The End of the Cold War

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of The End of the Cold War


EARLY 1980S- New tension between Russia and US

- Reagan

- Harsh anti-communist and conservative- Disapproved of détente- thought it gave Soviets too much


REAGAN’S STRATEGY- Increase US defense budget by $32.6 billion

- Expanded the navy, aircraft carriers, weapons etc.

- Approved B-1 bomber- ability to deliver nuclear weapons and fly intercontinental missions w/o refueling

- Over 5 years- $1.7 trillion defense budget

- Criticized soviets and their motives

- Warned US of Soviet stockpile of nuclear weaponscreated domestic support

- Soviets called for peace- ideas of arms reductions, nuclear free zones, etc.

- Reagan rejects all proposalscalls Soviet Union the “evil empire”

STAR WARS- Regan wants new nuclear arms program

- Strategic Defense initiative- SDI

- Development of orbiting anti missile system to protect US- Violated SALT treaty- constraints on missiles- Convinced soviets that US plotting attack


- Anticommunist approach that guided policies

- Aimed at stopping spread of communism in world

- US military force and money will undermine communism

- Direct military, economic and political pressurestrain Soviet Union

RELATIONS GO BAD- Soviets leave 3 arms negotiations

- US deploys Pershing cruise missiles in West Europe- Soviets view it as aggressive

- Large scale NATO exercise- Operation Able Archer 83-convinced soviets of attack


- 1985

- Mikhail Gorbachev takes office in Soviet union

- Wants to open society and restructure the economy

- Reagan admin. supports him- US open to improved relations

- 6 years since US-SU summit


- November 19th 1985- Geneva Summit

- 1st day rocky- US wants SDI, Gorbachev says no

- Next day- Gorbachev understands Reagan socially but not politically

- Non political chats bettered relations

- Gorbachev announces 1986 elimination of all nukes by 2000, and treaty to remove intermediate range missiles from Europe


- Gorbachev wants to explain need for arms reduction

- Reagan and him agreed on zero option of intermediate range missiles in Europe

- Agree on full elimination of all nuclear missiles in 10 years

- No agreement on SDI- gorbachev wants it to be limitied research, reagan won’t give up

DC SUMMIT- Productive summit in 1987

- Gorbachev gave up anti-SDI position and is willing to end arms race

- INF Treaty signed

- Eliminated all intermediate range nuclear arms in Europe, inspection of missiles sites

MOSCOW SUMMIT- US senate ratifying INF in DC

in Spring of 1988

- Reagan goes to Moscow in last two weeks in office

- Change in attitude- “evil empire” to agreement

- US president had not visited Soviet Union for 14 years

- Kept working relationship

- 6 months later- Gorbachev decides European nations should choose own government, removal of troops and weaponry in east Europe


- New relationship with Russia in following years

- George H.W Bush and Gorbachev- end of cold war,

- NATO and Warsaw Pact nonaggression act- signing of Peace of Paris

- Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin- US Russian relationship has rocky patch

- Yugoslavian war- US supports ethnic republics in seeking independence, Russia supports Yugoslav gov’t

IMPACT CONTINUED- George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin

- relationship declines at first, but found common ground, after 9/11

- Russia becomes one of US’s strongest allies against terrorism, provides support with bases and arms

- 2002 Bush Putin Summit- Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty signed, new partnership formed

SUMMARY- Russia transformed from an enemy to a US ally

- US seen as more reliable to form alliances with

- US has strong commitment to finding peaceful relations across the globe


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