account so that you do not get distracted (if you can't get such a simple system work for you, you will never make it)

    You collect 1000 subscribers (you buy traffic if you don't have the money, go get a part time job)

    You start doing ad swaps

    You get to this point where you generate 200 new subscribers per day and make $100 per day

    You then can start selling solo ads and promoting affiliate products

    You can even start creating your own products and leverage your list

    Because you have a list, you have influence. You can easily get others to promote your product for you. You have just won the game :)

    How to create your funnel:Your squeeze page

    So now that you know the most important thing to make ad swaps work (email your list 3 5 times per day), you are ready to learn how to do everything.

    But before we start, I just want to mention you should not email your list that often if you do not build your list from ad swaps. You can try it, but I doubt it will work in the long term.

    So the first thing is, you need a squeeze page and a gift.

    If you do not know how to create a squeeze page, you may use this free service.

  • When creating a squeeze page, make it as short as possible. No more than 100 words. The less the better. In fact, the best converting squeeze page I had had 20 words on it.

    Here's a good squeeze page I have:

  • Here's an even better squeeze page:

    This converts better than the last one. However, when you put a word instantly, you would better MAKE SURE THAT YOU DELIVER.

    Basically, you just need one short headline like this:

    HOW TO ____________ AMOUNT OF TIME

    For example:

    How to get 3542 Facebook fans in 27 hoursHow to build a list of 12,145 people within 60 daysHow a kid started making more money online than his parents in 5 months

    Make it as short as posible. Add an arrow. Collect only EMAILS. No names. You are not going to build a relationship with them, so

    there's not need to do it. It will boost your conversions. Add some urgency if possible I heard people saying that if you have a Facebook fan page and a lots of fans, make

  • sure you add Facebook like button, so others can see how many people like this. I haven't tested it yet, so I do not know exactly how good this is.

    Your thank you page

    When somebody subscribes to your list, you want them to take to your thank you page, like this:

    Basically, you tell them at the top that you sent the gift to their email and then you PRESELL your affiliate offer.

    About 70% 80% of your income will come from offer that you will promote on this page.

    Next, they go to their email in-box and find your email.

    It should look something like this:

    As promised you can download your gift. Access link is below... But before that you must check out these three easy to use systems, that will make you a consistent online income each

  • and every day. #1: My highest recommendation: Easy to use!==> Check this now #2: Quick, easy set up. Pays well!==> Click here to see the offer #3: Simple to get started. Fast results!==> Click here And as requested, here's your free gift:==> Get your free gift Cheers,Matt Poc {!signature}

    Have you realized something?

    You give them THREE affiliate offers before you let them download the gift.

    You will get a nice amount of sales from these links.

    What's then?

    Then, they click on a link that leads to their gift, but before they can download the gift, they have to go through 3 pages promoting affiliate offers like these:



  • Basically, you presell affiliate offers. If they are not interested, they click on a link below to download the gift.

    When they get to the gift, here's what you want to do.

    You want to write a report, telling people what they need to do and then promote a product inside the report about how to take it to the next level.

    For example, you tell them how important it is to build a list and you sell a product about list building.

    You tell them how important it is to create a product and you sell a product about product creation.

  • It's also a good idea to put your gift in a zip file.

    In that zip file you put your gift and three web shortcuts, each called Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3. Each shortcut goes to your CCM. We're talking about extra free traffic!

    Your signature

    It is important to have a signature at the bottom of every email. If you use Aweber, just simply insert certain shortcode and it's done.

    Ask their support if you don't know how to do it.

    You need to write your signature in HTML language. Here's my signature:

    Need some FREE gifts?

    Gift 1Gift 2Gift 3

    Just simply replace my links with yours.

    Core Click Maximizer

    You absolutely need Core Click Maximizer if you are doing this seriously. It's not free, but it is well worth it.

    Here's what it does:

    Let's say, you have three ad swaps today.

    You grab your link from Core Click Maximizer (CCM) and promote only that link, instead of your partners' links.

    You put their links into CCM.

    You set it properly. You set let's say 200 clicks for John, 100 clicks for Bob and 300 clicks for Tom.

    CCM will send all of your traffic to John first, till it reaches 200. Then it sends 100 clicks to Bob and then 300 clicks to Tom.

    You just use generic swipes.

  • This makes your life so much easier.

    Some partners will not do a swap with you if you use generic swipes, but that's OK, you can use their swipe.

    You can also choose times in Click Maximizer when to start sending traffic.

    This is so cool.

    If you schedule your swaps for a whole week, you can do it the same with Click Maximizer. You can load all of your links from partners.

    It's really cool.

    It also has a few more features, you can see them for yourself if you Google it.

    The cheapest way to get Click Maximizer is to go here and then try to exit it, then grab the discount. It will be as a bonus for that product. Usually the price is $67 of the software alone. You'll get it cheaper here.

    Here's how it looks:

  • It's really cool, if you are going to really do this, make sure you get it.

    It is a must have!

    Your Follow Up Sequence

    If you are not getting at LEAST 200 new subscribers per day, you should not sell anything in your follow up.

    All you want to do, is do ad swaps. As many as you can.

    If you are not getting 200 new subscribers per day, just take your very best swipes and put it

  • in your follow up sequence and send traffic to your CCM link.

    If you are, however, getting 200 or more subscribers per day, you can throw some offers in there as well.

    Here's how to do it properly:

    Usually, you only have something like 3 GREAT offers to promote that make money.

    And you usually put them in the first few messages, but then you only have low converting offers. You want to make some money, so you put them anyway.

    But here's a thing.

    There will be many people who will not open your first 20 messages, but then open your 21st message. I'll show you how to make them see your best offers, no matter which message they open.

    Here's a solution we found.

    You put generic emails in your follow up sequence each with a CCM link (create a new group with affiliate offers inside of CCM).

    Then, your best offer is at the top, of course in CCM.

    So let's say someone joins your list and they open the first three messages.

    They will see your first three best offers (because when the same person clicks on a CCM link again, each time they see a different offer).

    What if they only open your 15th, 22nd and 45th messages? The same thing happens.

    It was not possible in the past, but now it is hugely profitable.

    You may say that generic emails do not convert that well and it is true, but if you promote offers from CPA networks, they redirect international traffic to another offer, so if you promote a CPA offer with a specific swipe, you will get some angry emails from your subscribers telling you they got a completely different thing than your promised.

    Though, if you promote WSOs, that does not apply, because they accept international traffic.

    Make money from your unsubscribes

    Yes, it is true. I make money from unsubscribe traffic.

    Here's how to do it in Aweber.

  • You go to My Lists => List settings, then you find Company Branding (it's the same place where you edit your signature).

    Then you put your affiliate link and you upload a banner (Aweber calls it logo), which looks something like this:

    Make sure it's HUGE.

    This logo will be clickable and will appear on your unsubscribe page. It will also decrease the number of unsubscribes and will make you some extra money.

    I made this one with Paint.

    Really simple stuff.

    Where to find great offers to promote

    There are lots of places to find great offers.

    You could go to ClickBank and ClickSure.

    I do not do that.

    They have TERRIBLY HIGH refund rates. And usually products are LOW quality.

  • It is awful.

    With ad swaps, what you want is a high converting low cost offer or a cost per lead (CPL) offer, where they pay you for an amount of leads generated.

    I also promote lots of cost per action (CPA) offers.

    But you need to get into a network to find them and you also need to know the networks.

    I show you the networks in the upsell here.

    In the beginning, just focus on cost per lead offers. They are the best.

    You could also contact other marketers and ask them if they would be interested to buy leads from you. Some of them will agree.

    In fact, that's where I made the most amount of money from ad swaps. From private CPL offers. Not from private networks, but from individual marketers.

    You could also promote WSOs and do very well.

    But you will make more money promoting CPL offers from private networks.

    The thing with CPA and CPL offers is that you get paid weekly (if you generate certain volume). I love it. And there are NO refunds. FANTASTIC.

    How to generate your first 1000 subscribersThere's really one way I recommend you do this. Buy solo ads.

    It is really simple to buy a solo ad.

    Just go to

    Create an account and buy cheapest traffic you can find on

    Also, make sure you embed code they give you, so you can see exactly how many subscribers (not clicks, but actual subscribers) you got from your partners. Sometimes, people try to scam you sending fake traffic. It happens very rarely, but sometimes it does.

    Make sure you funnel works.

    You will also need to give a swipe to your solo ad seller.

    What you need to do is this:

    Copy your squeeze page. Word by word. You will have a much better conversion rate this way.

  • Also, make sure that your email swipes are REALLY short. The shorter, the better.

    John Cornetta said that a good swipe is a swipe that has less than 60 words. If it has more, it's bad. I completely agree.

    That's all you need to know about this.

    In the subject lines, it's a good idea to use these words:

    FreeInstantEasyFastSystemDollar amounts: $25, $100 per dayNo costWordpressCongratulationsImportant

    It's also very important NOT to use certain subject lines, otherwise your autoresponder company will suspend your account.

    For example, you can't say:

    you will make $100 today

    but you could say something like this:

    Could you make $100 today?You possibly could make $100 todayCan you earn $30.52 instantly?

    Also, try to be specific.

    This is BAD:

    He made $5000 in a month

    This is GOOD:

    He made $5475.54 in 27 days

    It is much more believable.

    Make sure NOT to use such subject lines as:


  • Notification of payment receivedYou've made a sale

    If you still use them, sooner or later you'll get your Aweber account suspended.

    I've seen it many times. It is just a matter of time.

    If you bought the upsell, you will get our 20 BEST swipes that got a tremendous amount of opens and clicks.

    You have your 1000 subscribers, now what?Now you need to start doing ad swaps.

    Just use for all of this.

    The site makes it very easy to do ad swaps, there is a rating system, tracking system an so on.

    It's awesome. I LOVE it.

    Start sending 5 emails per day to your list and watch your list grow.

    VERY IMPORTANTIf you want to grow a LOT FASTER, you HAVE to reinvest ALL of your profits.

    Look, your new currency now is subscribers. It's how many subscribers you get per day. It's all about DAILY FRESH LEAD FLOW. It matters, because this is a CHURN AND BURN model, OK?

    NOTE:You could also have something like ten messages in your follow up sequence that build a relationship and invite them to get a gift you would put these people on a different list and you would not use that list to do ad swaps. This would probably benefit you more in the long term, but will slow down your short term growth.

    If you do not reinvest your money into solo ads, it will take you a LONG time to reach $100 per day.

    But if you reinvest, your list will grow much faster.

    Look, here's what I realized:

    If you do just ad swaps and you don't buy traffic, your list will stay the same and probably slowly grow, but very slowly (when I say your list will grow, I mean clicks, not amount of subscribers).

    If you start promoting affiliate offers, it will stop growing, maybe your clicks will even go

  • down, it depends on how much you promote. This happens, because you can't do enough ad swaps.

    So now let me ask you something: would you like to make $300 per month or wait 6 months and make nothing during that period of time and then after 6 months you make $3000 every month?

    I hope you chose the second option.

    If you do not reinvest your money into solo ads, you are f*****.

    Scientific terms :)

    There's really only two main things you need to know to make money from ad swaps.

    You need to mail your list often. You need to reinvest EVERYTHNG until you make at least $100 per day.

    If you got these two things and if you take action, I can't see how you could fail. It's possible, but I don't know how yet :)

    I have too many clicks!If you are like me, you will soon reach a point, where you have more clicks than places where to send them to. You will run out of partners to do ad swaps with.

    You have a few options here.

    1. You can start selling your solo ads (sell them on and charge AT LEAST $39 per 100 clicks)

    2. This is what I did, because I wanted to keep growing my list:

    You can join a few skype chat rooms and look for new partners there there are a lot of them over there (just contact people on and they will let you know about current skype chat rooms you can also get special solo ad deals there)

    3. You can start promoting affiliate products.

    Banking clicks

    If you are small and can only send a few clicks, banking clicks is a good way for you to grow your list.

    Here's how it works:

  • You send to me, let's say 100 clicks over time, maybe in 30 days. Then you contact me and I send them back to you immediately.

    Many people are willing to do this.

    In fact, that's how I got started.

    If you are wondering what I use for tracking, I use It's not the best, but it does the work.

    Scrub your listFrom time to time, when your list gets bigger, you want to clean your list, get rid of complainers.

    You do not want to get spam complaints, do you?

    I use to clean my list.

    You definitely want to get rid of emails from If you don't get rid of them, you will get a lot more spam complaints. Even more, if they use, I do not even allow them to get on my list.

    It's easy to do this with Aweber.

    Get rid of unsubscribes

    You should get rid of your unsubscribes every month, because if you don't it will still be using space in your Aweber account and you will have to pay more for your autoresponder.

    Deleting unsubscribes is simple and easy.

    OutsourceLet me tell you that doing ad swaps is REALLY very simple. And it can certainly be boring. So, when you get bored, find someone who will do this for you.

    I have my brother scheduling the swaps, sending broadcasts, using CCM, looking for new converting offers and so on.

    It's really simple and even 10 year old kid could do this for you.

    I would not hire someone from China or Philippines, because the stuff they will do is important and your reputation is on the line.

  • Plus, you do not want them to do something bad to your autoresponder account.

    So hire someone you know personally. It does not take more than an hour per day to manage. If you have kids, it will be a great marketing lesson for them.

    If you really want to hire someone from Philippines, go ahead, but you will have to take a risk and train them very well.

    A good site to find workers is

    Why haven't I even really got started yet

    I have some money to reinvest.

    Even more, I have a few investors, who are willing to invest tens of thousands of dollars into this business.

    So here's my plan right now:

    I have one list at this moment.

    36,000 subscribers on it and it's the middle of January, 2013 (damn, I only got 379 subscribers yesterday, that's BAD):

    I started building it in late June of 2012, so now it's almost six months.

    Within six months, I started making about $6000 from this list without my monetization method. Actually, we had one month where we made $8716.25 , because the offer we had to

  • promote converted so well.

    With the monetization method, it will be around $20,000 per month from ONE list like this.

    This list is still growing every day, I haven't hit the plateau yet.

    I believe I could take this list to $30,000 or even more.

    Remember, I work with my brother.

    So we could start a brand new list under his name.

    Do everything just like we have done. But this time it would be faster, because we have money to buy traffic. Lots of it.

    Then we would have two lists.

    Then I could take money from my investor, I would explain how this works, I would ask for a permission to use his name when sending broadcasts.

    So then I would have three lists.

    I could repeat it 10 times if I wanted.

    It is not hard.

    Maybe not very easy either.

    It is doable.

    It is simple.

    I have just told you my side project I will be doing in the near future, I hope you appreciate it and see how powerful this can be.

    Also, here's a thing when you have a list:

    You can create your own product and easily recruit affiliates by promising to promote their product in the future if they promote your product now.

    If you manage and control 10 lists, we are talking about ultimate leverage.

    You can also make a deal with an investor - they will get 50% of the profits, they will allow to use their name to build the list, but you will be the owner of the list.

    Wouldn't that be awesome?

    Also, if you have money to spend, you could talk to your brother, sister, mom, dad, friend or

  • someone who would let you use their name to build a list, so that they do not need to share profits with your investors.

    But if you do not have lots of money, looking for investors is a smart thing to do.

    So when you reach a plateau, there are two things you could do to make more money.

    The first one I have already told you. You multiply your system.

    It's a good way to make more money, but it's not great.

    It's better to take it to a completely new level. Look, I hired a mentor, he makes lots of money, I make nothing compared to him now.

    I told him about this and he said OK, but it's better to take it to the next level. So that thing I talked about above is just a side project my brother (business partner) will be doing as a side project.

    I will take it to a completely new level.

    A good example would be the monetization method I show you.

    You don't really do more work, you just do it smarter and as a result, your income triples almost instantly. That's what I am talking about!

    Want to achieve results FASTER?If you want to take this to a COMPLETELY new level and want to work with me personally, I have something for you.

    I want to offer a chance to work with me PERSONALLY. For more information go here NOW!

    My rolodex (everything what you need to get started)