The Future Is Back (Back to the Future sequel and remake)

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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This is a story treatment of a Back to the Future Sequel/ Remake written by Jeffrey D. Dean. It follows the adventures of the SECOND MARTY MCFLY who is seen going back in time at the end of Back to the Future.

Transcript of The Future Is Back (Back to the Future sequel and remake)

The Future Is BackBy Jeffrey Dean

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(Or SCROLL to NEXT PAGE)Author's Introduction:The Future Is Back is designed as either a remake and a spinoff. Either the scenes from Back to the Future original shown in this story would have to be re-cast and reproduced (in which case it becomes a total remake) or the scenes from the original movie can be incorporated into this story as background. The Future Is Back follows the adventures of a completely different Marty McFly, the one who is raised by the altered parents, George and Lorraine, after the Marty from the original movie drastically changes them. This is the story of the Marty McFly who goes back to 1955 at the end of the first movie. He is referred to in this story simply as Marty and the original Marty is referred to as "Original Marty."

faber est suae quisque fortunae every man is the artisan of his own fortunePROLOGUE: October 26, 1985 around 1:20 AM .The night is still and quiet over the sleepy little California town of Hll Valley, nestled just to the east of the San Francisco Bay, near the Mt. Diablo State Park. Red, the once proud Mayor of this fine city now sleeps near the court house in a tattered overcoat on a park bench. Old newspapers for his blankets. A small portable radio plays. How have the mighty fallen? Like it's former Mayor, Hill Valley has seen better days. Some of the businesses that thrived in the square have long since been replaced by such fine establishments as, Cupid's Adult Bookstore, and Al's Tattoo Art. The Essex Theater is now showing porn. The Old Courthouse itself no longer serves it's distinguished purpose, becoming Department of Social Services, several years back. Red is sleeping off another bender, the way he usually does. He and Hill Valley have grown old together and the townsfolk pretty much leave him alone. Tonight, his sleep is disturbed by two things, however. First, an helicopter incessantly passes over the old broken clock tower at the top of the courthouse for some unknown reason, periodically shining it's light inexplicably on the face of the clock, exposing the broken face of the ledge just under the clock. It then flies off in a southerly direction. Red stirs for this but does not come out of his stupor. Red feels it first as a tingle at the back of his neck, a tingle that quickly turns electric. A strange and unseasonably hot gust of wind picks up, literally from everywhere and from nowhere at the same time. Red's newspaper blankets are blown clean off and they tumble down the empty street like tumbleweed. He stirs and begins to sit up when there is a inexplicable flash of light down the street, accompanied by an odd rushing sound, like a door opening, an electric door. Blue bolts of lightning streak out from the middle of the street. Suddenly, it's there, where it wasn't before. A Delorean DMC-12. The car is unpainted, paneled and not brushed ss304 stainless steel. The stainless steel panels are fixed to a glass reinforced plastic monocoque designed underbody, which is then affixed to a double-Y frame chassis which the designer, John Delorean, derived from the Lotus Esprit platform. This particular Delorean has been severely modified, especially in the rear with what, at first glance, looks like a strange jet pack. Red leaps up off the park bench, bleary eyed from the evening's drinking just as the car jumps right into the street amidst the lightning and the wind. Its tires lock immediately and as if it were possible, literally burns rubber down the street, leaving an actualy trail of flames as it skids and slides to the end of the block, straight into the old Town Theater which is now a Pentecostal Church. With a loud crash the Delorean smashes into the front of the church and comes to a stop. The old man dances and bounces next to his bed/bench struggling to focus his alcohol bleary eyes in the direction of the mayhem. As his eyes clear he can see the tail lights of the car backing out of the front of the Church and slowly turning around.Crazy drunk drivers! He grumbles, taking a swig from a mysterious bottle obscured in a brown paper bag. The liquid slightly dribbles down his chin, across his unkempt wild man appearance. He wipes with a sleeve and watches the Delorean maneuver around, facing his way. Whiskey, he mumbles to himself, it's not just for breakfast anymore.He is wearing ear muffs because fall at night around those parts can be unforgiving. He just stands there, swigging and muttering curses under his breath about how it was never like this around here when he was mayor. He doesn't even notice the Delorean looks as though it were encrusted with dry ice. Fog rolls off of it strangely as it stops. The car stalls and the driver sits inside trying to start it again in frustration. These cars were known to be fraught with electrical problems, due to the rush John Delorean had placed on production. Deloreans were equipped with wing doors that swung upward when opened. The drivers side wing door opens and a young man quickly emerges. Red knows he's seen him before. Dressed in his red quilted winter vest and faded blue jeans Marty McFly, gets out of the Delorean, hardly even noticing Red. Red has become a unique part of the Hill Valley scenery. No one in hardly notices him anymore. Like the broken clock at the top of the tower behind him. The young man looks around in amazement, not at where he is, but astonishment that 30 years has just gone by in the blink of an eye. As he stands, gaping, a blue VW Microbus comes racing around the corner behind him., with it's headlights off. Picking up speed, it rushes past him. His eyes narrow in dismay and helplessness as he watches it disappear around the corner, on its way to the Twin Pines Mall and its fateful confrontation with Doc Brown. Original Marty McFly curses his bad luck! Apparently coming back to the future from 1955 ten minutes early was ten minutes too late! He realized he had no choice but to run.As he runs past Red the old man shouts after him...Crazy drunk joggers!It takes him nearly 10 minutes to run the distance from downtown Hill Valley to the Twin Pines Mall. He arrives there completely out of breath and exhausted. He almost stops in his tracks when he reads the mall sign. It's no longer Twin Pines Mall, but instead reads Lone Pine Mall. Whatever changes he has just made to the past in 1955 have already caught up with him here in 1985. He looks at his watch as he runs toward the mall sign. Sure enough, he still hasn't made his time jump, so, it's odd to him that the sign would already be changed.He peers past the sign and, looking down into the mall parking lot, watches in absolute horror as once again the Libyans empty their clip into the chest of his dear friend and mentor, Doctor Emmett Brown, the eminent scientist and recent inventor of the Delorean time machine conversion. Marty then hears his own voice down there in the mayhem screaming, no, you bastards! His eyes go wide as he sees himself, dressed in the yellow radiation suit he had donned to assist Doc in refilling the flux capacitor with plutonium only a week earlier. He watches as his other self runs behind Doc Brown's moving van. Instinctively he tries to run to the aid of himself, not even thinking. The hill on which rests the Lone Pine Mall sign is however steep and in his rush he trips and falls, rolling down the hill to the parking lot pavement below. When he gets up his eyes dart in amazement and terror as he watches the drama replaying itself before his very eyes. It was surreal observing these events as an outsider looking in. Marty's mind reels. He's no expert on time travel, but it seems to him, If the mall sign is changed this means he's now in somealternate 1985. Is this himself he's watching dive into the Delorean and peel away from the Libyans, or is it another Marty McFly? His heart sinks into his toes. Doc would know! He watches the Delorean peel away and the VW Microbus follows shooting at it wildly. The bullets seem to be just bouncing off the stainless steel of the car. The rifle jams. It looks like he might be in the clear but the man goes back into the VW bus, then re-emerges with a shoulder mounted rocket grenade launcher, aiming it at the Delorean. In a burst of speed the Delorean takes off toward the photo booth at the end of the parking lot with the Libyans in the van not far behind. Marty watches in complete shock and awe as the car is engulfed in that same ethereal energy. When the DeLorean vanishes, leaving behind that familiar fire trail, the shocked Libyans lose control of their van and it crashes into the photo booth and rolls over on it's side. Marty now throws caution to the wind, not even knowing if the Libyans survived the crash or not, he runs down to check on poor Doc who is still lying motionless on the ground by his step van. At Doc's side now, the older man is staring blankly and lifeless into the night sky. Devastated, Marty falls down next to the inventor's limp dead body and begins to weep. He can't bear to look and turns his head. After a while, he stands up and begins to pace nervously. Einstein is barking inside the work truck. He goes and opens the door and the dog greets him happily not realizing what has befallen his master. Suddenly, he can hear sirens in the distance. Panicking, he runs and grabs the yellow case of plutonium, snaps it closed and looks back down the road at numerous police cars and fire trucks headed their way. Kneeling down, Marty kisses the forehead of Doc Brown still lifeless there and then runs off, with Einstein following closely on his heels.Behind him, back at the carnage, the police are arriving and swarming around Doc's moving van and the VW bus. Marty does not stop, nor does he look back. He's got a plan.I can always go back, he mumbles to Einstein tagging along beside him. I've got a time machine, I can fix this! He sprints as fast as he can toward the direction of town.Marty and Einstein turn the corner near the now smashed church front and find the Delorean still sits there, where he left it, in the middle of the street. Red, the former Mayor turned homeless guy is standing near it, drinking from a paper bag and muttering to himself about people leaving their cars in the middle of streets. He opens the trunk and is about to put the plutonium case in when a siren wails and several police cars roll in fast from seemingly nowhere. They hit him with spotlights and he puts his hands up. Einstein too gets up on his hind legs and puts his paws up.


1. JENNIFER LOVES MARTYMarty McFly was excited for many reasons. Well, maybe excited was too weak of a word. He felt like the song by Timbuk3, my future's so bright, I have to wear shades that was playing on his walkman right now as he skateboarded his way through oncoming traffic. In fact, he was wearing shades at this very moment and the song fit perfectly. The traffic whizzed dangerously around him, but there was nothing to be concerned about. He knew what he was doing. This was old hat to him and he wasn't going to get hit by any cars. The early morning sun seemed higher than usual, he chalked it off as the oncoming winter and an earlier sunrise. He timed it just right so that he was able to just grab the closed tailgate of the passing gray Ford pickup. He felt the heavy vibration of the skateboard wheels zinging on the blacktop below. He went through a lot of wheels doing this, but it was quicker than pushing the darned thing around himself. He always felt like Fred Flintstone using his feet to move his car around when he had to push his skateboard himself. He saw the Burger King up ahead and could smell the grease of the morning breakfast wafting his way. It made him hungry and sick at the same time. Just past that was Doc Brown's workshop. Doc hadn't been around much that week and it was starting to concern him. What was that crazy scientist up to now? When Marty first agreed to clean Doc's workshop and run errands for him a year and a half ago it was just a way to drum up a little gas money to take Jennifer out every now and then, whenever his dad lent him the car. Since that time, though, Marty and Doc had become great friends. Doctor Emmett Brown was one of the coolest people Marty ever knew! The guy was truly insane, but in a refreshing, good kind of way. The kind of crazy that Marty always liked. The sky was bright and blue, the air was fresh and crisp, and there was a pre-winter chill in there air. He wore his Shott Brothers Commemorative James Dean leather, designer acid-washed jeans, and of course, his white high trainers. The blue sky and bright morning added to his already high spirits. He couldn't wait to tell Doc about the letter he got from the record company! This, by itself, would be enough to brighten his entire year, but it wasn't all. Any day now he expected delivery on his brand new jet black 4 x 4 Toyota pickup his mom and dad had ordered for him on his birthday! To top that off, he and Jennifer were finally going to get to go to the lake house for the weekend. They'd made the plans before but something always happened to ruin them. Since he was sure to have his new 4 x 4 by then there was no reason to think that anything would stop them this time! He smiled when he thought about Jennifer. She was the perfect girl, curly brown hair, dimples, beautiful lips, great body, and she was smart and supportive of his dreams! Nope, he couldn't imagine that life for him could get any better. Everything was going exactly as he always dreamed and planned it would. He let go of the green pickup as it passed the Burger King and commenced his coast into the driveway of Doc Brown's workshop. He was pressed for time, he knew. He really couldn't afford to be late for school and this pit stop to Doc's place was risky, but he just had to know where Doc had been all week. Marty approached the doorway, reached down and pulled the key out from under the welcome mat. Inside he can hear all the clocks ticking. Going into the shop always reminded him of the opening introduction from the song "Time" by Pink Floyd, which is the fourth track on their 1973 album "Dark Side of the Moon." He called out for "Doc" several times while he placed the keys back under the doormat. He opened the door and entered. Inside, he calls out again. Doc, hello! He whistles and calls for Einstein, Doc's best friend, some sort of sheep dog, he never asked the breed. Marty steps into the workshop and looks around. All of the clocks read the same time, 7:53. A radio is playing a commercial about Statler Toyota. An automated coffee pot is pouring coffee onto the hot plate where the carafe should be. The liquid sizzles and runs onto the floor. A television comes on with a woman news reporter talking about a recent theft of a case of plutonium. There is a picture of a yellow and black nuclear logo in the background of the report. An automated toaster burns the same two pieces of toast over and over again, automated machines crack and cook eggs. A robotic can opener opens a can of Kal Kan dog food and empties the contents into a dog food bowl marked "Einstein." The dog food plops with a sickening sound onto a pile of spoiled food that is now overflowing in the bowl. The robot arm drops the can into a trash can that is almost full of empty dog food cans.Marty gags at the sight and smell of the pile of dog food. Shew, that's disgusting, he grumbles as he walks past. He put down his skateboard and kicked it across the floor. It rolled, and stopped, bumping into a hidden yellow box with the nuclear logo on it. Near the box is the only clock that shows a different time than the others. It read 8:20. He doesn't notice the yellow box, nor the out of sync clock. He was too busy headed to a huge guitar amplifier with one of the biggest speakers one might ever see. He picked up a beautiful banana colored "Erlewine Chiquita" electric guitar from a corner, strapped it on, grabbed the chord and plugged it into the amp. Then he reached up and flipped a switch marked CRM 114, then flips a succession of circuit breakers, other switches and turns a series of dials so that the amp is on maximum overdrive. As he does so, the lack of shielding in the guitar causes a loud buzz to increase when each knob is turned. Centering himself on the speaker, facing it, he pauses, readying himself and then strums the instrument. The speaker unexpectedly and literally exploded, sending him flying backwards hard against a bookshelf. The book shelf falls, spilling its entire contents over him. He is covered in books and papers. Sitting up, he staring at the destroyed speaker which is still sparking menacingly. He lifted up his sunglasses and in a voice of awe says, "Woah! Rock and Roll."A fire alarm begins ringing off the wall. It's actually a telephone rigged to an alarm bell. He scrambled up quickly searched for the phone in all that mess. He finds it by pulling the phone cord and letting that lead him to it. He answers. Hello.Hey, it's me the voice on the other phone is Doctor Emmet Brown, speaking hastily, the Doc gets right to the point. I need you to meet me tonight at the Lone Pine Mall at 1: 15 am sharp!Marty's eyes widen. One fifteen in the morning? What's going on?Doc ignores the question completely and follows with his own. Do you still have that camera I loaned you several weeks ago? Ya, answers Marty.Well bring it along will you, with fresh tape and make sure the batteries are good and charged this time, okay?Sure thing, Doc, Marty agrees. Hey, Doc where you been all week?Working, was Doc's only cryptic answer.Well, you left your equipment on, says Marty, grimacing once again at the sight of the pile of dog food on the floor. Doc says, that reminds me, I wouldn't try to use the amplifier today there's a slight possibility of overload." Marty chuckled at this while glancing once again at the destroyed speaker and says, "I'll keep that in mind."All the clocks go off at once, chiming and ringing.Is that my alarm clocks? Doc asks excitedly. Ya Doc, what do you think it is? Marty chuckles to himself.What time is it? Doc asks him abruptly.Marty looks at the clocks. All but one read 8:00 am.Great! It worked! Doc sounds quite satisfied.What worked Doc? Marty is really confused.My experiment, Doc explains, they are all exactly 25 minutes slow!The smile wipes immediately from Marty's face. Wait a minute, says Marty, hold the phone, Doc, are you telling me it's 8:25?Ya, why? Confirms Doc.Marty, in complete frustration, shouted into the phone "I'm late for school!" He slammed down the receiver, grabbed his skateboard once more and rushes out. Once again he's back in traffic on his skateboard. Using the various vehicles passing by through town to tow him to school The drivers all seem as though this is all par for the course here in town. It's normal for Marty, or many of the kids in town, to get around this way. Out of habit he puts on his Walkman and the song Back to the Future By Huey Lewis and the news is playing. He makes his way to school on his skateboard to the sound of take me away, I don't mind, but you better promise me I'll be back in time.Hill Valley High school is a boxy, two story, white cement structure that looks more like a prison than a school It was built 40 to 50 years earlier. At one time it was probably a magnificent school of higher learning, now it's old, run down, almost neglected. It has large steps that ascend regally to the huge front entrance, almost resembling a long established college building. Marty skates up to it in a hurry and jumps off the skateboard. Quickly, without missing a beat he bends down and scoops it up as he runs up the steps. He's greeted and warned off by a pretty young girl with curly brown hair and round doe eyes and a small upturned nose. Hurry, she warns, Strickland is looking for you. This will be your 4th unexcused! They warily enter the school from the smaller side entrance as Marty explains how this time his tardiness is really not his fault.Her name is Jennifer Parker, Marty's girlfriend. She's dressed in a pink soft leather jacket, tiny floral pattern blouse, acid washed designer jeans like Marty, and carries a light brown leather purse. She immediately drags him away from the front entrance, back down the stairs toward the side entrance. Doc set all the clocks back! He explained bitterly as they slink through the empty hallways. The school's hallways were once paved with white and black checkered marble floors, but have long since been covered up by dingy tile. Their feet were making loud patters and their voices echoed far more loudly than they liked.With that Principal Skinner appeared from around the corner where he had been lying in wait to ambush them. By Doc I assume you mean Doctor Emmett Brown, Skinner said as he stepped right in their path. He is over middle aged, perhaps in his mid 60's. Not a large man but very formidable in appearance. His completely bald, wrinkly head, coupled with a hawk like nose makes him look trollish. The wrinkles across extend from his forehead to the crown and then downward to the base of his skull. I keep telling you that man is dangerous, a real nut case. He spits. If you hang around with him you're going to get in big trouble! Marty just glares at him defiantly. Strickland hands Jennifer a tardy slip, then one for Marty. He almost sticks it right up the teen's nose. That makes 4 in a row, I believe!Marty apathetically stuffed the slip in his top pocket feigning concern. Strickland looks into his eyes then moves closer, almost touching nose to nose. He lowers his voice hissing like a viper. Why can't you be more like your old man?Ya I know, says Marty rolling his eyes. Valedictorian, president of his class, a real pleasure to teach, bla bla, you've told me. Strickland moves even closer. Marty struggles not to wince at the man's coffee breath. Strickland had a way of shouting without raising his voice hardly at all, honed over decades of overseeing the education of countless teenagers. You've got a real attitude problem, McFly, you're a slacker! Says Strickland speaking into Marty's nose. Strickland's eyes narrow. I can't believe you're the son of George McFly! Marty seems unaffected by this so Strickland turns it even more personal. "I saw your band is on the auditions roster for the school dance, why even bother McFly? What, do you think your going to be some sort of Rock Star?Indignantly Marty answers, it could happen.Keep dreaming, Strickland continued. Even if you manage, by some miracle, to pull it off do you think that's going to impress anyone? Make a name for yourself like your old man? He steps closer, their noses almost touching. No McFly name has ever carried more weight than George McFly in the history of Hill Valley!Marty sticks his hands in the pockets of his leather and says, "Ya well, history can change.That afternoon Marty entered the gymnasium with Jennifer at his side, looking confident as ever. A band has just finished playing. Four judges sit all together on chairs in an otherwise empty room facing the stage and, using a megaphone, one of them requests the next band. Marty and his band get up on stage. He introduces them as The Pinheads. Before they start to play he says to the guys in his band, "remember what we talked about, this is a High School dance, keep the volume down to a dull roar will ya?" With that they launch into the opening bars of My Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades. After about 1 minute of the song a strange and nerdy looking judge stands up with a megaphone. Hold it, now, hold it, that's enough, thank you, thank you. They stopped playing.The man continued to speak into the megaphone even though it was now deadly silent. I'm afraid you're just too damned loud!" The only think louder than Marty's band was the sound of those words echoing throughout the entire school so everyone could hear.Marty's band members seem extremely discouraged but Marty turned to them.Don't sweat it guys, what do they know anyway?Not much later, he and Jennifer walk past the old courthouse. A huge red brick structure with high roman columns that go straight up to a large clock tower at the top. It is no longer a courthouse, instead being used as the social services office. The village square, which was once a plush grassy park, is now a parking lot. As they move into the village square Marty excitedly reads from a letter he just received. Dear Mr. McFly, thank you for your submission, we were very pleased with what we heard and believe that your band has great potential. You definitely have a bright future and we would like to be a part of it. Give us a call at the number below and make an appointment. We must sit down with you and the rest of your band to discuss this brilliant future more in depth. Sincerely, Big Mac, President of Mac Daddy Records.He stopped reading and chuckled. "He's named after a hamburger but he's obviously got great taste in music!"Jennifer hugged his arm. "I told you that you were good! Aren't you glad I convinced you to send that demo to a record company?He smiles, putting the letter away. I don't know what I'd ever do without you? He sounds almost facetious.She squeezes harder on his arm. "You better remember that mister! When your famous some day and you start to think you don't need me anymore!"Marty stopped and looked deeply into her eyes. "That's NEVER gonna happen." They walked together some more. Jennifer said, "It's like you always told me, what Doc Brown says, that you can accomplish...He finishes her sentence, "...anything if you just put your mind to it, ya, but he also says never count your chickens before they hatch because the future is not written yet and anything can happen."Doc Brown isn't right about everything," she quipped.He frowned and looks thoughtfully. "Ya, well, actually he is, or sometimes it seems like he is. It's uncanny. He always seems to know what's going to happen before it even happens. He's like some crazy wizard.She pouted then laughed. "A crazy white haired wizard," sounds familiar.Marty chuckled. "He's Gandalf, I get it, so I guess that makes me what, Frodo?"She laughed again and squeezed his arm again as they walked. "You're the right height," she teases him, looking out of the corner of her eye."Ya?" He asked incredulously. "Thanks a lot!"As he said this his attention was drawn to across the street to where a red 4 X 4 Toyota pickup across the street at the Texaco Station. He climbed up on the park bench to get a better look. "Hey there's a red one" Marty said a bit upset. "Someone else ordered the same truck as mine only a different color? That sucks!" He looked downcast. Why hasn't mine been delivered yet? I was hoping we could take it to the lake. I guess we'll have to settle for my dad's BMW."Jennifer looks a bit worried. You told your parents? That means your mother knows?"Relax! Don't worry about it," he assured her, I told you my Mom's cool with it. He squeezes her arm and leans in. She thinks you're a "peach, he exaggerated the word for effect while pinching her left cheek.She pulled her head away, slowly, and smiled wickedly. That's because she sees me as respectable." Smiling wickedly, Marty said, "well, we better make sure she never finds out the truth then!"Jennifer giggled and punched him on the arm with a grin.About to kiss, they were rudely interrupted by a unicef style donation can being shoved in between their faces and rattled by an old woman.Save the clock tower! Save the clock tower!" The woman shouted as if they are across the square. She was collecting contributions for a fund that would be used to stop the Mayor from replacing the clock. They look up at the clock and it's damaged ledge.Marty commented. At least you could fix that broken ledge right? Then asked, What happened there anyway?" "No one knows for sure," she almost whispered in a mysterious voice. But some say it has something to do with that crazy Doc Brown and his weird experiments he's always performing late at night!"Marty's eyes grew dark at this. "Listen, I work for Doc and he's not like that!"She faltered, not knowing how to respond. He angrily put a penny in the Unicef can to emphasize his point. Don't spend it all in one place, he said sardonically."Thanks a lot," she replied dryly, handing him a flyer that says Save the Clock Tower. She then ran off to stop other unsuspecting potential donors who were passing by.He and Jennifer nearly kiss again when they are, once again, interrupted. This time by the beep of a horn. It's Jennifer's father in an AMC Eagle station wagon. He has arrived to pick her up. I'll call you later, says Marty as she heads off.She stops and turns. Oh, I'll be at my mother's. She ran back, grabbed the flyer from him and with a pen she produced quickly she writes the phone number down and added "I love you" on the back of the flyer. Turning way again she ran toward the car leaving him smiling, staring at the note. Marty stared at the note a few more seconds, looked up and watched as Jennifer and her dad drove away. He then stuffs the treasure in his pocket. He got back on his skateboard and hitched a ride from a passing police cruiser. 2. THINK BIFF, THINK!Marty skated past the entrance to the run down suburb of Lyon Estates subdivision where he lives, then grabs the back of a green car as it passed him. It towed him all the way to his house. When he arrived, he let go and coasted toward his driveway. His house is a modest ranch style home, one of the oldest models here. His parents could have purchased a newer and much nicer home long ago, with his father's very successful writing career, but there were just too many fond memories there. Even though it's one of the oldest houses in the neighborhood it's still one of the finest and best maintained. His dad's BMW was in the garage, immaculate as ever, but what he was looking at is the brand new 4 X 4 pickup truck someone had just let down from a tow vehicle. He stopped to admire it in elation. "It's here!" He exclaimed in excitement, spreading his hands across the tailgate as if hugging it. "I can't wait to take this baby out to the lake!" Suddenly he noticed a pasty faced man who is rubbing hard on it in one spot with rubbing compound. Angry voices started to waft out from in the house, but he was too busy glaring now where the man was working. It's a huge scratch! What happened to my new truck?" He demanded.The man responded curtly, I'm not sure, I just work here.An outraged Marty takes on an accusatory air, that looks deliberate! Like someone keyed it!!! " He turned and jogged toward the house, calling out as he did. "DAD!" As he got to the screen door he could see his father, George McFly, who stood in the doorway to the kitchen, wearing a nice plush smoking jacket with a college emblem on it, well pressed kaki pants, and high end leather slippers, his hair looks perfect, not one lock out of place, as usual.George and Biff were having an intensely heated conversation with Biff, their auto detail guy who always seemed to dress in running suits. Tonight it was gray. Marty burst in through the door and began to interrupt them. "Dad, I think you better come out here and take a look at this, someone..." His father held up a hand to silence him and he shut up.I'm really sorry for this, Mr. McFly," Biff apologized profusely, "I swear it was an accident, I never noticed that tow truck had a blind spot before now.""A blind spot?" George McFly scoffs. "Biff, are you kidding me, that's the best you can do?" Marty slapped his hands on the counter nearby and turned back to look out the screen in disbelief at his damaged brand new truck he has never even driven yet. George continued ripping into Biff. "You've always got some story or excuse, Biff!" "I'm really sorry Mr. McFly, said Biff, insincerely, (or so it seemed to Marty, anyway). It's no con, I swear." "Now Biff, " George moves closer to him and pointing out at the direction of the front door and the damaged truck outside. "Can I assume that your company is going to pay to get this fixed?""I thought Marty's insurance would cover it?" George grew irritated. "Hello! He exclaimed in sarcastic tones. "Think Biff! Think! if I claim this on Marty's insurance his rates will go through the roof, they might even cancel him on the policy, you wouldn't want that to happen just to save yourself a few bucks, would you?"There's a pause, as Biff appears to weigh his answer. The big man gives Marty a sly sideways glance and Marty stiffens in irritation.George became just a bit more forceful. "Well, would you?"Biff blustered now. "Well, of course not, Mr. McFly, you know I wouldn't want that to happen!" Marty scowled at this middle aged weasel.George didn't let him off the hook too easily. "Well you know this is no laughing matter, Biff, I paid a fortune for that vehicle and I wanted it to be perfect for Marty!"Biff looked truly remorseful now and says to Marty, "I'm really sorry, Marty."Marty folds his arms and says nothing, leaning against the wall. He suspected Biff missed his calling as an actor.Biff says, "I have my best body man out there right now!"Marty scoffed. "Rubbing compound? That's not going help that scratch.""I know it's not" he started to growl, then checked himself. He turns to George again. "Mr. McFly let me take it back to the shop tonight. We'll work on it all night if we have to and I swear it will be right as rain by tomorrow morning." He looked at Marty. "Just in time for your trip to the lake!"Marty is skeptical. "I don't know, I don't trust your friends, Larry, Mo, and Curly" he said finally.Biff frowns. Those buttheads couldn't fix a race if they were running it themselves! He exclaims. No, I mean that my best mechanic is out there right now and he can do it, I swear! George looks at Marty. It sounds like a good plan, son."Marty is not convinced, "ya but Dad, but my brand new truck!"George placated him. "I know son, but Biff says he'll have it fixed by tomorrow so you can go to the lake. You want it to be perfect right? For Jennifer?"Biff waited with baited breath for Marty's approval as George advocated for him. Marty thinks about it then, reluctantly shrugged in agreement. Biff smiles and apishly bounces.George turned to Biff. Okay, Biff but this seems like it's worth six months free wash and wax for both our vehicles because of the trouble!Looking downward submissively Biff agrees. "Sure thing, Mr. McFly, whatever you think is fair.George follows Biff's gaze to the floor then points and says, "hey Biff, your shoe's untied!Biff looked down. "So it is, thanks." He bent down to tie his shoe. Don't be so careless Biff, George says, you could fall and break your neck! Then to Marty. When we were kids Biff was always getting into accidents. How many times did you crash your car into a manure truck in High School, Biff?Biff stopped tying his shoe, remembering bitterly. "Once" he says.George thought hard about that. "I could have sworn it was two times!"While Biff was down there tying his shoe, he glares at Marty at the mention of the manure with almost an accusatory expression. Marty shifts uncomfortably.Then he quietly appealed to his dad. "Dad, he's giving me that creepy look again."His shoe now tied, Biff jumped up, embarrassed. "Oh, I wasn't looking at you? I was just deep in thought about something else, sorry. "Marty frowned.George made a "let it go" gesture with his right hand at Marty and shook his head. Biff headed out the door, saying goodbye as he went He bounced past Marty, and as he does so said to him, nonchalantly, hey Marty, say hello to your mom for me" then he ran out the door. George stared after him with a look that seems to say, "pitiful. After he left, George closed the front door while shaking his head. He saw his son's still angry stare."You'll have to excuse him," George actually apologized for Biff. He had that head injury when we were young.Ya, I know in the fire, I remember you told me. Said Marty.George continued to defend him, emphatically. Ya in the fire and he also had others.They stood there watching Biff leave. He gave his mechanic a smack across the back of the head. Then they both climbed into the tow truck.Looking out at them George said, sadly. He's never been completely right in the head even before he wasn't 'right in the head.'Marty frowns. "He's an asshole dad!"George can't deny it. He nodded, then smiled, ruffling Marty's hair. "Well, when you're right, you're right son."That evening the family sat down for dinner - George, his wife Lorraine, and their children Marty, Dave, and Linda. The dining room was gorgeous. Beautifully decorated with great lighting. There is a white piano behind them against the wall. Marty sat fidgeting with Doc's portable VHS recorder. What are you doing with that? His sister Linda demanded, irritated.I'm going to use it later, he replied, still playing with it. Maybe make some memory magic. He holds up the camera as if shooting, pointing it at her. She didn't appear pleased. Marty sensed this and put it down, instead turning his attention to his mother as she walked into the room from the kitchen carrying a cake. Sadly she plops it down on the table in front of them. The writing on the cake reads:'Welcome Home, Joey, next to a picture of a bird flying out of jail."You children might as well enjoy this cake for dessert," Lorraine said, woefully, "your uncle Joey won't be joining us tonight after all."I thought he was acquitted of all those charges! Said Marty.George chimed in. "Of course he was acquitted! It cost me a fortune for that shyster lawyer, the best criminal defense attorney in California! What went wrong this time?Lorraine pats George's hand. "He was released, dear, but then he went out to celebrate and punched a cop in a bar room brawl.George shook his head in total disgust and then went back to watching an old rerun of The Honeymooners on a huge console television set. Dave was also watching the television.Marty, talking with his mouth full noted, Geez mom, you'd think he liked it behind bars!""Don't be silly" she replied. But then, thinking about it she lowered her head and nodded.Linda lamented about how much of a family embarrassment is Uncle Joey. Lorraine continued to make excuses for him but Marty wasn't listening, he was watching his father.Dave and George were both laughing together at the screen. George with that same nerdy laugh he often used when he wasn't thinking about it. Marty marveled how incongruent it was. The normally suave, debonair George McFly pointing and laughing like a nerd. It's so odd, in fact, that Marty decided to film it. As he does so, Linda suddenly remembers something. She tells him that while he was in his room pouting over a little scratch on his precious new truck, Jennifer called, twice. Lorraine smiled at the mention of Marty's girlfriend. "I really do like that girl," Lorraine says. "She's got moxy, like I did when I was her age ... although, she reconsiders, I wouldn't have chased boys. She then looks quizzically at Linda, who is now glaring at her and adds, but that was a different time!Linda remarked that she doesn't know how her mother ever got together with boys if she couldn't even call them. Lorraine stares adoringly at George who's still half watching the TV show and eating at the same time. "It was just destiny" She said dreamily. "That was so stupid!" Linda objects. "Dad got into a fight with Biff because he pushed you down or something and you ended up falling in love. The word love drips with mocking sarcasm. Lorraine stared at George adoringly, who is still snorting at the TV show with Dave and doesn't seem to notice her look at all. "Your father was like a knight in shining armor that night. Marty is still periodically picking up the camera and filming. So, Linda continued her critique, dad ends up beating up poor Biff, who never hurt anyone, at the Fish Under the Sea Dance, and you are so turned on by this you ask him to dance!Dave corrected her, "Enchantment Under the Sea Dance, you NINNY!""Ya, whatever," she said, taking a bite of cake.Lorraine scolded Dave, telling him to watch his mouth and not talk to his sister that way. Linda continued, and then you started having second thoughts. Until a month later dad saved someone from some big huge fire and got a medal or something...Lorraine interjected at this point. It was a lot of people he saved young lady and it was the key to the city, not a medal. She stopped, thinking. Then, to George she said, although I never got a straight answer what you were doing that far out of town that night. How did you ever see that fire and run in and save everyone? She waits for an answer. He ignores her, still watching the show. George?George still doesn't seem to hear her. George? She says a bit louder.He turns to her, hmm, what was that? (It's almost as if he was pretending not to hear the question). Never mind, she says, it doesn't matter, once I saw what a hero your father was I knew this was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.Linda rolls her eyes. That doesn't sound like destiny, it sounds more like "dense-ity!"George and Lorraine stare into each other's eyes romantically . George adds, "you should have seen your mother at the dance! Every guy there was jealous of me because I was with the most beautiful girl in Hill Valley. They kept trying to cut in but I wouldn't share her."Lorraine smiled, remembering the scene. George got up and moved over to her and she jumped up to him. They began to passionately kiss. The kids all practically choked. Dave objected. "We're still trying to eat here." He quickly looked at the clock and and his eyes went wide. He jumped up, dressed to the hilt. He announced that he's got a hot date, as he moved around the table, squeezing past his dad, and kissing Lorraine on the forehead. He whispers, "maybe next year, mom.," (gesturing at the cake). She lovingly patted him on the arm. Then he looked at George with raised eyebrows. "Really Dad, you two should go get a room or something!" George looked quickly at Dave like he's said something unexpected and very clever. He started to laugh that same nerdy laugh again. As Dave walked toward the door George is still pointing and laughing. "Go get a room!" He echoes. "You go get a room!"Dave turned around at the door and slyly said, "I intend to, he raised his eyebrows a couple of times then exited.George laughs even harder at this.Marty, once again, is filming.

3. YOU JUST DISINTEGRATED EINSTEIN!Marty was asleep in his room later that evening when he was awakened by a call from Doc, who reminds him again to bring his camera. About 30 minutes later, Marty showed up at the Lone Pine Mall on his skateboard carrying the camera. There is a large moving van and a truck in the parking lot below. He made his way down there and approached, almost cautiously.. Einstein ran up to him and he said hello, patting the dog on the head. Just then, the back of the van opened and from out of the back of the truck rolled what appeared to be a souped up Delorean DMC-12. It backed down the ramp seemingly on it's own, then the driver's side wing door opened and out stepped Doc. Doc excitedly welcomed him. Welcome to my experiment, he said, gushing, "this is it, the big one, the one I've been waiting for all my life. He asked him to begin filming. Then, in a completely unexpected move, he placed the dog, Einstein into the driver's seat of the DeLorean and buckled him in. He lifted up a watch that was hanging on a chain around the dog's neck and held up a similar watch, which he called his control timepiece, next to it, noting for the camera that the times on the watches were perfectly synchronized. He strapped the dog into the seat belt and closed the door. Then he whipped out a remote control from seemingly nowhere. He used it to drive the car across the parking lot some distance away. When it reached the end of the lot, he spun the car around to face them and locked the front breaks on the vehicle. With another flip of a switch the back tires begin to spin faster and faster as they squeal and the rubber burns in place on the asphalt. Marty was getting visibly nervous, obviously worried that Doc was about to do something really stupid with that car, with Einstein still in it. If my calculations are correct, Doc said intensely, staring down at the remote, then at Marty, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... we're going to see some serious shit!" He switched off the brakes! Free now, the Delorean excelled rapidly, right toward them! Marty tried to inch his way out of the car's path but Doc gave him a disapproving look and he sheepishly and reluctantly rejoined him, right in the path of the careening Delorean. He clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes tightly shut, turning his head, bracing for the impact. Instead, however, a bright light quickly emanated from deep within the center of the Delorean, spreading outward like colorful lightning, surrounding the vehicle and engulfing it. Before the car can hit them it flashed like the sun then... vanished in an instant, leaving nothing but two burning fire trails where the tires would have traveled on either side of them.Standing in the midst of the fire trail, Marty looked back behind them, gaping in amazement and horror. Where the Delorean should be, all that is left is the license plate which ironically reads "outatime. It was spinning there in the center of the car's fiery wake. The plate fell to the ground with a series of clanks. Doc cheers like a madman! What did I tell you? EIGHTY EIGHT MILES PER HOUR!!!Marty just stares in horror.Doc is raving about how it "worked!" He can't believe his ears. What worked Doc, asked Marty in dismay, you just disintegrated Einstein!" Calm down Marty, Doc orders, no one disintegrated anything! Doc explained that he has just made Einstein the world's first time traveler! Again Marty appears to not be able to process what he's hearing. The look on his face is telling. He started to realize how right Principal Strickland might have been in his prediction about Doc Brown being "dangerous." Doc further explained that he sent Einstein exactly one minute into the future. Marty, still disbelieving asked, "Doc are you telling me you built a time machine? Out of a Delorean?" Doc confirmed this and remarked how he used a Delorean because he wanted to give it some style, and also because it's stainless steel construction was the perfect conductor for the energy of the flux capacitor, which is the device that makes time travel possible.Suddenly, the white haired man looks at his watch and shoves Marty out of the way just in time as the Delorean reappears, at the exact spot it had disappeared only a moment earlier. He manipulated the remote control and brought the car to a screeching halt. The Delorean is encrusted with ice and he has to use his foot to open the door. There, inside, is Einstein, still strapped in, looking warm and cozy and happy to have taken a ride in the car. Once more Einstein's watch is lifted and placed next to Doc's control watch, the two watches are now exactly one minute apart. He explains that from Einstein's perspective the trip was likely instantaneous because he skipped over that minute of time. Still operating the camera, Marty is given a tour of the interior of the Delorean complete with an explanation of how the time circuits and the special flux capacitor work. Doc input examples of dates and times into the time circuit. As if suddenly remember it, Doc mentioned a "red letter" day in history and inputs November 05, 1955 into the "destination" time. He says that was the day he invented time travel. Waxing nostalgic he recounts the story of how he stood on the toilet to hang a clock when he slipped, struck his head on the sink and immediately had a vision of the flux capacitor. He mentioned that it took all that time and his entire family fortune to realize the dream of this day. Doc stopped talking, as if fighting some inner struggle and he looked at Marty with an odd expression. Then he laughs and inputs another date in, uttering each word as he taps a key stroke. Or... it... could... just... be... any... random... date... He smiles at Marty. If you just feel like taking a little trip.Doc climbed out of the Delorean, looking around, as if still lost in the past. He recounts how it was once farm land as far as the eye could see, mentioning the farmer who owned all of the land where the mall now sits. "Old Man Peabody, and comments how the farmer had some crazy idea about breeding pine trees.That would be hard to do with one lone pine, Marty notes.Still running the camera, Marty, puts his very finger on the puzzle piece, asking him how he generates the power to time travel, wanting to know if the flux capacitor runs on regular gasoline. He is told that the car's engine still runs on gas but the time circuit is electrical. Doc then chooses this moment to inform Marty of the real danger. The flux capacitor runs on plutonium because he needed a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of power needed for time travel. Understandably Marty is alarmed and demands to know where he would get plutonium, then he realizes where he might have got it. "Did you rip that off?" He almost whispered, looking from side to side, as if the mall had eyes and ears. Doc tells him the cold hard truth. He has done something incredibly stupid. He's taken the Plutonium from Libyan terrorists who stole it for him with the promise that he would build them a nuclear bomb. What's worse, he double crossed them, giving them a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball parts. Under Doc's guidance and direction, they don yellow radiation suits and Doc demonstrates how to drop the plutonium vial into the nuclear reactor he has built on the back of the Delorean. Doc took the plutonium case and started to place it in the trunk with his suitcase but he pauses, as if contemplating whether he's doing the right thing. Finally, he shakes his head and puts the case in there. Quietly he mutters to himself. "This could change everything." Marty doesn't quite hear him. He lookrf at Marty and says, "I said I hope I brought enough cotton underwear, they might have only synthetics in the future where I'm going." Then he gets a serious look on his face. Marty, there's something I need to tell you and this is important so listen.Marty stops recording.Actually roll the camera, record it. Doc instructs.Marty complied.Listen Marty, says Doc, on the off chance, however unlikely, that something were to ever happen to me and it is within your power to destroy this time machine I don't want you to hesitate.Marty stops filming. Doc, what's going to happen?Keep filming says Doc urgently. Marty points the camera again. I don't know, I'm just speaking hypothetically here. If some day you were to say, find yourself in the future or the past with this machine you have to PROMISE me you will not interact with ANYONE, not even me, especially not me.Marty is totally confused and speaks while he's still rolling. Doc, how the heck am I ever going to use the time machine?Doc looks like he's getting nervous. There's no time to explain, just promise me if it ever does happen you'll follow this one rule, don't interract with anyone in the past of the future, just do what you can to get this time machine home and if I'm dead or missing, destroy it! In fact, if you can't get the time machine home, destroy it. You'll just have to accept your fate and remain wherever or whenever you are. Can you promise me?Marty nervously agrees. Sure Doc, I promise!Looking satisfied, Doc Brown leans onto the doorway of the car and begins a farewell address about how he is about to embark on an historic journey. "This will be the day long remembered in the annals of history. Every great adventure begins with a single step. If Niel Armstrong took a giant leap forward for mankind this will be considered a pole vault." He stops mid sentence as Einstein begins to bark in warning of something or someone approaching. Doc looks in the direction the dog is barking. He sees headlights come on in the distance across the parking lot near the entrance.Doc, in dismay says, "it's too late, they found me, I don't know how, but they found me!"Marty asks, "who found you?"He says, "who do you think? " He points and screams, "the LIBYANS!"A VW microbus races toward them across the parking lot. A man pops out of the sun roof with an M-16 automatic rifle and begins shooting . He yells for him to run then he grabs a pistol from his bag, but it's too late, the VW bus is on him. He tries to shoot but the pistol is not loaded. His hands go up and he surrenders, the pistol clattering limply to the pavement. There is a brief pause. Maybe they just want their plutonium back. Then, the man opens fire on Doc, riddling his body with bullet holes. Marty screams, "NO! Damn you bastards!"Hearing Marty's screams the terrorist turns his gun on the teenager, but he dodges and hides. The van tries to go around Doc's large moving van to get at him from the other side. He jumps into the Delorean, slamming the door behind him and takes off in it. There is a car chase through the parking lot. They are shooting but the bullets are just bouncing off the stainless steel of the car. The rifle jams. It looks like he might be in the clear but the man goes back into the VW bus, then re-emerges with a shoulder mounted grenade launcher, aiming it at the Delorean. He drops the shifter into low gear and mutters, "let's see if that thing can do 90." He speeds away. We see the speedometer almost reach 88 mph but he has to swerve and it drops again. It picks up speed again. He heads toward the one hour photo processing booth near the exit. We see the Delorean begin to light up in that same ethereal energy we witnessed during the Einstein time travel experiment. He stares out of the windshield at the looming photo booth just ahead. He would have veered away, to the left or the right but it finally dawned on him that the only escape from these Libyans was a time jump. If he tried to avoid the photo booth he might slow down and he wanted that 88 mph. He NEEDED that 88 mph. He braced for impact with the photo booth, making his plans to steer to the left or the right the minute he sensed that he had jumped. The light surrounds him, then, suddenly the photo booth and the mall parking lot are replaced by a corn field. The car strikes a scare crow and it is propelled toward him. He screams. The scarecrow bounces off the windshield and he pulls the car's steering wheel hard to the right, justs barely missing a barn. He plows out into the corn field and does not slow down for quite a few moments, cutting a Delorean sized swath through the crops. When he finally stops and pulls the helmet off his head (it has fallen over his face in the landing). He looks down the swath he cut in the crops, behind him and breaths a sigh of relief. Thank the science gods that those Libyans couldn't follow me here, he mutters to himself. Then he stops and looks back to the dash with an amazed look on his face. Wherever... or whenever 'here' is! He looks at the time circuit and reads the date out loud. November 14, 1955? Heavy.

4. PEABODY HAD A FARM EYI EYI OH!CUT EXTERIOR PEABODY FARM BARN. Pan across the Peabody barn, the door has been boarded up as if heavily damaged recently. Lights come up in the nearby farmhouse. A man emerges with his wife, a daughter and a son around 9 or 10 years old. They cautiously creep toward the barn.Gotdammit, not again! Peabody is grumbling. CAMERA PANS TO THE RIGHT PAST BARN. We see the large path cut into the corn field. Camera rolls down the path quickly to the Delorean. Marty has opened his wing door, removed his gloves and has openened the trunk. He has the case to the spare plutonium open and is putting his helmet back on the radiation suit, in preparation to refuel the flux capacitor and go back to the future. CUT TO EXTERIOR PEABODY BARN. Old man Peabody and his family stand near the corner of the barn and, peering around, see the large path cut into his corn field. SONOFABITCH! He exclaims. What the HELL happened here?His son Sherman looks at a comic book he's holding and his eyes go wide with terror. I know, PA! He says as he shines his flashlight on the cover. There is a picture of a UFO crash landing in a corn field, cutting a path of destruction in the crops and earth as it falls. Sherman looks at his father with disbelief. They're back!Peabody's eyes fill with rage! MUTATE BASTARD KILLED MY CORN TOO! Then he says to his family, everyone back in the house! He tells his wife to call the Sheriff. The family turns and hurries back toward the house and the wife shouts after him, you be careful! He waves her off, facing the newly cut path in his field with determination. As he cautiously approaches the path a truck comes pulling up fast. It's another farmer, Bo Wilkins from down the road, his son, Kenny, rides shotgun, literally with a shotgun. In the bed of the truck are two other men with rifles, Billy and Ted, other neighbor farmers. Bo has rolled down his window and he half grins at Peabody. What's all the ruckus?Peabody seems hesitant to answer. When he does he's speaking almost under his breath. I got me another one! He gestures at the steaming path. That a way. Just like before!Bo looks down the dark path in the corn field then, seeming to contain his utter amusement he asks, you mean another one of them little green men? Bill and Ted in the bed of the truck are snickering. Kenny, in the passenger seat stares in the direction of the path in the corn field nervously.Peabody tries to ignore the chuckling fools in the back. Not green, he corrects, some kinda yellow glowing skin. The men in the back can't contain themselves and they start laughing out loud. Kenny grimaces at the description and looks even more uncomfortable, gripping his shotgun tighter. Bo looks at his friends in the back and shouts, pipe down will ya? This wipes the shit eating grins off their faces but they still snicker back there. Bo survey's the path again, mulling things over. Hop in, he says to Peabody gesturing at the back of the truck. Let's check it out!Peabody grabs the sides and leaps into the truck, giving Bill and Ted a respectful nod, even though they are huddling, almost like school girls, giggling. Bo waits until he's settled back there, takes a huge breath and throws the truck in gear. It lurches forward, spinning it's tires and heads for the corn field and the waiting mysterious dark path.Bill and Ted stand up and start hooting and hollering. Peabody glares at them with utter contempt.Idiots! He growls low between clenched teeth.CUT TO CORN FIELD PATH. Marty has just finished refueling the fusion reactor in the back of the time machine. He stands there now thinking hard.He pulls back his hood and stares at the Delorean. What am I doing? I can't go back now, what about Doc? He picks up the empty plutonium vial and heads toward the trunk. I gotta warn him! He stops and sits in the driver's seat thinking hard. Then he stares at the time circuit and a light goes on in his eyes. I can go back early and warn him! He starts to input the date and time into the destination display using the keypad but stops and stares. He can hear Doc's voice echo in his head....If some day you were to say, find yourself in the future or the past with this machine you have to PROMISE me you will not interact with ANYONE, not even me, especially not me.Marty mulls this over for a bit then goes back to tapping on the keypad. Ten minutes ought to do it! When he finishes he stares at the new destination date and time. Sorry Doc, he says, I can't keep that promise, you'll just have to sue me. He gets out, still holding the empty vial and heads to the trunk to put it away. ... But at least you'll be alive!As he gets to the trunk he hears the not too distant roar of a truck engine and some hooting and hollering. The sound approaches and he can see lights down the path. Headlights.Shit! He carefully but quickly puts the empty plutonium vial it in the case than closes and latches it. The light brows brighter down the path. SHIT! He exclaims again. I hope it's not the Libyans!He rips off his gloves and closes the trunk then heads for the driver's side door. Just then the pickup truck roars up behind him and stops dead in it's tracks about 15 feet away, the bright lights of the truck blinding him. His yellow radiation suit glows like neon in the light.CUT INTERIOR OF PICKUP. Kenny gasps in sheer terror and Bo slams on his breaks fast as the Delorean and Marty come into view. Their eyes are eight giant saucers of amazement. Holy sheep shit! Bo shouts.Kenny starts screaming like a girl. Bill and Ted glare at the sight of this yellow space alien and his flying saucer, their mouths are shut. They are all stunned. Except for Peabody. He's seen this sight before, about a week earlier in his barn. He pulls up his shotgun and aims.CUT HIM DOWN BOYS BEFORE HE MUTATES! Shouts Peabody, almost proudly now that the sight of Marty has vindicated him. He takes a shot and it's almost like that shot wakes the others from some dream. They also pull up and Kenny hangs out his passenger side window, still screaming like a little girl, he takes aim.The first shot from Peabody truly takes Marty off guard. It whizzes past his head. He screams and dives into the Delorean, slamming the wing door shut behind him. The bullets start to fly, some of them ricocheting off of the Delorean as Marty fires the Delorean up and speeds forward, cutting more path in front of him.Don't let him get away! Screams Peabody, shooting feverishly and reloading. The others are all shooting wildly at the quickly departing time machine. Bo throws his truck back in gear gives chase, even with the advantage of the path the Delorean is cutting for them, they still are no match for a 1985 Delorean. Marty begins to put distance between him and them.The chase is on. Marty keeps plowing through the field until he hits a dirt road, then he turns to the right. He looks behind him and sees the men shooting at him through the glint of the pickup truck headlights reflecting off the corn field. Those are no Libyans he says in shock. A bullet enters the cab of the car and nearly explodes the flux capacitor and he realizes the danger he's now in. He looks forward, eyes determined, let's see if that bucket of bolts can do 88! He says to himself. Marty steps on the gas and, fish tailing he speeds off. The pickup truck not far behind him, bullets are cutting holes into the back of the car but he is pulling away from his pursuers.Peabody beats on the top of the pickup shouting to Bo to step on it.Bo opens the sliding window in the back and shouts through it, I've got the pedal to the metal boys, it ain't no use!Kenny shouts, he's getting' away, pa!Bo swears under his breath while the men in the bed of the truck keep frantically shooting as fast as they can. The Delorean's tail lights get smaller and smaller ahead of them.CUT INTERIOR OF DELOREAN.Marty comes to a paved crossroad, slams on the breaks, turns to the right, slams on the gas and peels off, really moving away on solid pavement. The pickup slams to a halt and all the men in the back go flying toward the cab, shouting angrily. There was no time to slow down gradually. The pickup spins to the right trying to continue the chase but it's no good, the Delorean's tail lights are tiny dots moving off in the distance. INTERIOR DELOREAN. Marty is still visibly shaken but he looks back and grins, seeing the pickup's headlights fading away behind him. I blew their doors off, he chuckles.The speed of the Delorean is approaching 85. Marty braces himself and makes sure the time circuits are switched on. Out of nowhere, in front of him, blocking his getaway is a black and white sheriff's car, lights come on and the siren begins to wail. This sheriff is trying to cut him off, but he does not know what he's dealing with. Marty somehow calculates in his head that he will hit 88 mph just before he hits that sheriff's car. The sheriff jumps out of his car and stands, gun raised, shouting into his microphone, pull it over! The megaphone in the front of his car causes his words to echo in the night. Then, the poor sheriff realizes that this car is not even slowing down. He starts to falter, looking at the oncoming car, then the side of the road, then the car.Marty puts his arms outstretched and holds his head back, praying he hasn't made a huge mistake as he hurtles toward the police car. 86 mph. 87 mph. He's almost on the sheriff. Just as he hits 88 mph the sheriff thinks better of his whole strategy and literally jumps for the side of the road . The Delorean lights up in spectacular colors and then is gone, just as it would have made impact with the police car. The sheriff, his mind blown, gets up from the side of the road and surveys the fiery trail left behind in Marty's wake. He whistles. Then he sees the pickup truck racing up to him. It slows. He holds up his gun.That's far enough, he shouts to the driver of the unknown vehicle. I don't know what the hell is going on but dammit that's far enough! The pickup comes to a stop right in front of the sheriff.

5. ANOTHER MARTYCUT TO EXTERNAL HIGHWAY NIGHT. LESS THAN A MILE FROM LONE PINE MALL.The silence of the night is disturbed by a few flashes of light then the sound of small explosions. The Delorean appears from nowhere and comes to a quick stop in the road. It is covered in ice.The wing door opens and Marty steps out, looking around in amazement. He's still dressed in the yellow suit. He looks at the time circuit and it reads October 12, 1985 1: 23 AM. Marty grins. Great! I still have time, as he starts quickly ripping off his radiation suit. He throws the suit in the passenger seat and jumps in the Delorean. Slams the door shut and turns the key. NOTHING!Flustered he turns the key over and over. Nothing.Dammit, he spews, Not now, any time but now. He's frantically turning the key and simultaneously pumping the gas pedal (as if that will help). He throws his forehead on the steering wheel in frustration.Looking at the time he's lost 2 minutes.He throws open the wing door again, jumps out and pushes the car to the side of the road, sets the emergency brake. Looking once again at the timer he mutters, It's about of a mile in 7 minutes... I can make it, he encourages himself, I still got time! He starts running. If I don't make it, I'll just fix that piece of crap back there and go back earlier. Then he stops for a second as it dawns on him. ...but what if there's no fixing it, what if it's broken for good? He takes off, running even harder now. Huffing and puffing. I... hate... running, he complains.CUT EXTERIOR LONE PINE MALL. Marty runs and the Lone Pine Mall looms into view a ways ahead. Suddenly he hears distant gunshots and screaming! OH NO! He exclaims and starts sprinting hard. Why don't I ever go to the gym? He moans out of breath.CUT LONE PINE MALL SIGN. Marty runs up to the sign and looks down in total dismay. He can see the limp figure of Doc Brown lying on the pavement. He looks toward the photo booth and sees the blue VW microbus lying on its side in the wreckage, burning. He sees the now familiar fire trail of the Delorean after it time jumps.When he looks back at Doc he can't believe his eyes. A lone figure runs toward Doc. It looks like... him. It looks like Marty. Another Marty McFly.It's... me, he mutters in disbelief, but look at me, I'm dressed like a dork.The Marty he sees is dressed in a reddish quilted vest and cheap jeans. The original Marty from the original movie. What's with that vest? He asks himself. It looks like a life jacket.The original Marty sits next to Doc and turns away, mourning the loss of his friend. Marty stares down at the scene in total dismay. He starts to tear up too. He turns away. Dammit Doc! What the hell is going on? He sits down and watches the original Marty below as he paces for a while, then, gets Einstein out of the van (who has been barking now for a few minutes). The original Marty then goes and grabs the yellow case of plutonium, closes it and picks it up. About 10 minutes have gone by now.I'll just get the time machine fixed, he decides, then I'll go back again, maybe a day or two and make sure this disaster never happens!He hears sirens and looks down the road, numerous police cars are headed their way and fire engines. He looks down and the other Marty has heard them too. He kneels down one last time and kisses the forehead of Doc Brown still lying still and then runs off, with Einstein following closely on his heels.Marty 2 keeps an eye on original Marty, following him. He looks behind at the carnage in the mall parking lot. The police are arriving and swarming around Doc's moving van and the VW bus. He stops and watches for a few seconds. He wants to learn the fate of the Libyans but the original Marty is rapidly disappearing in the direction of town.Who are you? He asks the other Marty running off into the night.He runs after original Marty.CUT EXTERIOR HILL VALLEY VILLAGE SQUARE. The original Delorean still sits where Original Marty left it, in the middle of the street. Red, the former Mayor turned homeless guy is standing near it, drinking from a paper bag and muttering to himself about crazy drunk drivers leaving their cars in the middle of streets, it never used to be this bad when he was Mayor. Original Marty and Einstein appear from around a corner. He's still carrying that yellow plutonium case.Marty is not far behind them. He holds back however, when he sees the other Delorean. Eyes wide with amazement and perhaps some confusion. The original Marty opens the trunk and is about to put the plutonium case in when a siren wails and several police cars roll in fast from seemingly nowhere. They hit the original Marty with spotlights and he puts his hands up. Einstein too gets up on his hind legs and puts his paws up.Marty high tails it out of there before he too ends up in the back of a police car.CUT TO EXTERIOR BROWN WORKSHOP. Marty goes up to the doorway and sighs in relief when he finds the key under the mat. Some things never change he comments in delight, flipping keys in his hand. He enters and looks around. Marveling, it's exactly as I remember it! He sees the dogfood and holds his nose. Exactly!He goes to the phone and grabs a nearby phone book, thumbing through it. He then dials a tow service and gives them directions to where the Delorean is. He tells the man on the phone he thinks there's something wrong with the starter or something. There's a pause.Hang on he says into the phone. He runs back to a desk drawer across the room, rifles through it and produces a credit card. It has Doc's name on it and a yellow sticky that says For emergencies only.I think this qualifies, Doc! He runs back to the phone and gives them the number. Waits a few moments while they check it. Once it clears he gives them the address where he can be picked up.CUT EXTERIOR VILLAGE SQUARE, OLD TEXACO SERVICE STATION. The old Texaco star is a gas station, convenience store, and above the old garage is a sign that reads, FRANK'S COMPLETE AUTO CARE AND TOWING. A tow truck pulls up with the Delorean in tow and Marty sitting silently in the front passenger seat. The truck stops and Marty gets out. Leaning in he asks the guy how long it will take to know what's wrong with it.The guys shrugs. We'll call ya.Okay, says Marty disappointed that he didn't get an exact time. Listen, says Frank, Let me drop this heap off and I'll run ya home, kid, the sun's coming up soon.Marty thinks about it then sighs and nods. I am pretty tired, it feels like I haven't slept in decades.6. ANOTHER FAMILYCUT TO EXTERIOR MCFLY RESIDENCE: PREDAWN. The tow truck pulls up at the end of the driveway. Marty opens the door and climbs out, saying his thanks and his goodbyes. As he does so, he reaches in the cab and yanks out the plutonium case and turns, looking around nervously, he sets it on the ground, takes his leather coat off and wraps it around the case. Then he tucks it under his arm and runs toward the back of the house, fast as he can, staying in the shadows like a prowler.CUT INTERIOR MCFLY RESIDENCE. MARTY SLEEPS ON HIS BED.The radio comes on and the song I Can't Drive 55 by Sammy Hagar. He gets up and looks around. His room is a mess. This is not a good sign. He frowns at it. He left it immaculate. This other Marty, whoever he is, is somewhat of a pig. As he gets up his foot kicks the case of plutonium. He bends down, slides it under the bed, and makes his bed quickly using the bedspread to hide the case. He walks out toward the kitchen yawning. He hears the voice of his mother and his sister Linda. They are discussing something intensely. He makes out a few words about a lawyer, and jail and as he moves closer he hears Lorraine talking about Doc Brown.I never liked him hanging around with that crazy wild eyed old man to begin with. Now I hear he might have been some sort of terrorist!Marty steps out into view, angry. Doc's no terrorist, mom, don't believe everything you heee.... His jaw drops. What he sees he cannot believe.His mother is a mess. Her hair is crazy, she looks like she slept in her clothes, her mascara is old and running from crying. Linda looks frumpy, not dressed in her usual 80's businesswoman look. Dave and George aren't there.The two women look at him in total surprise.Marty! They both yell together. Lorraine screams and runs to him with her arms out. Oh my GAWD! You're here!Linda gets up but glares at him disapprovingly.He's confused for a second. Well, ya, why wouldn't I?Lorraine stops and stares at him angrily. When we got the call last night that you'd been arrested we thought the worst young man! We thought we were going to have to bail you out again, I was just about to call the lawyer.Again, added Linda dryly.The light bulb goes on in his head. The other Marty was arrested. They think HE was arrested. Linda sits down and just goes back to her breakfast as Lorraine fawns over him. Finally she pipes up with, I knew you would find a way to worm out of whatever trouble you got into... you always do!Marty starts to look around the house. It is dingy, not well lit, and the furniture is all old and cheap looking. The grand piano is missing. The living room looks like someone from hee haw decorated it. He starts to show signs of true confusion.Lorraine stares at her with a frown. Of course he's not in trouble, I'm sure it was all that crazy old man. She looks at Marty, then mistaking his disorientation for grief she apologizes. Oh, I'm sorry Marty, she puts her hand on his head, I know how much you cared about him, although I don't understand why.Marty puts his head down actually feeling the grief. He had almost forgot about the image of poor old Doc lying there on the cold hard pavement staring blankly into the sky.I am gonna miss him, he said with meaning.I know, son, I know she pats him on the hand comforting him.Just then Dave comes in pushing George McFly... in a wheel chair. Marty, when he sees this, about falls over. Dad! Marty shouts in dismay. Hi son, George says in a soft, whiney voice. I see they didn't hold you very long. He turns to Dave, I told you he wasn't involved!Dave pushes his father in through the door and shuts it. Marty is gaping at his father in complete and utter shock. George's legs look, odd, sort of twisted, like he doesn't have use of them.Hey Marty, Dave says, what the hell went on last night? We heard the mall was attacked by terrorists and you were one of them!Marty ignores him. He moves over to George. Dad, what happened to you? Everyone looks at Marty oddly. George seems confused by the question more than anyone else. What happened to me? Nothing son, what happened to you? What happened to Doc Brown?Marty realizes that whatever this condition is that put George in the wheel chair, it's nothing new! He must sound like a lunatic asking him that question. He covers. ... I just meant you look really.. GREAT this morning. He lies, balling up his fist and chucks his father lightly. George gives him a halfhearted smile then begins to wheel himself into the kitchen.Well, thanks son, he says as he goes. I've been working out.Dave starts to laugh, the way George used to laugh at him when he made a joke. Marty's countenance falls. This whole thing is breaking his heart. What happened to his family? Nothing was making sense.CUT TO BREAKFAST TABLE INTERIOR MCFLY HOUSE. Everyone eats in relative silence. Marty looks around the table eyeing each person with growing alarm. They are literally strangers to him. Dave finally puts his fork down abruptly.Alright, he says, abruptly, no one else is talking about this so I will. Marty, you gave us one helluva scare last night and now someone is dead and you seem to be involved someway. We demand an explanation!Marty shifts uncomfortably in his chair. I really don't want to talk about it, Dave, not now.That's not good enough Marty, Dave insists, You're always getting into some sort of trouble. Where did you get those clothes? They look like they cost a fortune. What do you do late at night when you sneak out that window?George just sits there, eating, saying nothing. Lorraine is staring sadly and silently down into her plate. Linda glares at Marty, she's obviously with Dave on this.Marty looks around for an ally but finds none.Finally Lorraine says, Dave, that's enough.Dave frowns deeply at his mother.
He's obviously been through some sort of ordeal, she defends him, and we need to give him some space. Dave shoots up from his chair. That's total bullshit mom! He gets away with murder around here!George's eyes spark and flash. Hey, hey, watch your language in my house.Dave storms off. For the first time Marty realizes how different this family really is. It's then that he notices Dave's UPS uniform. Without thinking he blurts out the question. Dave, when did you start working for UPS?Dave spins around angrily. See? Mom? Dad? He's on drugs or something. Then to Marty. Working for the UPS is a perfectly respectable job. At least I contribute around here! Unlike YOU!George scoffs. Drugs? C'mon Dave, now you're getting carried away.Dave's face goes read. Linda gapes in amazement at Marty,her fork held in front of her mouth. Dave storms away, blustering now. He's following in uncle Joey's footsteps! He stomps out the front door. Lorraine reaches over and rubs Marty's head. Oh dear, did you hit your head? Did someone do something... bad.. to you in jail?No, mom, Marty says looking completely helpless and confused, I, I, just don't feel good, I've had a rough day.Linda puts her plate in the sink and quietly leaves, giving Marty a backwards glance like he's some sort of alien.Mom, Dad, Marty finally says, I think I need to talk to Dad alone.

7. ANOTHER BIFFCUT TO INTERIOR MARTY'S ROOM. Lorraine pushes George in then Marty follows. Lorraine kisses George. One thing hasn't changed, they are obviously still in love. Marty is relieved. When Lorraine leaves, Marty sits down on his bed and George looks at him in curiosity. Well, son, George asks, breaking the silence, what can I do for you?Marty searches for words and doesn't seem to find them. Finally, after another awkward silence he attempts it. Dad, I need to ask you some questions that might seem really really strange to you, please don't think I'm crazy.No Marty, says George, I don't think you're crazy.Wait, says Marty, You haven't heard the questions yet. He chuckles nervously. Okay, here it goes... Dad, how did you end up in a wheel chair?George's face goes white and he looks mortified. Son, you know...Marty interrupts him, apologetically, I've been having some memory issues lately so please forgive me, I'm confused....You know I don't like to talk about that, George continues, ignoring Marty. There's another awkward pause. But since you've never asked me before, I have to assume it's important... says George.Marty nods.Okay, well then, here goes. George shifts uncomfortably in his chair. Son, this is not a pretty story and it's embarrassing. I've never told anyone the truth about what happened, not even your mother, but I think she's suspected. George pauses for a second, takes a deep breath then comes out with it, Biff and his friends did this to me.Biff? Marty can't believe his ears. Biff TANNEN? George nods.Marty shakes his head. The Biff Tannen he knows is a marshmallow.How is that possible Dad?I know, I know, George cuts in, mistaking Marty's tone for disapproval. I should have reported it, I should have had him put in prison, but I was afraid of the repercussions if he managed to beat the charges, which he always seems to to do!But, wait, hold on, Dad, Biff? Biff Tannen put you in a wheel chair? How? Was it some sort of accident?No, says George, it was no accident! He hit me with his car and then he and his friends kicked me and beat the crap out of me until I was unconscious, then left me for dead.Marty sits back on his bed in complete shock. It was a few days after the big dance, George continues. That night there was a conflict in the parking lot and Biff was being rough with your mother. I couldn't stand for that so I decked him.Ya, I remember that part, Marty blurted out. George stops and stares at him in confusion. Did your mother tell you about that?Marty thinks fast. Ya, she did, a while back, he says uncomfortably, it doesn't feel right lying to this George McFly even though he technically was not the father Marty remembered.Seeming to accept that answer George goes on. After the dance I heard that Biff and his gang were looking for me, something about a kid named Calvin Klein and something that he took from Biff. It sounded bad, and I couldn't understand what that kid had to do with me, I barely knew him. Anyway, I managed to avoid them for a few days but they finally caught up with me. I was riding my bike to go see Lorraine and they hit me, knocking me off. Then, I was injured and couldn't get up to defend myself, and Biff and his gang started kicking me, demanding I tell them where Calvin Klein is. They were crazy, I didn't know where he was. Biff kept going on about how this Klein kid stole a book from him.Marty frowned. A book?George confirmed, A book.Dad, what sort of book? I didn't even know Biff read books.George nods, Me either, but I think he said it was some kind of book about sports scores and gambling. Marty nods, that was more like it.Anyway, I ended up in the hospital, and in this wheel chair ever since. You're mother has taken care of me all these years. He stares off thinking of Lorraine. Poor woman, she's had it rough.Poor woman, Marty repeats, Dad, you're in a wheel chair. Can you use your legs at all?George is shocked by Marty's candor. You've asked me that before and we discussed it, son, what's going on with you?I don't know! Marty says in exasperated honesty. I really don't!Lorraine burst in, her eyes full of fire and tears, like wet hornets. All these years and you never told me! That bastard Tannen did this to you? Obviously she'd been listening outside the door. On purpose?George drops his head. I never wanted you to know, I was ashamed.Lorraine is furious. Ashamed? Why didn't you want me to know, really? Is it because you knew I'd take a gun and put a bullet in his brain?George throws his hands up, Well ya! That's one good reason!Lorraine's eyes fill with tears. You told me it was a hit and run driver. You lied to me all these years, George, and meanwhile we've put up with that animal's shit and now I find out, he's responsible for this... she points at his wheel chair, and all of.. THIS! She gestures at the house. She storms out, crying.George looks back at Marty balefully. I'm sorry, he apologizes.
It's okay, son, the truth had to come out some day, but I don't understand why you are asking me this now.I can't say just yet, said Marty, but I need to know one more thing, and this is important.Okay, says George looking more uncomfortable wondering what Marty might ask now.I need to know the exact location, date and time this happened.CUT TO HILL VALLEY SQUARE. TEXACO INTERIOR. Marty hands Frank the credit card he borrowed from Doc. Outside a mechanic pulls the Delorean up to the front entrance. That car has some interesting modifications. Frank says, almost with suspicion. Ya, Marty admits, elusively they're mostly for looks though, he lies.Looks? Frank looks at him sideways. It's seen some action too, found some bullet holes, some buck shot. He drops the buck shot on the counter. It clatters and rolls off the counter onto Marty's feet. And what's that contraption mounted to the back, and those interesting displays with the dates? If I didn't know better I'd think it was a fusion reactor.Marty laughs, a forced laugh, a nervous laugh. Reactor? No..Frank hands him his credit card and the receipt, frowning. Sign here.Marty signs then says, Look, I'm not supposed to say anything but I work for a movie studio part time and that car is a prop for a movie... about time travel. He chuckles nervously.I knew it! Says Frank. Who's movie? Is it Spielberg?Marty doesn't answer.It's gotta be Spielberg!Look Frank, Marty says, I gotta get this thing back to the lot, I'm kind of in a hurry.Frank smiles. Ya, I hear ya there never seems to be enough hours in a day does there?Marty chuckles. Ya, right, exactly. Now, I trust this whole thing about a movie and Spielberg is our little secret right? I mean, Frank, I could get fired.Absolutely! Frank says, shaking his hand. If you see Spielberg tell him I can do mechanic work for him, if he ever needs it.I'll try to remember.
I also do some acting on the side and I can do stunts and special effects.Great to know, says Marty as he takes the keys from Frank and heads for the door hurriedly. As he gets out the front door he hears a familiar voice.Hey BUTTHEAD! It's Biff's voice, calling him a name?Marty turns toward the sound, a look of indignation on his face. How dare that worm Biff talk to him like that. He must be talking to someone else. Are you talking to m...Marty stops in his tracks. Biff is approaching on the sidewalk but it's not the Biff Marty remembers. This Biff looks confident to the point of, well, like he owns everything. He seems as though he might spend most of his time in the gym too. He's dressed in a Magnum P.I./Miami Vice cross look. Wool sport coat, Levi 501s, and a Hawaiin pattern t-shirt. The giant man stomps over to him. What's this I hear you and Doc Brown got something going on in my territory?Marty's eyes shift and narrow. Your... 'territory?Biff grabs his shirt. That's what I said, dumbass, MY territory.Marty squares off.Woah, what's this? He looks at Frank who has come out of the shop and grins, Little upstart going to get physical with me? You want a piece of me little runt?Marty is too shocked by this new Biff to respond, he just stands there, holding his fist, hesitating, then he relaxes. Biff sees his arm drop and smiles. I didn't think so. Listen twerp, you know nothing happens in Hill Valley that I don't know about and I know about everything! So, I hear Doc bought it last night. Messed with the wrong people. Well the same thing is going to happen to you if you don't stay off my turf.Marty is confused. It sounds like Biff thinks he owns Hill Valley. Biff looks over at the Delorean and sneers. What's that piece of shit, is that a Delorean?No, it's a volkswagon.Don't get smart with me. I don't want no Deloreans in Hill Valley, that asshole Jack Delorean owes me money, freakin' coke head. I better not see that car here again!Suddenly a white 1985 Rolls Royce Convertible pulls up. Marty sees three men dressed in 3 piece suits, wearing sunglasses. He recognizes them even though they are almost unrecognizable. It's Biff's henchmen. One of them is on a car phone.Hey, Boss, we got a situation down at the warehouse.Give me a minute! Biff says. Then he looks at Marty menacingly. I have bigger fish to fry and you're just a tadpole.Actually, Biff, a tadpole is a frog not a fish.I don't need a chemistry lesson from a guppy. I'll break you in half. Biff stomps over to his car as one of his Henchmen open the back door for him. He stops and points at Marty. I don't want to see that piece of crap around here anymore, he gestures at the Delorean, and, oh, say hello to your mom for me, give her a big kiss from uncle Biff, will ya?Biff gets into his car and they drive off with Marty staring after them, dazed.Frank comes up to Marty and almost whispers. That guy is bad news, kid, you need to stay away from him.Marty scoffs. Who, him? He's an asshole.Frank looks at Marty gravely, I'm serious, kid, that guy runs the Hill Valley underworld, some say he's more dangerous than Al Capone!Capone?