The Future of Enterprise Software is Strategic UX

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of The Future of Enterprise Software is Strategic UX

The Future of Enterprise Software is Strategic UX


Enterprise software is broken.

The lack of success stems from concentrating on delivering features rather than focusing on supporting humans in the context of their work.

70% of products that are eventually delivered are unsuccessful because users don’t adopt them. Click to Tweet

How can companies increase software success?


Companies should adopt a new approach to software development

Our process involves gathering and validating requirements throughout the project lifecycle in the context of building a custom solution for a particular business.

Our process involves a core and multi-disciplinary team.

The core product delivery team includes

User Research Interaction Design Engineering

Once the team is assembled, the iterative process can begin.

The first step in our user-centered process is discovery research that extracts, delineates, and fine-tunes user, business, and technology needs.


Once all data are gathered, the second step is ideation and design. User interface designs are visualized with sketches and rough wireframes.



All design solutions are validated with users. Design is revised, and again tested with users until all major issues are addressed.

Once testing with a prototype reveals no severe issues, the project moves into development.


During development, usability testing is conducted to ensure that tasks are easy to execute, and that the interface is easy and intuitive to use.


Minor design changes are also made if user testing during development reveals additional requirements.


Once development is completed, the team delivers the product. Product performance, such as user performance and satisfaction, as well as business KPIs can be measured.


Why should you follow this process?

Increased efficiencyBenefits include:

Automated processesBenefits include:

Fewer errorsBenefits include:

Reduced reworkBenefits include:

Increased user satisfactionBenefits include:

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