The fox and the dog

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of The fox and the dog

The Fox and the Dog (Anon 2012)

There once was a man who had always wanted to have a pet dog. He was

sixty years old at the time, and had wanted a dog since he was five years

old. One day, he went for a walk in the forest and saw something crouching

behind a log. It was red and white and furry all over. It was crouching

between the log and an old box that was in between the log and a bog. Was

it a dog? No it wasn’t! It was a fox! With its little white feet, it looked as

though it was wearing socks! The fox looked like a dog to the old man, so

he chased after it; but he tripped over the box that was between the log

and the box. “Daaagemet!” said the old man. He continued chasing the

animal further into the forest. Then, he saw the dog-like creature again.

“Here puppy!” cried the old man. The fox became interested and stopped

running. “Maybe he’ll give me a piece of soggy bread,” the fox thought. The

old man smiled at the fox, thinking it was a dog the whole time. Logs were

all over the place in the forest, and quite a few boxes; but very few foxes

and no dogs. Finally, the fox started following the man like a dog. The fox

and the man walked home happily together. He finally had his very own pet

fox-dog. Or was it a dog-fox? Who knows!