The english language crystal ball faapi v1 [recovered]

Post on 20-Dec-2014

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The English Language crystal ball: a glimpse in to the future of ELT and an example of where it's already happening. Talk given with G Madera at FAAPI Conference 2013, Buenos Aires

Transcript of The english language crystal ball faapi v1 [recovered]

Paul Woods, British Council English Adviser Uruguay and Gabriela Madera,

E-moderator for British Council’s Learn English Pathways

A glimpse into the future….

• Digital materials will replace books• Teaching will be offshored. • Teachers will be facilitators rather

than knowers• Content will be on LM systems in

the cloud • Learning  will be increasingly on-

line and self-directed. • Teaching may even be done by

robots or avatars.

Pace of change….

• We are living in exponential times• In 2 years time there will be early adopters using

devices for teaching and learning that we don’t even know about yet

• How does this affect teacher development – some of the changes we can expect to see will be unstoppable…

How will this affect teachers?

“Teachers will not be replaced by technology, but teachers who don’t use technology will be replaced by those who do”~Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach~ 

The Classroom of the Future The teacher will use a portable work station that can move

around the room. Students will also have portable work stations. The classroom walls will be covered in large screens giving

access to visuals. The walls will also provide magnetic,

writing surfaces for learning activities. Each student will have a digital device such as an ipod touch

or laptop computer for responding to and asking questions

about presented visuals. All schools will have high band width internet connection. The

rooms will be energy efficient and make the best use of

natural resources.

Classroom of future

By 2025 Digital Media Will Replace Print and Analog Media

Newspapers are not as popular as they once were. They are being replaced by online newspapers. This trend is happening to books as well. This trend will continue and classrooms of the future may not have traditional textbooks.

Media in future

Innovative Trends

Learning platforms



LearnEnglish Sports World

The flipped classroom

• Uses teacher-created vodcasts viewed outside class time• More time spent interacting with students• The whole classroom/homework paradigm is flipped • A means to INCREASE interaction and personalized contact time

Students take responsibility for their own learning.  • The teacher is not the "sage on the stage", but the "guide on the

side". • Students who are absent don't get left behind. • Content is permanently archived  for review or remediation. • All students are engaged in their learning. • Students can get a personalized education.

My Teacher is an Avatar! Examspeak


The Universal Translator Communicator™ provide instant spoken translation in a pocketsize system.

Simply speak, type, write or use Communicator’s touchscreen to select the words or phrases you want to translate.

WithCommunicator you both see and hear the translation. It’s that simple, instant spoken translation.

• Your Text here

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


… you speak to the system, it repeats what you are saying in a different language and generates a transcript of the conversation..

No interpreter, dictionaries, or being constrained

to a limited number of phrases. No "click a button, say a phrase, click another button, wait for the translation", with Interact you just speak and as you are talking you will hear the translation being spoken

Translator in China

Google Translate

Google Translate

“Google Translate is a free translation service that provides instant translations between 58 different languages. It can translate words, sentences and web pages between any combination of our supported languages. With Google Translate, we hope to make information universally accessible and useful, regardless of the language in which its written”

My Teacher is a Robot! Robot teacher clip

Uruguay – Where the Future is Already Happening!

• Every child in government schools has an OLPC laptop• Videoconferencing tele-presence technology is being used by the British Council to teach children in primary schools using remote teachers based in Colombia, Mexico, Argentina and The Philippines• High quality teaching by specialist English teachers – for 45 minutes per week, supported by classroom teachers with little or no knowledge of English who give practice lessons for 45 minutes twice a week.• Some of the teaching is being offshored to The Philippines where teaching costs are lower but the standards are high

2-way video & audio

Joint lesson planning

Students with Classroom


Local classroom:• TV screen showing

remote teacher• Lesson materials shown

via Webex

Joint lesson planning

Local class teacher

managing activity

Remote teacher using VC


Uruguay – Remote Teaching using OLPC Laptops

Remote teacher


The Classroom of the future

• Teacher as facilitator and mentor, not the “knower”

• Each pupil has their own “Ceibalita”• There is a lot of noise!• Pupils are interested in what they are

doing (drawing their pets on the OLPC laptops)

• The laptops are an integral part of the lesson

Ceibalitas in the classroom Clip

Learning Management System

Remote Teaching

• Offshoring• Language of

coordination• Classroom

management• Cross-cultural
