The Future of Buddhism - Mrs B's Blog | Just another ... · Web viewTheory: __ Buddhism will grow...

Post on 02-Apr-2018

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Transcript of The Future of Buddhism - Mrs B's Blog | Just another ... · Web viewTheory: __ Buddhism will grow...

The Future of BuddhismTheory: __ Buddhism will grow due to the access to it from the internetLikelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. Buddhism and its principle beliefs are exposed all over the world, which ultimately affect the number of adherents; as seen in previous years.2. Misconceptions and stereotypes are corrected with wider source of information.3. Coverage of, and insight into events and issues linked with Buddhism, such as the political and social atmosphere in Tibet, adds to the publicity of this traditionally Asian religion, and can also act as a promotional tool.Any facts that do not support the scenario:* While the internet allows for the growth of Buddhism, it also allows for the growth of other religions, and possibly conversions.* The internet can also allow for slanderous or false views on Buddhism, which may taint other’s views on the religion and its practices. Statement about probability of this future scenario.The internet, which has become the world’s most popular source of information, thanks to its diversity and effortless access, allows for the exposure of Buddhism and the issues that surround the religion, and acts as a tool where misconceptions and stereotypes can be corrected, which all ultimately will impact on its growth.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Women will obtain a more equal status to men in the hierarchy of the church.Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. In a world where gender stereotypes are slowly becoming a thing of the past, women Buddhists , from westernised countries or not, have been becoming more and more aware of the patriarchal society they are in, therefore are more inclined to make changes like other societies have in the past.2. Now that Buddhism is a rising world religion, gender issues will continue to be brought to discussion. The religion may loose out on numbers if this social issue is unaddressed. 3. The Buddhist belief that all are equal is being contradicted. Any facts that do not support the scenario:* It is argued whether or not women are able to be enlightened, therefore the issue of the role of women may never be entirely resolved. Statement about probability of this future scenario.With the past trends of Feminism and pro-equality activists, and the fact that women Buddhists are already eager to

follow the religion, the issue regarding equal gender status within the hierarchy of the church is most probably going to change.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Women will obtain a more equal status to men in the hierarchy of the church.Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. The Western countries value equality of the sexes 2. Buddhism has the ability to adapt to other cultures, thus when it comes into contact with the West, it will adapt to accommodate this value.3. The current presence of a Buddhist monastery in Australia which is almost entirely comprised of females.Any facts that do not support the scenario:There was a higher respect for women in Buddha’s time, however this has declined as time has gone on, women now portray the lesser roles.Statement about probability of this future scenario.I feel that this scenario is highly likely, as Buddhism comes into contact with the Western Nations, it will have to adapt to

accommodate the value which they place on equality between the sexes.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: The West will become more involved in the situation in Tibet and the Dalai Lama will return.Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. The spread of Buddhism to the Western Nations.2. The history of Western Nations being activists.3. The Dalai Lama has promised to return to his people. Any facts that do not support the scenario:The Western Nations have so far declined to assist the Dalai Lama in his plight for fear of being on bad terms with China, a major trading capital.Statement about probability of this future scenario.I feel that this statement will probably occur, as more Westerners are converted to Buddhism, activists and protesters will be on the

rise e.g. Chinese Olympic Games, the Western nations may eventually decide to make a stand. However nothing has happened thus far.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Buddhism will grow due to access to it from the internet. According to the sources on (the fact there is a site on the internet already evokes a strong argument supporting the theory), there is a new era of technological innovation sweeping through Buddhism, creating a ‘’ powerful network and learning environment’’. Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. _According to, if we ‘’ creatively use technology , the internet can cater for the religious and spiritual side of human nature and the means of offering care and compassion in this digital world. (That is the main aim of using the internet to promote Buddhism, ‘’ to heal the wounds of the world.’’)

2. _Buddhists want to find new ways and means of presenting the Buddha’s teachings that are more relevant to the digital world, rather than the traditional methods of sermons that have little or no appeal to the technological generation.Any facts that do not support the scenario:

Statement about probability of this future scenario.According to, the notion of online Buddhism becoming more prominent is very likely, but realistically it will take a whole generation to change. It will either come about as young monks in the scholarly tradition in Buddhist countries come online; it is at the moment, mainly western cultures that produce the information available online, and are not whole conditioned to a particular Buddhist culture.

The Future of Buddhism(yet to be completed)

Theory: ‘Women will obtain a more equal status to men in the hierarchy of the church.’

Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. Increasing number in the ordination of women.

2. ___________________________________________________________3.____________________________________________________________Any facts that do not support the scenario:

Because the wheels of progress are still only relatively just turning, it will be very

easy for women to simply stop speaking out as much as they are, and for things to slip

and return back to the previous state of the patriarchal set-up of the church.

Statement about probability of this future scenario:Although I believe, based on the facts that I have come across, that this will probably

occur, it will take some time and constant pushing to ensure that women do indeed

have a more equal role.

The Future of Buddhism(yet to be completed)

Theory: ‘Women will obtain a more equal status to men in the hierarchy of the church.’

Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. Increasing number in the ordination of women.

2. ___________________________________________________________3.____________________________________________________________Any facts that do not support the scenario:

Because the wheels of progress are still only relatively just turning, it will be very

easy for women to simply stop speaking out as much as they are, and for things to slip

and return back to the previous state of the patriarchal set-up of the church.

Statement about probability of this future scenario:Although I believe, based on the facts that I have come across, that this will probably

occur, it will take some time and constant pushing to ensure that women do indeed

have a more equal role.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: ‘Buddhism will continue to promote social harmony.’

“Neo-functionalism: Tension-management system (society is not an equilibrium

system): if there are strains or tensions, organization will initiate compensatory,

adjustive or counterbalancing actions to counter disruptions.”

< >

Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. Benevolence and compassion are the core components of Buddhism> continuity.

2. Wealth and materialism create strains and tensions- greater need for this ‘social


3. Do not view one particular school of Buddhism being superior over another. “…

we must recognise the rights of our fellow inhabitants on earth (including plants and

animals); we must recognise the equality of all members of humanity…”

< >

Any facts that do not support the scenario:

Statement about probability of this future scenario:The probability that Buddhism will continue to promote social harmony is highly

likely- as the concept of social harmony lies at the heart of Buddha’s teachings- that

we all must co-exist on this earth peacefully. Buddhists strive to uphold these

teachings truthfully and to the full extent that they were meant to be.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Buddhism will grow due to the access to it from the internet.

Likelihood of it occurring:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible ProbableHighly Likely

Three Facts that support this future scenario1. Buddhism is already the world’s fastest growing religion especially since globalisation and advancing technology.

2. More westerners are becoming Buddhists, westerners that have a lot of access to internet resources providing them with the information.3. Buddhists themselves have internet sites dedicated to their religion.Any facts that do not support the scenario:Not everyone has access to the internet, especially in third world countries and those so far un-influenced by the Western world, and yet it is still growing in these countries nonetheless.Statement about probability of this future scenario.There is a lot of evidence contributing to the probability of this scenario. It is clearly heading in this direction already.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Women will obtain a more equal status to men in the hierarchy of the church.Likelihood of it occurring:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible ProbableHighly Likely

Three Facts that support this future scenario1. Nuns are already working towards equality within the churches.

2. In the beginning, men and women played equal roles within the religion. With the rise in feminism, and the growing popularity of Buddhism in the western world, the religion is leaning back towards the equality between men and women.3. Within all societies, women are gaining equality. This will eventually influence all aspects of life within most societies…..maybe

Any facts that do not support the scenario:Male supremacy has been in tact within many societies for so long, it may never completely deteriorate…..

Statement about probability of this future scenario.The rise of feminism is spreading equality between men and women throughout many societies, contributing to the evident probability of this future scenario.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Buddhism will grow due to the access to it from the internet.Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. In a time where technology is having increasing importance, easy access to Buddhism and Buddhist ideals is created via web sites. As people spend more time on the Internet, things one would ordinarily seek advice on from religious leaders, will become issues discussed

and researched on the internet, where Buddhism can give its perspective, thus impacting more lives across the globe.2. internet is part of Buddhism’s growth as a global religion, it enhances the impact of globalisation, and therefore Buddhism’s expansion into the western world.3. A Pew Research Center report, Faith Online (Hoover & Rainie, 2004), states that 64% (82 million) of U.S. Internet users obtain some religious information from the Internet ( facts that do not support the scenario:Despite Buddhism’s growth in the west, growth in traditionally Buddhist countries is decreasing. Not all countries have access to internet, thus this will not have any impact on their followings of Buddhism.

Statement about probability of this future scenario.In a time where every belief and custom is slowly being recognised and celebrated in western society, particularly through the internet. this means Buddhist ideals are more easily accessed and increasing chance of growth in its following.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Buddhism will continue to promote social harmonyLikelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario

1. This is a key belief in Buddhism. Unnecessary harm to other beings will cause bad karma for oneself, something Buddhists try to avoid.2. Buddhists believe in compassion towards all living things, they embrace change and aim to be accepting of others and their beliefs.3.violence is seen to have no point/purpose, no good thing can come from it. The only time when harm is acceptable is when it is preventing greater harm to others.Any facts that do not support the scenario:China-Tibet issues. Protesting Chinese rule, and desire to be a free Buddhist nation led by the Dalai Lama has caused some violence and disturbance to social harmony.Statement about probability of this future scenario._since this is a core belief in Buddhism, supported by many of Buddha’s teachings social harmony is most likely to continue in Buddhist societies and attitudes towards others.

The Future of BuddhismTheory:

The death of the current Dalai Lama will undermine the popularity of BuddhismLikelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly Likely

Three Facts that support this future scenario1. The current Dali Lama is a well know respected figure in the world today.2. He has been one of the most beneficial activists for Buddhism and its spread around the world.3. His death would also affect Tibet and its political struggle in a negative way.Any facts that do not support the scenario:Buddhism has survived, relatively unchanged for hundreds of years now, based on these trends Buddhism could be expected to be affected by the death of the Dalai Lama but to survive despite it.Statement about probability of this future scenario.It is possible that Buddhism will be affected in a negative way by the death of the current Dalai Lama but I would not say that its popularity will be undermined. Buddhism is extremely adaptable which is why is has survived so well to today, so based on the history of Buddhism it will definitely survive the death of the current Dalai Lama and most likely continue to spread.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Women will obtain a more equal status to men in the hierarchy of the church.Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. Women are already gaining status and climbing the ranks in the church2. Society is demanding equal status for men and women3. Buddhism teaches of equality of all beings, that everyone should be treated the same.Any facts that do not support the scenario:Buddhism has a long history which includes the oppression of women in the church; this is a part of the culture that will take a long time to completely change.Statement about probability of this future scenario.I think that this is a probable future. The first steps have already been taken but the achievement of complete equality for women will take a long time, the long standing history of Buddhism will have to be reversed and women will have to assert their position and maintain that power in order for it to be a lasting result.

The Future of BuddhismTheory:

Women will obtain a more equal status to men in the hierarchy of the church.Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. Women are already gaining status and climbing the ranks in the church2. Society is demanding equal status for men and women3. Buddhism teaches of equality of all beings, that everyone should be treated the same.Any facts that do not support the scenario:Buddhism has a long history which includes the oppression of women in the church; this is a part of the culture that will take a long time to completely change.Statement about probability of this future scenario.I think that this is a probable future. The first steps have already been taken but the achievement of complete equality for women will take a long time, the long standing history of Buddhism will have to be reversed and women will have to assert their position and maintain that power in order for it to be a lasting result.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Buddhism will grow due to the access to it from the internetLikelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. Buddhist now have their own websites2. Buddhist use the internet as a form of communication to contact students throughout the whole world.3. There are many websites found on the internet which gives knowledge and information about Buddhism to outsiders.Any facts that do not support the scenario:Buddhism is constantly witnessing changes due to technology such as the internet and some of these changes may not contribute in the growth of BuddhismStatement about probability of this future scenario.I think this statement is very probable as internet does allow for Buddhism to flourish as it allows for Buddhas and nuns to communicate with others involved or who want to be involved with Buddhism. It expands and widens the knowledge of Buddhism and this contributes to major growth.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: Buddhism will have to change in its encounter with the West.Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible Probable Highly LikelyThree Facts that support this future scenario1. Changes in gender roles are already becoming present, nuns are being taught more.2. Allowed to focus on meditation, People aren’t begging anymore in the streets 3. Some westerners don’t believe in some of the practises of Buddhism therefore have slightly altered them.Any facts that do not support the scenario:Even though there have been slight changes that have been made to Buddhism as it has encountered with the west the same underlying messages still remain.Statement about probability of this future scenario.I feel that this scenario is possible as changes have already been made to Buddhism due to its encounter with the west and I feel that there will be more of these changes made for Buddhism to adapt and fit into society.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: ___’’Buddhism will grow due to the internet access’’.Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible ProbableHighly Likely

Three Facts that support this future scenario1. The fact it is already expanding faster than any other religion2. That it can adapt to most civilisations eg the west and has adapted and still holds its fundamental teachings3. Media is massively influential and yoga, meditation, celebrity buddhist followers etc are quite mainstream and show people a relaxed lifestyle therefore the belief system itself is advertised.Any facts that do not support the scenario:Unpopularity in the areas of gender – changes are (and will need to continue) being made to the rights of female Buddhists. _Statement about probability of this future scenario.Personally I believe that Buddhism will continue to grow as the traditional religions: eg: Christianity, can be rather strict and controlling and Buddhism is so adaptable, easy to learn and understand, and middle eastern influences (eg: Bali furnishings, the seaside and night culture) are popular.

The Future of BuddhismTheory: ___ Buddhism will continue to promote social harmony.Likelihood of it occurring:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Highly Unlikely Plausible Possible ProbableHighly Likely

Three Facts that support this future scenario1. Terrorism, natural disasters and, perhaps, the withering environment and ozone layer inspire the need for guidance and spiritual help2. Social harmony will become increasingly necessary for the world as we become divided and materialistic, as technological development and science begin to detach us from humanity and social harmony 3. Buddhism doesn’t appear to change its teachings in a ready or willing fashion and therefore I think it will continue to promote social harmony for century’s to comeAny facts that do not support the scenario:No._Statement about probability of this future scenario.Personally I find this scenario highly probable as I do not see Buddhism as a changing and conforming belief system and while it obviously has made changes in some areas due to globalisation I believe that the social harmony aspect will remain as harmony itself is a fundamental concept of Buddhism itself.