The effects of domestic violence on human society are immense

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of The effects of domestic violence on human society are immense

8/7/2019 The effects of domestic violence on human society are immense 1/2

The effects of domestic violence on human society are immense, and almost impossible to measure by

a single yardstick. The cumulative effect of the menace of domestic violence affects every area of life,

and its conclusion is visible to the sensitive eye ± at home and in the office, in markets and

restaurants, in schools and corporates. The batterer and the battered are both conspicuous in the

teeming faces of millions on the street of every country ± in bleak faces with broken spirits.

Domestic violence also takes a huge toll on a nation in terms of its various resources in addition to the

human. The economic damage of domestic violence is truly enormous ± but a broken life cannot be

measured with a rupee. However victims of domestic abuse do incur huge medical bills and loose

their capacity to be commercially productive. Victims of domestic violence usually suffer 

psychological damage also and need continuous mental care to function normally. µFamily¶ being the

microcosm of society, the effect of domestic violence infects the forthcoming generations and violates

all the people living with the perpetrators and victims of violence. It will not be an exaggeration to

state that domestic violence has a rippling effect on society, causing whole generations and

communities to become sick.

Moreover, domestic violence is hugely damaging to the state in terms of time and money spent by

health workers, law enforcers, lawyers, courts and social activists. Social welfare organizations are

now being built with fully functional staff and shelter facilities for the victims of domestic world over.

These cost a lot in monetary terms with their entourage of counselors, other services and hotlines.

Many surveys (time and again) have revealed that domestic violence translates into absenteeism from

work, decreased productivity, re training of works and sometimes retrenchment for the employed.

Needless to say, that this has reduces the GDP of nation¶s considerable, forcing the world to function

below its potential. It has also been concluded that domestic violence has a terrible effect on children,

and sabotages the growth of the future generation. Education institutions are now recognizing this fact

and providing specialized services to children who suffer from behavior and attention problems

emanating from domestic violence.

Children growing in houses which are infested with the syndrome of domestic violence require

clinical care for depression, panic, fear, anxiety, stress and shock related mental problems. These

problems also metamorphose as physical ailments in many cases. Such children grow up to be less

productive and cost the state money for their poor abilities. Individuals who are brought up with the

terrible effects of domestic violence are not optimistic, can take lesser risks and usually continue the

cycle of violence in their adult life by ± either being perpetrators or willing victims of abuse.

The effects of domestic violence on our society are obviously enormous, but are impossible to

measure. Our entire nation suffers. You can see the effects at bus stations, fast-food restaurants, and

schools. You can see it on television and in jails. You can see it in people's faces on the street -

hopelessness, pessimism, hard-headedness, meanness. A person's spirit is priceless, and a broken

spirit costs more than can be measured in dollars.

8/7/2019 The effects of domestic violence on human society are immense 2/2


Still, think about the cost of domestic violence in terms of just dollars and cents, and it's devastating.

Abuse victims need medical care. Up to 54% of women seeking emergency services, up to 66% of 

women seeking general medical care, and up to 20% of women seeking prenatal care report

experiencing domestic violence.17

Victims of abuse also require mental health care. There is

enormous cost to the state in the form of time spent by law enforcement officers, courts, lawyers,

public health workers and more. There is cost to social welfare organizations in the form of money

and donated time to staff and run shelters, counseling services, hotlines, and more. There is cost to

the productivity of our workhouse in the form of absenteeism, worker re-training (when a victim is

killed), and decreased productivity. The educational system is required to provide specialized

services to children suffering from attentional and behavioral problems resulting from domestic


Now think about the fact that children growing up in a house with domestic violence will grow up and

require medical care for stress-related illnesses, mental health care for anxiety, depression, panic, and

shock. They will likely end up costing the state money in the legal system, will earn less than their 

peers because of their academic difficulties as children and because they may have lost the optimistic

and risk-taking qualities necessary to become successful, and finally, they will likely raise childrenwho will in turn continue the cycle.

In conclusion, domestic violence can never be eliminated from society unless society refuses to

tolerate it. This will require an internal change in the basic nature of society world over, beginning

with the recognition of the worth of every human being as an individual. If the law does not buck up

in terms of implementing punishment on those who violate others within the sacred walls of the

institution called family and home, the weaker will continue to be violated and abused by the stronger 

± physically, mentally, materially and spiritually.