The Game by Tyler Martin. Once there were four boys in Chicago, and they loved basketball. They...

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Game by Tyler Martin. Once there were four boys in Chicago, and they loved basketball. They...

The Gameby Tyler Martin

The Gameby Tyler Martin

Once there were four boys in Chicago, and they loved basketball. They loved the game so much that

they wanted to win the $10,000 tournament. Their team was called

the Reds.

Now there was another group of boys that liked basketball too.

They were called the Blues, and they were planning to win the

$10,000 tournament too.Game On!

Both teams got together and wagered a bet.

What do you think was the bet?

The Reds bet the Blues that if they won the tournament the Blues would have to wash their cars.

The Blues said, “If we win the game, you will have to clean our houses.

Bet On!

Both teams get everyone from their neighborhood to come and

watch the tournament. The tournament will take place at

the Bull’s stadium.

The Game begins and the stadium is full. Reds and Blues

start the game and the Reds have the ball.

The Reds miss a shot and the Blues now have the ball.

The Blues got the ball, they missed their shot!

Reds have the ball. There is no score at half time.

The game changes after half time.

Zoom! Each team is scoring and

now they are tied.

The teams are tied, but the Reds make the last shot of the game.

The ball goes into the hoop!The Reds win the game.

The Reds win the $10,000 tournament. The Reds decide to build a new basketball court for

their neighborhood.Sadly, the Blues have to wash all

cars belonging to the Reds.

Tyler Martin is a junior at the Lawrence County Career and Technical Center. He is enrolled in the construction trades and is from the Neshannock Area School District.