The Fear of Success

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Fear of Success

The Fear of Success

The Fear of Success

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. ”-Johann Wolfgang von


The Fear of Success

Today I’m going to talk about something you don’t

hear about too much.

The Fear of Success

The fear of success.

The Fear of Success

That’s right.

The Fear of Success

There’s a lot of people out there that have a fear of

success. I’d venture to say that most business people

have had to deal with this at some point. I know I have.

The Fear of Success

Now I’m not talking about a feeling of guilt about your


The Fear of Success

That’s rampant as well.

The Fear of Success

But what I’m talking about is a fear that causes inaction, paralysis of

analysis, procrastination, and


The Fear of Success

for even people who have fault-less plans.

The Fear of Success

It’s not so much the fear itself that is the problem. It’s its major by-product:


The Fear of Success

You see, one of my favorite books of all time is

Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich.”

The Fear of Success

In it, he talks about the 6 fears that sabotage success.

The Fear of Success

Listed, they are…

The Fear of Success

Fear of povertyFear of criticismFear of ill health

Fear of loss of loveFear of old ageFear of death

The Fear of Success

Fear of povertyFear of criticismFear of ill health

Fear of loss of loveFear of old ageFear of death

The Fear of Success

Fear of povertyFear of criticismFear of ill health

Fear of loss of loveFear of old ageFear of death

The Fear of Success

Fear of povertyFear of criticismFear of ill health

Fear of loss of loveFear of old ageFear of death

The Fear of Success

Fear of povertyFear of criticismFear of ill health

Fear of loss of loveFear of old ageFear of death

The Fear of Success

Fear of povertyFear of criticismFear of ill health

Fear of loss of loveFear of old ageFear of death

The Fear of Success

Notice one that’s missing here?

The Fear of Success

The fear of success.

The Fear of Success

As I said before, the fear of success is not only very

real, but it’s probably the number one reason


The Fear of Success

1) don’t take action and 2) fail

The Fear of Success

1) don’t take action and/or 2) fail

The Fear of Success

None of those other fears listed above are as

dangerous as the fear of success, in my opinion.

The Fear of Success

Aside from the fear of criticism, none of the others

produce inaction, like the fear of success does.

The Fear of Success

I was recently reading an article that compared

Napoleon Hill and his book, “Think and Grow Rich” with W. Clement Stone and his

book, “The Success System that Never Fails.”

The Fear of Success

(I don’t remember where. If this sounds familiar, please

tell me where)

The Fear of Success

Basically, the article went on to say that because

Stone’s book was focused on taking action…

The Fear of Success

…whereas Hill’s was focused on thought, Stone’s book proved to not only be a better model, but both books directly correlated

with their author’s inevitable success.

The Fear of Success

Hill lost his fortune and was actually “bailed out” by Stone, who bought the

rights to Hill’s teachings and gave him a job…

The Fear of Success

… which allowed Hill to live out the end of his life in

comfort, instead of dying penniless, like he would

have without Stone.

The Fear of Success

Anyway, as obviously implied… action is the key.

The Fear of Success

And to quote one more of my favorite all-time authors,

Robert Ringer, “nothing happens until something


The Fear of Success

The question is: are you doing all you can to

guarantee yourself of success, or hopefully, even

more success than you already have?

The Fear of Success

Or do you have a fear of success built in you, that makes you stop short of

that action?

Until Next Time…

Until then,

Kevin Oefelein

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