The Galloping Lantern Chapter 6

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Transcript of The Galloping Lantern Chapter 6

  • 8/9/2019 The Galloping Lantern Chapter 6


  • 8/9/2019 The Galloping Lantern Chapter 6


    Lasiandra House

    Lasiandra House was by far the biggest building in the Grimforest area. It sat on a

    hill, south east of Grimspond, at the end of the narrow lane which ran in between the

    graveyard, where a certain Mrs. Whitaker would pick her flowers, and the church, where a

    certain Mrs. Whitaker would place her picked flowers every Sunday morning.

    The orphanage, built of grey and black granite, was an impressive seven storeys tall

    and had mean looking gargoyles staring down from every available surface all around the

    roof terraces. The lane leading up to the building was dilapidated, tree roots bulging through

    everywhere and weeds growing a foot tall through the many cracks.

    Many years before, when the orphanage was first built, the forest had been cut back

    for three hundred yards all around the building, making it easier to shoot runaways as they

    scurried through the clearing. After a great unspeakable scandal funding Lasiandra Houses

    funding was completely withdrawn and they couldnt afford to keep cutting back the forest.

    Over time the trees grew back and the forest reclaimed what was originally hers. Tall trees

    now came right up to the walls of the house, rooted in soggy, marshy soil. In between the

    trees thick, leafless bushes grew covered in mean hard thorns.

    It was early in the morning when two people on horse back came up to the massive

    front door of the orphanage. Edwina Vander Scheuff noticed the pair out of a third floor

    dormitory window. They were just sat on their horse in silence, staring straight ahead at the

    door. One was dressed in a velvet red dress, her riding hood thrown back revealing bright red

    hair on top of a fair head. The other had a simple dress on, fainted blue, a brown shawl over

    her shoulders. Her dark hair hid her face completely. She watched them quietly for a while,

    hoping they would go away. It was too early to rouse anyone to greet them in any case. They

    did not move. She sighed and pulled away from her window. Her eyes darted around the

    dorm, looking to see if any of the other children were waking up. She did not want them to

    look out of the window and see her secret. It was not very often that people turned up

    unannounced and never at this hour. When ever people did come here it was usually late at

    night when all the children were supposed to be asleep. Never early in the morning. Edwina

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    Vander Scheuff was nervous, but she was not going to tell anyone. She had never told

    anybody anything, not in the last seven years, not since she was four. She only watched.

    Sometimes she laughed, sometimes she cried, but on the whole she watched.

    Her eyes darted around the dorm again before she shuffled up on her cot and pressed

    her nose against the window to watch the two strangers outside. The big one got off the

    horse. She turned towards the door, nodded and turned back towards the girl who was still on

    the horse. Raising her hands she went to help the smaller rider dismount, but she jumped of

    nimbly by herself

    A new orphan, Edwina thought for a brief second before shaking the thought out of

    her head. She really hoped it wasnt. A new orphan always meant trouble. She knew this, she

    had watched it happen too many times. A new kid arrived, moaning and crying, scratching

    and picking at the scars all of them carried in their hearts. Everyone got upset, like a wave of

    tears and sobs, a hurricane of wailing and constant crying, a wild fire of cold disillusioning

    reality spreading from one part of the orphanage to every room and child. The nurses would

    try and calm the mass sadness down before eventually loosing their nerve and locking

    everyone in their dorms for a day with no food or water until the little ones were too tired to

    cry and the bigger ones too hungry to care. Edwina wanted the two people to go away, what

    ever their business was.

    She watched closely as the two stood by the door talking to someone. She couldnt

    see who it was, but she was sure it would be one of the older nurses. In her mind she could

    see a smiley fat face explaining that the child would be well looked after and that there were

    many friends for the little one to play with. The first of many lies Edwina thought. The tall

    woman in the velvet dress indicated something and then produced a small velvet pouch from

    nowhere. She undid the tie and opened the pouch for the nurse to see. A flash of gold caught

    Edwinas eye. Shes giving them money?! Edwina Vander Scheuff hated the nurses with a

    passion and she did not like to see them getting anything. She knew better than anyone that

    they did not deserve it, but never the less, she shifted so she could see better. The woman

    emptied half of the pouchs contents into a thick fingered hand belonging to nurse Edwina

    couldnt see. She didnt need to see, she knew it was nurse OMara. She didnt know how she

    knew, she just knew. The woman tied the pouch again and pointed at it whilst explaining

    something. Then it vanished again as if it was never there. Too strange, Edwina thought. It

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    had never been custom to give money to the orphanage, at least not with the people who

    usually brought children here. This amazing woman with the magic purse was certainly not

    one of those sorts of people she was so appealing to watch. Dazzling. And rich! Edwina

    thought she counted seven gold coins spilling into the fat hand, which was an awful lot of

    money, more money than even the nurses had ever seen. Cant be an orphan, she decided.

    Orphans dont have money. Not like that. Next, the woman handed an envelope over to the

    fat nurse. It was sealed with a black wax seal. The fat nurse suddenly seemed to listen more

    intently as the woman said something else to her. She nodded vigorously and Edwina could

    see the nurse stroking the hairs on her left eyebrow with her right hand. Must be very

    important, Edwina thought.

    After a little more, of what looked like conversation outside, the tall woman got down

    on one knee in front of the girl, lent over and kissed the girl on her forehead. The girl smiled

    broadly and gave her a quick hug before taking the fat fingered hand. The woman watched as

    the girl was led into the orphanage. She then mounted her horse and trotted off at great speed.

    Edwina quickly slipped back into her bed and pulled the thin, hole-ridden, covers up

    to her chin. Well, she thought, isnt that strange? She lay there for a long time trying to

    understand what she had seen when the morning bell went.

    At breakfast Edwina sat in her normal place, where she had always sat, nearest to the

    nurses. When she first came to the orphanage she thought it was because they felt sorry for

    her because she could not talk, but now she knew she was assigned that seat because nobody

    else wanted to sit near the them. They didnt shout at her too often so she didnt mind. Most

    of the them thought she was deaf, but she wasnt going to correct them. Why would she? It

    turned out that sitting so near them had quite a few advantages. She could listen into all the

    conversations if she was careful, and she was very, very careful. So careful that Edwina knew

    about everything that happened in Lasiandra House. Everything. She even knew who was up

    for punishment, who was doing nightshift, who was late getting out of bed, what part of the

    orphanage stood empty, which was a bigger part than most would have thought - everything.

    For Edwina Vander Scheuff breakfast everyday was like listening to the Orphan News

    Broadcast, she got to hear all the news and gossip from around the entire orphanage and all

    she had to do was pretend that she was deaf.

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    Breakfast that morning was the usual watery porridge with a glass of thinned milked.

    Edwina picked at her food whilst trying, as inconspicuously as possible, to find the new face

    amongst the other kids. She looked and looked, but could not see anyone she did not

    recognise. Disappointed she turned back to her porridge and shoved a spoonful of cold gloop

    in her mouth. It tasted of nothing, as usual, but she carried on eating. It was all shed be given

    until the special treat of an apple at recess. Maybe the new child was in another room being

    giving sweets and warm treats for breakfast Edwina thought whilst swallowing down a gloop

    of cold watery porridge. Nothing was beyond these nurses. She frowned and decided that she

    had, had enough to eat. She didnt dare put her spoon down though, just for in case the nurses

    were watching. If you werent eating you had to get out of the dining room and she really

    wanted to hear about this new girl.

    Did you see the size of that horse? a nurse two seats away from her said. It was

    nurse Connelly, a skeletal nurse with a vicious temper. I cant remember the last time I saw a

    horse that big. Will have to look it up in the library later, she paused to take a bite of her


    Another nurses chipped in, And theyd been travelling all night. Slept in the forest


    A swig of hot coffee followed the toast for nurse Connelly. Oh, and what a beautiful

    woman. I only saw her from the side through the office window, but she looked like she

    needed a slap just for being so lucky. No one should ever be that good looking, it is unholy.

    Would send the mind of most men straight into the cutter. Some of the other nurses giggled,

    looking around to see if anyone was listening.

    Edwinas ears burned with the effort of listening whilst pretending to be eating her


    Yes, she was ever so pretty, said nurse OMara, but ladies lets not forget the most

    important thing.

    The brat she brought with her? nurse Connelly asked.

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    Edwina could hardly contain herself. She was getting the inside scoop.

    Yes, that little brat. She looked around the table at the other women and slowly put

    her right hand on her left brow. It was her habit to role these brow hairs, which were perfectly

    suited to rolling, whenever she was about to saying anything of consequence. She used to role

    the hairs on her chin, but now it was the long, thick hair on her left brow that were rolled

    instead, thankfully. Her bloodshot eyes look from nurse to nurse before she continued.

    We have strict instructions to keep her in good health until the C.D.C. can come and pick her

    up. She gave the hairs another roll and then added, Ladies, I want you to be aware that this

    one comes with a health warning. The woman from the C.D.C. did not explain much, but she

    did say that this one is not to be let out and, even though she might not look dangerous, she is

    to be watched day and night. Any strange occurrences needs to be reported and under no

    circumstances is she allowed any visitors. She rolled her eyebrow ferociously and frowned.

    Is that clear ladies?.

    Edwina found it really hard to concentrate on her breakfast, not that it was hard to forget

    about the bowl of watery porridge. She shifted in her seat and tried to keep her eyes down so

    as not to draw the attention of the nurses.

    The girl, Nurse OMara continued, is currently sleeping. Apparently she had some sort of

    ordeal yesterday and is to be left to rest. Personally, I dont think anything happened to her,

    but it is what the C.D.C. wants so I dont mind if she sleeps a little. As long as she is quiet,

    right? She looked around the table to see the nurses smiling their agreement. We will give

    her until after lunch to recover and then she will be shown to her dorm. I dont know about

    you lot, but I want to know what all this C.D.C. business is all about, s o any child who is seen

    talking to her at length should be interrogated privately afterwards. Anything she says that

    seems out of the ordinary should be reported. I can not stress enough how important it is that

    we find out what the fascination with this child is.

    Edwina found herself staring and had to look away quickly. Her mind raced, but it was clear

    what OMara was planning. They were going to find out what it was that this C.D.C. place,

    what ever that was, wanted from the girl and then they are going to ask for more money for

    her release. The poor girl, Edwina thought, she had not even managed to get to her dawn and

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    already the nurses had it in for her. She wished she could warn her, tell her to run away while

    she wasnt being watched, but of course she couldnt. She had to keep her nose well out, as

    she has always done. It does not pay to interfere in the nurses business. Even if she wanted

    to, she would not be able to sneak past the nurses and into their private quarters where the girl

    lay sleeping. And even if she did manage to get past them all and find the girl Edwina knew

    that she would not be able to tell her to run away. What if she spoke to the girl and it turned

    out that she had the wrong end of the stick? She would be exposed for nothing and Edwina

    valued her privacy above all else. She sighed and looked back up the table to where the

    nurses were sat.

    Nurse Jones, the least nasty of the nurses in the orphanage, was leaning over,

    whispering something in nurse OMaras ear. When she sat back again nurse OMara smiled.

    Thats good Jones, very good. the fat nurse said. Then she took a big gulp of her tea and

    slammed her cup down on the table. Breakfast is now over!! she announced in her loud

    booming voice, The last one to leave will be doing dishes! The usual rush for the door

    instantly broke loose, children pushing each other this way and that to get out the door first.

    No-one wanted to do the dishes. The crazy thing, Edwina thought, was not that the nurses

    were interested in the dining room being evacuated after breakfast, but that they enjoyed

    watching the children trample each other. It was just cruel, but it was the way it was and she

    knew that unless she got a move on shed be elbow deep in dirty dishes until lunch time.

    Edwina pushed her chair out to get up, wishing that she had eaten more of the watery

    breakfast when a big hand gripped her shoulder.

    Youre coming with me, little miss nosey. Nurse OMara was smiling down at her.

    It was not a nice smile. Her fat cheeks were too shiny and the hairs on her chin looked like

    wires trying to grab at Edwina. As she looked up at the towering, hefty nurse she felt her legs

    go weak. In the two years Edwina had been at the orphanage she had never had a run in with

    nurse OMara, but she had heard that this one had a particularly nasty streak. Her heart raced.

    Ive been watching you the whole time and I think someone needs a lesson in mind-

    your-business. Nurse OMara gripped her shoulder painfully hard and led her away in the

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    and glared down at the child beside her.

    This new girl who arrived this morning, she is not different from any of the other

    children here, but we need to treat her differently. I want you to look after her. Can you do

    that, Edwina? Nurse OMara looked at her in anticipation, her face half obscured by her left


    Edwina nodded, unsure what she was agreeing to.

    Good girl, the nurse smiled at her for a second before her face scowled again. There

    is one thing I want you to do and it is the most important thing. If you do this one thing while

    she is here, I promise you, you will not get in trouble. Do you want to know what that one

    thing is?

    Edwina was frightened but nodded her head regardless.

    Edwina, it is absolutely important that you and this new girl have fun. In fact it is

    vital that you spend all day having fun. If you do not entertain her I will come and get you

    and then lock you up in a room so dark that you wont be able to tell your arm from your leg,

    do you understand? The nurse had an evil smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

    Edwinas eyes were wide with confusion. Fun? She would get into trouble if is did not

    have fun?? For as long as she could remember fun was off the menu and now she could get

    into trouble for not having any. She was very confused but sensed that things were looking

    up, somehow. Smiling gingerly she nodded her understanding. As nervous as she was of

    failing in her task, she could not wait to give it a go. It sounded very much worth trying.

    Edwina tried to smile as they walked up stairs and down long corridors, but whenever

    she thought she managed a smirk the thought of the dark room would bring a frown back to

    her. She really hoped it was an empty threat.

    At least she knew that she was very excited to meet this new girl and it seemed as if they

    were walking forever before they finally came to a stop in front of a door with the numbers

    713 on it. With the set of keys she been carrying the nurse unlocked the door and went to go

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    in, but stopped short.

    Oh, there is one more thing, child. The nurse looked down at the child again and

    dropped her right hand to her side. Edwina, I need you to try and remember everything this

    girl says to you. Every evening you will come to me and tell me what shed said.

    Edwinas eyes grew wide and she shook her head, pointing at her mouth. Surely the nurse

    knew she was mute?

    Dont you worry, deary, the nurse smiled again viscously, we have ways to overcome that

    little obstacle. I think you know what I am talking about Then she pushed the little girl

    towards the door.