The Enchanted Loom reviews Kathleen Dowling Singh's book, The Grace in Aging

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Enchanted Loom reviews Kathleen Dowling Singh's book, The Grace in Aging

The Enchanted LoomTeasing sturdy threads from

neuroscience masterworks

Teasing 10 threads from KathleenDowling Singh’s …

Thread 1:

The Grace in Aging speaks to those who have been stirred in this lifetime by the wish to awaken, to live in more sane, more kind, and more peace- ful minds, to live in a more deeply- sensed connection to the sacred.(pg. 2)

Thread 2:

Most of the time, we engage in denial, defensiveness, and contractive reactivity. These habits are ones of tightening and limiting. They simmer in the low- level anxiety of the self. (pg. 22)

Thread 3:

In spiritual practice the ego comes to be recognized with no more denial, as an unreliable refuge. It is delusional of us to think of ego as a hiding place.

(pg. 58)

Thread 4:

For all the men and women of our genera- tion who were coaxed to grab it all for our- selves because we’re worth it, the generosity of harmlessness is a new star on the horizon.

(pg. 108)

Thread 5:

Intention. Attention. Ease. Joy. Curiosity. We line them up as a child would line up presents. These are our presents. When we begin using these gifts wisely, we end up with the fresh immaculate wonder of a child.(pg. 73)

Thread 6:

With The Grace of Aging we can begin living in “the bliss of blamelessness.”

(pg. 86)

Thread 7:

The eight worldly concerns, the traps that keep us enmeshed in reactivity, are loss & gain, pleasure & pain, fame & shame, praise & blame. These are eight good places to begin looking for grace.(pg. 116)

Thread 8:

It’s time to do some pruning. We prune in accordance with wis- dom and intention. Pruning unmindful- ness, mindfulness grows. Pruning, we keep what is essential. We allow for new growth. We allow for beauty.(pg. 118)

Thread 9:

Unused insights, unused gifts of spirit and spiritual practice, dissipate. They’re often elusive, subtle flashes to begin with. Apply- ing them clarifies them, allows us to embody our realizations. Apply- ing them, we create new neural pathways, new habits.(pg. 196)

Thread 10:

The commitment to awaken is simply to return to the commitment to awaken over and over (and over).

(pg. 207)

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