The Entrepreneurial Mother’s Guide to… Bonuses... · 2011-09-01 · The Entre Introduction...

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Transcript of The Entrepreneurial Mother’s Guide to… Bonuses... · 2011-09-01 · The Entre Introduction...

The Entrepreneurial Mother’s Guide to…

WWoorrkkiinngg OOuutt WWhhaatt YYoouu WWaanntt

and how to go about getting it!

Or in other words… AAcchhiieevvee YYoouurr GGooaallss WWhhiillee YYoouu MMaakkee IItt UUpp AAss YYoouu GGoo AAlloonngg!!

By Denise Hall

The Entrepreneurial Mother

© Copyright 2007, The Entrepreneurial Mother – All Rights Reserved. Click Here to contact us.

The Entrepreneurial MotherTable of Contents Legal Stuff .......................................................................................................................1


It’s All About Making It Up As You Go Along............................................................3

Mind Map – What Future Do I Think I Want...............................................................5

Intermission…Thinking Time..........................................................................................7

Back To You....................................................................................................................9

Mind Map – Permission Goals ..................................................................................11

Cleaning House ...........................................................................................................12

Mind Map – Things To Get Rid Of .............................................................................14

What Will Make You Happy.......................................................................................15

Mind Map – Main Goals.............................................................................................16

Where Are You Now? .................................................................................................17

Mind Map – Contacts.................................................................................................21

Mind Map – Financial Resources..............................................................................22

Mind Map – Tools.........................................................................................................23

Mind Map – Skills ..........................................................................................................24

Mind Map – Education...............................................................................................25

Mind Map – Interests...................................................................................................26

Mind Map – Adventures.............................................................................................27

Mind Map – Activities .................................................................................................28

Mind Map – Character Traits.....................................................................................29

All About Mind Mapping............................................................................................30

© Copyright 2007, The Entrepreneurial Mother – All Rights Reserved. Click Here to contact us.

The Entrepreneurial MotherLegal Stuff

This book is copyright The Entrepreneurial Mother. You may distribute the digital copy on the Internet without charge by itself or as a bonus included with other products/promotions. You may not sell this book, nor may you distribute it in print form. You may not alter it in any way.

While reasonable attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this publication, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of this information.

This publication is not intended for use as a source of any advice such as legal, medical, accounting or financial services. (They're regulated professionals, aren't they?) The author wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to many laws from all over the place. You're responsible. Don't break them.

Seriously, just don't do any of the above!

While examples of past results are used occasionally in this work, they are intended as examples only. No representation is made, implied, hinted at or otherwise bandied about that the reader will do as well from using the techniques. I don't know that, and neither do you. Yet!

What you get out of opening yourself up to this process will depend on your unique situation, your values, your competencies, your context and your personal effort. Translation: Just sitting on your tail after reading this will not get you where you want to go nor will it look like anyone else’s journey.

The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment. Such as it is.

Any perceived slight of specific people or organisations, and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious, is purely unintentional.

Use this information at your own risk – but use it anyway!

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Copyright 2007, The Entrepreneurial Mother – All Rights Reserved.

The Entrepreneurial MotherIntroduction

This is not leisure reading. This is a workbook. That means you have to work if you plan to get any benefit from it. I assure you that even if you just do the exercises and never follow through; you’ll get significant benefit from it.

If you follow through, you may find that it will change your life, and at the very least make it look more like what you think you want it to, at this point in time.

It may seem a little strange to start the process of helping you to work out what you want by asking you to whip up a bunch of “mind maps”. Think of it as taking a good hard look at your life thus far. Without this, you won't know what you've got to work with, the platform from which to leverage. A stocktake if you will.

Someone once remarked that people spend more time planning a two-week vacation than they do planning their futures. From what I've seen, this is almost universally true. The exceptions to this are continuously setting themselves up to be the true successes in life.

Now, don’t be frightened. It will initially seem hard work but trust me; it is well worth it!

In terms of time required, I review my thinking on the following key topics annually, usually around New Year celebrations. Once you have done the initial work (which will take you a little time) the annual review is much easier. That is of course unless you have to do a complete rewrite in any of the areas(!), but hopefully not. It should be more about reworking, removing and reinventing. I would strongly suggest not doing too many rewrites (which equals changes in your life!) all at once, as you need time to discover what you need to learn, and whether what you thought was what you wanted is in fact still the case.

As a side note, here’s the thing about Mind Mapping. Since discovering this fabulous technique, I use it for everything. As you will see, the way others “list”, I mind map. It may take a little getting used to if it is new to you but hang in there as it really is worth it. So you discover their value for yourself, I have also included the Mind Map “rules” at the conclusion of this workbook. You can then use this same guide, in exactly the same way, to list/map absolutely anything you want.

Yes, anything.

So, what do you think you really want?

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The Entrepreneurial Moing It Up As You Go Along therIt’s All About Mak

Setting and achieving what you think you want is about something more profound than creating change. It's about managing change, and putting your future in your control; well as much as possible. And even more importantly, it’s also about going with the flow. At the very least, it’s about being prepared when opportunity comes knocking!

What do they say about luck? It’s when hard work and opportunity meet.

So let’s start the hard work…

Purchase a sketchpad and a packet of coloured pens (or borrow the children’s!). Lock some time in your diary to do some “thinking”. Yes, actually give yourself permission to do that, and if you need someone else’s permission then here, have mine! Now, get comfortable, have a cup of tea or a glass of wine if that helps.

You’ve got some serious thinking to do.

So, what future do you think you want?

Think about this in terms of these key topics:

Family Social Business Income Education Health Spirituality.

If your life could be anything you wanted it to be, what would it be right now?

Where would you live? Who would your friends be? What kind of people would you

like to spend your time with? How would you spend your time,

if you could be doing anything at all that you wanted? What would you eat? Wear?

Listen to? Would you work? If so, what

would you do? If not, what would you do? What do you want to learn? To

know? To be? Where would you like to

vacation? What would you do? What else would be a part of

your perfecting life?

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Lets start mind mapping (remember the “rules” are at the end of this workbook should you need them). Map the answers to each and every one of those questions. Be complete. Note everything you'd like to have in your life. Don't assign money values, or think about cash in the bank right now. That's for later. On the next page, you’ll find my sample mind map addressing the same topics.

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Mind Map – What Future Do I Think I Want

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While you're writing these things down, add anything else that you would really like to make a part of your life. Don't skimp. Assume you can have anything you want. Note all the things you do want. As they say in the educational programs, "Stop the DVD and do this now." Then keep doing it. Have another cup of tea or glass of wine (maybe!) and then go back to it. Sleep on it, and then go back to it. Let that imagination and dreaming; that imagineering of yours run wild; have some fun and go for it.

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The Entrepreneurinking Time ial MotherIntermission…ThTwo True Stories My journey thus far could see my life split into a number of distinct parts. Some planned, some not. Each has its own story and set of circumstances that can lay claim on my life taking its destined path but for now, to best illustrate doing life my way and making it up as I go along, lets start here…

At the ripe old age of 36, I found myself unemployed, homeless and pregnant.

This situation I found myself in probably had something to do with the “ah ha” moment I had while travelling Africa, and the conclusion that I didn’t like where my life was heading. I really wanted to do something about changing it upon my return… and change I did!

Within a two-week period, I had settled on the sale of my apartment, resigned from a regular paying job and had a pregnancy test confirmed… oh my goodness!

I asked many many questions. How would I cope/survive? Could I do it all? What support did I need? What did life need to look like from a safety, financial and emotional perspective? And so on. After going to hell and back a few times, I decided to carry on regardless and to work out future details later.

To give a taste of what happened next, I opened myself up to opportunity and alternative ways of living and working – I was no longer going nor able to follow the traditional path but rather find my own! I was able to secure my first solo-consulting project (with a little morning sickness to add some colour). I arranged ‘house sitting’ gigs for most of my pregnancy. I allowed my body to do its thing.

All worked out swimmingly, and as for the future details, I continue to have fun working those out as I go!

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Contrast this with another, related incident. Picture this! I am standing in a very large kitchen of a house I was house sitting. I am there with my brother and my mother. I have just announced I’m pregnant – 7 weeks…. Silence!

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know” I replied.

Then my brother said: “if you’re waiting for the right time to have a baby – you’ll be waiting… there is never a right time. You will always have plenty of reasons not to do it”.

And then they both said, “We’ll support you with whatever decision you make”

Introducing my beautiful

baby girl (now 9)…

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The Entrepreneurial MotherBack To You…

Now that you've created your first mind map, take a look at it. See each of the things you've listed individually, as though it were real.

Do this one at a time.

Some people say that seeing it helps you to believe it can be done. That's true. Others say that actually focusing on it helps to get your subconscious to believe it's possible and start making it happen. That's also true. But those aren't the reasons I suggest this.

I want you to see it for another reason. If you have always thought, "I'd like to start that business," see that happening, but most importantly – feel that happening. There are plenty of visualization techniques around to help you do that. (If you think you need help, go to where there is some guidance and recommendations).

How does losing yourself in this actually make you feel?

Once you truly feel it, then you can seriously think about it.

Does it make no real difference in how you feel? (Forget how others feel about you. That's their business, not yours.)

Does it actually make you feel happier? Maybe it represents a milestone. Or gives you a sense of accomplishment.

Live it in your head, and in your heart.

You need to see it, and feel it, to put yourself in the situation as though it were real, to know if it's something you really truly want, or if it's something you think you're supposed to want.

Life is way too short to spend it messing with things you don't want and that don’t make you feel the way you want to feel, just to live up to someone else's expectations. If they're concerned with laying expectations on other people i.e. you, they won't be made happy when you fulfil them anyway.

It's your life.

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What do you really want?

If there's something on this map that you don't see making a big change in your happiness, drop it like a hot rock. It will keep you from getting something you DO want.

What’s that saying? Be careful what you want for as you might just get it!

Anything that you decide isn't really important to you, cross it off.

Now, look at the map again.

How many of the things that you want don't cost money at all? Probably some of the most important ones, I'd bet. Those are what I call "Permission Goals."

Maybe you feel you have to somehow prove you deserve them. This can range from where you live, to what kind of people you have in your life.

Maybe you think you don't have the time. These can be things like becoming responsible for your finances, learning a language or musical instrument, or taking up a new hobby.

Move the Permission Goals to another map, either within your sketchpad or use the following sample. (Part 2 will delve into these more completely.) These may be easy, or they may be the hardest to achieve, because they involve a decision. Usually, however, they don't involve much more than that.

Something has kept you from making the decision in the past. If it's just not realising that a decision was all that was in the way, or pure routine, they'll be easy. Just do it.

If it's some psychological issue, you're going to have to deal with that. I'm not a psychologist, so we'll leave that for better-qualified folks to help you. But what I do know is recognising that there is an issue is half the battle, the other half is taking the action to enlist the support person(s) you need, and to work through the issues until you have enough of a handle on them to continue…and continue you must.

Again, move those goals to the Permission Goals map, and cross them off the mind map you're working on now.

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Mind Map – Permission Goals

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The Entrepreneurial MotherCleaning House… Now, you're going to create one more map. Things to get rid of! Face it; if your life is full of stress, and things you don’t enjoy consume your time, your chance of getting where you want to be is horribly reduced. If you somehow manage to get there despite those things, carrying them along with you will keep you from enjoying your goals as much as possible.

You need to work on getting rid of the clutter, the stuff.

What exists in your life right now that won't exist in your perfect life? What annoys you without giving anything positive back? What stresses, unpleasant relationships, environmental conditions, work issues, routines, commitments, etc?

Map them all.

There are some types of things that should be dropped immediately. The first group is things that you do because you're concerned about what others will think of you if you don't do them.

If your happiness depends on what someone else thinks of you, you'll never have control of your life. And you'll never be happy.

You can't please everyone. Trying is a sucker's game.

Always remember – what other people think about you is none of your business!!

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Another group are the things you do because "someone has to." Do they really need to be done? And if so, why you? What horrible thing would happen if you stopped doing them?

Commitments are more complicated. If you agreed to something, you need to make sure it's taken care of. Or find an honest way to get out of the commitment or get it fulfilled in some other way.

Note: I'm talking about commitments that you don't want. There are things each of us is committed to that we would be happier giving up, e.g.: a second year on the Kindergarten Committee; or volunteering your house (again!) for the next mothers group meeting.

Ask yourself for many of these: Did I really agree to this, or is it defined as a commitment by convention or default? Has it just landed on my to-do list?

If you didn't agree to it, it's not a commitment. It's an expectation.

Someone else's expectation. And their problem.

Yet another group is "Stuff I paid for."

Hey – if you paid for it, you can drop it just as fast as you like. Don't throw good money (and time) after a bad investment or an interest that's waned e.g. the subscription to Gardening Weekly that is piling up nicely at the side of your bed; the violin lessons that you intend going back to, but it’s been 7 weeks now!

Maybe you paid with effort, and you want to try and make the thing work, despite all the proof that it won't. That's fine if it's something that is really important to you. Just don't do it to avoid admitting a mistake. There are better ways to live.

I define a mistake as a mis-take. Mis-takes are the fuel for learning. The realisation of the value of mis-takes is one of life’s greatest learning opportunities.

It’s not the mis-take, it’s the recovery that matters…

Failing to admit a mis-take doesn't make it less of a mis-take. It makes it more of one. It also makes it a potentially wasted opportunity.

Now, take all the things you can get rid of immediately and put them on the “Cleaning House” map, either in your sketchpad or use the following sample.

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Mind Map – Cleaning House

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The Entrepreneuou Happy? rial MotherWhat Will Make YWhatever is left is likely something that involves a void to fill. Money to pay off debts or skills needed to alleviate shortcomings.

Put those on the "Main Goals" map (either within your sketchpad or use the following sample), if they're really things that you need to be happy.

Remember, the only definition of what's important to your happiness is the one you set. What I or anyone else might think of it is completely unimportant.

If it makes you truly happy without actively interfering with someone else's life, it's what you should do.

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Mind Map – What Will Make You Happy

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The Entrepreow? neurial MotherWhere Are You N

Here's where things start to get fun.

And Yes, you're going to create more mind maps!

Maps of resources. These may well open your eyes. Most people have far more available resources than they've ever considered.

Knowing everything you have to work with will put you light years ahead of where you are now. Recognising the value of those resources is another story. Once you learn to see that value, the only thing that can stop you is you.

Now - let’s take a stock of what we know, an inventory stock-take. Copy the Inventory Maps as listed below into your sketchpad or print out the supplied "Inventory Workmaps" as the end of this workbook and go for it.

These are the Inventory Workmaps you need to create.

1. Contacts

Here you want to map everyone you know. Your banker, your bartender, and your boss. Friends, relatives, suppliers, customers, casual acquaintances, email buddies, colleagues, business contacts, religious connections, spiritual food gurus, you name it. Whether they be people you have met in passing, or people you are very close to; map them all.

2. Financial Resources

Cash on hand (savings) Line of Credit available Liquid assets Investments Invoices outstanding

% of pay packet you are willing to put aside Any other financial resources

you may have Convertible assets (Stuff you

don't need and can sell) Cash-generating assets -

products, inventory, business

3. Tools Here you want to list PC computer hardware, electronics, (camcorders, DVD burners, iPods, digital cameras, etc), software, technical staff, web sites etc.

How about a sewing machine; a tennis racquet; running shoes; a wok; books/articles; anything at all that you have that you can use to make this work for you, as you want it too.

4. Skills Every job you've ever had, and

what you learned from it. Every hobby you have that

requires any more skill than flipping channels. Every language you speak,

instrument you play, and past or present interest. Every volunteer position you've

filled. Every incidental skill you've

acquired along the way. This can be writing, accounting, brainstorming, whatever.


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Map them all.

Again as they say in the educational programs, "Stop the DVD and do this now." Then keep doing it.

Have a cup of tea and then go back to it.

Sleep on it, and then go back to it.

Over the course of the next few days, lots of these will occur to you that didn't come to mind right away. Add them as you think of them.

You may want to show this list to someone who knows you well. They may think of things you take for granted. For example, you may not realize that listening well or asking good questions or carrying on a lively conversation is a skill. They are, and they're very valuable.

Or maybe you're a good time manager, fabulous basketball coach or a great speaker. Make sure this one is as complete as you can make it. Don't worry, though. It will keep growing.

5. Education

It’s not so much about what you studied, but whom you studied it with! Who did you meet at school/university/TAFE/adult education classes that you thought were of interest, and what are they doing now? Could you find them? What about your lecturers and teachers – where are they now and what are they doing?

6. Interests Anything at all that you find interesting. Doesn't matter what it is. If you're interested in it, if it grabs your attention even a little bit, write it down.

What opportunities can you now recognise as having passed you by?

What magazines and books do you buy/keep? What pages of magazines do you rip out and slip into your bag/pocket? (Yes, we know you do!) What swatches do you keep?

7. Adventures

What travels have you had? What adventures have you been a part of? What did they teach you? What did you learn? What jobs did you do? Who did you meet?

8. Activities Start with one week ago today, and list everything you've done for the past week. Then list everything you do on a frequent basis that you might not have done this week. Then list all the activities you were involved with in high school and college and in years past.

Include online activities, too. Participating in lists or forums, web surfing, chat rooms, buying at online auctions, whatever it is. Map it.

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9. Character Traits Describe your character, as you see it. Are you honest? Impatient? Cheerful? Easily distracted? Independent? Self-Reliant? Are you creative, a good process person, or maybe a pure manager? List every character trait that you have.

Yeah. For some folks, this one is tough. Be honest. This isn't a test, and you’re not going to be graded. And you don’t have to share it and/or ask for feedback unless you want to.

If you do/will struggle to do that, and you’re looking for a place to start, look at determining how emotionally intelligent you are. There is a “test” you can take that is a short profiling tool that measures your level of personal emotional capital quickly and accurately. In only takes 10 minutes and you will receive a Summary Report to kick-start your thinking….and it’s free!!

Go do the test!

Okay. That's enough for one day. Or even three. Or even a week!

When you've finished these maps, take a break for a day or two. It's okay to come back and add to the ones you've started.

Give yourself a break!

By opening your mind to thinking about your life in these areas, you will find that you keep thinking long after you have put your pen down. When new ideas or thoughts pop into your head (in the bath, car, out jogging or chatting with friends), make a mental note in writing, write them down and remember to add to your mind maps later.

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So talk to me – how do you feel?

Is your head now racing with so much to do?

How are you going to maintain your rage! ☺

If you do want to continue the journey, and I strongly recommend that you do, then go to the following link: Pick the biggest, most important, most exciting want from the “What Will Make You Happy” mind map and use that in Part 2. By the time you’re done with this section, you’re going to have a plan to achieve it!

If you want to give me feedback on what you’ve just been through then I would be honoured to hear from you. Send an email to: will respond to you personally.

Thank you for allowing me into your life and I sincerely hope I have inspired you in some way.

Inspire Me! Write Your Own Chapter


Denise Hall The Entrepreneurial Mother A very big thank you to...

Ireland Hall Deirdre GruitersLeanne Jacobs Roche MartinMindwerx

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Mind Map – Contacts

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Mind Map – Financial Resources

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Mind Map – Tools

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Mind Map – Skills

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Mind Map – Education

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Mind Map – Interests

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Mind Map – Adventures

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Mind Map – Activities

© Copyright 2007, The Entrepreneurial Mother – All Rights Reserved. Click Here to contact us.


Mind Map – Character Traits

© Copyright 2007, The Entrepreneurial Mother – All Rights Reserved. Click Here to contact us.


?pa M dni M a si t ah Wci hpar g l ufre wop a si pa M dni M A

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. sega mi l art nec eht morf gnitratsci nagr o ,rekci ht era senil ert nec ehT

sa renni ht gni moceb , gni wolf dna. ert nec eht morf et ai dar yeht

sa ht gnel e mas eht senil eht eka M . 6. ega mi/ dr o w eht

- edoc n wo r uoy - sr uol oc es U . 7. pa M dni M eht t uohguor ht

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ega mi eht ot dehcatt a ,rekci ht ert neceht ecal P .)ci nagr o( ’ yva w‘ dnar o )sI OB( saedI gniredr O cisa B

eht no st nel avi uqe gni daeh ret pahc. sehcnar b

f o dne eht ff o senil renni ht hcnar B . 8dl oh ot I OB det air por ppa eht

t natr op mi t so m( at ad gnitr oppus.)t sesol c

. el bissop revereh w sega mi es U . 9sya wl a dl uohs dr o w r o ega mi ehT. 01

. ht gnel e mas eht f o enil a no ti sl ai ceps n wo r uoy sa sr uol oc es U. 11

se meht , sci pot , el poep wohs ot edocpa M dni M eht eka m ot dna set ad r o

.l ufit uaeb er o mr o n wo r uoy( saedi ll a er ut pa C. 21

eka m , esi nagr o-er ,ti de neht )’sreht oyfiral c r o et ar obal e ,l ufit uaeb er o m

. gni kni ht f o egats dnoces a sa


SES USTI FENEBgni nrae Le dna noisi ver , yduts t uoba doog l eeF .’ kr o w f o snot‘ esoht ecude R. seitili ba gni nrael r uoy ni ecnedif noc eva H . s max

gni wei vrev O. snoit cennoc dna sknil eht dnatsredn U . ecno t a , wei v l abol g eht , er ut ci p el oh w eht eeSgnit art necno CF. noit nett a r uoy st cartt a slli ks l acitr oc r uoy ll a gnis U . stl user rett eb r of ksat eht no suco

gnisi ro me M. eye s’ dni m r uoy ni noit a mr of ni eht ’eeS‘ .ll acer ysa E gnisi nagr O.t cej bus reht o yna r o st cej or p , syadil oh , seitrap r of sli at ed eht ll a f o pot no e B

gnit neser P.t seb r uoy t a eb nac uoY . evil a dna dexal er ,rael c era sehceepSgnit aci nu mmo C. ssenesi cnoc dna ytiral c hti w s mr of ll a nI

gni nnal Prepap f o ecei p eno no - dne ot gni nni geb morf - st cepsa dna sli at ed ll a et art sehcr O.sgnitee Mfe dna deeps hti w det el p moc era sboj eht . . . set uni m eht gni kat ot , gniri ahc ot , adnega ot gni nnal p mor F. ycnei cif

Tgni ni arf hcu m dna rei sae boj eht eka m yeht noit at neser p ot noit araper p mor F.ret sagni kni hT. meht r of ’ noit at s- ya w‘ a t so ml a - st hguoht esyl ana ot doht e m a gni va H

gnit ait oge N.t eehs eno no ytili bar vueona m dna noiti sop r uoy , seussi eht ll Agni mool B ni ar B. dessessa yl et air por ppa dna det areneg era st hguoht er o m hci h w ni gni mr ots- ni ar b wen ehT

. noit asi nagr O nazu B ehT f o MT. ge R®pa M dni M© sert ne C nazu B

Changing the way the World Learns – For the Better!

Buzan Centre: AustralAsia @Mindwerx International Pty Ltd

Ph. 1800 060

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?paM dniM a si tahWcihparg lufrewop a si paM dniM A

lasrevinu a sedivorp hcihw euqinhcetek .niarb eht fo laitnetop eht kcolnu ot y

lacitroc fo egnar lluf eht sessenrah tI,cigol ,rebmun ,egami ,drow - slliks

- ssenerawa laitaps dna ruoloc ,mhtyhr.rennam lufrewop yleuqinu ,elgnis a niot modeerf eht uoy sevig ti ,gniod os nI

.niarb ruoy fo sesnapxe etinifni eht maoryreve ot deilppa eb nac paM dniM ehTgninrael devorpmi erehw efil fo tcepsa

namuh ecnahne lliw gnikniht reraelc dna.ecnamrofrep

,nazuB ynoT yb 0791 ni detanigirOfo snoillim yb desu won era spaM dniMyrev eht morf - dlrow eht dnuora elpoep

yeht revenehw - dlo yrev eht ot gnuoy.ylevitceffe erom sniarb rieht esu ot hsiw

paM dniM a ,pam daor a ot ylralimiS:lliw

G• vi egral a fo weivrevo na uoy e.aera/tcejbus

• ekam/setuor nalp ot uoy elbanEuoy erehw wonk uoy tel dna seciohc

.neeb evah uoy erehw dna gniog era• fo stnuoma egral dloh dna rehtaG

.atad• yb gnivlos melborp egaruocnE

.syawhtap evitaerc wen gniees• .tneiciffe ylemertxe eb ot uoy elbanE• esum ,daer ,ta kool ot elbayojne eB

vo .rebmemer dna re• .niarb/eye eht dloh dna tcarttA

swaL paM dniMfo egami na htiw ertnec eht ni tratS.1

.sruoloc 3 tsael ta gnisu ,cipot ehtdna sedoc ,slobmys ,segami esU.2dniM ruoy tuohguorht noisnemid

.paMgnisu ,tnirp dna sdrow yek tceleS.3

.srettel esac rewol ro reppudna enola eb tsum egami/drow hcaE.4

.enil nwo sti no gnittis,detcennoc eb tsum senil ehT.5

.segami lartnec eht morf gnitratscinagro ,rekciht era senil ertnec ehT

sa renniht gnimoceb ,gniwolf dna.ertnec eht morf etaidar yeht

sa htgnel emas eht senil eht ekaM.6.egami/drow eht

- edoc nwo ruoy - sruoloc esU.7.paM dniM eht tuohguorht

fo elyts lanosrep nwo ruoy poleveD.8.gnippaM dniM

snoitaicossa wohs dna sisahpme esU.9.paM dniM ruoy ni

gnisu yb raelc paM dniM eht peeK.01ro redro laciremun ,yhcareih tnaidaR

.sehcnarb ruoy ecarbme ot seniltuo

paM dniM ot woHrepap fo teehs etihw ,egral a nruT.1

.dap paM dniM a esu ro ,epacsdnal,snep deruoloc fo noitceles a rehtaG.2.rethgilhgih ot bin enif morf gnignar

tcejbus ro melborp ,cipot eht tceleS.3.deppaM dniM eb ot

ro hcraeser ,slairetam yna rehtaG.4.noitamrofni lanoitidda

demarfnu na htiw ertnec eht ni tratS.5hgih mc6 yletamixorppa - egami

.3A rof mc01 dna 4A rof ediw dnata dna noisserpxe ,noisnemid esU.6

lartnec eht ni sruoloc eerht tsaelnoitnetta tcartta ot redro ni egami

.yromem dia dnaeht ot tsesolc sehcnarb eht ekaM.7

egami eht ot dehcatta ,rekciht ertneceht ecalP .)cinagro(’yvaw‘ dnaro )sIOB( saedI gniredrO cisaB

eht no stnelaviuqe gnidaeh retpahc.sehcnarb

fo dne eht ffo senil renniht hcnarB.8dloh ot IOB detairporppa eht

tnatropmi tsom( atad gnitroppus.)tsesolc

.elbissop reverehw segami esU.9syawla dluohs drow ro egami ehT.01

.htgnel emas eht fo enil a no tislaiceps nwo ruoy sa sruoloc esU.11

semeht ,scipot ,elpoep wohs ot edocpaM dniM eht ekam ot dna setad ro

.lufituaeb eromro nwo ruoy( saedi lla erutpaC.21

ekam ,esinagro-er ,tide neht )’srehtoyfiralc ro etarobale ,lufituaeb erom

.gnikniht fo egats dnoces a sa


SESU STIFENEBgninraeL e dna noisiver ,yduts tuoba doog leeF .’krow fo snot‘ esoht ecudeR .seitiliba gninrael ruoy ni ecnedifnoc evaH .smax

gniweivrevO .snoitcennoc dna sknil eht dnatsrednU .ecno ta ,weiv labolg eht ,erutcip elohw eht eeSgnitartnecnoC F .noitnetta ruoy stcartta slliks lacitroc ruoy lla gnisU .stluser retteb rof ksat eht no suco

gnisiromeM .eye s’dnim ruoy ni noitamrofni eht’eeS‘ .llacer ysaE gnisinagrO .tcejbus rehto yna ro stcejorp ,syadiloh ,seitrap rof sliated eht lla fo pot no eB

gnitneserP .tseb ruoy ta eb nac uoY .evila dna dexaler ,raelc era sehceepSgnitacinummoC .ssenesicnoc dna ytiralc htiw smrof lla nI

gninnalP repap fo eceip eno no - dne ot gninnigeb morf - stcepsa dna sliated lla etartsehcrO .sgniteeM fe dna deeps htiw detelpmoc era sboj eht . . . setunim eht gnikat ot ,gniriahc ot ,adnega ot gninnalp morF .ycneicif

T gniniar f hcum dna reisae boj eht ekam yeht noitatneserp ot noitaraperp morF .retsagniknihT .meht rof’noitats-yaw‘ a tsomla - sthguoht esylana ot dohtem a gnivaH

gnitaitogeN .teehs eno no ytilibarvueonam dna noitisop ruoy ,seussi eht llAgnimoolB niarB .dessessa yletairporppa dna detareneg era sthguoht erom hcihw ni gnimrots-niarb wen ehT

.noitasinagrO nazuB ehT fo MT.geR®paM dniM © sertneC nazuB

Changing the way the World Learns – For the Better!

Buzan Centre: AustralAsia @Mindwerx International Pty Ltd

Ph. 1800 060

For more information, please contact:









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