The Functional Integration of Adult-born Granule …...ii The Functional Integration of Adult-born...

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The Functional Integration of Adult-born

Granule Cells into Dentate Gyrus Circuitry

Aneta Dominika Krakowski

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the degree of

Master of Science, Institute of Medical Science

University of Toronto

© Copyright by Aneta Dominika Krakowski 2010


The Functional Integration of Adult-born Granule Cells

into Dentate Gyrus Circuitry

Aneta Dominika Krakowski

Master of Science, Institute of Medical Science

University of Toronto



New neurons are generated throughout adulthood in the dentate gyrus of the

hippocampus. The aim of the current study was to address whether differences in the

morphological complexity of adult-born granule cells affect their integration into existing

dentate gyrus circuitry. To selectively label proliferating cells, we injected a CAG-

retrovirus into the dentate gyrus of mice. Either 10, 20, 40, or 80 days following viral

infection, mice were injected with pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) to induce hippocampal

activation, and expression of the immediate early gene c-fos was used as a marker of

activated neurons. We then compared morphological features of neurons across age

groups and between Fos+ and Fos- neurons within each age group. We found that

dendritic length and branch number increased from 10 to 20 days post infection.

Unexpectedly, we also found that dendritic length and branch number decreased from 20

to 40 days post infection, suggesting that the maturation of adult-generated neurons is

associated with an active pruning process. Furthermore, we found no significant

differences in morphological complexity between Fos+ and Fos- neurons, suggesting that

dendritic morphology does not influence integration into dentate gyrus circuitry.



This project would not have been possible without the assistance of many individuals.

First, I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Paul Frankland for his constant guidance

and support. I would also like to thank my project advisory committee members Dr. José

Nobrega and Dr. Vince Tropepe and for their feedback on my project.

From the Frankland lab, I would like to thank Maithe-Arruda Carvalho, Mansori

Sakaguchi, and Mika Yamamoto for retroviral production. I would also like to thank

Alonso Martinez Canabal and Leonardo Restivo for providing assistance with histology,

imaging, and data analysis. Also, thanks to Toni DeCristofaro and Russell Braybon for

animal breeding and technical support. Finally, thanks to Katherine Akers for comments

on previous drafts of this thesis.

This project was funded by CIHR and NSERC.



LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Introduction to adult neurogenesis ..................................................................................... 1

1.2 Hippocampus ............................................................................................................................ 2

1.2.1 Anatomy and connectivity ................................................................................................ 2

1.2.2 Functional role .................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Dentate Gyrus .............................................................................................................................. 4

1.3.1 Anatomy and connectivity ...................................................................................................... 4

1.3.2 Functional role of the dentate gyrus .............................................................................. 5

1.4 Labeling adult-born granule cells .......................................................................................... 8

1.4.1 Incorporation of nucleotide analogs ............................................................................. 8

1.4.2 Expression of specific markers ........................................................................................ 8

1.4.3 Retroviral-labeling .............................................................................................................. 9

1.5 Development of Dentate Granule Cells ............................................................................ 10

1.5.1 Embryogenesis and early post-natal period ................................................................ 11

1.5.2 Adulthood............................................................................................................................ 12

1.6. Factors affecting proliferation and survival of adult-born granule cells .................. 14

1.6.1 Genetic Influences ............................................................................................................ 15

1.6.2 Extrinsic influences .......................................................................................................... 15

1.7 Mechanisms of neuronal migration, morphological development, and spine

formation ............................................................................................................................................. 16

1.7.1 Neuronal migration ......................................................................................................... 16

1.7.2 Growth of axons and dendrites .................................................................................... 17

1.7.3 Spine formation ................................................................................................................. 18

1.8 Anatomical Integration of Granule Cells during adulthood and early-postnatal

development ....................................................................................................................................... 18

1.8.1 Migration ............................................................................................................................ 18


1.8.2 Passive membrane properties ...................................................................................... 19

1.8.3 The growth of axons and dendrites ............................................................................. 19

1.8.4 Afferent connections ........................................................................................................ 20

1.8.5 Efferent connections ........................................................................................................ 21

1.9 Functional integration of adult-born granule cells .......................................................... 22

1.9.1 Physiological maturation of adult-born granule cells .......................................... 22

1.9.2 Immediate-early gene (IEG) expression .................................................................... 23 Correlation between IEG expression and neuronal activation .................... 23 Role of IEG s in memory ....................................................................................... 24 IEG activation in adult-born cells following neuronal stimulation ........... 24

1.10 Factors affecting morphological development of neurons during embryogenesis

and early-postnatal development .................................................................................................. 26

1.10.1 Transcription factors ...................................................................................................... 26

1.10.2 Extrinsic factors ............................................................................................................... 26

1.10.3 Activity-dependent regulation ..................................................................................... 27 Spontaneous activity .............................................................................................. 27 Afferent-dependent activity ................................................................................. 27

1.11 Factors affecting anatomical and functional maturation of adult-born granule

cells ....................................................................................................................................................... 28

1.11.1 Extrinsic signals ............................................................................................................. 29

1.11.2 Activity-dependent regulation .................................................................................... 31 Afferent-independent activity regulation – GABA ..................................... 31 Afferent-dependent activity regulation ........................................................... 32

AIMS AND HYPOTHESES .......................................................................................... 34

2.1 Study Rationale ......................................................................................................................... 34

2.2 Experimental design ................................................................................................................ 35

2.3 Specific aims and hypotheses................................................................................................ 36

MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................................... 37

3.1 Subjects and stereotaxic surgery .......................................................................................... 37

3.2 Retroviral-mediated labeling of adult-born neurons in the mouse hippocampus .. 37


3.3 Seizure induction ....................................................................................................................... 38

3.4 Tissue preparation ...................................................................................................................... 38

3.5 Immunohistochemistry ............................................................................................................ 39

3.6 Identification of GFP+ Fos+ cells ........................................................................................ 40

3.7 Dendritic properties ................................................................................................................... 40

3.7.1 Sholl analysis ..................................................................................................................... 41

3.7.2 Branch order analysis ..................................................................................................... 42

3.7.3 Branch thickness ............................................................................................................... 43

3.8 Spine Properties ........................................................................................................................ 43

3.8.1 Spine and mushroom spine density ............................................................................. 44

3.9 Statistics ........................................................................................................................................ 45

RESULTS ........................................................................................................................ 47

4.1 Adult-born granule cells mature with age ......................................................................... 47

4.2 Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells changes with age ........................ 51

4.3 Spine density of adult-born granule cells changes with age ........................................ 55

4.4 Seizure induction activates Fos ............................................................................................ 57

4.5 Proportion of GFP+ cells expressing Fos increases with age ...................................... 58

4.6 Dendritic morphology does not differ between Fos+ and Fos– neurons within

groups ................................................................................................................................................... 60

4.7 Spine density between Fos+ and Fos– neurons does not differ within groups ....... 64

DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................. 66

5.1 Maturation of adult born-granule cells ............................................................................... 66

5.1.1 Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells changes with age .............. 66

5.1.2 Spine density across age groups .................................................................................. 66

5.1.3 Dendritic pruning during embryogenesis and adult neurogenesis .................... 67

5.1.4 Mechanisms of dendritic pruning in adult-born granule cells ............................ 68

5.1.5 The significance of dendritic pruning in adult-born cells .................................... 69

5.1.6 Alternative explanation for pruning............................................................................ 71

5.2 Functional integration of adult-born cells into dentate gyrus circuitry ..................... 72

5.3 Morphological differences between Fos+ and Fos- neurons ....................................... 72

5.3.1 Examining morphological differences between Fos+ and Fos- neurons shortly

before or after 20 days of age ................................................................................................... 73


5.3.2 Differences in hippocampal stimulation following seizures and learning tasks

........................................................................................................................................................... 74

5.3.3 Dendritic computational properties ............................................................................ 75

5.4 Technical limitations ............................................................................................................... 76

5.4.1 Dendritic morphology analysis .................................................................................... 76

5.4.2 Spine morphology analysis ............................................................................................ 77

5.4.3 Surgery ................................................................................................................................ 77

FUTURE DIRECTIONS ................................................................................................ 79

6.1 Does afferent activity induced by learning affect the pruning of adult-born granule

cells? ..................................................................................................................................................... 79

6.2 Do differences in dendritic morphology and spine density at or before 20 days of

age affect functional integration into dentate gyrus circuitry following PTZ seizures?

................................................................................................................................................................ 83

6.3 Do differences in dendritic morphology affect functional integration into dentate

gyrus memory networks? ................................................................................................................ 84

CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................. 87

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 89



Figure 1.1: The hippocampal trisynaptic circuit ................................................................3

Figure 1.2: Dentate gyrus structure ....................................................................................5

Figure 1.3: Development of the dentate gyrus ................................................................12

Figure 1.4: Developmental stages during mitotic and post-mitotic neurogenesis ...........14

Figure 2.1: Experimental design ......................................................................................35

Figure 3.1: CAG-retrovirus production ...........................................................................38

Figure 3.2: Sholl analysis .................................................................................................41

Figure 3.3: Branch order analysis ....................................................................................43

Figure 4.1: Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells at 10 dpi. ....................... 46

Figure 4.2: Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells at 20 dpi .........................47

Figure 4.3: Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells at 40 dpi .........................48

Figure 4.4: Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells at 80 dpi .........................49

Figure 4.5: Sholl analysis for the number of a, intersections and b, dendritic length at 10,

20, 40, and 80 dpi ...............................................................................................................50

Figure 4.6: Branch order analysis for the number of dendrites at 10, 20, 40, and 80 dpi 53

Figure 4.7: Branch order analysis for branch thickness at 20, 40, and 80 dpi .................54

Figure 4.8: Spine analysis at 20, 40, and 80 dpi ..............................................................55

Figure 4.9: Fos expression in the dentate gyrus following PTZ induced seizures ..........56

Figure 4.10: Fos expression in the dentate gyrus following PTZ induced seizures ......... 57

Figure 4.11: The proportion of GFP cells positive for Fos following PTZ induced seizures

at 10, 20, 40, and 80 dpi .....................................................................................................58

Figure 4.12: Sholl analysis for the number of a, intersections and b, dendritic length in

Fos+ and Fos- neurons at 20 dpi ........................................................................................60

Figure 4.13: Sholl analysis for the number of a, intersections and b, dendritic length in

Fos+ and Fos- neurons at 40 dpi ........................................................................................61

Figure 4.14: Sholl analysis for the number of a, intersections and b, dendritic length in

Fos+ and Fos- neurons at 80 dpi ........................................................................................62


Figure 4.15: Spine density between Fos+ and Fos- neurons at a, 20 dpi; b, 40 dpi, and c

80 dpi. ................................................................................................................................63

Figure 4.16: Mushroom spine density between Fos+ and Fos- neurons at a, 20 dpi; b, 40

dpi, and c, 80 dpi. ..............................................................................................................64

Figure 6.1: Experimental design for investigating the effects of activity induced by

learning on pruning. ...........................................................................................................80

Figure 6.2: Experimental design for examining morphological correlates of functional

integration following PTZ induced seizures. .....................................................................82

Figure 6.3: Experimental design for investigating morphological correlates of functional

integration into a spatial memory network ........................................................................83

Figure 6.4: The YFP construct before and after Cre-mediated recombination ................84



ANOVA analysis of variance

AMP adenosine monophosphate

AMPA α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate

BDNF brain derived neurotrophic factor

BrdU 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine

Cdk5 cell division protein kinase 5

CREB- cAMP (adenosine monophosphate)-responsive element modulator

DCX doublecortin

DG- dentate gyrus

DISC1 disrupted-in-Schizophrenia 1

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

dpi days post infection

E embryonic day

Ec entorhinal cortex

EGFP enhanced green fluorescent protein

fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging

GABA γ-Aminobutyric acid

GCL granule cell layer

GFP green fluorescent protein

GTPses GTP (guanosine 5‘-triphosphatase)-activating proteins

IEG immediate early gene

IGF insulin-like growth factor

i.p. intraperitoneal

KA kainic acid

LTP long-term potentiation


MAM methylazoxymethanol

ML molecular layer

mEPSP minature excitatory post-synaptic potential

NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate

NR2B NMDA receptor 2B

PBS phosphate-buffered saline

PFA paraformaldehyde

POMC proopiomelanocortin

PTZ pentylenetetrazol

RNA ribonucleic acid

Sb subicular complex

Sc Schaffer collateral

Sdm secondary dentate matrix

SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate

shRNA short hairpin (Ribonucleic acid )RNA

Tdm tertiary dentate matrix

TrkB tropomyosine related kinase



1.1 Introduction to adult neurogenesis

For a long time, it was thought that the formation of new neurons was limited to

embryonic and early postnatal development and that the adult human brain had little or

no capacity to generate new neurons. Neuronal plasticity was believed to be limited to

changes in synaptic reorganization and in gene transcription. In the 1990s, this belief was

overturned when it was discovered that in two regions of the brain new neurons are

continuously generated throughout the lifetime of humans (Eriksson et al. 1998; Gage et

al., 2000). The first region is the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles. From here,

new neurons migrate along the rostral migratory stream to settle in the olfactory bulb.

The second region is the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus.

Since its discovery in the human brain, adult neurogenesis has spurred a great deal of

excitement in the scientific community and significant efforts have been made towards

identifying factors that regulate adult-born cell maturation. However, our understanding

of the functional integration and functional contribution of adult-born neurons to the adult

brain, especially to the dentate gyrus, is still in its infancy. An understanding of adult

neurogenesis on the functional level is critical towards harnessing its potential as a source

of regenerative therapy for individuals suffering from brain damage, such as dementia.

Without understanding how these neurons function or what factors promote their

functional integration, we cannot possibly move forward with using them for clinical



Interestingly, various neuropathological states such as stress and depression have been

associated with reduced neurogenesis (Sahay and Hen, 2007; Mirescu and Gould, 2006).

Whether reduced neurogenesis is a cause or consequence of neuropathology is unknown.

A greater understanding of adult-born neurons on a functional level will help us advance

our knowledge of these neurological disorders and develop more effective treatments.

Overall, it is believed that newly-generated neurons in the adult brain allow for a unique

form of structural plasticity, specifically in learning and memory. As the dentate gyrus is

important for a variety of learning and memory tasks, I will focus on neurogenesis in this


1.2 Hippocampus

1.2.1 Anatomy and connectivity

The mammalian hippocampus is compromised of four anatomically distinct areas: the

entorhinal cortex, the subicular complex, the hippocampus proper (subdivided into CA1,

CA2 and CA3) and the dentate gyrus (Amaral and Witter, 1989).

Although there are several reciprocal connections, the circuitry of the hippocampus is

mostly unidirectional and forms the trisynaptic circuit (Amaral and Witter, 1989) (Figure

1.1). The entorhinal cortex projects to the dentate gyrus via the perforant pathway. The

granule cells of the dentate gyrus project their output to CA3 via mossy fibers, and CA3

pyramidal cells project to CA1 via the Schaffer collateral pathway. CA1 cells project to

the subicular complex, and then output from the subicular complex projects back to the

entorhinal cortex closing the circuit.


Figure 1.1: The hippocampal trisynaptic circuit.The entorhinal cortex (EC) projects to the

dentate gyrus (DG) via the perforant pathway. The granule cells of the DG project to

CA3 via mossy fibers. CA3 pyramidal cells project to CA1 via the Schaffer collateral

pathway (SC). CA1 cells project to the subicular complex (Sb), which then projects back

to the entorhinal cortex. This closes the circuit.

It is important to note that input from the entorhinal cortex can bypass the dentate gyrus

through direct projections to other areas (Amaral and Witter, 1989). There are direct

connections from the second layer of the entorhinal cortex to CA3 and from the third

layer of the entorhinal cortex to CA1.

1.2.2 Functional role

Historically, the role of the hippocampus was inferred from lesion studies in human

patients. One of the most famous patients (H.M.) was examined by Milner (1968). H.M

had bilateral lesions of the medial temporal lobe, which contained the hippocampus, and

showed evidence of anterograde amnesia (the ability to form new memories) and some

retrograde amnesia (ability to remember events before the surgery that caused the lesion).

Since H.M., various behavioural, electrophysiological, and imaging studies have

provided support for the idea that the hippocampus is important for the encoding and


retrieval of memories for facts and events (Squire et al., 2004). Many other theories

regarding hippocampal function have also emerged. Another major theory focuses on the

role of the hippocampus in spatial memory and the formation of cognitive maps (O‘Keefe

and Nadel, 1978). Today, the specific contribution of the hippocampal formation remains

a matter of debate, although most experts agree that it plays a role in associative memory

(Richard, 2006).

Using a computational model, Rolls and Kesner (2006) have teased apart the role of these

different subregions. They propose that the dentate gyrus generally serves as the input

layer. Its main role is to remove redundant information and separate overlapping or very

similar input. The CA3 region encodes associations. Associations allow a whole memory

to be retrieved upon the presentation of only a single cue relevant to the memory. Finally,

the CA1 region provides an output function. It retrieves information and forwards it to

the cortex for processing.

1.3 Dentate gyrus

1.3.1 Anatomy and connectivity

The dentate gyrus is a laminated structure composed of three layers: the molecular layer

(ML), the granule cell layer (GCL) and the hilus (Amaral et al., 2007). In the interface

between the GCL and the hilus lies the subgranular zone (SGZ) (Figure 1.2). The granule

cell layer has the greatest number of cells among all three layers. In the dentate gyrus of

an adult mouse, there are approximately 240 000 granule cells (Kempermann et al.,



Figure 1.2: Dentate gyrus structure. The dentate gyrus consists of three layers: the

molecular layer (ML), the granule cell layer (GCL) and the hilus. The subgranular zone

(SGZ) lies between the hilus and GCL. This is where adult-born granule cells are formed.

Cell nuclei are stained with Hoechst and are seen in blue.

Dendrites in the outer third of the molecular layer receive input from the lateral

entorhinal area, whereas dendrites in the middle third of the molecular layer receive input

from the medial entorhinal area (Amaral et al., 2007). This input is primarily

glutamatergic. Granule cells also receive inhibitory GABAergic input from interneurons,

mostly those lying in the hilus (Amaral and Witter, 1995). The axons of granule cells

target interneurons of the hilus, primarily mossy cells, and pyramidal cells of the CA3

region (Amaral and Dent, 1981; Seress and Ribak, 1995). These contacts are primarily

glutamatergic (Jonas et al., 1993).

1.3.2 Functional role of the dentate gyrus

One of the main roles attributed to the dentate gyrus is pattern separation. Approximately

200, 000 cells from the entorhinal cortex project to over one million cells in the dentate

gyrus of the rat (Amaral et al., 1990), undoubtedly giving rise to the theory that the

dentate gyrus separates information. This theory has been supported by many studies. For


example, a recent animal study found impairments in contextual discrimination upon

deletion of NMDA receptors in the dentate gyrus (McHugh et al., 2007). Additionally, a

study in humans found that brain activity (as measured by fMRI) was highest in the

dentate gyrus during a pattern separation task (Bakker et al., 2008).

1.3.3 The functional role of adult-born granule cells

Soon after neurogenesis was discovered in the dentate gyrus, the quest for its functional

significance began. To examine the role of adult-born neurons in memory function,

studies have ablated neurogenesis using approaches such as gamma irradiation,

antimitotic agents such as methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM), and genetic

manipulation. The results of ablation on hippocampal-dependent tasks have been

inconsistent. Some studies have found that ablating neurogenesis leads to impairments in

water maze performance (Rola et al., 2004; Synder et al., 2005), contextual fear

conditioning (Winocur et al., 2006; Saxe et al., 2007) and object recognition (Winocur et

al., 2006). Other studies, however, have not found any effects of ablation on behaviour in

identical tasks (Shors et al., 2002; Bruel-Jungerman et al., 2005; Saxe, 2006).

These discrepancies likely result from differences in the behavioural procedures and

ablation approaches used (Zhao et al., 2008 b). For example, Winocur and colleagues

(2006) found that neurogenesis ablation resulted in impairments in fear conditioning

when the task involved pairing the shock with contextual cues. On the contrary, fear

conditioning was not impaired following neurogenesis ablation when a homogenous

chamber was used and contextual discrimination was not required (Shors et al., 2002).

Similarly, contextual fear memories were affected by neurogenesis ablation when the


neurons ablated where at least six weeks old (Saxe et al. 2006; Winocur et al. 2006; Saxe

et al. 2007), but not when the neurons affected were less than 12 days old (Shors et al.,


Recently, progress has been made in examining the effect of ablating neurogenesis on

behavioural tasks that specifically target the dentate gyrus, rather than the hippocampus

as a whole. In a recent study, Clelland and colleagues (2009) found that mice with

ablated neurogenesis were impaired in spatial discrimination tasks with little spatial

separation, but not in spatial discrimination tasks that were more widely separated.

Computational models have proposed specific roles for adult-born neurons in pattern

separation. Aimone and colleagues (2009) suggested that adult-born neurons allow

distinct events occurring at the same time to be integrated. Neurons born at different

times then provide temporal separation of the events. For example, granule cells born

around the same time would help recall events that occurred during a high school trip to

Europe while another set of granule cells would help recall events occurring during a

college internship. Becker and colleagues (2009) proposed a very similar model to

Aimone and colleagues (2009), and predicted that adult-born neurons help distinguish

between similar events that occur at different times. For example, adult-born neurons

would help an individual distinguish between where they parked their car on Monday and

where they parked their car on Sunday.

It is clear that the contribution adult-born granule cells make to dentate gyrus circuitry is

complex. To help us better understand this contribution, we need to devote more effort

towards understanding how these adult-born neurons develop, specifically how they


anatomically and functionally integrate into dentate gyrus circuitry. This will help us

determine any unique properties that characterize these neurons and therefore generate a

better framework towards understanding their function in the dentate gyrus.

1.4 Labeling adult-born granule cells

1.4.1 Incorporation of nucleotide analogs

The first approach used to identify adult-born granule cells involved the use of [3H]

thymidine by Altman and colleagues (1965). [3H] thymidine incorporates into the DNA

of dividing cells during the S phase of the cell cycle and is passed onto the cell‘s progeny.

By varying the time of examination from the time of injection, newly-generated cells can

be detected at various points of their maturation. To detect [3H] thymidine,

autoradiographic methods are used. In 1989, Nowakowski and colleagues introduced 5-

bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling to identify new-born cells. BrdU is an analog of

thymidine, and because it can be detected using immunohistochemistry it provides the

opportunity to label adult-born cells with other histological markers and therefore to

phenotype cells. The limitations with both [3H] thymidine and BrdU labelling are that the

tissue needs to be fixed (therefore live cells cannot be analyzed) and labeling is limited to

the cell nucleus. Furthermore, these analogs can incorporate into cells undergoing DNA


1.4.2 Expression of specific markers

During their development, adult-born granule cells display specific markers at varying

points during their maturation (Kempermann et al., 2004). One can take advantage of

these markers by developing transgenic mice that express genes of interest (ie. Green


Fluorescent Protein - GFP) under the control of a desired marker that acts as a promoter.

For example, adult mice can express GFP under the control of a nestin promoter to label

neurons very early during their development (Yamaguchi et al., 2000). Similarly,

Overstreet and colleagues (2004) developed mice with enhanced green florescent protein

(EGFP) driven by a proopiomelanocortin (POMC) promoter, which is transiently

expressed in immature, but differentiated, neurons. The main concerns with the use of

this method are that adult-born cells can only be labeled at transient intervals during their


1.4.3 Retroviral-labeling

The use of retroviruses for labeling adult-born cells is particularly useful as it allows

long-term expression of a transgene, such as GFP, throughout the neuron. This allows

researchers to characterize the morphological and physiological features of adult-born

cells throughout their development.

In order to express their genome, retroviruses must integrate into a host cell and use the

cell‘s machinery to generate double-stranded DNA from their RNA. Oncoretroviruses,

such as the Moloney murine leukemia virus, can only enter the nucleus of a host cell once

it is broken down, since they lack nuclear import mechanisms (Lewis and Emermann,

1994). This characteristic makes such retroviruses useful for labeling newly-generated

cells. When the nucleus envelope of a dividing cell breaks down during prometaphase,

oncoretroviruses enter the cell and express their genome, including the transgene marker

used for their detection.


Retroviruses were first used to trace neuronal lineages in the 1980s (reviewed by Zhao,

2008 a). In these early studies, -gal encoded by the gene lacZ was used as a marker. In

2002, van Praag and colleagues used a NIT-GFP retroviral vector for the first time to

label adult-born cells in the dentate gyrus. This vector has since been replaced with the

CAG-retrovirus, since it allows for a greater amount of labeling of adult-born cells (Zhao

et al., 2006). Consistent with BrdU labeling, approximately 70 % of GFP + neurons are

positive for the mature neuronal marker NeuN four weeks after injection with the CAG-

retrovirus. A much smaller percentage of GFP+ neurons are postive for NeuN after

injection with the NIT-GFP retrovirus.

The retrovirus not only specifically labels adult-born cells, but it also allows us to track

the course of their development. The time from the injection of the retrovirus to the

sacrifice of the animal corresponds to the age of the neuron. Even though infected cells

may re-divide, a study by Zhao and colleagues (2006) found that overlap between

infected cells and the proliferation marker Ki67 is low, at approximately 18% at 3 dpi, 3

% at 7 dpi, and less than 1 % at 10 dpi. Since the retrovirus is made replication

incompetent, it also cannot produce infectious virus particles that can infect neurons at a

later time. Finally, the expression of the GFP transgene in the infected cells is persistent

since the transgene integrates into the genome of the host cell. Zhao and colleagues

(2006) found that labeling is still seen 14 months after infection. Overall, the retrovirus

provides strong temporal resolution. Silencing of the GFP retrovirus over time has not

been observed.

1.5 Development of dentate granule cells


1.5.1 Embryogenesis and early post-natal period

Granule neurons are the last cells to be generated in the hippocampal formation (Bayer

and Altman, 1974). Granule cell neurogenesis begins in late embryogenesis and

continues through the second postnatal week. Although a small percentage of granule

cells are born during embryogenesis, over 80% are born after the birth of the animal.

Granule cells are descendants of the primary dentate neuroepithilium (Altman and Bayer,

1990a). In rats, cells begin proliferating in the primary dentate neuroepithilium by E16.

By E18, proliferating cells leave this region and form a secondary dentate matrix. By

E19, proliferating cells of the secondary dentate matrix migrate towards the developing

dentate gyrus and start the dentate migration process.

Studies in rats have shown that the dentate migration process consists of two phases

(Altman and Bayer, 1990 b) (Figure 1.3). The first migration provides the source of the

earliest generated granule cells that form the outer shell of the granule cell layer, and it is

completed before birth. The second migration begins after birth and continues into the

first month of life. It gives rise to the tertiary dentate matrix. Granule cells from the

tertiary dentate matrix settle underneath the outer granule cell layer to create the inner

cell layers. It is important to note that this developmental pattern greatly contrasts to the

‗inside-out‘ pattern found in other areas of the mammalian cerebral cortex where cells

generated later occupy positions at the top of the cell layers. The tertiary dentate matrix

also forms the subgranular zone. Some of the precursor cells in the subgranular zone

maintain their proliferative activity in the adult dentate gyrus.


Figure 1.3: Development of the dentate gyrus. a, late in development (E15-P1), neural

progenitor cells in the secondary dentate matrix (sdm) begin the first dentate migration

and generate granule cells that form the outer granule cell layer. b, a second dentate

migration after birth (>P1) forms the tertiary dentate matrix (tdm). Neural progenitors

from this matrix generate granule cells to form the inner granule cell layer. These

neuronal progenitor cells continue to reside in the subgranular zone (SGZ) and generate

granule cells throughout adulthood. Adapted from Piatti et al., 2006.

It is important to note that the development and maturation of granule cells in the rodent

brain occurs along two gradients (Rahimi and Claiborne, 2007). One of these gradients is

the septotemporal gradient. Neurons that are generated first form the upper blade of the

dentate gyrus closer to the septal (dorsal) pole while neurons that are generated later form

the lower blade closer to the temporal (ventral) pole. The second gradient is the

transverse gradient. Neurons that are generated first form the most lateral cell body layer

along the upper blade. Additional neurons then add to the middle of the upper blade, and

finally to the most medial regions.

1.5.2 Adulthood


Neurogenesis continues throughout adult life in the dentate gyrus. In a young adult

C57B1/6 mouse, an estimated 1600 cells are generated each day (Hayes and

Nowakowski, 2002). Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus decreases with age, possibly due

to a decrease in proliferation of granule cell precursors (Kuhn et al., 1996).

Three different types of cells have been identified at the mitotic stage of neurogenesis in

the dentate gyrus (Figure 1.4) (reviewed by Kempermann et al., 2004 and Zhao et al.,

2006). Type 1 cells are putative stem cells, have long apical processes and express

Nestin, Sox2, and the astrocyte marker GFAP (Seri et al., 2001; Kronenberg et al., 2003;

Suh et al., 2007). Type 2 cells are putative progenitor cells, have short processes and

express Sox 2 (Kronenberg et al., 2003; Suh et al., 2007). They do not express GFAP or

any other astrocyte characteristics (Kronenberg et al., 2003). It has recently been shown

that type 2 cells can self-renew in vivo and differentiate into astrocytes and neurons

reinforcing the idea that these progenitors have stem cell properties (Suh et al., 2007).

Type 2 cells have been further divided in Type 2A and Type 2 B cells (Kronenberg et al.,

2003). Although both are positive for the stem cell marker Nestin, Type 2B cells express

the immature cell marker doublecortin (DCX) while Type 2A cells do not. Type 3 cells

no longer express Nestin but still retain some proliferative capacity and express DCX

(Kronenberg et al., 2003). It has been suggested that Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 cells

derive from each other in a sequential fashion with a progression in neuronal lineage

determination (Kempermann et al., 2004).

Once the developing cells become postmitotic they express the neuronal marker NeuN

(Figure 1.4). Immature neurons also express calretinin, while mature neurons express

calbindin (Brandt et al., 2003). The majority of immature neurons are eliminated over the


next couple of weeks (Kempermann et al., 2003). Neurons that have survived the first

two weeks are likely to stably integrate into neuronal circuitry (Bischofberger and

Schinder, 2008).

Figure 1.4: Developmental stages during mitotic and post-mitotic neurogenesis. Each

developmental stage during mitotic and post-mitotic neurogenesis can be identified by a

unique subset of expression markers. Type 1 cells express Nestin and GFAP, Type 2 a

cells express Nestin, Type 2 b cells express Nestin and DCX, and Type 3 cells express

DCX. Immature neurons express NeuN and calretinin, while mature neurons express

NeuN and calbindin. Adapted from Kempermann et al. (2004).

1.6. Factors affecting proliferation and survival of adult-born granule cells

Both intrinsic factors (Kempermann and Gage, 2002) and extrinsic factors (Ming and

Song, 2005) have been shown to influence neurogenesis. Such factors can affect the

proliferation (number of new neurons generated), differentiation (the selection of a

neuronal fate), and the survival of adult-born neurons (neurons that do not die two-three

weeks after birth and are stably integrated).


1.6.1 Genetic Influences

The influence of genetic background on adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus was first

examined by Kempermann and colleagues (1997). The study found significant

differences among four different mouse strains in the proliferation, survival, and

phenotype (neuron vs. glia) of adult-generated neurons. Further studies have continued to

find differences in neurogenesis among different mouse strains (Kempermann 2002;

Schauwecker, 2006). In all these studies, the degree of difference and which aspect of

neurogenesis was being affected depended on the mouse strains being compared.

A more wide-scale analysis of the influence of genetic variance on neurogenesis was

recently conducted by Kempermann and colleagues (2006). The comparison of 52

different mouse strains revealed over 100 genes that were correlated with differences in

neuronal proliferation, survival, and differentiation. Interestingly, all these genes were

linked with stem cell maintenance, neurogenesis, or gliogenesis. Clearly, further work

needs to be done to determine how these genes interact with one another and with the

environment to influence neurogenesis.

1.6.2 Extrinsic influences

Unlike during embryonic neurogenesis, neurogenesis in the adult needs protection from

anti-neurogenic influences. Likewise, it needs the help of an environment that favours

neuronal development at a time when the rest of the brain has ceased developing. Not

surprisingly, various extrinsic signals such as growth factors and neurotransmitters play

an important role in regulating proliferation, differentiation, and survival of adult-born

cells in the dentate gyrus. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF), for example, increases the


proliferation of adult-born cells (Aberg et al., 2000). Differentiation has been shown to be

affected by the neurotransmitter GABA, which depolarizes type 2 progenitors resulting in

the influx of calcium and leading to increased expression of the neuronal differentiation

factor NeuroD (Tozuka et al., 2005). Meanwhile, survival of adult-born cells (especially

at three weeks after birth) has been shown to be heavily influenced by neuronal activity

resulting from NMDA channel activation (Tashiro et al., 2006).

Along with extrinsic signals, systemic factors such as the environment, behaviour, drugs,

and pathological stimulation have been shown to regulate neurogenesis in the dentate

gyrus. Cell proliferation increases with voluntary exercise (van Praag et al., 1999a; van

Praag et al., 1999b; Kronenberg et al., 2003; Brandt et al., 2003) and survival increases

with environmental enrichment (Kempermann et al., 1998). Hippocampal-dependent

learning is also a positive regulator of SGZ neurogenesis, although its effects are complex

and are affected by such factors as the age of the neurons and the stage of learning

(reviewed by Zhao et al., 2008 b). Finally, neurogenesis increases after pathological

stimulation such as seizure (Parent et al., 1997; Scott et al., 2000) and stroke (Kee et al.,

2001). Negative regulators of neurogenesis have been shown to include stress (Gould et

al. 1998), and drugs such as alcohol (Jang et al., 2002; Nixon and Crews, 2002) and

nicotine (Jang et al., 2002).

1.7 Mechanisms of neuronal migration, morphological development, and

spine formation

1.7.1 Neuronal migration


Before neurons can develop synaptic connections, they need to migrate from their

birthplace to their final position in the adult brain after exiting the cell cycle. In general,

neuronal migration involves a certain sequence of events (Tsai and Glesson, 2005;

Bellion et al., 2005). Migrating neurons have a leading process on one end and a trailing

process on the other end. First, a growth cone at the edge of the leading process helps the

cell extend. Then, the nucleus and other organelles are translocated forward. The trailing

process then retracts. There are two main ways by which a neuron can migrate (reviewed

by Ayala et al., 2007).The first is radial migration, by which neurons migrate by using

radial glia as a scaffold. The second is tangential migration, by which neurons migrate

perpendicular to radial glia.

1.7.2 Growth of axons and dendrites

Morphological development in neurons involves growing an axon, which sends output,

and several dendrites, which receive input. Dendritic and axonal growth involves a

complex process of cytoskeleton remodeling involving microtubules and actin (reviewed

by Conde and Caceres, 2009). Actin is typically situated at the tip of the dendrite or axon

and makes up an important component of the growth cone, while microtubules make up

the core of the dendrite or axon. In the process of dendritic growth, actin helps the

dendrite sense out its environment while microtubules help stabilize the dendrite

following extension or retraction. The movement of the dendritic growth cone has been

shown to be largely mediated by a family of RhoGTPases (Watabe-Uchide et al., 2006).

During cytoskeleton remodeling, actin transitions from an active GTP bound state, which

allows it to bind to other proteins and move the growth cone, to an inactive GDP bound

state. Rho GTPases help catalyze GDP to GTP.


1.7.3 Spine formation

Over 90 % of excitatory synapses are found on spines (Nimchinsky et al. 2002), therefore

spines play an important role in the development of synaptic connectivity. Growing

spines are called fliopodia. These spines contain a long, thin neck and are highly

dynamic, undergoing rapid extension and retraction (Dailey and Smith, 1996). A popular

model of spine development involves filopodia actively seeking out presynaptic partners

(Ziv and Smith, 1996). Once a synaptic connection is made, the spine shortens and

stabilizes. Spines are generally classified into three types based on the size of the head

and neck length (Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof, 1970). Mushroom spines have a large

head and small neck length, stubby spines have a large head and no neck, and tiny spines

have a small head and a long neck length. Since they contain actin, spines are capable of

motility after they are formed (Matus, 2000) providing an important source of synaptic


1.8 Anatomical integration of granule cells during adulthood and early-

postnatal development

1.8.1 Migration

A major challenge unique to dendrites and axons in newly-generated granule cells within

the adult brain consists of migrating through densely packed cell layers filled with mature

dendrites and axons. To overcome this challenge, adult-born granule migrate with the

help of radial glia (Shaprio et al., 2005). Lie and Gotz (2008) proposed that migration in

adult-born granule cells is also likely to depend on the help of doublecortin (DCX)

(Brown et al. 2008), which is a protein found in microtubules, and PSA-NCAM (Seki


2002), which labels immature adult-born cells and is an adhesive protein. Both these

proteins have been found to be important for migration in the olfactory bulb (Hu et al.,

1996; Koizumi et al., 2006), therefore it is possible that they are also involved in granule

cell migration (Lie and Gotz, 2008).

1.8.2 Passive membrane properties

In early stages of development, adult-born granule cells display a high input resistance,

which reflects a low density of ion channels (Esposito et al., 2005; Overstreet-Wadiche et

al., 2006 c). Input resistance decreases as the cells mature. Furthermore, as expected,

membrane capacitance (which is proportional to the area of the soma) is low in immature

neurons and increases to higher levels as cells mature (Esposito et al., 2005). Similar

observations have been noted during the maturation of newly-generated granule cells

during early post-natal development (Liu et al., 2000).

1.8.3 The growth of axons and dendrites

The growth of axons and dendrites in adult-born neurons shares similarities with granule

cells born in the developing brain (reviewed by Ribak and Shapiro, 2007). In developing

adult-born granule cells, dendrites are thin and show immature features such as growth

cones, lamellipodia, and filopodia (Ribak et al., 2004), similar to granule cells in early

post-natal development (Lubbers and Frotscher, 1988). These growth cones are visible in

the new-born neuron 24-48 hours after birth (Shapiro et al., 2007). Furthermore, basal

dendrites are a transient feature of both newly-generated neurons in the adult brain

(Ribak et al., 2004) and developing brain (Jones et al., 2003).


To help with their development, adult-born granule cells are situated close to blood

vessels and astrocytes forming a ―neurogenic niche‖ that is rich in neurotrophic factors

(Palmer et al., 2000).

1.8.4 Afferent connections

Early during their development, adult-born granule cells are spatially restricted to the

subgranular zone and lack afferent synaptic contacts (Esposito et al., 2005). Beginning at

three days of age, however, they are capable of receiving tonic GABA activation caused

by the activation of GABAA receptors through non-vesicular release (Ge et al., 2006 b).

After one week, there is considerable neuronal migration from the SGZ toward the first

and second granule cell layers (Esposito et al., 2005). Around this time, the dendritic

processes of these neurons also reach the inner molecular layer (Zhao et al., 2006) and

receive their first afferent connections. These connections are GABA-mediated and are

formed close to the soma and on distal dendrites (Esposito et al., 2005). At this time,

GABA is excitatory and produces a depolarizing current in granule cells.

Dendritic processes of adult-born granule cells grow to the middle of the molecular layer

at two weeks, and reach the edge of the molecular layer after three-four weeks (Zhao et

al,. 2006; Esposito et al., 2005). Spines began to form on dendrites at 16 day post

infection (dpi) (Zhao et al., 2006). By three weeks, afferents of newborn neurons make

exctitatory glutamatergic contacts with the perforant pathway and by four weeks they

receive somatic GABAergic contacts from interneurons (Esposito et al., 2005).

GABAergic input at this time is inhibitory. Spine density continues to increase until 56


dpi, where it starts to plateau (Zhao et al., 2006). However, mushroom spine density

continues to increase past 100 dpi.

Overall, afferent connectivity proceeds in a similar manner within the adult and post-

natal brain (Lapagne et al., 2006). However, the time course of afferent connectivity in

granule cells in the developing and adult brain differs. Granule cells in neonates receive

perforant input by the end of the first postnatal week (Liu et al., 2000); in contrast to

adult-born granule cells that receive perforant input at 3 weeks of age (Esposito et

al.,2005). Furthermore, spine formation and dendritic growth in granule cells differs

between the developing and adult brain (Zhao et al., 2006). While spine growth is seen as

early as 12 dpi in postnatal brains, it is not seen until 16 dpi in adult brains. Similarly,

dendritic growth of granule cells appears to be slower than in postnatal brains, with

neurons at 12 dpi showing significantly more dendritic length and branching points in

postnatal brains than adult brains. Furthermore, afferent input is delayed in adult-born

granule cells.

1.8.5 Efferent connections

Axons of adult-born granule cells first reach the CA3 region at 10 dpi and continue to

increase in length until 16-56 dpi (Zhao et al., 2006). Toni and colleagues (2008) showed

that these axons begin to establish contacts with postsynaptic targets in the CA3 area and

the hilus as early as 17 dpi. Postsynaptic targets include mossy cells, interneurons of the

hilus, and pyramidal cells in CA3. These synaptic contacts are functional, and release

glutamate as their main transmitter. Faulkner and colleagues (2008) further showed that


the synaptic boutons connecting mossy fiber terminals to CA3 pyramidal cells continue

to mature between two and four weeks of age, and reach maturity at around eight weeks.

Efferent connectivity proceeds in a similar manner in granule cells within the adult-born

and developing brain. In both cases, axons reach CA3 before spines begin to develop

(Jones et al., 2003; Zhao et al., 2006) and axons synapse with dendritic shafts before they

synapse with dendritic spines (Seress et al., 1995; Toni et al., 2008).

Axonal growth, however, is delayed in neurons born in adulthood (Zhao et al., 2006).

Axons of granule cells born in the post-natal brain migrate significantly further at 12 dpi

than axons of cells born during adulthood. Furthermore, mossy fiber boutons reach

maturity by three weeks in the developing brain as compared to eight weeks in the adult


1.9 Functional integration of adult-born granule cells

1.9.1 Physiological maturation of adult-born granule cells

With the use of the GFP-retrovirus, a landmark study by Van Praag and colleagues

(2002) showed that adult-born granule cells acquire physiological properties of mature

granule cells and become functional in vivo. They found that adult-born cells fire

spontaneous postsynaptic currents with fast onset and a slow exponential decay, which is

typical of postsynaptic currents responding to fast neurotransmitters such as glutamate

and GABA. They also fire postsynaptic currents in response to extracellular stimulation

of the perforant path, suggesting that adult-born granule cells receive input and are

functionally integrated into the dentate gyrus.


Despite similarities in physiological properties between adult-born and mature granule

cells, it is important to note that adult-born granule cells exhibit certain characteristics

that make them unique. Adult-born granule cells show a lower LTP induction threshold at

around two to four weeks of age (Schmidt-Hieber et al., 2004; Ge et al., 2007). The LTP

amplitude is also larger than that exhibited by mature cells at around four to six weeks of

age and has been shown to depend on NR2B subunits of the NMDA receptors (Ge et al.,


1.9.2 Immediate-early gene (IEG) expression

Alongside electrophysiology, immediate early gene expression is used to determine

whether neurons are functional in vivo. Immediate early genes (IEG s) serve as indicators

of neuronal activity as they are expressed transiently after neuronal activation. IEG s

encode a variety of proteins, including transcription factors, signal transduction proteins,

and growth factors (Lanahan and Worley, 1998). Many of these proteins are believed to

influence synaptic strength (Guzowski et al., 2002). Correlation between IEG expression and neuronal activation

Many studies have established a correlation between neuronal activation and expression

of IEG s. To detect expression of IEG mRNA, the animal is sacrificed approximately 30

minutes after stimulation and in-situ hybridization is used to detect mRNA levels. To

detect expression of IEG proteins, on the other hand, the animal is sacrificed 1-2 hours

after stimulation and immunohistochemsitry is used to detect protein levels (Guzowski et

al., 2005).


Morgan and colleagues (1987) first established the link between neuronal activation and

expression of IEG s by showing Fos expression throughout several brain regions after the

induction of seizures. The expression of other IEG s such as zif 268, c-jun, and jun-B has

also found to be induced by convulsive agents (Saffen et al., 1988) and by synaptic

NMDA receptor activation induced by LTP (Cole et al., 1989). Importantly, IEG

expression has been correlated with neuronal firing (Labiner et al., 1993). Role of IEG s in memory

Although the exact role of IEG s in memory formation is unclear, it is well established

that they are required for memory maintenance. Rats that receive Fos antisense

oligodeoxynucleotide infusions have been shown to have impairments in the acquisition

and retention of conditioned taste aversion (Yasoshima et al., 2006) and for consolidation

of socially transmitted food preference (Countryman et al., 2005).

IEG expression is useful in mapping circuits activated during learning and recall.

Learning has been shown to regulate the expression of the IEG s Arc, Fos, and zif268 in

the water maze (Guzowski et al., 2001) and Fos in the socially transmitted food

preference task (Smith et al., 2007). Recent studies have used this approach to identify

circuits supporting recall of spatial (Maviel et al., 2004), aversive (Frankland et al.,

2004), appetitive (Bertaina and Destrade, 1995), olfactory (Smith et al., 2007) and

gustatory (Yasoshima et al., 2006) memories. IEG activation in adult-born cells following neuronal stimulation

Many immunohistochemical studies thus far have found that adult-born cells express IEG

s following various forms of stimulation. In an important study, Jessberger and


Kempermann (2003) showed for the first time that adult-born cells express the immediate

early gene markers c-fos, zif268, and Homer1A following kainic acid (KA) and

pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) induced seizures. The proportion of adult-born cells expressing

IEG s following seizure activity was considerably greater in neurons 25 days of age than

35 days of age showing that adult-born cells acquire responsiveness to activating stimuli.

Furthermore, at 35 days of age, a similar ratio of adult-born and mature granule cells

participated in IEG-expression. In another study, Bruel-Jungerman and colleagues (2006)

showed that two-week old but not one-week old neurons expressed the IEG marker

Zif268 following high-frequency electrical perforant path stimulation.

Further studies show that adult-born cells respond to environmental stimulation.

Jessberger and Kempermann (2007) showed that mature adult-born cells express the IEG

marker c-fos following water maze training. Similarly, Ramirez-Amaya and colleagues

(2006) found that mature adult-born cells express Arc following spatial exploration.

To determine whether adult-born neurons are stably incorporated into hippocampal

memory circuits, Kee and colleagues (2007) examined activation of adult-born cells

following recall of a spatial memory. The main idea of their experimental design was that

if BrdU-labeled neurons are incorporated into dentate gyrus circuitry supporting spatial

memory during training, they should express Fos following testing. Excitingly, they

found that adult-born neurons are functionally incorporated into dentate gyrus circuitry

supporting spatial memory and that the incorporation is age dependent. Through the use

of various controls they also showed that gene expression was not associated with

nonspecific aspects of the task (for example, swimming, physical exercise, stress or



1.10 Factors affecting morphological development of neurons during

embryogenesis and early-postnatal development

1.10.1 Transcription factors

The majority of studies examining the influence of transcription factors on dendrtic

development have been done in Drosophila. A recent RNA interference screen has

revealed that more than 70 transcription factors regulate dendrtic growth of class 1

sensory neurons in the Drosophila nervous system (Parrish et al., 2006). In mammals, the

dendritic morphology of neurons has been shown to be controlled by transcription factors

such as Neuro1D (Gaudilliere et al., 2004) and CREB (Redmond et al., 2002).

1.10.2 Extrinsic factors

The influence of extrinsic factors on dendritic arborization in embryogenesis and early-

postnatal development has been extensively studied. Chemical cues play a particularly

important role in influencing the direction of dendritic growth. In the rat cortex, for

example, growth of apical dendrites to the pial surface in pyramidal cells is influenced by

the chemoattracant semaphorin 3A (Polleux et al., 2000).

Along with influencing the direction of dendritic growth, extrinsic signals influence

dendritic growth dynamics, by inhibiting or stimulating dendritic growth. For example,

Notch signaling has been shown to decrease dendritic growth (Redmond et al., 2000). On

the other hand, neuotrophins such as nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived

neurotrophic factor (BDNF) increase dendritic growth (Huang and Reichardt, 2001).

Neurotrophins act on TrkB receptors, and activate the MAP kinase and PI-3 kinase

pathways which have been connected with cytoskeleton remodeling (Wu et al., 2001).


Finally, hormones also influence dendritic growth dynamics, including thyroid

horomone, glucocorticoids, and estrogen (Gould et al., 1991).

1.10.3 Activity-dependent regulation

It is well established that in early development two types of activity influence the

development of neurons (Feller, 1999). The first is spontaneous activity, independent of

afferent input; the second is experience-dependent activity driven by afferent input. Spontaneous activity

Spontaneous activity consists of rhythmic bursts of action potentials across neurons and

mostly influences early stages of neuronal maturation, such as migration and the

formation of initial synaptic connections (Feller, 1999). In general, action potentials

increase levels of intracellular calcium which then affect cytoskeleton remodeling.

Spontaneous activity has been most extensively studied in the retina and has been shown

to occur across a variety of species, including chickens, turtles, mice, and ferrets early in

post-natal development (reviewed by Wong, 1999). In the retina, spontaneous activity

generally consists of three sequential phases: the first is driven by electrical coupling via

gap junctions, the second by acetycholine (ACh), and the third by glutamate (Feller et al.,

1996; Syed et al., 2004). In the CA1 regions of the developing hippocampus,

spontaneous action potentials have been shown to be generated by GABA (Garaschuk et

al., 1998). Afferent-dependent activity

The relationship between synaptic input and dendritic growth during embryogenesis has


been extensively examined. Many studies point to synaptic input as providing a ―go‖

signal for dendritic growth (reviewed by Wong, 2002). This is commonly seen with

synaptic input mediated by sensory stimulation. For example, using time-lapse imaging

in the tadpole tectum a study by Sin et al. (2002) showed that dendritic growth

significantly increases shortly after tadpoles are exposed to light. The dendritic growth

was shown to be mediated by NMDA receptors and Rho GTPases.

Interestingly, some studies have found that blocking activity increases dendritic growth

(reviewed by McAllister, 2000) suggesting that activity stabilizes or ―stops‖ dendritic

growth. For example, Rocha and Sur (1995) showed that blocking NMDA receptors in

the lateral geniculate nucleus increases dendritic growth.

Overall, it appears like a combination of factors influence whether activity promotes or

inhibits dendritic growth. For example, a study by Rajan and Cline (1998) showed that in

early stages of tectal neuron development, activation of NMDA receptors increases

dendritic length. During later stages of dendritic maturation, when the ratio of AMPA to

NMDA receptors increases, the activation of AMPA receptors by sensory activity

stabilizes dendritic growth. A more recent study by Tripodi and colleagues (2008) has

further suggested that the interaction between activity and dendritic growth is

characterized by a homeostatic mechanism and dendritic arbors adjust according to their

level of active synaptic sites.

1.11 Factors affecting anatomical and functional maturation of adult-born

granule cells

Adult-born granule cells in the dentate gyrus face many challenges. Only approximately


40% of adult-born cells that are generated survive and differentiate (Dayer et al., 2003).

Then, these neurons face the difficult task of anatomically and functionally integrating

into a mature neuronal circuit within the dentate gyrus. Adult-born neurons face not only

limited space, but also a more heterogeneous environment than in the embryo. To date, a

significant amount of attention has been devoted towards examining factors that affect

the proliferation and survival of adult-born neurons; much less attention, however, has

been devoted towards identifying which factors affect the integration of these neurons.

Integration is a complex process requiring migration, neuronal growth, acquisition of

intrinsic excitability, and synapse formation.

1.11.1 Extrinsic signals

While the effect of various external molecular cues on dendritic maturation has been

extensively explored in the developing nervous system, the influence of external signals

on dendritic maturation in neurogenesis has only recently begun to be examined. With the

use of inducible transgenic mice and viral-mediated gene transduction, significant

progress has started to be made in manipulating genes affecting signaling pathways that

are important in adult neurogenesis, including their integration. A common approach, for

example, involves using a virus that encodes Cre recombinase, which recognizes and

recombines loxP sites that are positioned on the ends of a gene of interest—a ‗floxed‘

gene. Stereotaxic infusion of a virus encoding Cre into the brain of a floxed mouse allows

regionally specific gene knockout.

One molecule that has been closely linked with maturation of adult-generated neurons is

DISC1 (Duan et al., 2007). The expression of the DISC1 gene is high in development and


has particularly high expression in adult-born neurons in both the hippocampus and

olfactory bulb (Austin et al., 2004) making it a strong candidate for regulating

neurogenesis. Interestingly, Duan and colleagues (2007) found accelerated neuronal

maturation upon knocking down DISC1 in adult-born granule cells by using a retrovirus

encoding a short hairpin RNA (shRNA). These neurons had greater dendritic complexity

(length and crossings) and exhibited enhanced excitability as measured by membrane

resistance and action potential firing. Accelerated maturation, however, was accompanied

by ectopic cell bodies and defective neuronal positioning. In a similar manner,

knockdown of DISC1 resulted in accelerated axonal maturation with defective axonal

targeting and synaptic output formation (Faulkner et al., 2008).

While DISC1 negatively regulates neuronal maturation, most other molecules examined

positively regulate neuronal maturation. Cell division protein kinase 5 (Cdk5), for

example, is a kinase that phosphorylates many molecules regulating neuronal growth and

synapse formation (Dhariwala et al., 2008). Knocking down Cdk5 using a retroviral-

based approach results in aberrant growth of dendrites, altered neuronal migration, and

ectopic synapse formation with target cells (Jessberger et al., 2008).

Other signaling pathways that positively regulate the maturation of adult-born cells

include brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor tropomyosine related

kinase (TrkB). Tamoxifen-induced deletion of TrkB results in deficits in both anatomical

and functional integration with reduced growth of dendrite and spines and impaired long-

term potentiation (Bergami et al., 2008). In a similar manner, knocking down Notch leads

to a decrease in dendritic complexity (Breunig et al., 2007). Further studies point to the

role of downstream transcription factors in positively regulating dendritic maturation,


particularly the cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) (Fujioka et al.,


1.11.2 Activity-dependent regulation Afferent-independent activity regulation – GABA

Similar to development, recent studies have shown that GABA plays an important role in

regulating various stages of granule cell development within the adult brain, including

neuronal maturation and synaptic integration.

GABA has been shown to influence neuronal development when it has an excitatory role

on neurons (Ge et al., 2006 a). Whether GABA results in excitation through

depolarization or inhibition through hyperpolarization depends on the expression of the

chlorine transporters NKCC1 (a chlorine importer) and KCC2 (a chlorine exporter). In

early stages of maturation, there are higher levels of NKCC1 resulting in a high chloride

ion concentration and a depolarizing effect by GABA. Over a period of 2-3 weeks as the

cells mature, levels of NKCC1 decrease leading to a lower level of chloride ion inside the

cell and therefore an inhibitory effect by GABA.

To examine the role of GABA on adult-born granule neurons, Ge and colleagues (2006

b) used shRNAS against NKCC1 to make GABAergic activity hyperpolarizing in

immature neurons. This resulted in decreased neuronal complexity and delayed formation

of GABAergic and glutamatergic synapses, pointing to the role of activity mediated by

GABA in setting the ‗tempo‘ for maturation (Ge et al., 2006 a). Although the mechanism

by which GABA activation influences anatomical and functional integration of adult-

born cells is unknown, several mechanisms have been proposed. It has been suggested


that depolarization induced by GABA could activate transcription factors involved in

dendritic growth and synaptogenesis such as CREB (Overstreet-Wadiche et al., 2006 a)

and/or calcium signaling leading to rearrangement of the cytoskeleton (Ge et al., 2006 a).

Global spontaneous neuronal activity in the form of seizures also regulates neuronal

maturation. Seizures cause abnormal morphological maturation in adult-born neurons

such as growth of hilar basal dendrites and defective migration (Jessberger et al., 2007).

Overstreet-Wadiche and colleagues (2006 b) also showed that seizures accelerate

anatomical and functional integration of adult-born cells resulting in greater dendritic

complexity (number of branches, dendritic length) and accelerated synapse formation

with perforant path input. It has been suggested that accelerated anatomical and

functional integration could result from enhanced GABA-mediated depolarization

following seizures or the upregulation of neurotrophic factors such as BDNF (Overstreet-

Wadiche et al., 2006 b). Afferent-dependent activity regulation

The effect of afferent-dependent activity on dendritic growth in adult-born granule cells

has not directly been examined. However, two recent studies have examined the effect of

enhanced network activity through learning on the dendritic growth of adult-born granule

cells in the hippocampus. Interestingly, Ambrogini and colleagues (2009) showed that

adult-born granule cells in rats trained in the Morris water maze have accelerated

formation of GABAergic synapses and a greater number of primary dendrites than

controls. Tronel and colleagues (2010) further showed that spatial learning increases

dendritic complexity (as seen in dendritic length, nodes, terminals) and spine density in


adult-born cells. The increase in complexity is dependent on the cognitive demand of the

task and on the activation of NMDA receptors. Together, these studies suggest that

afferent activity accelerates the anatomical and functional maturation of adult-born

granule cells. The relationship between the anatomical maturation of adult-born granule

cells and their functional integration into dentate gyrus circuitry remains unexplored.



2. 1 Study rationale

Since neurogenesis was discovered in the adult human hippocampus approximately a

decade ago, a large amount of progress has been made in identifying intrinsic and

extrinsic factors that affect early stages of maturation in adult-born granule cells,

primarily their proliferation, differentiation, and survival. With the introduction of

retroviral-mediated cell labeling, many studies have also characterized their anatomical

and functional integration. However, our understanding of the factors affecting these later

stages of development, especially their functional integration, is quite limited.

It is possible that morphological correlates of adult-born granule cells affect their

functional integration. The majority of excitatory synapses terminate on dendrites,

therefore they play an important role in integrating input to produce neuronal output

(Johnston et al., 1996). Several studies have also found an association between an

increase in dendritic complexity and memory enhancement (Liu et al., 2008; Eadie et al.,

2005). Spines, meanwhile, are the postsynaptic components of excitatory synapses and

regulate the synaptic excitation of the dendrite (Jaslove, 1992; Harris and Kater, 1994). In

fact, studies have found that an increase in spine density results in a significant increase

in the size of miniature excitatory post-synaptic potentials (mEPSCs) (El-Husseini et al.,

2000; Matsuzaki et al., 2001). Since differences in dendritic complexity and spine density

affect how neurons process and integrate excitatory input, it is highly plausible that they

might influence whether or not adult-generated neurons become functionally integrated

into dentate gyrus circuitry.


2. 2 Experimental design

In the following study, we stereotaxically injected a CAG-retrovirus into the dentate

gyrus of mice. This allowed us to selectively label proliferating cells with GFP and to

define morphological features of dendrites and spines. Either 10, 20, 40, or 80 days

following viral infection, mice were injected with pentylenetrazol (PTZ), to activate the

maximum number of adult-born granule cells (Figure 2.1). The expression of the IEG

protein c-fos was used as a marker of activated neurons, as Fos expression has been

correlated with neuronal firing following PTZ induced seizures (Labiner et al., 1993).

Morphological features of Fos + and Fos- adult-born cells within groups were then


Figure 2.1: Experimental design. The retrovirus was stereotaxically infused into the

dentate gyrus and 10, 20, 40, or 80 days later seizures were induced and the mice were

perfused. The time from surgery to perfusion corresponds to the age of the adult-born

granule cells.


2.3 Specific aims and hypotheses

Our main aim was to examine the relationship between dendritic and spine properties of

adult-born granule cells and their integration into dentate gyrus circuitry following PTZ

induced seizures. This involved within-group comparisons. We hypothesized that

dendritic complexity and spine density would be significantly greater in GFP+/Fos+ than

GFP+/Fos- neurons, especially at 20 and 40 days of age. Greater dendritic complexity

and spine density likely reflects a more mature neuronal phenotype, increasing the

likelihood that such neurons will be integrated into dentate gyrus circuitry.



3.1 Subjects and stereotaxic surgery

Six to seven week old male mice (C57B1/6NTac 129S6/SvEv Tac) were housed in

standard conditions with 4-5 mice per cage. Prior to surgery, mice were anesthetized with

4% chlorol hydrate (Sigma). Virus (1.0 l at 0.15 l min -1

) was infused bilaterally into

the dentate gyrus (anteroposterior = -2.2 mm from bregma; lateral = 1.6 mm; ventral =

2.0 mm). Animal protocols were approved by the SickKids Animal Use and Care


3.2 Retroviral-mediated labeling of adult-born neurons in the mouse


We used a replication-deficient retroviral vector based on the Moloney murine leukemia

virus to express GFP driven by a CAG promoter (Zhao et al., 2006). First, two plasmids

containing an amphotropic envelope (vsvg) and the transgene (pCAG-GFP) were

transfected into Plat-gp cells, and concentrated through ultra-speed centrifugation to

produce a virus (Figure 3.1). We then infected Plat-E cells with the virus. This resulted in

a stable virus-producing cell line. The virus from this cell line was concentrated through

ultra-high speed centrifugation to produce an ecotropic virus with a high titer: 5.0 108

5.0 109 infection units.


Figure 3.1: CAG-retrovirus production. VSVG and pCAG-GFP plasmids were

transfected into a Plat-gp cell line. The amphotropic virus then infected Plat-E cells and

the supernatant was centrifuged to produce a pCAG-GFP ecotropic virus.

3.3 Seizure induction

At periods of 10, 20, 40 or 80 days following surgery, animals were injected with

pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) (Sigma) to induce seizure activity. Seizures were induced at the

same time in all animals within each housing group. First, a single intraperitoneal

injection of 30 mg/kg PTZ was given. After 10 min, a 10 mg/kg injection was given

every 15 minutes until the animal seized. Animals were observed closely and only those

exhibiting generalized clonic activity were analyzed. Generalized clonic activity was

characterized by a sudden loss of upright posture, whole body clonus involving all four

limbs and tail, and rearing (Ferraro et al., 1999). These signs were followed by a

quiescent period.

3. 4 Tissue preparation


Ninety minutes following generalized clonus activity, mice were anaesthetized deeply

with 4% chlorol hydrate (400 mg/kg) (Sigma) and perfused transcardially with 0.15 M

phosphate buffered saline (PBS) followed by 4 % paraformaldehyde (PFA) in 0.15 M

PBS. Brains were removed and postfixed in 4 % PFA overnight. They were then cut on a

vibratome (Leica VT1200S). Coronal sections of 50- m were taken throughout the entire

extent of the hippocampus and transferred to a cryoprotecting solution (60 % glycerol,

0.1 % sodium azide, and 0.15 M PBS). They were stored overnight at 4 C and then

transferred to -20 C.

3.5 Immunohistochemistry

Free-floating sections were rinsed (3 5 min) in 0.15 PBS and incubated in 0.02 %

sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (10 min). They were then rinsed (5 5 min) in 0.15 PBS

and treated with 1 % hydrogen peroxide (30 min) to block endogenous peroxidase

activity. Following rinsing (3 5 min) they were incubated for 2 hours in donkey

blocking solution. The blocking solution consisted of 2.5 % bovine serum albumin

(Sigma), 5 % donkey serum (Jackson Laboratories), and 0.3 % Triton X-100 (Sigma).

This was followed by 48 hours of incubation with primary anti-GFP antibody (IgG rabbit,

1:500; Invitrogen) and primary anti-Fos antibody (goat, 1:100, Santa Cruz) at 4 C .

After washing with 0.05% Tween in PBS (6 10 min), sections were incubated for 2

hours in AlexaFluor488 donkey anti-rabbit (1:500, Invitrogen), AlexaFluor 568 donkey

anti-goat (1:500, Invitrogen), and Hoescht (1:1000, Invitrogen). All antibodies were

diluted in the donkey blocking solution described earlier. Sections were washed with 0.05


% Tween in PBS (6 10 min) and mounted with Vectashield mounting medium (Vector


3.6 Identification of GFP+ Fos+ cells

An epifluorescent microscope (Olympus BX61) with a 60 oil objective (NA; 1.42,

Olympus) was used to quantify the phenotype (Fos+/Fos-) of all GFP + cells manually.

The image was moved in and out of focus throughout the entire z axis of each cell. A

subset of Fos+ GFP+ were confirmed using a confocal microscope (Olympus IX81 DSU)

with a 40 oil objective. To verify that Fos+ GFP+ cells were double-labeled, 20 focal

planes were collected to create a three-dimensional image and ensure that the

fluorochromes originated from the same cell. Partially labeled or sectioned cells were not

counted. Also, cells in the uppermost and lowermost 5 m-focal plane were not included.

To quantify the proportion of GFP + cells that were Fos+ within each group, 25 neurons

per animal were randomly selected for analysis and their phenotype (Fos+ or Fos- ) was

determined. Three animals were analyzed at 10 dpi, 7 at 20 dpi, 9 at 40 dpi, and 5 at 80


3. 7 Dendritic properties

Using 10 magnification, the dentate gyrus was identified and granule neurons

throughout the dentate gyrus were randomly selected for analysis. For within-group

comparisons, neurons were first identified as Fos+ or Fos-. GFP + neurons selected for

analysis contained at least one primary, secondary, and tertiary branch. Mature granule

cells in the dentate gyrus are expected to fulfill this criteria (Claiborne, 1990); therefore,


this criteria was used to avoid analyzing neurons greatly affected by cutting. Neurons that

met this criteria were traced using an epifluorescent microscope (Olympus BX61) with a

60 oil objective (NA; 1.42, Olympus), a computerized stage, and Neuroleucida

software (Version 9, Microbrightfield).

3.7.1 Sholl analysis

We first conducted Sholl analysis (Sholl, 1956) by reconstructing the traced neuronal

images using NeuroExplorer (Version 9, Microbrightfield). A series of concentric

spheres, centered on the cell body and spaced 20 m apart, were placed over the neuron

and the number of times the dendrite intersected each sphere and the total dendritic length

within each sphere was quantified (Figure 3.2). Sholl analysis was conducted for all radii

at 20-200 m away from the soma. The majority of neurons were cut at around 220 m

away from the soma; hence, radii from 220-260 m were eliminated from analysis.

Figure 3.2. Sholl analysis. A series of concentric spheres, centered on the cell body and

spaced 20 m apart, are placed over the neuron. Only rings at 20 and 40 m are shown in

this diagram.


For among-group analysis, neurons were randomly selected from three animals in the 10

dpi group and from ten animals in each of the 20, 40, and 80 dpi groups. In the final

sample, tracings were made on 14 neurons from the 10 dpi group, 89 neurons from the 20

dpi group, 97 neurons from the 40 dpi group, and 52 neurons from the 80 dpi group. A

minimum of five neurons were selected from each animal.

For within-group analysis, neurons were analyzed from 8 animals at 20 dpi, 8 animals at

40 dpi, and 6 animals at 80 dpi. For the final quantification, the following number of

neurons were included for analysis: 40 Fos+, 41 Fos- neurons in the 20 dpi group, 68

Fos+ , 33 Fos -neurons in the 40 dpi group, and 34 Fos+, 18 Fos- neurons in the 80 dpi

group. A minimum of 5 neurons were selected from each animal.

3.7.2 Branch order analysis

We also performed branch order analysis to provide an additional measure of dendritic

complexity (Figure 3.3). In this type of analysis, when a primary dendrite bifurcates, the

dendrites extending from the branch point are classified as secondary dendrites. We

recorded the quantity of dendrites at each branch order. The same neurons that were used

for Sholl analysis were used for branch order analysis.


Figure 3.3. Branch order analysis. The first branch order is shown in pink, the second in

yellow, and the third in blue. Branches are labeled for only a portion of the neuron in this


3.7.3 Branch thickness

To analyze branch thickness, traced neuronal images were analyzed using NeuroExplorer

(Version 9, Microbrightfield). Branch thickness of 1st, 2

nd, 3

rd, 4

th, and 5

th order branches

was collected from 5 animals in each of the 20, 40, and 80 dpi groups. In the final

sample, tracings included a total of 66 branches at the 1st order, 112 branches at the 2


order, 114 branches at the 3rd

order, 217 branches at the 4th

order, and 146 branches at the


order. A minimum of five neurons were randomly selected for analysis from each


3. 8 Spine Properties

For spine analysis, z-series images at 0.25 m increments were acquired with a 100 oil

objective (NA 1.40, Olympus) and Neuroleucida software (Version 9, Microbrightfield).


Images were taken of third and fourth order dendritic segments as they were found in the

greatest quantity within neurons. Third and fourth order dendritic segments also make

synaptic contacts with both the medial and lateral perforant pathways, which provide

afferent input to granule neurons. Spines were quantified manually from image stacks

using NeuroExplorer (Version 9, Microbrightfield). Quantification was performed blind

to the phenotype of the cell (Fos+ vs. Fos-).

3.8.1 Spine and mushroom spine density

To calculate spine density, the number of spines was divided by the length of the

dendritic segment. Dendritic segments had a minimum length of 50 m. For a subset of

dendritic segments, the diameter of the spine heads and the length of the spine necks was

determined to help with the classification of mushroom spines. Since mushroom spines

have large diameters and relatively short neck lengths (Peters and Kaiserman-Abramof,

1970), a spine was classified as mushroom if its diameter was more than twice the size of

the spine neck length.

For among-group analysis of spine density, segments were taken from 8 animals at 20

dpi, 8 animals at 40 dpi, and 4 animals at 80 dpi. The total sample included a total of 111

segments at 20 dpi, 53 segments at 40 dpi, and 20 segments at 80 dpi. For the

quantification of mushroom spine density, segments were taken from 7 animals at 20 dpi,

7 animals and 40 dpi, and 4 animals at 80 dpi. The total sample included 83 segments at

20 dpi, 18 segments at 40 dpi, and 19 segments at 80 dpi. A minimum of four dendritic

segments were taken from each animal.


For within-group analysis of spine density, segments were taken from 8 animals at 20

dpi, 8 animals at 40 dpi, and 4 animals at 80 dpi. The total sample included a total of 57

Fos+ and 54 Fos- segments at 20 dpi, 24 Fos+ and 24 Fos- segments at 40 dpi, and 14

Fos+ and 13 Fos- segments at 80 dpi. For the quantification of mushroom spine density,

segments were taken from 7 animals at 20 dpi, 7 animals and 40 dpi, and 4 animals at 80

dpi. The total sample included 45 Fos+ and 38 Fos- segments at 20 dpi, 20 Fos+ and 15

Fos- segments at 40 dpi, and 14 Fos+ and 13 Fos- segments at 80 dpi. A minimum of

four dendritic segments were taken from each animal.

3.9 Statistics

To compare the number of intersections and dendritic length across different age groups

repeated-measures ANOVAs were used with age as the between subject factor and the

distance from the soma (radii) as the within subject factor. Subsequent Fisher’s post-hoc

LSD tests were used to examine overall differences between age groups as well as

differences between age groups at specific radii. In a similar manner, to compare the

total number of dendrites at each branch order a repeated measures ANOVA was used

with age as the between subject factor and branch order as the within subject factor.

Subsequent Fisher’s post-hoc LSD tests were used to examine overall differences

between age groups as well as differences between age groups at specific branch orders.

An unpaired, two-tailed student’s t-test was used to compare branch thickness between

20 and 40 dpi at the 4th

and 5th

branch order and between 20 and 80 dpi at the 4th

and 5th

branch order.


To compare spine and mushroom spine density across age groups univariate ANOVAs

were used with age as the between subject factor. Subsequent Fisher’s post-hoc LSD tests

were used to examine differences between age groups. Similarly, to compare the

proportion of GFP cells expressing Fos between age groups a univariate ANOVA was

used with age as the between subject factor. Subsequent Fisher’s post-hoc LSD tests were

used to examine differences between age groups. Finally, to compare the number of

intersections and dendritic length between Fos+ and Fos- neurons for each age group,

repeated-measures ANOVAs were used with Fos expression as the between subject

factor and distance from the soma (radii) as the within subject factor.



4.1 Adult-born granule cells mature with age

To characterize the dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells at various ages, we

used the CAG-retrovirus (Zhao et al., 2006). As expected, neurons at 10 days post-

infection (dpi) showed many immature features such as short processes, varicosities, and

the absence of spines (Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1: Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells at 10 dpi. a, retroviral-

labeling of adult-born granule cells in the dentate gyrus. The square indicates the area

imaged in b. b, a retroviral-labeled neuron. The square indicates the area imaged in c. c,

spines on a dendritic segment. DAPI is blue; GFP is green.


Neurons at 20 dpi also showed features of immature neurons such as varicosities, thin

branches, and a low spine density. Despite their immature features, neurons at 20 dpi

showed complex dendritic arborization and the majority of the neurons had dendrites that

reached the outer edge of the molecular layer (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2: Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells at 20 dpi. a, retroviral-

labeling of adult-born granule cells in the dentate gyrus. The square indicates the area

imaged in b. b, a retroviral-labeled neuron. The square indicates the area imaged in c. c,

spines on a dendritic segment. DAPI is blue; GFP is green.


Neurons at 40 and 80 dpi showed complex dendritic arborization and had dendrites

covered with spines (Figures 4.3 and 4.4).

Figure 4.3: Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells at 40 dpi. a, retroviral-

labeling of adult-born granule cells in the dentate gyrus. The square indicates the area

imaged in b. b, a retroviral-labeled neuron. The square indicates the area imaged in c. c,

spines on a dendritic segment. DAPI is blue; GFP is green.


Figure 4.4: Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells at 80 dpi. a, retroviral-

labeling of adult-born granule cells in the dentate gyrus. The square indicates the area

imaged in b. b, a retroviral-labeled neuron. The square indicates the area imaged in c. c,

spines on a dendritic segment. DAPI is blue; GFP is green.


4. 2 Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells changes with age

To compare dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells across age groups, Sholl

analysis was conducted for the number of intersections and dendritic length (Figure 4.5).

The number of intersections was significantly different among age groups and radii

(ANOVA, F 3,247 = 21.8, p<0.01; F9,2223 = 58.7, p<0.01, respectively ). The interaction

between groups and radii was significant (F27,2223= 7.59, p=0<0.01) indicating that the

number of intersections across radii depends on the age of the adult-born granule cells.

Dendritic length was also significantly different among age groups and radii (ANOVA, F

3,225 = 29.1, p< 0.01; F 9,2025 = 69.0, p<0.01, respectively). Likewise, the interaction

between groups and radii was significant (F 27,2025 = 9.6; p <0.01) indicating that dendritic

length across radii differs depending on the age of the adult-born granule cells.












0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260









Distance from soma (µm)

10 dpi

20 dpi

40 dpi

80 dpi

* *

* *

* *

* *

* * *


* *

* *

* *a

* ** ** *

* ** ** *

* ** ** *

* ** *

* *

* ** ** *


Figure 4.5: Sholl analysis for a, the number of intersections and b, dendritic length in

neurons at 10, 20, 40, and 80 dpi. Significant differences are denoted by ** if p<0.01, and

* if p<0.05. Asterisks are red for differences between 10 dpi and 20 dpi, green for

differences between 10 dpi and 40 dpi and purple for differences between 10 dpi and 80

dpi. Asterisks are in green for differences between 20 and 40 dpi and in purple for

differences between 20 and 80 dpi.

As expected, post-hoc Fisher‘s tests revealed that overall, neurons at 10 dpi had a

significantly lower number of intersections and dendritic length than neurons at 20, 40,

and 80 dpi (p<0.01). Specifically, the number of intersections and dendritic length was

significantly lower in neurons at 10 dpi than in neurons at 20, 40, and 80 dpi across 60-

160 m away from the soma (p<0.01). This indicates that neurons at 10 dpi have smaller

dendritic arbors than their older counterparts.

Most interestingly, neurons at 20 dpi had an overall significantly greater number of

intersections and dendritic length than neurons at 40 dpi and 80 dpi (p<0.01).

Specifically, the number of intersections was significantly greater in neurons at 20 dpi













0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260




c L





Distance from soma (µm)

10 dpi

20 dpi

40 dpi

80 dpi

* ** ** * * *

* *

* *

* *

* *

* *

* * b

* ** *

* ** *

* ** *

* ** *

* ** *

* ** *

* ** *

* ** *

* ** *

* ** *


than neurons at 40 and 80 dpi across 80-160 m away from the soma (p<0.05). Dendritic

length was significantly greater in neurons at 20 dpi than neurons at 40 and 80 dpi across

80-180 m away from the soma (p<0.01). Overall, this shows that the dendritic arbors of

neurons at 20 dpi are larger than those of older neurons and suggests a possible pruning

mechanism occurring between 20 to 40 dpi in adult-born granule cells.

To provide another measure of dendritic arbor complexity, branch order analysis was

conducted for the number of dendrites at each branch order (Figure 4.6). There were

significant differences among groups and branch order (ANOVA, F 3,257 = 16.7, p<0.01;

F 6,1542 = 135.0, p<0.01, respectively). The interaction between groups and branch order

was significant (F 18,1542 = 6.7, p<0.01) indicating that number of dendrites across branch

order depends on the age of the adult-born granule cells.

As expected, a post-hoc Fisher‘s test showed that overall neurons at 10 dpi had a

significantly lower number of dendrites than neurons at 20, 40, and 80 dpi (p <0.01).

Specifically, the number of dendrites was significantly lower in neurons at 10 dpi than in

neurons at 20,40, and 80 dpi at the 3rd

and 4th

branch orders (p<0.01). Neurons at 20 dpi

showed an overall significantly greater number of dendrites than neurons at 40 and 80 dpi

(p<0.01). Specifically, significant differences in the number of dendrites were seen at the


, 4th

, 5th

, and 6th

branch orders (p<0.05). This provides further support for a pruning

mechanism and suggests that more distal dendrites are retracted between 20 to 40 days of



Figure 4.6: Branch order analysis for the number of dendrites at 10, 20, 40, and 80 dpi.

Significant differences are denoted by ** if p<0.01, and * if p<0.05. Asterisks are red for

differences between 10 dpi and 20 dpi, green for differences between 10 dpi and 40 dpi

and purple for differences between 10 dpi and 80 dpi. Asterisks are in green for

differences between 20 and 40 dpi and in purple for differences between 20 and 80 dpi.

Although neurons at 20 dpi have larger dendritic arbors than those of their older

counterparts, analysis of branch order thickness shows that dendrites at 20 dpi are smaller

in diameter at higher branch orders than dendrites at 40 and 80 dpi (Figure 4.7). An

unpaired, two-tailed t-test reveals a significant increase in branch thickness from 20 to 40

dpi in the 4th

(t 137 = 3.87, p <0.01) and 5th

branch order (t 91 = 4.68, p< 0.01) and from 20

to 80 dpi in the 4th

(t 124 = 4.67, p< 0.01) and 5th

branch order (t 92= 5.36, p< 0.01).











1 2 3 4 5 6 7











Branch Order

10 dpi

20 dpi

40 dpi

80 dpi

** *

* *

* *

* *

* *

* ** ** *

* ** ** * * *

* ** ** *

* * *


Figure 4.7: Branch order analysis for branch thickness at 20, 40, and 80 dpi. Significant

differences between neurons at 20 dpi and 40 dpi are denoted by * * if p<0.01.

Significant differences between neurons at 20 dpi and 80 dpi are denoted by * * if

p<0.01, and * if p<0.05.

4. 3 Spine density of adult-born granule cells changes with age

There was a significant difference in spine density between groups (ANOVA, F 2,181 =

139.7, p< 0.01). As expected, a Fisher‘s post-hoc analysis showed that spine density at 20

dpi was significantly less than at 40 dpi (p<0.01) and 80 dpi (p<0.01) (Figure 4.8a). Spine

density at 20 dpi was also considerably more variable between dendritic segments than at

40 and 80 dpi (Figure 4.8b) reinforcing that a considerable amount of spine growth

occurs around this time.







1 2 3 4 5






ss (



Branch Order

20 dpi

40 dpi

80 dpi

* * * *

* * * *


There was also a significant difference in mushroom spine density between groups

(ANOVA, F 2,117 = 29.0, p<0.01). As expected, a Fisher‘s post-hoc analysis showed that

spine density at 20 dpi was significantly less than at 40 (p<0.01) and 80 dpi (p<0.01)

(Figure 4.8 c).

Figure 4.8: Spine analysis at 20,40, and 80 dpi. a, spine density analysis. b, cumulative

probability plot of spine density. c, mushroom spine density analysis. Significant

differences are denoted by * * if p<0.01 and * if p<0.05













Days Post Injection20 40 80

a ** **







<0.05 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0












20 dpi

40 dpi

80 dpi
















20 40 80Days Post Injection

c ** **


4.4 Seizure induction activates Fos

Animals were characterized has having a seizure when they exhibited generalized clonic

activity. Seizure activity resulted in strong Fos expression throughout the dentate gyrus

(Figure 4.9).

Figure 4.9: Fos expression in the dentate gyrus following PTZ induced seizures. a, Fos

expression in the dentate gyrus following a PTZ induced seizure b, DAPI. c, An overlay

of Fos (red) and DAPI (blue).


4. 5 Proportion of GFP+ cells expressing Fos increases with age

Fos was not seen in neurons at 10 dpi. A subset of GFP-labeled neurons at 20, 40, and 80

dpi showed Fos expression following PTZ-induced seizures (Figure 4.10).

Figure 4.10: a, Fos expression in the dentate gyrus following a PTZ induced seizure. The

square indicates the area imaged in b. c, Co-localization between GFP and Fos. GFP is

green and Fos is red.


There was a significant difference in the proportion of GFP+ labeled granule cells

expressing Fos following PTZ-induced seizures between groups (ANOVA, F 3,48 =

415.2, p <0.01 ) (Figure 4.11). A Fisher‘s post-hoc revealed that the proportion of GFP+

cells expressing Fos was significantly less at 10 dpi than at 20,40, and 80 dpi (p<0.01). A

Fisher‘s post-hoc also revealed that the proportion of GFP+ cells expressing Fos was

significantly less at 20 dpi than at 40 and 80 dpi (p<0.01). This parallels with the

functional maturation of adult-born granule cells and suggests that adult-born granule

cells are more likely to be functionally integrated into dentate gyrus circuitry as they age,

particularly between 20 and 40 days of age.

Figure 4.11: The proportion of GFP cells positive for Fos following PTZ induced

seizures at 10, 20, 40, and 80 dpi. Significant differences are denoted by * * if p< 0.01.













P +

/ F


+ n



s (%


Days Post Injection

40 8020

** **


** ** **


4. 6 Dendritic morphology does not differ between Fos+ and Fos– neurons

within groups

Contrary to our hypothesis, Fos+ and Fos- neurons at 20 dpi showed no significant

differences in dendritic morphology (Figure 4.12). There were no significant differences

in the number of intersections between Fos+ and Fos- neurons (ANOVA, F 1,79 = 0.00,

p=0.99) and the interaction between groups and radii was non-significant (ANOVA, F

9,711 = 0.89, p=0.53). Likewise, there were no significant differences in dendritic length

between Fos+ and Fos- neurons (ANOVA, F 1,79 = 0.00, p=0.96) and the interaction

between groups and radii was non-significant (ANOVA, F 9,711 = 1.1, p=0.94 ).

Fos+ and Fos – neurons at 40 dpi also showed no significant differences in dendritic

morphology (Figure 4.13). There were no significant differences in the number of

intersections between Fos+ and Fos- neurons (ANOVA, F 1,99 = 0.90, p=0.77 ) and the

interaction between groups and radii was non-significant (F 9,891 = 0.55, p=0.84).

Likewise, there were no significant differences in dendritic length between Fos+ and Fos-

neurons (ANOVA, F 1,99 = 0.00, p=0.96) and the interaction between groups and radii

was non-significant (F 9,891 = 0.61, p=0.79).

Finally, Fos+ and Fos– neurons at 80 dpi showed no significant differences in dendritic

morphology (Figure 4.14). There were no significant differences in the number of

intersections between Fos+ and Fos- neurons (ANOVA, F 9,891 = 0.61, p=0.79) and the

interaction between groups and radii was non-significant (F 9,432 = 1.93, p=0.05).

Likewise, there were no significant differences in dendritic length between Fos+ and Fos-

neurons (ANOVA, F 1,48 = 0.24, p=0.63) and the interaction between groups and radii

was non-significant (F 9,432 = 1.76, p=0.07).


Figure 4.12: Sholl analysis for a, the number of intersections and b, dendritic length in

Fos+ and Fos- neurons at 20 dpi.







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260









Distance from the soma (um)

Fos +

Fos -









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260






c Le


h (



Distance from the soma (um)

Fos +

Fos -



Figure 4.13: Sholl analysis for a, the number of intersections and b, dendritic length in

Fos+ and Fos- neurons at 40 dpi.








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260









Distance from the soma (µm)

Fos +

Fos -









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260






c Le


h (



Distance from the soma (µm)

Fos +

Fos -



Figure 4.14: Sholl analysis for a, the number of intersections and b, dendritic length in

Fos+ and Fos- neurons at 80 dpi.








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260









Distance from the soma (µm)

Fos +

Fos -









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260






c Le


h u


Distance from the soma (µm)

Fos +

Fos -



4. 7 Spine density between Fos+ and Fos– neurons does not differ within


There were no significant differences in spine density between Fos+ and Fos- neurons at

20 dpi (t-test, t56 = 0.97, p=0.34), 40 dpi (t-test, t46= 1.13, p=0.27), and 80 dpi (t-test,

t25=0.77, p=0.45) (Figure 4.15).

Figure 4.15: Spine density between Fos+ and Fos- neurons at a, 20 dpi; b, 40 dpi, and c,

80 dpi.














Fos + Fos -













s/ µ


Fos + Fos -















Fos + Fos -



There were also no significant differences in mushroom spine density between Fos+ and

Fos- neurons at 20 dpi (t-test; t81 = 0.81, p=0.42), 40 dpi (t-test ; t33= 0.77, p=0.45), and

80 dpi ( t25 = 0.52, p=0.61) (Figure 4.16).

Figure 4.16: Mushroom spine density between Fos+ and Fos- neurons at a, 20 dpi; b, 40

dpi, and c, 80 dpi.










m s




Fos + Fos -













s /


Fos + Fos -













s/ µ


FosFos + Fos -




5.1 Maturation of adult born-granule cells

5.1.1 Dendritic morphology of adult-born granule cells changes with age

To date, few studies have examined changes in the dendritic arbor of adult-born

hippocampal granule cells with age. The few studies to do so looked at only two

parameters: total dendritic length and total number of branch points (Van Praag et al.,

2002; Esposito et al., 2005; Zhao et al., 2006). They also looked at a limited number of

time points: Esposito and colleagues (2005) compared neurons at 14 and 28 dpi, and

Zhao and colleagues (2006) qualitatively assessed neurons at various time points;

however, only quantitatively assessed neurons at 12 and 16 dpi. Our study is therefore the

first to provide a comprehensive assessment of dendritic morphology at several time

points (10,20,40 and 80 dpi).

We found that dendrites matured as expected from 10 to 20 dpi, with an overall increase

in dendritic length and the number of dendritic branches. Unexpectedly, we found that

neurons at 20 dpi had an overall greater dendritic length and a greater number of

intersections than neurons at 40 and 80 dpi. This suggests that the maturation of adult-

born granule cells involves a growth phase, followed by an active pruning process. This

is the first study to suggest that adult-born neurons undergo pruning.

5.1.2 Spine density across age groups

As expected, spine and mushroom spine density increased from 20 dpi to 40 dpi. This

agrees with a study by Zhao and colleagues (2006) that also noted a significant increase


in spine density between similar time points (21 dpi and 42 dpi). However, while Zhao

and colleagues found an increase in mushroom spine density from 56 dpi to 126 dpi, we

did not find a significant increase from 40 dpi to 80 dpi. These differences could result

from different imaging and quantification methods used. Zhao and colleagues used

confocal imaging for spine analysis while we used an epifluorescent microscope.

Furthermore, they classified a spine as mushroom if it had a spine head surface area of

less than 0.4 µm 2, while we classified a spine as mushroom if its spine diameter was

more than twice the size of the spine neck length. Alternatively perhaps our results differ

from those of Zhao and colleagues because mushroom spine density remains stable from

40 to 80 dpi, and only significantly increases after 80 dpi.

5.1.3 Dendritic pruning during embryogenesis and adult neurogenesis

Although dendritic pruning during adult neurogenesis has not been examined, dendritic

pruning during embryogenesis has been extensively studied in different species and in

different regions of the brain (reviewed by Hua and Smith 2004). For example, afferent

pruning has been examined in the cerebellum, the somatosensory cortex, and brain

regions involved in vision, such as the superior colliculus and lateral geniculate nucleus.

The maturation of dendritic arbors in dentate granule neurons has been most studied in

rats using intracellular labeling techniques, such as horseradish peroxidase labeling and

Golgi staining. An important study by Rihn and Claiborne (1990) showed that granule

cells reach adult size early in their development, at around day 14. From 14 to 60 days of

age, the neurons showed elongation of dendritic branches and a loss of dendritic

branches, leading to an overall conservation in total dendritic length. Zher and colleagues


(2008) found further evidence of dendritic pruning in granule cells by comparing neurons

in male hamsters that were 21 days old and 35 days old. They found that granule neurons

at 35 days of age showed significantly fewer intersections and dendritic length than

granule neurons at 21 days of age in the inner two thirds of the dendritic arbor.

Overall, our findings show many similarities with studies that assessed dendritic

maturation during early post-natal development. Similarly to Rihn and Claiborne (1990),

we observed a decrease in the number of dendritic segments between younger and older

granule neurons. Like Zher and colleagues (2008), we also observed a decrease in the

number of intersections and dendritic length between younger and older granule neurons

in the inner two-thirds of the dendritic arbor.

Unlike Rihn and Claiborne, we did not find a total conservation of total dendritic length

between neurons at 20 dpi and those at 40 and 80 dpi. Differences in the technique used

could account for this discrepancy. While Claiborne and colleagues (1990) used 400 m

thick coronal sections, we used only 50 m sections. Cutting at 50 m could have

underestimated dendritic length, particularly in more distal dendritic segments.

Alternatively, dendritic pruning mechanisms may differ between rats and mice or

between neuronal development in early post-natal and adult animals.

5.1.4 Mechanisms of dendritic pruning in adult-born granule cells

While the morphological development of granule cells during early post-natal

development has been extensively studied, few studies have examined the development

of granule cells in the adult brain. By suggesting that adult-born granule cells undergo

pruning, this study draws a possible new parallel between dendritic maturation in early


post-natal development and adulthood and introduces new avenues of research. For

example, it would be interesting to examine whether molecular signals that affect

neuronal pruning during early post-natal development, such as caspases (Williams et al.,

2006) and RhoGTPases (Hall et al., 2000), also affect pruning in the adult brain.

Alongside various molecular signals, it is clear that activity influences dendritic pruning

in early post-natal development. Pruning has been linked to both spontaneous activity

(Hooks and Chen, 2006) and afferent-dependent activity driven by sensory experience

(Bodnarenko et al., 1995; Antonini and Stryker, 1996). Since we observed a decrease in

dendritic length from 20 to 40 dpi, and spontaneous activity driven by the depolarizing

effect of GABA ends around 20 dpi (Ge et al., 2007) it is unlikely that any pruning is

driven by spontaneous activity. Consequently, it would be interesting to examine if

afferent-dependent activity drives pruning.

In adult neurogenesis, experience-dependent activity has been shown to be an important

regulator of adult-born cell survival in the dentate gyrus. The survival of 1-2 week old

adult-born granule cells is increased by hippocampal-dependent learning such as trace-

eye blink conditioning and spatial learning in a water maze task (Gould et al., 1999).

Likewise, stimulation of the perforant path increases adult-born granule cell survival

(Bruel-Jungermann et al., 2006). Here, we propose that experience-dependent activity

first plays an important role in selecting granule cells for survival; then, activity further

fine-tunes these neurons through an active pruning process.

5.1.5 The significance of dendritic pruning in adult-born cells


The occurrence of a pruning mechanism from 20 to 40 dpi would correspond well with

the anatomical and functional integration time course of adult-born granule cells. At

around 20 dpi, adult-born neurons start to establish glutamatergic synaptic connections

with afferents originating from the perforant pathway (Esposito et al., 2005; Toni et al.,

2007). Incoming activity from these afferents could influence dendritic pruning.

Furthermore, since dendritic growth dynamics and synaptic scaling are coordinated (Peng

et al., 2009), it is possible that pruning occurs to balance the formation of new excitatory

synapses and prevent the adult-born granule cells from overexcitation.

The role of dendritic pruning during development is mainly to sharpen responses to

sensory input (Hua and Smith, 2004). During adulthood, dendritic pruning may serve to

maximize a neuron‘s ability to integrate synaptic input and make an important

contribution to dentate gyrus function. Whether adult-born granule cells make a similar

contribution to dentate gyrus function as mature granule cells or whether they make a

unique contribution remains debated. Either way, pruning is likely to help shape neurons

for their functional role.

A recent study by Schmidt-Hieber and colleagues (2007) has shown that dentate granule

cells propagate distal synaptic signals to the soma quickly with little attenuation, unlike

neurons in other regions of the hippocampus such as the CA1 region. The authors

suggested that this contributes to the role of the dentate gyrus in separating similar input

patterns from the entorhinal cortex. They also attributed the ability to relay voltage

signals faithfully from distal segments to the soma on the neuron‘s compact electrotonic

structure, which is determined by passive membrane properties (ie. membrane resistance)

and morphology. Since passive membrane properties are relatively uniform between


neurons of a particular type, dendritic morphology can greatly shape this property.

Pruning may therefore play an important role in sculpting dendritic arbors of adult-born

granule cells for optimal function, whether that involves helping separate spatial input,

like mature granule cells (Celland, 2009), or integrating similar spatial input and

separating it on a temporal scale (Aimone, 2009).

In general, pruning in higher level processing areas, such as the dentate gyrus, has not

been very well examined. Rather, dendritic pruning has mostly been examined in vivo by

manipulating sensory experience and examining subsequent changes in dendritic

arborization within sensory areas. Therefore, if pruning does indeed occur in adult-born

cells within the dentate gyrus it will introduce an exciting new area of research.

5.1.6 Alternative explanation for pruning

Although it is possible that a pruning mechanism occurs in adult-born granule cells

between 20 and 40 days, limitations in the analysis make it difficult to provide strong

support for this idea. Since we only looked at snapshots of neuronal maturation (ie. at 20

and 40 days) we can only guess what happened in between and an explanation other than

pruning may explain the decrease in arborization from 20 to 40 days. For example, it is

possible that 20 day old adult-born granule cells with less complex arborization are

selected for survival over neurons with more complex arborization. Apoptosis of adult-

born cells continues until four weeks after birth (Dayer, 2003) and the preferential

survival of neurons with less complex arborization may result in neurons with less

complex arborization on average in the 40 day group. A high degree of arborization may

pose a disadvantage to a neuron due to the high metabolic costs associated with lots of


dendrites and the risk of overexcitation (Peng et al., 2009). Selection of these neurons for

apoptosis may therefore be part of an important homeostatic mechanism. This alternative

hypothesis can be tested by staining for apoptotic markers at 20 days such as caspase-3,

and determining whether neurons with more complex arborization are more likely to be

colocalized with these markers.

5.2 Functional integration of adult-born cells into dentate gyrus circuitry

As hypothesized, we found that adult-born cells became more responsive to hippocampal

stimulation as they matured. We did not observe Fos expression in adult-born neurons at

10 dpi following PTZ induced seizures, and found that significantly more neurons

expressed Fos at 40 and 80 dpi than at 20 dpi. This parallels the observations made by

Jessberger and Kempermann (2003), who also found that adult-born cells at 15 dpi did

not express Fos following KA-induced seizures, and that significantly more neurons

expressed Fos at 35 than 25 dpi. Similarly, studies have shown that significantly more

mature granule cells express Fos than younger granule cells following hippocampal

stimulation with a water maze task (Jessberger and Kempermann, 2003; Kee et al.,

2007). In line with these studies, our results suggest that adult-born cells are incorporated

into dentate gyrus circuitry and this incorporation is age-dependent.

5.3 Morphological differences between Fos+ and Fos- neurons

Contrary to our hypothesis, we found no significant differences in dendritic complexity

and spine density between Fos+ and Fos– neurons at 20, 40, or 80 dpi following PTZ

induced seizures. Since neurons that are integrated into dentate gyrus circuitry are likely


to respond to seizure stimulation, our results suggest that integration into dentate gyrus

circuitry is not correlated with adult-born cell morphology.

Alternatively, perhaps morphological features do influence the ability of adult-born

granule cells to become integrated into dentate gyrus circuitry, and these differences

simply could not be detected using our experimental design. For example, perhaps

differences in morphology are evident at time points not examined in our study, such as a

few days before or after 20 dpi (ie. 16-24 dpi). The use of different forms of hippocampal

stimulation, such as learning, might also show differences in morphology between

integrated and non-integrated neurons. Finally, differences in other properties influencing

dendritic computation that were not examined by our study could influence functional


5.3.1 Examining morphological differences between Fos+ and Fos- neurons shortly

before or after 20 days of age

Adult-born granule cells undergo considerable changes in excitability and synaptic

connectivity around 20 days of age, suggesting that this is an important time for

functional integration. Around 2-3 weeks the effect of GABA switches from excitatory to

inhibitory and at 3 weeks of age somatic GABAergic contacts are made resulting in fast

inhibitory GABAergic post-synaptic potentials (Esposito et al., 2005). Spines begin to

form at 16 days of age (Zhao et al., 2006), and around 2.5-3.5 weeks of age excitatory

glutamatergic contacts are also made (Esposito et al., 2005). The results of our study

further suggest that significant morphological changes occur from 20-40 dpi. Together,

these findings suggest that differences in dendritic morphology and spine density may

influence integration into dentate gyrus circuitry around 20 days of age. Although we did


not find any differences between Fos+ and Fos– neurons at 20 days of age, it is possible

that there is a time frame before or after 20 dpi where dendritic and spine properties

influence the likelihood of a neuron becoming integrated into dentate gyrus circuitry.

5.3.2 Differences in hippocampal stimulation following seizures and learning tasks

It is possible that we failed to see morphological correlates of functional integration

because of our hippocampal stimulation paradigm. Seizures may not have been the best

way to discriminate between Fos+ and Fos- neurons, as approximately 40% of our

neurons were Fos+ at 20 dpi, and 85 % were Fos+ at 40 and 80 dpi. On a functional level,

this suggests that at all time points, a large proportion of neurons were functionally

integrated into dentate gyrus circuitry. In other words, once GABA inhibition was

removed by PTZ, excitatory input from afferent connections helped elicit neuronal firing.

As adult-born neurons are likely to functionally integrate if they have survived to two

weeks of age (Bischofberger and Schinder, 2008), it is not surprising to see such high

levels of Fos activation in adult-born cells.

In contrast, in learning paradigms, discrimination between Fos+ and Fos- neuronal

populations is much higher with approximately only 1 % of adult-born neurons

expressing Fos at 14 dpi, 2 % expressing Fos at 28 dpi, and 4 % expressing Fos at 42 dpi

during memory recall (Kee et al., 2007). On a functional level, this suggests that a very

small proportion of adult-born neurons within the hippocampus are selected to be part of

a given memory trace. Since the probability of being activated and expressing Fos is

lower in memory tasks, it is possible that differences in morphology between integrated

and non-integrated neurons will be more apparent, should they exist.


Recent studies lend further support for the idea that differences in morphology correlate

with differences in functional integration within memory networks. Dupret and

colleagues (2008) found that learning promotes the survival of mature-adult born neurons

at the expense of immature neurons, suggesting the presence of a homeostatic mechanism

by which learning selects neurons for survival. A subsequent study by Tronel and

colleagues (2010) found that the mature neurons selected for survival following learning

have more complex dendritic arbors and spine density than controls. Together, the

findings from these studies suggest that morphological complexity could promote

functional integration into dentate gyrus circuitry.

5.3.3 Dendritic computational properties

The role of a neuron is to transform synaptic input into patterns of synaptic output. Its

ability to integrate a range of synaptic input into output involves combining changes in

voltage across the neuron into a single change in membrane potential (Magee, 2000).

Undoubtedly, neuronal morphology affects synaptic integration. The length of dendrites,

the number of dendrites, the degree of branching, and synaptic density influences

neuronal excitation (Brown et al., 2008). Studies have also linked changes in dendritic

arborization and spine density with changes in learning (Eadie et al., 2005; Liu et al.,

2008). Overall, neuronal morphology provides a simple measure of synaptic integration.

By analyzing only morphology, however, differences in dendritic properties between

Fos+ and Fos– neurons may be overlooked.

Dendritic computation is complex and is influenced by not only morphology, but also by

biophysical properties. Voltage-gated ion channels and synaptic properties have a


particularly important effect on neuronal computation (Magee, 2009). Synaptic scaling

has especially received a lot of attention over the past few years (reviewed by Turrigiano,

2008). Synaptic scaling is characterized by a neuron increasing or decreasing the strength

of its synapses to stabilize neuronal excitability. This is accomplished by changing local

levels of AMPA glutamate receptors. Interestingly, a recent study by Peng and colleagues

(2009) showed that dendritic arborization and synaptic scaling are coordinated during

development. A complex interplay between dendritic arborization and synaptic scaling

may therefore influence functional integration of adult-born granule cells.

5.4 Technical limitations

5.4.1 Dendritic morphology analysis

The thickness of the sections used for analysis limited our ability to analyze the

morphology of neurons as a whole. Sections were cut at 50 m since this is the maximum

thickness sections can be cut at for immunohistochemistry; unfortunately, sections

thicker than 50 m do not allow antibodies to penetrate the tissue. Although sections at

50 m still allow for morphological analysis, they underestimate various morphological

parameters such as dendritic length since dendrites are cut when sectioning. The total

dendritic length of dentate granule cells in mice has been shown to be as great as 2264

m in 2- to 4-month-old C57BL/6 mice, as determined by filling neurons in 350 m

sections with biocytin and using two-photon microscopy (Schmidt-Hieber et al., 2007).

Fortunately, slices were cut along the transverse plane in our study, and the transverse

spread of dentate granule cells is approximately twice the size of the longitudinal spread

along the septotemporal axis (Claiborne et al., 1990). Furthermore, the majority of


granule cells have their transverse spread at, or within 30 degrees of the transverse plane.

This limits the amount of dendritic cutting.

5.4.2 Spine morphology analysis

In this experiment, spines were acquired using an epifluorescent light microscope. The

use of other microscope systems, particularly a confocal microscope, could have

provided greater resolution. Light and confocal microscopes have similar pixel

resolution, however, voxel resolution is considerably greater in the confocal system

allowing for more accurate assessment of spine volume. Furthermore, spines can be

captured in all the z planes with a confocal microscope (ie. spines pointing toward and

away from the observer), while they can only be captured in the x and y planes with an

epifluorescent microscope.

Along with the type of microscope system used, the type of stain can have a great impact

on the visualization of spines. Fluorescence can result in high background making it

difficult at times to distinguish spines from other sources of noise, especially tiny spines

that have small diameters. GFP fluorescence intensity can also vary between neurons

depending on where the retrovirus incorporates within the host genome. At times, the

retrovirus can label adult-born neurons poorly making small spines difficult to see. This

limits the sample of neurons that could be used for analysis. Stains such as DAB pose

considerably less problems and are easier to visualize; however, they cannot be co-

localized with Fos staining.

5.4.3 Surgery


The retrovirus has considerable advantages over other techniques used to label neuronal

precursors, such as BrdU, as it labels the entire neuron and does not lose signal over time.

However, unlike other labeling techniques, it is quite invasive and requires delivery by

stereotaxic surgery. As with any other invasive technique, the surgery can induce local

inflammatory reactions. Interestingly, inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide

injections does not affect neuronal morphology of adult-born cells (Jakubs et al., 2008)

including differences in neuronal location, dendritic complexity, and spine density. It

does, however, result in enhanced GABA-mediated inhibition. Inflammation also

activates microglia that release cytokines and growth factors (Ekdahl et al., 2009) and

can potentially affect dendritic morphology. To avoid any such influences, neurons in

proximity to the site of injection were excluded from analysis.



The results from our study introduce exciting new avenues of research. A particularly

interesting question arising from this work is: Does neuronal activity induced by learning

affect the pruning of adult-born granule cells? We are currently working to address this

question. Furthermore, although we did not find any significant differences in neuronal

morphology between Fos+ and Fos- neurons following PTZ induced seizures at 20,40, or

80 dpi, it would be interesting to see if differences between Fos+ and Fos– neurons are

found shortly before or after 20 dpi, particularly at 16,18,22,and 24 dpi as these are times

of considerable change in synaptic connectivity. It would also be interesting to examine

whether differences in dendritic morphology affect functional integration into dentate

gyrus memory networks.

6. 1 Does afferent activity induced by learning affect the pruning of adult-

born granule cells?

During development, afferent-dependent activity driven by sensory experience has been

shown to influence pruning (reviewed by Wong and Ghosh, 2002). It would be

interesting to see if afferent-dependent activity driven by learning influences pruning of

adult-born granule cells. Here, I propose three possible effects of afferent-dependent

activity driven by learning on pruning.

First, it is possible that afferent-dependent activity promotes survival of dendritic

branches. Early in their development, trophic factors and other molecular signals would

promote dendritic growth, irrespective of any synaptic input. Later in their development,

dendrites would sense their environment. The formation of synaptic contacts driven by


learning would stabilize and maintain the dendrite, while the absence of synaptic contacts

would trigger a pruning mechanism. Although pruning is metabolically costly, it may

help a neuron conserve energy over the long-term by eliminating the need to sustain

dendrites that are not being used. Evidence for activity maintaining dendritic structure

comes from a study by Rajan and Cline (1998), where they showed that blocking

glutamate activity led to a loss of dendritic branches in the rectal neurons of Xenopus.

A second possibility is that afferent-driven activity promotes dendritic pruning. A

dendritic arbor with multiple branches and extensive dendritic length may not be able to

effectively integrate neuronal input. Synaptic activity driven by sensory input or learning

would therefore prune dendritic arbors accordingly. In sensory systems within the brain,

neurons with small receptive fields maximize the signal to noise ratio for neuronal input.

Adult-born granule neurons in the adult brain may work in a similar manner.

Support for the role of afferent-driven activity promoting dendritic pruning is provided by

a study by Blake and Claiborne (1995). The authors examined the growth pattern of

dendrites in granule cells from 14 to 24 days of age in developing rats. In control

conditions, the authors observed a decrease in the number of branches from 14 to 24 days

of age. Upon blocking N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors, the authors

did not observe dendritic branch loss. This suggests that activity promotes dendritic

pruning. In light of these findings, the authors proposed that an increase in sensory input

to the entorhinal cortex around 14 to 24 days of age shapes the dendritic arbors of granule



We plan on testing these two theories using the following experimental design (Figure

6.1). First, we will stereotaxically infuse the CAG-retrovirus into the dentate gyrus of

three groups of animals. The first group will be sacrificed at 20 dpi, while the second

group will be sacrificed at 40 dpi. The dendritic morphology of both groups will be

analyzed and consistent with our current study, we expect to see greater dendritic length

and number of intersections in the 20 dpi group than in the 40 dpi group. The third group

will be subjected to a water maze training and testing protocol for 8 days (3 trails a day

and a probe test on alternating test) starting at 20 dpi. We hypothesize that if afferent-

dependent activity driven by learning promotes the survival of dendritic length and

branches, then animals subjected to water maze training and testing will have greater

dendritic length and a greater number of dendritic branches at 40 dpi than controls.

Alternatively, if afferent-driven activity driven by learning increases pruning of dendritic

length and branches, then animals subjected to water maze trainng and testing will have

less dendritic length and a fewer number of dendritic branches at 40 dpi than controls.


Figure 6.1: Experimental design for investigating the effects of activity induced by

learning on pruning. The retrovirus will be stereotaxically infused into the dentate gyrus

and animals in group 1 will be perfused 20 days later. Animals in group 2 will be

perfused 40 days later. Animals in group 3 will be trained and tested in the water maze

starting at 20 days, and will be perfused at 40 days. The time from surgery to perfusion

corresponds to the age of the adult-born granule cells.

A third possibility is that afferent- driven activity controls dendritic growth in a

homeostatic manner. Afferent-driven activity might ‗fine-tune‘ dendrites of adult-

generated granule cells by increasing the length of a dendritic arbor, keeping it the same,

or decreasing it depending on other biophysical properties of the dendrite such as

synaptic properties. It would be interesting to test this theory should the other two

theories I presented prove to be incorrect. As synaptic activity is largely dependent on the

level of AMPA receptors (Turrigiano, 2008), testing this theory would involve comparing

the ratio of AMPA receptors to dendritic length within individual neurons. Neurons that

show a significant reduction in length from 20 to 40 dpi should have higher levels of


AMPA receptors, while neurons that do not show a significant reduction in length from

20 to 40 dpi should have lower levels of AMPA receptors.

6.2 Do differences in dendritic morphology and spine density at or before 20

days of age affect functional integration into dentate gyrus circuitry following

PTZ seizures?

Considerable changes in synaptic connectivity and neuronal excitability occur around 20

days of age. Although we did not find any differences in dendritic morphology or spine

density at 20 dpi, it would be interesting to see if these differences are apparent before or

after this time point, particularly at 16, 18, 22, or 24 dpi. This can be tested by

stereotaxically infusing the retrovirus into the dentate gyrus of mice, and subjecting them

to PTZ-induced seizures at 16,18, 22, or 24 dpi (Figure 6.2). Similar to the hypothesis

made in our study, we hypothesize that Fos+ neurons will have greater dendritic

complexity and spine density than Fos- neurons.


Figure 6.2: Experimental design for examining morphological correlates of functional

integration following PTZ induced seizures. The retrovirus will be stereotaxically infused

into the dentate gyrus and 16,18,22, or 24 days later seizures will be induced and the

mice perfused. The time from surgery to perfusion corresponds to the age of the adult-

born granule cells.

6.3 Do differences in dendritic morphology affect functional integration into

dentate gyrus memory networks?

While most neurons that survive past two weeks of age are functionally incorporated into

dentate gyrus circuitry, only a select few are functionally incorporated into memory

circuitry following a learning task. Greater dendritic arborization and spine density might

increase the likelihood that adult-born neurons will be functionally incorporated into a

given memory trace. To test this theory, the CAG-retrovirus will be stereotaxically

infused into the dentate gyrus of mice to label the dividing cell population (Figure 6.3).

Either 10, 20, 40, or 80 days later mice will be trained in the water maze (5 days, 6 trials

per day). One day later, animals will be tested, perfused, and the tissue will be processed

for Fos immunohistochemistry. Dendritic morphology and spine density between Fos+


and Fos- neurons will then be compared. Similar to the hypothesis made in our study, we

hypothesize that Fos+ neurons will have greater dendritic complexity and spine density

than Fos- neurons. If no differences are found, it would be interesting to examine

dendritic and spine differences between Fos+ and Fos– neurons a few days before or after

20 dpi (ie. 16 – 24 dpi), as this is a time of considerable change in synaptic connectivity

and differences between Fos+ and Fos– neurons may be evident at one of these time


Figure 6.3: Experimental design for investigating morphological correlates of functional

integration into a spatial memory network. The retrovirus will be stereotaxically infused

into the dentate gyrus and animals will start training in the water maze 20, 40 or 80 days

later. Training will take place for 5 days with 6 trials per day. One day later animals will

tested and perfused.

Unfortunately, because the retrovirus labels a maximum of 100 neurons at 20 dpi and

previous studies have shown that approximately 2 % of adult-born neurons express Fos

following such a task (Kee et al., 2007), finding Fos+ neurons following a water maze

protocol will prove to be very challenging. This obstacle can be overcome by using a


CRE-ERT2ROSA-YFP mouse (Figure 6.4). In this mouse, the expression of CreERT2 is

driven under the control of a Nestin promoter. An IP injection of tamoxifen activates Cre

by binding to ERT2 receptors. Once activated, Cre excises a YFP stop codon. This results

in expression of YFP. The start of IP tamoxifen injections approximates the birth-date of

adult-born granule cells. Unlike the retrovirus, this technique should theoretically label

all adult-born granule cells in the mouse brain, providing us with the opportunity to find a

greater number of Fos+ neurons. These mice are currently successfully bred by our lab;

however, we are finding it difficult to visualize spines with the YFP labeled neurons.

Figure 6.4: The YFP construct before and after Cre-mediated recombination. Prior to Cre

activation, a YFP stop codon prevents YFP from being expressed. Following Cre

activation by tamoxifen, the YFP stop codon is excised resulting in YFP expression.

Arrows show the direction of transcription. Triangles represent loxP target sites for Cre-

mediated recombination.



Our understanding of mammalian neurogenesis has significantly advanced since its

discovery in the human brain more than a decade ago. In 2006, the CAG-retrovirus

introduced a particularly exciting labeling technique by allowing us to track the

morphological development of adult-born cells. The results of our study provide further

insight into the morphological development of adult-born granule cells by unexpectedly

showing that their dendritic arbors decrease in size from 20 to 40 days of age. This

suggests for the first time that adult-born granule cells undergo an active pruning process

during their maturation. Dendritic pruning is common in early post-natal development

and its occurrence in adult-born granule cells introduces exciting new avenues of

research. If pruning does occur, it is important to examine the factors controlling this

mechanism in order to gain a better understanding of how adult-born granule cells

functionally integrate into dentate gyrus circuitry and contribute to hippocampal-

dependent behaviours.

Along with allowing us to track the morphological development of adult-born granule

cells, the CAG retrovirus, together with other techniques, allows us to investigate factors

affecting the anatomical and functional integration of adult-born granule cells. For the

first time, our study investigates if dendritic morphology and spine density influence

whether or not adult-born granule cells integrate into dentate gyrus circuitry. Contrary to

our hypothesis, we did not find any significant morphological differences between adult-

born granule cells that were integrated into circuitry and those that were not integrated at

20,40, and 80 dpi. It is important to extend this experiment to memory tasks to determine


whether morphological differences affect the integration of adult-born granule cells into a

memory trace. Other measures influencing dendritic computation, such as synaptic

scaling, might also need to be considered.

In today‘s society, many individuals suffer from neurodegenerative disorders such as

Alzheimer‘s, Parkinson‘s and Huntington‘s disease. Adult-born neurons hold great

promise for neuroregenerative therapy. Before we can harness their potential, however,

we need to better understand the factors affecting their anatomical and functional

integration into dentate gyrus circuitry. A better understanding of their functional

integration will also help us identify their contribution to dentate gyrus circuitry and

therefore allow us to better help those individuals suffering from neurological disorders

where neurogenesis is reduced. Our study advances our understanding of adult-born

granule cells and introduces new questions that pave the road for important future




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