The Express Newspaper

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Transcript of The Express Newspaper

An exciting opportunity. A blasphemous process. A proposal for the land at Davies and Ninth Street was praised and villified by councillors who shouted at each other at times as they debated the latest development for the park.

Staff eventually decided they needed more public input.

The dispute started before Mayor John Dooley could even finish reading the staff’s motion for the long-awaited park.

Coun. Robin Cherbo interrupt-ed Dooley and introduced a new motion at the Monday, March 3 meeting, calling for all the land to be dedicated to a park.

Staff’s recommendation was to sell part of the land and use the proceeds to improve Ninth Street and build a park.

Cherbo said feedback from ear-lier public meetings on the land, which are college endowment lands, clearly indicated the pub-




Fisherman’s Market HazeldeanGallery


Editorial...............6Street Talk............6Crossword...........13A&E....................10Events.................13Sports & Rec......9 Classifieds...........17

New badge

The Nelson City Police unveil their new badge and coat of arms.


Girvan’s balance

Allison Girvan’s upcoming show, Leaning Into The Light, is all about life’s balance.


Miles Houston’s shot is deflected by the Nitehawks’ goalie in game two of the Leafs/Beaver Valley playoffs.The Leafs lost the Sunday, March 2 game 5-2. The loss came after the Leafs lost 2-1 in triple overtime defeat on Saturday, March 1.The Leafs travelled to Beaver Valley in Fruitvale for game three on Tuesday, March 4. Results were unavailable by press time.


Leafs denied

Scrap over Davies St. ParkCouncillors exchange sharp words over latest plans for Davies Street Park; opt for more public meetingsby Chris Shepherd

I think we have a clear moral obligation to use all the land as a park.

Coun. Robin Cherbo

lic was against selling part of the landbase to fund a park.

“I think we have a clear moral obligaion to use all the land as a park,” Cherbo said.

Cherbo and Coun. Gord McAdams were persuaded to hear staff’s presentation on the plan that would create up to seven residential lots on the land.

The City would develop the lots and sell them to individuals. Because the land is on provin-cial endowment lands, the money would go to the province. A pre-liminary agreement between B.C. and Nelson would have the prov-ince pay to upgrade Ninth Street, build a small park and then split the remaining money with the City 50/50.

Staff estimate the park, which would include a bathroom and irrigated playing field, would cost about $500,000.

Kevin Cormack, Nelson City manager, said the City’s share could come to $80,000.

The latest presentation was dif-ferent from what was shown at a November 2007 meeting.

At Monday’s meeting, council-lors saw a park that would absorb nearby City of Nelson land, boost-ing the total area to 4.8 hectares from 2.8 hectares.

Cherbo noted much of the new land would be on a steep slope.

Tempers flared at the meeting. McAdams accused staff of “blind-siding” councillors with the latest plan and of ignoring public input.

When Coun. Ian Mason spoke in favour of staff’s proposal, McAdams interrupted and Mason shouted McAdams down.

Mason said the proposal to sell land and build a park was the only plan out there that would get something done at that location.

McAdams disagreed and esti-mated there was $150,000 in var-ious grants and City coffers to build a more modest park.

Cherbo’s motion to keep all land for a park was defeated, shot down by Dooley and councillors. Marg Stacey, Bob Adams and Mason.

The subsequent vote to approve staff’s suggestion also failed when Stacey, Cherbo, McAdams and Deb Kozak, voted against it.

The complete proposal will go to a public meeting and then back to council.

Muddy waters

RDCK struggles with IH requirements for providing drinking water.


Nelson is about to be featured in yet another U.S. magazine.

The folks from More Magazine, based in New York, will be visiting Nelson Tuesday, March 11 through Friday, March 14.

The magazine will feature Nelson in an eight-page spread in an upcoming issue. The pri-mary focus of the feature will be on local entre-preneur and cookbook author Shelley Adams, co-owner of Whitewater Winter Resort.

In addition, the article will also feature several local restaurants as well the Kootenay Co-op. More Magazine, which is quite similar to our very own Chatelaine, is about to celebrate its 10-year anniversary. They have a subscriber base of over 1.5 million readers plus whatever is picked up off the newsstands every month. It is a magazine primarily targeted to women over the age of 40, which, as we know, are the primary decision-makers in terms of house-hold expenses, including travel.

Some of the places to be profiled in their maga-zine of late are Machu Picchu, the Galapagos, Kilimanjaro, Florence, Capri and Iceland so for

BusinessPage 2 EXPRESS March 5, 2008

Careers in healthcareTuesday, March 11, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Suite 213-514 Vernon St. in Nelson

Participants must pre-regis-ter for this event that will look at employment with one of the Kootenays largest employers.

If you want to help others in difficult situations, respond in emergency situations, inves-tigate new health solutions or educate others for healthy liv-ing, a career in health care may be for you. Learn about traditional and non-traditional careers in healthcare.

Is healthcare for me? What training is available? How do I find work in healthcare? This free information session will help people answer these questions.

Call 352-6200 to register.

The dirt on tree plantingThursday, March 13, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at 608 Lake St.

The Youth Employment Resource Centre presents this information session on tree planting.

It will cover all you ever wanted to learn about plant-

ing…talk to an experienced tree planter, gain insight to what life planting is like, requirements and opportuni-ties (and contacts) available to plant this season.

Tea leaf reading Saturday, March 15, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Selkirk College in Nelson

Tanya Lester will facilitate this workshop.

Learning to tea-leaf read is an uncanny combination of enjoying each other’s company over cups of tea and sharing insights triggered by images or pictures in the leaves after the tea is drunk.

In a warm atmosphere, the facilitator will first encourage participants to see pictures in the leaves. Then they will go on to read or interpret the leaves. The type of tea to use, the history of the art, many tips, stories, how to do a com-plete tea leaf reading and to develop intuition is part of this day workshop.

Bring a tea cup (white or light coloured inside) and sau-cer as well as a bag lunch.

Registration is $50 for the workshop, contact 1-866-301-6601 or

Psychic aerobics and a ghost tour of the Hume HotelSunday, March 9, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Hume Hotel’s Hume Room

Thea Trussler of Intuitive Directions Psychic Spa announc-es an afternoon of personal dis-covery. This course incorporates elements of spiritual philosophy and quantum theory.

Participants will discover the signs their body sends when receiving paranormal activity, how to protect themselves, the science behind the spiritual and how to enhance natural abili-ties.

This is an experiential course with demonstrations of psy-chometry, channelling and tarot followed by games and exer-cises.

The day will end with the long awaited “Spirit of the Hume Hotel” tour.

Trussler will take all the par-ticipants of the course to areas of the hotel that have had numerous paranormal reports. She will share some of the his-tory of the hotel and the city of Nelson that will delight all who want to know more about the town’s colourful past.

Preregistration is required

and the cost is $100. For more information and to

register, call 354-3938 or e-mail

Jenna Arpita presents a trunk saleFriday, March 7 to Sunday, March 9, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Natural Way Home, 535 Baker St.

Jenna Arpita is playing Fashionista these days and has roamed lands near and far, col-lecting and vending stellar arts and wares.

You won’t find these originals designs anywhere else.

Showcased for this event will Radio Clothing by Nayana and Tarran featuring men’s tanks, double breasted hoodies, shorts and pants and women’s, hood-ies, pants, T-shirts and more.

There will also be Raven Wearable Art, of B.C.’s west coast, with fancy style sweat-ers, slacks, arm/leg warmers and costume faux tux duds.

S’elf made by Nej of the B.C. offers up cotton dresses, deluxe short and long skirts and other elfin fun. Jan Hilmer of NYC brings gorgeous leather vests, jackets, and jewellery for men and women.

Call 354 -2803 for more info.

The yoga of money with Terence BuieThursday, March 13, 6:45 p.m. at the Prestige Lakeside Resort, 701 Lakeside Dr.

When one thinks of yoga, they think “oneness,” softness, being connected to themselves and the divine.

When people think of money, on the other hand, they often think of separateness, greed, arrogance, power.

What if people could all have a beautiful relationship with money that served the earth and nourished others and our-selves?

Terence Buie is a well-known and beloved member of the Nelson community. What one might not know is he was once a professional financial advisor and the president of Dynamic Mutual Funds.

Buie’s upcoming presentation, which is the second in a four-part series called Conversations on Well-Being, will bring together his diverse experience with both finances and spirituality.

For info, call Dienna Raye at 352-1220.

Admission is $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Tickets avail-able at Enchanted at 356 Baker St.


A new ConnectionCraft Connection moves into new building and brings out old features to accompany new art

Money Honey

Joyce Jackson

Joyce Jackson is the owner of Lonnie’s for Her and Him and an executive member of the Nelson Business


Setting it straight

The e-mail address for Culinary Creations Catering was incor-rectly spelled in the Feb. 27 issue of the Express.

The catering com-pany can be reached at

International exposure for Nelson

Nelson to be profiled is quite a big deal in terms of this magazine’s frame of reference.

It is an opportunity to bring many more visitors to our area and it is an opportunity for us to put our best foot forward.

Now that the snow is melting and spring is looming, it is very appar-ent at how dirty our little city is at the moment. Over the next week, it would be great if the City and the merchants could spend some time improv-ing the appearance of the downtown core.

Sweep up the gravel and cigarette butts, wash down the sidewalks and maybe put out a few flow-ers. Odds are, the nicer your establishment looks the more chance your business has of being photographed and fea-tured. Congratulations to Shelley and Whitewater Winter Resort.

Susan Tarves, a long-time member of the co-operative of artists that runs Craft Connection, leans on the exposed walls at the store’s new location. In the process of renovating the building, they uncovered the 79-year-old granite walls.


by Chris Shepherd

Craft Connection closed its doors this week and on Friday, if all goes to plan, will reopen in a new location.

After 18 years at the old location (441 Baker St.), the outlet for Kootenay and B.C. artists and craft-ers has moved across the street to 378 Baker St.

This June is Craft Connection’s 25th anniver-sary, notes Susan Tarves, who’s been a member of the co-operative for 24

and a half years.“We stay as local as

possible,” Tarves explains. “We provide a venue and an outlet for local arts and crafts.”

That won’t change in the new location, though the arts side will get some more space.

The downstairs of their new building – the former home of Godfrey’s Men’s Wear – has been turned into an art gallery.

Artists and shows will take turns using the space says Marnie Eikenaar,

store co-ordinator.The old location was

lacking in the wall-space department, and having a dedicated gallery will be a nice feature, Eikenaar says.

The building was pur-chased by a collection of current and former co-op members, Tarves notes. The co-op rented its pre-vious location and so there wasn’t much incen-tive to drastically modify the building.

Owning the space now means the co-op can cre-

ate exactly the space they need.

March 5, 2008 EXPRESS Page


Tara Stark is a community nutritionist working for Interior Health.

With all the competing priorities in a busy life, family meals are becom-ing a rare event. Roughly one third to one quarter of families never or seldom eat together, particularly as children get older. In trying to juggle schedules filled with school events, practices, or work, family meals often fall off the table.

Kids who eat with their family at least once a day eat more nutritious foods such as fruits and vegeta-bles. They get more vita-mins and minerals in their diet such as B vitamins, calcium and iron. They also consume fewer fast food meals and less pop.

But it’s the compelling research from social stud-ies that may come as a surprise. Social scientists repeatedly find that kids

Wellness Matters

Tara Stark

Eat together, eat better

who eat with their fami-lies perform and behave better at school, have a greater vocabulary, have higher self esteem, and are less likely to smoke, use drugs, or drink alco-hol.

It is time to re-evalu-ate and make family meals a priority. Children are watching the adults

in their lives. If we don’t take the time to sit down to nourish our bodies, neither will our kids. A family meal doesn’t have to mean the whole family sits down together to a fancy meal.

The important thing is that at least one adult sit down to eat with the child. It can be grandma having a picnic at the park with her grandchild.

It’s a regular opportuni-ty for a parent or adult to “check in” with the child, a time to connect and pro-vide guidance, as well as a time for parents to role model healthy choices.

How often does your family eat together?

March is nutrition month. For more tips about eating together, visit

“Cities the answer”Union leaders say solutions to local economic problems lie with municipal government

The leaders of two of B.C.’s biggest unions painted a grim picture on the province’s economic future when they visited Nelson last week, but they offered a way out: Action from municipal govern-ments and support for local businesses.

Barry O’Neill, president of CUPE B.C., and Steve Hunt, president of the United Steelworker’s Western Canadian branch, spoke at the Best Western Baker Street Inn on Tuesday, Feb. 26.

The union heads took a tag-team approach to the night. Hunt spoke first, outlining the economic woes that have befallen B.C.’s forest industry in light of what Hunt described as mismanagement by the B.C. Liberals and the recent eco-nomic downturn in the United States.

“Six thousand jobs have been lost in the forest industry since [Premier Gordon] Campbell came into power,” Hunt said. “That’s 6,000 people not investing in our communities and we’re losing out.”

While forestry may not be a major employer in Nelson itself, Hunt said it is important everyone understand the economic spin offs that will affect the Kootenays as forestry employees lose their jobs.

O’Neill took up the talk from Hunt, outlining how people can fight the impacts of the impending downturn in the forest industry by shopping at locally

CUPE BC president Barry O’Neil says municipal governments are best suited to deal with the upcoming economic challenges.


by Chris Shepherd owned businesses rather than at national and international chain stores.

Spending money at local shops keeps money in the community because of the local owners and local employees, said O’Neill, adding that large chains take their profits right out of the local econo-my, leaving only low-paying jobs.

Municipal governments have a role to play in encouraging the local economy, O’Neill said.

“Although they’re not perfect, local governments are the most trusted.” That’s because local politicians have to live and work in the communities they effect with their decisions.

O’Neill said local governments should give a 10 per cent discount or subsi-dy to local businesses over out-of-town operations. That discount is worth it, he explained, because the wages and prof-its would circulate throughout the local economy.

O’Neill said such solutions are threat-ened by provincial agreements like the B.C./Alberta Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Both have provisions that make local incentives like the 10 per cent subsidy illegal, O’Neill said, and citizens have to get informed and let politicians know their thoughts.

“If we do nothing, we’re guaranteed to lose,” O’Neill said.

Troubled waters RDCK directors unhappy with IH’s guidelines on drinking water; Health authority says different situations require different treatments around the region

The regional district is hoping to clear the waters with Interior Health over the health authority’s drinking water require-ments.

The regional district and Interior Health have hit a rough patch of water as the two try to sort out the best way to deliver drinking water to the Kootenays.

The matter came up at the Saturday, Feb. 23 Regional District of Central Kootenay direc-tors’ meeting in the form of a letter to George Abbott, minister of health for B.C. Directors opted to not send the let-ter because of an upcom-ing meeting with Interior Health, a meeting meant to clear up the confu-sion on the part of the RDCK.

“We did have a meet-ing [on Wedanesday, Feb. 27] and I al district.

Wright described the disagreement as a rough patch between the two groups.

At the heart of the matter is what the RDCK sees as inconsistent inter-pretation of provincial legislation and guide-

by Chris Shepherd

lines.The differing interpre-

tations have meant the regional district has had to use different treat-ment systems for differ-ent areas.

“It makes it financially difficult to remove boil water advisories in vari-ous parts of the regional district,” Wright said.

It makes it financially difficult to remove boil water advisories in various parts of the regional district.

Gary Wright,RDCK chair, explain-ing why different IH

standards are a problem

The RDCK runs 14 water systems areas and five of them are under a boil water advisory.

The advisories are handed out by Interior Health, the body respon-sible for setting guide-lines for water treatment and testing water quality.

Serge Zibin is a senior drinking water officer for Interior Health and was at the Wednesday meet-ing with the RDCK.

The standards the regional district has to meet are the same across the province, Zibin said in an interview with the Express.

“I think there’s some misunderstanding by some members that they think the standards are being applied differently. But that is completely incorrect. The objectives have always been the same.”

The difference is the methods needed to get some water systems to meet the provincial regu-lations, Zibin said.

“Every water system has unique characteristics and because of that each of them employ differ-ent technologies to meet with that potable water standard.”

Page 4 EXPRESS March 5, 2008


Central Bark

Spring is just around the corner and our thoughts turn to what we can plant in our gardens. If you have a cat, why not plant some catnip this year?

Catnip is a member of the mint family and a distant relative of mari-juana. The active ingre-dient that causes the high is an essential oil called nepetalactone it causes a hallucinogenic effect.

Around 50 per cent of cats are affected by cat-nip and they are affect-ed to differing degrees,

Paws for Thought

Emma Cox

Emma has lived in Nelson for eight years with her dogs Dharma, Koda and Mortimer and her crazy orange cat Marmaduke. She has worked in the pet industry for several years including a veterinary clinic, an animal

shelter and a pet supply store. Questions for Emma can be sent to

Grow some catnip for your kitty

some drool and roll on the floor, some become hyperactive, some aggres-sive and pick fights with

other cats. Kittens under eight

weeks old aren’t able to enjoy it’s effects. Sniffing produces the high and cats eat catnip to bruise it and release more of the nepetalactone. The high produced will usu-ally last between five to 10 minutes and it com-pletely harmless to your cat.

Catnip is not just for cats, we can reap its ben-efits too. Researchers say that nepetalactone is about 10 times more effective at repelling

mosquitos than DEET, the active ingredient in insect repellents. Catnip has a sedative effect on humans.

When drunk as a tea it is useful for settling upset stomachs, headaches, coughing and insomnia Catnip can also be used for cuts, as it has a natu-ral healing quality. Crush fresh catnip leaves, damp them and apply to cut. It also repels cockroaches, rats and mice as they all have a strong dislike of catnip and will avoid places where it grows.

In October 2006, the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) released a report that outlines the climate impacts that the region will likely experience in the 21st Century. These impacts include vanishing glaciers, changing hydro-logic regimes, increasing wildfire activity and inten-sity (among others) and signal challenging decades ahead for Columbia Basin residents.

In response to these projections, the CBT rolled up its sleeves and got to work by launching a climate change initiative that will assist basin com-munities with developing strategies for anticipat-ing and adapting to the changes in climate that we will face in the future.

Columbia Basin Trust moves against climate change

Dr. Ulli Huber and Dr. Mel Reasoner are climate change scientists and members of the West Kootenay EcoSociety. For more information contact the EcoSociety at or 354-1909.

Dr. Ulli Huber and Dr. Mel Reasoner

Eco Centric

BrieflyEcoSociety awards deadline extendedSaturday, March 15

Nominations to be sent to

The West Kootenay EcoSociety invites the public to nominate envi-ronmentally-minded bright lights in their West Kootenay commu-nity for one of their four bi-annual Environmental Awards.

The four award categories are: resource recovery award, an indi-vidual who is especially inspired around re-use, recycling, reducing, refusing, composting, ETC; com-munity environmental activist, an individual who has participated in a notable environmental project in their community; wilderness pro-

tector, an individual whose passion for protecting wild species and wild spaces translates into action; envi-ronmental educator, an individual who loves to inspire others to par-ticipate in the project of honouring the earth.

In making a nomination, please tell us something about the per-son you’re nominating and include their phone number and e-mail address if possible.

Seedy Saturday Saturday, March 15, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Nelson Trading Company

Just in time for early indoor planting, the West Kootenay EcoSociety presents Seedy Saturday.

Here is where people will find hardy, non-hybrid, seed varieties adapted to the Kootenay climate over the years from some of the area’s best seed savers. Delicious tomatoes, greens, peppers, beans, flowers, and herbs are just a few of the varieties that will be for sale.

Learn how easy it is to save some of your own seeds while producing food for your family and enjoying the therapeutic benefits of garden-ing. There’s nothing like a ripe tomato from your own garden.

Tables are by donation and ven-dors set up at 9 a.m. Reservations for tables are preferred but not required.

For more information or to reserve a table, call Suzy at 825-9372.

The initiative is enti-tled Changing Climate, Changing Basin: A plan-ning and action initiative with local government and First Nations.

“This initiative is unique in that it addresses the challenge of adapting to climate change, a topic that is not well under-stood and where solutions are unknown,” says proj-ect coordinator Michelle Laurie. Although the

focus is on adapting to cli-mate change, the initiative will promote scenarios that dovetail adaptation and mitigation strategies.

In the coming weeks, three basin communities will be invited to partici-pate.

These communities will have demonstrated a com-mitment to addressing cli-mate change issues and to working in a coopera-tive learning environment with other basin commu-nities, the CBT and aca-demic institutions.

Laurie said that this is only the beginning. “This is not your average proj-ect with a final report on the shelf, but instead it is designed to be ongoing and address the long-term resiliency of communities

in the Basin.” Laurie identifies three

unique approaches the initiative will pursue: 1) fostering innovation by allowing communities to create their own process rather than setting pre-defined criteria; 2) devel-oping a learning frame-work that can be used to monitor and adapt actions throughout the process and; 3) bridging knowl-edge from single, isolated communities to a network of communities in the Basin.

Check out the video that provides an overview of the initiative and fea-tures cameo appearances by Kootenay politicians (ht tp : / / .com/watch?v=eGNnG-OKHuA).


March 5, 2008 EXPRESS Page


Multi-tasking families need multi-tasking homes.

If your house feels like a cafeteria, dormitory, gymnasium, entertain-ment centre, workshop, office and launderette all rolled into one, you need to plan and organize your physical space to accom-modate all these activities without conflict.

Sometimes physical def-inition within a space is all that is required. You can build a pony wall or erect a portable screen to sepa-rate a computer station from the rest of your living room. In today’s open con-cept living spaces, chang-ing flooring material, or throwing down a large rug is often enough to provide an immediate visual clue indicating something dif-ferent is going on in that part of the room compared to the rest.

Some activities are noisier and more disrup-tive than others. It is not always economical or practical to rip a basement apart in order to retro-fit it with state-of-the-art soundproofing. Drawing up an activity sched-ule may be the solution. Instead of dividing up the room, divide up how time

Kate is an artist and designer offering in-home consul-tations to help clients create optimal living and working

spaces. If you have design questions, you may contact Kate directly at or 352-4653.

Nest Building

Kate Bridger

Multi-task your home

is spent in the room.For example, in a shared

bedroom, there is a very clear conflict of use if one child wants to practice his trombone while the other is engaged in quiet read-ing. By designating spe-cific times when trombone playing is allowed, har-mony of some sort should result.

If your family room is doing triple duty as a weight room, craft centre and office, create suitable storage so that excess par-aphernalia and equipment can be tucked away when use of the space switches from one activity to anoth-er.

With a little planning, mutual respect and coop-eration, most of your fam-ily’s regular activities can all live happily together under one roof.

New badge for NCPNew coat of arms gives police force their own, unique symbolby Chris Shepherd

After 110 years serv-ing Nelson, the City’s police force finally have an emblem to call their own.

At a special ceremony at Touchstones Nelson, police chief Dan Maluta unveiled the new coat of arms, a symbol that will also serve as the Nelson City Police’s new badge.

“Why the installa-tion of a new coat of arms now, after all this time?” Maluta asked the audience. “The simple answer is we never really had our own.”

When the police force was started in 1897 they used the City of Nelson coat of arms, a tradition that was carried through right up to the present.

When they first start-ed, the police depart-ment dealt with houses of ill repute and opium dens, Maluta said. Now it’s meth labs and inter-net fraud.

Inspector Henry Paivarinta also shared some history of the force, lamenting the long-gone “good ol’ days.”

Paivarinta shot a mis-chievous look to Mayor John Dooley as he told the story of when, near the turn of the 20th

Nelson City Police chief Dan Maluta unveils the department’s new coat of arms and badge at a cer-emony at Touchstones Nelson on Friday, Feb. 29.


Century, the City’s mayor was nearly arrested by the chief of police.

It seems there were two major celebrations the mayor organized in the early 1900s that would get out of con-trol.

To restore some order,

then chief of police tried to arrest the mayor, who promptly tried to relieve the chief of police of his position.

“Ahhhh the good ol’ days,” Paivarinta lament-ed.

Mayor Dooley, a mem-ber of the police board,

also spoke that night. He noted the police are committed to making the community a better place to live.

“I think it’s important we stand behind our protective services . . . because when we need them, they support us.”

Page 6 EXPRESS March 5, 2008

Opinions & Letters

PHONE (250) 354-3910FAX 352-5075 EMERGENCY CELL 354-9001

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ISSN 1196-7471

The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp.

Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at Nelson, B.C PUBLISHER Nelson Becker EDITOR Chris Shepherd

Fish Heads & Flowers

Send us your Fish Heads and Flowers! All sub-missions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, you may send email to, drop off or mail to 554 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 1S9, or fax to (250) 352-5075. We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.

Street Talk

The women’s move-ment has achieved many things, but not equal pay for equal work in the corporate world. In the West Kootenay, many women are busi-ness owners and that made a difference here.

Cheryl Hamilton,Nelson

What has the women’s movement achieved?

The women’s move-ment has happily brought us to a place where there is more balance between gen-ders. The ongoing need for equality between the sexes now neces-sates consideration of both female and male issues.

Sharmaine Gray, Nelson

The women’s move-ment has made great strides in business and medicine. Women have more freedom and opportunity. But now, women are expected to do it all: bear and rear children, run the house and hold down a career. It is changing as men are now moving into the women’s world.


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Cattle are a source of water contami-nation whether they are situated on for-est/range land or on private land. This problem is pronounced when it occurs within a major watershed, such as the Slocan Valley, where underground water channels are the source of water for domestic consumption.

The prevalence of cattle in a consump-tive watershed is inimical to the health of individuals who swim, drink and water their gardens with that water.

During the May 2000 outbreak of water borne disease in Walkerton, Ontario, seven people died directly from E. coli contamination of the drinking water, and about 2,500 became ill.

The Walkerton contamination was attributed to E. Coli and originated from cattle in the vicinity of domestic wells. These bacteria found their way through the soil and into domestic water supplies.

In the Report of the Walkerton Inquiry, Justice Dennis O’Connor ( recom-mended drinking water sources be pro-tected through watershed-based source protection plans. O’Connor spoke of a multi-barrier‚ approach to drinking water safety.

“The first barrier is the protection of water sources from contamination or depletion, ”said Jessica Ginsburg, law-yer with Canadian Environmental Law Association. “ It makes sense to pre-vent problems from arising in the first place.”

Historically in BC the source was protected as researched by the BC Tap Water Alliance (

The costs of protecting drinking water sources are significant. They include higher water treatment expenses, more

frequent water shortages and also social costs, such as a lack of public confidence in the drinking water system that carries with it the potential for illness or even death.

A basic understanding of the hydro-logical and geological features of the Slocan Valley remains to be ascertained from the prospective execution of hazard mapping, as recommended to the RDCK by Nigel Skermer.

We can rely on numerous existing hydrology and geology studies of the Slocan Valley that identify a high water table and many seeps and subsurface creeks making their way into the Slocan River. It is in this context of a high water table that the provincial government did not permit the railway to spray the her-bicide spike.

The Slocan River drainage is home to the endangered listed short-nosed sculpin and the threatened bull-trout. All water, subsurface and surface must be protected to ensure the health of our community and the river drainages.

The underground water, which con-stitutes the river drainage and drinking water of the Slocan Valley, stands to become contaminated by the establish-ment of a slaughterhouse in the Slocan Valley.

Water is our most valuable natural resource and is far too great to sacrifice. Citizens and governments are realiz-ing the financial, health and ecological costs that have incurred as a result of the damage already done. Consider the Walkerton crisis where liability for dam-ages exceeded $6.5 million.

We do not need to repeat the mistake of damaging watersheds. We must use common sense and prevention to protect the remaining unique and rare domes-tic drinking watersheds in the Slocan Valley.

Commentary Abattoir bad idea for Slocan Valley waterMarilyn Burgoon, director of the Slocan Valley Watershed Alliance

Grohman Narrows revistedDear Editor:Once again, we are

very concerned with [Hywood Trucking and Equipment’s] plans to access their land by hav-ing an intersection put in across from Grohman Narrows Provincial Park.

While this is necessary for public safety, it is essen-tial that any work done to widen the highway should be done on [Hywood’s] side of the road, and not the park’s side.

The Supreme Court of

Canada ruled that the park could not be encroached upon , it being a fragile and unique wetland, as well as home to several endangered species.

Grohman is a provincial park, although we wonder how it’s going to fare in the long run, being down-hill from a heavy equip-ment repair business.

It is loved and protect-ed for good reason, let’s make sure it is kept pro-tected.

The park is a real trea-

sure in our midst. Let’s all respect that and watch over it carefully.

Diane Collins and Veronica Azuray,

Blewett (Editor’s note: If

approved the proposed project along Highway 3A would remain within the Ministry of Transportation’s right of way. The 2005 ruling referred to was by the Supreme Court of B.C. and stated the park could not be changed.)


Saturday, March 8 marks International Women’s Day (see details on on page 15) and this celebration of half the world’s population is one everyone should take a moment to rec-ognize.

International Women’s Day (IWD) has been observed since the early 1900s when women in Russia protested oppression and the First World War. IWD grew to prominence with recognition by the United Nations and events recognize this day around the world (and in Nelson).

This special day for women is much deserved. Women were seen as possessions and unworthy of the right to vote. Women did (and still do in many unnecessary circumstances) bear the brunt of physical and psychological violence.

Canada’s own tragedy l’École Polytechnique is a shocking example already remembered every year.

In many ways, IWD is about feminism. In our mind, feminism is not a gender-related term. It refers to a philosophy, a way of life that men and women can follow.

One feminist principle is of non-violence, something that one can and should endorse regardless of what gender they identify with.

Everyone can be a victim of violence, regard-less of age, sex, religion or ethnicity.

In working towards an end of violence against women and celebrating the female gender we must also work towards ending violence against men and children.

Those who are hurt and angry are more likely to perpetrate violence and it is a problem, a cycle that must be resisted at all points.

Celebrate International Women’s Day

(and Children’s Day and Men’s Day and . . . )

March 5, 2008 EXPRESS Page Page 8 EXPRESS March 5, 2008


Express Fun Runfull page

Page 8 EXPRESS March 5, 2008


Good Neighbourxxx

The EXPRESS is looking for your nominations for a Good Neighbour. Please bring your nominations to the EXPRESS office, 554 Ward St. Attention Tracey.

Fax 352-5075. A Good Neighbour is someone who is not always high-profile nor a recognised leader, but has made a positive contribution or helpful impact

in the welfare of the community, in some way.


INSPIRATION: All of nature. People who choose to live consciously, challenge poverty, oppression and injustice. People who work for peace, bring joy into our world, laugh and dance.

OCCUPATION: Coordinator at Women’s Centre, Artist, Facilitator

FAVOURITE LEISURE ACTIVITY: Playing music, walking in the forest, painting, spending time with friends.

FAVOURITE COMMUNITY GROUPS: Women’s Centre, ANKORS, Eco-Centre, Circle of Habondia, Peace Coalition, Kootenay

WORDS TO LIVE BY: Love large, laugh long, help where you can, for we are all connected and in this together.

NOMINATOR’S COMMENTS: As the coordinator of the West Kootenay Women’s Association, Kathleen has gone above and beyond her job description and required hours. I have never seen somebody put so much heart, compassion and patience into a job. Through her ability to multi-task, with her style and grace, the WKWA has been further able to grow and develop in a positive light with community associations and non-profits in Nelson.

If you call up on the Internet, you will learn about a very inter-esting seniors housing development in Castlegar, the Kootenay Columbia Seniors Housing Co-operative.

The Co-op was found-ed September 2005, by 15 charter members, all of whom owned their own houses and were retiring. They wanted a seniors’ housing development with an adjacent health-care centre.

The membership has grown to 190. A couple holds one membership and there are perhaps 10 individuals who hold memberships. The non-refundable member-ship application fee is $250. Full membership is restricted to people 55 and older. Younger peo-ple can hold membership, but not own property.

The co-op has owner-ship of 60 acres inside

New housing ideas for seniors

Income Tax returns for seniors and low income

If your income is less than $25,000 (single) or $30,000 (couple), volun-teers at the Nelson and District Seniors Coordinating Society can help.

Income tax returns are done all year long, it is a free service and during March and April the society has extend-ed hours.

The volunteers are trained by Revenue Canada and once again the seniors counsellor, Marian Ritchie, is co-ordinating the program. There are significant changes in the 2007 returns and organizers hope to encourage peo-ple to have their taxes done.

Bring your income information to your appointment. Volunteers will then complete returns based on this information. Call 352-6008 or e-mail

sencoord@netidea.comfor an appoint-ment. No drop-ins please.

Seniors teaching juniorsThursday, March 6, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Gordon Sargent School

Do you have special skills, talents and interests you could share with students? What about the satisfaction of seeing a student?s reading skills improve? The unlimited curiosity and wonder? And the expression joy on the face of a student being read to?

The Seniors Coordinating Society has brought back the intergenerational Grand Friends: A Class Act with a pilot program to begin at Gordon Sargent school with a plan to establish the program in all of Nelson’s elementary schools.

Call the Seniors Coordinating Centre 352-6008 for more information.

This column intends to publicize agencies that support seniors’ activities, the lifestyle of interesting seniors, and topics of interest to seniors and those who care about seniors. As

well, we – the column and I – will express opinion related to the things, both naughty and nice, that governments and their agencies do to and for seniors.

Those opinions will be mine, and not necessarily those of the Express.

Seniors Saga

George Millar

the Castlegar city limits. Some members made site selections for their future homes in September 2006. Construction of these homes will begin in April. Eventually there will be bungalows, duplexes, townhouses and apartment blocks, all built to include wheelchair access. The care centre will eventually have 120 units and provide meals and health care to all resi-dents as needed.

This type of co-opera-tive is estimated to cut

development costs by approximately 26 per cent.

Realtor commissions and developer profits dis-appear, as do mortgage and interest costs during construction.

A great deal of research was done before the detailed plans were devel-oped. A term used for this type of development is “life leases.” Members travelled to Kamloops and Edmonton to visit life lease programs there.

It will not be a gated seniors complex. Some of the land will be sold on the open market and the seniors’ housing and the public housing will not be totally segregated.

Irene Evanoff, the co-op’s president says there has also been some dis-cussion about a life lease program taking place in the Nelson area. For more information you can go to the Internet, or phone Irene at 352-5686.


T h e O s p r e y Community Foundation is ‘kick-starting’ its Environment Fund, hop-ing to boost it to a new level. Money generated by a larger environment fund would flow back into the community to support local environ-mental initiatives.

The foundation recently received a boost by way of a $12,000 Community Foundations of Canada grant, contin-gent on the community raising an additional $24,000 for the environ-ment fund within the next 20 months. That’s the short-term call to

action.However the founda-

tion is challenging peo-ple in Nelson and the surrounding area to raise much more. Since the capital in this fund will never be touched, only the interest, donations become an investment in the community’s future.

The local charitable organization is already out of the starting gate. Two locals have kicked in $1,500 in donations to get this latest fund-raising effort off the ground. RDCK director Al Dawson, on behalf of the residents of electoral Area F, has contributed a

further $4,000.Now, local business-

es and members of the community are invited to come on board and show their support.

“We know that envi-ronmental concerns are first and foremost for many in Nelson,” said Stefan Lehman, Osprey Community Foundation president. “But moving from ideas to co-ordinat-ed, effective action takes money and resources.”

For further informa-tion, or to donate to the Environment Fund, see or call 352-7777, extension 224.

Osprey enviro-fund takes off

On Saturday, Feb. 16, seven air cadets from Nelson, Castlegar and Trail travelled to Kimberley to partici-pate in the Kootenay Wing Effective Speaking Competition.

The Effective Speaking program is an Air Cadet League sponsored activity and is in addition to the cadet training program as prescribed by the Department of National Defence.

This year’s topics were: a Canadian who has made (is making) a difference; the heroism of Canadians at Vimy

Ridge; how air cadets has influenced my life; Canada’s contribution in aerospace; 100 years of power flight in Canada.

Flight Sergeant Bryton Santoro picked the topic a Canadian who has made a dif-ference and delivered a powerful five minute prepared speech on Terry Fox. Cadets were also required to deliver a three minute impromptu speech on the topic if you had to compete in the 2010 Olympic what would you do and why?

F/Sgt Santoro placed second overall and he was awarded a silver

medal for his overall performance.

Air Cadets meet on Thursday nights at the Royal Canadian Legion, located 402 Victoria St., from 6:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.

Cadets are young men and women between the ages of 12 and 18. To join the squadron or to see what the squadron is all about, visit the Legion at 6:30 p.m. on any Thursday night.

For more information on the cadet movement, contact Major Marika Szabo at (250) 368-5412 or Sandra Grace at 359-5040.

Cadets talk themselves to medals at Kootenay speaking competition

March 5, 2008 EXPRESS Page

Sports & Recreation

Brad Swan charges down SoccerQuest’s indoor field on Thursday, Feb. 27. The Nelson Grizzly RFC started a weekly indoor, co-ed rugby night.


Scrum out of the cold Grizzlies turn to indoor facility and flag rugby to keep skills sharp and draw new players to the sport

A perfect illustration of the direct effects obesity has on the body is to do 24 step-ups with weights in your hands.

Pick up a pair of 20-pound dumbbells and start stepping up and down onto a step. The heart rate increases, coinciding with a rise in blood pressure, as the body responds to the increased workload. Legs start to fatigue from the added weight and old injuries may remind you that the extra weight is taking its toll.

Now, imagine that 40 pounds as fat on your body. Weight you can’t just put it down and rest for a while. It is there 24/7.

Sure, your amazing body will build more blood vessels to service

Helen Kissinger is the owner/operator of Renew Personal Training and a local resident. She has been helping people achieve their health and fitness goals for 20 years. Do you

have a fitness question for Helen? Send by e-mail to

Keeping Fit

Helen Kissinger

Being overweight stresses your body too much


Who hasn’t resolved to get more fit? Why not make this year the year to stick to that resolu-tion?

With all the informa-tion out there telling us we need to get in shape you would think we’d be listening. The schools are implementing a rule that all students must participate in at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day while the government is offer-ing tax rebates for chil-dren’s sport registration fees. So shouldn’t we as adults be setting the example?

Nelson has such a wide variety of activi-ties to offer that suit the needs of everyone.

The Nelson and District Community Complex not only offers a fully functioning gym with weights and cardio equipment, but a variety of classes for all fitness levels which are great for those who need a

BrieflyNelson masters’ swim meetSunday, April 13 at the Nelson and District Community Complex

Come out and have fun while meeting other masters swimmers in and around the community.

Everyone 18 years old and up are welcome for this day of races includ-

ing 100 metres free, 100 m open, 50 m free and 50 m open. There will also be two relays, a 4x50 m free and a 4x50m medley.

The meet entry fee is $12 and the deadline is Friday, April 11.

Call 354-4FUN for more informa-tion.

the additional fat, but all that extra piping plays havoc with the pressure and the pump.

If you are carrying an extra 20 to 40 pounds, the state of affairs you find yourself in may seem daunting and overwhelm-ing to change. In some cases, your body may make it harder for you to lose weight because being overweight can decrease the body’s ability to pro-

cess sugar or glucose. We become insulin

resistant, meaning the glucose can’t get into the cell to provide energy. The glucose stays in the blood and can adhere to protein molecules that cause inflammation to the arterial walls.

To add insult to injury, the brain isn’t getting the message that tells it the cells are full of sugar, so it sends out the hunger sig-nal to eat more sugar.

All is not lost, how-ever. Slow and steady wins the weight loss race. Incorporating changes in food choices to those foods that slowly release sugar into the blood stream and adding exer-cise to your lifestyle is a step in the right direc-tion.

Leya Plamondon works for the Nelson Regional Sports Council.

Leya Plamondon

In The Zone

The Nelson Regional Sports Council can be

reached at:Box 1190, Nelson, BC

V1L 6H3(250)352-3989 phone


little extra motivation. There is also the pool for swimming laps or taking an aquafit class: great for those look-ing for something low-impact.

Not into going to they gym? Then check out Swingers for a game of racquetball, or the Gravity Climbing Centre for indoor climbing ses-sions or serious outdoor

adventures. Bowling at the Savoy

Lanes is also a great form of physical (and social) activity, as is pub-lic skating at the com-munity complex. There’s plenty to choose from to get you off the couch, and get out there and have some fun.

Because of Nelson’s great mountain loca-tion there are so many outdoor activities that you can enjoy. Don’t let the snowy weather trap you in your house. Head up to Whitewater Ski Resort and hit the slopes or try out some cross-country skiing at Apex. I’m a big fan of hik-ing and was so sad that the snow was going to prevent me from going. Then I picked up a pair of snowshoes! What a great way to keep hiking year-round.

Resolving (and fulfill-ing) to get fit will make you feel physically and mentally better.

This column originally ran on Jan. 2, 2008.

Stick to your keep-fit resolution

Rugby without blood or tackling might sound impossible, but the Nelson Grizzly RFC have made it happen with their flag rugby nights at Soccer Quest’s indoor field.

Ike Edwards organized the Thursday, 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. games as a way to get new people involved with the team.

The games, which started up in January, are co-ed and open to every-

by Chris Shepherd one, whether they’re a hardened rugby player or a first-timer.

Edwards says flag rugby is a much faster version of the game.

When a player’s flag is taken they, and the per-son who grabbed the flag, stop.

The ball handler has three seconds to pass the ball and then, once they have their flag back on, they can join the game again.

There’s no contact and (despite this story’s title)

no scrums. The game is about passing and lots of running.

“No experience is nec-essary,” Edwards says. “We’ve got lots of people that have never seen a rugby ball before.”

The games are open to men and women and people interested in play-ing can contact Edwards at 505-4668 or e-mail him at

The Grizzly RFC will start their regular sea-son in the the middle of March.

Page 10 EXPRESS March 5, 2008

Arts & Entertainment

Kootenai Moon

Allison Girvan’s upcom-ing performance, Leaning Into The Light, will be an evening of opposites, the Nelson singer promises.

“I hope to be able to discuss with the audience how the foundation of our lives is balance,” Girvan says.

The Friday, March 7 show at the Capitol will feature completely dif-ferent material from last year’s show, Resonance.

There’s a theme of balance throughout the musical pieces Girvan has selected. The music will approach love and loss, work and play, humour and tragedy, good and evil, she says.

Selecting songs for Leaning Into The Light was easier than Girvan thought it would be, she says, because there’s a cross-cultural preoccupa-tion with balance.

Girvan came to the theme after discussing life with her father. The question: Is the glass half empty or half full? was obvious in the background of their talks.

“It spilled over into my musical world.”

The night will feature music from Inuit, French, Brazilian, Russian and English culture. Girvan doesn’t speak all the related languages, but she enjoys singing in them.

“I’m always fascinated by [languages.] If you sing in the language you feel the flavour of it and start to understand the cul-ture.”

She won’t be alone on the stage.

At points she’ll per-form with three women she’s taught for nearly 10 years: Malaika Horswill, Hila Silver and Laura Metcalfe.

Girvan has taught sing-ing in Nelson for 10 years and headed Corazón, the local youth choir. Girvan

Looking at both sides

says her favourite way to perform is at the head of the talented choir.

Laura Landsberg will also join Girvan.

“I enjoy singing with

her because our back-grounds are so different,” says Girvan. “But we can find a common ground where our two voices go together very well.”

Girvan will be accom-panied by a band com-prised of instructors from Selkirk’s music program, including her husband Don Macdonald.

by Chris Shepherd

A conversation about helped Allison Girvan form the theme of her performance at the Capitol Theatre this Friday.


BrieflySelassie iPowerFriday, March 7, 9:30 p.m. at The Royal on Baker

Don’t let the winter get you down – live reg-gae music is coming to town. Here’s your chance to dance away the winter blues with the energetic Selassie iPower. This live reggae band features Rasta Reuben and Fredlocks Asher on vocals, bass and keys.

They have travelled extensively across Canada and have warmed the spir-its of fans as far as Dawson City, Yukon on their most recent tour. Sunshine Coast homegirl Twyla Disney will be heating up the microphone as a spe-cial guest rapper.

Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door.

Aceyalone and ArabesqueSaturday, March 8 at Spiritbar

Revered southland emcee Aceyalone is set to release his latest high con-cept LP, Lightning Strikes, on New York label Decon. His newest collection, consisting of 15 dancehall-inspired tracks, is a dis-tinctively offbeat blend of hip-hop and dancehall.

Working with L.A. pro-ducer Bionik, who’s known for crafting dub, dancehall and reggae inspired tracks, Aceyalone went into the lab and began work on what will be the first in a series of albums inspired by other genres of music. The result is a new sound that blends Acey’s vocals with the up-tempo vibes of dancehall and the laid back rhythms of reggae.

The dancehall and sound selector scene of the islands is what led to the birth of hip-hop, so it’s only natural for Aceyalone to be drawn to this style of music.

Aceyalone is joined on tour by Arabesque, a

Juno-nominated hip hop artist from Toronto.

Rossland PrideThursday, March 6 to Sunday, March 9 in Rossland

Rossland Pride is a gay ski weekend and will include a variety of events such as a snowshoe party at the Rams Head, an Asian theme dinner at the Gypsy at Red and a giant samurai and geisha party in Rafters at Red Mountain Resort.

In addition, everyone is invited to “Red Dress Day” at Red Mountain on Friday, March 7. People will be encouraged to wear a red dress to show support for the event and as a fur-ther incentive participants will receive a discount on food as well as a portion of all day ticket proceeds will be going to ANKORS (AIDS network, Outreach and Support Society for the Kootenay Boundary Region) a local AIDS charity.

Tickets are still avail-able for the events by booking online at or by calling (250) 362-5666. Some of the events will also be taking bookings at the door.

Community PotluckWednesday, March 12, 6 p.m. at Nelson Anglican Church, Silica and Ward Street

It’s time for another com-munity potluck. Following three of Community Food Matters’ successful pot-lucks in 2007, they will host another evening of food and conversation sharing.

Everyone is welcome and asked to bring a dish of food to share with oth-ers and, if possible, one healthy food donation to the Anglican Church’s Food Cupboard.

After dinner, Earth Matters will present their popular Farm to Table Slide Show for anyone interested.

March 5, 2008 EXPRESS Page

Arts & Entertainment





The MadcapsSaturday, March 8, 9:30 p.m. at The Royal on Baker

Come on, feel the roar. Montreal rockers, The Madcaps perform with a fiery energy that makes them a favourite on the club

circuit. In their third album, Kiss The Lion, The Madcaps display all the controlled aggression and leonine grace associated with the king of the jungle.

Two earlier albums, 2003’s Whole World and 2006’s High, and extensive cross-country

touring (seven tours and over 600 gigs under their belt) have earned this hard-working posse a loyal fan base across Canada. Some of their tracks have also scored radio and MuchMusic exposure.

Tickets are $10 at the door.

Alan Rinehart in the sanctuaryMonday, March 10, 7 p.m. at the Nelson United Church, 602 Silica St.

This is the second con-cert in a series, Guitar in the Sanctuary, Alan Rinehart is a former fac-ulty member of UBC’s school of music and has made many contributions to the guitar world as a performer, teacher and music editor.

Completing stud-ies at Western Michigan University and a Professional Music Training Diploma from Vancouver Community College, he studied lute repertoire and technique in London, England at the Early Music Centre with Anthony Rooley, Jakob Lindberg, Nigel North and Emma Kirkby.

His has released two CDs that have received international criti-cal praise: Renaissance Masters and Latin Romantics and Musical Banquet.

He moved to Nelson in 2004 where he hosts The Art and Times of the Guitar (Tuesdays 10 a.m. and Mondays 4 p.m.) a look at history, music, players and news from

the world of the classical guitar on Kootenay Coop Radio and teaches at the Nelson Academy of Music and privately.

Spring Boogie and BashSaturday, March 8, 6 p.m. until 12 a.m. at Slocan City Legion Hall

Break out of winter and dance your way into spring.

The alternate edu-cation class from W.E. Graham School is hosting their Spring Boogie and Bash with Big Bad Blu, starring Cliff Maddix, Simone Varey, Randy Leach and Steve Wilson.

The evening also includes a live art auction featuring West Kootenay artists.

The students will be cooking up a spaghetti feast at 6 p.m., the auction will be at 7:30 p.m., and the dance will be from 9 p.m. until 12 a.m.

The alternate ed. students will travel to Colima, Mexico in April as a part of Project ‘Save the Turtles’. This will be the final fundraiser before they embark on their quest to help save three endangered species

of turtles. Tickets for the eve-

ning are only $20 and are available at Slocan Village Market, Gaia Tree Natural Foods, T’NT General Store and Evergreen Foods.

John Bell Workshop in the KootenaysFriday, April 4, 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 5, 9 p.m. at Nelson United Church, 602 Silica St.

John Bell is a well known hymn writer, wor-ship leader and speaker and member of the Iona Community of Scotland.

In terms of congrega-tional worship and song, this workshop will be valuable to choir mem-bers, Worship Music Committee member, and ministry personnel.

For spiritual growth, this workshop will be valuable to everyone. Registration is limited to 200 and registration is $65 if you wish to have lunch and supper on Saturday and $45 if not.

For more informa-tion, e-mail David Boyd or check out

The art of booksThursday, March 6, 12 p.m. at the Nelson Municipal Library, 602 Stanley St.

Peter Bartl and Jane Merks are going to be giv-ing a lecture/presentation at the library.

Merks and Bartl will showcase some current work of North American artists who use various crafts as well as letter-press printing as their art medium. They will also discuss their own current work which goes beyond the traditional bookarts of their practice, and into the world of doilies and abstract overprinting.

They will be bring along some samples of their recent prints and books.

Bartl and Merks together are PB+J Press. Their not-so-fine print-ing (as opposed to tradi-tion fine presses) is about experimenting with tex-tures, layers and the wild side of ink. Both were graphic design professors who gave up their teach-ing careers so they could live life to the fullest in Balfour. They also travel the world, lecturing at universities and confer-ences about their passion – the obsolete design that has become their art.

Page 12 EXPRESS March 5, 2008

Arts & Entertainment

Kootenay Bakery Cafe



The FantasticksFriday, March 7 and Saturday, March 8, 8 p.m. at the Anglican Hall

The Fantasticks, a clas-sic coming-of-age story which celebrates first love, lost love and, ultimate-ly of course, true love. The story concerns two fathers who put up a wall between their houses to ensure that their children fall in love, because they know that children always do what their parents for-bid. After the children do fall in love, they discover

their fathers’ plan and . . .the plot thickens from there.

The Nelson Theatre Company is co-producing the show with Penticton’s Barebones Theatre Company whose leading lights, Tom Cowles and Jen Viens are featured in the cast along with Nelson’s own Sidney Galbraith, Oscar Derks, Robyn Lamb, McKenzie Hope and Adriana Bogaard.

Tickets are $15 avail-able at Reo’s Videos and Eddy Music or $18 at the door.


Robin Klassen, left, and Lisa Smith-Brinkman perform a number from West Side Story during the Regional High School Drama Festival at the Capitol Theatre. The festival ran Thursday, Feb. 28 to Saturday, March 1. and brought 200 student actors from L.V. Rogers, Kaslo, Trafalgar, Mount Sentinel, Grand Forks and Kimberley. Students shared their plays for adjudication in the evenings, while attending theatre workshops in the days.

Dynamic dancers


Spend any amount of time in the forest and the language of the land will begin to reveal itself. It may be slow at first, teasing you with a moose track pressed into the mud or an inquisitive bird call, but gradually, even the subtle angle of a broken twig will give rise to new vocabulary. There are ways to learn this language.

First, be still. Lean your shoulders against the solid bones of a tree and take in the ever-active forest. Whether you are out on the trails behind Nelson, or scram-bling around behind your property in Blewett, we often travel with such speed that the edges of the environment are lost in our movement. Taking time to map the land-scape requires patience and calm.

Nature Notes

Emily Nilsen

The Land Conservancy is a non-profit, charitable land trust working throughout British Columbia to protect important habitat. If you would like more information contact Emily Nilsen, the terrestrial stewardship advisor,

at or 354-7345.

Learn to hear the language of the forest

Second, use your senses. Sight will show you patterns that exist in nature. The tracks of a porcupine’s tail laid along the muddy ground like a paintbrush mark-ing canvas with deliber-ate strokes, a seedling softly bent sideways from repeated antler rubs, or rounds of grass flattened with the weight of an animal at rest.

Listen to the forest unfold with sound. The

soft tambourine of trem-bling aspen leaves, a grouse beating its wings in the distance, or an underground creek trick-ling through tree roots can all be heard. Layers of sound will be height-ened, what is still unseen may be heard.

Third, learn what to look for. I was amazed to have a friend tell me that after many years of practice, and many hours hunched over the ground, he could identify the age, gender and emo-tional state of an animal, simply by looking at the signs it left behind.

Both knowledge and experience will give you the tools and sharpen your intuition. Tracks, feathers, beds, hair, chews and scat will become clues as to who has been where and done what.

This column orginally ran on July 4, 2007.

KAST awards coming soonJust like the

Olympics, the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology’s Spirit of Innovation Awards come around every four years.

“Our awards will hon-our organizations and individuals that are inno-vators in science and technology development or the application of sci-ence and technology,”says Kelvin Saldern, executive director of KAST.

Nominations can be submitted in each of four categories: innova-tive company, innovator, emerging company, inno-vative organization.

Nomination forms and criteria can be found at or by con-tacting Terry Van Horn at Nom-inations must be received by Friday, March 14.

“Anyone can sub-mit a nomination. You can even nominate

yourself or your own business. The nominated business does not have to be from the science and technology sector, but should be research-ing, developing or apply-ing science or technol-ogy in their business in an innovative way,” says Terry Van Horn, Spirit of Innovation program coordinator.

There will be four finalists chosen in each category. Finalists will be profiled on KAST’s website, in news releas-es and in special multi-media presentations at the KAST Spirit of Innovation Awards cer-emony.

The Spirit of Innovation Awards Ceremony will take place on Thursday, May 22 at the Prestige Lakeside Resort in Nelson. The awards ceremony will be a premier event with a reception, dinner, key-note speaker, multi-media presentation and awards ceremony.

For more information visit or contact

March 5, 2008 EXPRESS Page


WednesdaysDROP-IN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 7-9 p.m. Broader Horizons Room 905 Gordon Rd. (back entrance) Nelson & District Hospice Society 352-2337NELSON BRAIN INJURY Support Group meets from 3-4:30 p.m. first and third Wed of each month 812 Stanley St. Call Jackie 304-1259NEED INEXPENSIVE BIRTH CONTROL? Nelson Planned Parenthood drop-in sexual health clinic. 333 Victoria St. 5:30-8pm.DOES SOMEONEユS DRINKING□TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon Meetings, noon at The Cellar. 717A Vernon St., Nelson.OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS. Do you have a problem with food? Meet every Wednesday, 719 Vernon St., downstairs, 5:30 p.m. 1-800-611-5788.THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Wednesday afternoons at Grounded, 1 p.m. All levels wel-come. 505-5583.

ThursdaysYUK YUKS COMEDY TOUR at Finleyユs Irish Pub on the last Thursday of every month!NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9pm, starting Oct 4th. All lev-els welcome. For info call Anne 352-7536 or Guy 352-6330. NELSON AIR CADETS, 561 Osprey Squadron, an organi-zation for youth aged 12-19, Legion, Victoria Street 6.15pm. 352 2289.KOOTENAY LAKE FAMILY NETWORK offers singing group, 7-12yrs. 5.45pm. Information: Lesley 825-0140ACUPUNCTURE FOR ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:00 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 BIBLE STUDY JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 6:30 p.m., 560 Baker St., Suite #3. Everyone welcome. 825-4095.GENDER OUTLAWS Support and social group. You know who you are! For info 354-5362.

ThursdaysCHANTING FOR EVERYONE Thursdays 7-8:30 p.m. 714 Hoover St.. For information contact Tobias, 352-2338 or SIGNING CHOIR at 3:30 at NDYC, 608 Lake St.

FridaysSENIORS WINTER WALKING PROGRAM 10 a.m.-11 a.m. Mary Hall Gym, Selkirk College 10th St. in Fairview. DOES SOMEONEユS DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon Meetings, 8:00 p.m. room 108 downstairs, 601 Front St., Nelson.

SaturdaysWILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 352-6707.THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Saturday afternoons at Grounded, 1:00. All levels wel-come. 505-5583. SOCIAL/BALLROOM DANCE Second Saturday of the month Brent Kennedy Elem. Gym 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Singles Welcome! Teens Free!!

Ongoing Events

See puzzle on page 13

SundaysSHAMBHALA CENTRE NYINTHUN: Join us for Sunday sitting meditation 9 a.m. to noon. There will be a break for refreshments mid-morning. You are welcome to come & go as you please. Everyone is wel-come. 444 Baker St. 352-5560 www.nelsonbuddha.comWILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 352-6707.WORSHIP SERVICES JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 10 a.m., 11 a.m, 6:30 p.m., 560 Baker St, Suite #3, 825-4095.QUAKER MEETING 723 Ward, upstairs, 9:45. 354-3859. SUNDAY MORNING WORHSIP, Community Church, Passmore Hall, 10 a.m. All welcome.SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP, St. Andrewユs Presbyterian Church, Slocan, 6:30 p.m. All welcome.UNITY CENTRE of the Kootenays, 905 Gordon Rd. Broader Horizons. Back door, 11 a.m. Everyone welcome.SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP service, Nelson United Church, 10 a.m. 602 Silica St. All are welcome.


Wed. March 5LIVE MUSIC at FUSION 301 Baker St. 352-3011 Call For reservations OPEN STAGE at The Royal on Baker, 9:30 p.m. hosted by Estevan. Everyone welcome! PAUL LANDSBERG & BERT PETERS, jazz guitar duo, Library Lounge in the Hume Hotel, 6-10 pm KARAOKE Amy Poznikoff putting on the Ritz and Wild Women Wednesdays at Finleys Irish Pub

Thurs. March 6DAM UNPLUGGED ACOUSTIC Open Stage, Thursdays, 9 p.m. hosted by Estevan, Dam Inn, South Slocan. MYSTERY TRAIN at the Royal on Baker. 9 p.m. start. FINLEYユS COLLEGE NIGHT with DJ Ripple ROB JOHNSON & GUESTS-JAZZ, Library Lounge-Hume Hotel, 6-10 p.m.FRESH THURSDAY WITH DJ BRYX. Spirit Bar, Hume Hotel.

Fri. March 7FREDLOCKS ASHER & SELASSIE IPOWER at the Royal on Baker. 9:30 p.m. Tickets $10 in advance, $15 at the door. ROB FUNK PLAYS PIANO & GUITAR from 8-11 at the Cocoa Nut Lounge. 116 Vernon St. NAME THAT TUNE 8pm @ Finleys Irish Pub.JUDE DAVISON sings & plays acoustic covers & originals every Friday night at Max & Irmas 6-9pm.

Sat. March 8MONTREAL ROCKERS: THE MADCAPS at the Royal on Baker. 9:30 p.m. $10 at the door. ROB FUNK PLAYS PIANO & GUITAR from 8-11 at the Cocoa Nut Lounge. 116 Vernon St.LIVE ENTERTAINMENT or all request DJ @ Finleys.DRIFTWOOD (MARV WALKER AND DAN OBRODOVIC) play conteporary classics at the Balfour Beach Inn, 6:30 p.m.

Sat. March 8LIVE (every 2nd and 4th Saturday) AT NELSONユS LIVE JAZZ VENUE, The Library Lounge, located in the historic Hume Hotel, the Incomparable Hume Quartet. RYLAN PLAYS AT MAX & IRMAユS Solo finger syle guitar 6-9 p.m. Tasty tones, great food, good times!

Sun. March 9SARAH AND RICH Perform soul-ful jazz standards in a pleasant lounge setting. Every Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Redfish Grill at 479 Baker St. BLUES JAM @ the Royal on Baker. 5 p.m. KARAOKE with Joe Blues and prizes to be won at Finleyユs Irish Pub. THE TRUMAN SHOW for brunch and Nikko plays evenings at Nelsonユs live jazz venue, The Library Lounge, located in the historic Hume Hotel.

Mon. March 10SARAH McGLYNN & RICH RABNETT live at The Library Lounge, located in the historic Hume Hotel. 6-10 p.m.

Tues. March 11OPEN STAGE hosted by Mike & Trav 9 p.m. Finleyユs Irish Pub.DINNER MUSIC AT THE LIBRARY lounge, Hume Hotel, with Cliff Maddix & Friends, 6-10 p.m. LISTEN TO THE SWEET SOUNDS of Nikko every Tuesday at Fusion, on Baker Street. 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.

Wed. March 12LIVE MUSIC at FUSION 301 Baker St. 352-3011 Call For reservations OPEN STAGE at The Royal on Baker, 9:30 p.m. hosted by Estevan. Everyone welcome! PAUL LANDSBERG & BERT PETERS, jazz guitar duo, Library Lounge in the Hume Hotel, 6-10 pm KARAOKE Amy Poznikoff putting on the Ritz and Wild Women Wednesdays at Finleys Irish Pub

Special EventsWednesday March 5

SENIOR CIT IZENユS ASSOCIATION, Branch #51 monthly meeting. 1:30 p.m. Seniorユs Lounge 717 Vernon St. All seniors welcome.

Thursday March 6LVR GRAD FASHION SHOW, Prestige Lakeside Resort, 7 p.m. Tickets $5 students/$7 adults at Hemp & Co. NDYC IS INVITING THE PUBLIC to provide input on the direction of the NDYC. 10 a.m.- 10 p.m. 608 Lake Street.

Friday March 7LEAP YEAR BOOK SALE! All books, $0.50. 5-8 p.m. Library Basement, Victoria Street. Bring bags or boxes & fill ‘em up!

Saturday March 8FOODSAFE: NELSON HEALTH UNIT. Register with Nelson Community Complex. 354-4FUN. $60.LEAP YEAR BOOK SALE! All books, $0.50. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Library Basement, Victoria Street. Bring bags or boxes & fill ‘em up!

Saturday March 8SOCIAL BALLROOM DANCE: Brent Kennedy School, Dancing 7:30-11 p.m. $5.

Sunday March 9SHAMBHALA CENTRE NYINTHUN: Join us for Sunday sitting meditation 9 a.m. to noon. There will be a break for refreshments mid-morning. You are welcome to come & go as you please. Everyone is wel-come. 444 Baker St. 352-5560 www.nelsonbuddha.comTEA LEAF READINGS with Tanya Lester at Intuitive Directions (Hume Hotel) Book at 250-354-3938.

These ads appear in approxi-mately 100 community news-papers in B.C.and Yukon and reach more than 3 million readers. To place an ad call The Express at 354-3910

Answers on page 14

Sunday March 9NELSON AUTHOR EILEEN D. PEARKES reads from メThe Glass Seedモ at Yasodhara Ashram 1:30 p.m.

Tuesday March 11PRIVATE POWER PROJECTS: Coming to a river near you. Slocan Park Hall. 7 p.m. sharp! Speakers, slides!

REDUCING THE RISK FOR ALZHEIMERユS DISEASE: Free phone workshop. 10 a.m. Details & registration or 1-866-396-2433.

$395 for 25 words $ 9.00 each additional word

SundaysSUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP, Ascension Lutheran Church, 10:15 a.m., 1805 Silverking Rd. You are welcome. 352-2515SUNDAY AFTERNOON WORSHIP 4pm, St. Johnユs Lutheran Church, 321 Silica St. 354-3308CRIB TOURNAMENT at Finleyユs Irish Pub every Sunday at 3 p.m.

MondaysTEXAS HOLD-EM POKER, 6 p.m. Pool Tourney, 7 p.m. Finleyユs Irish Pub. NELSON TABLE TENNIS CLUB. 5:30-7:30 at Blewett Elementary School when school is in ses-sion. 352-9547 or 352-5739SHAMBHALA CENTRE OPEN HOUSE: 7:00 p.m.: medita-tion instruction and practice; 8:00 p.m.: talk and discussion; 9:00 p.m.: tea. All welcome. 444 Baker Street, 352-5560.ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS open meeting. 7:00 p.m. Passmore Hall, 3656 Old Passmore Road.

TuesdaysNELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9pm. All levels welcome. For info call Anne 352-7536 or Guy 352-6330.

TuesdaysACUPUNCTURE FOR ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clin-ic, 1:00 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 メDRUMMING FROM THE HEARTモ Community Drum Circle with Kim Mass�. North Shore Hall 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. $7.00 505-2684

PARENT AND CHILD TIME at the Harrop hall from 10-12.Drop in for some fun! NDYC HAS AN AMAZING PEER SUPPORT GROUP available every Tuesday evening. Check them out at these different loca-tions: 4-5 p.m. @ 420 Mill St. for young womynユs hour; 6-7:30 p.m. @ the Nelson and District Youth Centre for a casual drop-in for youth; and 8-9 p.m. on the radio, CJLY, 93.5fm in Nelson & 96.5 on the Kootenay Lake. This is a call-in talk show for youth receive information and ask questions. THESE SERVICES ARE FREE FOR YOUTH!

Page 14 EXPRESS March 5, 2008



Soul &




AcupunctureAcademy of Classical Oriental SciencesStudent Clinic .......................................................... 354-1984Jen Cherewaty, RAC, Balance for Body & Soul 354-1752Sara Fujibayashi RAC, at Mountain Waters Spa 352-3280Claudia Kavcic, RAC, at Mountain Waters Spa 352-3280Michael Smith, Dr. TCM, 10 years experience 352-0459Marion Starr, Dr. TCM ............................................ 352-9890

AyurvedaMichele P. Greco, Ayur. Practitioner, RMT, AAHE 352-5343

Art TherapyClearwater Art Therapy ........................................ 505-1100

AstrologySharon O’Shea, Astrological Readings ........... 352-2455

Body PiercingAura & Chakra Biofeedback/Bodywork, Homo Divinus 505-5067

BreathworkBlanche Tanner, BP, Family Constellation ...... 227-6877

CoachingRichard Klein, Stress Reduction Coach ........... 352-3280

Counselling & ConsultationBrain Gym, Learning, Ion-cleanse, Gayle, MEd. 226-7655Carmen Carter, MEd, RCC, Play & Art Therapy ......354-4485Miriam M. Martineau, MA, Integral Counselling 505-8170Dienna Raye, MA, Counsellor & Life Coach ... 352-1220Kathie Robertson, MA, Counselling Adults & Teens 226-7945Lee Reid, MA, RCC, Addictions & Trauma ...... 352-3870Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, EMDR and more 1-877-688-5565

Hair CareFront St. Hair Studio, The Key to Beauty ........ 354-1202Visions for Hair-Body-Soul, South Slocan ...... 359-8036

HerbalistJanice Poloway, Certified Iridologist, Herbalist 551-4528

HomeopathyBarbara Gosney, CCH, RSHom, DHom, 2102 Creek St 354-1180Margo MacLaren DHom ...................................... 354-7072

HypnotherapySharon Best, Certified Adv. Hypnotherapist ... 354-7750

Massage ServicesAbby Mccormick, The Stone Spa ... 354-4030 or 551-0599 Touch Of Aloha, Lomi, Cranio, Struct’l, Sports ........229-4424Armonia Soma Massage, Hot stones & Swedish Massage 54-7553Genevieve, Certified, Swedish & Pregnancy . 352-1141Ginger Joy Rivest, Neuro Somatic Therapy ..... 505-4284Jennifer Johnston RMT .......................................... 551-1197Juliena Brown, Certified Practitioner, RAC ..... 551-BODYPower Essentials, True Aromatherapy & Massage 505-4144Rub It In, Mobile/Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports 352-6804Thai Massage, Mina Palmer, CTT at Shanti Yoga 352-7703

PharmacyRemedy’s RX Custom Compound 737 Baker St. 352-6928

PsychologistJoy Green, Hypnosis, Energy Psychology. ..... 352-9927

Sex TherapyDr. David Hersh, Board Certified ....................... 352-0151

Social WorkVal Amies, BSW, RSW, Counselor ....................... 505-8044

SomaticsThe Feldenkrais Method® enhance motion,Judy Katz 352-3319

SpasMountain Waters Spa, 205 Victoria St ..................... 352-3280 Shalimar Spa, located at the Prestige Inn ..... 354-4408The Stone Spa, Abby McCormick 354-4030 or 551-0599

SpiritualityIntuitive Guidance with Norm, 357-9457

Karen Elliot2x2

Stone Spa2x2

March 5, 2008 EXPRESS Page


Our three-year-old model Laurel is looking for fresh new outfits for the summer. She is active and also wants to keep comfort in mind. Style Solutions question of the week: How can we find an outfit that is fun and comfortable for the summer heat?

We found an outfit for Laurel at Winkle and Bean Children’s Clothing locat-ed at the Cottonwood Falls Saturday Market.

This is a fair wage ethi-cal company that employs Tibetan refugees in India and is always keeping at heart comfort and simplic-ity.

The founder of the com-pany, Phoebe, lives in India part of the year and is very hands on with the design of the clothing and only

Winkle and Bean Children’s Clothing makes kids sparkle

Style Solutions

Svetlana Bell

Svetlana Bell is the owner of Front Street Hair Studio. She has over 15 years of experience as a stylist, is a colour educator and a certified member of the

Cosmetology Industry Association of British Columbia.

This column originally ran on July 4, 2007.

uses high quality natural fabrics.

To keep her protected in the summer sun, Laurel is wearing a lightweight cotton hat with a wide brim ($16). A light cotton wrap shirt ($16) with beautiful paisley trim and ribbon embellish-ment at the bottom.

The butterfly Capri pants ($22) fasten at the side with a knotted Tibetan button and delicate white sea shell button. The waist band and cotton ties at the knees are made from soft pink linen cotton and tie the entire outfit together beautifully.

To add fun to the outfit Laurel is also accessorized with a whimsical locally made felt and organza rib-bon fairy wand ($11).

Laurel has soft fine hair with a slight natu-ral wave. Her ends were trimmed and a light layer-ing was added to frame her face. Even when growing in length it is important to keep young kids hair trimmed to encourage full-ness and to help prevent wispiness.

Carrie Briscoe is a certified arborist and owner of Carrie’s Custom Tree Care. If you have any questions for the Green Thumb please send e-mail to

Acidic soil is simply explained as soil that has a high concentration of hydrogen ions in it, or hav-ing a low pH level. A lot of the soil in our area tends to be on the acidic side of the scale and is kept this way from the leaf litter of evergreen (coniferous) trees.

The majority of the plants that you will find that are acid-loving are originally from woodland areas. They like moist, organic soil and a more or less cool, shady envi-ronment. To keep your soil acidic you could add time released acidic fer-tilizers or you can use fallen leaves and needles from evergreen trees and shrubs.

All species of pine, spruce, larch, cedar or fir trees perform best in acid-ic soil and they all keep

Dealing with acidic soilThe Green Thumb

Carrie Briscoe

the ground fertile with leaf litter in the fall. Many people have at east one large version of these trees in their yard and little to no grass growing under it. There is a wide range of shrubs and perennials that can be planted under such a tree or in the area where an evergreen has

been removed.Some shrubs include:R h o d o d e n d r o n s ,

azaleas, blueber-ries (Vaccinium), lau-rel (Pieris), witch hazel (Hamamelis), juniper, viburnums, heather (Erica) and any of the dwarf vari-eties of pine, spruce, fir, cypress or cedar.

Some perennials include:

Lilies, irises, poppies (Meconopsis), phlox, toad lilies (Tricyrtis), tril-liums, echinacea, foxglove (Digitalis), lupines, gera-niums, primroses, black-eyed-Susan’s (Rudbeckia), violets, hostas, bleeding heart, Lily of the valley, columbine and ferns.

Remember not all of these will do well in shade or partial shade, so check the light requirements before you purchase plants.

This column originally ran on May 20, 2007.

Every winter a large volume of ice builds up around our house’s wood framed chimney chase. Over the winter the ice volume keeps increasing, hanging in sheets from the eaves on both sides of the chase. What’s hap-pening?

Probably your wood framed chimney chase is attached to the outside wall of your home near the eave of a roofline. The most common cause of this problem is a lack of insulation and vapour barrier on the inside of the framed chase. These walls should be insulated the same as any exterior wall.

The hot air from the

Ice formations on your roof

Steve, Paul and Bill are building consultants with Lynch Building Inspection Services Ltd. of Nelson. Send questions to Archived copies of Home Front can

be found at

Home Front

Bill Lynch, Paul Muntak & Steve Cannon

metal chimney inside this chase is probably escap-ing into the adjacent attic space, melting the snow on your roof. This melting snow is then freezing as it travels down the unheat-ed eaves at the sides of the chimney chase form-ing sheets of ice.

If your chimney chase

is large enough, you may be able to insulate it by either removing the top chimney “lid” or the “sof-fit” on the under side. Install as much insulation as the framing will per-mit.

As well, be sure to insu-late the space between the chase and your attic. Keep the insulation at least two inches clear of the metal chimney vent and install a vapour barrier on the warm side of the chase walls.

Keeping the chase warm will also ensure that the hot flue gases in the metal chimney will exit the chimney quickly. This should correct the prob-lem.

International Women’s DaySaturday, March 8, 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, 402 Victoria St.

The West Kootenay Women’s Association (WKWA) is hosting a full day of activities in solidarity with women around the world.

On this day, women focus on issues of culture, gender equity, poverty, violence, war, employ-ment, the right to control their bodies etc., as well as celebrate women’s advancements.

Starting at 3 p.m. is a Women’s Resource Fair, live music by Carol Street. From 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. there’s a chili dinner, by dona-tion. Starting at 6 p.m. there’ll be discussions about WKWA and women of the West Kootenays, women’s issues in Canada and the world. Presenters include Dr. Marcia Braundy, Shannon Lanaway, MP Alex Atamanenko and MLA Corky Evans.

From 7:15 p.m. to 10 p.m. is the ever popular Five Feminist Minutes – an open microphone to sing, rant, dance, five minutes to do whatever you like.

For more information call Kathleen at the Women’s Centre at 352-9916.

Beware impending pri-vate power projects Tuesday, March 11, 7 p.m. at Slocan Park Hall, 3036 Hwy. 6, beside the Slocan Park Co-op

This will be an informative evening about private hydropow-er projects in B.C. Over 40 of these are proposed for the West Kootenays.

Speakers include: Corky Evans, On the B.C. government having no right to sell off our creeks and rivers; Gary Diers, from the Purcell Wilderness Alliance, on environmental impacts,with spe-cific reference to the massive proposed Glacier/Howser devel-

opment; Marilyn James on First Nations issues and the sacred-ness of wilderness; Michelle Mungall on social and economic impacts and Bill 30, which took away all rights in these matters from municipalities; Moe Lyons, a member of Friends of Koch Creek, on the proposed private power development in Koch Creek Canyon.

The evening will wind up with a Q and A session featuring numerous resource persons. This information session is sponsored by the Friends of Koch Creek.

Crop for a cureFriday, April 11 to Sunday, April 13 at the Nelson Rod and Gun Club

This is the fifth year for this event and the committee mem-bers are hoping to beat their 2007 record of raising over $17,000 for the breast cancer research.

This is an event where over 100 women either pay to attend

or collect sponsorship funds with all monies raised going to the Canadian Cancer Society.

At this event the women will receive a welcome package filled with many goodies, learn new photo scrapbooking techniques, eat gourmet meals, bid on a vari-ety of items at the silent auction, play games like Deal or No Deal and win many great prizes.

All of this is done during the Non-Stop Scrapbooking Marathon which organizers hope will be entered into the Guinness Book of World Records.

For more information or to register call Val Fortin at (250) 354-4919, (250) 354-7676 or e-mail

NDCU donates to Touchstones

Nelson and District Credit Union recently announced a $10,000 donation to the

Touchstones Nelson Endowment Fund and an additional $10,000 donation in support of the Touchstones Exhibition Program.

In 2007, donations to the Touchstones Nelson Endowment Fund at the Osprey Community Foundation were matched, dol-lar for dollar, by the Vancouver Foundation. Recognizing the importance of endowment income for not-for-profit organi-zations, NDCU’s $10,000 dona-tion, once matched, amounts to $20,000.

In addition to endowment sup-port, the NDCU will remain the premiere exhibition sponsor at Touchstones in 2008. For a sec-ond year, the NDCU has donated $10,000 towards the development and presentation of exhibitions in the two gallery spaces at the Touchstones facility. Featured artists this year include John Cooper, Lou Lynn, and Leigh Mayoh, among others.


Page 16 EXPRESS March 5, 2008

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o Never o Sometimes o Mostly/Always• GREEN THUMB (SEE PAGE 4)

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ChildrenBOYS SIZE 2-3 CLOTHING in excel-lent condition. A lot are even new. 359-8018 (leave message).

WOOD CRIB COMES WITH SHEETS, mattress cover & bumper pads. Hardly used. Call 825-2206 leave message.

ComputersAMD1.4GHZ, 512MB/RAM, S-video, sound, lan/usb2.0, DVD burner, 18.6GB/HD, mouse, keyboard, moni-tor, newer printer. $220. 365-3548.

EducationFOODSAFE: SATURDAY, MARCH 8. Nelson Health Unit. Register with Nelson Community Complex. 354-4FUN. $60.

FRENCH CLASSES: Beginner to advanced. Certified teacher, Native French. 505-5325.

BAREFOOT JOURNEYS OFFERS ‘The One Day Alchemy of Writing Intensive’ at Oxygen Art Centre, Nelson. March 9: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $90. We live in a vast field of creative energy that wants to move through us. In ‘The Alchemy of Writing’ you learn how to access the open ground of presence as the source of your natural creativity. For more info, or to register, visit, or call Shayla Wright at 352.7908

Employment Opportunities

SERVICE ADVISOR AND AUTOMOTIVE parts counterper-son required for busy GM dealer in Squamish. GM experience/similar required. Please respond attention Hiring Manager, fax: 604-898-2278, email:

LAMONTAGNE CHOCOLATES (a fundraising company) requires full-time sales reps in Burnaby, Coquitlam, Surrey, Abbotsford area. Home based; vehicle required; exclusive territory; expense allowance. Email resume:

WANTED AT WILDERNESS RESORT Valemount, BC; Cook buffet style home cooking, 40 - 60 guests. Ranch Hand, 500 acres, 60 cow/calf pairs and 15 horses. $3500./month + accommodations/meals. Fax 250-968-4445. Email: gm@terracana.


EventsLV ROGERS GRAD FUNDRAISER: Finleys Burger & Beer Night, Live Auction, prizes, March 8, 6-10 p.m. $10.

WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 352-6707.

TRUNK SALE! WITH JENNA ARPITA: Original designer, clothing for men and women. Designs by Tarran the Tailor, Jan Hilmer and Nej... march 7, 8, 9 at “Natural Way Home” 535 Baker 11-6 p.m. daily. Info 354-2803.

GIRLS CIRCLE ~ Supporting the Journey of Emerging Young Women An 8 week group for girls 13-15. Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 p.m. Starts March 12th (skipping spring break). Call Melody at 354-4224.

Financial Services

$500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877-776-1660.

For Sale Misc.ROYAL DIRT DEVIL, as new, manual & bags. $50. 352-9210.

For Sale Misc.MEMOREX 20” TV, $50. Old National Geographic magazines, mostly ‘81, ‘82, ‘84, $1 each. 352-6762

APARTMENT SIZE INGLIS WASHER & DRYER, $250 obo. Beaumark washer & dryer $600 obo, like new. 229-4544.

BEAUTIFUL GRAY CARPET 12’ x 15’, best offer. Fedele 352-7452.

CHINA CABINET, old truck (1900’s), treadmill. 226-7054.

40 - 1 GALLON GLASS JUGS, per-fect for wine or juice, must sell. 352-7101.

COMPOUND BOWS: one left hand-ed, one right handed, plus accesso-ries. Call for details, 250-448-6324. Nelson.

CHROME & CANE CHAIR, modern styling $20; second chair, same style, needs seat repair, $5. 352-3014.

FISHER BABY BEAR WOODSTOVE. Like new. $250. 359-7367 or

SELMER BUNDY ALTO SAX, recently serviced, excellent condi-tion, includes $75 of free accessories, $500. 352-7035.

EXTERIOR, INTERIOR & BI-FOLD DOORS in dark wood. Phone 359-7933.

ALL KINDS OF CLEAN, GOOD, WARM clothes for men & women. Also quilts. Phone 352-6028.

A BUNCH OF STUFF FOR SALE: kids clothes, router, toner, saltwater aquarium books, call for more. 354-1944.

WOOL PERSIAN RUG, 8x12, $135. “Hamilton Beach” countertop hot & cold water dispenser $35. 352-1312.

DRYER FOR SALE, Whirlpool HD, Super Capacity, works well, $100. GE Microwave, $20. 352-7101.

NEW: SHAKER STYLE Solid Wood Bi-Fold Door (with hardware) for 3 foot opening. $100. (Ordering mis-take.) 354-1805.

PENTAX ASAHI K1000 MANUAL CAMERA with 50mm lens and extra lens 70-210mm. Asking $400. 353-7639.

4 DRAWER STORAGE UNIT, steel shelves, wood cookstove, snow scoop, Tri-chem paints & pictures, entertainment centre. Phone 352-9408 evenings after 6.

NEW ELECTRIC ROASTER, $45. Old heavy duty table saw, $75. 4 - 13” tires $50. 226-7990.

TRAXXIS CUSTOM BUILT T-MAXX R/C TRUCK. Needs some work, cost over $1500, sell $200. 229-4474.

VINTAGE RECORD PLAYER/RADIO UNIT. 1940’s Groundig Fleetwood model. $500. 359-7942

SAWMILLS from only $3,495.00 - Convert your logs to valuable lumber with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. - FREE Information: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

FRESH, SUCCULENT NS LOBSTER, whole live or cooked, tails, shelled cooked meat, shipped direct to you express. Top quality from the source: Move out east where lobster is king: Lobster fishing boats:

AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, sulfur, smell, manganese from well water. Since 1957. Phone 1-800-BIG IRON;

ADD AND SAVE on home phone reconnection. Bad credit - no prob-lem! Up to $30. off for new custom-ers, plus lower monthly rates! Call Tembo 1-877-266-6398 or sign up online

FREETAN COUCH WITH WOOD TRIM, good rec room couch. U pick up. 357-9971.

NEED A BANTAM ROOSTER? We have some extra beauties. Please call Laura at 352-7913.

CHILD’S CHEST OF DRAWERS $40, antique toy chest $35, old wooden Doukhobor trunk $100. 359-7756.

FurnitureHIDE-A-BED, excellent condition, dark blue, $80. 825-9534.

FLORAL PATTERN COUCH, love seat $400. Black futon for free. 250-365-5896.

KING SIZE WATERBED: mattress with baffles, heater, pine headboard and frame, $50. 352-0140.

ENTERTAINMENT STAND FITS 30” TV. Wood grain, four shelves, glass door. $40. 355-2404.

7’ SOFA & CHAIR, muted roses, $500. Touch lamp with 3-tier plant stand, $35. 352-0997.

FUTON: PINE SLATTED, sturdy with heavy cushion/mattress. Double bed size, $90. 505-9381.

TOUCH LAMPS, $20-35, oak wall clock, $60, entertainment centre, $250, step table, $10. Phone 352-0997.

COUNTRY FURNITURE ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE 6’X4’, 16” depth $300, Grey Bookcase 6’X3’ $150. 354-0207.

NEW MYLEX FOLDING COMPUTER DESK: 47”X29”X28” $40. Wooden Desk: 42”X20”X30”. 399-0093.

TWO SINGLE FUTON FRAMES $50 each or obo. 352-9596.

Health & FitnessMETAMORPHOSIS MASSAGE STUDIO: Specializing in neuro-mus-cular, deep tissue & relaxation mas-sage. $55/hour, aromatherapy always included. Facials $25. Gift certificates available. 505-0601.

JOIN THE 21ST CENTURY HEALTH CHALLENGE, an eight week super-vised detoxification, rejuvenation & weight loss program. Contact Dr. Michael Smith (TCM) for more infor-mation. 352-0459.

LOOKING TO BUY MAGNETIC BIKE TRAINER and a quiet treadmill or elliptical. pictures/details appreciated.

ACUPRESSURE: PHYSICAL/EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. Rebalances, releases, reconnects. Dania KalTara, Registered JSD(R) Acupressurist in “Natural Health Clinic”. 354-0413.

Help WantedBITE FRESH FOOD is looking for a F/T or P/T line cook. Cooking experience and Food Safe certificate required. If you are a mature and responsible individual able to multi task in a fast paced environment email your resume to Call Jason/Joscelyn at 354-2856 or 352-0485

PARTS/WAREHOUSE PERSON want-ed for Logging and Road Maintenance Company on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Experience and willingness to relocate are assets. Duties: Order, receive, and keep inventory of parts, organize warehouse, monitor fuel usage. Some computer skills required. Wage negotiable. Please submit resume by fax to (250) 557 4306, or email

MINING COMPANY REQUIRES the services of a qualified prospector to do field work in their project on Shaw Creek area. Must be self starter, know how to use a GPS, take sam-ples and map out areas, with a report on findings. Top wages and expenses Starting time June 15, Contact Harold Oppelt 604-532-6463. cell phone 604-306-9128.

Home & GardenWANTED: LARGE QUANTITY OF MANURE (up to 50 cubic meters). Also someone to cultivate approx. 5 acres of pasture in Proctor this spring.

House SittingEXPERIENCED, MATURE HOUSE/PET SITTER available for April. I have excellent local references. All negotia-ble. 352-7169

HOUSESITTER WANTED: Responsible, mature. Lovely heritage cottage, Lower Fairview, March 26-April 6. Call Lee 352-3870.

MATURE, RESPONSIBLE, WITH EXCELLENT REFERENCES woman seeks housesitting position or cheap cabin rental. Call 250-399-0068.

Lost & FoundHONDA REMOTE KEY LOST in hos-pital neighborhood late December. Reward! 354-7366.

LOST: BLACK DIGITAL LUMIX CAMERA on Ft. Sheppard Dr. on Mon., Feb 18. 352-2652.

GUY LOOKING FOR BACKPACK if you can drop off at Taghum Shell. Thank you.

LOSE YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA outside of Hipperson’s, Saturday, 15 Feb? Call with description 352-1191.

LOST! PoOtYtAnG’s Virgin Mobile cell phone. Friday Feb.15th @ The Spirit Bar. Please call Deanna, 354-1069.

FOUND: APPROX. 4-MONTH OLD KITTEN in Fairview. Very friendly, dark, longer haired with stripey face. 354-1069.

Misc. WantedLEFT-OVER HEATING OIL WANTED to recycle, will pump tank out for free, call 551-2727.

CRAFT FAIR BOOTH OR OPEN TENT. Sturdy, collapsible, waterproof. Pam 355-2988.

Music & DanceCD & DVD DUPLICATION, direct to disc printing and graphic design located in Nelson: 352-BURN(2876)

VICTORIA STREET STRINGS all level string players welcome. Tuesday evenings. 505-5583.

KAY UPRIGHT BASS, soft case, lots of accessories, $2800 all incl. 505-0501.

FRIENDS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC informal soirees for music aficiona-dos. 505-5583.

Pets & LivestockSALTWATER FISH/REEF ENTHUSIASTS: Interested in shar-ing experiences, frags, possible club? E-mail Ph. 304-3535.

LOVEBIRD, ‘CLOVER’, FOR SALE to a good home. $90, cage & dishes included. Call 354-1165.

2 ZEBRA FINCHES FOR FREE, but need to sell with cage and supplies for $70. 352-3736.

LOOKING FOR a small non shedding dog that has some gusto to match our schnoodle.

TRITRONICS 2 DOG ELECTRONIC TRAINING collar system. 1 mile range. Refurbished in April 05. $250 firm. 226-7442.

Prof. ServicesDRAFTING SERVICES, RESIDENTIAL DESIGNS “Concept to Construction” 250-359-6997.

MONUMENTAL STONE WORKS Custom headstones/monuments. Portable sandblasting. Cleaning and re-highlighting. Glass etching. Pet Memorials - proceeds to SPCA. 354-0988.

AnnouncementsGREAT WESTERN STAMP CONVENTION, BC’s largest, great prizes, stamp auctions, free stamp valuations. March 14-15 at Richmond Airport Executive Plaza Hotel, see for details.

MOTHERS & FATHERS of first-born 2-5 year olds needed to participate in UBC Psychology research. Internet questionnaire can be done from home. Honorarium provided. Toll-free: 1-866-558-5581.

ATTENTION EXPRESS READERS! To those of you who have submitted pictures for Pet of the Week, Babies, Read Everywhere, etc., please pick up your pictures at the Express office, 554 Ward Street at the front desk. Thank you!

DR. MICHAEL SMITH (TCM) is now accepting new patients. Offering ser-vices in acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Nutritional & Functional Medicine. Over 10 years experience. Call 352-0459.

THANK YOU TO ALL THE WONDERFUL, talented, giving musi-cians & sound people who donated their time, talent & gear for the Kaspar Shouldice Benefit at the Royal. Also thanks to the the wonderful staff, and the Royal for hosting the event.

OPENING COUNSELLING PRACTICE IN DOWNTOWN NELSON. Sally Shamai M.Ed. Registered Clinical Counsellor, over 15 years experience with LGTB & Heterosexual individual & couples. Trauma recovery, personal transi-tions. Advanced EMDR. Focusing & solution oriented approaches. Toll free 1-877-688-5565.

ArtNELSON ARTWALK 20TH ANNIVERSARY! Announcing Call for Entry to artists for Artwalk 2008. Nelson Gallery applications also avail-able. Call 352-2402, or

LOOKING FOR 2 POTTERY WHEELS, kick or electric. Call Daniela (250)266-0056.

LARGE WAYNE KING PAINTING titled “Mountain Dream”. 5’x5’, one of a kind masterpiece. $500. 352-0531.

POTTERY KILN, gas, 26cu. ft.(aprox 6’x 6’ x 6’) movable. $2500 obo. 352-9150.

CLAY CLASSES FOR 6-12 YEAR OLDS. March 24-28 plus glaze day. 3 groups. Fiona, 354-1648

Business Opportunities

WORK AT HOME ONLINE - Start a real home-based business. Work when you want. Apply online and start today!

Career TrainingTRAIN FOR A NEW CAREER in medical transcription. Work from home. 99% employment rate. Contact CanScribe today for a free information package. 1-800-466-1535. /

BECOME A HOME STAGER with our distance education course. Learn professional skills and how to start your own business. ISRPTM certi-fication. Free brochure. 1-800-267-1829.

LAKELAND COLLEGE in Alberta has programs in environmental sciences, fire services, agriculture, tourism, appraisal & assessment and more! Visit or phone 1-800-661-6490, ext. 8579.

Child CareLOOKING FOR SOMEONE to care for our 3yr old daughter one morning/week. Well paid. 352-0306.

Page 18 EXPRESS March 5, 2008

Classifi eds

Easy Sudoku

TO WIN : every row, column and 3 by 3 square must each contain the digits 1 to 9.

Moderate diffi culty. Solution on page 13

Hard Sudoku

TO WIN : every row, column and 3 by 3 square must each contain the digits 1 to 9.

More challenging. Solution on page 13

Toys & WheelsAuto Financing

NEED A CAR or truck? Good credit, bad credit. Want a Visa? #1 success rate. Delivery in BC and Alberta. or 888-501-1148.

# #1 IN CREDIT REBUILDING. Need a car, truck, van or SUV? Auto credit fast. Bad credit! No credit! Bankruptcy! Repossession! No problem. Call today and drive away. Call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599. Free delivery anywhere -

1ST IN CAR LOANS! Western Canada’s lowest rates & prices on any make any model. Call us first or go online for free approval. 1-888-859-8666.

APPROVED AUTO FINANCING. All makes, cars, trucks, vans & SUV’s. Turned down by bank? Needing a vehicle today? 200 vehicles online to choose from. Same day approval. Apply online or call Joanne at 1-866-602-3743, DL 5231.

Automotive-CarsHYUNDAI ELANTRA 1999 Station Wagon Standard, 2WD, 224000km, A/C, CD. Runs great! $5000 obo 505-3987.

Automotive-Cars1991 VW PASAT, runs well, auto, needs a little work. $1500 firm. 250-359-6942.

TOYOTA CAMRY 4-DOOR, 2wd, 200km, lots of new parts, brand new winter tires. $3000. 352-2639.

‘83 TOYOTA TERCEL 4x4, needs a starter or good parts car. $200. Call 354-1865.

2004 HONDA CIVIC SE, p/w, p/dl, cd, 4-dr, 5-spd 74,000 kms, $13,500. 352-9630.

1994 ACURA INTEGRA, red, 213,000 km, well maintained, 5-speed, $5400. Runs Excellent. 825-9539.

1997 JETTA TURBO DIESEL: New Timing belt. Excellent condition. 900km per tank! $8,000. 226-6963.

1988 SUBARU GL EDITION for sale. Excellent condition!! Well maintained. Asking $3000, call 354 1131.


FOR SALE: ‘91 FORD 150 4x4. Low km, well equipped. $3200. Call 355-2491 for details.

20’ EQUIPMENT TRAILER, 2007, $4500. Two load ramps, as new. Call 551-1555.


1995 4RUNNER ‘SEQUIOA’. One year powertrain warranty. New timing belt. Fully-loaded, with leather and sunroof. Mint condition, zero rust. $9800. Ph. 551-4800.

‘97 GRAND CHEROKEE, comfort-able, excellent condition. Leather int. 300,000 km. $3800 obo. Phone 352-3318.

2004 HONDA PILOT EXL, mint con-dition: 4X4, leather, black, 100,000 km, heated seats/mirrors, $25,000. 505-5075.

1990 NISSAN PICK-UP, 2/rear wheel, 4 cyl, standard, great truck! Must sell 220,000 kms. Lindsay 352-1726.

‘84 FORD BRONCO 4x4: V6, 5-speed, VGC, new starter, must sell! $1500 obo. 354-8512.

Automotive-Tires/Parts/Other4 almost new, all season radial tires for sale. P18570R14. Asking $100. Phone 229-6808.

4 - 13” RIMS, FIT DODGE NEON. 4 mag-style hubcaps. 2 winters/2 summers mounted. 2 summers not. P185/70/R13. $150. 354-4145.

Automotive-Tires/Parts/Other4 MICHELIN 255/55R18 tires, used 1 season. $420 obo. 250-355-0069.

CARGO CARRIER FOR ANY SIZE VEHICLE: does not need roof rack, $50. 352-2722.

(4) BRIDGESTONE DUELER H/T 265/65 R17 tires. $200. Call Shaun at 354-7411.


2004 HONDA RUCKUS SCOOTER. 2100 km. Near new condition. Red. $1800 obo. Will deliver. 250-442-8370.

1994 XR250R, runs great, looks great, Baja road kit, new tires. $2300. 505-5264.

2007 KTM300XC $7000, 2005 YZ125 $4500, Both bikes are two strokes and like-new. Jackson, 352-2245.

Boats1998 LEGEND 17’5”, MERCURY MARINER 40 hp, w/trailer, many extras, excellent fishing/family boat, $11000. 505-9458.

Prof. ServicesRENOVATIONS, HANDYMAN OR SMALL CONSTRUCTION JOBS. 16+ yrs experience. Excellent quality and reliability. Call 825-4321.

DOMESTIC DIVAS is here with qual-ity insured services. Animal care, Artwork, Baking, Bodywork, Catering, Childcare, Construction, Clean-up, Deliveries, Errands, Housecleaning, Home organizing, Landscaping, Painting, Reception, Sewing repairs, Tile setting & design, Yard clean-up. Call 505-4691.

Psychic Readings

PSYCHIC READINGS FOR THE NEW YEAR with Ratna, BFA., MFA., experienced meditator & teacher of inner alchemy for over 30 years. 229-4042.

Recreational Vehicles

1995 OKANAGAN 105W CAMPER. Very nice condition. $8500.00 obo. Grand Forks. 250-442-9868.

WON’T FIND A BETTER DEAL than this! ‘82 motorhome, air-con, cruise, fully restored, mint! $6,500. 505-2320/354-9097.

1979 HONDA 150CC TRIKE. Starts easy runs consistently. Good tires. Asking $150 obo. 352-3256.

RetreatsSUBLETTING MY SKI CHALET AT WHITEWATER Ski Resort for March. All amen. Rent negotiable.

ServicesCLEAR YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD now! - A record affects employment and any travel anywhere! We guar-antee your pardon. Apply online or call today toll-free 1-800-298-5520

Sports EquipmentHELLY HANSEN LARGE, Kevlar rein-forced, ski pants for sale. Like new, used once $190.00. 250-509-1964.

SKIS FOR SALE! Rossignol Bandit B83 176cm + Axial 120 Bindings. Used 10 times. $500. 505-3987.

RIDE TIMELESS SNOWBOARD 58, in good condition, all blue, $300. 354-1865.

VOILE SWITCHBACK TELE BINDINGS 2007/2008. New in box never mounted. $250. Lightest on market. 551-5683.

165 PRIOR SPLITBOARD W/SKINS and binding hardware. Barely used. $800 obo. Call Mike, 354-3915.

FLUID TRAINER BY KURT KINETIC. “Road Machine” model. Best you can buy. Asking $250. 352-0531.

MOUNTAIN BIKES: 2x adult M/F, 2x kids 6 to 12 yrs. Good condition. $50 each. 229-4543.

Steel BuildingsBUILDINGS FOR SALE! “Final clear-ance!” 25x30 now $5800. 25x40 $6900. 30x40 $8300. 35x50 $11,290. 35x70 $14,500. 40x80 $16,900. Some others. Canadian manufacturer since 1980...Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

# A 1 STEEL BUILDINGS, facto-ry direct clearance, up to 30% off. 25x32, 30x40, 50x100 and more. Call now for free shipping, Curvco Steel 1-888-753-6130.

TravelALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGES - Book online at and save more on your vacations. Use code NCA74327 for discount or call us toll-free at 1-800-563-5722.

TIMESHARE FORECLOSURES—Save 60-80% off retail! Best resorts & seasons! Call for free catalogue today! 1-800-597-9347. Browse hundreds of worldwide properties online—

VolunteeringTHE NELSON SENIORS COORDINATING SOCIETY needs volunteers and referrals for it Seniors Contact Line. 352-6008

WeddingsGORGEOUS WHITE WEDDING GOWN. Swaravsky crystal bodice, full skirt, 3 veils. Size 14. $600. 825-3443.

Work WantedHOUSEKEEPER AVAILABLE. Honest, reliable, efficient, hard work-ing. Excellent references. Please call 505-5249.

WILL HAUL ALL. Small moves, dump runs, deliveries & more. 3/4 ton van. 505-5249.

INTERIOR PAINTING & ODD JOBS around the house? Call Jeff @ 505-5419. Reasonable, reliable and pro-fessional.

Answers to Kootenay


see puzzle on page 11


March 5, 2008 EXPRESS Page

Homefi nders

Ross & Tad3x5

Real EstateBLEWETT, 2 ACRES ON EAGLE CREEK, lake view, building ready, ser-viced mobile, septic, well. $275,000. 229-2243

THINKING OF SELLING? Get a FREE, no obligation market evaluation of your home. Call 354-8409

BEAUTIFUL & SPACIOUS CHARACTER FAIRVIEW HOME. 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. $365,000. 505-5512.

3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH well main-tained home just outside of Salmo. Clean, tidy, nothing to do but move in! Only $194,500 354-8409

0.944 HECTARES/2.33 ACRES: Argenta, treed, sunny, easy road access, nearby hydro, $95,000. 354-4028.

CLEAN 4 BED,3 BATH, newer home in Rosemont, 30x22garage, flat fenced yard $419,000. 354-1052.

Real EstateLOWER FAIRVIEW 2/3 BEDROOM, 1200 sq foot character home, 1 block from Lakeside Park. Fully renovated, new electrical, updated plumbing, new appliances, new kitchen, claw foot tub, new Hardi plank siding, new roof. Immediate possession. Open house March 9th 2-4, March 15th 2-4. $337,000 Accepting offers march 17th. 407 Kokanee St. 352-5663.

4-STAR NEW CONDO HOTEL, low cash down, international banner - tangible investment, guaranteed rev-enues, power of RRSP/LIRA funds. Unleash your trapped dollars, no tax penalty! 1-866-698-5638.

Rentals3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Executive Home in Uphill. Fantastic views. No smoking, No pets. $1400/month 352-2100

Rentals WantedSARAH & KAILASH WOULD LOVE TO RENT your clean, beautiful 1 or 2 bedroom apartment in downtown Nelson, lower Uphill or Fairview area. Responsible, long-term, references. Please call 505-5326.

YOUNG, HARDWORKING, RESPONSIBLE COUPLE looking for a 2+ home for April. Please contact Laurel at 307-7704.

DESPERATE MOTHER OF 1 SEEKING 1 or 2 brdm house/mobile home/apt. Reasonable rent please. 352-1621. Needed ASAP.

COUPLE NEEDING LONG TERM REASONABLE RENTAL between April and June, Slocan Valley. Please contact

REASONABLE, LOVELY RENTAL. Balfour/Kaslo area. Mature woman, two respectful cats. Kathleen 229-4286.

Rentals WantedRESPONSIBLE, KIND COUPLE WITH FANTASTIC REFERENCES looking for 2 bdrm apt/house in Nelson. Carpenter & employed artist with very well behaved cats! Nelson, we need a break from searching for a place! Please call if you know of or have a home for us. We’ll even caretake! 352-1674.

1 BEDROOM TRAILER OR CABIN, Nelson/North Shore up tp 6-mile. Kitchen, bathroom, yard. Ananda 229-2102.

SINGLE APARTMENT OR SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS in Nelson area for clean, quiet, man & his dog. 352-5781.

NEED 2 BDRM APARTMENT for 2 men and 2 cats. Prefer in city limits. Can fix up. 229-5204.

LIFEGUARD/NURSING STUDENT WANTING 1 BEDROOM apartment or basement suite in Nelson for Apr 1st. Katie 551-1340.

Rentals WantedPROFESSIONAL COUPLE LOOKING FOR A QUIET studio or 1 bedroom apartment starting May/June. E-mail Thanks!

RESPONSIBLE FAMILY OF 3 NEED 2-3 bedroom house in Nelson ASAP. Excellent references. Call Tricia 505-8427.

2-3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR APRIL in or near Nelson, 1 year lease. Professional couple with 2 young chil-dren. 403-270-9476 or

RESPONSIBLE, WORKING FEMALE with outdoor oriented cat seeks 1 bdrm close to town, reasonably priced. 505-0761.

Shared Accom.1 BEDROOM WITH PRIVATE BATHROOM in large shared home. Available for clean, quiet person. 352-2051.

Shared Accom.ROOM FOR RENT in spacious Uphill home. W/D, internet, $425 inc. Russell 352-2672.

LUXURY APARTMENT: Master bed-room, ensuite bath, central W/D. N/S, N/P, utilities, internet. Female, May 1. 1-800-611-5788.

BIG BRIGHT ROOM in amazing rustic house 12 kms from Nelson. $450/mo. Immediately. 352-7303.

ROOM @ 1 MILE available April 1st. Lakefront, great view. Call Sarah, 505-4559.

FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED: Large, bright home in sunny Uphill. Share main floor with me & my teen-age son. N/S, N/P. $600/month or $200/week. 354-4580

MY KIDS & I ARE LOOKING for a loving individual to come & share our home. $400. 354-1944.

Solution to Hard Sudoku

see puzzles on page 13

Solution to Easy Sudoku

Page 20 EXPRESS March 5, 2008

Safewayfull page 2/c